The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-12-26, Page 8show Starts at
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 26, 27, 28
Your Favorite Story Come to Life on the Screen.
- Also
With y ing Crosby.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 30, 31 Jan. 1
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Wedding Bells are ringing.
And the epidemic of measles is roil-
ing along.
Mrs. and Misses Isabel and
Lettie spent the holidaywith Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Patten, o£ Lucan.
Mrs. Bert Boyd and children re-
turned with
Mr.Boyd to their r home
at Palmerston last Wednesday, after
visiting with her parents, .Mr, and
Mrs. Kenneth Weaver.
The Sunday School of Chalmer's
C=hurch held a splendid Christmas
Concert in the Sunday School room
of their chur=ch. on Wednesdayeven-
ing last and the children of S. S. No.
14 held their concert on Thursday
evening in their school, when a large
crowd gathered to ' hear their pro-
Miss Winnifred Farrier, of Tor-
onto, Miss Olive, of Dungannon, and
Mr. Carman Farrier, of Prosperity,
are all holidaying at the home of their
paren Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mr. Jas. Falconer was taken to the
Wingharn Hospital on Sunday even-
ing, where he underwent an .operation
for acute appendicitis. He is pro
gressing as favourably as can be ex-
pected. ,
Mrs. Harold Sperling and Marie
ouglas, of Medford, arrived on Sat-
nrday to spend the holiday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .Moore;
Mr; Ronald Henderson, who has been
holding aluminum demonstrations at
Meaford and vicinity, arrived home to
spend the holidayst too.
Born—On Saturday, Dec, 21st, to
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, :Laidlaw, of Kin-
loss, a son.
Mr. Mi4
,t 1 elv ille Beecroft, teacher at
Colborne, arrived home . on Saturday
to spend the holidays with his father,
Mr. John Beecroft, of E. Wawanosh,
Mr. Athol Pardon is in .Guelph for
the holidays, visiting with his uncle,
Mr. Dan MacKay.
Mr. Donald Finlayson, of Lochalsh,
visited on Monday at the Borne of his
aunt, Mrs. MacGregor.
Special Christmas services were
held in the Presbyterian and in the
United Church here on Sunday, with
splendid anthems rendered by tied
choirs of both churches.
The regular'annual meeting of the
W. M.
S. of Chalmers Church was
held on Thursday, Dec. 12, with the
President, Mrs. Godkin, in charge of
the meeting. After the opening exer-
cises, ifrs. Robt. Mowbray read a'
paper on the Study Boole, Miss Merle
Wilson gave a piano solo, Mrs. Jas.
Laidlaw read the Scripture lesson and I
Miss Velma .Scott and Mrs. Pollock'
.after the rashrashof Christmas Shopping,. a
quantity of our stock becomes broken in range,
sizes and colors. Instead of carrying this stock ov-
er to the following year -, it is our policy. to clear
these items at special reduced prices.
Visit Our Store Thursday, Friday
and Saturday for these Specials.
,rhe Walker Store and Staff wish to convey
to you through Allis medium the wish that you all
may have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
We have served you to the best of our abil-
ity through the past year and ‚look forward to
serving you during 1936. Again wishing you every
Success irl.nd Happiness during the New Year.
swig a duet. Mrs. Laidlaw'wv,l .hen.
initiated to take the c1tai ,t ring,
the nominations and the folio)tg of-
ficers will have charge of thr work
for next year; Past fres.;• lv4i•s. H,
Godkiat; President, Mrs, Robt.' Mow-
htajr 1st Vice Vres, Mrs, J'as..Laid-
4aw;'gild" Vice' Pres'.;' Mrs: Johrf Craig;
Secretary, Mrs. Emerson; .Treasurer,
Miss Annie Laidlaw; Home Helpers,
Mrs, W. Leggatt; Literature See.',
Mrs. W, J. Coulter; Supply Sec;, Mrs.
A. E. Purdon; Glad Tidings ° Sec,, Miss'
Ida McQuoid; Welcome wad Welfare
Se :qrs. 1
c, 5.Pollock. Mrs. David
Kennedy closed the meeting with
prayer, .
Mrs. Tom Wilson, of Stratford
Normal School is laid up at his home
here with an attack of measles.
The ladies of the Institute have
decided not to hold their contest pro-
gram in the hall this Thursday even-
ing on aecount of the epidemic of
Mr, Billy y Kelyy of St, Augustine,
visited. his grandmother, Mrs. Janies
Cornelius the, end of the week,
Mr. Joseph Kelly and Mrs. Jack
Lannin, of Ashfield, visited with their
grandmother, Mrs.. James' Cornelius,
at Whitechurch, One day last week..
