The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-03-27, Page 277771111117" Don" wm 'amhw ulamr. =0 0=! TV Homeh Chbu�=*;o Devot" 14fe to, Suppm- lVas 4,114dely Smaxt or Just,smart, luat s r or ;WA,L' HIDDEN PIC.TT$RF.$. �dau Of Vope =d Gambling Radel Wxittgn for The, Advance -Times 0 Using tbe beautiful senes of Les- Ring In demada, the Rt, aaa, Tohn Burns, w1len he KER st-r. Picturts publish -td by the piAb- I F�orten years os�rnet wong, one of I e looms large war, PreAdentofthe Board of ',Trade in the Asquith Government before Allen B , wri ro jUshvr ci ihis volumv, the teucber of Primary 3 4ass fasten PrersOnglttles who iso, In Torontos tong wax, 'was a re4tau­ the war, was memi7er of Parbatnent no Z or uni"Or ni-ay, Tatut owner in,Canada,,with Interests for -Battersea., and lived In his owu Housecleaning 0 �ihe paciarts u,. a screen a ud place, in other coucer-as--a 4 -pleat Chinese eonst1ruency. He WAS at that �ame 's an -rhe annual drive on dirt I 9tber 0 th� z;cr%:,t�r in'.inzoni 01 *,e 41ISS, the turnzd away from Ae eas,�J i business =A, whose, only Interest in life Wa5 the Mak of enough money Ing geaerafly recognized as the represen- tative -of labor In the Cabiliet, and thing Xhat isn't what it se d`t,.,, be. 0 '0 stab -If flrlul� lben "one �,,d tht, C!a� will cc-,rle for- �Ito re -es bliall blutse v in tie I 'WaS brought touch into contact With the Working Classes. He had bC?LA 3 Do you remember when the whole . nattye land. wi M' la-ke a picture will4ch the Then, some f3freen yearsago. San' workman hilaseff. It -will be reeallea that when Brit -aim entered the w�rlweek hjus e was in -a state of upheaval for -s at a timeF Those were the days +­­�her pAnts. out, and tell whaT be'l Fat Sen esmee to Canada. The two# be, w ith 1,ord Morley, resigned from whtn c ts roy r d the entire floor, arpe e e LIMITED Sk!t�s in ".1, rl:07 r2aming, owpler-sons dt-, Itimate Wong and Sun, and becamle in- friends. That was the turning the Government. and some undertaking it -.vas to take 0 pict ed, if he 11=4�ws who they are. The point in Wong's life, for in many re- Burns' position naturally brought cut all these carpet, tacks, get the, car- �elass mill Zher. '�a WB'zt sce"6 is ia- lustrated spects. his UTP became patterned at,- him into contact with peo�le in, high Society. �L Political hostess desired Pet out on the line and get it beaten., and'who the characters are� -Next another pupil i%-- invited for- ',mard M des ter that of. the greatest of madern I Chinese lea lers. Perbaps it was irom. Su i ed his m Y at I -Sen that W, ong inhe It his, Presenceat a dinner and wrot*,ta -Mrs. Burns inTiting her and her Umi- That is -whert The rilen of the house strutted their stuff. On -a sunshiny I W1 N G,H A M and vi scribe another Pic Ile. That Is. another point in com- ous busb-&nd w the -affair and In her y the sound of carpet beating was daL 0 -ure, am4 so an till all the pictur ISM, es I mon between the -w two -a smits letter 4pologised for not having pre� "but," to be heard on all sides, but especial- . 'have-- been guessed. 'that is expressive at many things. It is relateed :of Won- that when eon- iriouslyealled on lfrr,- Bums� ,she wrote. "Batters -ea is so 'tar away- ly early -in the morning and -after sup- 0 0 A XRtrGDOM REVIE W fronted by mealicing danger. whieli be from Matom Place.