The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-22, Page 4SPECIAL = CUPS AND SAUCERS
Finest Ching Regular $1.00, $1.25 to $1.50.
Your Choice $1.00
NicKibbon's Dr g Store
D� Sfcve
,seebe w sres r ssieservvrec e,aoY\.vr`•' .Yeragrear.ettesdn�vY.l eel faretralaY.astres r�rla�ar:\ar.Yar:se7a
xi cents a word per insertion. with n minimum charge of 25c.
VICE. News cars. •Geo. T. Robert-
BABY CHICKS—We can supply you
with S. C. White Leghorn chicks
for delivery in June at $10:00 per
100. Our leg -horns are the famous
Barron strain, bice liens, heavy lay-
ers of large eggs. We guarantee.
100 per cent, safe delivery. Order j
early while the'best dates are avail-
able. The Walter Rose Poultry
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
:the undersigned, and endorsed "Tend-
er for South Pier Reconstruction,
]Goderich, Ont.", will be received until
• 12 o'clock noon ` (daylight saving),
Friday, June 6, 1930, for the recon-
struction of the superstructure of the
South Pier, in concrete, for a length
of 300 feet, at Goderich, Huron Coun-
ty. Ont.
Plans and form of contract can he
seen and specifications and forms of
tender obtained at . this Department,
at the offices of the District Engin-
eer, Customs !Building, London, Ont.;
Toronto Builders Exchange and Con-
struction Industries, 1104 Bay Street,
Toronto, Ont., also at the Post Offce,
Goderich, Ont.
Tenders will not be considered un-
less made on printed forms supplied
by the Department and in accordance
with conditions contained therein.
•> Each tender must -be accompanied
by an accepted cheque, on a chartered
bank payable to the order of the Min-
ister of Public Works, equal to 10
per cent. of the amount of the tend-
er, bonds of the Dominion of Canada
or bonds of the Canadian National
Railway Company will also be accept-
ed as security, or bonds and a cheque
if required to make up an odd am-
Note.—RIue prints can be obtained
at this Department by depositiing an.
accepted cheque for the sum of $20.00,.
payable to the order of the Minister•.
of Public Works, which will be re-
turned if the intending bidder submit
a regular bid.
Department of Public Works,
Ottwa, May 16, 1980.
Eggs that are produced on our own
farm from our own hens, not from!
.eggs purchased wherever we can
get them. It is not wise to replen-
ish you flock with cheap chicks,
when for a few cents snare you can
buy real. quality. O.A.C. Barred
,Rocks $1'7.00; Single Comb White
Leghorns $15.00, for May 30th.
June prices $1.00 per 100 less for
Rocks; $2.00 per 100 less for Leg-
Ask to see our Galvanized feeders.
C. G. Campbell, R. R. No. 2, Au-
burn, Ont., phone Blyth_ 10.24.
Touring car, Roadster and ton
truck with trailer. Apply to B, J.
"New Perfection" 3 -burner, first
class condition. Apply at Advance -
FOR SALE—Beattie Electric Wash-
ing machine, in good condition- Ap-
ply to Advance -Times Office,
FOR SALE—Two young Shorthorn
bolts, Brown.dale breeding. AIso
Berkshire pigs .6 weeks old from
prize -winners at Royal. Chas. Bos-
rnan, I3}pevale R. 2, phone 618-12.
FOR SALE—Part lot 28, con 4, East ,
Wawanosh, containing 12 acres, on
main road, 3 miles from Auburn.
jas. Woods,.•Auburn.
t7ial Yo, 1 Closer P(3R.SALL—N i
Honey, at 10cper lb. in 10 lb. pails
Nutice is hereby given pursuant to
R.S.O. 1927, chapter 150, that all cred-
itors and others leaving claims against
the estate of Annie Walker, late of
Wingham town in Huron County and
Province of Ontario, widow, who died
on or about the 6th day of May A,D.
