The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-07-03, Page 4:.i
Special For Men!
This 25c
Enamel Finish
and 35c Rexall
A real beard soften,
er, both for
Mc K bbore s Drug Store:
?l erc 2J s"?
Thursday, July 3rd, "1930
Officer O'McCreath Nabs the Hnigtl-
ing Secretary of the Huron. Old
Boys' Association of Toronto
It ,was Friday, the 20th, a week la-
ter than the 13th, at 4 p.m., the young
girls and old boys, exiles from Him -
on, gathered in Exhibition park, Tor-
onto, for their annual picnic. Secre-
tary Floody was first to arrive, or
among the first, , A smile and, warut
Huron greeting he had for everyone.
The book -and the tickets, particular-
ly the latter -were: conspicuous. The
le ;•-= Y a rlh� nYeeetik irisins t/eireleiz par. sraeueeirtv, 'a rixliteute lPtira tiN
r.�,r•7rT.rY�irrzainnra�'r��ii�t • • it
•rncJmVIAVJA JAA,V1i w�uy�> iV uy� c
cents a word per insertion. with a minimum charge of 25c.
FOR SALE -60 acres of land, lot 19, THE BANKRUPCY ACT
Con. 9, Turnberry, or for rent for
grass ass for this Year. Apply toGeo:
Casemore, Wingham, J: JOBB authorized Assignor.
FOR SALE -Good heavy horse, 6 ; THAT HERBERT J. JOBB of the
years old. Apply to John R. Salter, TOWN of WI±.\GHAM in the Coun-
Winghaan . ty of HURON did on the 24th day of
June 1930; make an authorized. As -
E -Second hand Heintz-, signntent' of all his property for,the
roan piano. Apply to the Advance •benefit ofhis creditors, and that Ed -
Times Office.' 1 mund Weld, of the City ;of London_;
County .of Middlesex, Official Re-
in tobe
' r has appointed
t e
ce ve
- lata
d Y
E l.o digger, R
I Othedebtor un -
used one season, good. as new. , todian of the ee
beets s til the first meeting of creditors.
Apply to R Winter, Belgrave, R 1. NOTICE is further given that the
first meeting of creditors in the a-'
HOUSE TO RENT -All modern bove Estate will be held at the office
conveniences. Posession at once. ; of J. W, PUSHFIELD, Josephine
Apply to A. J. Ross. Street, 1VINGHAM, Ontario, on Fri-
day the 4th day of July, 1930, at 1 30
PUPILS WANTING PIANO LES-' o'clock in the afternoon:
SANS -especially beginners: Apply ; To lintitle you to vote
to Miss Cora Pharr, Minnie street. 1 proof of your claim roust be lodged
1 with me before the meeting is held,
r.N Proxies to be used at the meeting
L'A'i'iv'iv Wt1NTFZ3-yjr4utan -
TT desires post- trust be lodged with vie prior there-
girt 6 years old, ,testis A
' " n as housekeeper with 1 -We -et -Ito.
gloAND further take notice that at
utile family, box 96, phone 302. _ ch meeting the creditors Lyth :fit
_: 'such 8
x r unds, The pe meafii•@tit trustee,
NTED-Broilers, n to 2 po
SVA ire •
AN fttrtltei° take notice that if you
Barred Socks,, preferred. Phone 1jta�;e any claim against the debtor for
fi32-t-22, Arnold Kelly. 'which you are entitled to rank, proof
l of such claim must be filed with me,
WANTED --Girls second hand V- or with the trustee when appointed;
cycle. Apply to lvMrs. W A. Miller, otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's
Winghatn, .te will be distributed among the "_: est'.
bc=,..-,.. - __,.�__...•..--. -
entiiletl thereto without re-
'The Huron 011 Boys' Associat
of Toronto ..
Canada, Province of Ontario,
County of York,
City of Toronto,
To Wit:
The Members and Officers of the
Huron Old Boys' Association of
Edward Floody.
