The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-03-06, Page 2i te WZNGHAM ADVANCE - TIMES Thursday,. ares 6th, 11) 30 Th Ic000.Astu'tti7 C."tntrN''' 44'4t;ARWeetts mitt Wlil lA r 4.11 111111111.01.1 De/lelous You cannot find any sweet that has such combined qualities of deliciousness and nourishment as these two famous Syrups. EDWARDSBURG Everybody enjoys its won derful flavor, it is thicker and sweeter than Crown Brand and equally rich in nourishing qualities. The CANADA ST. The Famous : Syrup that needs no introduction. Its Quality and 'Deli- cious Taste are known throughout the Country. RCH CO., Limited MONTREAL THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON cola the 1 e h. "At the nor end of ilne Lake of Genesaret there are 'small creeks' or inlets where the ship could ride in safety only a few feet from LESSON X.—marc 9 eine shore, and where the multitudes Parable of the Sower—Matthew seated on both shits and before the 132 1-23. ,boat could listen without distraction .zr anisic. Golden Tett.—He that hath east's, • And he shake to theca many things state of the market, anxiety for the next' election, the thousand, apd' one frets and perplexities of 'our contpla caked civilization,' And the deceitful- ness of riches. Riches are deceitful because they make large promises of happiness and peace which they can- not fulfil, Choke the word, and he beconneth unfruitful, The word had begun to grow, it had found a foot- hold even among tine thorns, it had formed leaves and stalk and perhaps, like the rich young ruler, had even borne blossoms; but it could not car- ry its growth to the 'final point of fruit -bearing; and leaves; stalk, and blossoms all exist for its soil. So suck man's natural sinfulness. And snatch- eth away that which hath been sown in his heart. The devil take, advent - 'age of the hard -packed soil, the:] worldly heart. This is he that vas sown by the way side. A very corn - pressed statement; in full it would be, `This is the case of the wayside hear- er tan w. hone the seed vas sow -n:' SHALLOW HEARERS Baptisms, adult, 3$, ad ai?crease a Iife is a barren failure. FRUITFUL' HEARERS And others fell upon the good ground, and yielded fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. A traveller, tells gas that he saw with his own eyes, not a hundred grains, but a hundred stalks in the plain of Sidon, all growing from a single root; and, as he expresses it; "'bowing gracefully beneath the head of waell- formed grains.' " And he that was sown upon the good ground. He whose heart furn- ished good soil for the seed that was sowrtn. `.This is he that heareth the word, and . understandeth it. Luke's version is :fuller: "These are such as in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, hold it fast, and bring forth fruit with patience." THE UNITED CHURCH—HURON PRESBYTERY LONDON CONFERENCE Statistical Report for the Year 1929 Pastoral charges, 39 Preaching places, 75. Members of Session, 442, a,. crease of 5. Stewards, 538, a decrease of 5. Other tnenibers of Board, 284, an increase of 4. Number of families, 5207an in- crease