The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-02, Page 4:R' ATLAS Cd -TINA [Made in England] ON DISPLAY IN OUR -WINDOWS. .Any article in display 98c TOOTH BROOTH FREE A beautiful 25.c colored handle Tooth Brush Free with i "Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste" Both for 39c A 100 SHEET WRITING PAD AND 50 ENVE- LOPES, Kid Finish Both for 39c ROXBURY WATER BOTTLE Guaranteed for 2 years. een 98c eno McKIBBON'S DRUG T . WTNc AIVI ADVANCE -'17/14E$ Junior IV .1 utal 465; Honors 248, E. Feld 431, R, 'Mitchell 417, B. Hamilton415, J. Zurbrigg 403, N. 111atchford 401, a' Hooson 394, 1. Habkirk 391, C, Normoylc' 389, H. Miller 380, C. Chittick 379, C. Well - wood 379, . G. Brackenbury 373, E. Schaffter 369, E. Webb 861, B. Mundy 360, R. Hammond 359, M. Wilson 855, 13. Brown 349, E. Finley 344, W. 'Small 324, M. Cruikshanks 818, D. Rich 211, H, Burgess 307, 11. H. Reynolds, Teacher, •.Senior III Total 500; Honors 375; Vass 200. Z. Cameron 425, 1:,. i llacott 423, V. Moakley 418, J. Austin 404, J. Mc- Donald 403, E, Krohn 403, W. Me- Nevin 402, A. Wilson 397, L Mellor !395„ L. Campbell 394, J. Lamb 388, R. Carter 380, S. Carter 376, H. Groves 366, 1„ Bolo 364, B. Forsyth '863, T. Davison 363, B. Collar 348, W. Finley 348, M. Smith 344,' 5. Bunn 841, J. Broome 336, N. Groves 327, I3, Lepard 328, S. Henderson 302, D. Warani 291, 13, Davidson 287, I. Clark 286, J, Currie 285, S. Forsyth 283, 5. Durnin 289. C. 3. Farquharson, Teacher. Junior III Total 400; Honors 320; Pass 250. Evelyn. Gamble 353, Mary Preston :354, Harry Posliff '349, Marie Hap_ !per 347, Verne Walker 336, Jini .Lee 3334, Marjorie Forsyth 330, Gordon Jones 329, Clarence Cantelon 323, Alice Dore 322, Jean. Cruikshank. 321, Doris Armitage 320, Irirna Harrison Wingham Phone 53298, Bobby Rae 293, Muriel 'Williams ` �' " seeee' 291, Isabel Lamb 287, Lloyd Dark 270, Bert Vansickle 269, Hazel Led %et 267, Jean Mellor 265; Lillian Full- er 260, Edith Mundy 254, Evelyn Car- ter 234, Evelyn Campbell 233, Ed- ward Finlay 231, Beene Fitt 172, Lloyd Carter 162, Harry Ross 139. E. M. Tyndall, Teacher, Senior II Total 850; Honors 262; Pass 210. Russell Zurbrigg 312, Patricia Par- ker 302, Petty Rae 291, Charlie Krohn 284, Scutt Reid 281, Lloyd Hutton 279, Mary E, McKibbon 271, Charlie Welheooci 271, Margaret Marsh 265, Lillian, Howard 264, Doris Fitt 264, Mabel Fothergill 25'r, Adelene Van- ' sickle 248, Billy Groves 246, Kathryn Patterson 241, Evelyn Edgar 235, Ruth Hamilton 227, Eilene Curtis 227, Robert Casemore 226, Harold Ross 222, Allen Small 212, Edythe Camp- bell 210, Herman Kennedy 205, George Boyle 193, Harold Stephenson !`,1�*¢ _agere rami♦ e flew teve�i',�esee .vt . _ • _rent teem streeneAse♦.C°l_ etecete l♦lJ�.1,,ese. eie 1. cents a `word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. a' c t!"` �t7 `C r -- ver,, N'reYa<:rara�s.vdrrr:�dr:�rrrcrTv�rnrFai�a'as-:ar . ar�rra�srrar�sx.Yar•tar.�:ur:�r FOR SALE Hay and unthreshed 1 Public School Report Oats. Mrs. Mabel McCoy, B. line. E-To close estate, a 200 - acre farm, in geed condition, on loth Con. of Wallace, 2 miles from �3rnerston, 'l -room brick house, batik barn, drilled well. Apply E. Gallagher, Palmerston, or Henry Gallagher, West Lorne, Executors, 'OR. SALE --House and lot, in the pillage of Bluevale, a]so furniture for sae. Apply to L.H. 1 osman, R3uevale, for particulars. OR SALE -A Victor Electric Radio practically new. Apply to Mrs. R. Vans -tone. J USE FOR glRENT-Apply to A. WOOD FOR:SALE Good hal ant le -A pole belt and b d ui1day afternoon, at -the cemetery • and ,B line corner, Finder please �, jtettify telephone office, • ROOMS TO RENT - Above Ad- 'vance-Titres. Apply R Vanstone's Law Office. WOOD FOR SALE -Dry and green, I an kinds. Apply Richard NIcOuil t Senior IV 185, Kathleen Saint 177, Carl Bondi Total 600; Honors 450; Pass 360. E. Coutts 484, C. Nortrop 460, D Buchanan 442, G. Robertson 418, R Saint 414, W. Henderson 395, T. Reid 378, F. Caller 373, E. Patterson 362, P. DeyelI 358. L. Deyell 357, 3. Pres- ton 353, N, M:eFiv r,s 888, B. ;Mundy 331, M. Robertson 3?