The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-30, Page 37.,,r,..,,,,:,,,,;,,,,,;,,.;77,, , „ ,, ,, ,•,:,,,_ 7,,.,.:,,, , .,.., ,,,. ,...., 7.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77;2, lim..77,,,,,nry.:77,,,,,,,77. „,,,,,,,, „r„,,Lii,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, , , ,,,,,,117,7714,,r.„,„.,,,..,7 ,,,,.,.. ,,,„ ,,,,, , ,,, ..,, , ,,,,,, „„ ,„,,„,..'r*,."1-- ..''''''''''11!41.7"--'''''''" ''''''''''''"4.''''' '41. 7..".r'''
. ' . .
• : ' ' , "..
, . . • . . . .. , • , . . , .
,' ,. • , . . ,, , , , , . ,. , ,. , . , , , . .. . , . . , , , . ,, , , ,
Just a well-balanced food to keep you
fine and fit—carbohydrates for heat
and energy, proteins for good muscle,
• mineral salts for bones and teeth.—
• and all so easily digested. Eat Shred-
ded Wheat with plenty of milk—hot
• milk is .best in Winter as it brings out
the delicious flavor of the crisp baked
wheat—and , supplies the warmth the
• body needs. Delicious for any meal".
It's ready -cooked, ready -to -eat.
41 A
Signed, on behalf of the Gorrie and
Orange Hill congregatiOns,
Although taken . by surprise,. Rev.
and Craik thanked the congrega-
tions in a few well chosen words.
A program followedconsisting
of violin selections from 1., Ashton
and C. McCallum; piano instrument
als, Miss Warrel and Miss Baker, of
Orange .Mises Janet Ruttan,
E. Stephen and R. Ashton; readings,
Miss Aliee Edgar,' entitled "Crippled
Ben"; Miss Johnson, "The' Cattle
Thief"; solo, MissE. Stephen; duet,
Mrs. A.bram and. Mrs, Kahle, : Dr, J.
Armstrong and W. Simson, both
gave: short speeches. Ft:Aiming the
program a dainty hutch was served
by the •ladies of both congregations,
Mrs. P. Kaine is hoint.after snend-
Mg the past week with friends in
Mr. and Mts, Wilfred .13rOWn have
returned home after spending a few
days in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs, Jardine and datigh-
tees, Dorothy and, Joyce, Tugaske,
Sask., arrived home or Thursday to
spend a few months with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Cathers.
The Pastor will conduct all services
next Sunday. At the morning •service
his subject •vill'be "A new church at
the Old Task." Why not be among.
the church -goers.
• A 1.,-Tallowe'eri Party' will be held hi
the school' room ofthe United church
on Friday evening eounnencing at 8
EDD Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Withers,. of
Junior Leagire will be held at the
United' Church on Saturday at 8 p.m.
Deayton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Sheta on Sunday.
Mr. Jas. T. „Sheen 'aecompanied by
Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Dane, spent Sun-
day With, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ed-
ald of Kitchener.
Miss Ahna Hastie • of :Kitchener,
was home over the week -end.
Mrs. Dr. Armstrong and Mrs. W.
A. Irwin attended the Sunday School
Convention in the Pi-esbyterian.
church at 'Ripley last Week.
Dr. Armstrong attended the Pecs-
byteryTheeting at Kinloss on Thurs-
Toner and W. Douglas presented, day of last week.
Rev. and Mrs. Craik with a beautiful
floor lamp and tea wagon, also half
dozen sherbet glasses,
The'.following address was read:--
Gorrie, October 21, 1930
Rev. and 'Mrs. F. W. Craik:
The Orange Hill congregation was
entertained at tite parsonage, the
home of Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Craik,
Wednesday evening, while the Gor-
rie congregation was all seated in the
school room of the church. At 9
o'clock Rev. and Mrs. • Craik were
dolled over to the chuich, the Orange
Rill people also. As th'e minister and
his wife, bride and bridegroom of fif-
teen years ago, entered, Miss E. Ste-
phens played the wedding march. Al-
ter all were seated B. Cooke who act-
ed as chairman for the occasion asked
that the gathering sing: the Maple
Leaf Forever; after which R. Ste-
phens read an address while A. E.
MO fooka—lis Soms-Ala Sod *
Jt hallow a 111141111111apiala-
Restores, normal breathing. QuiekI ehoYdng, gafping ad miscast
Lasemis m bronclual tubes. Giveli
ng Eights or restful sleep. :Contains
no injurious or habit-forming drugs.'
