The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-11, Page 4...;;;;„7....te••••,,,annei•ezei.onereeerefeellireellee, 4814M2L4tML., motet. I, veteeseme • BRING RESULTS la cents a word. per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25e. tlizina'aliNnteNtriais ainSintinIMM414141.11124iitn44172404414,,IYil AUCTION SA.LE-Of the House- r4 hold effects of the late Mks. And- rew Mitchell, John St., Winglizem,e• at 2 o'clock sharp on Saturday, Feb. 13th. Terms -Cash. Thomas ' E Small, Auctioreer. ---- • FOR SALE -Six Chanke, .2e months , old. Apply Norman Walker, Ph. ' Estate of said deceased, on •or . , D. 1932, and that after such date, the grindstone, one set brass mounted 1 and Rodney had sent there to alb girls' boarding sehool, where she before the 20th day of February, A ;Pole, Ford Coupe 1924 model, administrator will proceed to distri2 team harness, one set plow harness, eerved as an instructor, a boxaf gor- bute the said estate, having regard ;about 400 bushels oats, a quantity of ireoue red roses and a brief little note THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES one cow. due March 11, one how, dee July 4th, .one cow doe Jule 29th, tent nilkingeowe. one Mile:lea.cw, Sq. 2s, two 'steers rising 3 years steers -.tieing :two year Old, thee heifers rising two years old, eeven eedeen, one sow and , nine suckere, erven"chanks about ns lbs., tee ewes and one ram, 40 Ple-mouth . Rock elne goose and one gander, 1 . oho Deere disc drill, 1 manure , spreader, 1 Frost Se Wood Binder, 1 dunip-rake, 1 two -furrowed riding plow 1 motile:. box 1 Nii.,,,zev-Har- i res mower, 1 McCormick mower, one 1scuffier, one set harrows, two walking plows, 1 tuner, 1 set sleights and with box and stock t June's Theory Was t Correct Yey JANE OSBORN 4.-e****-teededitateteee;****-e-add at eezeet- TUNE shorethe desk tin ' lier te rather shabby little bedreone 'pen n and a sheet of note peper spreati toefoire lier.4ht nteniled Zki Wr17,V C44 Ittelney 'Mapes, but she found lierself rack, 1 wagon .bertely titling the sheet with the rack, 1 open buggy, 1 set 2000 Ibs. initials J. E. D.. "Jim I -Agee -tom tett scales, two fanning mills, 1 turnip row, 'Ilan Edgerton Darrow: she whle . pier, One DeLaval cream separat- tiered to heeself. . or No /2 one gravel box, 1 buggy Yesterday had been her birthday only to the claims of which he shallOhay 2 - - -- DATED thiS Seceend day of February !one chum, washing inachine anoth- end negged her to become his wife. i A.D. 1932. 'er articles too numerous to mention, Jin i had let the day pass without even 3- W. BUSHFIELD, There will also be offered for sale, a note -yet June new perfectly well Wingham, Ontarin, subject to a reserved bid, the North that he had Runnel h was her birth- - f L t umbers. 21 and 22 day Obviously Rodney loved her- reetied rodring chairs, one one kitchen range, cotch, two d bsix chairs eae, th which he had told her of his then have had love • Solicitor for the Administrator. liah es 0 s FOR SALE -Canada Approved Bar-, and just as obviously Jim ablest. Dor- in the First Concession e.nd Lot No.1 Bar- - Rocks only. Every breeding bird appro.-wed and banded tee Gov- ernment Inspectors. Large eggs. set from healthy big heavy produc- ers. Baby Chicks 312.00 per hun- dred. e2.00 books order. 