1980, are required to send on or be-
fore the 9th day of June A,D. 1930,
to the undersigned Executors of the
or $4.50 for 50 lbs, Apply to Milo ; said deceased, their names and ad-
Casemore. `dresses, full particulars of their claims
and the nature of the securities, if
TO RENT—House with all modern any, held by then. •AND further take Ou
conveniences and garage. Apply to notice that after such last mentioned ret
(Continued from Page One) -
rlfiss Mather, both of Kincardine, who -
for titany years served. as .President
and Recording Secretary respective-
ly, of the Presbyterial, The presenta-
tion was made by Mrs. W. H. Ark
of 1 eeswater• Both made feeling ai
suitable replies.
Officers were elected as .follows:
President, Mrs. R, McWhinney, D'tt
Bannon; lit ••vice-president," Mrs.
Strachan, Brussels; second vice -pros
'dent, Mae A. Forbes, Teewrvate
third vice-president, Mrs, W. 5, He
derson, ._Wing liven ; fourth vice -pros
dent, Mrs J. R. McKee', } incafclin
fifth rice -president, Mrs (Dr.) Simi
son, Kintail; treasurer; _1iiss M, H
McKenzie; Ripley; recording seer
tart', Mrs, W: J Morrison, :Broca
dine; corresponding secretary, Mr
A. M. Carr, Whig—ham; supplysecre
tary, Mrs. G. H. Douglas, Lucknoy
mission band secretary, Mrs. J. Linl
later, Teeswater; library and litera
tura secretary, Miss Olive Scot
Bluevale; home helpers' secretary
Mrs. Thomas Simpson, Molesworth
Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. A. Pa
ter£icld, Belgrave; welcome and reel
fare secretary, Mrs. McLean, Wing
hare; press secretary, Mrs. R. David
son, Dungannon;young women's sec
id i
i -
r -
Thursday, May 22nd, 1930
IIINIVII1110111IliII IIRTAIII IN0i111111101111:t'1
I Beautiful Shoes I
Women or omen m
1 In the following makes i
Tred-Rite, Perkins, Camille,
retary, Miss Nellie Malcolm, Kin
lough; . ]ife membership secretary
Mrs. 5. J. Elliott, Wingham; genera
interest secretary, Mrs. A. Forbes,,
Arch Master, and several others !I
we might -mention. I!g
Never in the history of our
store -have we shown so many 9�
and so beautiful designs. Prices Er--
from - are exhausted before making any new On
$2.95 to $9.00 PER PAIR • = purchases. No reputable ' Royalty
company will be guilty of either of
Saturday Night proceeds on the as-
suniotion that all h.oyalty Companies ,s
are addicted to the pernicious prat- -
tice of buying their Royalties on: flush IA
production, or at a time when the
flow of oil is at its greatest volume,
usually during the first few months, ellj
No mention either is rtiade of Re- !La
placement, or the 'acquisition of new
properties, leaving the reader with m,
the impression that the _Company,.
having acquired a certain' number of 04
Royalties, will sit idly by "until these
And'in addition to the above 1a'these practices. Royalties will be poi -
T> 1
THE BEST SHOE OF ALL; sejchaSed only after the wells hare
namely: ij:reached settled production and their
The n Jettick i Y p y
=to pipe -line records. In addition, newa
We are pleased beyond mea Royalties are constantly being added,
sure with the wonderful .recep- -4-,.;which extend the life of the company
tion the ,women of these parts 1 •for another twenty years or more
are according ENNA JETTICK iiii from the date of such purchase. A
SHOES, but:this is not to be - certain number of non -producers is
i�5 wondered at, seeing that these
E shoes contain everything a good -_,always kept on the_ list of holdings,
shoe should consist of, namely: !These are usually purchased for a
X81 Superior Quality, Beautiful Ap- = song and once they reach the produc-
pearance and PERFECT FIT, " itive stage are worth thousands, I
In fact we again make the know of sonic ptirchased in April of.
claim and are prepared to back illast year. for $15 per acre, which were,
= it up with the goods in every E sold 'in Nove irber for $1,000 per acre,
• ~cxact dail out tut known b access
0 all for the reason that wells were
eeig WE CAN FIT ANY NORM- brought in on adjoining property. I
P. AL FOOT, NO MATTER = have also seen wells in Northern Tex -
d1 HOW SMALL, NO MATTER as which have been steadily
ase HOW LARGE.= for 28 yearn from a depth of only 270
I fit Listen to 'the Enna Jettick feet.
