The Wingham Advance Times, 1931-06-04, Page 41 • cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. \1i itYar ilM\1IritfiYuYl\MeiNtri llY►Y WItril1fYi\4Yi\1R'A1IYilltra\'AYllthitAYVIYd'IYaYd4\fi1BA\ • a, r• • • PAGE YOUR TT 4 WINGI-IAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, June 4th, 1931 +�Ihll$Ill�pillll�gli�ikil�lllll�ll�l�lll'l�Ill�lll$GIL�ili1�9i11 ���ll{X11!X11113111'i1�111�1III�g1111�I1dpgllllp�ill�lilIYilM��l4� MI' DRUG STORE 73. # 'S` 1Y QualityGoods oder to Prices "11111111b111111111lr111 11110111111111111011111111111iI11211i111111>91111121111at111111fIg6U1E1111S111'R111OCIl6 IIIIllIII;IIM •t !ilma°l. l• .0•.+.t.14VJ6llJ sysk•-tem; •Imimp•vni • I •,taa,1J:�•%IA•/ • • • v mNAO'!�f BABY CHICKS—We can supply you with BabyChicks for delivery May 15th to Jly 1st, at $10.00 per 100.. Our Leghorns are the famous Bar- ron strain. Large hens. Layers of large eggs and many of them. We guarantee 100% live delivery, Or- der early while the best dates are available.. The Walter Rose Poul- try Farm, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE OR RENT—House on Francis street, Wingham, good lot, all conveniences, and double gar- age. Possession at once. Apply to J. W. Bushfield. FOR SALE -I Ton Ford Truck, in first class condition. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to R. G. Gan?' i nett. FOR SALE—A . quantity of Silver Hull Buckwheat for seed, price 75c per bushel: Apply to Henrbane 6144, Mc- Gee, R. 3, Wingham, p FOR SALE—Water power washing - Machine. Apply to Ivfrs. H. cal - vert. FOR SALE -1924 Chevrolet Sedan, in good condition. Apply to Mr. Thos. Gibson, Wroxeter. HYATT JUMBO ROOFING AND Art Brick. Siding, sold and applied. by Harry Elliott, Bluevale, phone 610r15. Ask about the liberal pay- ment plan. HOUSE TO RENT—Corner Cather- ine and Victoria Streets, all mod- ern conveniences. Garage. Apply to S. Morton, phone 624r15, McLARY, LARGE Electric Range, For Sale, cheap. Apply to J. W. Hanna. WANTED— Experienced man to drive Royal York Truck for made to measure Clothes. Apply to Hanna &-. Co. Store. WE CAN SUPPLY WOOD weekly 4uring the summer. Hardwood is .tow: cheaper than hard coal, why not use it and keep your dollars at home in Ontario. We will meas- ure your stove and cut wood to suit any stove. D. H. Martin and Sons. The. Wawanda Farms. NOTICE The first meeting of the Court of Revision for the year 1931 will be held at the Town Hall, Wingham, on Tuesday, June 9th, 1931, at 8 o'clock. Dated at Win ;ham this 28th day of May, 1931. W. A, Galbraith, Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH COURT OF REVISION Notice . is hereby given that the Court". of . Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of East Wa- wanosh for the year : 1931, will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, on Tuesday, June 9th, at 1 o'clock, All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accord- . ngly, A. Porterfield, Township Clerk. PRIVATE SALE—of Hoiisehold ef- fects, including . ch'est of drawers, wardrobe, tables,.. lamps, electric vacuum, china, etc. Any day after 3 o'clock. „Mrs. R. Vanstone. NOTICE In accordance with a recent am- endment to the Cemetery By -Law of the Town of Wingham, it will be necessary that the, _fee accompany any order for opening of a grave in Wingham Cemetery. The fee may be paid to either the Caretaker or the Town Clerk. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS " Mr.. Wallace Hough and son, Rol- and, wish to thank all the neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses shown to them in their Iate bereave- ment, BORN Currie=In East Wawanosh, on Sat- urday, May 30th, to' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Currie, a' sun. ' Ross—In Wingham, on Wednesday, May 27th,' to 'Or; 'and Mrs. Geo. H. Ross, a.daugl,,fter, (Mary Isobel) Kennedy—In, Wingham, on Saturday May 16th, to Mr., and Mrs. Fred Kennedy, a daughter.. Wright -1n -Wingham, oh Monday, June 'lst, 1931, to Capt. and Mrs, E. G. Wright, 'a son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario., that all persons having claims against the estate of Jaynes Anderson late