To the sheriff:
r 'WHEREAS proof has been made
before me bythe members and of-
that EDWARD FLOODY has been
chiefly 'responsible for the organiza-
tion and maintenance for a period of
some thirty years of a society 1:nown
as The Huron Old Boys' .Association
of Toronto, which said association as
a result of his efforts has so grown
in numbers and influence until to -day
as evidenced by, this ,unprecedented
gathering, the said association has at-
tained such a state of perfection as.
can only be equalled by the great and
glorious County of Huron from
which, the nleinbers of the said assoc-
iation have been recruited and it is
my belief from the representations
which have been made before me that
the said Edward Floody does not in-
tend to abate his energies in'advanc-
ing the interests of the said Associa-
tion but will continue to perform
such acts as will further influence the
former residents of the said County
"' 1
now residing It
and �
of Huron,
said city of Toronto to become mem-
bers of the said Association, which
will result its its becoming, if poss-
ible, even more powerful than it is'
to -clay,
Edward Floody •
Artful Dodger himself couldn't dodge
1 But11 from Bl to
Ed. Floody. d Floody, ro w
o yy,
didn't know what was coming to him,
but it come.
Over in the Transportation Build-
ings long rows of table's were loaded
with good Huron grub -the kind of
food mothers learnt their daughters
to prepare back in the yesterday. And
there was. lots of it. And we went
at it just as we used to do at barn -
raisings, threshings, quilting bees, and
church socials yonder in the old ban-
ner County of Huron. Exiles never:
forget home. There was no 20 min-
utes for refreshment at "the stop" in
the transportation building: Ed.
Flood was as nervous as a
conductor of a limited<train hall an
hour•late. He sensed there was' some-
thing doing -a smash -Lip or .,some-.
thing down the line. Everyone want-
ed to talk to the `secretary -to kill
time -till judge` Duncan arrived. Ed,
wanted to get on with the program
but ivrrs. Thomson avid others kelt
hien talking -someone told - him to
hold on, there was to be an executive'
meeting. He wondered what the
dickens an executive meeting was for:
Judge E. J. B. Duncan, who by the
way, was the second ;resident of the
riuron Old Boys, a'irit°cd. The Judge,
supported'1»' .Jtidge McLaren, sheriff,
defending counsel Lee, all gowned,
were ready in an intpr"'�isioited court,
for Officer O'McCreath. and his pris-
oner, one Eduard Floody. The offi-
er had the ,secretary in true cop style
by the collar of the coat. Tii the ar•
NOTICE TO CREDITORS I gird to your claim. test Flootly's straw lid flew, out a
D ATF.P at Stratford' title ` 81:11 day bystander grabbed it,
• The complaint was laid by I'1•e,i-
dent D, 1), Wilson, The warrant sign-
ed and sealed with a big red seal,
•t�-1, of June, 1930.
SCOTT, late of the Town of Wing- Bax 403, Stratford,
Irani m the County cif Huron, SpM- Ontario, •Canada.
PURSUANT ,to the revised statutes l AUCTION SALE
of Ontario" in that respect, that all
persons having`. clatttls against the cs • of Residence and Household Effects,.
tate of Maty.` Ann ,,Ott, who .died on ; of the estate of the late Mrs. Jas.
or about the twenty eu;lith cl tv, May, I Walker, at 2,30 o'clock, on
?;, D, 1930, at the Town of vm,hant, S.ATl Rl):�,\', JU1 't 5th
are required to ,send by post, Prepaid thr to1luvying:
or deliver to Thomas AVolker,, 1+'.sq.,; Ud1 1)lesser, Odd Pahl. 2 Iron
R.R. Win;.'harn. Ontario,- or Mrs- ' fled:., 2 Mattresses 1 Cot Stretcher
Pearl Thompson, \\'inghant, Ontario, and mattress, 3 White Chairs, 1.. Cor -
the executor, of the above estate, or
to the undersigeed, on or before the
twenty-first day of July A.I ). 1930.
thoir names and addresses with full
any, the held bytre of them. the se-
ICE that after the said twenty-first
day of July, A.D. 1930, the assets
of the said estate will be distributed
by, the said executors anion, the par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard
only of which they shall
then have notice and the estate will
mot be liable for ally claim not filed
at the time of tri'. said distribution.
f>A'rn' 'i at \Vingliant, ()iitario, this
pet, 2 Mete, I Wash titand, 1 \L ash
Basin, 1 ; lt,l) [low', 1 Umbrella.