- I -Mrs. Burns in- spired, it is *ad,, by Tohu, rep'lled per, when the man of tbfahouse was horne tarpet-beating 0 Asthe subject of our two quarters 1 often has fallen to his lot, --miles and his assailant irsnIshes. IT. Is a oomewbat like this-. dear Lady -your from work. and house-cleaning were sure fine jokes OFFER ,is "'The Gospel ,7�f the Kingdom,- -and re-larkable fact that In Afteen Tears Thajo!k you for kindn"z '!as duning our studies so Much has spent In Aghting the dopeand gam- bling ring Wong bai escaped scath- In iwTlting Mr- Burtissad myselt 1, too, am sorry *-hat we have never but looking 1 for the comedians thosi� days. JVomen grow up with sonic sort of been said about the kingdom of hear- I I less while others engaged In the same met� an at the map housecleaning comple--L Some of -8 I en, a re'new -nith that as its special pursuit haNTe been less fortunate. And 'that It is quite -as far from Bat- tersea to Eaton Plaes as It is from them. are so imbued with the spirit X*nem-e rna-y be acceptable, especially Some have paid with, their lives. When Wong became a diseple of Sum Eaton Pleee to Batterser, &ud I fear of housecleaning that they feel the 11 %0 the older.classes. To that end, the Yat Sen he perceired that the use of that the distance ProTes ;an lwur- l6use would not be cleaned if every- 0 following subjec-Ls may he Ahided narcotics was the greatest evil of his mctrntzble obstacle to our tttenftuce at your dinner." m , 0 urne(I out twice a year. ing , n t t among the members of the 62.s s, each countrymen in Canada. Canada is not terra, incognito to -,Others are so fed up -with the annual GREAT to Zreat his subject in any way he With Infinite patience he set out: to put down the use -of drugs. It John. Burns. Ore7 twent7years agolupheaval that they -vow nothing 0 ,�Pleases, but beepink within the time .1 W" . a big task far one man. but be was In Toronto with Joseph Allen Ba ker. would evrer Mare them have their , ilimit assigned him. is Of course, the -4 Wong tacklel it - 4 %. tb a smile. , a. Canadian who had become a 1h0Dus7cS- u SeL p I I st may- be changed in any wav the I 0 I I t was easy I enough to find out where all this dope went to, Nor was. nlember of the BrItUh PailfameuL I Early on a Sunday morning he left - i There are so rnanv aids to house- BARGAIN. �te:acher chc&oses: it alt consumed by Chinese. But the house atwhiCh they w ere staying cleaning g these days that it is not me - The Kingdom: What It Is. i i � Wongs trail led I"- the other Biro*- went for a walk, returning before Icessary and I to upset the house. -No more 11 The King oi the Kingdom. tion---ta the source of supply. This the household was up and abouL lis it necessary to upset the house, No DAYS 'The Authority of the Kin: -required time. and patience, so he re- 'r. tired tram business, devoting When asked whare be had been be 4 . . said t7 seeing somemore is -it necessary '-a Nvoo the buin- oat he 22ad been 0 0 The Power of the King. active all his energy to hi's self-ap-pointed friends at the Xing Edward hotel, Ible carpet -tack and chase it to its The Character of 'the King. task. Citizens the Kingdom. which had only recently been opene& Ilair. 17acuum cleaners make it unne- "Why," said his host, '"they must be J C) ===0=9��0=0 of After years Of patient inquiry cessary to take up the rugs, -although Entrance into the Kingdom- lVirong found the manufacturer—the early risers. What were they doing 1 up so early on a,Snndkv mO1,'MJ1;J3.g1­;I must- confess I likethc sun to shine 0 Laws of the King man who convtrted crude opium into gdom morlibilie. He was s Canadian and "Oh." 