The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-08, Page 3nt^11,71
reap en}tp,,
Thursday, May 8th, 1930
Don't Starve The Teeth
Teeth have to be built out of foods that
are rich in phosphorus and calcium.
Many children take intoadult Life
teeth that are defective, unfit for the
job that nature intended. Shredded
Wheat with milk helps develop sound
teeth, good muscles and good bones.
It is rich in the bone -making salts. The
crisp, crunchy shreds make chewing
necessary and that develops healthy
gums and good digestion.
Promotion in the Kingdom.—Matt.
19:30-20; 28 th
11 Place.--Peraea, on the way to Jeru-
` salem, ,
Parallel Passages, — Mark '10:U-
45; Luke 18: 31-34.
And as Jesus was going up to Jer-
usaleni. He was leaving Peraea, the
country east of the Jordan, and was
journeying to the Holy City for the
last time. He took the twelve discip-
les <cpart. The great teacher and mir-
acle -worker was always' surrounded
by a jostling, clamorous crowd, and
Christ needed to withdraw; with. His
disciples if He would have a quiet
talk with them. And on the way He
said to them. The prediction He in-
tended to snake was poorly under-
stood even by the disciples; it would
be wholly misunderstood by the com-
mon crowd.
Behold, we go up to Jerusalem,
"Behold" indicates the solemn and
important nature of the announce-
ment. Mark (10:32) gives us a gra-
phic picture of the Redeemer walk-
ing resolutely and majestically in ad-
vance of the .disciples and the accom-
panying crowd, heroically proceeding
to meet certain death. The disciples
"were amazed; and they that followed
were afraid," so magnificent, so di-
was Christ's bearing.And the
Son of man shall be delivered unto
the chief priests and scribes, Sanhe-
drin (often 'called the Council) was
3nade up of chief priests (those who
had been high priests and the heads
of the courses into which the priests
were divided), with representatives of
the scribes or lawyers, who copied
and expounded the law, and also 'of
the elders 'or heads of families. And
they shall condemn hint to death.
They could not put him to death
without the consent of the Roman
authorities, for those rulers reserved
to themselves the right of .capital
And shall deliver him unto the Gen-
tiles. That is, the Roriian authorities.
To mock, and to scourge, and to cru-
cify. This is the most particular pro-
phecy of the horrors that were to
attend the Saviour's death. And the
third day he shall be raised up. "Our
' ed a flood of light on what else had
Goldent Text—The Son of man blessed Master added- a word whi
came not to be ministered s ezed' unto, but overpowered the bitterness of t
minister, and to give His life a death -draught. Here was the brig
nsom far many.—Matt. 20:28. lining of the black cloud. This po
HE LESSON IN ITS SETTING, been a sevenfold midnight.'
Then came him to the mother of
the sons of Zebedee with her sons,
Her name was Salome, and her sons
were the two apostles, James and
John. James afterwards was the
first of the apostles to suffer mar-
tyrdom, and John became the bishop
of Ephesus, wrote the fourth Gospel,
three Epistles, and the Revelation,
and died at the great age of nearly
one hundered. Worshipping
Bowing profoundly before him, not
as to God, but as to a royal person-
age. And asking a certain thing of
him: She hesitated to express her
wish, not knowing how Jesus would
take it, fearing a sharp refusal.