1.00% Eve delivery guaranteed. Order now. New and used incubators and brooders for sale, cheap, 'Write or phone 61142, Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. h d Conceedor, all in • wakeful nitsht June had almost -z in t e eecon . mg az NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Township of Kinloss. detailed to write accepting Rodney's TERMS -Cash, with the exception proptani-there was so mueli about • • Ruddy, late of the Village of Bel- down and the balance within 30 days. Ate almost loved. him that she adnaired, so smith that IN THE MATTER OF Joseph ; of the farm when 10% shall be paid ' cdayi in the Comity of Horonn DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this ' Painter, Deceased. • eighth day of February, A.D. up an was late afternoon. Site piektel • , •NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE No j. W. BUSHFIELD„ up an afternoon paper and idly beaun pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all \\Ingham. Ontario, to eyen its pages. There was a eee- ' creditors. and others having claims, Solicitor for the Administrator. tion of one page devened to a rather ateainst the Estate oi the late Joseph; inane sort of advice to the lot-elem. Ruddy, are required to send partici Sleepily June began to 1.e:id. Tbere was an answer to a young womap Leo , , viousle• suffering from the pange of unrequited love. "I am sorry to ease' Of Household Goods, Furniture. ran the advice, 'that there ie no way Iv ;ulare of their claims duly verified, EXECUTORS' SALE LOST -In Wingham cap for crank- shaft on automobile, red centre. Finder kindly leave at Advance- , Times Office - to the undersitened, tieing the Solic- her for the Administrator of the es- tate of the said deceased, on or be- fore the 20th day of February, A.D. 1932, and that after such date, the administrator will proceed to distzi- bate the said estate, having regard cnly to the claims of which he shalt then have had notice. Young, FraneiS Street. . DATED this Second day 7af Febru- ary, A.D. 1932. PRIVATE SALE --Of Husehold Fureiture, after 7 each evening. S. SEWING -MACHINE REPAIRING -All makes, bring in your head, J. W. BleSHFIELD, Wineham. Ontario. SolicitZr ior the Administrator. • charges reasonable. Luke King, Lower Wineizam, next door to Hy- dro Mann J,Etc eser3,1heriraissell-__aiorraideerefionD-errin/ jiltf:.; vicuna_ she was not p esieiveiS TePul- dozen that are realltremenonee Breeders of all kinds of farm stock ' IN THE MA.TTER of Mary sive eteald win the love of ane- Man SiZo. ----------- oand:nu soee 7` e 1 -* • i El in Count were brou ht ave stock, nnplements etc., of the to make a young man fall in loye if ;..late Mary: Jane Foxton, will he held he is ton disposed to do :eo. The best • eion of the 14.-ownship Culrose, on thing for you to do is to try to forget. in from the deck of On approaea told. One councilman admits he was the actions of the Town Council, in .2! Lot No. in the First Conces- , , Thursday, February 25th, at 1 o'cloek nem a -ho really cares for you. who Perhaps there is $02110 other young .ng so,p. he is more aware of ti• No, He Wasn't Telling ' Tha.t One to the Wiffe. 1 "T ran mateli that one," ' said, eiie 'To the Ratepayers:- , , Mae who owns a dog to the nein i T 1 . 1' : i , i with a new baby at home, e ilex,: real from tae walnuts of the Wingliarn Advance -limes, what einmossitilele said the man . With ' , the new haby. He bad just offered. purports to be a report of the bush fariri products davve. from par '. ' - i ii, tee ness meeting of the Town Council, in 1929 to , 58 last month, and Manu - Thursday, February II, 1932,' COMMUNICATIOIsT try, including utilities such as rail- ways and large corporations found it necessary to ,cut wage. curb expenditure to meet extraordin- ary conditions which have forced ,an us • of infants, the store of 140\V a baby. and also that of the County Council picked up and walked with at 11:03 of Huron. I wish to express my op- facturers' products to 75. Why is it p. m., will demand with tvalle to be inien on then, that