The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-09-25, Page 6WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Advance -Times. busked :a tNo - oNTARio IRVery Thursday Morning Logan Craig, Publisher evil:Ai/an rates -- Oae year $e.CO. *x Months $1.00, in advance. ° IT. S. A, Vneo per year. vertising rates en application. AN )6 nours lynx OAT. retends She Is Wounded SA Fool Pussy. When a. domestic eat deserts ittil mime it usually goes back to a com- pletely wild s.ate, arid evidently live* a perfectly happy life, writes O. G. Pike, the naturalist in Tit -Bite. once cisme up on a small faratly of kittens whose mother had return- ed to the wild; they were pretty, plump aud well looked after; they had probably waver seen a liuman be- glington Mutual Fire lag before, although they were fairly well grown and pla.yful. On my ap- proach the four little creatures put up their backs and became all bristlee and noise, but apart from this, they Risks tAken on all class of insur- seemed ha.rmiess. so I placed my blathand near one of them. The next =P- allet at reasonae res. meback ha. ABNER COSENS, Agent, Wingham nt the ofmy nd wascover- ed wi h blood and ba.dly torn, for that small mammal that looked se attractive was composed of what seemed to be a mass of whirling nee - dies. Since then I have been careful in handling wild kittens. One of these dometale wild eats frequented a moor; it was a magnifi- cent creature with a sandy cost, and it accounted for many rabbits. On the northern part of the moor was a large expanse of marshland, and It was here that pussy sometinaes did her. hunting. In the early spring a pair of snipe were feeding ot the margin of the marsh; the female was search - lug for food by poking her long, sen- sitive beak into the soft ground, but the male was engaged in showing her his fine feathers. He was making a fine display, spreading his 'wings and tail, and behaving in the pretty but ridiculous manner of a bird woo- tectives might need a brighter light Insurance Co. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. • Established 1840 J. W. DODD Office in Chisholm Block ERE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND — HEALTH INSURANCE — - AND REAL ESTATE P. 0. Bess 360 Phone 240 WILI.WHAM, ONTARIO 1. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Bleck, Wingham Successor to Dudley Holmes R. VANSTONE 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Wingham, - Ontario .1. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS DENTIST Office Over Isard's Store IL W. COLBORNE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Successor to Dr. W. R. Hambly Phone 54 Wingham DR,. ROST. C. REDMOND 111.R.C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Loud.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON wison. Marshall .-'1"--Z.raikleIS 4 ma Poini soft, whispered. sigh from Alexander, Das had returned, just as he had pro- est jawed and shouldered felines in "The man's a devil," he breathed 'rased ,to get ehe answer to his ques- burned on the table. And I heard a made and the Words he said Ahmed as a leopard, and one of the strong - only one candle now, the one that recerd in my brain of the sounds he da jaguars—a creature as heavy as The shadows deepened. There was i fingers at his throat. There was no tvti,lleiAtw.iilodsrlpdsrionleaa.:alyyottihe last of the Flor- in my ear. "Vilas called hiin by the dons. The transformation was cora- won't rest tilt I right words." plete—the tiger soul at last in its tell you the rest of it, I might as well "Then get up and save him," I an own body. And "Vilas was ready to say that this big cat was the . base murdered before our eyes?" on which Aluna.d and Southley 'work- swered. "Do you want to see Vilas answer. ' "I'll tell you Ahmed," he cried. ed out their plot. `I'hey knew about e "Hush—and watch." "I'll tell you ell. l'in Strumburg, just this jaguar. We watched, A long time there ae you said, and a fegitive from jos- "When Hayward and his son bore was silence. Ahmed Das stood still lice, too, And 1 haven't anything down upon there here --after treeing beside the extinguished candle. agtiinst Southley. Even my fathee them. all the way from England -- "What are you going