• 111.00 per lms at drug stores. Send be. for
generous' trial. Templeton*, Toronto.
. .,-.
The purpose of this gathering is
the celebration of the Fifteenth Anni-
versary of your wedding day, and we
your friends, are here to congratulate
you and wish you many happy re-
turns of the day.
Very naturally this is a day when
you may look back over past years
and review the successes you have at-
tained, the difficulties you hav'e met
and overcome, and the opportunities
for service that have been yours.
Very hopefully you may look for-,
ward to the coming years to' work
out your high ideals of life and ser-
vice to your fellow -men, and we trust
that your intrinsic qualities of heart
and mind may haN.''e a wide influence
apon yonr associates and those to
whom you are called to minister.
As a token of this,event of our ap-
preciation of your lives we ask you to
accept these gifts with the wish that
you may use them for some special
comfort for yourselvea and may un
erring Providence guide and bless you
in the years to come.
Many people have special
savings accounts for spe.
cial purposes. Why not
start a vacation account?
When holidays come
round, the money saved
• will tnake your vacation a
pleasant, carefree relaxa.
A1441(1214E, "
A, M. Bishop, Branch Manager
WinghaM, Ortittrio,
Miss Fanny Longley spent a cou-
ple of weeks with friends in Toronto.
A number from this locality attend-
ed anniversary •services in the Bel -
more church last Sunday.
Remember the anniversary services
in the church here nxt Sunday. Rev.
Mr. Armstrong. of LOndon, a former
pastor, will preach at 11 a.m, and. at
7.30 p.m. There will also be a Fowl
supper the Monday night following.
This needs no introduction, as fowl
and other eatables will be there in
abundance as in former years. Come
and enjoy a good time, •
Mrs. Earl Acheson and children of
Orangeville are at present visiting the
fornter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Gallaher, .
Council met in the Twp. Hall, Gor-
do, ...pursuant to adjournment; mem-
bers, all present; the Reeve • in the
chair. Minutes of last regular meet-
ings were read and on motion of Lov-
ell and Leonard were adopted,
A Communication with reference to
cemetery on the 2nd concession, 'was
read by the Clerk, it was moved by
Leonard and seindecl by Reeve In-
glis that the 06Prity Reeve and Coun-
cillors Taylor and Lovell be a com-
mittee to look after this cemetery,—
Carried, •
Tenders for culvert were opened
and considered, It was moved by
Taylor and ,Ganible that the tender
of Gordon Gibson t. build culvert,
known as Robertson culvert, for the
sum of $1075,00, be aecepted, lie to
do all the work and furnish all ina-
It was moved by Leonard and Lov-
ell that the Two. Treasurer be
structed to buy a debenture with the
money belonging to the Wroxeter
cemetery for permanent upkeep, --
It was moved by Gatnblek and Tay-
lor that the following accounts be
laid G W., Walker, clerk, part sal-
ary $100.00; A, C. T-Tittchison, salary
as weed inspector $3.60; T, A. Rob-
erts, printing debentures for citIverts,
$6,50; Norman Wade, insurance Town
Wroxeter $5.00; Sam Weber,
sheep killed by dogs 31.6,00; -Bob Den-
ny, sheep killed by dogs $22.00; Fred
Hanibly, refund for Wroxeter rink
$3,77i R. P. Edgar, salary as road
supt, 00,0; John Dettnian, supplies
for Mrs, Haberlee $40,35; W. C.
Drury, balance on contract branch C,
Atun. Drain, No. 12, $817.20; W. C.
Thursday, Qctober 30thi, 1930
Drury, contract price on Branch 1,,
Mun.. Drain 12, $427,70; W. C. Drury,
balance on open portion main Mun,
Drain No. 12, $5558,2f); W. C. Drury,
contract price. on :Branch a, Mull,
drain No. 12, $247.68; j. Thompson,
farm bridge lot 24, con, 15, Mun.
Drain No: 8, $30.00; F. A. Edgar,
superintending construction open nor-
tion'inain Mun. Drama No. 12 $250.00;
F. A. Edgar, superintending tile porL.
Owl, main Drain No. 12, $1500; F. A.
Edgar, for inspection. on Branch 13,
;Men, Drain No. 12, $10.00; 'F. A. Ed-
gar, Supervision BreechC., Mun.