we have to go on without picked up and walked with the next been transacted since the first of the !salaries. Other officials of our town part of the business that has the least semblance of a, reduction m year. In doing so I am giving my that have not heretofore been men - night at 11:03.p. m„ And the next. tioned are, in some cases, school tea- chers, but not all, caretakers, the as- sessor, the auditors, town solicitor, and the M.H.O. • It is about time that the ratepayerS of Wingharn woke up to the fact that we are pay- ing too high a price for the admini- stration of the affairs of our Town, and insist upon a reduction of ex - same thing. And the next. ' The night after that I came hone town affairs and therefore I wish to Penditure. tired. I walked right through to the know why it should cost so much 10 I was glad to see that the Mayor bedroom. undressed and got intn run our Town..? and Council for 1932, have decided Why are we paying the price with not to accept any remuneration and no easing up on the expenditure? did not follow the line of last year's Hardly a. d.ay passes that we do not Council in voting themselves salary "Well," said the man who owns a dog, "when our Nraggie had pup- pies. I was doing night work. Came in at 3 a. m. Maggie and her pup- pies -were sound asleep In their hes" Itet at that hour, hut one night when I wasn't sleepy T turned on the lig:ht in the kitehen. dumped them all out on the floor and played with them for a while. The next night I did the views as well as the opinion of other ratepayers. They may have the tim- idit.Y of keeping their opinions to themselves, for fear of offending thoose who are supposed ..to govern our municipality. „Flowerer,/ on the other hand, I have no axes to grind and hold no personal grievances with any one individual governing our bed, and you should have heard the yelps that went up from that kiteh- en. Every one of those puppies spent the next 15 minutes noanly re read in the daily papers of one or for their servmes. The question is proaehing me for my neglect. Thy Municipalities curtailing their --Can we afford the price? Now is woke up the wife, they woke up the tolore neighbors. They made the darndest eependiture. Townships, • Villages, the time to begin, if we want the tex- tiles. The next night Ignored -1mm Cities and large corporations are all rate lowered. If in a time of de - again, but they woke up and suo.lii.^1 endeavoring to economize. Wing- pression like this, there is no endeav- t 3 a. m.. just the seem- 14 lel"k ham sits pat and pays the same old or made to lighten the bnrden of tax - price. Very true, our worthy Mayor ation, when can we expect any relief? three nights of ignoring them in hreak • „ aala the erth lois brought in a resolution and endeav- The ordinary man is at his wits' end the habit." "Inni dnint say, ored to make a reduction -but what to know where he is going to get the new baby. looking. thoreelafel encouragement did he receive, be- enough to feed and clothe his family, "Well. 1 wouldn't dare tell that e.ne o my wife." -New York Sue. eides the Reeve's "yae"? One would without having to bear the burden have thought that with new blood of such taxation, which must be paid elected this Year, they, at least, would -while those under salary in our Turkish Capital Famed have taken the stand to economize. town go on at Wartime prices. ":"; Apparently they went in with the old- I have simply voiced the opinion for Its Many Mos -4u As the tourist gets his first view 'er er members and did as they were of many ratepayers, who denounce in favor of reducing salaries etc. but , making no reductions in expenditure, mosolude