The Wingham Advance Times, 1931-10-08, Page 4FOUR TH:J WJNGHAM .ADVANCE -TIMES Mt11111111 l♦III@I111011ISN INN I Iidil M111@Il ISI111111111 1111 a ffi_ jw 4 COATS w Smart Styles Priced Right $22.50 iTs Fur trimming that shows 'individ- uality. Swathing, generous 'fur col- lars and cuffs in Arabian Lynx, French Beaver, Opossum, Vicuna � Fox. All Smart fitting coats. ■_ Cloths: Broadcloth, Chonga, and it Tweeds. All durably lined. Com- plete range of sizes shown in the if fall colors. Specially Priced 4 $22.50 ■ 4 i_. 4 -K lm 110111111,1ttn js i DRESSES SPECIALLY PRICED Grouped for week -end clearance, a wide range sof smart dresses in weighty celanese, regular price to $5.75. All newest a�L�+98 fall styles MAIN FLOOR SPECIALS FINE PRINTS BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS Crew neck styles with crest, all wool worsted yarn. Reg. $1.25. Each — Siutabii Prints for School, or House Dresses, suitable designs in fast colors for Fall Wear. 36 Inches Wide, Reg. 39c. Yard - 27c BED SPREADS Cream colored spreads with smart stripes in green, rose, gold, .blue and mauve. Size 72x 90. Each — $1.69 SEE THE 89c Boys' Wool Mixture Stockings Hard wearing fine -ribbed stock- ing for boys, warm for fall wear. Sizes 7 to 81 39c Sizes 9 to 10 NEW SHOWINGS 49c subsequent period. During his inter- esting address, he threw oat many valuable sugegstions as to ways and means of carrying the work to. a sue- cessful issue, A committee was appointed to fully consider the question, and to report at the next Executive meeting. In the m antinte the Association .will get behind Prof. Robertson in his efforts in this direction, and will give him eve ery possible assistance. He was ac- corded a standing vote of thanks for his splendid address, containing as it did, much valuable information for Huronites. It was decided to hold the Annual meeting of the Association combin- ed with a Euchre and Bridge, at Hy- geia Hall, Elin St,, on Friday even- ing, November 13th. All Huronites residing in Toronto whose names are not already on the Register, are epecially requested to send their name and street address to the Secretary to the Secretary, E. Floody, 58 Close Avenue, and this will insure then receiving notices of all the meetings and functions of the Association. a_ 4 it as much as we do. 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon soda. ;) cup sour milk 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 bananas mashed fine cup butter 2 eggs (reserve 1 white for icing) Cream butter and sugar. Add well beaten eggs, Dissolve soda in sour milk, add to mixture, then addthe mashed bananas. Beat thoroughly. Sift the batting powder and flour and fold into the mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Icing s O a_ 4 r m 4 Newest creations for fall, dainty undies, that combine smart- i ness and warmth; new printed flannelettes for baby's wears, child- ren's warm underwear, m fact new merchandise is arriving daily. v We 'would be pleased to have you look over these new lines. js iiimuniil@iIi®matiammialiI@ill@111i1II@Ill@mII@III@in Ill@Ill@III@IIIrlililuaII@III@Itial® t • •• c • • ••��ty,•%,\%p�•JS�•/SUFAVIIIVFA.u4,1,1/1P• r�,MVP,ISl•JSlLS"M THESE WANT AD'S BRING RESULTS cents a word per insertion. Lan ,n+..n /r% L with a minimum charge of 25c. • TiitrA • i •illi • i ►i ilurs7iYili6 • • • • • • • -' FOR SALE—A Hand Washing Ma- chine, good as new, Apply Chris -Newman. Minnie St., Box 296. FOUND—On Scott Street, Lady's Wrist Watch. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for advt. Apple' to Advance -Times Of - TORONTO HURON OLD BOYS' ASSOC, A slai:eial meeting of the Executive of the Huron Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLaren, 365 1 egg white cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1,3 cups icing sugar Cream butter thoroughly, add 'grad - AGED GODERICH RESIDENT PASSES The death occurred late Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Winter, of Stephen Andrews, a resident of Goderich for over eigh- ty years, a member of the Octogen- arian Club, and a Fenian Raid veter- an, one of the few still living in this district. He came to Canada from the Old Country with his parents at the age of 5, and succeeded his father in the butcher and drover business. His was a familiar figure in the early days, for he was known to almost ev- ery farmer in Bruce and Huron Coun- ties. At one time he was a large ex- porter of cattle to England. Recent- ly he said he had purchased cattle on the hoof at as low as two and three cents' a pound. Farmers then told him that if the price ever rose to five cents they could quickly pay off their mortgages and retire. Mr. Andrews was a good churchman, and had an enviable record for fair and honest dealing. Three daughters and three sons survive. flee. Spadina Road, on Wednesday even- ing, Sept. 30th, for the purpose of FOR SALE—A quantity of dry soft considering the question of the best wood, ash, birch, elm and maple at system of collecting data for a his - $2.75 per cord. Apply to R. Stew- tory of the County of Huron, to be art, phone Wingham 607r14. published at some time in the near future. FARM FOR SALE—A choice 100- The meeting was largely attended, acre farrn, seven miles from Wing- , some 25 members of the Executive ham, having good house, and large : being present, with President C. G. barn with stapling under. A clean�ranstone in the chair. farm, well watered, drained and! prof. J. C. Robertson, of Victoria fenced. Five acres good hardwood bush, balance r+f land all in grass College, a Goderich Old Boy, and at present. Best of reasons for vti.ho has given this matter a good selling. Abner Cosens, Insurance deal of study, addressed the meeting, and Real Estate, Wingham. , stressing the immediate necessity for procuring data for a history of the ROUSE TO RENT—All modern County, which aught be issued at a conveniences, garage, garden. Ap- ply to John Morgan. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER TO RENT—Two rooms, above the '20 Years' Experience in Farm Stock Advance -Times. Apply to J. H. and Implements; Moderate Prices. Crawford. Phone 331. BORN McBurney— In Wingham, on Mon- day, Oct. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. C. McBurney, of East Wawanosh, a daughter. Bruce—In Wingham, on Monday, Oct. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Athol Bruce, of East Wawanosh, a dau- ghter. Copeland—In Wingham, on Monday, October 5th, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Copeland, a daughter. Rural School Closed With one case of infantile paralysis identified ttnd several others under observation, Dr. Livingston -6, M.O.H. of Listowel, has ordered the closing of Union School No. 3, There are also a ,number of cases of whooping cough in Wallace Township. --Milver- ton Sun. No Want Here Mr. Melvin Crich of Tuckerstnith brought into this office on Tuesday some stalks of corn, which he said he had not picked at all but were a sample of a five acre field, which measured twelve and a half feet in height. They look like trees and the stalks have several large and full ears of corn. Cattle in this section should not go hungry this winter with silos bursting and mows filled to over- flowing—Clinton News -Record. RFN'P—On Francis St., 2 -storey MATT. GAYNER Red Brick House, all conveniences, laundry taps in basement, also gar- I AUCTIONEER age and hen -house. Phone 136M. phone 21 or 64. Lucknow. Sales attended to anywhere. Expet- ience and accuracy in valuation and .L D. MCE W E N every effort put forth to assure you LICENSED AUCTIONEER i of a successful sale. Phone 602r14. Sales of Fara Stock and Imple- ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfaction` and at moderate Charges. It Ora