Drain No. 12 $30,00; F; A•
Edgar, in-
spection. Branch D, Mun. Drain No.
12 $5.00; W. C. Diary, contract tile
portion main, Man. Drain No. 12
$589.05; T, A. Roberts, printing de.
beritureS for Mun. Drain No. 12 $20.-
00; George .131um, fixing washout on
Branch A, Mun. -Drain Nu. 11 $25.00.
It was moved by Leonard and Gam-
ble that this council do now adjourn
to 'meet again on. the third Wednes-
day in November in lleswetherick's
Rooms, Fordwich,—Carried.,
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McLeod and
Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Zeigler of 15th
con., ,motored to Guelph last l'hurS
day, ' the men attending an 0.A,C
sale cif pigs.
A -very enjoyable time was spent at
the home of .'Thos. Pritchard last
Wednesday -night when the friends
and neighbors presented Mrs. Earnest
DinSinore '(formerly Marion Pritch-
ard) With a miscellaneous' shower.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Strong and
family spent Sunday at Mount Forest,
Mr. and Mrs,' Hugh:McLeod and
fanimly spent Sunday with friends in
Mr. and Mrs: Thos. Strong and
Mrs. Miller spent Tuesday evening
With Mr. and. Mrs. C. Stokes, James-
town. Mrs. Miller stayed for a few
days visit before returning to Listo-
wel. •
Mr. and Mrs. Walter • Horsburgh
and family spent Sunday With Mr.
•and Mrs, M. Horsburgh, Holstein.
Adevrtisement in the Advance-Tinirs •
• Bays. The weather man favored the Un-'
ion congregation with good weather
for their anniversary, the day being
all that could be -desired. The church
was comfortably :filled both morning
and evening. Rapt artention was paid.
to the splendid discourses by the Rev.
Monteith of Teeswate,e, a nephew of
the late Dr. and Mrs. Kay, residents
of the village, at one time. The Music
by the choir was much enjoyed while
ack Herd is to be cengratulated as
I Mr, Lloyd Zinn and bride spent
Sunday with friends 'here.
I Mrs. John Darling is spending a
'few days at Robt Scott's, VVawahosh.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. Gilmour, of
INV ingham were Sunday visitors at
\Vi -n. Mundell's.
For Troubles
due to Acld
Aze, STO N144 ^
• the Acid
SCK stomachs, sour stomachs and
indigestion usually mean excess
acid. The stomach nerves are
over -stimulated.
Too much acid makes the stomach
and intestines sour, Alkali kills acid
instantly. The best form is Phillips
Milk of Magnesia, because one harm-
less dose neutralizes many times its
volume in ackl. For 50 years the stan-
dard with physicians everywhere. I
Take a spoonful in water and your 1
unhappy. condition will probably end
in five nunutes. Then y Oil will always
know what to do. Crude and harmful
methods will never appeal to yon. Go
prove this for your own aake. It may
save a great many disagreeable hours.
Milk of Magnesia prescribed y
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stokes spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jo-
Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers of Gor-
rie visited on Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
• Mrs. Reuben Appleby was in Har-
riston a couple of days last week at-
tending the Institute Convention,
Miss Agnes Fortune returned from
Wingham, where she has spent a cou-
ple of weeks with her friend, Miss
Kathleen Pringle.
Quite a number from here attended
the, anniversary services at Belmore.
Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Taverner enter-
% sure to get the genuine nate tained the mothers and babies of the
Ashfield Circuit, CradleRoll, on Tues.;.
day afternoon at the parsonage. A
very enjoyable afternoon was spent.
Mrs. Mathers and two children,
Beatrice and Gordon, are spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Will Al -
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lenord motored
up from Burlington Saturday and are
Spending a few days with their cous-
ins, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell,
Mrs. Stewart Alton and son, Gor-
don, and daughter, Elsie, of Toronto,
are spending a week with their uncle
and aunt,. Mr, and Mrs. John Mullin.
, Mrs. Dynes, of Burlington, spent
the week -end with her coasin, Mrs.
'John Campbell.
Mr% and Mrs.Roy Alton and family
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Per-
cy Graham of Sheppardton, and Mr.
and Mrs. Will McLean of Stratford.
physicians txt...zraseting excess acids
Phm. B., Opt. D., R. 0.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Bost Equipped Optical Es
tablishment in this part of
New Fall and
Winter Goods
Our Fall and Winter Over-
• coats are now in. ...A splendid
range of Coats and prices ran-
from $18.50 to $32.50.