'replied Jobm, "they -were Ion. them. 'One hour's sunlight will IN OUR Progress of the Kingdom. from him the Chinese peddlers sarubbi'ag the floor." disinfect them. Enemies of the Kingdom. bought their stutt. From inform- Wealth of the Kingdom, atibn given by Wong the D lice naid- Vacuum cleaners keel) the mattress -I . 31114LTONS Ix RMMIEF. es free from dus I t . they d9 A 0 I ed his premis-s twelve times in Six and no t 00 0 e ngdorn. `h P 11ritis tatepayers Bear Double Bar- �have to be hauled out to be cleane q months and each time seized drugs. 4 - a He was put out, of business. Aftwer deri.of Pro -War Days, �There is nothing under the sun more A ST 1 0 and Christ's Wonders. I UbY OF CHRIST. 4this the law -was tightened up. It was re'vealed in a Health 34111- uniiieldlv than P itiadiress. Chapter. 15. --The SyrDphoeuician- Since, of course, every lesson ofI !�tlll the tTafhe continiied, almost istry stvAement, issued the other day, J TH SUNDAY S(HOOL LOO N Chapter 16.-Thd Leaven of the, the 4�.uarter his had a dir-ec, relation unabated. For many months Wong that 261 people in every 1%,000 of '; Early Cleaning Anniversary continued his inquiries, cautiously the population Of Britain are receiv-' A good many pride themselves on Phansees and Sadducees- to our Lord, we may well undertake but unremittingby. in time he made 1, Ing assistance at the expense of the h a review which will be a study of another contact, became acquainted I ratepa-ers. The actual number of avuig their housecleaning done early -T:&SSO-N =-March so A TeacJ3ing Review. with one of the biggest Chinese deal- i g an d beat all the women in the nei-h- 0 0 The older c2asses may like to, re- Christ under various. aspects, seclang I men, women, ana �U&eti reeetrl Sale P-PVIEW rter - ers., and he, boasting to vzong, let. Elte relief on the last Saturday in sep- tlborhood. I do not think there is one, riew. the .0da. by its teachings, to combine the views of the Saviour cat out of the bag. tember was 1,03 1 0x0Q&- The corre� of us, who does tlot I- - *ved -7 -, into one complete the _,mow at least one 7, ext._Un�,,o us a child is which -have bien so van at - z�o picture. Thus one: From IAverpool, England. re s$oVM9-'TG-t2d -at fSe end of Septem- powerfal. Some of these have been !*oman who ggloaEs over us about the th-� member of the class may be asked. came a consignment of lavatory ber, 1913, was 611,000. -be=il, unto. us a son zs given; 21-1 �kv direcz tlreaching, :some by para, ­to treat 'he Power of Christ, another fbowls. This was oply one consign- An analTsis of the September quar- 1 time we are thinking of starting our 'His love, 2 goveznmei�, shall be upom his should- 1 113'ent but tt WaSS a Sbe- ter shows that increases in the num- ihousecleaning. PlrsZonally, I think �bles, some by way of miracles and -nother His -wisdom. still t STARTING WITH er; and his name sbaU be called Won- ! 