to do?" couldn't have proved his claim in a Southley and Ahmed saw a chance to "Do, sahib?" The answer came at test, and he's dead. Let me go, Am- take advantage of this big, tawny last, trembling with some unearthly rnad! Dote't raise your talons against creature in the swamp. I suppose kind of passionIt is not well to be candies The de- -'Thi. wild flow Of Words died.away, wyoeurek;" by, now what the Haywards . " me ." improvident with can and for an instant the form in the "Blackmailers, of course," 1 answ- ing his mate. A few days later a cosy when they return to see what re- shadow halted. Then it moved slow- ered. little nest was built in a tuft of grass mains here." ly forward again . on the margin of a small pool. Alexander gritted his teeth. In the evening there was a eur- Vilas tried to Meet the snaky eyes. "I tell .you I'll go away, and never "You've taken plenty long to guess bus sound over the marsh. EverY "What do you mean?" he whisper- return again. We never had any real it, but you're right at last," half - minute or so a curious drum- , proofs. Mimed!. Ler me go!" ming note was heard above, but sel- ea. "Their real name is Strumberg. dom in the same spot twice. •Thoso "They will come back soon, and And at that instant I felt Alexan- They are crooks themselves, The el who knew looked up and saw the want to talk to their guest One of der's breath against my ear. "You der Strumberg was a confederate in male snipe going through a remark- . . their guests is gone—you know whei-e heard, didn't yoe, Long?" he whisp- crime in Southley's own youth. I able exercise; he vrent up to a good down at a terrifte speed, and on that water. You only remain, and you are "Yes— H use the word guardedly, Lang, and mane —y e s t e r d a y they bore him across the ered. height, then, (Dying sideways, Una loud drumming very dear to them, Sahib Strumburg." "Then the 1,N,arles done."' I think' it is true. I haven't any downward dive was apparently uttered by the bird. doubt but that Southley's early life But it has been proved that it is not Vilas leaned forward."' ,"Strum- I felt the stir as his arm 'reached wouldn't bear investigation. . But that a note; it is made by the feathers of burg? How dare yon call me that up to an electric switch on the walldoesn't matter now. It's a joy, my the tail vibrating rapidly as the bird. My name's Hayward--" He pressed it Unknown to me, the boy, to come to the aid of one who comes down. If we take the tail fea- thers of a snipe, and flet them in a "Once Stremburg—then Roderick wrecked lighting plant had been re- has come to his own aid. Southley cork, attach the later to a string and 1—then Haywa.rd—what does it mat- paired. All the great chandeliers of rose above that other lifa. whirl it round at a great speed, the ;ter, sahib? Names die when their the library flashed on at once, .. "I think that he escaped after a sound can be repeated. i bearers die." The first irepression was blindness. particular reckless crime, It wasn't The cat was moving stealthily, be- I • • But I'm not Strumbusg. I tell you But as my eyes loecame adjusted to a crime that benefited him financially Ing careful not to get her feet too I wet, for eats are not fond of water, 'I'm not—" the sudden glare, I knew at least part he saya; but yet the hue and cry that when she scented the snipe on her 1 "I will remember, sahib, that you of the truth at last The form of was raised scared him from his crim- nest. her enemy approachThe latter sat closed d , watching • !told me that. But, consider again, the tiger had been must real and con- inal ways. A man was shot, and al- , anas it id so the drumming above came Ioud.er and see if you don't want to make vincing at the edge of the dim and though there were extenuating cir- said closer. NOW it was only a few tine another answer." ineffective candlelight. But it was no cumstances, he certainly would have - yards above the ground, and the an- i erl _ s , ITI1 it marc more terrible than the counterfeit gone to prison for twenty years at gry ataie snipe, on guard above, was i ' DR. R. L. STEWART 'swooping at the eneury, drumming 1 ‘`1 will go from you for a minute, giraffes that the clowns parade in a least according to the way men were Graduate of 'University of Torout;13, loudly as he dived. The cat crouched leablb—just a minute into the dark- circus ring, when the glare from the sentenced in those days. First he Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of tn:i with her ear de flattened, ain.d witht hee,f; I nes—and then I Will return, 1 viin chandeliers came down. Before us went to India and Africa, and made 3' . Ontario College o Y e my answer then. Anti there stripped of all delusion, Ahmed Das his fortune. Then hm e came to A - the bird above ducking each titn.e h -want Sur,geons. 