�9,, F, Carrie 818, M. Browne and V. Carter 316, L. Browne and C Stewert 314, �. Bok 308, M. Fraser,305, D. Hutchison 292, L. Clark 289, M,. Ross 271, G. Mason 265, D. Forsythe 261, B.. •Lediet 251, A. Stone 22,0. Ai I .Posliff Prirgcipal: Wood and some son wood, at .'c3 to $5 per cord. dehveeed: Apply to C. 5, Logan $eTgrat ,, :hone" d21r4. • NOTICE Notice re hereby ; iyen that a Cour t !will be held; puff ;liars eto The "'Voters iLists Act bye lditi°Horeear Judge Lcw- lis, at the Town. Hall, Wingham, Oe- tober 15th, 1980,,at 1045 a.tu, for the 11=urpose of hearing complaints against the Voters' Jit for. the ,Municipality of Win haln far the year 1930. A list an, Lucicnow Ont. lof ca.mplaints is on file at the Clerk':. Office, Toti'n Malt Winghatii: Dated at Wingha n. this lst day of October, 1930. ' ` "' 1'V, 4. Galbraith Toevn CIerk. IN MEMOR'LAM i ete- . 3'n loving n' mory of Mrs. George Bryce who died September 0,1914• and Mr. George Bryce who :lied August 15th, 1923. The Family, EARN $6 TO :$10 PER DAV Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once. Part time' pay while train- frig for Aviation Mechanics, Gar- age Work, Drivieer, Battery, Elec- ic Acetylene Welding. House living, Industrial Electricity, Ma - Ills!, Bricklaying, Plastering, -'^Fling, Barbering and Hair- ssing. Act 'quick, get your ap lication in now. Write or call for tnformatian. Dotniniozr Trade Schools, Ltd, Eatstrrz Headquarters, 79 Queen West., Toronto. t'nployinent service -coast to EORGE WILLIAMS Official . . 'Watch X spi tt r ktt'itt Our Specialty. alt. �,p f' ttfiltetio n Gu ituAteet'�. Naito' awl, MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable .Village 13roperty Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage • which will be produced at time o i Bale, therm will be offered for sale :by Public \uetion on Saturday; the el event!) day of October, at 'the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at George Town's Hotel in the Village f `Vrosieler,: the following property, namely ; All and singular, that certain parcel tc'r tract ,,f Bind and premises, situate, lying and being in, the village of 1t'roxel r in the County of Iluron and 1'rr,tince of .Ontario, and bein" composed +5f Lot ntttnber Three ion , the North side of 1-inwick Street in , the: said Village of Wroxeter,. and containing' one-quarter of an acre of land, mnre or It -s , Upon the said porn eee. it is said, :here is. situate •a too storey frante house rntrtaining 173, Charlie Ross 168, Charlie Bee - (corvine 158, Arvin Lediet 183, Frank Angus 107. Junior II Total 340; Honors 255; Pass 198. Margaret Honiuth 325, Frances NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 'OF JAMES ELLIOTT, late of the Village" Of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Re- tired Farther, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the revised statutes of ntario, in t`hat respect, that all per, sons having claims against the Es- tate of JaznesElliott, who died on or. about the twenty-fifth day of August, A.D. 1930, at the Village of Gorrie, are required to send bee past, prepaid or deliver "to the undersigned, ,on or before the.eighteenth day of October. A.D. 1930, their narks and addresses with full particulars of their claims writing, verified by statutory de- claratian,.3nd the nature of the secu; • ities, if any, field by thein. • AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said eighteenth day of October, AD, 1930, the assets of tile said estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties en'titiecl thereto, having regard only to clairns of which they shall then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at'Win tram, •Orttario, this twenty-third day of September, A,D, 1980. , J. W. BUSH> I EI.D, ` Wingham"; Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS f IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM G, DC)RE, late of the Town of Wing- - ham in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario