The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-23, Page 41
a�nd, Disp��y .�f Waba��o
'roduc#s U�d�r Darec�on
t�f Miss M���aret �a��yn�a�l
;Miss Ballinoallis,a modern authority On x,01;
our in the Bedroom, and has come to :Wing -
ham for a few days, She is giving charming
talks on this subject in King Bros. Store and
those interested in making their homes at-
tractive are invited to attend.. Remember
the dates, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 30th
and 31st. Also on Thursday afternoon, Oct:
30th at the regular ;meeting; of the Women's
Institute to be held in the Council Chamber
Miss Ballingall will be present.' She will have
with her a complete display of the famous
Wabasso Cotton Products, and will give a
uses which
talk on the many
varied t a
cottons may be used as artistically in bright-
ening up the home. Colne along and spend
a pleasant afternoon and by so doing you •
also benefit the treasury 'of the Women's In-.
stitute, because for every lady .prese at Miss
Ballingall will make .ake a donation of 15c to this
-worthy Women's organization. Thursday`
afternoon, commencing' at 3 o'clock.
King Bros.
t �t
serer es rietsia araa7a1ttnie eialse titentaest salai tri\a�taerattese •YiserielndriNefiebefeeiserigeelil'aialdfial
1 cents a
ord per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
Dr, and Mrs. G. W. Howeon spent
the.,,w eel: asaad in •'l sit onto•
Mrs. R;$. McGee it; sim ding the
w h
it t k•:friends '
teSarnia,'",. i , _
. t nd• san ti
Dr. E. Aiken of 1^pronto, spent the
week -end with friends in tciwn.
Miss M. A. Johnston, 13.A., Toron-
to, spent the week -end with her par-
ents. .
Carload of bulk salt to arrive Oct.
24th, 40c per cwt, cash off car, A. C.
Mrs. MacWilliams of Detroit, spent+
Sunday with Mrs. jinni Hunter of
Mrs. John McCool and son, Will,
visited friends in Detroit over the
week -end.
A quantity of Canadian blue and
white grapes at 48c per basket, North
End Grocery.
Mr. John HillandMiss Mar3r Vit -
tie of Gorrie, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Baker.
IMiss Louise Thompson of Kitchen-
er Public. School staff spent the 'week-
end at her home here.
Mrs. J.J.
Johastonof Sault Ste.
Marie, is visiting at the Home' of Mr..
and Mrs. W. A. Mines.
Miss Marjorie Dixon, B.A., Toron-
to, visited over the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs, Adam Jc•hnston.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. .Wadland of
Sarnia, spent the week -end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Reid.
Carload of bulk salt to arrive 'Oct.
24th, 40c per cwt. cash off car. A. C.
Mrs. R. E. McKinney of Toronto,
visited over the week -end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jackson and:
Kennethvisitedwith friends in
Woodstock and Brantford for 'a few
days last week. •
A Nyal Two -for -One Sale. Buy
one Nyal article and }.Yet one free on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday only.
McAvoy's Drug Store.
Mrs. Conrad Schultz and Miss Clara
Schultz of. Auburn, Mis. Jack Smith
of Mildmay, and :sirs, Wesley Peck-
man of Bayfield, spent Sunday with.
Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Baker.
Adjutant Powell of Montreal, who
attended the Salvation .Army Con-
gress in; Toronto last week, spent the
week -end at the home of her friend,
Commandant Taylor, Lower Wing -
FOR SALE — Good dry hardwood. HOUSE FOR, RENT—Home now t Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nivins and
Apply W. J. Shocbottom, phone occupied by W. T tooth, being va- iJunior,.Long Branch, also Miss Mar -
629r2. garet Henderson and MT. Harold
Wik f T S
FOR SALE—McClary Pipeless Fur-
nace, good as new $50.00. Bruns-
wick Electric Panatrope with 100•
' records $100.00. W. J. Adams,
Lyceum Theatre,
any kind: Good with children, by 1 3, y mer courses in music provided by the
the day or -week. •Apply Box. 339, • AND OTHERSS..aturday only.
cated about Nov. 9th. Modern in-
terior, compact yet commodious,
easily heated, all conveniences good
garage, garden. lawn and shade trees
Rent reasonable. Apply E; S. Cope,
c •s o oronto, spent unday at
the home of Mrs. 'WVm.. Hendersons•
� en suitable to kga4;cs, and pupils
Mel-aughlin of, erot to, will have
charge of the wirer ty,
The Women's institute are holding
thaitamen mei fowl ->stipper ay/deport eart
Net/ 5th. .Mir. :Harvelast„
rootresete, namoers on the pi ogaatn,
also a play entitled, "Sonny' Jane": Will
be put on byr,pur local talent,
The tnentbt;k .4f`' the' 1.. O L. are
bolding a fowl supper, Oct, 29th. Ad-
mission $1.00 per couple. Extra
lady 35c. You are welcome
Teachers' "Convention
(Continued froth (sage one)
in a 'class, and School ''li oards hesitat-
ed to make substantial expenditures
where se few are talcing the work.