1: cial one, held a special Interest for her of those receiving rell-ef occurred �-zhaT, too early cleanin- is a waste of 1' r�:her happenings. FGr this Do- 1, -- poe ithers His helpfulness, His cou'rage, , some folks- Those ofi the lookout in the week preceding and in the two What is tile ust of cleaning if 0 dmf =I, COMSellor, Ifthty God, Ever- time- -�Ou will asign Topics� to tbe pl�plls.' His Plans I -or His church, His plans i for this cons' ' em-, toG'-- care to bu-y weeks following the Aagust -Bank Peace' Ignm lasting Pather. Prince oat -hen, just as they were con- holiday- During this period of three ithe snow --nd mud are not all gone'� and each is 10 study all t�he !eS_A01, world�, His deity". His� hem- it 'and ' a 2 Days the t iTatilia'Ciag themselves on having weeks the increase -was a4. -o9,4, part, There are agood many women who 0 -of the Guarter and gpTher light on his anitv, His relation to men, to women, epyad - ed the customs, down swooped of which was attributablete the Ian- like �o clLeau their cupboards, and clos- topic -from every so=ce. Give the to children- to His disciples, to the the narcotic squad. Lo and behold, cashl-re cotton industry. Ix the Lon- Of A CH -A=t ER =�- VIEW 7, they attack the rest of the - 2 Jewish authorities, etc. Chans -we have studied the first hau of "InI., free Muze as VC, their mcde , ge this in the angle of the bowLs was hidden don axes. 154,000 were iecelving re -'e a z, und idea if the 0 'BIt in any way you tna-v think des-ir- -a consignment of morphine worth Uef in September as couipaxed with cle n I a 0. iot tree--nent oa their ti-q4ic-bv I- M.- her is fit to hang clothles.out to the crzspre; If Uarlhew, siteen c ap-� able many thousands of dollars- Of 151,000 in August. This is an a-.-er- �vreal'n DOLLAR 'it nif 'Tin es - A goo6 Tra�v to review W. 0 .1 t7e speecl, ar by wri _q a br- course, no one was convicted for par - age of 843 per 10,�000 of the popula- -a. and stin thern- Clothes which. are 0 :say and reading it, ��-7 in snrne cthtr I Be -,to drdMe these cha-,)tlel-s as even- sesslam-everyone pleaded igno- tion ---or " I in �everxy 29- buriE4 ;71 dark closets net�d tile. sun way For instance, two might c.'Im-! ance; but that conig-m-ent was a to- The average number of people re - 3 . I t-, a�i as a germicide and to hell) DAY y as Possible 2=ong the putills, ask- tal loss and hit ihe bine to treat a shibject L -z am originaO fWINGHAM HORTI- dealers hard- turAed as ordina--ily engased zng eacb zq. w3iite- one-nmitnite S11111- I There have been other large sel- some regular occupation who were ban -15b the m47iths. Dresser drawers znazies� �zi his ch-aPitrs, which he CULTURAL SOCIETY ures, but Wong claims that for all receiving relief in lugust whi d7 I le �O 11V- and chna cupbonrds and so on can read to 1he class. Insist that no one He -re are some suj�-cts that may his efrorts the trade still flourishes. Ing in their own homes was '047, Do- be deaner2 at aiky little and do not SPECIALS is Z�o go nne minpte on amy be used: Faith; Prayer, Christ"s Or- How to Grow 'Tbe,,,, Rooted He says crude opium is actually re- This Agarecomprises 89,000 _m -en, need vc, wait on . the weather. As a iLgixa -and 'Nature; Temptation and Sin; 41 Aned In Can-ada-smuggled opluin, 81,000 women, and 177,000 cbil- 0 da b, make good rainy FRIDAY March 28 Salvation; Heroism; aapqlsm� Bless- whiell comes to �Canac y the hun- dren- It Includes 239,000 registered mauer of fac! -they ts s groupim-- rZ tile eren dreds of tons and is sold to Cana- at employment exchangess. In Aug- day worl--� ,edness--, Hu-nilitr. T-ust; Cc�mpassi,:.n; Secure a shallow box and 'lace in; diall youths and young women. ust there -were 47T,000 receiving. re- SATURD p AY, March 29 ai:8 teacitings acc.3rding to topics i Ceurage: the Sabbath; that Hulv SPi7­ iit about three inches of sand. Place� But Wong assarts that, in spite of lief at home who were not ord7narily Har4wood. Rloors ds itself re2dily to this io- of it; Growth. the Herzalzer� Y" - � their L-4w� tunal Part, of Benzine and eres! 