Stand 5 (Quilts, 1 jardimer Stand 1 1,
Coucd Beed, 1 t„7ucbc.c Range i . Pipes,
1 Three e llurner Oil Stove with oven
1'crft ition, 1 Side Board, 1 Exten- l. -
i Table, 6 Dining Chairs, 1 13ed1
Spring, and Mattress, 1 Dresser, 1 ,
V, 'tand, 1Toilct Let, 1 ]Zug 1
\'ietrola and 23 Records 2 Stove
i' 11cls, 1 Pedestal, 2 Vei;indnh
Chairs, 2 Cushions, 6 Pairs s Curt l) ts, l y1
4,'air Over Drape,, 1 Clock, 1 (..l icl:
Stilt, 1 Tea Kettle 1.Electric '.Toast-
er. 1 Coal Skutile 1 Electric Iron,
'Kitchen Table, 1 Set ( Bridal Rose
1 Carpet Swewpc•r, 1 1Vrino-
C. N. ,.•. 'Watch Inspector
Repairing Our Specialty.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Phone '5. Opp. Queens Hotel.
Second clay of July. A,i): 1930,er, 1 Wash Tub, 2 Coal Oil Cans, 1
J. W. BUSHFIELD) Slop ,]'ail, 2 i'<2i1' Wash Doilcr, 800
\t,ingliam, Ontario, ib. Coal, 1 "nen' Shovel, 'Watering
Solicitor for the: EN eetliOrs. Can, 1 Screen Door, CO csk iilg 1. 11 i .ils
--------"------ 4 `,mall t.ont;oleurit NI zits, (Jude ue c
IN MEMORIUM� Ile:dor and Pipes.
J. ,a, Lrfrton,.
Underwood. ---In leavtnt? memory. of
'1 . Fells
Auctioneer ; Solicitor for Executor
our dear father and husband, • George
'f.indertvocod, who entered into.: rest CE
Jiffy 3t -d, 1028.
The rolling streams of life pass on,
Iltit still the l'itcaltt chair
Recalls the smile, the love, the valet°' •
(1 f 1)110 who '0111'C Sat there.
tweet is the memory of father, •
• Dear to our hearts in leis name,
T�Iewill, always be remerbered
Now. through ijf. just the
Wife and Family.
Residents and Land Owns 'er
To the b erty Twp,
of .Cur iib y
the Provisions o isions of the 'WeedT,Iitdc'�" tT r . .
Control Act 1Te,i°y ()cc-tiptriit of land
and -:very ('1w111.1 of unoccupied land
is 1eemirr'.d to dt:sti'ny noxious weeds
'before their seeds li
s are not taken,
I f these 1>re�rfitttinn
Inspector s ect'o1' 1itity. exerci1e; his auth-
the. t
in) 21a(c removed`
aiticl the
'before the -weeds imitate.
'been . Pi"aWc111
Notice. is Hereby given' to the land
owners of East Wawanosh that the
weed act is to be more 'rigidly enforc-
ed during itrin 1030,
Property owners are advised to ex
er (ise:' great' Care'. 111 ' '.destroying all
noxious weeds before they go to seed
and the co-oporatiutt.cif every one
is c^;pi:cte'd in a general clean up,
Wirt. Robnison, inspector.
Men wanted to train --+- Few
weeks ---Pay Raisieg jab, getting
practical, garage Mechanics, Elec-
tric 'Welding, Hr ust•wiring, Brick-
laying and Drafting-Guarantccd.
IPee employment service. Write
today for free information.