than of anythine else. eeiys thtrefore I consider that I am with- , pen., shaxp. realle- much mare worth wbile." an aniele in a Boston paper. Teeir voted the other way. Why? Because is • inc following will be offered for ' Tune didn't read the rest of tbe an- • domes. and the slender minerate as he eaid, he knew if he didvote es in my rights in expressine m vietvs ; sale: • swer but her. sleepiness vanished, awl which raze tear them. give letanhut a • he felt that he would be defeated. openle. ; One team mare -e, Five fresh cows.. real distinetion white) many gree: Thereicire he threw his vote in with in its place came a deep feeling of re - Respectfully yours, sewn -Lent toward the woman -or man eltiee heck. Not even Cairo has the Wise Men. I wish to differ with 1 ce-tey due March let, 8 two year old • steers, 1 two year old heifer. 2 one , rourso. 11 NOTICE, TO CREDITORS Y'are° ld steers 4 one year ald heif- who wrote the advice. %cif mosques wh.leh show up u'rem their views and leave it to the pub- loveielangly agornet the skynne. They are .. ers, 2 calves, ls Massey-Harns Bind- was Pt'llih e to tha el! Y11.4: DC ZO judge if we should be paying the following pricee and compare it Improvement Association Formed June had read onee let ane g r • 4 almnst numberless,. hut there ere e T. J. McLean. THEPARTY WHO TOOK the robe from Walter Lot's bug- gy in the United Church shed on Saturday night. return same by next SatiLeday night and thereby save further trouble, as the party was seen taking it. to- rc.ies in the Cowley of Bruce. Widow, narrow not alreadi,v in love.. :lune so that the domes anti min:trees ris, Our Scavenger at 45c per hour, for n g Y g Foxton, late oi the Ton-nship of Cal- rake, 1 wagon, one disc, harrows. 1 , - . Nt5TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. 'er bagel.- turnip seet-er, 1 fanning, drelle beliee wrill, 1 20a0 lb. scale.: 1 Mae Har stowed it was beeatme she did not ue t - plow, 1 twin plow, roller, cut- wile was ed IL Ii rhe girl d id nor lieove tbe surrounding note. Tie,- c-ne horse and himself; our Town gather recently at St. Thomas to Ie.:anima from it. itecant-R, :'r team at. 55c f T fSkA i per hour or Team and orm the Elgin Live Stock ssoc a- 1 d pursuant a:: the Trustee Aet, that all ris Cream Separator.and a quantity the right tactien Take Jim and her- . . .- :., , creditors and others having claims ' .of household creeds and furniture. self. Of course she enuld make eim azainst the Estate of the late Mary ' MS C asH . love her, because she knew :die wae k furher tied eer re 'e nepeon of wenderful deanery erei mon Jahnself - while I read that the teen. One of the first activiti es the ,4ttIerz-nr7Inded with the cherm td tee !County of Huron are offerina, 40c per organization planned is to make a hear for rnan and team and 20c per bull census of the county and to insti- the CARD CARD OF THANKS !particulars of their claims, duly ver- mill also be offered for ' ettraetive Jun was not interested in mimeo' le ate sepoka, one zee • . r aboren. It is well known tute a campaign to elimina.te and she new of These mosques. the nu . hour o I e aneone else. 1111 S ••• the Exectstors the 61 acres of Lot Number 26 in the ;!. She had alreade tried to win Jiin',1•-• - - matting nim a...ions-by beim: 1 glorious buildings in the worie. 