The Wingham Advance Times, 1931-01-14, Page 8Wm, Mundell's, and attended service;.
also Mr. and Mrs, Miller of Brussels,
at George Doubledee's.
Minnie Jeffray visited Mrs. Gowdy
of Salem, on Saturday, also friends
in 'Wroxeter,
Miss Madeline Casemore is morn-
ing the loss of her little dog, Tootsie
the persons having it in their posses
sion would save a few heart throbs
by returning it,
A number front the vicinity attend-
ed the funeral of Miss Baker, Idowick
or7 urday,
ASatcollection will be taken up in thle
Union church .next Sabbath in girl of
the sufferers in the West,
Miss Mabel Baker of Clifford spent
Mother of Five
Looks for Early Release
When one' is only 27 the strain of
raising five children on limited fin-
ancial .resources is a burden which
would tax any woman's strength
and vitality. In the case of slender'
Mr's. N., none too strong from early
years at factory work, the burden
pressed her lower and lower to the
point where tuberculosis :grippeo
her in all its power,
Fortunately, however, she was.
sent to the Muskoka Hospital for
Consumptives, wvhere the experienc-
ed doctors and nurses took her in
hand with kindly care. Since then
like a'rain-freshened flower, Mrs. N.
has resportded to the carefully plan-
ned treatment and has made splen-
did progress towards recovery, and
is eagerly looking forward to the
time when she may return to her
little ones.
There are many such cases, but
without 'financial assistance the
Muskoka Hospital cannot aid them.
A gift from you will be gratefully
received if sent to Mr. A. E. Ames,
223 College St., Toronto,
t1111N11JI0111' 111 11101111
HSIIf�1111RJa nnillal
u!ti,Illgni 1II l;il ililitdillil4lil
lIr9Flll 1141,}c'ttts, Mr. ;tii4 flim: Thos, Stewart
favored, the .ladies. with a much a
;= predated solo Eighteen new m'e
by r : were received. The hostess $
• s'cd refixhiients assisted b)' 1w1.frs..
et'7eiat4t4 rs i''•
�, Ciicx'\\t. ii7ur r' l' ' 4 , e
`l l�ursday, Friday Saturday, January
" "
" :A
"file + e;ctaculxr African Jungle
Depicting the 1�d'd7`e%!l�'N�
The Famous usAfrican'
14, 15,.16t
111; church. held Its si iteting c\n hritlay
• afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jno,
• Mandell. The president of the W.M.
S. Mr,. P. S. Mclwen, presided and
• carried out the program for the pro
vtneial day of prayer. Miss Thyme
- offered the special thanksgiving
Thursday, January 14, 1932
, r:f hags Thursday Morning. fancily spent Saturday afternoon with 1
Harry ( upbell •is on the sick list .Mr, and Mrs: Will Roulstorz : near
being under the doctor's care. Olivet,
, ia,� Chas. Campbell its sesipusly. Meas Cysril :Campbell eal1ed' on. Mr.
,lilt bciii \1.1tc1�,r :th'e;;Constant+pist:c.,,s, • 1,? 7,u Mi rchisoilxcxpf Ripley, Saturday
lilt ll 0(1.1: ,strsI\Ir : �a)7i1;:.� rsas.11irm,i.' •`sfratare, sorry to hear Mr. Aturcilison.
rn, alstr:,nnder She clut,tcw,r,'•s cares .v,- :r 1var,9-R+b.cre�t ltl co'ttaeipus' fol' over a week
IIe telephone line to \?Viogliani is from a stroke.
still out of, operation and no indica.- Miss Jean Orr, East of Langsidc,
titin of repairs being undertaken as is 'assisting Mrs: Thomas Hackett
yc't. lhere,.arc plenty of men looking for a. few weeks,
foe work a311 the Coi'np ny have am -
plc r :serves to :have had it repaired 10'l
It m E. AW:.l' OSll
before now. ,1J,nde .• the circumstances
it is very tinfortirnate,. there being so
much sickness in the community..
Editor Roberts, of the Eordw•icli
I scord, and fnrll ly, ~pent : Stniday at
the home of Dave and :Mrs. Arm-
strong, Mrs: Roberts staying for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Brooks, of Cen
t+•alia, spent Sunday with relatives in.