The following resolutions were en-
dorsed by the Presbyterial:
(1) That we, the members of Mait-
land, Presbyterial, here assembled, ac-
knowledge our gratitude to God for
His great goodness to us throughout
the' year—for His guidance and dir-
(2) That we endeavor to bear the
marks of Christian missionary women
witnessing daily for Christ.
(3) That in our homes the daily
altar fires may be kept burning, so
that our youth may hearken to God's
call to service.
(4) That we do our part in keeping
the Sabbath Day holy, through out
our land.
(5) That we re -affirm our belief in
the total prohibition of the :manufac-
ture and sale of liquor, as a means
to Canada's highest welfare; also by
the systematic teaching of Temper-
ance principles in the home, as well
as in the day and Sabbath schools.
(6) That we assure our missionary
workers, at home and overseas, of
our loving remembrance and prayer
for then.
7() That the thanks of this. Pres-
byterial be tendered to the editors of
newspapers, who so kindly publish
our notices of meetings and reports
thereof; to the ladies of this church,
for their entertainment; to the minis
ter and session; to the speakers, the
organist, choir and soloist.
(8) That this Presbyterial assem-
bled, place on record its sincere and
heartfelt appreciation of the long and
faithful°service rendered to the mis-
sionary cause and to our church, by
the late Mrs, Perris. 'We gratefully
acknowledge her .noble service in the
Master's cause, during a long period
of years. We hope and pray that all
r members, both old and young,
ay seek to follow her example of
ithfulness, and that we may take
and carry on the Master's work,
at she has laid down.
The evening session waspresided
er by Rev. 5. Pollock', pastor
Vhitechurch congregation, and
A. J. Ross.
to distribute the assets of the said de -
day the said Executors' will proceed fa
t"JANTED--Dinin Room Girl for ceased amongst the persons entitled th.
g hereto, haying regard to the claims
the Brunswick Hotel. • of which they shall then have had not- .
ice, and the said Executors will not be ov
NOTICE TO CREDITORSliable for the said.assets or any part i'
thereof to any person of whose claim he
AND OTHERS they shall not have had notice at the
time of distribution. to
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Dated at Winghant, Out., the 16th; to
R.S.O. 1927, chapter 150, that alt ere- day of May A.D. 1930 Sp
tutors and others having claims' rMrs Florence Madeline`
ld jointly with the Presbytery. Af-
r devotional exercises, Rev, J. Pol-
ck delivered a masterly address.
ecial music was 'rendered by the
Mrs, McKellar ,again favored the
audience with a selendid address, in
which she showed that the church
that is not a missionary church, isa
dead church.
against l a pSta,te of Caroline Grigg, and J. A. Morton, Executors, < Cls
1a.Ja: cif T3elgrave village in Huron f -b
widow, who died on or. about the 6th l
to send on or before tie 9th day of !Wilson—In Lower Wingliam on Sun-
June ! da 1i
Oliver G. Anderson, Belgrave, P. O., in his 77th year.
Ont.,.'. Executor of the said deceased',
their natnes arid addresses, full par-
ticulars of their,claims and the nature
of the securities, if any, held by then.
AND further take notice' that after
such last mentioned day the said Ex-
ecutor will proceed'to distribute the
assets' of the said deceased amongst.
the persons entitled thereto, having
re grilthecli.
to anof i
,,which be shall
then have brad notice, and the said Ex-
ectrtoi` will o
v not t be liable, for the, said
assets or any part thereof to any :per-
son of whose claim Ile shall not have
had notice at the time of distribution.
1)atcd at Wingham, One, the 16th
day of May A.fl, 19$0..
Oliver G. Anderson, nde , n, i+xectttcir°,
by 5. A. Morton, Wingharn,
Oot. Solicitor herein,
County in the Province of Ontario?,
day of April .� 19311 aro. evil iret1
t.I). 1930, to the undersigned . Y, r ay 18th, 1930, Gatrtn Wiilson,
1rs. William Taylor and 7totnelda
wish to express their sincere apprec-
iation to their relatives and friends
for their kind, expressions of sympa-
thy irr their recent bereavement.
