The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-25, Page 4•
a l\yam 45,fty • vIL •' S • WO:. 1latassisaese taxis .es a • _ _ w _ _• _ e •
1a cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25e,
FOR SALE-13uckeye and Miller in seven chunks about 175 lbs., ten ewes
cubators, 250 and 350 e_ capacity, land one ram, 40 Plymouth Rock
in good condition. Apply Advan- {hens, one goose and one gander, 1
ce-Timers.. John. Deere disc drill, 1 manure
spreader, -1 Frost & Wood Binder, 1
FOR SALE -Canada Approved Bar dump -rake, 1 two -furrowed riding
red Rocks only. Every breedingplow, 1 cutting box, 1 Massey -Har -
bird approved and banded by Gov -breeding; mower, 1 McCormick mower, one
er inept Inspectors. Large eggs scuffler, one set harrows, two stallc-
set from healthy big heavyproduce ; ine plows, 1 cutter, 1 set sleights and
ers. Baby Chicks $12.00 per hun- i rack, 1 wagon with box and stock
dred. 82.00 books order. 100% rack, 1 open buggy, 1 set 2000 lbs.
live delivery guaranteed. Order, scales, two fanning mills, 1 turnip
now. New and used incubators pulper, One DeLaval cream separat
and brooders for sale, cheap. :or No. 12, one gravel box, 1 buggy
Write or phone 611-42, Duncan pole, Ford Coupe 1924 model, 1
Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont.
team harness, one set plow harness
grindstone, one set brass mounted
about 400 bushels oats, a quantity of
-All makes, bringinbay, one kitchen range, six chairs, 2
your head, rocking chairs, one couch, two beds,
charges reasonable. Luke King, one churn, washing machine and oth-
Lower Wingham, next door to Hy- el articles too nutneraus to mention.
dro Plant.
There will also be offered for sale,
subject to a reserved bid, the North
TO RENT -For one year or more, 1 halves of Lots numbers 21. and 22
or rill sell, 17 acres grain and pas- in the First Concession and Lot No.
ture land. Buildings in fair. repair. 27 in the Second Concession, all in
Good water. Apply A. Lawlor, the. Township of Kinloss.
Winghain.t TERMS -Cash, with the exception
of the farm when 10% shall be paid
WANTED -Housework, at once, by down and the balance within 30 days.
young girl. Apply to Advance- • DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
Times Office. ! eighth day of February, A.D. 1932
CARD OF THANKS i Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Anderson and
family wish to thank their friends
and neighbors, including Rey. Ken- i
neth MacLean of Wingliam, Res. Mr.
Grant, Belgrave, and Rcv. Dr. Forbes Of Household Goods, Furniture,
of Teeswater, for their kindly visits live stock, implements etc., of the
and sympathy during the time of ill- late Mary Jane Paxton, will be held
mess and bereavement in their home, , at Lot No. 26 in the First Conces-
-and to express their appreciation to+ cion` of the Township of Culross, on
all who helped in any way at the' Thursday, February 25th, at 1 o'clock
funeral service of their father, the + p.m., sharp.
late Finlay Anderson. I The following will be offered for
CARED OF THANKS One team. mares, Five fresh cows,
1 cow due March 1st, 3 two year old
The family of the late firs. John steers, 1 two year old heifer, 2 one
Griffith wish to extent their thanks 3ear old steers, 4 one year old herr-
to their friends and neighbors for ere, 5 calves, 1 Massey -Harris Bind - t
g ea 1 Massey -Harris Mower, +1 Mas- i
their kind expressions of sympathy in sey-Harris Hay -leader, 1 Drill, 1 hay •
their recent sad bereavement. Also rake, 1 wagon, one disc, harrows, 1
for floral tributes which included a narrow plow, 1 twin plow, roller cut -1
wreath from S. •
S. l o. 1, Turnberry. ter, buggy, turnip sower, 1 fanning
' mill, 1 2000 lb. scale, 1 Massey -Har
IN MEMORIAM i iris Cream Separator, and a quantity 1
of household goods and furniture.
rvit'ray-In loving memory of a dear, TERMS -CASH. i
husband and father, John Wray, " There will also be offered for sale,
who passed away three years ago, ' subject to a reserved bid, the South
February 24th, 1929. 81 acres of Lot Number 26 in the
We often think of days ,none by, ;First Concession of the Township of
When we were all ,e gether, ` Cuirass, and Lot Number 35, Con
And shadows o'er our lives are cast, cession 12 in the Township of Turn-;
Our loved one's stone forever.berry. I
A loving father, true and kind, TERMS -10% down and the bal•
No friend like him on earth we'll find ance of purchase price on completion
For all ' f us he did his best,
And God gave himeternal rest. \\
DATED at of conveyance. --Ever
Ingham, Ontario this
-Ener remembered by -i -'l and 6th day of February. A.D. 1932. I
W'inghain, Ontario, i
or befure the seventh day cif Meech, :it a function with elaborate food..
