The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-08, Page 411110111
110I1111II1 1111 (11;1$1110111
s' oilet Soap
.5 Ellit's
3 Cake;: . .
6Cakes ..
Made by the makers • ' � � g. a �
t l.(,t of f„lal�tit�
and Palmolive.
McKibbon's Drug Store
11IM l)lull)NIIINII1ld11A1I101I01iIN111511II11111MI1111111011INI1101I10111NIiI01I1111III1II
SsaaltlitaAleaSte set
is a word pet insertion, with n
iu til-SYlfii
inirnum charge of sgc.
treima ke• t \dra Atha 'Mt:31 a t ' ► h i .:1
l;lttilNl tiff FOR S Al F --tush and
Carry l Grocery, good stock and fix-
tures, s, cereptional !oration, Sy'd
ney Smythe, Market Lane, London
:FOR Rk• N'.0 Ilouse in Bel.grat e.
Apply to Advance -Times office,
\\'AN'I'FD AT ONCE — To rent
I parvo, for two months. Apply to
Irwin Edwards, r\rthur's Garage.
\V \N'r1 1) AT ONCE— First-class
mechanic. Apply to Young's Gar-
X+(lt'Nf3-<1n street, .\uto Blanket, i TWP. OF EAST WAWANOSH
ApplyGeo Mason. Owner pay for
Notice to Drain Contractors
, Advt., ... r ea a! ,F' . , ul*• 1 _..
' Tenders will be receivedby the un -
i C leeks franc bred ; dersigned up to Monday, May 12111,
to -1 tv B, 1 2oeds mttcetl With ;tri 3 o'clock for the: construction of
cockerels purchased t'rttnt 1., l2 t tits I' illougla the \\ ighttuan and the
(guild, Rockwood. '.T, T•.{, ;taoort 1f11iott Drains in East \1'art•anosh,
l, R. R. No. 5, Phone \W'inL 1 Plans and specifications of the above
haul 612r3, drains may be seen at the clerk's ttf-
« flee. A marked cheque for 10V of
l?Ul� `\1 E--faby cetees and I•lat 1amount as an evidence of good faith
thing eggs 11 A:C. Barred. Rocks at', un the part of the contractor to ac -
$1S00. per 100 and ee t. \\ !company' each tender. The lowest or
Lens at $1700, for \gay 1 g sany tender not ti..a i y accepted.
ere r l
$5.00 per 100. r\.hove prices at the ;IEX. PORTERFIELD,
farts, Reduction ern large quantities.; - Iorenshi.p Clerk, 1 c1grave,
All eggs set in our incubators or!
sold fbr lratchiree are produced,: CARD OF THANKS
from our own !tens On oto own
farts. 11though our prices ntay be
a little higher than you ran buy r Mr. W. J. Itenderson and family
elsewhere, they art' worth many wish to sincerely thank their many
times. the difference. I can also friends and neighbors who showed
supply Royai brooder stoves. feed- such consideration and sympathy (ur-
ers'and waterers. 1f you are 01 tit. Mrs. Henderson's illness and
need or may of these, better see death, and especialiv the matron and
what we have. C. C. Campbell, R. staff of the General Hospital for their
1t. ? auburn, phone Myth 10•24, unt.irutg care and sympathetic under -
,......3 slattdnig,
1 )12 S:\LE OR 'RENT-- 100 acre!
grass farm, near tgle•n;zinl;, Apply':, IN MEMORIAM
teo ,,, .. , . .