C>crz slulltii IrAgmeer"
S, ✓. AI CH111ALD, 13,A. e, (Tor-
onto), O k,.S., Registered Profession -
u1 Engineer• and Land Surveyor,.As-
stieiate Member Engintering Institute
of Canada, Office, Seaforth, Ont,
Ambitious, reliable hien wanted at
once. Part time pay white .train-
ing or Aviation, Mechanics, Gar-
age Work, Driving, Battery, Elec-
tric Acetelync Welding, I -louse
Industrial Ma-
chinist,' Bricklaying-, Plastering, ,
Drafting, Barbering and Hair•dress.
ittg. Act quick, get your, applica-
tion in now. Write or call for in-
LTD., M.
Eastern c1 n Headquarters, 1C3 King
St,, W., Toronto.
Iinployrnent services -..coast to '
C. :1 71: Watch Inspector
R aart~r.. <.
fi g f?ar'Slrecbalty.
$atisfaetion , Onat;anteed
Phone 5. Opp. Queens Hatt
by letter to Ring. Taros.
I'o ther
.�ditar'. A<l am -Ti
r .e mes
_ r
W'Vingham, Ontario.
Dear Sir
I have read in your issue of May
lat an,ntticle on this subject reprint -
ted from Saturday Night. One is ac- r
ctistomecl to seeing' such in Saturday
Night but when it is reproduced lo- t
catty one naturally supposes that it.
is the work of some one who has ant,
axe to grind and is at the same time
woefully ignorant of the facts. I have
been a Royalty holder for a number
of, years, have visited the Mid -Cort -1
tinent fields of Texas and Oklahoma 1
and have returned more than satisfied
Songbird Whowill entertain you
EVERY, TUESDAY at 9' p.rn.
(Eastern.. Standard tirne)' over
WEAF and associated stations. be
i Phone 129, Wingham
i_ e onre Thly stoin this part of11111
lit Ontario where you can buy 8
IJ IPd11199111119�1I121111111111111111111I11B1111a11111911112111111
Men wanted to train — Few
weeks -=Pay Raising job, getting
practical, garage Mechanics, Elec-
tric Welding, Housewiring, Brick-
laying and Drafting—Guaranteed.
Free employment service. Write'
today for free information.
57 Queen W., Toronto.
supposed by the average investor to
rank with roulette , playing, crap -
shooting or betting on the ponies. In
the early days of "wildcatting" there
may have been justification for this.
but time has wrought a great change.
Science has come to the rescue.
Wells are now located -in a thorough-
ly scientific way with the use of
scientific instruments and scientists
can with a large degree of accuracy
determine the likelihood dffinding
oil and can estimate almost exactly
the depths at which it will be found,
'The Royalty end of the oil industry
is however the one with which we
have to deal.
The first sittings of the Court of
Revision on the Assessment Roll for
the Town of Wingham for the year
1930, will be held at the Town Hall,
Wingham, Ont., on Tuesday evening,
May 27th, 1930 at 8 o'clock.
Dated at Clerk's Office, Winghant
this 15th day of May, 193,0,
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the undesigned, and endorsed. "Tend-
ers for North Pier Reconstruction,
Goderich, Ont,", will be received until
12 o'clock noon (daylight saving),
Friday, June. 6th, 1930, for the recon-
struction in concrete, of the super-
structure of the North Pier, for a
length of 484 feet, at Godericlr, Hur-
.on County, Ont.
Plans tnd form of contract can he
seen and epecifications and formsof
tender- obtained at this Department,
at the offices of the District Engin
ecr, Customs Building,- London, Ont„
Toronto Builders Exchange and Con-
I struction Industries, 1104 13ay Street,
1Toronto, Ont., also at the Post Office,
Goderich, Ont.
Tenders will not be considered uri
,s, made less rade on printed fornix .supplied
by the Department and in accordance
(with conditions contained therein,
4 Each tender must he accompanied
by. an accepted cheque on a chartered
I hank payable to the order of the l\f°tn-
ister of Public Works, equal to 10 pci
cent. of the amotint of the tender,
Bonds c ds of the Dorriitiion of Canada or
bonds of the Canadian National Rail-
way' Company will also be accepted
its security, or bond, and a cheque
onif rirequiredtto make up an odd arn-
Note,--111ue prints can be obtained
at this Department by depositing an
accepted cheque for the sun, of $20..00,
payable to the order of the Minister
of Public lie Wtrrks, which will be re-
turned if the intending bidder submit
5, regular bid.