A.D. 1,X.32, 'their names and addresses,particulars in writingof Afternoon tea should never inte
with full •
1 their claim,, and the nature of the fere with the next meal. Thai i
'rarities (if any) held by them duly t there sho:�uld •not' be too much, ns
; verified by a statutory declaration. + I toe, rich food, nor should it be serve
AND TARE NOTICE FURTHER too late. I alit stare we have all c(tttt
' that after the aid seventh .day of
I March, 1932, the said executrix: will E itonie ,with 110 desire for aur e venin
1 proceed to distribute the a sat of meal. Then aur poor families suffer
;the said estate among the parties en-; With no appetite ourselves we have
titled thereto, having regard only to es idea what to feed them,
the chums ea which she shall then ,
have had notice, and the said execu- : It is a pleasant custaam to serve
trix shall nut be liable for the said cup of tea .to your afternoon caller
=sset, or any part thereof to any : <,nd it can always be done. Cookies
I person of whose claim she shall not
then have received notice, •should try to always have same a
DATED this fifteenth day of Rea_ s
' ruary, A.D. 1932.hand. Where there are families o
Wingham, Ontario,�,-rowing cllildreai sometimes this i
Solicitor for the Exectrix. easier said than done, There are s
ntanydelicious little cakes to b
Thursday, Feb, 25,tb, 1932.
ing icing sugar in place of flour to
r- prevent sticking: Cut into desired
5, shape, tapwith a
a little icing
tr co;,k 20 minutes in a slow oven. They
d Ore delicious, unusual, andwill keep
e 'indefinitely.,
and small cakes keep so well that w
The night is dark, and I am far from
•{q,„""1,1„fu"Au„"","„1„„,e,eee„r1,;11M L1„{q,"„1
,,,seses,ease .reage.eea:es:es : +aeF amuuess
Lead, kindly light, amid the encircle
e ing gloom,
Lead Thou me on.
�1 l; liif l l i t�'!l i)$11i%IJ f ¢11
Lead Thou me on.
e Keep Thou my feet; I' do not ask to t
bought that are put up in small air
, NOTICE TO CREDITORS tit;lit packages, 'it is wise to keep a
i supply of these tucked, away out o
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, sight for emergencies, A cookie or
pursuant to section 51, Chap. 150 of ,a biscuit is all that is necessary to
;the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that serve for tea.
all pei•scns having claims against the
estate of Eliza Forbes, late of the I like these because they require
;Town of \Vingham in the County of no last minute preparations and it al -
jHuron, Widow, deceased, who died ;�;•�ty.s makes me cross to have to
on or about the thirteenth day of De- leave my guest long enough to have
acembea A.D. 1981, are required to
send by pest prepaid or deliver to e to prepare food Any kind of simple
March, A.D. 1932, their navies and,alvays Cinnamon Toast. That is my
i iddresses, with full particulars in standby. When I seem to have no-
i riting of their claims, and the, nat- thing in the house to serve I always
lire of the securities (if any) held make Cinnamon Toast.
Tlse distant scene; ane Step enough N
I was not ever thus, nor prayed that
Shouldst lead me on;
I lovedl'to.ou choose and see my path;
but now
Lead Thou me on.
I loved the garish day, and spite of
Pride ruled my will; remember not
past years.
for Me,
• J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,t
sandwiches may be served. Mos
;Administrator with the Will annex- people like toast for tea and there i
l ed, on or before the fourteenth day of
l by them duly verified by a statutory
declaration, Cinnamon Toast
AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER There are several ways of snaking
1 that after the said fourteenth day of this. The usual way is to mix but -
I March; A.D. 1932, the said Adniinis-
I trator will proceed to distribute the ter', granulated sugar and to add sof-
assets of the said estate among the ficient cinnamon to colour it a good
i parties entitled thereto, having re- brown. It is rather a good idea to
$ gard only to the claims of which he mix a quantity of this and keep it in
shall then have had notice, and the
;said administrator sha11 not be liable a covered jar for quick use. After
for the said assets or any part there- having tried several methods I like
ofto any person of whose claim he the following the very best. Make
shall not then have received notice. toast and butter, spread with honey
1 DATED this twenty-third day of February, A.D. 1932. and shake on cinnamon, then spread
J. H. CRAWFORD, , it around with a knife to make even..
Wingham, Ontario, ; Remove crusts, cut in strips and ar-
Administrator with the Will Annex- range on a plate, log -cabin fashion.