of the Township of Wawanosh in the Coun- ty of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of March, A.D. 1931, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or be- fore the eighth day of June, A.D. 19 31 their names and: addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securit- ies (if any) held by then duly veri- fied by a statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER, that after the said eighth day of June, A.D.1981, the said esccutors will, proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the patties en- titled thereto, having regard' only to the claims of which they shall then have had i1otice and the said execu- tors shall' not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- aon of whose claim they shall not slier have received notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario; this siyteenth day of May, A,D. 1931 J, H, CRAWFORD, Wingliarn, Ontario, Solicitor for the E'xecuto'rs If baby hay C * L IC ACRY in the night. Collet No cause for alarm if Gastonia is handy. This pure vegetable prepara- tion brings quick comfort, and can never harm. it is the sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether it's. the stomach, or, the little bowels; colic or. constipation; or diarrhea. When tiny tongues are coated, or the breath is bad. Whenever there's need of gentle regulation. Children love the is ale of Castoria, and its mildness makes it safe for frequent use; And a more liberal dose of Castoria is always better for growing children than strong medicine meant only for adult use. BELCRAVE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETS Miss Aletta Smith of Glanforcl Sta- tion, was the talented guest of hon- cm- and speaker at , a special meet- ing of the Belgrave Women's Insti- tute 'held in the Forester's Hall, on Tuesday afternoon, May 26th, Other guests of honor included Mrs. Davidson of Dungannon, Dis- trict.President, and about forty mem- bers of the Londesboro branch; The meeting, was in charge of the President, Mrs. C. R. Coultes and opened with the ,singing of the Insti- tute Ode, followed by prayer, The `,financial report of the year was read, showing good work done alongthe lines followed. Delegates to the District annual to be held in Goderich on June 9th, were appointed as follows: Mrs, C. R. Coultes (Pres.),` Mrs. T. Forbes, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. J. M. Coultes and Miss Edith Procter. A solo by little Miss Phyllis Man- ning of Londesboro, was much en joyed, also a piano duet by Misses Mountain and Watson. Reading by Miss Barr, and a girls' chords entit- led "There'§ a Mother old and grey, Who Needs me Now." The subject of Miss. Smith's most pleasing address was "Books, Music and Art," which proved an inspira- tion to all who listenede to cultivate a taste for better books and maga- zines, more and better music, and to train our eyes to see and appreciate the pictures of nature that are ever round about us. Mrs. Davidson, in a few kindly words, brought greetings from the other branches. The meeting closed with the Nat- ional Anthem, after which lunch was served by the Belgrave Branch. The Junemeeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Procter, and will be in the interests of Temper- ance, A speaker from Wingham will be there to address the meeting, MORRIS COUNCIL Minutes of Councilmeeting held in the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon- day, May 18th, 1931. Members all present, the Reeve presiding. Min- utes of the last meeting were read' and approved, Alvin Armstrong reported the work on the McCaughey Drain completed, 38 hours at 25c, $9.50, and $35.00 for contract of which Mr. Armstrong pay half and the drain scheme the other half. The contract for crushing and de- livering the. gravel was awarded to Addison. Fraser at 44 cents per yard. Mr. Harry Fear, clerk of Grey, and at one time popular Reeve of Mor- ris, paid the Council a visit, and had the drain accounts between Grey and Morris balanced to date. At the Court of Revision on the assessment Roll, appeals for a re- duced assessment were received from Samuel