Mr, and Mrs. Hendershot and dau-
ghter, Emily, of Hamilton; and Mr.
and , Mrs. Braddock, of. Ingersoll;
spent the weekend at thehome of
Mr, and Mrs. B. S. Naylor, with the
foraner's daughter, Mrs. Fred New-
Mrs. Henderson,' who has spent the
past few months with her aunt, Miss
J Christina Laidlaw, returned to her
hone in Powasson on Thursday last.
Her father, .Mr. McCartney, died in
Powasson on Saturday. Mr:' IdcCart-
ney is a brother-in-law of Mrs, Jos.
Laidlaw, James and John Laidlaw and
Miss' W. Jackson, of Wingham,
Ebenezer Church Concert
The annual Christmas entertain-
ment, in connection with Ebenezer
United Church Sunday .School ,was.
held on Friday night .with the usual
large crowd and good'progranlne.
Rev. A. V. Robb acted as chairman.
The programme consisted of chorus-
es, readings, recitations, pantomiues
and dialogues by. the S.S. scholars.
The May Pole and the Star drills pre-
sented by a number of young girls,
under the leadership of Miss Janet
Wood, were greatly enjoyjed, The
third concession, Morris, Group stag-
ed a one -act play "Sauce for the Gos-
lings", ....the fallowing characters.c
ing part: Misses Isobel Thynne, Edith
and Irene' Warwick, Messrs, Will and
Gordon Harmon and Dave Thomson.
A humorous play "Henry's Maid Or
der Wife" was by
presented' Melville
14Sathers, Elmer Sellars; Bert Garniss,
} Ross Smith, Janet Wood and Jean:
Turvey, A beautifully decorated
Christmas arch, laden with gifts was
an added attraction. After singing
the National Anthem, Santa made his
appearance and distributed the gifts,
Knox Sunday School Xmas Concert
The Foresters' Hall was well filled
on Thursday evening „for the Christ-
masTrek and entertainment, under
the auspices of the Knox. Presbyter-
ian Sunday School. The pastor, Rev.
J. R. Greig, was the chairman, •and a
fine progratntne of readings, vocal and
instrumental numbers was enjoyed.
The Turnberry Group's contribution
to the programme was greatly apprec-
iated and enjojyed. The Kitchen Or-
chestra, a dialogue "lv[iss Cora Re-
ceives Callers" was . an 'example of
quick wit, overcoming an enibarass-
ing situation. Mrs. :Eldxfd Nichol and
Raymond Elliott enacted a dialogue
with a beautiful .Christmas sentiment
ending with a pantonine by five girls.'
The closing, number,- a humorous play
"Ma's New Boarders" was presented
by Misses Margaret Turvey, Isobel
Mustard, Lois 'Elliott and Jean El-
liott and Messrs.. Gordon Greig, Ar-
nold Lillow, Stanley Mustard and
Donald Robertson. During; the pro-
gramme, pins were preesnted to' S. S.
scholars for regular atterd ance, The
arrival of Santa Clatts was a feature.
of interest as he distributed gifts
from the tree. -
Presbyterian Christmas Services
The service in Knox Presbyterian
Church on Sunday was in keeping
with the Christmas season. The pas-
tor, Rev, J. R, Greig, delivered a
special Christmas message. The con-
gregation joined with the choir and
sang heartily the beautiful Christina's
hyen=as. The choir rendered an anth-
em appropriate to the occasion,
United Church W.M.S. Re -Elect
The annual streeting of the W. M:
S. of the United Church was held in
the schoolroom Tuesday, Dec, 17th,
the President, Mrs, Joseph Brecken-
ridge, presiding, The meeting open-
ed by singing "Love Divine, all loves
excelling" and Scripture vet°ses teed
rani the, 5th and 15th chapters
Matthew, and the 2nd and 7thchap-
ters of Acts. The 1')evetional• leaflet
Are You Having
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye Service is Avail-
able in Wingham at Mod-
erate Prices.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted by
Stratford's Leading Optometrist
Owing to the Holidays falling
on Wednesdays, Mr. Reid will.
be at Williams'. Jewellery Store
from 9.00 A,M. to 12,00 Noon,
Appointments may be made
with Mr. Williams.
Geo. Williams
May the New Year be a
Happy and Prosperous
One for A11.