And he said unto her, What would -
est thou? In Mark we are told that
the apostles sought to obtain from
Jesus a promise to grant them any
favor they might ask, but Christ
would make no such promise, in the
dark; no one should make it, and no
one should ask it, She saith unto
him, Command that these niy two
sons may sit, one on tlzy right hand,
and one on thy left hand, in. thy
kingdom. Only a short time before
this, our Lord had' promised ail the
Twelve that when He ascended His
throne of glory, they should, sit on
twelve thrones, judging the. twelve
tribes of Israel (Matt. 19:28):, Now
James and John sought to get the
better e of the other ten a
es, and
obtain far themselves the most hon-
orable thrones. They felt that they
had a right to this promotion be-
cause Christ had distinguished them
(with Peter) above the others by ad-
mitting them to the inner circle, and
besides their mother was seemingly
the sister of : Mary the mother of
Jesus, so that tliey were cousins' of
But Jesus answered and said, Ye;
know not what ye ask, Christ turns
to James and John, recognizing their
ambition as the real source of the
request. Their prayers were like
many of ours, akin to the baby's cry-
ing for the fire,. which' woaild. only
burn his hands 11 he got it. Are ye
able to drink the cup that Z am about
to drink? That is, "Can you .,endure
the fate that is hi store, for me? A
man's destiny is often thus compared
to a, liquid, either sweet or bitter,
which he is to drink: "My cup run-
neth over," David: sang "Let this
aup pass frons, the," Christ prayed in
Gethseiiaane, They say"onto ltim, We•.
March, A.D. 30, two or
weeks before the crucifixion.
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are able, Jesus might well have an -I
swered them as at first, "Ye know
not what ye say." Little did. they
comprehend the vastness of Christ's
coming sufferings, as He wore the'
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Adams from
Auburn and Mrs. Howard Adaris of
:Toronto visited with Mrs. A, Case -
weight and horror of all mens' sins, more on Sunday;
They thought only of His physical Mrs Herd wvhn has been quite iJl
sufferings, whicli;;Were the least of yt,ith ptteurnonla is, we are pleased to
His tortures, and felt themselves able say, a little better.
to endure them. Miss Ha,el Mundell of Bluevale,
He said' unto them, Myy cup indeed Mr. and Mrs. George Mundell of
ye shall drink. ;Neither of the broth -
Drayton, visited Saturday evening
ers was crucified.. James was behead- and Sunday at 112r, Wm, ayundell's.
ed with a sword in the reign of Her -r. and Mrs. David. Haskins of
od Agrippa 1:, and John died a nater- Burlington `called on friends in the
al death after suffering many perse- village Sunday.
cations. 13ut to sit on My right hand, Mr..and Mrs. Halliday and Miss
and on my left hand, is not mine to Sarah of Riversdale were recent vis -
give, "1.'liat is, such an honor was not ;itors at, the General Store.
to be handed out ,arbitrarily, and as Mr. and Mrs, Jack Reid attended
a personal favor, but was to be giv- the play "Only Sally Ann" in Tees-
en those whose lives and spirits prove water Friday evening.
them worthy of it. But it is for them
for whom it hath been prepared of
my Father. This matter of judicial Kith LINE,HOWICK, •
appointment is one particular in
which the Father was greater than
the Son, at least during the incarna- were Sunday visitors at T. Strong's.
Thos. and Mrs. Strong, Verda and
And when the ten heard it, they Olive, also Herman Litt spent Sun -
were moved with indignation concern- day evening with friends in Listowel,
ing the two brethren. It was for Olive remaining for a few weeks.
Christ alone to be indignant, not for Thos. and Mrs. Pritchard and
children were
Mc -
them. Their ;anger had its root in , w re visitors at Fred Ivlc
the sane self-seeking which led . Hood's Sunday. ,
James and John' to proffer their am -1
Mr. and TMs, Lawrence Galbraith
bitious request, and two children were visitors at
But Jesus called them unto Him.
'Alex Gibson's, Drew.
Their murumring was not in Christ's 1 Thos. and Mrs. Strong attended the
presence, but He knew what was go -'funeral of the late Mrs, Mills, near
ing on. And' said, Ye know that the
rulers of the Gentiles lord it over I Mr. William Fleet who has been
them. The Jews were in a subordin-
to his bed is niproving nice
ate position; the Gentiles, whom the ly. Mrs. Randal of Hanover, is still
Jews hated, exercised such lordship with Mrs. Fleet.
Mrs. John Strong and son Roy,
as Christ disciples were foolish en-
ough to seek. And their great ones
exercise authority over them. Not on-
ly the rulers of the Gentlies were U. S. S. No; 12, Culross (Belmore)
lording it over people, but their les- For April
ser officials `had caught the same V. Class—Mae Johann 81.
dominating spirit. Sr. IV—Etoile Caseniore 58.