Burke, Olive Hamilton, John Black, John C. Cook, William Edgar, William Moses and Robert Pate, and, appeals to have dogs struck off from Charles Keating, Alex, McNeil, Sam Alcock, Roy Turvey, R. J. McLenn- an, John Hall. The Court of Revision adjourned to meet again on Monday, June 15th, 1931, when all the appeals will be disposed of. • The Council decided that the wages for a man and team on the roads be 45 cents per hour, and for a man Are Collections Slow? Yon can speed them up by sending your list to KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLB and GUELPH and remember Nes Collection — No Charge. Established 1890. 11 5 ate i(31I.G,R.7S' pF ' NA47k- 41 g4• For Troubles due to,S,c,d. I inieE5TIata ACK)SroMRGH MEi.RTBtlitt 'SFS HeusEA GA5ES. • __ .... R. C. ARMSTRONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with 'Special training ng en- ables re to give you satisfaction. Ar rangereents tirade with W. J. Brown, Wingham; er direct to Teeswwter, Phbtte 45r22. MATT. GAYNER " AUCTIONEER Photic 'Or 04 a,SOO ettendllid. to eve 'f � Cf C1 # pit :5 tt �t S of a every sale. a tow; pe Yoi MAC UST a tasteless doss of Phillips Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, effective yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for 50 years, One spoonful will neutralize at once many tunes its volume in acid. It's the right way, the quick, pleasant and efficient way to kill all the excess acid. The stosnach becomes sweet, the pain departs. You are happy again in five niintrtes. Don't depend on crude teethed& Employ the best way yet isvblVaed'.%ar all the years of 'seatchia . TEA' la Phillips Milk of l'vXengnia.. Ee aiiro to get the genuine, , "Milk of Magnesia" hoe lacen its l7. s. Registered Trade !!Kari[ of , for Charlet ll l illi ri C heMioai ilt4 tii^d 0 01tA' 0 W7JPW1=fiSiWM CASH SAVINGS WINGI-IANM'S SHOPPING CENTRE SATISFACTION p WEEK -END SPECIALS THUR. FRI. SAT. IT PAYS YOU TO SHOP AT WALKER STORE Pillow Cases, Each 29c Bath Towels, size 22x45 49c Linen Hand Towels, size 20x36, ea, 45c Fancy Dresser Scarfs, size 16x50, $.25 0 Checked Tea Towelling, 22 in., yd. 19c Roller Towelling, 16 in. wide 12c Cottage Linen Cloths, size 52x52, ea. 89c Linen Sets, bordered, 52x52, set --.,,.$3.00 Soft Hospital Towelling, .16j} in., yd. 23c Face Cloths, large size, 2 for 15c Fine Quality Prints for dresses yd. 39c Large Range Prints, Yard 25c Curtain Nets, reduced, Yard 39c ii Cottage Chintzes, new colorings, yd. 29c A pleasing assortment, new Frilled Curtains, leg. $1.49, pair 98c styles arrive weekly. See the new rough straws that are so Ginghams, Yard ,.,.....121c becoming for summer wear. Bleached Cotton, 19; Yard. for ,.,,,.,..15c o SATURDAY ONLY 21/2 Yard Wide Floor Oilcloth $1.10 Running Yard: IIIIIMININIMMOIIIISINW 0 It Will Pay You To Visit Our Ready-to-wear Dept. We are showing a large as- sortment of Summer Suits and Dresses, flowered and the new pastel shades. Materials, Flat Crepes, Celanese, Voiles, in the latest styles. MILLINERY Silk Hose, reg. $1.00, pair Kiddies' Short Hose, 3 pair Rayon Bloomers Rayon Bloomers 79c Rayon Vests 79c Cotton Vests 19c Boys' Golf Hose, pair 39c Children's Lisle Hose 350 Children's Cotton Hose 25c Ladies' Cotton Hose w..25c Silk Gloves, 'pair .. $1.29 Celanese Crepes, yd......... .:...... .... .., , m. -.,..,.69c Cotton Voiles, yd, 39c Men's Shirts, Each $1.19 '+Men's Ties, Each 49c Men's Rayon Underwear ' 98c Men's Socks, 3 pair $1.00 t4as A i 79c $1.00 29c 54 Inches Wide, 63c Yard. 01 22•f cents ,per hour. The following accounts were paid: Robert Warwick, 3 lambs and one ewe killed by dogs, $15.00; Alvin Armstrong, work on McCaughey Drain. $27.00; Walter , McKibbon, fumigators, $3.40; James Peacock, assessor, $100.00, attending Court of Revision, $10.00, .•distributing tags, $6.00; Patrolinen, ;Ed. Johnston, no. 2, $12.35; R. 'D•:`Golley, 3, $20.00; M. Garniss, 5, $5:62 J. H. Sellers, 6, $14.10; Jos. Yuill, 7, $6,50; Frank Little, 8, $27.75; Robert Young, 9, $19.25; E. Noble; 9, .