:Leaver— In loving memory of our
darling babe, Boris Estella Leaver,
FOR SALE •— *Barred Rock Baby who passed away one year ago to -
.. $16:00 1 sU
' • ,hundred; \\•tri e tiny.- t'htt,l,, per d, t ; d. , , May, 1,1,,,., age thirteen
Leghorn Baby Chieks $14.00 per months.
lutudrtd. Two hundred or over of ;No stain wail on her little heart
either kinds $1,00 per hundred less.1 Sin had not entered there
H,ttehiny eggs $5.00 per hundred. 'And innocence slept sweetly on
Custont hatching done, four CtistliSi That Bold white brow so fair.
per egg or four hundred set for ; Site was too pure for this cold earth
$15,00. New and second hand itt l'oo helutiful to stay,
etthator•s and brooders at bargain 1. \nd so God's holy angel took
prices. !vet yettrr order in now and Our Darling Babe away,
get delivery when you want them 1\`r wilt never forget thee, Darling,
I have increased my hatching cap a are so Ionely here, -Manta and
acid tall, write or phone Duncan ; Dada and wee Jeatt,
Kennedy, \\• hit ,ehurrh, One Flame,
FOR `A1Y---0. A 1'. No. 2t (i 'rc lt•.
rd }lane.s also some good staple
syrtrp, Apply to John R. Salter.
i t\h S\ 1.1i, OR RENT—Stale and
baht loci(k house. with garage. Ap-
ply to 1'),t\iei H. Eitrtet.
llOCSF '1'o R1.NT--.1 reooln . inside
toilet, :ara(c and iartiell. Rtnt,
• $tl.t?ll, 12, 3, try.dhraitit,
ars \'OL' \\":AZT 1 hiss `I'\'1` win-
ter buy our chicks, They are pro-
drieetl from dulled flocks of heal r
lktitl,o type, ,\ lies majority of
our. ettstt1tlitr; come back to us
year after year. We are 'booking
order,: holy for April and May.
?*:irnecl loel;s, April 17e. MAY iota.;
i t• \\'dilel.e+0101115:\pril l(ic.
;\lay ll:oe Airs. rico, 13, Fortune.
R, 1, \\;lin °hails, Wroxeter Phone
1 t ii 1 N t' ,\go.trtnten
\ji.. 1 (arc era
ESN 1' .115 acres grass,
ap ititk e rt
\iloert Ent.loat
1'0 1:1 N't'.•'. 1ir=use with Garage. .\11 eat;
ataod, tt ,0!11.1 tense , centrally 0' eilti each and every wale.
(-4110a. v�..'(1 t.n.` lath ,,ht I:a}. 'plume 11t1t a 70,
.\pp to.' A. i. Nos, \\ l21 'team. I uckrsar ;Cant.
through Apply
rake notice that Thames Fells, the
utldetsigned anetioneer, leas received
instrnetions firenn Mrs. John Deeid-
; mon, to cell by Public Auction at her
,house on l .eopold street, \\'ingham.
Ontario, at two o'clock on
the following:—
Kitchell rang•,. eoal or wood heat-
er, 3 beds and springs, large bureau.
to. washstands, dieing- room strife.
dresser, kitchen tttblto rocking chairs,
\\'iitianis sew itis machine, bets. couch,
.stretcher, parlor table, 2 rugs, a jar-
iinit'r stands, •rettrigerator, wheel
harrow, garden tools, lawn mower,
*il lamp, ,hovels, forks and etable
tools, Linoleum, :top ladder, dishes
and fruit iar5 washing machine, boil-
' ea and tubs, pals, kitchen utensil..
Lileben chair•:, harrows, scraper, wa-
gon. hay raise, scuffler, seethes.
`1'F RNfs—t' lslt
`t 4
'The tremble: with trove aingera is '..
that shay Son't practi.e what they
•cree.:tt.—Reeryb, dy's Weekly,
t3usited anywhere: 'Wide
, . est efforts put forth
TO ' RV ' ---11asvare farm, -'ittl taire:c,:
fe^;d milt cattle. Apple.. to t"r. H.
eitnaockr,l:ele,n'al0, or Uiliet ;'ro -
tot`* R. 1, Witatlearn,
st! lw.astittrt:l
avooeli`etas et!
Cat C1g
'Tor -
ashamed to tisk to he returned :on
that basis?
"They have come out with u com-
plete somersault. 'Tay must have
been wrong in years bast. • The real
reason is that the present liar ern-
merit• is made up of Men of various
opinions un the fiscal policy.