17 that the general price all last year scrub bull so that at least 80 per hunt t Chrivtlan -church ma.e..45c per hour for tarn and man. cent. may be purebred it ed, to the undersigned, being he subject to a reserved bid, the Soutb "s• Jane Forzon, are required to send : be - M and Mrs. Finlay Mellor and. famuely wish to sincerely thanle their many friends arid neighbors for the Mad expressierae or s;,•nemathy ex- tended to them, also the beautiful flowers and especially Rev. Mr. Mc- Lean, during their recent sad be- - 1 wes last Win and Tesmanent of the said Five Conceseion of the Township of: loee 3 i • „- deceased. on or before the 20th day Culroes, an an Con- cold and Tdifferene. She wouloi new t. him °dui' aretS at the four aureate eorners were most pleasant in the :legit-a:ad in the year ;ins. The tdr The Sca-teng.er's job may not be the Three directors each nere chosen et February, A.D. 1932, and that at-. d Lot Number world but there from the different townships. N. :ter such date the executors will pro- • cession 12 in the Township of Turn-; try the eueer. of making sbe really did eare for him. Without :Weed he the Turks when they t - - '' i are plenty cot men who would accept Martin, Springfield, was elected pres- ceed to distribute the. said estate. : bevvY s it" ed the strneture into a meeo -, . the work at a much les?, salary. ident; J. E. Pierce, Wallacetown, is harmet regard or ay to eatiliree of TERMS-10ee down and the ban ,' difficulty now elle went to 1m: des% . From the outside. S1. etteeile is iee. „..„ _ which they shall then have had not- -- '''' l f nurchase price on completien and wrote a little note to Iloane.y. in which told him as kindly as poe- a, „nee; a eta,. deoiptnieteie. role -\ight Policeman - is it nec- 'N -ice -president, and Fletcher Thomas, _.. • or conveyance. be yere film"! of .-- ; cesary that we have one? If so, is it agricultural representative, was made 11 TED this Second day o‘f Febru- ' DATED at Winehann Oindele this eller e was Itin tie ear e sure e. are:. A.D. 1. 0-. J. W. BUSHFIELD. Wine -ham, Ontario, reaverneret• ice. CARD OF TIIAlerieS Mts. James Core efeas and Mr. and Mrs. Ames C.-at:ell:as wash to sin- eerely thank their neatly friends and him she did not wane to marry him. in arehlteentral merit. It wouel te worth the price of $S00..00 per year. secretary -treasurer. . eat day of February. A.D. 1982. J. W. BUSI-IFIELL. • - at bis office_ Wine:ham Ontario. Caen and sa gelleefela-Deziedt Newe cured for S500.00. Our Cemetery Solicitor for the Executors. nehaita- for tbe Feemeateene. "Hello. Jim.- she said arehly. -"Toe i Caretaker at 31400.00 - $1000.00 per 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS Thos. Pelle.. AnCtiOneer. i 3arow yesterday was nay toirthilay. / Near should be hierh enough. Look • ethe it'and then called elm zoo hard --flnd another great pl'IVP st Plenty of returned men could be se - Customer: "you have not been a salesman long?" Salesman: "How do you know that, madam?" Customer: "You still blush where Mother Earth's Aue Somebody sent me some lovely red IN' THE MATTER OF James A. roses but you didn't even eend it .1 The eartb 2.000nooseei tied :item -dine to the eedmate of Prof. years to ',at the hours these men work, check neighbc.re. eS.111E,,:inily Die and Mrs. R. up on it and e-cou will iind that they ANKRUPTCY ACT " TJ -IF B ------------------- ---------- • • - . of :he Township .of Turnberry ear . p 4 SedyT. C. Wilkinson, tor _ ilea their recent sad bereavement. ," in the CM77.7.y OE Heron, rarmer, de- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, pan -smelt to the Trestee Act, that all tcreditors and others having claims IN THE MATTER :1 Joseph; Oar -I. ence Gaunt, laze the Townsbip of Kinloss in the Canty ef Brace, Far - men deceased. • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to the Trustee Act. that all LC ! her OW11. 