»Ilprayer, while prayers for the clturcl
Our Young People and for. Canada,
wit,. r ,, ` {ak+" t were regiven byMrs,. 1), . Falconer.
v \''
'c• 1l awt:,t l J.
a.,�., ldrs. E. Nichol and Mrs. jas. Kirton,
. A — Mrs. McEwen gave a short address
y ; Owing to the length of'this picture; there on "The extension of the Kingdom
it Will be no short subject. Feature, pictul a Starts at h Through ,Faith and Service"; which
8.30 Thursday and Friday. Two Shows Satu ay was followed by •prayer for our Na
night starting at 8 p.m.
Next Week—". '
II lllaiiiiimaill illlliif11�1iniirlin181nsdi iii3i111g111singiita!ii limo
i� tetional Missionary Endeavor, by Mrs
- Roy Turvey, after singing a mission
- •
rry hymn, Miss Thyme closed th
meeting with prayer.
11 Miss Martha Laine of Gorrie. who
has been the nurse in attendance oi
Robt, Musgrove, has given' u
J the position and is spending.a few
days with her cousin, Mrs. Arthu
Mrs. Mary Moffat left
Toronto where she will spend 'th
winter with 'her daughter, Mrs. Ver
non Higgins.
Miss Jessie Strachan, Brussels, i
visiting her cousin, .Mrs. :Peter S
Miss Phompson, Diingantion, i
nursing Mrs. R. Musgrove.
Miss Dorothy Yuill, late of Har
riston, is visiting with 11fr. and Mrs
Roy McCreight.
Alex. Holies, Newton, is visiting
with his aunt, Mrs. Arnould Nichol
4th con, Turnberry.
Miss Dobie, teacher at S.S..No
10, Morris, know as '`Halusay
school," is unable to teach due` to
an outbreak of chicken pox: She is
victim, as. well as several of the pup-
up-its, Measles are also reported in the
sane section. The school is to be
fumigated but it is not definite just
when' school will re -open.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter-
ian Church head its annual meeting
'Friday afternoon. The secretary's
report shows a very considerabiejl-c
report shows a very satisfactory year
and the treasurer's statement shows
a nice sum of money raised during
the year and a balance on hand of
$71.66. T11e election of officers re-
sulted in the old officers being re-
elected: President, Miss M. Olive
Scott; vice-president, Mrs. D, J, Fal
caner; secretary, Mrs. Alex. Mow-
bray; assistant secretary, Mrs. J. C.
Higgins; treasurer, Mrs. E. Nichols;
C.Y 17177
organists, Miss Hazel Mundell, Mrs.
Harvey Robertson.
l1sII 111
BLUEVALE. "1"hornton;';;:l Press<a:Ct irrespoiident, H.
Marin. i.iincysinaetirxg^ >v as hosed by
the, singin•. , o1 so by tkn; and 'tile bene-
diction wa,�.':prontat aped by`, Rev.. A.
E. ltiann-_.Aftex w itIeh a period was
spent in games under the leadership
of Earl ,l:flnhrta
The re+r i�lar`.1 'ee1'�ing o the -
no n's A:,So:ciatibrx •<of the United
Church vas IVeld on Thursciay'after-
noon at thc•:l'tollte'�cfft212ats; H. L. Bos
man, with a goodly attendance, in-
cluding t1w o 'visitors The `president,
Mrs.' 'Jos. Breckenridge, presided. A
discussion was'held"on. 'planning sew-
ing and other work for the winter,
Mrs. W. J. Johnston, of Gladstone,.
Man, who :bas been with .her' par -
The Young People's Society of the
United Church, Bluevale, held their
first meeting of the New Year on
Friday evening of last week, with the
Vice -President, Earl Hamilton, in
the chair. Miss Emma Johnston
gave a very interesting and instruct-
nye talk. on the making of pottery, 11-
iu trated. by samples of fer own
work. The election of officers for
the r e i 1
year 1932 was held... I r..sident, I
Earl Hamilton; Vice -Presidents, Willi
Peacock, Dorothy Aitken, Elsie'
'Smith, Harr Mann; Secretary,Chas.'
Harry.Mann; a r
Johnston; . Treasurer, Miss Emma I,
Johnston; Organist, Miss Beatrice •
s ems'
Ls i .fit
-nineLowestrimed Car
Co taming S. ysatc�"o,-
,7►;lr�:.iy ]��14tt'••,;+ wills Free
With Silent Syncro-
Mesh you enjoy dash-
ash less shifting' at all speeds --back and forth
--no matter are "in" free
wheeling or not. When descending a steep
can shift rapidly frotu high to
second and gain the full braking power of
the engine. Chevrolet's Free ` Wheeling
enables you to coast, free from the drag of
the engine,
when lif • your yout y foot from.
the accelerator. And you
can shift - gears with never -
to -be -forgotten ease!