Not so shall it be among you. The Jr. IV: Jean Herd 73.
principle of Christianity is the very Sr. III—Elmer Ballagh 78, Marjor-
opposite of worldly self-seeking. ie Herd 75, Stuart Johann -64.
Christians do not seek greatness for Jr. I.II—Edna Johann 63, Margar-
theniselves, but to make others great, et Abram 62, Vera Johann 58.
But whosoever would become great II Class—Alba Stokes 93, Wilfrid
among you shall be your minister. Johann 80, Allan Haskins 60.
Christ recognizes the desire for ' I Class—Bill Abram 94, Mattee
greatness as legitimate and worthy, Kennedy 60.
but He would turn it into wise chan- Primer—Madeline Caseniore, Mary
And whatsoever would be first
among you shall be your servant.
This is not a mere repetition of the
preceding for the sake of emphasis
but it goes farther.
Even as the Son of man. Christ as
representative man, standing in our
stead, living our life and bearing our
sins. Came not to be ministered unto.
A. he might well have been, for the
crowds wanted to make him a king,
and his powers of miracle -working
could win for him unbounded wealth
and limitless sway; but he would
have none of it. Bait to minister. Lit_
erally, "to be a deacon." And to give
His life a ransom for many. Christ
"carne"; He was pre-existent, and
came into this world of His own ac-
cord and for a purpose. He came as
a ransom, to do for us what we could
never do for ourselves.
Easter Tests for U. S. S. No. 1,
Honors 75, Pass 60,
Jr. IV—Wesley 'Newton 80, Mrytle
Montgomery 70, Reita Kitchen 62.
Sr. III—Dean Gibson 76, Jean Snell
62, Laura Newton 62.
Jr. III—Jack Millar 58, Fred Mont-
gomery 49. '
1 II --Marguerite Nicholson 79, Jack
Griffith 57, Vernon Snell 55, Gordon
Sanderson 27.
1 Primer—Mildred Griffith 79, Olive
Newton 75, Cecil Sanderson 55.
1 Perfect attendance since Christmas,
Mrytle Montgomery, Reita Kitchen.
No. on roll 15. Av. Att., 12.85.
Bessie Lane, Teacher.
To the Editur av ail thim
Misses Elda and Kate Hazlewood Wingham Paypers.
who have been visiting friends in Tor- Deer Stir:—
onto, Oshawa and Grimsby, returned I tould ye, no longer ago than
home Tneday of last week. lasht wake, about corisultin wid a
James Earl Bail, son of the late backteria shpishialist fer me lame
James Ball died Sunday, May 4th, He back, whin 1 wus in Toronto, an av
has been in delicate health for some how I belayed it wus an age av
years suffering from heart trouble. shpishialists, 1 tould ye too ay how
The funeral was held to Wroxeter 1 wus a shpishialist mesilf in pony -
Cemetery Tuesday afternoon. ticks, an wan av the besht av thim.
Saturday's papers contained the re- Av coorse, mebby Jarge Shpotton
sults of Queen's University Examina- grades hoigher than I do, an that is
tions. .
Amongthe names of interest the rayson he is a mimber av parley -'
to people in this vicinity were Miss mint inshtid av mesilf. Yis, Jarge is
Janet L. Allen, daughter of Mr. and a good wan, an barred to bat; so he
Mrs. Geo. Allen, Wroxeter, and Miss is, an whin he houlds a maytin he
Ruth T. McKenzie of Harriston, alias all the besht shpishialists he kin
former teacher in the Wroxeter Con- foind in the counthry to hilp him wid
tinuation School. Both ladies passed it.