After Dr. Field had• commented on
the success of Fifth Classes in carn
meting with others in after years iii
higher classes of the high-school the
forenoon session adjourned to attend
a dinner given in St. Andrew's' Church
Hall by the women of the Ladies'
Aid Society of that church.
At the noon hour Lifter an excep-
tionally well -served dinner the con-
vention listened with delight to the
speaker provided by the Department
of Education, Dr. Amoss, of 'Toronto,
who spoke regarding the training of
children requiring special methods of
training to fit them for taking their
places in the world. ."Industry," he
said, "has learned, in late years, to
utilize what were formerly waste pro-
ducts, and therein to find its profits.
Education is now realizing that what
was once waste can he educated to
become useful and helpful member -at
of the society, He citedspecific in-
stances, showing that some of these
"different -minded" - had become lead-
ers in various walks of life. He show-
s(' what is now being done for these
who are not able learn front the
printed: page in special classes for
what he. termed "direct learners."
Provision is now made bythe Depart-
ment of Education to give these peo-
ple a chance, by means of Auxiliary
Classes, specially qualified teachers
and by special grants to such classes
in towns an cities. Mrs. Kingan, ac-
companied by Mrs. Hanna delighted
their audiences by her solos..
At 1.30 the Institute again conven-
ed in the .Parish Hall. Miss Cora
Strong of Walton, spoke on Music in
F.Schools. She showed the value
of music in schools to develop the
child'ural Physically and mentally, and its
use for recreation in school,: as well
as in the life of the community. Songs
train the voice, .the ear and the mind.
In rural schools'sotxs''should be chus-
of: town. should be trained lir appreciation of
• : Two 25c tubes of, Tooth Paste for what isood''iii' tiihsic.' A study of
g �
25c is but one of themany bargains the ;composer's life often ;esults in.
of the Nyal 2 for 1 sale at McAvoy's more intelligent interpretation. Susi-.
department were recommended to the
Wingham. Farmers—You can now enjoy the convention.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to new DeForest-Crosley .battery radio Miss Viola Fraser, of Clinton, con -
HANDYMAN DESIRES ODD Jobs R.S.O. 1927, • chapter 150, that all for .a whole ear with ito att n i n.
—Storm windows put on, window creditors and other having claims e t o ttnued the discussion of music and by
glazing, fencing, etc. Apply to C. against the estate of John James Fell, No battery charging, Screen grid
Shackleton, or phone 198. late of Turnberry Township in Hair- tubes. Turn to the ad of the Radio.
on County, farmer, who died on or & Electric Shop on another page and
HOUSE FOR SALE—Now rented, a about the 3rd day of September A.D. then hear it.
resil paying investment $700 cash 1930, are required to send on or be-
pavrnent down will handle this pro- fore the 29th day',tf October A.D.
perty. P. 0. Box 96. 1930 to James C. Peacock, R.R. 2, AS MFIELD
means of a chart showed where and
how .various. tones were produced,
stressing the value of ,getting proper
voice vibrations and breath control:
She demonstrated methods of getting
l3lueca]e, one of the executors of the,
voice -control in classes, and the int-
HONEYY-32 lb. pail of good honey
or three ten Ib. pails tor $2,50. I
givea comb, with each 30 iba Jas.