"Compare the Liberal party of to-
day with the party of clays potGe by,
urged Dr. Maloney, the next .speaker.
'You will find the l.,iberal party is
Made up •of different elements," Dr.
Maloney pointed to this as the reason
for its• fttiltore, He said the Liberals
were always claiming that they low-
ered taxes and twisted figures to show
thee the .1930 taxes are $20,000,000
more than those in 1923. tieing on
tri discuss expenditures, he said that
Vincent Massey, the ambassador to
the United States, had cost Canada
more than two million dollars. He
said that Mr. Massey wasn't worth
that expenditure. The ;,toile went for
Ambassador rl1arlur at '.Tokyo, We
suggested instead that these sums be
used hi the technical education of
boys and girls of •,Canad t Macken-
zie King thought no, the system of
education in Canada is all wrong.
The government is spending thou-
sands of dollars un the destruction
of property in Ottawa for artificial
beautification. This is a wanton waste
of money, they are pulling down
buildings to make a monument to the
!°rine minister, a park with benches
Where our unemployed may bask in
the sten in the future. The tariff
board has cost hundreds of thousands
of dollars without accomplishing any.
thing. The board is absolutely use-
less. It merely provides employment
for friends of• the political party in
power, The. Conservatives suggested
that the money go to'aid the provinc-
es in health programs. The premier
said no, Immigration is costing a
great deal of money, he declared. The
people coming in are adding to the
unfortunate condition of the country.
"Keep our own people at home and
then we can select from the pick of
the world," he urged. We have stu-
pendoas resources and farming is the
back bone of the country, \Vhat has
the government done to make agri-
culture prosperous? Nothing-. With
the present budget they are using a
policy that will be dictated in "Wash-
ington, he charged. There is some-
thing Mr_ Dunning has not aasa,de pro-
vision :against. All a producer in the
1.'nite'd States has to do is go to his
1.2„,trie.rnment and ask that the tariff
on eggs he dropped for 10 days. Can-
ada's tariff would drop too, under rhe
countervailing plan. Then the. pro-
ducer would drop thousands of eggs
into the Canadian Market '.!'his bud-
get is a most deceptive doctttnent,"
Although the meeting was called
for the purpose of hearing George
Spotton,. member for North Huron.
give an account of hisstewardship,
the preceding speakers occupied so
navel of the time that it was impos-
sible for hits to go into detail. This
was a disappointment to tnatly, as wt.
believe that the crowd were more in-
terested. in Mr, Spotton and what he
was going to say, than that of the
visiting speakers.
During the evening the meeting
froliege 1,
was interspersed by an excellent pro-
gram consisting of a violin selection
by Miss Marion Edgar of Wroxeter:
vocal solo by, Mr. A. M. Forbes; viol-
in selections by Mr. jack Thynne,
Henry Ford's old time fiddler, and
nutuc rows selections by Mr. Harvey
MfeGee, Scotch comedian of Auburn,
After the meeting the young peo-
ple took part in dances held in the
Ctemeii Chatuber and 1.rntoeries,
where they indulged in the new and
old time dances. Refreshments were
served by the Women's Institute.
Continued from page 1,
bought and erected this year. The
matter of moving the brick posts at
the main slate was discussed brit it
was decided 20 leave this over for
this year.
Moved by Rte McKibbon, :ec-
eotaded by C'.rtr;1, Dintent. that the
('ennetery Committee be authorized
10 pinches(' one lnitntired and filly
tett of fiance for the Cemetery,
His \\'eorshir the Mayor thought iu
'4,'iuld hex .1 goo; idea to lav ess tto
tsne of 1110 surrounding' Townships
flat they might he interested itn natal.-`
itnt arl
annual grant toward the main-
tcnance of the \\ns(4•l,ar�t Cemetery tt
as their ratepayers \vete i21terk5ied in
rnr t t tnetory arid its improvement,
it rv:as 1r"sitie(1 to have the Clerk
!!.coir Ee.trr °ata this atter.'