ARMSTRONG RONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en- ►lbles me to give you sat sfactioti. Ar- rangements made with VV°, J. Brown, Wingltatit, or direct to T'eeswater. »hoi'ie 4Sr2-2,. Debts Collected Barn Burned at Belmore On Tuesday evening of this week the fine bank barn on the farm of R. Jas. Douglas at Belmore was destroy- ed by fire. Mr. Douglas and family were away at a threshing, and his son -hr -law, Richard Culliton, came over to do the chores. He lit the lan- tern and went to the barn, and' while working on the barn floor, he noticed the lantern fluttering ominously. He grabbed the lantern and was hurry Muskratma • • Coats Hudson Seal Coats • ig A1S® Persian Lamb, Caracul, Raccoon and Beaverine Coats ■ ■ ■ SEE OUR WONDERFUL VALUES fi ® EVERY COAT MUST GO !• ■ •■ ■ CLOT ■ H C0 I!5 ■ ing out of the 11 effectiveness means anything to you, then you will send you list of notes and acounts to KELLY & AIKEN The. Persistent Collectors "O P A N GE1i ILLS 'Monthly Statements. INTO Czsllecti:otr'No Charge. If baby hcu. COLIC malty cup icing sugar. Beat the egg aiII white until stiff. , Add gradually 3 cup icing' sugar. Combine the mix- tures, add vanilla and enough, icing sugar to thicken. Do not make the icing too stiff, but leave it soft en- ough to make littlewhirls .with a knife as the icing is put on the cake. CRY in the night. Colic! No cause for alarm if Castoria is andy. This pure vegetable prepara- tion brings quick comfort, and can never harm. It is the sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether it's the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation; or diarrhea. When tiny tongues are coated, or the breath is bad. Whenever there's need of gentle regulation. Children love the tate of GCaasstoria, and its mildness maize it safe for frequent use. And a more liberal dose of Castoria is always better for growingchildren than strong medicine meant only for adult use. ' 131111111,15121111 ■ ■ ■ ■ These garments are all high class, and are made from choice.. pelts With the finest workmanship included in each one. ■ Transferred to Brussels ?4f r. Jack Cottrill, teller in the Bank of Nova. Scotia here, in which institution he ,'coinmenced his bank- ing career four years ago, received word last week of his transfer to Brussels, Ont., and left on Monday to commence his duties in that branch of this bank. Jack, who is .a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cottrill of town, was born, rais- ed and schooled here, and in this his first move in hischosen vocation the best wishes of his many friends ac- con'ipany him. Having given efficient and court- eous service to the public in his cap- acity of bank clerk, as well as having taken an active interest in all lines of sport, jack will be greatly missed here. Especially was he active in baseball. His ability as "a pitcher is well recognized in the Bruce League and he made himself popular among the players and fans of all clubs. Port Elgin Times. a a a a Cow Brought 87c Farmers should not become too reckless with the big (?) money they are making these days. Prices are liable to drop, and the first thing they know they will be facing hard times. Last week a Saugeen Township farm- er shipped a cow (a canner) to the Toronto market and after all expens- -es had been paid he was 87c in pock- et on the sale of the beast. Ordinar- ily the hide would bring more than that. -Port Elgin Times. Thursday, October 8tb, 1931 IIII8Ii18!II lfWlIIImIIIIuuIII SIII w@I11e119sIIi@IIInIIIpIiIF7111aIIIm1 111 iIIIpiIimionIIIR E' ■ AL CASHCS - Ft For Saturday, Oct, 10thI: Pure home-made Pork S nus- Roast of Fresh Pork 14c la age, Ib. 10c, Fresh Siit de Pork in Piece 13e, Cottage Rolls in whole or half L,eg 01Lamb, lb. 20e roll, lb, • 15c . Lamb Chop, 1b. 20c Rolled Boneless Pot Roast 14c Breast of Lamb, Ib. 15c = lb. _, ®Si Rolled Rib