of 35. Persons besides families, 434• alt in- crease of 26. Total, under Pastoral Care, 19230, an increase of 36. Baptism_, infant, 318, an increase of e - let him heir—Matt. I3;S, iz, parables. :\ parable is a little, store ' I THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING; `r..latin;,; event.: in roinmota lift. for And others fell upon tint rocky 15. Ta nee :\ntiozZcn of A.D. 2.4, in the the purpose tisk illustrating reeligious i lacei, Where the- had not much i'_larraages, 159, an increase caf 1, serOrd years ,>x Christ s ministry. truth.. Sa ?1 Behold. Christ p b tarns. ,. is meantis not ground; '•�\ hat. e Place.—'i)aa the shore Otf the Sea of aloly painted to ui artuai S1?w'e;r in 3 >lyitln stones in it (nor atone; rather al:h. , possibly r Cai>ertaiat.n fie -id i'i from of Him. The stirrer went ;serve to retain the moisture: and font- G ?' \.YSIDE HEARERS forth to sow- Sc, ?sristiaaa "A or r' er heat), but a rocky bottom, with a still in the dao' described; in " a"':t '.gal.1y :d vele in*stn ti eir r>nsnicor:" light covering of earth ,In the beta. • ag e? are, ;chapter 12, the el ay .`1 contest ;with the scribes and Pharisees. the day of rawly he"`alircs. yh d:3Z' :•f `tetra?ar*-"--;. i , rk^I' condemnation, of .:.-4'ai:Rtieti into `harts t s fa .?:.y, 1l's-t, the, hostile .crib- „asi• ere and 'Pharisee. appoar ii” Al:?1'e. de- \r.d zly,t note bearing' tlt. spel .c.'dl; \nd ser"ioluaa-a ' hey 'prang; up, be wherever men are aro in need, eV- -eans, l't.'v had no deepness of earth. the ,;antis of ths earunntierlyints rock reflected the. i. etre, btlein.-s. elan.' Chris- . sun': rays rather than ala; curbed. it, the .hallow soil beanie as a he'at- h. sowed,. .•'tt11i` seeds fell house., 2tint� ti?i• seeds were ditr�Ctel in - a • sidr:. a=roan,fi,3d. lar P i- tag rernatiare ir�,yr1:d.. l parted, ,,r'til .-ear teord is a: '+.:c with .`3.1.. disiMacs and, friends. 'On than. day. The 'dao wli;se tr- et -t1 hare ,ost be.,n related in chapter 1`. W' nt Jesus oat of the house The irh l 0 b I 4,"i�,if ¢y ani ie'°` wasw'• .? scribes and Pharisees asie.d for a =tr- ack rand ' his mother and. brother: ;ghee to see him, And sat by the sea sieie.. jetties was an ,r t'..'taxer r.aar', a \Vile:n a rear etI upon Harr. and h3 as t' c b - ie 193 linrtt an le ai, e d, ,'inn. and. o ,:. . . tin'-`i":Ctl,RR:: H sought the' , `.:i. ,._ r•. ilae- : ficbc,l:: or the ,'e 1t :a'.x e'fi 1..1.e and an i h the iins;o.,. •'d 6:.. ,,' 111: 'Creator found rest and ...a a.k :at this He sets as :3n eiterapio~ \rid there were -,'a.,. reel :trio. :ht:a1 4, -`eat 1::w:1ft1ide5. Pa'ra`.i3' to hear the t .. s that ,.'i' a,.« 1. ^ i;:':t .. taro,... kin,,. .., 1'?a.., c^>f4lar4'.ila filar 4" 1S'h'Th', And vi?'i0' i ltS?nbrr—.11ih'b Oaf' ay,,ea.a$, r�i» wh•z+,a ua a.aa1 fel; fro= <•.w. 9a.a>st r � - 1791's that stake. as nearer *.'_.an.. spike C.M:,_ ..'s:lie hearts c1 C: ,fore, and Ilrtly to, 'a t".-- cf aap., de tar...11,th it not:. "1' ^.:ars does, .: or:,t : miracle .t r =;as^1 n.:"1::ret, . .... s. raat J't. r<r i::,:r. Cr!