A Popular l%eww
Nolte ito Fisher' Bad Sit lir
Y' Y '93
A new ultra -modern sil-
houette is gained byplant-
ing the windshield at a
sinart new angle=-streatnlinin the front body
pillars — and utilizing the distinctive style
points of today's finest cars. Interiors have rich
new upholsteries, handsome chrome -plated
fittings, adjustable sun visor, finger -touch'
adjustable driver's seat, and a convenient ash-
tray on the dash. Striking features include
deeper radiator with built-in grille, arched
double tie -bar, bullet -type headlamps, adjust-
able hood ports.
The new Chevrolet Six yiay be purchased on easy GMAC ten,n.
basting satisfaction is assured by the General Motors Owned
Service' Policy.
Dealer Wingham �� anvil Oat.
tors b do st of all
ey .`�lilli+"ies haute ai eo
A ;r t►'
The Belgrave Women's Institute
will. ,meet at the home of Mrs. John
i�'anC n
a hp an Tuesday,. January 19th
at 2.30 o'clock. As there are several
items of business to be arranged, a
good attendance is regeusted. Miss
Edith Procter is to give a paper on
'The. Rural Girl of Today and Her'
Opportunities". Mrs. James Taylor
is in charge of the musical' part of
the program. Everyone come and
bring another one.
As a result of the soft snow Sun-
day, those motoring found it diffi-
cult to stay on the road:
Mrs. Yule is indisposed with a
sore knee.
Miss. Mabel Martin, of Crystal
City, who is staying with Mrs.
Wheeler, is spending a few days in
The annual meeting or the Sunday
School of Knox United Church, Bel -
grave, was held in the basement of
the church Thursday afternoon when
there was' a fair attendance present.
Rev. Mr, Grant acted as chairman,
and opened the meeting with prayer.
The reports of the secretary, treasur-
er and'auditors were all given and
adopted, Several items. .of business
were 'discussed and the election, of
officers was held and resulted as fol-
lows: Superintendent, J. S. Procter;
assistants, Jas. Michie and Goldie
Wheeler; secretary, Norman Keat-
ing; assistant secretary, C. R. Coul-
tes; treasurer, Ellen Stonehouse;' lib-
rarian, Jas. Wightman; assistant,
Bert Vincent; organist, V. Wheeler;
assistants, Dorothy Vincent and Eil-
een McCallum;; Cradle Roll,/ Supt.,
Mrs. Gordon Walsh; auditors, Har-
old Vincent and Martin Grasby. The
fallowing teachers were appointed
for the different classes: Beginners,
Florence Scott; assistant, Jennie
Wightman; primary, Mrs, Harold
Procter, Mrs, Jas. Nellie; Junior
boys' and girls', Cela Coultes, ;and
Mrs. Cyrus Scott;; girls, Edith f', oc-
ter and Mrs Martin Grasby; buys,
Mrs. C. ; It Cpiltes; Mrs.. Bert Wil-
kirgonr, i1�rs.'" Jolin Coultes;l senior
bcys, Jas: Michie and. A. Vincent;
Bible clans, l :ev Mr; '' Grant` and P.
W. Scott`, The Sunday School starts
a new year with a very encouraging
R. Cr;,ultcs s(t:pped two carloads
The new . Township Council met
for, the first time 00 Monday,'
Mr: and: Mrs.: Orval Graham and
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. - Campbell, of
Stratford and• Aylmer respectively,
spent Sunday at the home of Chas,
'Miss Agnes 'Robertson returned to
Stratford Normal on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Kane of Toronto;
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
pi.erson Irwin.
Mr, Melville Beecroft returned to
\'Vestern University after spending
the vacation with his father, Mr.'J,
Mrs.Leslie 1Vightman has been
visiting friends at Donegal.
The election caused 'some excite-
ment on Monday. We congratulate
Mr, Adam Robertson and Mr. Elisha
'Walker on being two of the success-
ful candidates,
Mr. Adam McBurney returned to
Kingstol recently.
VVHITEC1-1URCH Quite a number of people from the
vicinity took in. the dance at George
' :1 .\Valkers last Friday and all
Miss may -\i �c.,vtrltan is spending evening
the week -end with her sister, Mrs. reported a good time,
Elsie Brigham of Blyth.