1 ed.
Ginger Sandwiches •
ORTGAGE SALE Mix ginger marmalade with a very
little mayonnaise and spread on but-
t tered bread. Cover with crisp let -
Of \valuable Farm Property in the tuce if desired and top with another
slice Hostick'• slice of bread. These are delicious
' Lander and by virtue of the polders
sof sale contained in a certain mart- and a bit different..
gage, which will be produced at the Walnut Sandwiches
;time of sale there will be offered for
,sale by public auction at The Bruns-. Chop walnuts coarsely (do not put
i tvick"Hotel in the Town of Weigham, through grinder) and mix with a sal-
on Saturday, the 12th day of March, (ad dressing that is highly seasoned
A. D. 1932, at 1 o'clock in the after- frith mustard. You may add a little
noon, by Thomas Bennett, Auction-
eer, the following property namely: ,mustard to your ordinary salad dress -
All and singular that certain parcel ling, but the secret of these sandwich -
or tract of land and premises, situate, l ise is to have enough mustard to de -
lying and being in the Township of ;finitely taste it.
Hostick in the County of Huron and
So long Thy power Bath blest vies
Will sure it still '
ill lead me an
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and tor-
rent, till
The night is gone, --
And with the morn those angel faces
Which I have loved long since, and
lost a while.
The writer of thisvalued and beau
tiful hymn, John Henry Newman
was the son of a London banker,
who became a prince, ox cardinal of
the Roman Catholic Church. He was
born in 1801, and brought up under
Calvanistic principles. At Oxford lie
Of the interests of the late Joseph
C. Gaunt, will be held at the North
half of Lot No. 22 in Concession One
in the Township of Kinloss, nn Fri-
day, February 26th, at One pen.
The following will be offered for
So/letter fur the Executors..
1Thns, Fells, Auctioneer:
Of Valuable Farm Property in the
Tawnship of Kinloss.
Under and by virtue of the powersal gals, contained in a certain mart- :1
age, which will be produced at the
Province of Ontario and being cam- Cake For Afternoon Tea
posed of Lot number Twelve in the; One of niy pet hates is the sticky
A" Concession of the said Town -1 cake for afternoon tea. Some of
ship of How•ick, containing one faun-;
dred acres of Iand more or less. Ithem are so messy to eat. Small
This property is situate on a good; -cakes, cup cakes, or cookies of some
gravel road one-half mile from a tkind are so much easier to handle
school, three-quarters of a mile /rain and to my mind are in better taste
church, and three and one-half miles,, •to • serve for afternoon tea. Most
from the Village of \'1 roeter. t
The soil is clay loam and there are l small cakes 'will keep for some time.
twenty acre;. of fall plowing •done. Date and Almond Macaroons
On this property is said to be a ; 1 cup sugsr
2 -storey brick house with frame ad- j 3 e� , iwhites
detion; frame barn on • concrete and*
stone foundation, .about 60 feet by 40 e e. 1 sup dates
feet; frame driving shed about 20 ft. , 3, cup almonds
by30 ft., ansa a windmill. i Stone the dates and cut in pieces.'
TERMS OF SALE -Ten per cent. of i 1
the purchase money on the day of 1'llaneite the almonds and place in .a
;ale and the balance within thirty sktt• (seen until slightly browned,
days thereafter. leaving. the nuts whole. Leat the egg ,
FURTHER PARTICULARS and white until stiff addingl
conditions. of •sale will be made' the sugar
• known on the day of sale; or may be : graduall);': Ccok in the double boil- i
+er until a crust forms on the bottom. •i
gad on application to the unrlerign-
ed. Fold in the other ingredient's and
DATED at Wi•nghani, the twenty- +drop on a ;creased
fourth day of February, A.D. 1932. pan by _. c
de- i
J. H. CRAWFORD, 'Bake: in a moderate oven of 325 des;
\\'intiham Ontario, ;greats. i
Vendor's Solicitor.
Wined/aim Ontario,
sale: time ef sale. there will be c. iered for
One team geldin;s, Percherons,
rising seven year: old': one aged driv-
ing mare, one cow, due March 1st,
one cow, due March 11, one cow. due
July 4th, one cow due July 29th, two
milking cws, one n7ilk ine caw, Sept.