1.41114111eSS., Jim was Laaknie.: Otto Hahn. director of the Kai et- are being paid high salaries. Town Clerk and you mention the prices?' excuses.. lie had been very base-. !I -1 institute. at bis I Then there is our lear THF MaTTER OF' THE ES - Tedlev OF ALENANeeER To -NN„ dithez thmin she eareet about barn a.13 larded paysieLet bases ine ealeu.atitota Treasurer. One would think we had th mantity oe lead to be founo• '1.1 an the surface of the earth. ROSS. Authorized Assigner. way, There was a note en tretieree 1 e q some on business - te- self love in his voiee that ;lune ! or rig order. As . asked •Nornination Night, why the aeainet the Estate ot the late James NTOTICE TS HFRE , _ .h" -e i not evictier like. but this made it tel ' "The progress made recently in t e . e i Tonna Clerk- Wag paid around .$400.00 A. Wray. are required to eeard par- . THAT ALEXANDER. TOFIN.RO ,: rhe ea .,_ o-nr water -rates, when ticalars .of their claims, dale- veritied :et the Town of Vernaham. in t -117e the melee Tor ber to go on. "'Really. study of radio active substances re:, , for collecting to the anderelerried. being the solien'C'ente of Herron. and Province of I was only teasing you." she said. -I , the disintegration of the atom enalet, itor ice- the leitecutor 0i :Ale 1,-,t win Oetario. did ,M the Second day of didn't expect ,you would retuember--- i us to fix the age of the worid win 7 t. he clerk at the Ilydro Office could ..e., it terribly dull here at the ' fair accuraey,- the professor void 4- I do this work ,i:i sghoeodis ancitairin)g. tor people th..?' 'El rend Testament of the said tieceaeed, , February. 1932. maize an authorieed, only on or before the '20eli day <of Feb- Hkesizriment of all hi-. Plealleete" feu*. seltool. and if you slimed tiSk Me ta 1 audience of German scientises. 'Tee ',Commiesion. A. aeainet the Estate of the ade Joseph ' Aleae, the executer win proceed zo Fdtnued. Weld. of the City ot Lon- ,a,..,_ ,...., . .. . plained? The Clerk's salary without 0 creditors arid oreeers havion C.2.3ans 7z;a7y ..k. . elle, ...... d ,. et , e- dee benefit of his creditors, and that , er.o to toe movies tomorrow night 1 .1 tamp an 1 1t1N. 1 'a glr ves. 1 Mtn minerals, are converted In tee loive, woe. e to ._ • d thorium, contained in eer 11 :allow the evasive answer that was es.. tinrigs not ex - e - - f Middlecte Official ' , ' ve of ' course ot millions of years, Mee - - clerk in a this S400. is "S'1360.00 and extras. Is _ "Municipality the size of this' 1 e a day, without the extras this not enough for any for a Vi, la:Z47,2111, Oman °. . fleet tneetina ei creditors in tne ab- was u tone er emleeit &heed it decided- ly Irrientine to her. i i which iro themselves are a nice sal - few houre Solicitor for Inc Exedator. 1t.eve eetate will be held at the office The following Sunday afternoon Jin: i tory Disproved onto.reee on ', came for her in bis ear to take her 1 om s i Thera is an often repeated store ' Monday, February 22nd, i n id L •- this -that no officer R. J. Stevenson, 72 Ontario . ,aze". The lac' ie th.- ;Street, STR.kTFORD. Isle% at le ' motorina. aomewhere on a lenele 1 drawing June to him kissed het- nnoi e anay lanahed rather triumphantly surveying party started up the Cliagrie 1w1at the salary. These extras should r. be turned in to the Treasury. Corn- n'• U 0 =0=0=0=01-" Clarence Gaunt, are req.:reed to send partkulars of their elantee, duty vor- iiied„ to the raidereiene ed. being the Scited kr the .Administrater ehe D. McEWEN LICENSED AITCTIO.NEER Phone 602r14. Sales of Farm, Stock and Impte- • silents, Real Estate, ene, coriductea ADMINISTR &TOR'S with satisfaction and at moderate SALE charges. oard cede- te the claims of which Receiver, has appointed me to lie. n • -ehids vith Jim's card enclosed. 