$15;50; Frank Beirnes, 12, $7.50; John Craig, 13, $89.71; Wm. Brown, 22, : $10.75; L. Jewitt, 20, $13.00; P. J. Kelly, 10, $20,50; Charles Workman, 11:, $14.45. Next Council 'meeting, -lune 15th, 1931. A. MacEwen, Clerk. MORE OF MAN.,. LABQR WANTED During the last week a petition has; been circulated which secured about 150 names in Wingham and vicinity asking the. Dept. , of Highways ` to have man labor :: employed on the Wingham-Teeswater Road construc- tion instead of steam shovel. This shovel is at work'cutting down grad- es and hills which will necessitate the removal of about 40,000 yards of earth. It may be a .difficult thing to make the desired change at this par- ticular time when the contract has been let and work begun, as the con- tract was • let without reference to method of construction. No doubt' the different tenders based 'their cost on the cheapest .method' which un- doubtedly is by machinery, Howev- er desirable it may be- to to use the greatest number of men in this class of work the Dept: might find it em- barrassing and difficult to make sat- isfactory adjustments with the con- tractors. At the present time about sixty nien and eighteen teams are employed at a weekly payroll of a- bout $900.00. "CANADA FIRST" To the Editur ate all thim Wirigham paypers. Deer Sur:— Ye ur:Ye will remimber the frindly dis- cushion I had wid me ould Grit frind, Sandy. Banks, that I tould ye about lasht wake, an, av how I ixplained to hini that the prisint deprishion wus vt?trrttld woide, sari that the woisest min : in iviry counthry wus throyin to foind a rimidy, an cudden't, It anoincls me av wan tointe whin tine ould back wus wurse than usual, an I wus takin traten-lents' from Dr. Parker, an Dr. Fox, an swallyin bot- tles av medicine from Dr. Calder, an rubbin mesilf wid harse linirnint, I bought from Tvtishter McAvoy, an slidli it wtts no betther, so I shit the misses out to the ould farrurlt, an got Billy Sheridan to git me a fresh 1cilled shktmk shkin, an made a bilt av it, an afther wearin it fer a few clays I wits soon as well as ivir. I knew a lallah wance who wus- son't failin well, so_ he got earvous about 1 Mrnself, a+l slzta ted ticrehttirin. I -le got his appiitedi e took, oat, an his teeth iytracted,aa wus operated on for goitre an shtoppecl shmokin, an shtill he wus no heather, Wan doch- tog° tould hien e t is elfin too Meth, an so he put him on a diet, to shtarve Oriental Pageant "The Soul of the Holy Land" on Second Afternoon of Chautauqua JULIUS CAESAR NAYPHE " Appearing in Oriental costume of rare richness and beauty, Julius Caesar Nayphe will deliver a mar- velously clever and arresting lecture entitled the "Soul of the Holy Land." Nayphe has had a strange life. A resident ,of Palestine, a student in Athens and Constantinople, he is now a lecturer who will entrance, delight and mystify Canadian audiences. Hear Nayphe on the Second after- noon by all means. You will remem- ber this brilliant, 'all -accomplished, young Nobleman long after Chau- tauqua has passed. At Wingham Chautauqua. June 27, 29, 30, July 1, 2. the thrubble out av him, another wan said lie wus undher noorished, an he shud he fed up wid lashins av eggs, an milk, an tings ax that koincl. Not- witdshtanclin iviryting he kept gittin wurse an wurse, arr taught he wus, but an elickshun came along, an be - in a good Tory, he wanted to git out an do some wurruk fer the parthy, an so fergot about his own thrubbles, an got betther in shpoite av the doch- tors, I don't wantye tomishund- hershtand me; what I mane is that he wint out illickshuneerin in shpoite av the dochtors. Av coorse ye know that an Irishman' is allowed to shpake until he is undhershtooci:' 'tis wan av our spishul privileges, that goes wid the wearin av the shamrock on Saint Pathrick's Day. 