'struck. .,might be other things for You to tell rested on his bands and feet on the erica, as Andrew Lesson. And all Office in Chisholm Block J The bird on the neat now slipped ;me, too, when I come into vour pre- floor. He held, his body hew, his legs the time he lived in deadly fear that - osephine Street. Phone 29 off aud fluttered e. few feet beyond, e senee a moment from now- Yon real- almost straight to give the effect of the long arm of the British law pretending to be wounded; pussy made a wild spring and landed in a '''13" had no Proofs that Sahib Southley length. Over him, in a rather ineen- would reach out for him. mass of soft mud, while the snipe is wanted in prison." ious way, was thrown a gr‘eat, ta7wnv "Then the elder Strumburg found DENTIST Joined her raate above. The eat atrug- e- e .ave. , - But i nlieu can't scare me tiger skin. The four legs were fast- him out. He adopted the name of led ou- of the morass and as sne ened with some simple device to his Roderick, and sent out inquiries for ankles and wrists, and the great head, this' Andrew La.sson. He offered a vrere u. n. s, er p g , will be just a little mornent—" rested on his. filled out with some light substance, huge reward to be paid a year after i QUEER (INEeMAN .TOBS. we found him, and of course Leeson OSTEOPATH i Vitas half rose in h;s seat, ordering I leaped and seized Alexander's —or Southley as we call him now— ' , All Diseases Treated One Ou oar Repairer of T./Me' . . Was to pay the reward. He came .the servant to relight the candle. But „shoulders. Anglican Church Office -Adjoining residence next to ; only on Centre Street, 1 .. eee............-eete- imp pail- pl.e.coti. e_ _aim es -re d------ ---e IThe shadows hid him, and darknese ear. slitta-erw al West' -closed around him. the., work of blackmail began. '.l'hey Ahrna,d didn't obey. Rather he fade& "Good Heavens!" I yelled in his here at last, with his vicious son, and Sundays by appointment. : Almost under the That only part cif it That in- told old Southley—in the gray twi- Electricity , mineter Cathedral Il a narrow thor- OsteopathY oughfare called Strattiin Giound, and. Yet it wasn't as if he had complete- sane hoax couldn't have broken Hay- light of his days—what to expect in - Phone 272, Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.! i here yeti will lInd an Armenian who ly gone. I knew that he was wait- ward's neck!" caee he didn't zotne throligh with elainas to be the only outdoor repair- .. . er of timepieces in London and per - .. mg somewhere in the darkness just But Alexander wriggled osit of my i their demands. A. Re & F. E. DL) v' , haps in England. He will mend your i beyond—perhaps behind the curtains, grasp. 1 "They said they had proofs that Licensed Drugless Practitioners , watch while you wait, says a writer oeossibly in the hall. I didn't hear Or Of course it didn't break Hay- I weeld put him back in prison, The 's Weekly. Chiropractic and Electro Therapy. , . . in 1Egtticeil of smoke" is surely one a , and ; see him. ,1 stmenreenew aNevolku,aids I:ILI-et; : warwg neck," he said. "The real mur_ terror of his long years ce.me back in a moment more Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic ' , the oldest of professions, yet in the dercr of Hayward slipped one over; as never before, and he didn't have College, Toronto, and National Col.- ', census returns we find one person !back into the light for the answer to ,on us—improvised some business that the strength and judgment to fight it lege, Chicago. who so describes himself. The smoke i his questions. A long moment pass- wasn't written in the play. I've get I any longer. Old age was upon him Out of town and night calls rce ; ging from hick -617y logs and no ! A . , , i nouse was tense and the real murderer of Hayward, dead, i He gave way, again and again. And uded to. All business confidential , doubt is used for the curing of bacon. 