Omar Haselgr ve's
Tobacco Shopp
441,01PASwxz 'Oka Hif n r :' t, .,.F
"The Spirit of Jesus at Work" was
read by Mrs. Geo. Thornton, follow-
ed by several' prayers. After the min-
utes and business, a synopsis of the
2nd chapter of the Study Book was
given by Mrs. R. - Shaw. Mrs. E.
Johnston takes the Study Book for
the next meeting. Following the
singing of "Silent Night'', the roll
was called and the offering taken.
The 1985 officers were re-elected. Af-
ter singing "It Came upon a Mid-
night Clear", Rev. A. V. Robb closed
the meeting with prayer.
Bluevale United Church Services
Christmas rtisie consisting of car-.
ols,hymns a
Y s an d anthems epees formed . the
major part of Sunday's devotions. The
old carols were heard to good effect -
both in congregational singing and in
selected parts. Special mention should.
be made of thesolos and duets. In
the morning, Misses Donna Smith.
and Alice Thornton sang, "The Mes-
sage of the Bells" with telling effect,
and Mr. Carman Hetherington ex-
himself in a faultless rendering of "I
know not how 'soon 'twill be."
In the evening Rev. and Mrs. A•
V. Robb sang an alto and tenor • sel-
ection "Night Is In the Quiet Skies"
and ,Miss Alice Thornton's beautiful
bird -like voice .was heard in "Abide
with us, Thou Son of God To -Night."
'The Minister, Rev. A. V. Robb, deliv-
ered appropriate messages at both
services. The subject in the morning
"Christmas Thankfulness" ` based on
2nd Corinthians 9:15,' and in the ev-
ening "The First Christmas, Service"
taken from St. Luke 2:8-17.
Large and appr•.eciative audiences
were in attendance throughout the.
day, By request some of the music
will be repeated next Sunday. Mrs.
'Wm. J. Johnston, organist and choir
leader, deserves great credit for the
very excellent work done by the
The members of the Y,P.S, of the
United Church are planning a spec-
ial meeting for Friday evening, as this
will be the last meeting of the year
tender the Presidency of Carman H
therington. The guest spealer for the
eveninge willbeVr. George. Taylorlo• of
Whitechurch, Missionary Convener of
the Young People's Conference. • A
good attendance wilt be appreciated.
Miss Ethel Johnston, of Byron, is
spending the holidays with her par-,
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Johnston;
George Peacock of Ottawa, with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Janies Peacock;
George Moffatt of London with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Peter Moffatt;
James McHardy spent Christmas with
his nephew, Robert'' Aitcheson and
Mrs. Aitcheson at Ripley.
A splendid program of choruses
recitations, drills and dialogues and
a visit from Santa Claus was enjoyed
at S. ".S, No. 8 East Wawanosh tin.
Thursday evening.
Robt. Harrison entertained lads
friends, an neighbors on Thursday
evenins when she held a barn dated
in the ':,rw barn which liar'been er-
ected t
-ecteti:'t , repla=ce the one which was
burned two months ago. It is a tine
large steel building on a cornea
The pupils of S. S, No. I3 East
\\ r wenosh, presented their Christmas
prcigtani on Friday evening, when the
school; was well filled: The program
consisted 'of'elioruses;solos, +clhaloguesli
dt•i11s and recitations, Santa Claus also.
called here at the close of the pro -
Miss Margaret Kennedy who has
spent the■past weeks with Mrs. Ino,
VanCanip has returned to her home
in Ottawa,
Miss Fanny McRae of Bryon was
a visitor with relatives here,
Miss Louise McKenzie of Sturgeon?
Falls is with her. parents, Mr. and
Mrs, R. E. McKenzie for the holi-
Bob 'Yuill who has ben in Northern
Ontario the past few months has 're-
turned hone,
Miss Corinne McLean is home from
London for the Holiday.'
Gordon" Stonehouse of •London is
home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R, Stonehouse.
Miss Winnie Rae of Kitchener
'spent the week -end with friends here,
Miss Colina ' Clark of Port Dal-
housie is with her sister, Mrs. Mar-
vin McDowell and her mother, Mrs.
The pupils of .Belgrave School pre-
sented their : Christmas program on
Friday afternoon when the school
was , well filled with parents and.
friends. Rev. Townsend acted as chair-
man and introduced a program of
choruses, dialogues, drills ,recitations,
duets and songs, At the conclusion
Santa entered and distributed the gifts
from 'the tree.
Mn and Mrs, M. Cake of Fergus
were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bran
don on Sunday. "
We are glad' to see Cecil Arm-
strong back to his home after anop-
eration in Winghem Hospital.