in that respect, that all per- -sons having claims against the'Es- ! tate of William G. Dore, who died ' on or about the thirteenth day of Ap- ril, A.D. 1,930, at the. Town of Wing • ham, are required to send by post, i te undersigned,, on ,or before the eighteenth day of October A.D. 1930, their names and addresses with fall particulars of their Glamis in writing, .verified by statut- e dcclaration, and the nature of t1it secruittc s. if any, Veld by diem Noe.: rrtr prepare civ reliver to 50'. i`u roonie and about 20:. ft by 3 feet tt ith a frame addition about 1 fret be 20 feet. •'PERMS: Ten per cent. of the per chase money tU be paid at time sale and the balance to be pai within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply tr ,the unci: I)1f"1`I:D at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty.third day of September, A.D. 1930. ; . I. W 1' •:.! S H F i' 5:7.1),. Winghatn, Ontario, Solicitor for' tlie Mot"inagee 0 0 • Oetnlser, :1,17. 1.930, the assets of the ell mei) 1�t.`RTI�IFI2 TAKE , that -after the said eighteenth day of 'seid estate will be distributed by tht' itxecutrib among the parties entitled f thereto, having regard only to claims <11 of which she sha11 then have notice "land the estate will not be liable for ,any elairn not filed at the time of the' said distribution. 1)A'DttT) at Wing;iram, Ontario, this twenty.tliird day of September, A.D. 1930.. 5, W. t STTFI T.r), I Wing Iiarit, Ontstrio, „ f1 Soircitor for the Executrix. 1 Lockridge 323, Noreen Benedict 320, Kenneth Jackson $13, Marron Tem- pkcrnan 312, Trevor Davison' 306, Reba Marshall 305; Betty Lloyd 304; James Schaffter .302, Billie Bergman 298, Gertrude Finley 298, Hilda Brown 295, John Lee 295, Nora Fin- ley 294, Harold Cantelon 284, Vir- ginia Currie 283, Bertha Casemore '276, Rena Elliott 273, I;iI1 Sturdy 271, Kenneth Johnson 260, Mac Habkirk 268, .Noel Stephenson 265, .Arnold Stoakley 258, Jeanne VanNorman 257, Donald Adams 256, Donalda Hender- son 246, Fenton Barnes 243, Jack Ross 242, Jeaii Lee 241, Jack Fraser 240, Joe Wilson 225, Roy Dark 209, Billie 'Forsyth 203, Louise Dore 198, Gordon Helm 144, Jimmie Kennedy 126. 13. loynt Teacher, First Book Total 330; Honors 247; Pass 132. Marguerite Ingham 317, Mabel Campbell 315, Helen Hammond 314, Billie Harris 812, Billie Scott 309, El- va Haines 304, Donald Fitt 296, Bill Seddon 295, Betty Groves 293, Agnes Seli 292, Louise .Lloyd 290, Elmer I)eyeli, 287, Elmer Ohm 284, Norman Fry 281, Frances Robinson 281, Carl Varner 276, Laura Collar 264, Dor- othy Mellor 260, . Jack Gorbutt 256, George Johnson 255, Florence Finley 253, Louise Thompson 249, Eleanor Lockridge 242, John Wilson 241, Reg- gie Collar 232, Helen Patterson 225, Jean Lockridge 225, Harry Montgom- ery220, Kenneth Crawford 197, Har- old Schaus 196, Margaret Dobson 195, Leslie Adair 188 Joyce Carter 157, Billie Smith 150. P. Johns, Teacher. Primary Total 135, Honors 100, Pass 80. Kenneth Jones 134, Carroll Case - more 133, Frances Durnin 132, Mar- jorie Currie 131, Eva I ediet 130, Ed- na 'Hogg 129, Norman Mundy 128, Isabella Ross 1.27, Elgin Lockridge 126, Josephine VanNurman 125, Mar- garet Finley 124, James Cameron 124, Anne VanWyck 123, Donald Hastie 123, Norma Brown 122, Harold Hut- ton 121, Jack Hopper 120, Clarence OInn 119, Jack Rich 118, Louise' Reid 118'Alvin Seli 117, Eric Schatte 113, Alan Williams 109, Helen Richards 108, Grace Sinall 107, Clarence Ham- ilton 107, Eileen Dark 106, Harry= Howard 106, Betty Gannett 105, Jack arter 104, Lorne Patterson 102, ary Black 102, Mar garet•MacGilli- ray 102, Mary Lepard 101, David haffter 100, Grace Hutchison 100, oris Finley 96, Jack Ludwig 94, Eth- Vanner 93, Edna- Haines 89,.Ken- th Baker 87, Isabel McLean 86, erald Cruickshank 85, Iris Temple - an 80, Everett Hammond 45,' Hilly r C t' Se D it 111: G ni >11 allFoot'*.s� "S t e Thursday, October ret; t930" THE FIRST STEP . , BUYING ,,IT. SAVE stele by comm here directly. Second . , the price you pay. A. step that means saving to you. Third . stepping out in Creer's Shotes save you any worry about being shod with the latest 'a:il Footwear. You know you are! WOMEN'S OXFORDS -in straight. one -tone Or combination leathers. Suedes, Kids, Calls: $4.00 t° .00 STRAPS AND TIES -- charming Pumps in the new Autumn Browns. Kids, Suedes. 