57 Queen V41• , Toronto.
others. J'Ie bore up well ,under the
upper Band when'he graciously thank-
ed. the ladies for tlrc beautiful bou-
quet of flowers presented to Mrs:
A.nvold-timer from Seaforth was at
the picnic swapping yarns with other
old -timers ---James Wright, who was
a school ivate with Thomas A. Edi-
son, the
dison,the electric wizard; in the vil-
lage of Vienna, Elgin county,
Judge Duncan fumbled around his
pockets for the clock key. First he
looked at Officer O'1)IcCreath, then
at the sheriff, then at O'McCreath
again, He wasn't ' sure which one
picked his pocket, But the severe
look he gave the cop, 'one could tell
where his suspicions rested,
Thecomedy-drama moved quickly,
Ed.: Floody wasn't given .a chance to
inspect the grandfather's clock, He
got a look at it, that was all. Fin-
ally he. came back to ."thecourt" to
examine, and lo behold someone had
"pinched" the clock. Perhaps it eves
the judges, the cop or Doug. Wilson.
Time flies and so did the clock. It
was found afterwards at 58 'Close Av-
enue where Edward Floody resides,,
when at home.
The Broom Football Match was
one of the best features of the .after
noon. Twelve ladies . on each side
were captained by Mrs. G. C Young
and Mrs. H. B. Stowe, After a hard
fought battle, a truce was arranged
and each lady was presented with a
broom and a bottle of malt vinegar.
Bert McCreath was the starter in
the foot races s an d C. G. Vanstone,
Geo. Ferguson and John Moon acted
as the judges.
Treasurer Lorne Pringle was the.
busiest man on, the grounds .
T. L Blake, ; formerly of Hullett.
was early on the gronds, and took
in all of the events.
R b
'THESE are, therefore, to com-
mand you to take the said EDWARD
FLOODY bring, him before
me forthwith at the Sittings of this
Honourable Court in the Transporta-
tion Building at the Exhibition
Groups in the said City of Toronto,
or before such other judge d'Affaires.
as may be presiding thereat, there t'.
testify' what he may known concern•
n hercin-
ing the matters in �(neSflo
before referred to and that you
detain him in your atstody until ',e
shall have given his C1idence or until
ether order shall be made' by the.
Court concerning him.
GIVEN under my gland thi; •1,0th.
day of Jiine,.1930,at Toronto,
E.';T. B. 'DUNC•A . .
Judge d'Affaires,
The judge in sentencing Secretary
Floody, in which Judge McLaren con
rttri ed, Said: I ,I 4 l i1i .I {1 %r
Yuri. were apprehended on the
charges,read and for .your de-
fence you have had the services of
eminent counsel who left nothing,un-
done and nothing unsaid that ,flight
lend to clear you. of these charges
and we 'think the great ability of your
defence counsel was shown in his ad-
vice to you to plead" guilty for we
;ay without any hesitation that it is
the opinion of this Court that no
charge was ever preferred against
-my man with more, reason or with
stronger onger evidence in support than in
your ease. •
Your record' shows that each time
an opportunity has' offered for reach-
ing out in. certain directions, More es-
!?eci<tlly in the matter of obtaining
more members and selling more At
1 -torte tickets, you lra'ce grasped it s
quickly as to show yotl were on tilt
;lett continually with malice af)Li••
bought and it is not surprising there-
fore that you have landed where you
find yourself' to -day.
It is to be hoped you will realize
,that the sentence about to be passed
upon you is, considering all the ci1-
+ctunstances, such as in your" calmer
I'molnents will be considered as not
greater than, the conditions warrant.
The sentence of this Court from
which there is no appeal, is that you
take this key and. insert it in ti -e
shall aperture made for tir<tl purpc) c
in the door of -the instrument known
as a "Grandfathers' Clock,,' and .that
you will there and then wind the. will
clock and repeat this operation as or.
ten as may be necessary so that in
this way you will "do time", For the
rest of your statural life, and you ar.
so accordingly sentenced.