<R 1.. •.:a ° �:an .:7 I'i• i-e•.a�,. Burials, 339, an increase of ,6. Membership (1928), 1"2301, an an crease of 151. , Received on Profession of Faith 273. a decrease of 107. keci n ed on tr ertaticate, .= 64, a de TALES BY FAMOUS, MEN LONGEST- WINDi• SEER. 1 R IN THE WORLD. Prince of Wales Delights In Telling Joke on Scottish Minister --Lord 'Darling's Wit--Pearrymore's Best —A .Cloud Irish Story. The Prince of Wales, presiding at a banquet of the Highland .Society of London, spoke in praise of Highland hospitality and illustrated his re- marks s with' this story of some Scot- tish parishioners who were entertain- ing ,a new minister. They did not know what to give him as a nightcap. So they gave him a glass of mills and put in some of their best whisky. Next morning they eould not find the minister, and after a little search they found that he had gone to the byre. But he was. not there when the searchers arrived. The man,in charge was asked had he seen the minister, and said "Yes." • They asked what the minister ,said to him, and he replied: "He said: 'I want the first calf from the cow from. which I had that milk." Prince Arthur of Connaught re- cently told this story ofhis visit to a native tribe on the Zambesi:— "The chief of the tribe spoke for four and a halt minutes under tree hour. I did not understand a word he said; and did not know ,how we were going to ' stop him, Eventually, when he did cease speaking, a. native interpreter came up to me with a broad grin and, pointing to the, chief, said:. 'Him say, I am belly pleased to see you.' • If anyone here can make a better speech than that, I Invite him tomake it." Lord. Darling's wit possesses a keen edge. A good example of this was provided at a dinner of the Gray's Inn Debating Society, when. Lord Darling administered chastise- ment to certain undergraduates of Cambridge, Said his lordship:— "I "I saw the other day that at a Cambridge Debating Society they de- bated a long -discussed question as to whether 'women should be abolished. They resolved that they should be. In rey opinion it was a pity the reso- lution was not puled' before they were born." The late 1Gtr. h' E. Weatherly, H.C. (the famous song -writer), appeared before the licensing magistrates to support an application for an extra half -hour -for licensed houses during the summer months. Hs said he would like to ask those who opposed the request to consult the Great Book, 'where they would find these were two liquors ,mentioned. One•wa•a wine which maketh glad the heart of man; the other was water with which the wild ' asses did quench their thirst. It must not be taken that in quoting this he was in any way ap- plying it in.a personal sense. .A mountaineer was seated in front of iii big in file hear... t s dilapidatedcabin of the Tennessee hills when a Rolls- ' Royce drove up. A dapper young man jumped out .and, running up to the cabin, shouted:— Father, dear father, don't you Crease of 54. Removed by death, 137. a decrease of 9. Realitred by Certificate, etc", -i3cl, an increase lei 108. ee.adtrt members tv3.291, 11860, a •c^ ti ' ' are seldom feared in, and hard- And when the .tilt was risen, tatty 4,eotease of 151, b a.