Conn. \Vllit•'snson repaited kr the
Fire i. �t�'ttalraittee that one b.ael fire haat!
1rrurre1 sidle the 7 st Meeting, al 11ae
MacLe n i"1aning Mill, Also that e•aar'
e+realaa~1 x ti teS gtae`tt awl one had lei't
1.(fay or 'cella re
ti,t trtaatte°e that
fil l;t'd °rad fora
sraeal fat the et
sewers had taeral
itt cid eandiiild
Thur° Iay, May 8th, 1930
01101110111011011101110011101301111011011101/.1 1111111 seconded by Con a, Tipling, Haat if
Enna 1ettic theLions' Club of Goderichrequire
tie use of our Towel Hall for any.
SHOES pM aneettngt+ they may hold, the proceeds
6- 'to be used for the aid of ,crippled,
_ For Women
In securing this Agency for
Ij Winghant and surrounding dis-
• trict we are presenting this part
of Western Ontario with a
II "Real Large City Service."
t- This statement applies in par-
- ticular to those who have been
- unable to procure their wants
n outside of the large city owing
as to the fact of "Extra narrow„
- or "Extra wide" fitting being
0. required.
▪ Now, women who have been
fit compelled to buy in the city
"•'- and pay the "Large price" some
R. in fact as high as $14.00 and
even $16.09 per pair to get the
-• proper fit, are °enabled to pro-
cure in their home town a
111 strictly HIGH GRADE SHOE
E. in all width from AA to EE,
and in several styles.
0 Enna Jettick shoes are made
▪ of the finest materials, have the
" $hilt in arch" and "Goodyear
! welt soles," and you may buy
1i their best at
$8.00 PER PAIR
• We invite the women of
Wingham and the surrounding
IN - country to come in and "Try
aj on" a pair of Enna Jettick
▪ shoes, with no obligation to buy
whatever.. In fact we make the
it claim and are prepared to back
-• it up with the goods, as follows
74 "We can fit any normal foot"
lit- no matter how narrow, no rnat-
W ter how wide.
children of Huron County, Haat-we
are plensed to grant same free of any
charge.-.-Car.ri ed,
in the matter of collection of .ar-
rears of 1929 taxes, it Was agreed Haat.
11ae Clerk proceed as in former years.
The Clerk reported the Assessment'
Rall for 1930 duly completed and
handed aver.
The meeting then adjourned.
Listen to the
Who will entertain you every
Tuesday night at 9 o'clock E. S.
f Time over WEAF and associat-
E ▪ ed Stations.
t -A Phone 129, Wingham
fel The Enna Jettick Shoe Shoppe.
i11h111inUalINlIIAl{Iuo I)11111A1111Nll11111101IlYlII>
111110111011iIt- loll!111101N®11101110111A111/1111111
• Special Bargains
Slightly used Gramaphones in ti
upright and Console models in is
perfect mechanical condition,
front $17.50 up. Write for
photos and order blanks.
12 Selections Free.
Room 2-77 Victoria Street,
Toronto, Ont.
Satisfaction . Guaranteed.
Henderson— In Winglaam General
Hospital, on Friday,' May 2nd, 1930
Lydia Lemmex, beloved wife of W:
J. Henderson, in her 54th year,
Scott—In \Whitechurch, ort Saturday,
May 3rd, 1930, John E. Scott, in
his 92nd year,
Potter— In Lower Wingham, on
Monday, May 5th, 1930, Elizabeth.
Ann Bretmner, widow of the late
Henry Potter, in her 84th year.
Walker—In Toronto, on Tuesday,
May 6th, 1930, Annie Elizabeth,
widow of the late James Weikel',
aged 67 years,
Hour of Service Changed
Commencing last Sunday, the Sun-
day School of the United Church
changed their hour of service from
2.30 in the afternoon to immediate-
ly following the morning church ser-
Synod to Meet in Goderich
At the meeting of the Synod of
I-familton and London, of the Presby-
terian -Church itt Canada, held in St.
Thomas last week the invitation of
Knox Church, Goderich, to meet in
that place next year was accepted.