1 ee am as . The Pc. Phone 300, 1 tela p-iszeling is the „Lneclustry of col- 'still. And once morc I looked at down in the boa.t." I even today lie wouldn't be free if it - _eneleartrIa iii" thilealnriert- e e it He had his head Zne'd -over hi - J , rest of the evening answering ques- I Soutbley Downs—his servant Ahmed Alexander Pierce spent most of the I hadn't been fer the real hero ' of i lectin welees tLetelere,re wesieli 'has 1 •Vilas Hayward, 3. ALVIN FOX .i ;rite w rus whiskers go to the East , . 4 as I sheulder, and he wee watching with ! tions. There were more things to ; es er§ Wealthy Chinese prize them Registered Drugless Pracuttuner 7 tblettuoielig. ee -eeee-eeee •-ie . .;faecinated horror something that ap-li find ,out thar ever 1 thought I could I "Ahmed Das is a mystic, Long, ! in fli'yrit and May's factory at ipese. died Mtn in the darkness, 1 wae I 'Possibly leant y 0 u ' re a doctor, and.. -you don't he DRUGLESS PRACTICE ' Bow there was a man who spent thirs tunable te eee wl:at it was at firs,: : ty-slx years of his life in striking First he took us down to the boat neve in prenatal influeece. Yon soy ELECTRO -THERAPY !matches to test, their quality. This ill. .C1,*as farther away from me. Butlbeside the watee and lifted the tar. it's all bunk. Yet it is true that Ali Hours 2-5, 7-8, or by 1 curious occupation was created bY 1 yet T was aware of the sense of i. paulin that covered the thing in the mad Das' mother was attacked by a appointment. Phone 101 1 the firm for the benefit of the malt , , . ' something moving --something half bottom. A dead animal lay therein tiger, that the creattire died when , : after he lied suffered from. a form of DR. G. W. HOWSON the out of it. exese'et over John Galbraith's Store. made her way to drier graund, drummer above followed her, and , "Both things YOU cart answer when those strange notes sounded as if return to the sahib's presence. It F. A. PARKER z, CHIROPRACTIC AND in the chair. And then I saw an ir- Ahmed Das was born—and it is truc crawling, half sliding toward the man —a creature large as the largest hound paralysis which partially erippled J. D. McEWEN . him. He -SIN e fond of his job that yellow, with spots of black, It was that Ahmed has the most remarkable, ItICR,n1,5,RD AUCTIONEER ti. 91?. ion after he was eta. regular gray patch of shadow that "A Powerful animal, long -clawed and natural catlike grace of any man I allia--- Phone 60.2r14. fillerr° ' ,- 'etas not quite so dark as the shadow white -fanged; and my breath stopped Sales of Farm Stock and. Imp e In gligigd, .§:at only one invi, who around it—a patch which seemed to at the sight of it. ed the rest—his propensities toward ever saw. Of ecrarse he just peetend- I -erti-dree anes. e lie"M eghthouse buildeee merits, Real Estate, ete,, eonducted eelle hie %kill for a living, This =Tau, be moving. And all et once it halted. "A tiger?" / demandedcreeping around on his hands and with satisfaction and at moderat- formerly ei, Mechanic, sa.ve one day an The Tiger of Southley Downs had "Tiger, nothing!" Alexander arts knees. It all lent toward the effect, tharget, itdvertiserrtent asking for a healthy seil a come again. The candlelight was In-' sWereil. "Yoe ought to be enough He's a mystic, T. tell you --perhaps a subjeet who would eonsent to portion of his skin to be greeted on effective and dim, yet it showed the or a naturalist to know that a tiger THOMAS FELLS the face of a rich man's child he cutline plain. Even then 1 tried to has stripes. This beast has spots, AUCTIONEER had been badly burned. H-13 i-e'wt on tell myself that it was some mental Via Set) he 25th, 190 si She nodded, 1 "Atid for thc, Fault, reason yott eftuldn't el;filti 11) my defense that night in 1 he den—when I bad struck Vila% And the reason that you told the detective of any mierrel with Hay- ward that day as 1 waS leaving, was not that you were afraid Vilas would be implicated', hut why was