Mrs. Reed left last. Saturday to
spend the remainder of the winter
with herdaughter, Mrs. Balfour, g a four, of
Mr, Harry McClenaghan . and fam-
ily, of Belgrave,
am-ily,'ofBelgrave, spent Sunday at the
home of his brother, Mr. Geo. Me- of W.M.S. of Brick United Church
Cieiiagban, will be held at Mrs. Leslie Wight -
Mr. Mac Ross attended the council nap's on Tuesday, January 19th.
n.ceting at Holyrood on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarkson Martin; of MORRIS
Wingham, spent Sunday at . the home
of her aunt, Mrs. John Craig. The recent snow.and sleet storm
Mrs. Jas,; 'Falconer and Lois, and put the telephone out'of commission.
Mr, and Mrs. , Cecil Falconer and Miss Ferrol Higgins visited her
sons, spent the week -end at Caledon friends on the second line recently..
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin The annual _ school meeting of S.S.
1 rcllwvood, Nr.. John Falconer, who No. 7, Morris, was held on Wednes-
has been visiting 'there, returned day,.December 30th, 1931. Mr. Fin- with them. lay McCallum who was elected as
Mr. Frank Thompson shipped a one of the councillors for Morris,
car -load of cat* from the station resigned and Mr. Lyle Hopper : er was
y la.
here on Friday, and Mr. John Me- elected tel take Mr: McCallum's place.
Millan shipped a car on Saturday. The three trustees for 1932 are: Mr.
Mrs. Cutis. Campbell of Belgrave, George Coulter, Mr. Victor Haines
a .sister of Mrs. Henry McGee, is and Mr. Lyle Hopper. The'ratepay- i
very ill at present, suffering from an ors' and school board decided to burn
attack of pneumonia. wood in the furnace this winter. Mr.
Several of the pupils of S.S. No. Leonard James and Mr. Robert Coul-
14, 1 V. Wawanosh, have been:laid `tes are supplying the wood. Mr. H.
t:p with an attack of chicken pox. :Hetherington acted as chairman. 1
Mr. Jas. Cornelius is u nder the Miss Dorothy Golley spent a few
doctor's care at, present. days with her friend, Miss Dorothy
Miss Mary Weir, rug s rn Yrainii.�,n•r
Higgins, recently.
in Hamilton Hospital, i
a tai is visiting at Mr. and -Mrs. James Elston, Aus-.
the home of her parents, Mr. and tin. Man., visited their relatives, Mr.
Mrs. Fred .Davidson. Miss Ilarbrira and Mrs. Wm. Elston and family,
\'Voir of Belmore, also spent the last week. week-endher at e home here. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Goll visited
The regular monthly meeting of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Dan.
the Wom ne's InstitutT - t Wingham, was held in Tier.. �f on .Sunday last.
the Hall .on Thursday afternoon last,1 Mr. Smith Hutton, of Toronto,
owing to the Day of Prayer being visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
held in Chalmer's Church on Friday, 'Hutton, during his vacation.
After the opening exercises, the fol- 1 Mr.° Charles fryans visited his
lowing business was decided on and ;friend, Mr. Harold McCallum, recent -
approved by all, to hold a Euchre `ly.
on Friday, Jan. 15th, in the Hall, and Miss Dorothy Higgins visited her
to hold a ,Concert on the evening of 'friend, Miss Dorothy Golley, recent
Tuesday, Jan. 26th. Mrs. Chas. Gil- ! ly.
lespie then gave a very interesting I Mrs. Charles Campbell, also Mr.
paper on the Co-operation of Par- i Graham Campbell, and son, Harris,
cats and Teachers; and Mrs. Harold 'wtre recent Sunday visitors at the
Spading sang a solo "Colne to the 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc -
Fair". Mrs. .Ezra Scholtz acted as Michael, of Wroxeter.
chairlady throughout. The meeting Mrs. Lyle Hopper spent a day in
was closed by singing` the National Wingham recently,
A number of young people gather-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ce-
cil Falconer on Tuesday evening last
and spent a pleasant evening at cards
and dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin spent last
week at the home of their son,: Mr.
Wesley Tiffin, of Kinloss.
Miss Grace and Master Jim Rich-
ardson, who are taking the short
course in Teeswater, spent the week-
end at the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Richardson.
Mr. Bert Cuilimore and J. C. Reed
spent the week -enol at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Mrs. Reuben Tiffin and Charlie
spent Thursday evening at the home
of Mrand Mrs. Geo. Harkness.