Fall samples of matle-to-inea,
sure Suits are wonderful values,
Three prices $23,50, $27.50 and
$35.50. ...Tailored to your fancy.
Prices are cut away from any-
thing offered in same values.. ....
Fall and Winter Caps, Sweat.
ers, Sox and Underwear.
Green Valley Peas 10t a can
Hornes Vanilla Extract
2 for
0, M, jelly Powders 3 for 20e
Miss Doris Musgrove, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, j, Musgrove, fell down
stairs at her home Saturday, sustain -
lag a double fracture of her arm, She
Was taken to Listowel Hospital 'for
An opportunity to get a ,suit of
clothes on Friday, Nov. 7-th, when a
representative of Canada's largest
Clothing houses will be at Davey's
• Store, Wroneter. He will :be ,showing
sonic wonderful vetoes in inade-toL
meaSure Suits. There are three Spec-
ials, at $28.50, $27,50 and WM.
Mr, and MI's, j. R. 'Wendt Were in
Mildmay Friday attending the funeral
of a little nephok, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Charles Wendt, The little fel-
low, about four months old, ltd been
sick a veryshort time with influenza.
Mr. John Rutledge Of 'Brampton,
Was in the Village Monday.
Mr, John Ball had the mistorttrne
to break a bone in his :min Saturday.
He fell getting.over a fence. He was
taken to ListoWel Hospital to have it
set:. : •
l Mr. and Mrs. i'erry Patteratra and
children and li/r, Waters motored
From. Niagara rails StMday to visit •
than any other
you "vire
This flavour will please
'Fresh front the gardens9
Bring New Ro.mS
to Your Home
/with Gyproc
A WORK -ROOM for you
.C1. —a play -room for the
youngsters in the basement.
• An extra bedroom or two in
the Attic. These are now
possible in your home at
little expense.
The new Ivory coloured
Gyproc Wallboard that does
not burn and needs no decor-
ation (when panelled) will
give you additional space in
your present home.
Easily and quicklyapplied,.
structurally strong, it pro-
vides 5re-safe walls, ceilings
and partitions.
Your dealer's name is
listed below. Consult him
today and ask for full infor-
mation regarding Gyproc
Wallboard or write for in-
teresting free book "Build-
ing and Remodelling with
Paris Ontario
For Sale By
Rae & Thompson Wingham, Ontario
H. Buchanan HardwareWingham, Ontario
R. J. Hueston • Gorrie, Ontario
Mr.. H. Patterson and other friends.
Mrs. Patterson and children are stay-
ing for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. VanVelsor motored
to Aylmer Friday. Mrs. VanVelsor's
mother is seriously ill with slight
hope for her recovery.
Be 'at Davey's . Store on Friday,
November 7th and leave your order
for your Winter Suit or Overcoat; A
representative of one of Canada's lar-
gest Clothing Houses will show you
some wonderful values in Suits front
$23.50 up. 'Three specials at $23,50,
$27,50 and $35.00, We have in stock a
big range of ready-to-wear Overcoats
at reduced prices. Davey's Store,
Mrs. Sandy McDougal who has
been visiting her daughter in Harris -
ton, returned hone on Friday.
Mr. and :Mrs ,Stewart McNaughton
were called to London owing to ,the
illness of the forrner's father, Mr. J.
Major R. C. Berkinshaw, B.A,, L.L.
B., and Mrs, Berkinshaw of Toronto,
, were guests recently of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Kitchen.
•Mr. Harry Allen of Brussels spent
Thursday afternoon with his parents,
' Mrs. Ruttan spent the week -end
with friends in Bluevale.
5 10 Dai13% Make
4 ewlihiaaeynnisteoWmba nee?. dot emerMdeinPetteuRyi ciAEs sso ri SureMieerke
layer or Draftsman. Earn 55c
per hour, part time, from start.
A.dvaneernent in few weeks. Free
Railroad Fare and Employment
Service, Write at once for It..
I lustrated Booklet.
Commercial Engineering Schools
mey Queen St. W., Toronto,
11 '-• • Suite One Hundred
Eggs Cream Poultry
See our No. 1 Potatoes before
putting in your Winter Supply.
• Wellington Produce Co. Ltd.
viinghain Branch Phone 166