HOUSE TO RENT—Corner Cath-
erine and Victoria streets. All mo-
dern conveniences. Apply to Sam
Morton, 'phone 624r15.
portance of getting t_r•od tonality,ra-
dresses, full particulars of their claims Mise• Mary Phillips of •'1pronto, ther than vol'ume. sale out teed a
and the nature of the securities, if spent last week with her. sister, Mrs. course 'of Public School 'music suited
'any, heldby them. AND further 'Thomas Ferguson. to graded schools. •
take notice that after such last men- Mr. and Mrs. George I. -ane and Mr.' Crawford of Si^a.fortlt, a peal-
boned day tlxe said Executors will
family motored to Niagara Fall Sat- pl
proceerl iii distribatt'e •tile assets of - cd to the teachers of East Huron to
:`the said deceased amongst the per- urday evening returning Sunday. report to the lion's Club any, crippled
!sons entitled thereto, having regard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and
I rhiirlren in their sections who were
Ito the claims of which they shall then children, Miss Mary i:'arrish arid Mr. •in need of treatment as '`tit club is
:have had notice, and the said Execu-
tors will not be liable for the said Robert Scott spent last Sunday after- anxious that their survey be as cora-
l -MUSE b TO PENT con eniooms 'assets or any pate: thereof, to per- after-
noon with Mr. and :Mrs. 'l reel John_
,lete aspossible,and the Neatest a-
atid bath. All modern conveniences a , c.t i any 1 !~
easily heated:. Apply to Mrs .Eliz- l san of whose claim they shall not stun, 2nd con. Huron. •
abcth Campbell, Carling Terrace. i have hadnotice at the time of dis-
Mr. Robert Simpson of White-
trtbutictn. o !church, spent a day recently with hie
DATED f" W° 1 • t O t tE nd
All conveniences. Call phone 330.
WOOD FOR SALE Good hard-
-wood and some soft wood, at $8
to $5 per cord delivered. Apply to
C. J. Logan' Belgrave, phone 621r4,
Of 30 Registered Hereford Cattle
Sired by Fairfax Jim (57071) front
an Imported Fairfax Bull: Young
Bulls, Heifers and Caws, Also 35
yearling Gracie :Stockers. On
et 12,30, at. Lot 8, Con, 22, Egretnont,
six miles south-east of Durham. Ac-
epiemodation provided.
W. A. LAWRENCE, Prop.,
Varney', Ontario.
Phone Durham 604r3-1
a tug ran , n ., to r,
day of October A.D. 1930, ' brother, Dr. Simpson of Kin tail. z
.�. I�IOR'1 ON,til�'in ij.arn 'Ont. Mr..and Mrs. T A. Cameron est
J Solidi -tor . l � � spent
for the -vecutors. , Friday afternoon with theit cousins
AUCTION SALE at Wltttechurch.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Baldwin spent pa ion
Th under ' d 1 b instruct- Sunday afterno
on w*ith.
THE perils of lonconsti-
��````t��•. are��wel�~knoW�i.
FIM tl
K. and Mrs: The include such dangerous
;igne Las been xns rut. - I ^ y
enson coarnock. .
db J. H Ste p
ars and
corner of 1Vill Ltrne of M�`�����
Wmgliant, to sell by Public Auction, Whitechurch spent Monday with i1lr possibly caneerailments as ulcers, te'Yet many
Maple aed Shutes streets, town of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tiffin of
clock, two c1
ock, on
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th ;and Mrs. Aleck Hackett.people ignore these perils
The following;:-- '
quarter oak when const tpat`jon can be eas-
:chesterfield, oak;
h 1
Chesterfield set; 3 pieces, solid wal-
nut; tree -piece set mahogany:bed
e� � >7:y relieved with this wonder -
Victory Mission Circle of the United fl.11 medicjne,:made entirely
Church, was.iteld at the home of Mrs,
;walnut; 2 beds, iron walnut finish; 2 J. O. 1-labkirk, on Wednesday even .,w,
bed 5 rives• 2 ° mattreecess Singer in r orf last week' evith 15 young ladies quickly, pairuessl ,,and nater-
P g f. y U •Q��"��
n �,
Mission Circle Meets
The reviler miler in.onthl meetingof the
dining room set, large; table and six
chairs; 2 chesterfield 4 ,tiles^ 2 floor' d
lamps, silk shades; 2 bedroom suites, roots and herbs, which acts
1sew2 b
kitchen stove new; 2 kitchen cabinets, charge of Mrs. Habkirk's ,group, and
tg machine, due ec heaters, in anon ance. 'The meeting was in ally. Be vvis-i Geta bottle t0 -
y ��
electric stove and oven:: refrigerator;
Sales conducted anywhefe. Wide
experiatice. Best efforts put forth'.
on each and every sale.
.Phone 70. Lttckno*, Ont.