The people of Langside commun-
ity have started a club which meets
every other Friday evening in the
Hall there.
.Miss Verna Irwin, of Toronto, is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Irwin.
Missessie Finlay on,
J Finlayson; r ,f of Kippen,
has resumed her duties as teacher of
S.S. No. 11.
The first meeting of the New Year
Mr, George Lane and daughter,
Winnifred, motored to Riverview on
Saturday, returning Sunday, visiting
with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Layburn,
Mr. Earl Sherwood, near St. Hel-
ens, spent the week -end with his par.
,eats, Mr. and Mrs. Samtlel Sher-
Mrs. Adatit Johnston and son, Bor.
cicn, near Courey's Corners, spent
Thursday evening with the formcr'.s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. 'Sher.
wood, Belfast.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell and
• r
tires ^,°ri 1 X1.4 ' :0,AP
Here's your opportia'xi it'y , o , save whit m tthe E9'' F,
time acquiring, a sn ''ply of these``" ovely
Household �h
tat ess° '
�r �d
Wool Blankets. from Scotland
Pride in ownership goes with: every pair of these good
Blankets. Every woman lover; them and knows their : supreme
qualities. ,Made in. Scotland•fromn fine' purelamb's wool; in dou-
ble bed -size with pink or blue bands and whipped singly. Friday
and Saturday only—To. $13.75 lines for '$10.00.
• A few individual pairs at $15.00,, $18,50 and $22.00 on sale
Less 20%.
25.Only Single'Blankets (white). at $2.98
These are Canadian made by one of our foremost makers,
and for general use will give genuine satisfaction. All white with
blue and pink borders; -double bed size and whipped singly; at
about Half Price—Each $2.98.
Flannelette Blankets on Sale
50 Pairs Only, 'Ibe'k 1214 white and grey
borders -Friday and Saturday, per pair $1.75
Sunset Plaid Blankets
These/ beautiful check blankets come in the finest ` combed
cottons. Their serviceability and bright colors are a delight to
every home. Make sure to own a pair nor two now. Regular $3.50
grades for $2.88.
All Downn:Comiforters. Less 20 Per Cent.
with pink or
. OO'S0 Phone 7i
4', 1917.,,5.asz4iS^?1:4IF0.641.r)tUrrJ 1 '5 :., .'t fr.',`•
2C i �y' the Ceonerette
4 s ;, ,
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Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abram and son the, latter part of the week with
Ross, spent New Year's at the home friends.
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert : Aitcheson
of Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane spent
Mrs. Arthur Edgar visited with her New Year's Day at the home of Mr.
friends and relatives in. Wingham a
few days last week,
Mr. and Mrs. John Casemore, also
Mr. John Gray, spent an evening at
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh. Sinnation's, on
friday evening of last . week.
Master Ross Anderson of Belgrave
visited his cousins, Masters Charlie
and Norman Higgins recently.
Mr. Victor Haines, also Mr. Fry,
made a business trip to Guelph last
Miss Marjorie Hamiltonvisited
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Hastie, for :a few days . last
Mrs. Robert Higgins is visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah
Higgins, of Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Alec. Campbell visit-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mr, and Mrs., James Gilmore, of
Wheeler one day last week. 6 Wingham, were Sunday visitors at
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Nekton and
daughter, Mary, of Jamestown, vis-
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Gray one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines and
family visited at the home of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coll-
ings, of Ripley, last week.
Miss Dorothy and Master Clarence
Golley visited their uncle, Mr. John
Abram last Sunday.
Mr, Wilfred Congram, of Toronto,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, T,
Congrant,for a few days during his
ivtr, and Mrs. John Casemore, also
Milo 'Casemore and daughter, Miss
June,,spent New Year's at the home
of Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Orr,
and Mrs. Alex. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Campbell and.
family spent New Year's Day at the.
home of Mr. and Mrs. IKenneth Mc-
Naughton of Turnberry,
Mrs. Collings .of Ripley, visited her
daughter, Mrs. Victor ' Haines, one
day last week.
Misses Winnifred and Frances Ed-
gar visited at Mr. Robert Higgins'
one day recently.
Mr. Alex. McEwen attended the
council meeting on Monday last.
Our young people prefer skating
on a pond at Wm. Edawrds', the link
being quite deserted so far.
Each Month We Repair One
Winner for December,
Mr. J. Halliday, Wingl arn.
A Splendid Stock of
GLASS For Your Approval.
All 'High Quality Goods
at Popular Prices.
14/014E 5.