The inscription, on the beautiful
clock, engraved on in brass plate,
Presented to Edward Bloody by the
Huron 0]d. Boys' Association of Tor-
onto, in recognition of his exception-
al services as - Secretary of the Assoc-.:.
iation from its inception in the year
" .t,tor•and tofame,
TTc, rase to honor
'l" trott;tb loyalty to Huron's name.'"
a r.r y the clod:
Ed. ?Moody cottldn t tarry
around with hien, so they presented
him with a solid gold pin inscribed:
"Huron Old Boys' Association of
Toronto. '(Huron Coutit `� crest) Eel-
ward Floody, in apt•eciatiotl: of effic-
n : service -19004980."
to t
The ladies presented Mrs, Floody
with a beautiful boticltiet of flowers.
Edward Moody in accepting the
iclwly �
OM c1 jiin, it1 defiance of the
�� ,t rt 9aid he would con-
of the totart, ,
it judges, �'' to the >; ,
tickets 1
'till rc
frrr t.,
sheriff, the, prosecuting attorney and
o t. Holmes. was chairman of the
Reception Committee and did his
wont well.
Doesn't W. - Proudfoot make an id-
eal crown prosecutor? If you don't.
believe it, ask Secretary Floody.,
W. Elliott Richmond, an old
schoolmate of Secretary Floody at S.
S \o7 iills
I �_
t tt aver 50 years ago,
Was present and as lively asa kitten.
President D. D. Wilson' was in his
glory, and particularly when taking
part in the staged drama in the Tran-
sportation building.
J. A. McLaren and E. J. 13. Duncan
looked very becoming in their judical
Bert McCreath made an ideal
iceman. Some of our Toronto
take a tip -front Bert.
The refreshments were up to
and one better.
The Lipton Tea Race brought out
over 100 Huron ladies in the line up
for the 100 packages of tea.
The Refreshment ' Committee, made
up of Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs, Stowe,,
Mrs. •G. C. Vanstone, Mrs. G. C.
Young, Mrs, D. Hoag, Mrs. Wilson,
Mrs. Pringle, Mrs: J. A. McLaren,
Mrs. D. Hodgins and Mrs: J. Moon
d e'" ' mention for their ex -
poi -
Seldom has any single set ne('11 o'c
greater benefit to mankind than that
of 1.)r. Caldwell in 1885, when he
wrote the prescription which has
carried his faille to the four corners
of the earth.
and over, Dr, Caldwell wrote
Over as he fount l inert,
the prescription
women and children suffering from
those cutthroat symptoms of eonstipaw
tion, such as coated tongue, bad
hi'eath,• headaches, gas, nausea, bilious-
ness, last energy, lack of appetite, and
similar things.
liis prescription grew
Demand fart 1, p �'
so fast, because of the pleasant, quick
way ,r it relieved such symptoms of
y ,888 1)i'. Cald-
iatialt, stat by
,r it
reed to
..i • r 1 ce.l
'1V (,a tt'i1i { ,
se, ,Today, T)r. Caldwell's
ready for r y
' it'e led is always
Syrup � '�1 ;i5 , ,Y
T crit
S t t
t > v.
�s 1.
ready at any drugstore,
eserve Sp Cls
ave You Pains
Callouses or
We are bringing you
Positive, Reliable
and Speedy Relief
The Finger Points to
the location of the Anterior
Transverse Arch. When this Arch
weakens, the tiny bones are de•
pressed; uneven pressure is pro-
duced, and the uneven distribution
of the person's weight causes a
burning sensation, callouses,
tender spots, contracted toes, and
severe cramp-like pain. The foot
widens and spreads overthe shoes,
the small toe and great toe joints
become inflamed and enlarged -
bodily fatigue and nervousness
Trade Mark
Heed the first danger signal! Stop your Foot Troubles
before they impair your comfort and daily efficiency
An Exposition
of the newest, most advanced scientific methods of
relieving and correcting Foot Troubles, will be held
at our Store on
sired expert
from the staffo W. M. Scholl,
'11 tr
specially pwill
M.D., the world's most noted Orthopedicauthority
clearly explain how these methods give snstant foot comfort.