'hc Begonia bulbs on the s - c audaeity� in spiteof the profits engaged in so. reguiaa amd -will. 2de to the int urra e 01' they are tnaklu& he has further Sur- �M' the s" anirs if you gTre each a �nc�t have -.;.me iur ah., these subjects, sand an.d. about three inches a- prises in store for the ring- UdIfty -Ts. SrRner.N'- ik-, clean hard -wood floors. Do birt v,&.0 V611 select those Tr i.�* use this in a room'with a lighted I Du thilzk -r- The oldstruggle between the peo- T� - -- tille� temug he P=pfi what tEe titles ; - . Force the bulbs into the sand re as there is da � I a best� Ile, the pupiLs malke the selec- � Wonders of Trillidad. 0 oi his chapters 2 -re- Also print a list. until thev are covered about one-;. ple who want electricity and those 'fi nger of explosion. I and div;d-- the time strictly quarter of an inch deep. Be sure -to -, joil was first found in Trinidad in who preler scenery is being reriTed Light rubbing Nvith sand -paper Or Sale Continues -�f ifiese titles amd --2ace them beisre no roads and over the Grampian hydro-electrlo i-, -love the very arn-ang them. 19,59 but there wete the tlass during t:he reaffin, 0i the 1 -keen the hollow side or the bulb S eel W -A w- elp ren 11IR14,CLES AUND PARABLES It UP-- the supply did not seem large enough scheme, which is the biggest Bnt6-b : Hert is a srggested 'isl: 1, Place tbe box in, a 'Watm Place and tor export. That spring is still run- -undertaking of its -kind for W� b y SP I uc e found in fT All Next Week di�­ - o s, s h as ar --ont tang, though many people are at first de e been put forward of an ontside door. -Nfan People use Birth. , fin Zhaapti-r -1-The Wtmdenr- A !arge pa -,t u,7 jh,�: hall :,iikeep the sand damp. Ite plans hay X-N'hen viro or three leave,-; un -It is proposed to obtain tie pavrar,joc, a is A cbapteT 2�The Visit iir tbe Meg,- ;Mait'hew deals with miracies, and par- have ap-. willing to believe that oil of such ; _much nd the result WITH 0 quality can be found in a natural by damming the lochs inGlenAffric, Is t-lickv flioer� U�x should be put in - ..id. of a thin cloth, like a poultice. a ;C=Ipter &-The HtvOd c�i the ab',es�, and the ciass may 114ttared, transplant the bulbs to their � 'h - state Glen Cannich. and Glen S -t EXTRA" new v,"m.ch jr. �t�jes-,, Dj- I Pe:rIn2nent Place in pots or beds- Be- I I �ountlfulorovldenee hasendow- and to raise.the level of t3le water by, Xing� - ueduet from Loch e'That prevents pieces of wax z1a, a ed not Orly with oil but- meams of an aq from ted Pa -,d 4 V1 the ss im& rw�,; pa7t., a=d �9,.,jnias re�qnire a parti liv shad ]a- ed Trinidad � Bhealaich. Four power stations will -with asphalt, which is contained Ina to tick-ing t,0 he f3, jr, ear.: side- pr;�Va7�� caiimn and a good rich well -drained ake The area involved lies Do all the 0 SPECIAL er - Tast lake known as the Pitch 1. - � be built. bbing -W -rain tq the -wood, S Chapter ani 7,­xe, both tht; -­:-a--]Cs and zhe PaMblt They require to be -,rat, 'd li`�- Tbiss lake is so soli that you may � the - southwest - ith the 6 d of Inverness. Vi7lifle on it, and tramlines, along the,promoters of the scheme say that �quenflv. Begonias vnill n withstand I walk i,%betller it is to clean.. to wax or to Chapter,6.