Rhubarb Tapioca
2 tablespoons quick tapioca
1 cup milk .
1 egg
1 cup sweetened cooked rhubarb
1 teaspoon butter
. Cook Tapioca, milk and butter in
the double boiler for 20 minutes. Add
!the beaten egg yolk' and the rhubarb.
Fold in the beaten egg white. Add
additional sugar if necessary. Serve
11101110111ii 1111111111110
_lien wanted to train — Few
weeks—Pay Raising job, getting
practical, garage Mechanics, Elec-
tric Welding, Housewiring, Brick-
laying and Drafting—Guaranteed.
Free employment service. 'Write
today for free information.
57 Queen \V., Toronto,
Rupture Expert Here
The wedding of Mrs. Wright and
1 John T. Carter was solemnized at the
i Lucknow United Church parsonage,
'on Saturday evening at `7.30. We ex -
Itent to Mr, and Mrs. Carter our
:hearty congratulations. Mr. and Mrs.
Carter held a reception at their horse
Ion Monday evening :fora few immed-
Do you suffer front rupture? If so,'.
your big opportunity has flow' arriv-
ed. Mr, Reaviey, the noted rupture
expert, will be at the
for one day only
and will be pleased to give free ex-
amination to any sufferer and to de-
nttoestrate his fanttlus appliance. This
appliance will contract the opening itt
10 to 15 days and has cured cases in
from three to six months. Thin ap-
plitince is positively demonstrated to
you right on Your own person with-
out any charge. You do not spend
a penny unless you are fully satisfied
that it is the right appliance for you.
A consultation with Mr. Reavley will
cost you nothing. Don't let this op-
portunity get away from you. Re-
member the date,
that the wood at the rear of the]
Town Hail had been split and re
moved to the basement of the Town
Hall and that there were about 171 ,
cords. The paint foe -streets was on
Permission was asked for arran<x-
ing a suitable place at the Town Park-
arks pitching horseshoes and it was
agreed that this be permitted.
Reeve McKibbon reported that The
I,.ions' Club of G.oderielt were Putting
on a :minstrel snows sae proceeds to
geo to help provide assistance for the
crippled ehild.en of the County of
Huron. He stated that it was possible
that the Lions' Club might wish to
t. e the Town Hall here for a 't isit
and thought it might be advisable to
consider granting tree of our Hall
free for this cause. After diacussirrn
at lads trativet' by Reeve bleT ibbctn,
Boys and Girls
get your
application forms
for the
Once you fill in and mail your
application form, it will be
just a few days till you get
your membership button and
certificate. You will also get
the Fleet Foot Sports Review
each month.
Drop in and choose a pair of
the nlew Fleet Foot Shoes.
We have all styles and sizes
in these comfortable, long -
wearing shoes.
The Good Shoe Store
late friends.
Mr. Angus and Mr, Ronald. Mc-
Dougall of Kincardine spent a two -
weeks vacation with friends here.
Mrs. Jas. Hodgins of Stratford vis-
ited her friend, Miss Margaret Camp-
bell, last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Craig of Wind-
sor visited over the week -end with
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark 'Gardner and
Ivan spent a day last :week with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Champion of Luck -
Air. and Mrs. Joseph England spent
the week -end with friends at Dun-
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Havens. and
family and Mr. Alfred Ritchie visited
over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs..
'Wallace Black of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Naylor of
Toronot spent the week -end with
friends in our vicinity.
q No need at all for that oilcloth or linoleum to
wear away. Even the pattern can be retained
indefinitely if you keep the surface protected
by Varnoleuns(. •
Varnoleum is .specially made for this
purpose. Brushed on over the surface it
will shield the linoleum from wear,
guard it against the constant scuffing
to which it is subjected. The
brilliant lustre of Varnoleum will
beautify the floor cohering, keep
it as bright and as new as the
day you first laid it.
11latoirt ,S'ettour products for every
purpose, fare very .surface, ager
Sad by
Rae & Thompson