it, Jose- phine?" "1 don't. think you Rh ovid ask me that. Yoieve thought 111 of rne—so. many dines. The reason was—" ‘;`'Yfll'aht." 1 wanted you to stay, pre Long!" We Were silent a long time, And all the while I was searthing about in a mind suddenly gone empty for the words I wanted to say. They. simply wouldn't come. And then I became aware of some - tiling rapturous past words to tell, Something. was stealing, along my arm so light that I could hardly feel it through my coat sleele.., and finally it nestled at the hollow of my elbow. And then 1 found myself whirling, and speaking breathless words. "You'll forgive me, Josephine—all those things 1 said—and did?" I pleaded. "Oh, sweetheart--" And -no mortal eyes could believe the change in her that came. when I spoke these words. It was one of the miracles of these latter days. At first she simply waited—as if for me 'to 'continue. And then, after a while, she inade an answer. Part of it was just veords. Part was the look that the moonlight showed on her face. But what was by a thousand times the biggest part, the part no human being could have been hopeful enough to believe, was a thing that her arms did. And then— What happened dem is a. secret be- tween us arid the -marshes; and the marshes are famous for not telling. their secrets, One of their secrets is a ring that Vilas had given Jose- phine; and it lies in the mud of their bottom today. After a while a great owl booted and called from the is- land, hoping to repeat his triumph 'of a few nights before. But Jose- phine turned her face just long en- ough to laugThHatEhEinNeD are superstitious. Of course Ahmad couldn't get the jaguar into the house but it was a simple matter to rig up that tiger skin. Every day he put a piece of meat. out on a certain flat rock on the hillside. It wasn't hum- an blood and flesh you saw there. It was good red beef; and Ahmed Das got blood stains on his shirt carrying it down there. And it was not any time at all until they got that big cat so that he stayed around the jungle at the base of the hill. The inside work cduldn't be done the bright light, so it wag necessary to pretend that the lighting plant was broken. The faint light of candles gave just the proper atmosphere. "I'm crazy about the whole scheme Long. 11 worked out to perfection except for one thing. Nobody had counted on the jaguar killing Hay- ward." "What were you doing with that shirt and the beef blood?" "Simply making the necessary tests —so to prove' my story to the jury tomorrow. If hadn't Freeman would have had poor Ahmad—the most faithful soul in the world—con- victed and hung for murder by now —mentally, at least." "And•eestly, how did you come to be involved in this Affair at all? Did you come just because I sent for you?" "I'm a private detective, Long," was his quiet answer. "I don't work for the State, although the State employs me sometimes. Southley himself wrote for me to come—to help him out. I told him I couldn't at first— that was some weeks ago—bot I knew a young man that would be the great- est assistance to him in the hour of need. That young man had been in two or • three bad messes before—the affair at Wildmarsh, and the story of the cobra curse, and the Mole. South - ley had met the young man in Tampa and he liked him., So the next day this young chappie—and what a bone- head he has been—got a letter from Southley asking him down for a week's shooting, fishing and rest. He was a doctor, and his name was Long." Vilas left on the night. train, He packed his bag in silence, arid was rowed over to the railroad track from whence he could go to .the station. Vghen midnight hung still and my- sterious over the water world, Jose- phine and I found ourselves on the great veranda. "Let's walk down to the water's edge," she suggested. "Jt's drying up so quickly. It will be gone in a few days more." • PAnd 1 will be gone, too," told her. She walked in front of me, down the narrow path, And I wes stems's gling for words that wouldn't come. "Did. you know, Miss Southley, that Alexander was responsible for my in- vitation here?" I asked her it last. She did not even turu her head, "1 found it out tonight." "Do you see what that means? That I was sent. here