You will also be given a pedograph print of your stockinged feet.
All this without cost or obligation. Don't miss seeing this Expert at our
store on above date.
The Good Shoe Store
cellent arrangements.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Suter, of• Clin-
ton, were welcomed visitors and took
in all the events.
Rev, W. G. Hanna, a native of Mor-
ris Township, was present and was
as lively as a 16' year old.
Rev. Dr, Inkster, of Knox Church,
was a visitor for .a short time, and en-
joyed the proceedings.
Games were indulged in, wood prix -
es awarded; The 'appended list tells
its own story.
Prizes Winners
Boys, under 8 years, 1, D. Milden;
2, D. McQuarrie; 3, R. A. MIcCreath,
Girls under 8 years, 1, Mary Jay;
2, Marie Jordan;. 3, Marie- O'Keefe.
Boys under 10 years, 1, R. Nagy;
2, C. Wilson; 3, D. Milden.
Girls under 10 years, 1, E. Nagy;
2, Lilian Jay; 3 Ruth I?ridharn.
under 12 years,1,R. Mc-
Creath; 2, D. Crawford; 3, R. Wilson.
Girls under 12 .years, 1, E. Nagy;
2, E. Jay; 3, R. Pridham.
Boys under 14 years, 1, R. Thomp-
son, 2, Jno. Crawford; 3, Jack Moon.
Girls under 14 years, 1, J. Mc-
Creath; 2, R. Connelly; 3, J. Urqu•
Ladies' Open race, 1, Grace Stec:
ling;2, P. Connelly; 3, H. Stainos.
Boys' Boot Race, 1, R. McCreath;
2, Wallace Floody; 3, Ed. McArthur.
Married Ladies, 1, Mrs. Hart; 2,
Mrs. Gay; 3, Mrs. Young.
Young Men's Race, 1, O'Connell,
2, Earl Stark;. 3, V. Faulkner.
Married Men, 1, R. McCreath; 2,
R. Hart;' 3, R. Wilkinson.
Peanut ';Race; 1, A. Flynn; 2, J.
Stark; 3, R. Connelly.
Fat Men's race, 1, A. Jay 2, D.
Crawford; 3, A. 'Carrie.
The Lure of .the Maritimes
ho Maritimes holda proud and
Well -merited ,p1S.ce in tom: at
popularity ity AS well as being a
favorite territory for holiday
makers from 'all parts of eastern
Canada and United States. Their
n'tany sea -side resorts; quaint and.
beautiful little villages and snug
towns dotted along the Bay of
Fundy have a special attraction
for those who wish . to combine
comfort with scenic beauty; lrolf
and a wide variety of other sports
with :fishing and sailing; and the
whole with modern and direct
St. Andrews -by -the -sea with its
well known and excellent Algon-
quin xlotel. 'There, as at its more
famous namesake in ,Scotland is
to be .found one of the outstanding
18 -hole golf eoursos in 3asterra
Canada where many a hard-fought
championship e
ionshi p has been d tided.
Again take` Digby on the Bay
of Fundy, t c , S et in some of the
most beautiful, old-world scenery
in Canada„ the Pines, recently
opened hostelry, c,i crs a wide
range of entertainment including
tennis, golf, sailing, fishing, hik-
ing, horseback riding, motoring,
swimming either in the sect or in
the salt waterpool with plate
glass windseveens and promenade
for stoetators nestling under the
veranda of the hotel. Good ,not-
ening roads give access to scores
of quaint little villages, some of
them, in the Evangelinecountry,
scenes of historic incident and
tragedy. There too, 'the rncderu
antoist will often meet the old-
world ox wain taking its leisutrely
way down the country road. Lay-,
out shows hand -spring dive into
the Pines Iltotel pool; Evangeline
cettntrY showing church and
statue at Grand Pre; .and section
r .,
of ebitrSt�' FLfi 'tom A�dr,o'ws,