Mrs. R. Yule visited for a few days
with friends in London and 'Toronto
last week; •
Mr• and Mrs. W. Jeffery were call-
ers with Mr .and Mrs. J,- Brandon.
The skating rink was opened on
Saturday night.
Mr, and. Mrs. George, Mundell serv-
ed a fowl dinner to some of their
friends on Sunday
Visitors recently: Rev. and Mrs.
Sinclair, Ivirs. Janes and Mrs. 'Sliattd'
at Tom Abraham's; Mrs. Wilmot
Jeffrey and son, Will, of Denver, Col.,
with Richard, Robert, Eleanor and
Minnie Jeffrey; Lyle Fitch, teacher,
with his parents; Miss Marjory Herd
of Clinton, with her parents.
Children of the United Sunday
School and Presbyterian Sunday
School led in song in the United
Church Sunday afternoon, with 'Mild-
red -13allagh, as soloist, which was
greatly enjoyed,
Although the night was bitter cold
a large number turned out -to the so-
cial evening held at Fred Johann's
Friday evening. The hours were
whiled away in singing, recitations,
dialogues by •the Children; mouth -or-
gan music. Mrs, Balers and Mr.
Baiers favored the audience with a
sous accompanied
the guitar. Finally Santa Claus arriv-
ed . and distributed the gifts. Lunch
brought a pleasant evening to a
One o"f the best concerts put on in
years by the public school, was put
on in the community Hall Wednesday
evening, Miss Campbell, teacher,
spent much time and patience in train-
ing her scholars. The musical part
was taken by Miss Jean Herd at the,
piano. Violin and guitar music •by
the Schiestel Brothers, guitar and
sling by Miss :Lillian and Clayton Ed-
wards, violin, Mr. Baiers and Jack
Holland; song, Mr. O'Malley. The
children all took their parts to per-
fection. Some numbers were to be
commented on, Bob Curie as the min-
ister; Mary Abram and Isabelle Zinn
as giggling school girls; the scare of
a mouse and two drills were especial-
lyvel1 done. Santa Claus was alittle
.late arriving having trouble with his
reindeer. Each children, received a
bag of goodies, also a gift, The :trus-
tees were also remembered. The hall
was. well filled,.
IVfeasles are going their rounds,
Mrs. Harry Mulyey being the first
• With Rev. H ,M. Wright as chair-
man, the pupils of S.S. No. 4 ,under
the direction of their teachers, Misses
Sadie McCharles and Beatrice Mc-
Quillin, presented a splendid enter-
tainmcnt lit the Community Hall ort
Friday night. The choruses, dialog-
nes, drills,pantomines, etc., were in-
terspersed with impromptu speeches
while Mr. Weatherhead contributed a
song to the conclusion of the pro-
gram. Santa Claus appeared and _dis-
tributed gifts front the welt -laden
Mrs, l .obiits`oir
'-'Woods lass rettts.n't.
ed from a visit with her 'daughter,
Mrs:' Mttrdie, Toronto.
rat" To Alt
It iour hope that even greater
apartunitzes for serving you
u��ll be afforded us during
.04r ICAK 1g4
At the United Church on Sunday
morning Rev. H. M. Wright chose.
as hi ssubject "The First Christmas
Gifts", . Mrs. Jansen sang "Holy
Night" and the choir contributed a
Teachers and students home for the
vacation included Misses W. D.
therford, of Kirkland Lake, Dorothy
McQuillin of Sandwich, Dorothy
Webster of London, 2y1da Webster
of Toronto, Dorine Webster of Car-
low, Jean Webster of Wingharn Jct.,
Irene Woods of Waterloo; Dorothy
1% rte
Miller, _ Jean' and Kathleen Thom,
Norma 'Weatherhead, Lattrine Miller,
Marie McCrostie, of Lucknow;
Messrs. Chas. McQuillin of ClandeI.
boye, Neely Todd of London, Hugh
McCrostie and Gordon Miller, .Luck -
now, George McQuillin of O. A. C.,
"Julia has invited ane to her gold-
en wedding."
"Her golden wedding?"':
"Yes, she is marrying a multi -mil-
To ou • many friends .and custom-
ers — We wish` to express our sincere ap-
-preciation for the generous -iipport ac-
corded us during the year now drawing to
a close,and to
extend to you our Very best
wishes for a Hapy and Prosperous New
The Good Shoe Store.
Iappy \ew
Once again we extend to our pat-
rons as the Old Year passes the wish that.
they may enjoy a Happy.and Prosperous
New Year.
It is with a new spirit of good -will
and great hopes that we all enter the New
Year that promises to be replete with bet-
ter times for all.