-P.-ayer ana Ptaze. ',"he Qmestk-as Z�n e3rh Sepa--.1 FOR Ou d4i -VOU7. daily du -sting lzhs:v-ter 1 -The Gc��den R -ale wr.d alt In 'Ine nezitatil�n th!� tw::- R ­&,i; ��Ihe Ai =est frost. which are excavated asphalt Is trans- The natural beauties of tlie� glens will Polish. If V the Two F.:n=dalions. Fir6t �-4me s'd, in the fall after the firS, light jros�z ported, are laid on its surfaee. It Is be safeguarded, there are other Pe0- �and the weekly furniture polisbin� I nevertheless, -in coastant motion, and pie who contend that they will be . 11 . EACH DAY 0 -with the grain r4f tile 1vood you -will he t- ter S�Real- :a, -d ITIelp, ,,je a 4atbP7 the bulbs and place them in a the holes made by a day's digging spolled. It is als suggested that the 0 h, whieb4soon see a differnece in the poll,,h T-bapler 19�-Nfalthew and mirar�S. a rm,-.Lrle,. 7hc ui'! re- irl�zl: &Y Place and prottm aorz,,uzh- Ali up with une-rpected rapidity. The beautifful Falls of Gloniac :Chapter aral Sernze. p,. -Md lsivh a umesvl�n 1:4on, a pa-,abh= n d of many other -are the highest in the British Isles n !fi C, a Y iro= finc-st. streets of Lando , Un 'on Ys.,atir furniture. Res ei ber t. I - es, are paved with the pro- may disappear it the scheme Is great citi car- ivrays rall with the g -I *e � rain. Chapter It­-71be Bapta�T's Q�=ts- Sc. ", �.Arill iL'.'- afte .2. J y X Wingham Hiorficultural S,,%- a]f 1J, Alice of this extraordinary lake. ried -out In its presan:t torm, -owing.' to I the streams feeding them IT WILL Housecleaning Weals itnw� Tl:z-7n the fin'T. Sid,,- wiU bl-,7-.-� !MnF. E. Mr. H. camp being Chap., --r 12­72he Sabbath 21iefv-1n- cn i!i4 ;,aralbh� ql:esiiun--� and ti -e Stc'y. President. Canadian mountairt Highway. dammed. Just btcat,.Sc YOU -.are bousecl Chapter 18�-Fanables by the Sea. ��-­d sAt <jn �its rwrarze 4utztl Tb�- I 7tea4y progress 'is being made PAY You with the proposal of an all -Canada. Juvers Change Course. 3s no.rre2son to have to eat off,the I paist"B DL-.ath 'isclner v�i`] keep the S RNBERRY COUNCIL metor route. An important decision 'Fae study of aerial photographs br. 1--vantle-piece. YPll zeallv need 5-7hav` -L- The Ba: Z:).re Cd the T U- a TO I has been recently reached 'by the officials arthe Surveys Bureau of the �'-squa` meal mart those days than meetin", Mori-'Damitilon atid BrItAshColumbhL Gov- ',other ti oil htld ir llguevaie on Department of the Interior has dis m c-5, B n I Y certainly do not- m,rch 11)1h, !;�.iffi all member- eram-ents to ftnislithe part closed many rivers that haTe changed lranj t,:, SHOP lag the Roaky� Mountains by in -sPend, much time cooking. P,;eent. Win- , their eourse in co, paratively recent e alternative is, to. use ��Our pleting the section between the pral- tqtnes� as time is talrulat'ad In Its r iso the, on, Ir AfLnute�, --dr last =Lecting w ... d e-1head and be t1rc, ries and the Patifie coast by the 'Big Jation to geological nsots. This In- forehanded., Fill your and A&pted, U g Ever MaItHrind Creame' ry I Beud secUon from Revelstolte to formation opens up many Interez U �cr4akie Jar and have a cake that keeps, Y Day 'Ilia cEiven and V1cTa,.jsh Gulden, following the Big