0=1 radium, and finally into uranium lel, dietribute the said estate, haying re- n. t. n ; the Eetate of the debtor and thorlinn lead. The lead fiadine. help as to determine the age of tie earth at 2,000,003,000 years." tnev shad then nave had notice. e back June rend-eWith sincere poloziee for dear little June?' Teat., DA -TED this Second day of Febra- entil the first meeting of credited:. ary. A.D. lie32. NlOTICE TS further ..-zi-cen that the 3. W. BUSHFIELD, R. C. ARMSTRONG be allowed extras -but this ithsa7 been the practice, credited to the bistorian, Hervey no matter east Moses Cleaveland's e.a-plorieg • 2.174. countrs lane be stopped the ear arse t To entitle you to vote thereat. proof of. your claim inust be lodged • Oi Household Geode House and Nv"13 00 0 " before tbe meeting is held.; when she protested. • • 'Poor little June." he said. when he'd at Villaae LCA'No. 22 belgrayee, Proxies to be used at the meeting 1 7o.1 tne late Josente Ruddv will bet o must e lodged with me prior these- .33e bad let lier go. and sat there strok- 1 The following aeticiee wild be oi;- v's".43 have au's AND fur:titer take notice tbat if a rot. Bina gre elairn against the deb- you eared so m el f T - at Scott, I never thouelaz ti 4 or me You know AUCTIONEER • ;nth. at 2 ceceock in dee aiternoon. - Ability with special training en- eeed for sale: Six kiteizen chair' `11-tonLforl:.ncnodifilcobt. -esu-ouch agaiinent=itlue$dt htee wouidn.t one -tiling to maim eon ables nae to give you satisfaction, Ar- tchen table. 1 parlour table 1 s -s -all LIVE STOCK And GENERAL Osatarie, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ing her band. '1-d always liked son rang,ements made with W. J. Brown, t•-tble. 1 ceal eei ateve e„Thdo • feed with me. or with the Trustee uullaPPY- 1 don't Irucuv it's geed oro_i, plan to hezerne actuella engaged now Viruighanr; or direct to Teeswater. ' -t '.e 1 ocok. inaroom :rhea appeinted: othetvise the war oe -it might make trouble for see at Phone 45r2-2. eee.kitig ;emirs, e diniag ream ta_ ceeds of the debtoe's estate !fele. 1 side-beaed. / hail rack, I pan, dietributed among the parties enfit- the seinen. But suppose we have a MATT. GAYNER AUCTIONEETe 'Phone 21 or 61 •Lucknow. Sales attended to anywhere, Exper- -tone and aoturany vainadeu and every' effort put forth to assure you of a succeeded salt. lour rug gstels", 1 Piece ef Ith'elenna led. thereto without regard to your • sort of -mint entgagernerit. Well play 7e. r 12' 1 I 2 1.:.'1.7,7 :2.Ccez3-aim• : around 'together this winter -and in 7n 1 alch 1 eniteasee, staad, shc42 atm.:. DATED. at Stratford this 6th dae- ; h sPring if you still dare for me te 1 rtent grinder, 1 elo•ck, ere -half -ten e'f• Fehttare. 15432. ICILY S°11 get You delen:, 1 Feed cenpe. quer,- ilXSTEVEN0X, Cinet;:dian. {the nicest engagement ring you. ever 3 oroatee levee to beve.e an toels, d ether as:tie:lee to roamer- Jane did not show ber reeentenent- evai. , tete, qtarnity diene. tene . - •el not even ,editbdraw her band,In- cite -to -a-,e:retien. Alse, Village Lee No. 22 ;wit five an di 11 storey frar.te t",„ and reeereed bid. TEReMS:-O•kasil. THOMAS E. SMALL DATED at Witeeleatri. Centare, the LICENSED AUCTIONEER Sec..nd dad m Feba" ty le32. 20 Years.* Ennerleare Farm Stoek je V. 