Roast, lb. 18c Shoulder Roast of Lamb, lb 17c ra Loin Roast of Lamb, lb. 20c i, Sliced Fresh Pork, untrirn- ®medl, lb. 14c 2 lbs. of .Potted Meats 15c fit fifr THOS. FIELD & CO. Phone 35 19111!!11l1@111@11l@IIialaII eII/III@III@ imiStilll@III@IlSall111lntil t/111191110111lIII®ill®Ill�llllll ( �Iil®III@III®11118111@IliiIIII@IIIAIII�IiI@Illlilll�lllilll@II1rIII�IIIAIII�llll�lli®III�III@ill■Iilrlil@ill@' POULTRY CREAM AND i• 0. EGGS.. i di CALL US FOR PRICES Wellington Produce Co. = Limited Wingham,li It - Phone 1-66 it s II@ II®Illirlll®III�III@1111111 ■11118111@1110111/111@11181111@H1®N111 ®III�IIIBiII,@III@Lllgill@I1181111SI11@I L. Advertise Home Town No business in any town should al- low a newspaper published in his town to go without his name and business being mentioned in .i<ts col- umns, says the American Banker. This applies to all kinds of business of professional men. It does not mean that you should have a whole, half or even a quarter page advertise- ment in each issue of the paper but your name should be mentioned, if you do not use more than a two line space. A stranger picking up a news- paper should be able to tell what business is represented in the town by looking at the paper. This is the best possible town advertiser. The man who does not advertise his busi- ness does an injustice to himself and the town. The life of a town depends upon the live wide awake and liberal advertising' business man. Faith, Hope and Charity A. fanner in one of the dried out ar- eas out west was asked how he liked' the policies of the different govern- ments. "Well," he replied, "under the Meighen government I lived on faith, under that of King I lived on hope, so far under the present administra- tion I am living on charity." but on Monday Bob Symonds made and completed 110 barrels and on Tuesday he hung up a record of 115. One workman, minus one leg, made - 50 barrels in one day. The heads are- made remade at Whitechurch and the staves. come from various sections of Wes- tern Ontario.—Goderich Star. Horse Exhibitor Hurt One of the exhibitors of horses at' Mildmay fall show narrowly escaped' critical injury last Wednesday night, while returning to his home near Lucknow. When opposite J. P. Ben- inger's on the 8th concession, his fine' show team became terrified by the- storm hestorm and bolted. The animals crash- ed through Mr. Beninger's fence aiid the driver was thrown out and rath- er painfully, but not seriously hurt.— Mildmay Gazette. THE THE ASAL y µ7 tilk f., IS Tx� z 4 F IN ■ Positively The Greatest Fur Coat Event of the Season ■ ■ barn with it when he tripped and fell, The lantern is said " ■ i exploded, causing the ignit- ■Be. s ��ji� y� ing of the barn. The alarm was giv-I EveryGarifrit To'Be Cleared During This Great Event • to have en, and soon the entire neighborhood ■• was on the scene, but nothing could ■ • Co.bedone to save the building. All this ■;made arrangements with the Canada Fur Mfg. Cof 1I We have g year's crop was in the barn, unthresh ■ • ■ ed, but it is said that all live stock 1 . Toronto to give our friends and customers an opportunity to take ■ was saved from the fire. The gg, barn ■ advantage of this gigantic sale. -m- Good allowance for your old coat ■ was .a comparatively new building, in ■ e of repair, and its de- ■ a good stat struction will be a heavy loss. Wem IN that it was insured in the How- ■ Wingharn ick Mutual for' $1800.—Mildmay Ga ■ zette. it Bana Cake ill Most of us make something or oth-: ■ PRIS er, that every time we serve it some LI recipe. We had r1 ams C'" . Banana FRIDAY AN . cake at.a picnic, and soan m y ■ one asks for SAIUR.DAY, AI.9th tat ■ NI asked for the recipe that I 'decided a � ))� that the easiest waywould be to pub_ �y,� ■M q y� lish it. So Stere it is. Hope you like Inia� ■ ggialiiiiiii■iiiiiiiii ii��.iiiiiii■r■■n1rg ■Miiiilleallai genie ��ili���� er