Bend of the possibilities for the diversion of one enough for wore, lhan oil e meal lf�Med by M C00l, illhat we Tetitest the Ontario f Columbia river. When tills Is cO'm- stream Into another or for the co, a time,. Food nee -d not be servetJ DURING sovern- pleted this Canadian route through eentrations of head lor power de- =,i�vt ff."ir additional grant On Tlhontp- the mountains will 'PrOTIde One Of the v-elopment, ThIS is only One Of the.!in the Sa-t Way taice in Succession, 'a 50n Lamont, DaYell drain. Carried. gTeal scenic highw&ysof the world. vays in whiob aerial surreying Ig'Ibut if it is repared tittle "ill 'be P contributing to the development of �saved. This Sale 24 31 1103xti by UcEvren and 2&cTa�vi­�h, Ahat we adopt the auditors* t, epo I rt I for Farmerat Bo.rrbvfed -$19,006v000. the Dorftlrdon� Fish pie V, U11try. J L*aw made by the Ontario Gov- ilm I cairied I�kev Lim 6 a greased bg.L-ing dish ),iti, a The following 2cci.�.unt.s paid; Jerniaeut Agricultural elopment lkhcoa� am IDAustrial Ft-ovinm i Board to the farmers of the province i Jiaultob& Is fs4t beeoming " In- Paver of Mashed potatoes, Put ill -,a e-Tjme:;, ace.. I have, In the Vast yetT, 1 - eside hayer of coK �coo'.ked fasill and cover NV, in th atn: Advatic exceeded the dugtrial, proytoce, said Pr -nt Zd at by tram. 1, T14EP-9 WILL 13E 18*, Municipal World, acc., '516-80. , � p le Winni- raQ0.00,'Ota, �9,000�000. The 1928 to- Pa- , revious year�s tot Vrd ."Aftou, X-0. of I Witha layer ol cream saute, theit peg Zlectria. Co. *'ft� Industrial outwl A Host of a com- a aVer of Repeat this WANTED "Itrolmen, 24. NN-juie $&80 W-bl. Breck� I j�j wag "$,1$1,000�000, the money aq Not I grated cheese.� Vat lyi i1923, jmd to t greater dtgtot ts U.Sens In In 1:91t, btltig 1*rger than RA with the cheese, B,-tL-e I n -�j -!,,L. 427.50; W. J, Campb0g,S28- 5ng from the depo`81 of el Mautioned on H. Wylie, $130.40,- A� the proT1utW,*&T1UX* ame�- culturM output:* 'hot Oven about 20 minutes, until th� I CALL USPORPRIM. W %W-50; F. Hogg, $11,45; .4_ �ftjfaft, i Icheese is brown, supr-, $31.35; Or��s India". Browned Potatoes it, is expected, thtt theliew Welland i COSens. Rrelni= on Rzmd ins., �MIDO; C&UZ_l, , ,hI h This Inditti povulftion of �Ca"" READ THE" connects IA CS in, quart - G. lltas Increased W 9.118 during the Cut cold bo'led Potato j'grle w1t1%'1Ak4 -Ontarl.o. and basbeea Brus v, n e TE M, UNITED FARM"* CO -OPERA ThompRo., auditor, $z35.�00,; past firt year*, accordIng to the 11-6- ler-S ' liellgillmlise- N kth I Ited 'Y,ELLOW CIR Wray, �%Zidkor, built &t *-.tost of about $12,04004000 lest joensv&,of the Mipartment of Isi- I . CIPLAX 1butter or 4ri Brown it, tile ov� COMIPAN1(s, LIM11TEOW, Uovedby Aft:Ewen end Wtiltorl that �i by the v.11 bt. dian. Aftiaft.� Atthe tud,of 1,01t 116 �er, Tj�ith meat 1vilich I . a �horf SENT Ou J%Ily Ut, IM26. popullction stood U 109,01g. itiMe Jor 'Cook, adjoura to met poubd �dfaclally Ake. YOU, W t3th '94 thops�, balt lfondly� the Ith day of "Jp-i"L Cat-,: isausage, -baron or Then C Phhotke 271, 1 Tied. i P1. E. lr� roul" luft*try. Ja mwit balls. Re; 'i rte -poultry ladil itnar be browned in 0M J­Avrtight, AN� R. C=1kSh2,nk, '"rd Island. atttfd the �,Ptb*idoe or it tt "the overt,,Or on top of the -Stov a paid 1A dfyideAds to stodlitholite e all Z 00 0 eevt. R $t.004�000 1A, 10.20. I'Mall",06tvOrwotts, in 10,16 served ift �tolA int"at, W R :