5.00 to 6. Two of the Foremost Autumn Shades re r9 6 0 Drills and parades by the school astic champion of Canada. His high- splendid concert staged !• 1 children drew much favorable coni- est jump was 12 feet. I nrent. Si' Helens' School captured 1st z The Fair closed at night te-itti a followed Geddes ai Fred Emery, (place in the drill exercises; Lochalsh by a Glance. School came second, and Fordyce third. The children marched to the fair grounds, headed by the Lecl now brass band. A pleasing part of the program was.j the musical entertainment offered by !i the following artists: Florence Hod- gins, Isabel Chesnut, Mrs. Phyllis Stewart, Margaret Button (reading), 1Ettabelle McDonald. - In the sport program Goderich de- feated Lucknow in the tug-of-war in two straight pulls and win the Mof- fatt trophy. The horseshoe pitching contest was weal- by Elliott and Mc- Kay of Wingham with Clark and Mc- Cabe, of Lucknow second, In the•se- cond event Triffin and Triffin, of Lengside were first, and Johnston and Sullivan of Lucknott' were second. } An exhibition of Pole vaulting was 1 given by Robert Stoddart, interschol- •• • • el• • • e �Tl SEE OUR COMPLETE FULL STOCK OF FINE DIAMONDS --- $25.00 AND UP No trouble to let you see our selection JEWELRY SILVERWARE GOOD WATCHES AND FINE CHINA HAVE YOUR WATCH REPAIRED AND PUT IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER R. HAMILTON Net in 40. A. G. Williamson, Teacher, ' Special Values In • Southern Jam: 1 basket grapes 3 oranges 4 pounds white sugar 1 pound seeded raisins SIip the skins from the grapes and put pulp in the kettle, with enough dater to prevent burning. Simmer for a few minutes until theseeds will. conte -out easily. Put through the colander to remove seeds. Put or- aiiges through the chopper and mix skins, pulp, oranges, sugar and rais- ins, ,Cook 15 minutes. BLYTH FIELD DAY ' The Continuation school held their field day on Wednesday, when the following tt=ere the prize winners' in the total number of points made in the separate events. • Junior girls -1, EdytheA .Beacom; -41 points; 2, Irene Walsh, 27 points, 8, 1 Winona 'I-lesk, 26 points. Senior girls -1, Margaret Jenkins, 41 point;; 2, Edith Lockhart, 26 pts.; 3, Annie Barr, 11 points, Junior boys -1, Harvey McCallum; • 2.7 paints; 2, Nelson Naylor, 18 points 3, Edwhf Bender, 15 points. Senior `boys -1, Frank Elliott, 36 points; 2, Gordon Elliott, 15 pointe; 8, Lewis Kelly, 12 points. , It is the intention of the winners in each c]aes to compete at a later date with the champions of the Brus- sels, Fordtwich and Wroxeter schools, BABY SHOW FEATURE OF ,LUCKNOW FAIR Friday, the closing day the Luck - VOW Fall Fair was attended by a large crowd. Exhibits in all classescserc the best in a number of years and the general program of entertainment was popular With the visitors. The baby show, in -which there were many fine specimens of bays and girls, was a feature, of the con- cluding day, 1']ie ptiee for the best girl under one year was won by the daughter of Mrs, Harry Genneths, Mrs, M. Hanley was the mother of tate best baby undo one year: The consolation prizes went to the child- ren of Mrs. bnncan McDonald and, Mrs. Ernest Taylor. Drs, W. J. and H. A Stevenson of Loudon, were the ridges and donated all the prizes.: Chesterfield Suites Fair Days, October 7th, 8th ., 4M,,,%W ,,- K.\+1gdtliiY.1.412•tgt.M•w"y N( rc s....r_e. eensee Ley: X=RA E11 SuileN9219 See our exhibit at the Fair grounds, through the large “Furniture stock in our seg bA'Ji�& store. Or let us take you to the Fry fiY � ackTsaS!l Factory, which Will be open tor the public en Fair Day. Pick out .- _ state and have delivery lea �` dc ust when convenient. J. %ALK -- e Dealer. Phones 106 and 2414. • , Funeral 1D �reetor.