28, two steers rioincr 3 years old, six
steers rising tat•,., years old. three
heifers rising twee years old, seven
calves, one ::caw and nine .sucker:
Pheine (MarlaSales of Farm Stock and Imple-
ments Real Estate, etc., conducted
with satisfaction and at moderate
charges. es.
.ale. by public auction at the iruns-
wick J-I&.tel in the Town of \\ m„-
hain on Saturday, the firth day of
March, \. D. 1932. at 2 ci •lads in the
astern ,,n, by Thomas Fells, Auction-
eer, the foi1-rw ing prc:perty, namely:
property, namely:
ALL ANI) SINGULAR that cer-1
rain parcel ur tract ol land and prem-;
ises situate, lying and being in the
t'awns i3ip of Kinkas in the County
f Bruce and Province of Ontario,
and Bing composed of lot number
Thirty-two in the Second Concession •
ofthe said 'Township of Kinloss, con -1
taining one hundred acres of •land
more or less.
This is a. good farm about seven'
and a half miles frons the Town of
n .lain two and a half tt1•;
item nn=
a church and one mile from a schr,+.l.
The farm ie, well watered.
There is eaid t'' be ran this proper
t=.' a go+,d tstc -storey brick and
LIVE STOCK And GENERAL , tbtere is else said to be a ;:.,,,d gravel
pit on the premises.
TERMS kM OF SALE: Ten per cent.
f the purchase merles' en the day of
sale and the balance within thirty.
Ability with special training en
abler the to give you satisfaction. Are
lays thereafter.
unite r particulars and con ditione
a: will be 'made kw;wn on the
ratagements trade with W. J. Brown,
Wingharn; or direct to Teeswater.
Phone 45r2-2.
Years' 20
X Experience in Farris .StoCk l
and Implements. Moderate Prices.
Phone 331.
day of sale sir rimy be had alt appli-
cation tr 11to-: `umh t six necl.
I) \ tEI) at Wit.gbatrl, (10tarii,, tate
stxt itth
day of F
February, oar•A.D.
\t ieehant Ontario, Auctioneer,
\ l uielt<rtt] i a „
Vendor's Solicitor.
The Money ,.
It's WiWise. ,.o u_Q
e the It/forstM
t Reliable'
and Effective Service Available for •
your Difficult Collections.
That is what
The Persistatat Collectors
not eceun
e i o• s t to them to -day. I
offer you. Send your list or single
suant to section 56, Chap 121 'of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario,, that all.
I:arsons having claims against the is
tate of William •Logan Craig, late'of
the Town of Wingham fn the County
of Husain, Publisher, deceased, who
(lied on or about the nineteenth day
of January, A.D. 1932, are required
to send by post, prepaid, or to deliv-
er to T.:Ea, Crawford, Wingham, On
tario, Solicitor for the Executrix, an
Almond Macaroons
1 Rub 3 pound almonds with tli a clean ,
ci',th but do not blanche, then put I
11, through the grinder. Beat .two `i
is eg whites until stiff adding gradu->
g��i�e5�Homebodies 1 a`ly two rounding cups icing sugar. 1
Hints For I es rye a scant3
cup of this mer -
Written for The Advance -Times `segue for icing. Add the ground nuts'
By hand. mix. Roll a half inch thick, us -y
Jesie Alen Brown i
fell in with an earnest set of young
fellows, Keble, Fronde, Pusey, am-
ong them who were anxious, as bad
been the Methodists of a previous
centu,�ry, to aid in the spread of a def-
inite Christianity.