'filleSHFIELD, '• Wirdeltarce Orstari:-. r t 7re Adminietrate. a It-apletnents. Ideiderate Prices. one . Ph 381 No better corrective exists today she looked straight In hie eiree- leyee that leanued with „...erateSed con- ;• .hate to tiii it,11,4S., 1vIlhera,F.S. ilizea on a , en as yea say. a •real engagem'tii ,;•,,n7.2 tr".? nwiterard?" elm li•adozetit a tellle' tactrapenestel -Perte s If ni com,?. riz:iti vat . trallt 4:49,0,4ii:yoav have liked it'eCbetter." “innea, iean" agreed Zane. , ti tem sehoel June lest no tiate 'a telepheteing to Rodney. She siatede 'Seed Mtn to tome to see her at tale '50111401 as 50011 as be contd, alter vio- l.. . timiz.zirj,11 . fierawteisagetometeirtf witherenie hesriiat thee. ' up item the drearier gaining room She Vet beettle tatti on the little divan 'n a earner -Of the teem. ' 81oduey, I nos& a nalstake;" she -said Ilroiney„ Il 'really, lete yotc,' but it tiro *little tietettee'tiet to find it *Int" THE MONEY COMES iteWt o That is lout LY & AIKEN C011echets ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ---- ( .0i ,. Gaunt, ttiit bzi held at the North '.• f of Lot - a. 22 in Cencession One. the. Towriship of Kinks. on Fri- dait, February 26th, at One pin. wing will be offered for geldings,. Perrberons.! ,zass Old; one aged due iare.b 1s. BO :COMPLEXION and A.C1D STOMACH. Soldet-es:4..110%ov in .25e and 75c red pkgs. PULS HETHERINGTON EARRISTER And somerroit Meet Weft VOA', • TellephOw 1W4 mistaking it for the Cuyahoga and that upon discovering the erroi Camideland gave it this name as repre sentative a the state of his feelings. It appears, however, that this store has little foundation, for on limp, made before the Revolntion the rive pave our Clerk's salary, if you wish, with the Courito or with any other Municipalities of our size, and see for yourselves if $1000.00 is not en- ough. The Auditors come along with a pleasant word for how neat and I e -as celled the Chagrin.. The nn ;level: clean the Clerk keeps his books and an: ..doubts.11e ., n i .fret,:meran“sinhediguanie,W,uarndd-mihi roifice. wen he ntay-for the price 10 5misfelveelaart*udi 1 that tbre 175Chief of Police has duties en- leteln Dealer. 'cugh to perform for what he is paid .7aulle"eitlellthrltOne rivIneraP.-CI -but again comes the fees and ex- tras:. Is it not true that legitimate industry thronOiout the wbole coun- "Spinster's" •Derivatior Spinster means one wbo works at he s.pirating wheel. In the olden day-, 'he trete of making eloeh for elothine as a part of the household duriee id fell to the -seance,: women to spin e yarn. As the preptaessinie ane earriagenble girls bad their minds (on their feliews, :he Job usually betana. tae responslioln of those who hae teed their elzance and lost. So a 'epee ster came to mean any anmarrite. o woman. and Is still today the levee phrase in England for any worrete ' who ha.s never beam etmen'ed. 11 e Rezelate School To train reseue crews in mine acei dents a tutors. In Berlin, Gerentay A has. openeda ectiool wbere invasion of aseafeeted &embers and the carry - ng 05 men to safety are taught. Ex periments are made tinder varying mg different ty,peiS of gas taaskt, being worn ley the operators, and darn rates ire reseued frost rooms lied volth polsonontivapOra, Buy At Cole's il Best Dates, 2 lb. .19c G...ii Cooking Figs, lb. ----oleic n Best clover Honey 5 lb. pail 45c t; Choice Pink Salmon, 2 tall tins for .,_-______- ....._25c Maple Leaf Salmon, falls -35c small ..- .,.., .. .. ....._ ....-.20c Fresh ground Coffee, l..b. ._..39c Rex Blend Coffee, lb. __.55c 0 Choice Black Tea, lb. --....39c n Aylmer Tomatoes, (large) 10e 14 Fry's Baking Chocolate, large, * 1.1 (powdered) ... _ .. Blue Rose Rice, 3 -1b..... ---25c Cooking Beans, 7.1b. .. . .„-..25c ' Lemon Oil, 12 oz. Bottle, ......25c 4 oz. bottle -15c Gold Ribbon Pumpkin, can 1.0c 0 Calay Soap 3 cakes, P. & G. 2 it cakes . ..._ 23c Macaroni, 4 lbs. _________25c Kipperines, 1 lb. ......,....----1.9c W. J. Cole 0 0 General Merchant 0 Belgrave =0= 0=0 POULTRY CREAM AND EGGS CALL US FOR PRICES lington Produce Co. Limited Ingham, Phone 166