�.: batllw: i:.a't ss them ki enai3i dir- ' were •e`t+.rchedt and. beeayus. they had 'Xo;n-res id^ernI members 119291, 382 ,a n, T„cotl�atli_ _ narrow tett at” ra'dst, 11.ri:>' 'tt0:hertd iiwltr%. The tan increase of 78.. far begs:: "f aarn, lt;:. ...•ca .ale bards heel sun a -n -ala aiaieel the zaltoisture. in Total membership (19291., 12,492, a and •l i .:1,..i' _..a. wa.�\'vinrt"¢i t:".:, Great shallow soil the plant. ca¢aZ'QhE'tT83�1' Kia 4�. know me.? I'M Edgar. Fifteen years ago to -day you sent me to town for some tobacco. 1 ran away to the big ' city. I went to wall Street. I worked hard. .I prospered_ Now I have re- turned very, very weatthy," The old man fxed his son with a baleful eye, and demaa'ded -Bey! What,. is that terbackes'?,". This is the fatcrdaee joke of John 6' Barrymoca, the Alm actor, as told by lir» F. E. Nicholson in "Favorite .Jokes of Famous People," ±aa wb is':h 1 re false "'[t_ some hundred da t he has a. ltezl funniest stories told by famous people. Mme. Galli -Curers favorite joke. .eoneerias a young woeeen who was ''.trying out before a producer for 'a _ part in grand opera. The producer leended her ,a sheet •et music, askiu'g id: .r4,'w's and the bud des-.. ba•at ag a n° reservoir of :moist ground ` _ of Sandal"- Setae -vole, , Number . dax 5 a • upon the. rel a \..1d' i''. laid n igat ai'?.'�ia to :auks:if. ro is .peedllr deCrea.'e 'fi 1. Membership schools 5967. an it 1 i,rd . i" 5ii. of the paths speedily Arad lig; that nig. : o'a a iron the , , e se eof 1«9 . ,,;, .ono,, ,sop es .,.aucnef then 'ed iba:Y. '"=i'�d13i4 rat 'C i^i:i.7irL recent -0 a2 ^u.•3 :Iia' n , and •,he, se d' that Emit, on the•,wilted 5a<nd dried up. :eked Ili i?_ Tueky° l lares As be .are. he whose Xil.nebe 1 P 3 •c Near,* : al,` 4. e r1e, 66. an increase 1.f a ,, .. a 3*i• -ra azo... 11 .. ?t that 1_<artxln • .. . ,.t .�itdC. a• = . ;n.• �.i4:ianbt.r.lsago Young i>�tcgblea" Sc>c- T_a, n. ;'a.tzdale •q_'+lat.: -."3;3•3, 33"), 4;1,4 _'n. aD'a."ra ;a..7d. SZTait;h11+ia' with 3i:" re- ' i't e— 1853., an ircr'eale • d i'. el., world and 1. ; u.," 3..,.:1`•.ii2 ♦r Tlie word ,r+ t�;:ti i. 1;i b Number f \taLS.,�, an inc. se " . , 3'31.....:{:.. :aided by s nay:±j- ri a erar d -with !y for it a:. true ".,iirct 'orf C'i-'-':ail 1e:-�<+neTS t'. ;all a?t ,'.i d.._, but :1?e: Christian Tf,:. b r "` 2 n] cm i ;� \'e'.� ,'3:.110 azf -idi \t:.r:•t as a.. c<... ar.:l I`3 ri,,;3 ..,.,i e . tire,. b arc .nuns: be ready crease '01 1".> -tibl-. lYh•::' :........ i1., endure affliction with Christ. N'umb3er ea 5 i:Tdtae-. Aid, zr» 52. and ?'t '1c� root in hi -.sell, lino Tease .. t 0 u ... •4:aca't ."sc a .: as ]. '.. < x ad e.: Ind, 3619; a v.h.rc,. -'--- .iaa _3 1.LTt ttr'ti'`. s1ax1 ,LeC9eas, of 121 :ea.:7 into lh. urea;' c,4 e aa, '..rr1a-.i 's'3raatbi-r:$ani or Item".: 't9 endurance acid beautiful. "v'tvotia :,'l 8. to a'rcrea-t`. of 18. .krel �'t�4'l,.-, tribulation ariaee"l because , Value f chin h. buildings, I x > ." ab 'y lila-s .. ti. ,L 'i.,: 'a. _ ',i rat.: a 1:'a 'YR. T+'bt. '11.r .!',r3, 1'..:J kingd:1a"'ad 0a'. a devreatt'.t...ii 84=360.:'. _ r`ha t;t.e r'Is e a. he sill.