He graduated with honors, -being
a brilliant scholar, won a fellowship
and became a college tutor, and was
ordained in 1824. As a preacher and
writer of magnificent prose he at
tained celebrity, and for eighteen or
nineteen years lived usefully at the
University. He attracted greatest
attention when he joined his friends
in issuing a number of "Tracts Inc
the Times", in order to arouse Bri-
tain to a quickened sense of the value
of the religious privileges she enjoy-
ed through her national branch of
the Church Catholic. These 'Tracts'
caused a great commotion among re-
ligious peoples of all denominations,
and brought some abuse upon the
hearts of their writers,
Newman believed in the Divine
right of Kings, and was shocked as
he realized that reformers in Eng-
land rejoiced at the French Revolu-
tion. Liberalism as a force was ex-
pressing itself in revolutionary terms
against Church and State, and he, en-
gaged for many years in writing his
great work on the Arian heresy of
the: early Christian centuries, con-
trasted present day faith 'with that of
the first ages of the church. 'lhe Pe-
volt was disheartening, his itritinr
and studies had exhausted his nerve
power and in 1882,, he accompanied
Harrell Frciude and his father, on a
European tour, during which be
spent some tune in Rome. In Sieilly
ie fell sick with none of his friends
tear him, and his life was despaired
Weak in bc.dy, alone and greatly
disturbed in soul, be sailed in an or-
ange boat from Palermo to _Marseil-
s." "Then it was," he writes in his
`,\pologia" "that I wrote the lines
'Lead, Kindly Light," which have
ince become .we'll -known. We were
Did you know that interest charg
es are time equal to the \Var debt
\\'e know that money doubles itsel
at 5rd in approximately 14 years, so
it is not lard to sce how the inter -
�I Buy At s
Cole's i
u Best Dates, 2 lb. 19c ,
0 Cooking Figs, lb. W._,.1 Oc
Best clover Honey 5 lb. pail 45c ;
Choice Pink Salmon, 2 tall i
tins for .... ..... -.....25c if
Maple Leaf Salmon, talis 35c is
small ...-... ..... 20c
a* Fresh ground Coffee, lb. 39c
fl Rex Blend Coffee, Ib. Sac,
0a Choice Black Tea, lb. 39c
Aylmer Tomatoes, (large) l0e
Fry's Baking Chocolate, at large,
(powdered) 250
Blue Rose Rice, 8 lb 25c
Cooking 'Beans, 7 lb .....-25c
Lemon Oil 12 oa
Bottle 25c
4 oz. bottle .......,,15c
Gold Ribbon Pumpkin, can 10c
Calay Soap 3 cakes, P. & G2
Cakes 2,3c
Macaroni, 4 lbs,........ 25c
Kipperines, 1 lb. 19c
f ..
est shat ems are ruling up. They tell
us that 'money talks'. It certainly
has not talked loud rn++n+h c,r there
s•, uld be more advancement in di,-
eliatatert. All ether c+rnsirlerati+in
aside:, thea aptialline waste of int,ney,
the large and+.unts that everyone i
fi,rc•t-d to pay, 5onie'times without .ac-
t•. ac-
tually it
et<.t t ,
realizing ,
c, tt ul(i cause e
eryone tc, take a lie Leaser personal' in-
tct't-t in the question ref disarma-
i. :�, w it i left chiefly r - in the
h:,nds ofe the ttateeme�n and politic -
.,17e ttith the rest of the world stand-
in'_ by, unconcerned. Let us hope
there will be direct action resulting
•c1 r
it tuthc 'G
c mien
Disarmament Con-
Afternoon Tea
The English have the right r'dra;
e.leiut afternoon tea.- A cup of tea
with thin bread and butter, toast, or
a sandwich with possibly a piece c,f
plain cake cif a biscuit. The Ameri-
cans with their usual enthusiasm have
seized upon the idea and have made
c ed a whale week in the Straits
f Ionifacio. I was writing verses
he whole time of my passage."
Lonely, weak, depressed, disturbed
:bout his religious duties, for, lie
ays he felt "be hada great work to
do," the lines were a genuine outcry
ram a troubled soul in ' desperate:
cad of p
guidance. Ct..
It was after his return from that
trip that Newman and the °there
t.ublislied .their "Tracts for the
Times." Icor elcr•en years after that
he >r cI
ca ac
1 tt in
St. .Mary"s, Oxfnrrl,: or
at his parish chureli` of Littlemore,
and wrote 'vigorously on behalf of
the atwtl ensure of the clstu•cli. In
1845, discouraged by the condition of
political affairs, be r tsigeecl his ap-
pointments and was received into the
Roman Communion, He became 'Su- I
perior of an oratory itt Birmingiiain,
Eng., then first Rector of the Rosman
Catholic university in Dublin,' and
after four years retired to1
tic. het-
gaston Oratory, I3irntingliam, Itt
1870 he was appointed a Cas ba:I ,
aitd lived quietly in Birmingham with
r c casional visits to f.toidon until his
cath in 1390.
In hie 'Random Recollections,"
A J.
C le
General Merchant
5111111115111121111:111P113111121111111011EIR1111111111110111; 1115111011I13Illc6111111111®11111111I211IlIgenelas
III 1111311Ifa11111111111111111.111111.X1111
CO4 '
4 .