to serve. And til I did was make mistakes." "'They started on the day We met —when let you go without provid- ing means'br ever seeing you again," I went on, "Fate Peoteeted me then. T wonder if T can ask it to protect me noW—after all the other mistakes I've made. And the worst a them all—the ones that twit most—are the things that I said and thought of you. T-Eer voice was scarcely more than wi.ieper when she enswered "They hest me, •eou." "They showed me up as the poorer clay," I told her 'sadly, "They ex- posed mc --a doubting and suspicious man, and a blind man, too. Otte who is unable to believe in his finer in- stincts. Of course I see now why you brought the pistol in your van- ify bag. Tell me, Josephine! Ti was fot no other reetSOn than to protect "Please speak respectfully of him, iltes. They would cling turd suck till yourself front Vitas Hayward, if the I'd have much preferred to have left the last cent was gone, Southley W01 '0 came to worst?" him. alive, but we'll need him for bought those clothes --paid for their 1 "I don't believe you are done proof of that wild story we'll have cars. Other things were planned for .doubting yet, or you wouldn't ask," to tell the coroner's "jury tomorrow afternoon. If you remember, there was a time when Southern Florida, was still the home the jaguars— the greatest of American felines." I remembered that I had heard something about it, "Most of them were exterminated good many years age). You can still find 'em in a few renlote See- arid leaving its tracks in the mud— tions ie Southern Te.xas. I supposed wae of comse his greatest card, His myself that they were all gone here own natural feline grace and Hay- --(tven in such Wild. Part of the ward's naturally superstitious nature State as this. Long, you see here were cerds, too, Wicked men usually choiee." IS'AL ESTATE SOLD thousand dollars for his trouble and has since been its hospital in yarlous *thorough knowledge of Farm Stt,c1, part § of the world on similar Phone 231, Wingham miasions. ime• .ereseeeee RICHARD B. JACKSON Ontario's Coal. • Latest advices from the Ontario AUCTIONEER teoverviment's ligni.e coal fields Phone 613r6, Wroxeter, or addrese around Onaltawana, indiaates deposits REl 1 Gorrie. Sales tonducted any- now available there for the mining of wbere and satisfaction guarantetd, , DRS. A. J. & A. W. IRWIN DENTISTS Office MacDonald Bleck, Wiegliani J. WALKER F RNITURE AND VUNEVA SERVICE A. J. Walker nsed Funeral Director and Embalmer. eke Phone 106. Res, ?boric e Limousine Funeral Coacb. at least 100,000,000 tons, Thomas W, Sutherland, acting Deputy Minister of Mines, returning to Queen's Park fol- lowing a three weeks* inspection. of the area, reports that the last test hole sunk by the operators ---the gist since the Government began ita ex- tenaive defiling obeerationa*located a 55 -foot seam of lignite, It Takes Swains, ' "It takes. more :brains to be, a fanner' than to be High Cottt Judge," aaserted Leekle Sneaking al n gathering of provincial airs judges at the Dominion Expert-. Mental Patna, Ottawa, recently. "There never was a greater need for eo-operation betWeen, the selen- 'net and the farmer than to-tlaY," lie tie* stated; adding, "the most eitith- ijlte htettineas tet-dast is .fartnieta.'t fallacy, a mitage or delusion that could not possibly be true, I tried to say it was the effect of light and shadow; but the lie died before it came to my thought, It wasn't any 1.150 10 try to deny the reality of the thing. There was the tawny hide, darkened, of coerse, by the shadow, the low -hung head, the great black stripes. The details were obscured. but my eyes didn't heed them to re- cognize the creature. It seemed to be 'lying close to the floor, in the position a tiger takes just before it springs. And I couldn't say it wasn't inte, It woeld not have becu eo convinc- leg, if Vilas had not seen it, too, And I knew by the suppressed gasp of the great detective beside me that his eyes were also resting 00 the thing. I think that he startcd to whisper some message of wonder. But I did- n't hear him. All 1 heard was Vitas' seream, He backed up tegailist the IVA, his believer in the theory of reincarna- tion of souls; and that dark, oriental