* .)x_ -,,eater -,a^?�x�,aa :k,,.:.'h'' "«. n�1 ^11:'C'. » •,,:1 Wand .tr{•a .ea_1 rs.. Then wr.r'w'el front thronging Hiin„ and ,.,er.' the evil „•for !t"i and `, er. arid Ilea S8<iZn gf H. ko ra 11 1''.,. :. ".: it �..:"1 . "he, r;'ea1• „e?»ass slightly ry::." x... i ..a:, „�, ;a::d- _..... c'.. Arad ail the a1;n',tittade „ •-t,'l. .. »..? ".'_._'d _ _a_ia,» it.and els., began. her� tosing n e The producer's frown darkened as her song condoned. 'Pr eatiy' he in- ` terrupted her. '`Iiow Much of it have you Sano$,'" he. asked. ' "Dowry to where it says 'Retrain'," the aspiran ti�id ;'eia,n_ "Then please do what the saw says,'' replied the producer true story is favored by E. Phil- ' hips Oppenheiint. It concerns two aver z?en., Lady X.. and Lady Y_, and it must be nmderstood that Lady Y.'s r'a>aata husband has left. her for Lady X. and divorce proceeding are pending. Lady �_ has never seen Lady Y. for all manner ' 3 .'a, cras,w Ss3.,ag'S, Lady N, has off enres against increasing fatness resa i .he near future '•tiC'11 Hie i' Value of Manses, :Pa:isL=a a es, 'Etc'., arid -iiIas employed countless -lnas- stn. as74e. motto.' by an .i'n x+> ."--',144.3.00,__'_ 1,. seusa°sr Ian d:taselauro! 1. mire'' ont'senRs � it �tk: rcA'Er '�a2 ,,.1135. i;i. a reeumadn�trte3ataon aaar3 Irrexl3' l , „are •:-slay' Trials and race many perils ;K:Other ;bra>px.r1y-, .$12,570, a decrease ,,, -.akea an apgoinrLitteait. :1a ±13 ii r alis •.an..' . cRici.:and i1ae s.a�, L'b�•, of When tha :masseuse routes she 1, Stralighrt .ay '.:,. : _ur ,bl ,i1. Literally, '1'" . al muni'; of Clams ha Pro•:taarta, , .adropts the most violent methods in ." .+-'g - the English "IN token ,y ':' ..1,262.,115,, a decrease o e9 ,'i. her. t treatdalea , and 'Lally L,.. bearing ,. Teazel Itebt __mroit ' r { her siaifezxa 3aeroten ll, t+ererthe- leas at the end of the session a mass 1 1 1 1 '9, 13, an increase of $S 51. of bruises and pain. :�il�.I�fi`�`sisi�E�IE,a�,8�:, T��>Rav �nnc~� �EA�'ER:s, -'-�, fi`'. r * And-4T-z.1l a the Creameryrid WANTE CALL US FOR PRICE^ ii Ph �y ia^ re; $7-46,575 an in- "Tell me how much. 1. ew•ee youp„ r + y, . .?, n. - flo e • , r.u.=�r v�„,...m"..7-3,431;e2. "s7� `. Lady X- asks the nisaseuse., • ":z i'] ':"�'. r+`_.S' '(6' L b ,u.;; 1'1t+& ; 'i 3',a".'r"1• 'Eli:i'�d§r1 •iu5n'i"x"2w ' ;'".i ' , •. "Nothing aat"ell," was �i rept!;„ 1 1 em, „ t ! those, 5:i'i.]t 1 calx r"aa'S,ez1 �' -^• �: ala. Ivry Y Peggy Joyce; thin actress. tells a x r . ,..- ,good Irish, runty'. An, Irisbtaeit 'tn e Izr3 zstr.w,a ,cBx 9. the r?�.>.ss*:. cif 1"'<.ar::ir_..., 'hoot :roily �_...._..-____. .,_ ars a^estase .4,,,...45" ry -5 briers, , pit a” t r of. :y tai. r:'snd 1a :a°rr r. that a;nr fate 7 rz, t ., t s : n •x ass of r - m ed bu eLt• a1 za.a "e,sec, $10393 a i fCITA can ilicreaset of $14,383. ,383. Salaries; paid MiioisferS, S7050, r1s ,..t. of S551., 1,=atte rt h • e et + as 5n"s a - subjects • Si .wJeil't here h. so rich. • And that was :sown .ret .ie the ,enz'e mere, "he 41005t'?... sr'ar offered Jt r -chock 55 $yy l This is be rt tab the '@b red. f';'-,311' X11 es, 66, is ;l t -as it 111 a "*1a'� 1 .e=fifer r.re Std 1'reSbyteri 'I ,e''..; r ra zi"L ''b",:'+ar 5.ri ^. ., 3 n"' L". "a'ir'r�iu , .