IlIE111I1 11111 1111 11111 111 11113111 lummox
The Advance Times has recently.
been appointed agent in this
district for an exceptionally
fine line of
A representative 's f this office
will be glad to call on you with
Samples and Price List.
the Rev. George Huntington, of. New
Vork, says that when paying Cardin-
al Newman a visit: "I happened to
mention his well-known hymn "Lead
Kindly Light," which he said he
wrote when a very young man.
I ventured to say, 'It must be a great
pleasure to you to know that you
have written a hymn treasured where
ever English-speaking Christians are
to be found; and where are they not
to be found?' He was silent for some
ntcments and then said with emotion
"Yes, deeply thankful and more than
thankful;' then after another pause,
`But you see it is not the hymn but
the tune that has gained the popu-
larity) The tune is Dykes' and Dr.
Dykes is a great master!"
Probably no musician did more for
hymnody than this clergyman, the
Rev. J, B. Dykes, the Rector of St.
OswaId's, Durham.. A glance at the
index of composers in any modern
hymnbook will show to what an am-
azing,eextent our church worship is
ittdebted to him for splendid tunes,
Modestly, he allowed himself to ben-
efit so tittle pecuniarily from his
great gifts as a hymn -tune compos-
er, that when worn completely out
by his labors, mind and body gave
way and his soul Ieft them, it was
found to be necessary to establish a
testimonial fnud for his family to live
upon. The learned and respected
'Venerable Archdeacon Norton, I.D.,
afterwards Rector of Montreal; then
a Durham Rector, was the secretary
of the testimonial, which, under his
management called forth such trib-
utes of admiration and love for the
great musician from all sectiens of
Engis Is -speaking Christianity, as
niadern relitrinus history has seldom
if ever known.
Dr. Dykes, who was not accustom-
ed to say inucli about the origins of
lug mime has left it upon record that
the titre to "Lead Kindly Light,'
came into his head while walking
through the, Strand, one of London's
Should Have Known
Granula: "Yes, I feel much bet-
ter novr, and am glad to think there
isn't anything wrong with my appen-
dix.. It was niee of the new minis-
ter to call and see enc."
Daughter: "But, mother, that was-
n'.t the minister, that was a specialist
from the city w•lio came to see you."
Grandma,: "Oh, he was a doctor,
w•as het . I thought he was a little
ar for a minister."
Willoughby -In Wingham, on Fri-
day, February 19th, to Mr. and
Mrs. James Willoughby, a daugh-
ter, (Bonnie Joan).
-;esee .ia rf..!?fliv;"sJ';sesel; l,^ rise
By Ross Farquhar
Friday -1 went with pa to the Bar-
bee shop tonite and when the barber
got dune shaveing
him he sed wood
you like to have
sum thing on yure
face after you are
shaved and pa re
plyed and sed well
2 wood be pleaz-
ed if you wood
leave a Little hide
on it in Case I
have Co.
Saterday - Ole
Mrs. Cntinch ` went
to the Hospitle to
day becuz they
sed she was a go-
ing to be a Invalid
for Life but she had the laff on therm.
bccuz 1 docter just told her she cud
oney live about six munths at the
Sunday -Sum times I think Jane
is loseing her Mind. today when I
was walking hone from Sunday
skool with her I was telling her about
whut I was a going to do to' Pug
Stevens if I seen him after skool.
and she sod to me Well I think that
is the Cows Bruther. I ant kinda
wirryed about Jane.
Munday.__ iTell Ant Emmy is off of
the old Adverb about a Apple a day
keeps the Dr. a way. yesterday she.
eat seven so she wood be safe for
all Weals and we had to have the
docter before Mid nite.
Teas day -Ant Einmy says they
be a lot of people haweing Tonsil ;,
truble beeuz site seen four sines on
Tensorial Parlors as she was on her
way home from the docters offise
this after noon,
i\'ensday-lig tryecl to get pa and
m:+ to go with her to 'a resital tonite
but we bawlced bccuz pa seen the
Program and they wata a lot of anes-
thetic]: (kneeing on it and we dont
like that kinda stuff.
Thirsday-Sandy Magee had the
docter gum to his house today and
the dotter tolyl hinielte was a going
to have New•monia and Sandy wanted
to no if he cuddent have Dubble
newmonia w=ile he was at it. I gess
he wanted to get .his munnys wirth.
If we noticed little pleasures
As we notice little pains,
If we quite forget our losses
And remember all our gains,
If we looked 'for people's virtues
And their faults refuse to see,
What a comfortable, happy,
Cheerful place this world would
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.Phone 166
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