'Tis the same wid the sick ' ould wurruld. Some fellahs say we shud save iviry cint we kin, an put it in the banks, arr buy loife insurance polishies, other fellahs say we shad loosen up an shpind our money, buy - in tings, so that the facktories wud git it:busmakinthio an min wud hey , wurruk, an thin they wud go rowlin along agin loike durili the good toinies av 1928 ani 1929. Some hevthe oidea that we shod gg s build bigger, er" an bather schools an give.betther educashun to our young payple, an others that we hey too nanny fellahs loakh 'tot whbite cola lar jawbs now, an rridin ori the backs av the byes in theer shirtut shlaves, y , who do all the harrud wurxuk. The inosht sinsible oidea av anny, seines to be that theer isn't enough gowld in the wurruld, an yit our Nort counthry is full av it, an whoy not go afther it? Let the Governmints sind the unimployed up theer to dig it out, an pay thio good wages fer dein it. Shure, it wud be a more sin- sible ting to do than to begrowin more whate, an barley, an wool, an hoides, an butther that the wurruld can't affoord to buy, be rayson av the scarcity of gowld. Thin ship two are tree hundreds av millions av our srplush'av whate to Choina an India to fade the shtarvin payple, fer, shute, whinthey git theer shtummicks fill- ed up they will shtop foightin, That wud raise the proice av what we hey lift, an we wudden't lose annyting. Thini wud be good skames, an let, us be the fellahs to shtart thim, fer' isn't "Canada Fursht," the prisint Tory Shlogan? Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. WHERE TO BUY TICK- ETS FOR CARNIVAL Bank of Commerce. Advance -Times Office. King's Store. Hydro Shop. Mcl%ibbon's Drug Store. Walker's Furniture Store. C. N. R. Freight Office, Western Foundry Office. Hanna's Clothing .Store, The Walker Store. Fry & Blackhall's Office. Cosens & Booth's Office. Gibson's .bakery. Machan Bros. Hardware. Sturdy's Cigar Store. Wingham General Hospital. Wingham High School, Soils and Fertilizers Exhibit Yoti will probably practise a crop rotation on your farm. Why do you do it? Your neighbor across the way had a better wheat crop than you did last year and it is ahead of your already this year, You know he uses fertilizer, but how much of it? And when does he apply it? How does drainage affect soil fertility? Upon what three factors does successful crop production depend, and how are soils built up, These and many other questions of a'similar practical nature will be answered by word of mouth by de- monstrations and by special exhibits vssommistunesnut at the Ontario Agricultural College during Farmers' Week, to be held' from June 15th to June 19t12• This is but one item of the excep- tionally interesting program and if you are anxious to keep abreast with the times. it is an opportunity you , cannot afford to miss. Don't forget the dates, June 15th to June 19th. Phone your district agricultural re- presentative for further information. Sod Web Worm Prof. Lawson Caesar of 0. A. , C.,. state§ that the present serious out- break of sod web worms in several districts is the first of its kind in his forty years of experience in On- tario. A peculiar feeding habit of sod web worms is that old blue grass - said timothy are attacked, whereas alfalfa and clovers are immune. 0. A. C. entomologists have found a fungus or bacterial disease which is• killing off the caterpillars and check- ing the spread of the pest. Slippers for the Bride SO IMPORTANT A step as that into wedd- ed bliss should be tak- en i11 elegant ,Footwear. For the 'Bride, we offer Exquisite Pumps of Lustrous: White Tosca and Linen Fabric .. $3.00 to $6.00. -`Fine White Kid Pumps and Straps $2.95 - $6.00 W. J.. GR ER The Good Shoe Store Ig111111f11101111®111111111111111111111 ®111011 I®111$11111 lle11111111111II11111111111111111lalle111111111N111111111111101110. SPECIAL CASH PRICES YI i1 For Saturday, June 6th 350 lbs. of Round Steak lb. 20c Boneless Rolled Pot Roast 15c Other Cots of Beef Proportion- ately low, 2 lbs, of all Pork Sausage ...25e 2 lbs. of Potted Meat 1.5c _ Home-made Bologna, lb. 11 Fresh Side Pork in piece 16c Sliced, ib, 18c Rea,st of Back Pork, lb. •.,,,17e III Roast of Back Pork, trim- med, lb, 20c Rome -oared Cottage e Poll, ' in whole or half, .....-,.....,,,.17c All Meats of the Best Quality. W Pure Horse Radish, bottle 14c ?irteapp l:e gaptlre in S l3raiid 2 for sweet Ctli`t, 1 cata. lOC � 35 0olitIi11t11 1.o.: a;l 1.40 Ill01001fI 1111 11110 .!iiiif1 '11111711 111 insif I ��q �, !� ; .- 1f , I1NiUl'�Il,IillliN111f11�(11MIIit� �_ mn!iAM_y111NikN14,v.