C. N. '1.Z. Watch Inspector
keelairing;l Our Specialty.„
Saiiafactri tt Guaranteed.
itee ns Hotel.
i 3 small centre tables, 'lawn mower; was opened witli the singing of a
1 2 woven fibre chair writing desk; hymn, followed by several sentence',
auto spring cushions; giresser, large prayers. The topic was taken by Miss
1mirror; liltoleum-eng;-2 'Wilton rugs; McDougall, on the life of Dr. Mary
kitchen table and chairs; carpets, sev- , ,played. by
oral sizes; ;Lord trailer; 2 walnut great McKellar. A duet
smokers' statitie; Victor phonograph, Misses Isobel Habkirk and June Bu-'
cutlery, silverware, china and kit- ehanan, was much enjoyed, after
1 Chen needs; dozen of other articles wvhich the meeting was brought to a
too nuntr„rceist to'tneittion• cicrsc.,
TERMS ---C:\ SH,
THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer.
I, Mr. and Mrs..Robert Baird; and fa-
, ntily wish to thawik the many friends,
, and especially vieighboursr young pcoe
ple of Westfield, friends from 100
line of• Wawatipsh, also nursee of the
' Witt/4ltatn hospital and all those wlio
so kindly gasisted at the litrre rf thefr,
rd be•: i ett t ,s , •, t,
Mr. and Mrs: James" Watt of' VI. -
onto, spent the weak -and with the
for;itter"s parents; 11ir, .and Mrs, Jas,
Waft, 8r: • ;sae?'
Anniversary services in,d4t'if"iett4o
with St. Andrew's United' Church will'
bt held on S inrlay, f. et. 26tli. Rev,'
Nti-Erb is sold by McKibbon's Dru
Store, and by a good druggist in ev
Cry town itt Ontartd
nxotipt of good lo4sible lac Slanse
A drill with singing by puiiils of the
\'inghain l'ublic School trained by
1IiSees'. Jo$nt? 1104 .14-1111664, 'SSap-
prccY ttr;d bS 'at
zicGsa mddtc€ssedi Ihe. coliycu•tion
qAt " l,,iintaty ted •1ntertnediate Geog-
raphy." His clever use of the sand
table in a lesson on "Making Maple
Sugar" was intensely interesting, and
was a revelation of what can. be done
with quiet simple' "equipment that •.can
be prepared by alniost.any, child. The
use of'Perspective in the; arrangement
of figures in his composition added
tc the reality of the finished product,
Following his address he presented
for the inspection of the teachers a
great many examples of handwork by
Primary and intermediate pupil`s,, such
as scrap -books, charts of products,
maps crit from cardboard and wood
with coping saw, as well as various
other out -outs. Dr, Amoss feels that
teachers talk too much in the Geo-
graphy lesson, and that niore valu-
able training and more lasting results
can be obtained by setting the hands
of the pupils to work, rather than de-
pending so much on the ear as the
avenue to the understanding. The
speaker was heartily applauded at, the
conclusion of his address.
The story of the Junior Red Cross
was brought •to the attention of the.
Institute by . Miss Verna M:Laughlin 1
of Wingham. The Junior Red Cross 1
is••a:child of the -patriotic movement
originating in the Great War. It is
;supported and financed by 'the parent
Red Cross Society, and like it has for
its objects the prevention of disease,
the improvement of health,and: the
lessening of suffering. Bad health hab
its cause disease, and it is the duty of
the Junior Red Cross, Society to re-
place these with good health habits:
In a very practical way Miss McLau-
ghlin showed how the society was car-
ried on in her class -room and showed.
that besides obtaining the objects far
which its was first formed, it exercis-
ed' the minds of the children in org-
anization, parliatnentry procedure. It
appeals to the best in a child's nature,
promoting good health, good citizen-
ship, a healthy mind,' a desire to help
others, as well as a feeling of inter-
national friendship to those of the
Junior Red Cross in other lands.
On Friday morning at 9 a.m. the
report of the nominating committee
was received. It was decided to hold
the 1931 convention in Clinton, and.
the following officers were elected for
1931 President, Kenneth Ashton, of
Blyth; Vice -President, Miss ,.Vera
Pepper, Clinton; Secretary -Treasurer,
G,;-eorge' H. Jefferson, Clinton; dole-
gate to 0. E. A., Mr. Jack Edgar,
Brussels'; Executive Committee, tea-
chers of Clinton Public School; Miss
Lydia Reid, Blyth. and Miss Leila
Taylor, Belgrave; auditors, Miss Arm-
strong and Miss Pepper, Clinton.