with hoonrs securing the degree of I Per inshtarrce lasht Froiday noight
B.A. Miss Allen also received a med- he had Mishter Copeland av the Fry
al for proficiency in English. Both land Blackhall firrum to act as chair -
young ladies are to be congratulated man, an 'tis a shpishialist he is on
on their success. chairs, rneliby about' the beslit chair
man in the prawvince, an, Shure, 'tis
Fifty-fifty some foine aisy wins he sells, The
Hubby: "Your bread is all right, misses bought wan av thim fer me
dear, but it's notas light as moth- kr r'i Christmas prisint, an, share, it
or's," is so comfortable that 1 belave 1 cud
1Vrf , "Well, 1 might add, that :fall ashlape in it, avers wid Jarge
your roll is lighter than Dad's," -,-- Shpotton slrpakin, an that's goin
Christian Science Monitor. some, as me bye who wus oversays
wed :say,
'thin, av coorse, Jarge had a shpisli-
* * * .*.
Surprise Mutual
Cook: °Why you're the sante man ialist to play the fiddle, an another
I gave
a piece of mince -pie to yes- to play the pianny, an Harry McGee 1
terday." the shpishialist wid cingin Scotch
Tranijsa "Ytts, but 1 'ardly efrpetted songs. didn't sititay to the glance,
to find the 'sante cook 'ere to -day." be rayson av haviri had rale day at
.London Opinion, thine tings, but I ani ''tould that the
.mould birruds who called aff the dan
ces wus all shpishialists,
Mishter Rowe and faoch.torMa-
limey, the shpaktrs Jarge brought up
from Ottawa wid him wus both
shpishialists, but, be rayson av rare
back thrubblin inc 1 h;id to go home
titiduut he,arin ii;uciz av the drachtor's
I' undhershtand Mishter Rowe,
loike mesilf, is a shpishialist in judg-
in harses as well as in pollyticks, an,
share, It takes ;a shrnart man to be
both, widout makin some mishtakes.
Per inslitancc, Mishter Rowe said
at the fursht av his spaich'that Mish-
ter Dunning's budgit wus made in
Washington, an aftlier a whoile turn-
ar•round an said it wus shtolen from
Mishter 13innitt. Now, av coor•se,
thim slrtatemints cudden't both be
r'oiglct, an, as a matther av fact, they
wus both wrong, fer 'Mishter Dunn-
ing got the besht av his oideas from
Jarge Shpotton arr mesilf. Fel.' years
Jarge ]las been shpaldn up fer to hev
a dooty put on hin's eggs, an 'tis me-
silf that wanted the wan on tay re-
Thin Mishter Rowe praised Mish-
ter MacKenzie, an Mishter Blake, an
Sir Oliver Mowat, an Sir Wilfred
Laurier, tr'
Ter, an 1 don't know whether that
wus a safe ting to do arr not, at laist
not yit, wid a lot av ould oidintities
in the hall who rentimber what we
used to say about thim former laiders
av the Grit parthy, whin they wus
Take me ould frind, Sandy Banks,
fer ,inshtance, wid a miniory loike a
harse, an who nivir fergits annyting,
nor lams annyting ayther, fer that
matther, he tuk me to task the next
day whin I met wid him in Lepard's
He renioinded me av how we used
to call Mishter MacKenzie a fiddle
faced ould Scotch Baptist, wid no,
thing but the Goderich harbor jawb,
an the shteel rail scandal to his cred-
it, an av how we used to call Mish-
ter Blake "the little tyrant" in laig
wid Archbishop Lynch, an av how
Sir, Wilfrid Laurier wus a disloyal
Flinch papisht•from the Kingdom av
the garlic alters.
A lot
av tliimu1
o d Grits hev in-
convaniently long mimories, an ye
hev to be perry careful what ye say
whin anny av thim do be shtickin ar-
round, but, barrin thin two arr tree
little shlips be Mishter Rowes, Jarge's
maytin wus as grate a success as a
Twilfth av July sillybrashun in For-
Yours fer a bigger art. heal er,
Timothy Hay.
Phone 21 (Stinson residence)
Fordwich 011 Wednesday,
1 to 9 o'clock.
Finn. B., Opt. D., R. O.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
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