• . * . r.'l ar ri'larC1-11tr.'. .P' -are i*,l' 3.4.'" it 11increase off t"i��1P.eu nr„ar_a.. �,I�'osllitat'ls” 'Etr �, le zi 55;, ,€ '11 e. An e rani e at :m,„2,64. 1..,4134: ash f ti1i 1 it rrr ,t d: 14 act id rad e, ay.r t s like lita� a Gran , ^/i• se business tarts !Wille.' those r..f the f "^ 45 ' 1P", in 1a t' y:,ttra'b"`e Al the;`reat sop -'i Ra:..ed an, *a!* ei:i1 i;"t3d'_e.4. :'r;'t the 't34iti 9 "" '.'S 4§ ca...•:'. 0.e :aail r S. a�' .i d SCx 44 ?fl ter. � �11y a c y.; ,y 7".a .1 'Gi l' L ifie a'aa.l ,17Ei i ,,,i w+i... ,..r.-...lr` i"+a tic 1 £T, iX.q ,s'."d ate i .. rala't-5'w! ff `, El,"?; ,a'"1 til., a~ltnd, S.": `? '> a derreas 9.1,e?s'''.7, ,a. dine 10 li:11 1111 .day s being eontina il„+c lectured by a priest t. Ma the 'evils of drixdt and bad hsbtta. ie• relay Pat Suet the priest in the • ..street. 'Father," said Pat."what is the eau. -.e of ivartba t,« "i"tse priest, thinking this an excel.' ' lent opportunity to bring his charge Cda; ees1ons Sili,~t. k ng. rep ird:- - �4Tw`hv-. iR'�.t, Haat as +�n95e?ti 11r ke•trp late hordrinkingtoo often, ' d carousing ton much. It you hat (tvizzed to my lOatldi s you -would , aa; at, be in this dreadful erinditioa." i ""05, euro,, "tItit1't me what's :mat ' rooaniel Pat. I iths only reg are- rhes what tamed it; 1 sew in "la •' Ia;tapet where the bishop was .leas ;. Irina 1 rnhago•." the ''+lli 7,....i,. t, iii t a -:. 7..e.'". .dr. ...t ' ;i:Btb7 lZt1,'L , i t% 31.1', 1121. tt 1_ a."dy P7.0.4.. to i -it.-!(.1 in a+.m. ,n itiel1 ""i 1n"a»:r'1 4141 snAl NI by hardly: .1101'.) 1,11.1., 4,e 7a1- "a ,Li o1 a.eia-aia'nal,, LADIES RAYON DRESSES Si?, 16-44, Plain and Fancy Cloths 3 69 LADIES' RAYON BLOOMERS White, Peach, Flesh, : Maize, Orchid 89 c LADIES' RAYON VESTS Sizes Standard, Medium, Large • 69c INFANT'S `WOOL JACKETS Reg. to $2,00 value, Extra Special 1.29 BOYS' JERSEY SWEATERS Reg 1.50 value, sizes 24 to 32 98c BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Reg. to 1.25 ' quality,' all sizes, Each 69c MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Special at 9 for $1.00 or Each 12c MEN'S WORK SOCKS Reg. 25c, Heavy weight, Pair 19c MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Sizes 14 to 17, Special, Each 89c MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS with Separate Collar Fresh Stock, ti S P ],.69 CHILDREN'S GOLF' HOSE First come, first served. Pair , .49c HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF YARDS OF SILKS,DRESS GOODS, ! STAPLES LINENS, ETC,ALL AT EXCEPTIONAL E L PRICES HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed 2 years, eals , Specia:I -69c GIRLS' BOBBY COMBS Regular 15c line, Each WALKER'S BEAiITY SOAP Reg, 3 for 25c, 3 Day Special, eclal C ac 9c BIG BATH TOWELS Sub -standard, worth to 75c, Ea' n 49c 36-1nch CURTAIN NET With lace edge, worth 35c, Tar ..23c CRASH NAPKINS uantity is limited, Eaeh 2x52 BREAKFAST CLOTH: All with Colored Borders, Each.. FANCY PATTERNED FLANNE 3 Day Special, only Yard .. , c.