Fie weighs tWCE hundred POurels, and inied of his, conceived an idea that a tiger twice as Much. Besides; you don't think maet,Anglo-Saxoes would don't lied, tigers in Soethern Florida: have 'ever thought of, "He Icriew he cottida't kill the Hay - wads.. That wasnterder,and would defeat their: own ends in that it might draw attention to the past life of Southley, He knew that Southley couldn't satiate their rapadoes appc- It's' plain to hie,. old Doc. Long, that you don't know the history,of Florida very well," ' , ,"Evidently I don't. I don't remeni- bet reading about such a creature IS this—" • this winter, So Ahmed Das conceive the said, "That was ;ink parte of the ed :of the despeisate seherrie of the reason, Dr. Long, 'Thte other was Steutnintrgsor the Haywarcts OS that 1 was so afraid—so afraid, all they called themselves—front the es- • ihe tithe." tate by means of the tiger legend. "Von were With Vitas always as "Ahniad Das had MI the material in part of the blackmail your: lather. the world to work With. -H6 keew pald, You were part of ,the eerice of it when he thought out the plan eilence, and you etibmitted becanse jaguar—a tawny streak it the jungle, you realized something of the Miwer that 'the Haywards held over yotit father, What your father told the detective—that you were to he wife—was from tomptilsion, not front Here and There ele 'Slate (Duel As a nerve tonic more eifectnal then anything conceived by med- ical .ssill, Canada's reeky high - lends and placid laires were given first place by Sir Wein= sDecotet- ey Wheeler, MD., P.ft.C.S., inter- viewed recently et Lake Louise where he rested after attending the - arduous convention of members of the British Association, hold last montb at Winnipeg. -- A note of confidence and sin- cere optimism in the soundness ot Canaria.'s ecunomic position at the present time and faith in her fu lure development was sounded by W. Beatty, chairman and prest- tient of ,the Cat.adlan Pacific Hall- way, tuteabe banquet given recent- ly at Saint John by the Board o' Trade of, that city in celebratiou of' the first sailing of the Princess. Helene, new C.P.R. coastal steam- er, on tbe Saint Johnellieby route., MT. Bente), said be hoped to see a, eorond boat run alongside the 1,11n - etas Helene in the not distant 11310 - -- Dcteinitnation of -the Canadia Pacific Railway 1.0n_ 111111111i1111 for f11 the pi ide of tovinug the lar- gest, 1•1SteSi and finest ocean liner ou the liticifie. and the ,company'a foroeight in providing or needs beyond tbose of the present in the realin of transportation were laud- ed at Vadicouver recently, at a din- bor held aboard the liner Empress. et' Japan, new 26,0004on Pacific. Vessel, Hum R, Randolph Bruce, LL -Governor of British Oolumbia,. added his tribute to those of nine other speakers at the function. --- Mrs. 1., N. Calverley, wife of the famous British surgeon, was cred- ited wilb taking the largest fish, other than minim to be caught in British Columbia waters this sea- son, When she landed an 184-11.1 Rainbow trout from the sparkling waters of Shuswap Lake recently, She is a cousin of Lady Diana Duff Cooper who as Lady Diana Man - tors gained world -Wide fame as, tbe heroine of "The Miraele." The Swift Highland Gathering of 1 030 gees down not only as the greatett yet $o far as events and entrants are concerned but a,lao for attendances since mare than 10,00 spectators were present, Hight events ran continuously and cetv; . currently; athelatie ev.ente were confined to Alberta and British Columbia; &tieing events added Manitoba to the list,while the pi- ping contests brought in the Whole of Canada, Scotland, China and. the State ef Wesidiegtori. 0.11•••••14. 1.1.{o Marking the earliest opening of the apple shipping season trona Hal- ifax to Europe, over a week in ad- ' vane° at last Year, the first over - leas shipment of the fruit went iepterriber 2 Iti a cargo estimated it about 4,000 barrels of Nova Soo. tia applee. There to it record crollet nottltoOg iti Canada this year. 11 will total 03,500,000 bratbels Or 46 Per cont more than in 1029, ateording ' to 'be latest °facialostitriato, Pota- l'ettS. . are grown' in toinniarelal inantitioa it- all the provIncea 4>1 (*hada,