By order,
'Department of :Publk ''lrirort�Etcretary.
Ottawa, May 16, 1930., '
with niy investment and convinced
that Royalties are the Gold Bonds of
the oil industry, as they are frequents
referred to by Mid -Continent bank -
Oil is of all industries the inost
maligned, An investment in oil is
Years ago when there was practi-
cally only one Royalty company do-
ing business in Canada I refer to
Imperial Royalties) Saturday Night
predicted, in no uncertain terms that
it could not continue to pay its divi-
dends and yet, let us examine its re-
cord briefly. For the e y c< -a
r ending
May 31st, 1928, its income was rough-
ly $30,000 and its dividend disburse-
ment $25,000. In May 1929, after a
series of successful intervening years
its income was roughly $2,000,000,
while its dividend disbursement ryas
$1,000,000. If the prediction of Sat-
urday Night had been correct the
comparative ratio of dividend to in-
come in these two instances -would
have been reversed.
The reason for this wonderful
growth, according to The American'
Business Review of October, 1929, is
that "Imnperial Royalties throughout.
their history have followed the high-
est of business principles and the vast
success which they have achieved and
the present fine position of the Com-
pany may be credited to the know-
ledge and the executive direction of
the direction of the officers and trus-
tees who have won: the confidence
and appreciation of the entire oil and
investment field through the manner
in which they have expanded the busi-
ness of the Company, always keeping
within conservative limits and meet-
ing all dividend requirements. And
further "With a record of nine years
of unqualified success and holdings in
in the greatest -oil producing region
of unqualified success and holding
which: the potential value is not as
yet estimated, and guided by the of-
ficers and trustees responsible far its
initial and continued success, Imperial
Royalties has a future outlook which
is well Worth the serious considera-
tion sof every investor."
The Coast Investor and Industrial
Review of August, 1929, in referring
to' Imperial Royalties Company also
states "The ratio between producing
and non -producing acreage is1 to 8;2,
indicating in line with that ,followed
by the major operating campanies.
Imperial purchases its Royalties on a
basis that .allows it full re-irnbt;rse-
meet,' on an average, within three
years from purchase. Since wells in
the uiuid-continent field will reason-
ably flow for 20 years or more, the
profit margin i;, ample."
The returns from oil welts are al-
most fabulous. I have known many
instances where a Royalty company
has received; the full amount of its
investment in four months, clue large-
ly to "gift "wells, that is wells not
yet located at the date of purchase.
That is why Royalty companies, for
the most part, are able to pay large
dividends and to -attribute to such an
accusation thatthe company is hold -
ing- the bait for an unsuspecting pub-
lic isr
of only contrarynr
to fa
cis but
in my opinion quite unworthy' of the'
Saturday Night, or any ether paper. ICRE . A
know I f
no .Royalty
company orr<tn
T. r
i7+®lit�Y fNI M P� I A11I 111110O0AM1N/1110•111111•1
A Large Rig e to Choose From at o a
▪ •
ail' SE MUM.
Agent for the Fleet Foot Brand
Phone 23 -
old as history, yes even as old as man
himself, and yet there are ,some who
1 dare say do not fully realize what
this one small word of five letters
really mean's. Every day of their
lives they quench their thirst but do
so only as a clatter of course and
never stop to think what life would
be without it or that there would be
no life.
The word drink signifies both life.
and death. An oasis on the horizon
of a burning ,desert has many' tunes
thwarted death's grasping hand and
revived neiv life in the weary travell-
er but death has his revenge for it
is sold by one individual to a weaker
one in the form of liquor called drink
every day of the year.
Liquor weakens, eats -and destroys.
Every drop taken is so much poison
instilled in the system, and everyone
even the smallest child know what f
senses and so weakens then; that they
must be fed continually by this same
fuel until he is lowered and degraded
beyond the hope of human power to
raise again.