The resort of the Resolution Com-
mittee was adopted as given by the
chairman, Kenneth Ashton. It was
as follows:
Resolved (1) That the thanks of
the. 'East Huron Teachers' Institute
be 'tendered to Rev. Schaffter and
Reeve McKibbon ' for . their kind and 1
sympathetic messages to the teachers;
also to., the managbrs of Se. Paul's
Anglican Chure-lt for the use 'of their
Parish Hall •for aur Convention.
(2) .That the 'sympathy of the of
ficers and teachers of this 'I'nstitute
be conveyed to 1tirs.'5. la: Tom in her
bercae:eine:tt on the death. of lier lois-
band, ' In'spector, J If. Tom.
(3) That the ;thanks of, the insti-
tute be tendered 17r. Amoss, and all .
who contributed to inaareour conven
tion a':success..
(4) That this institute ieeonunend
that reading selections :for Entrance
examinations be taken front the sec-
ond Reader, r and
and half of. the Fourth th ac
it e ,
also that Literature selections for that
examination be taken .fibro. the sante
-15) That this Institute recommends
that teacherswhohave completed' the
academic subjects for first-class cer-
tificates be allowed to' obtain such
certificates by writing off only such
subjects as are notincluded in the
second-class course.
Thursday, October„ 23rt1, 1990
All Three Are "Good Sellers"
because' their lines are becoming, because they are easy to stake
because they show new fall fabrics to advantage. No. 6334 'comes.
in sizes 14 to 20, 32 to 46. Size 36 requires only 3.Yards 39 -inch;
material with ai yard 39 -inch for bow. No. 6415, sizes 16 to 20,,
34 to '.40. No. 6316, sizes ,16 to, 20, 34 to 46. Price 35 cents each..
Ladies' . Home . journal Patterns
All Set
• Y •
Your Fall Footwear
modelled on striking newt lines in colorful
Kid and Suede leathers 5.00
MEN'S OXFORDS•=plainor fancy up-
pers. Box or pointed toes. Built for com-
fort as well as looks. In Calf .....$6.00
'SHOES — in a variety
fine leathers' and attractive stvlings ...:.. $1.90 up
W. J. Greer
The Good Shoe Store. Wingham, Ont.
(6) 'That we recommend that tea-
chers secure copies of the Opportun-
ity Plan from the publishers 55 an aid
in teaching and p•rovicling' seat -work.
Dr. J, M. Field, Inspector. of East
Huron, addressed his teachers remin-
ding 'them of the necessity ofprompt-
ness ie sending in Attendance Reports
and Annual. Reports as well as accur-
acy in filling them oat, He reported
that the results of the Entrance l x-
aininatiou in 198() had been very sat-
isfactory, 85 per cent: of the candi-
g dates having been successful. He re-
- commended that if• the teachers re-
quired: a .continuation of the system
of promotion exatnitiations t h e y
should seek the aid of the 'County
Council in assuming the cost of pub-
lishing the necessary examination pa-
pers. A tnajority of the teachers fav-
oured atliiiftu ii 1114 u11:6`61ni: papers,
T'1r. Field concluded his talk with an
ekOat+atjon,of,theevartieitS gl'it)lts 4
to rural and town schools,
( Continued next week,)
King - In loving meittory''"of our
dear mother and father, Solihina and
Stephen King, who passed ait'ay, Oct,.
22 and 28, 1920, MF
1-frey are gone but not forisbtteti
Ai.aft'it'dawris another year, rei
In otir lonely hours r ferthittkieg
Thoughts of then; are always near,
Their daughters, Mae and Emily..
oliva iv+uavi��Vlror,v
V 1 •J;Vv vtV 4 V ,vtPva 1
Fa t
fir. L
NetaatL_lwaans Nayee- • .
'Uri 'tiNV•'&t'•'�YTchA•ltrs111ntri`lyies,11rsltraNtriYnriNVrl'Y ARi i' •-•iYe11Yi •'fps 11 i ;Lena wl" -.
The 'new Fall .wallpaper sample books are
now ar out and showing.s
eo>t�e;.�le>i pap-
, P P
ers at reasonablerices ' Sample books taken to
p _•mpe book
you;, home on request.
.Painter a d •Decorator
'HANNA A & CO.Limited
yc; L.OTi
Gr L �GOL►ECL� "l.fiteature
W: RA01.11l STOM err. Q rn#0141"o