To drive a car a man needs com-
plete control over all his senses 01
judgment, sight, sound, nerves and.
most of all his brain must be func-
tioning actively. Can all this be true:
after even one glass of liquor? Nol'
Yet the greatest per cent. of our car
accidents of to -day are due to peo-
ple driving cars who will not believe
the truth of this one significant word.
of two letters, No!
When you realize what 'liquor does
how harmful it is to mind, soul,and
body, how life is endangered, often
cut off by it, can you still wonder
why I would have no one but a total
abstainer to drive my car and: would
ight the sale of--Iiquor in this beautie
ul Canada of ours, yes, in every
ountry until this curse is abolished'.
rom off the face of the earth.
Marion Mitchell.
poison is. It eats the delicate tissues
,of our bodies, hardens our arteries,
and thins our blood. The brain is
weakened, the eyesight is dimmed and
the nerves become unsteady. And yet
there are.actually some men who will
argue that one glass of liquor is nei-
ther here nor there in a man's life,
That calls to my mind an incident
that happened not long ago. There
were a number of men at a stag par- i �� �'Lbs.
ty: Che friendly glass ryas beiuig
dram.., but only one'inan turned his
glass upside down on the table. He
had gone to the party with a friend
in a light roadster and when the par-
ty broke up they both climbed into
"So SkiShamed
u.1 athing
"Gained "~15 lbs. tak-
ing Ironized Yeast.
Was always ashamed to -
wear bathing suit but
now I can and not feel
too skinny." — Eulah
the car, the moderate drinker behind Lanningham.
the wheel. He was not drunk and yet Thousands write of 5 to 15 ,Ibs.
when they came to the long descent gained in 3 weeks with Ironized
Yeast.- Bony limbs round out.. Ugly
of the mountain he lost his Bead com- hollows fill in Blemished . skin gets
pietelyr. The car started going alit- clear and rosy like magic. Nervous-
tle faster and instead' of changing the tress, indigestion, constipation `dis-
gears and shutting off the gas as he appear overnight.:Sound sleep. N.ew
health and pep from very first day.,
had done hundreds of times before, Two great tonics in one --•special
he sat there yvith a look of fear arid weight -building . Malt Yeast and
panic on his face doires nothing, while strengthening Iron. Pleasant little
tablets. Far• stronger than unrnedi-
the car gathered speed. The other cafed• .yeast:` Results in i time.
man realized what was. wrong, drew So quit being ashamed of "slcinni-
on the emergency and shut offmess " Il
g y the sallow skin. Get Iconiaed"
engine, the car stopping a.- few feet Yeast from; druggist today. Feel
from the edge of a cliff which drop- great tomorrow. Money back from
manufacturer if not delighted wide
ped perpendicularly' fifty feet below. quick results,
When you 'see what liquor did for
this man who'was normally clear -
thinking, quick witted and decisive,
can you wonder why. so many peo-
ple who know the destructiveness of
it; are trying to have it done away
with? Life tveuld in all probability
have been the forfeit for this foolish
man's folly' if one pian had not been
a total abstainer,
One of the worst characteristics rar acterist}as of
this destructive fluid is its power ov-
er people. Once a man becomes a
drinker, unless he has a will of iron
Said the clergyman, looking severe-
ly at the bottle, "I ant sixty-five years
of age and. I have never tasted -a drop,
of whisky,
"Dinna worry yersel'," said his
Iow-passenger, "you're no' gaup
start Woo,"
Sales conducted anywhere: Wide
experience, Best efforts .put forth
(and few of us have) lie cannot stop •rnn each and every sale.
drinking•. It takes .a grip on all his
Phone 70. - Lucknow, Ont.
yet gone into liquidation. There are
oh doubt good and bad, even among
Royalty ty comlianies and to plate them
all in the same category is very much
akin to saying that our banks and
banking systems are all wrong. be-
cause we have been visited with one .mi
or more unfortunate failures,
1Tlanking you, Mr. Editor, I remain}n „Pat2tOe�
A.Satified Royalty Holder.
Open Saturday Evenings.
for sale.
X 11/ Viirellingtow Pr d
Y tit Choose a Total A`b-
stainer Rather Than a M der wW J " I ..
ate ][Drinker- to Drive, • hd I h
tii3 cot.,
1, �1
Drink! Drink./ Drinkl A wor