The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-12-26, Page 7•
There is no guess work in i ; i*11 ag of Pu ltd °
Flour. Twice-daily baking tests by `o ulr labora•
tories ensure even, dependable and uni'WWrnt
quality. Enjoy the finest cakes, pastry, rolls or
bread you ever tastedo "Purity"" goes farther..,
Best for all your Bakfn
Failed -J. Moir, 13.
Rintoul, L, Proctor, 13.
Ancient Hist
iamilton, K.
THE WEST CA,MARG!D i. itis is tate arrust iur�„-,z,al,. iitace f ev, are� callain, �e dinngroom. ,An -
By V. Olive Currie er boardee in., tsveryone auoarii trorn other day big wading bird flew in
Before taking you away from Trin-. the Connuander down, inciuding tate and stay, .vernight. We are in sight
idad; I must tell you ray good luck, passengers, mels iree to run into tine of the. Sou le American mugged coast -
there. The Manager of the Queen's ,aitchen and help Wm or herself. Any line most 'f the time,
Parlc Hotel returned from a five hour of the day tip until midnight Ye.ste.rd we stopped at Port of
weeks' vacation in New .York City someone is to be seen emerging with Colombo, xvliere four Argentinians
and Montreal, He came to me in the a niug of coffee and a sandwich, or 4ot. oft,. seilte, Captain said we would
diningrooni to inquire if I were hav piece of pie or cake, The Captain not: sail, ea, it four which gave us a
ing an enjoyable sojourn in the ho, has a five A,TVT, breakfast on the couple. of urs. The doctor and 1
teL He asked me if I carne from San Bridge, then he has a second break-startd out the heat and walked
Francisco, but I told him I am a Can- fast in the diningroom about ten. the ho.t cezrte t runway about a mile
adian from Ontario, When I sniff the aroma of fresh eesem the boa to the shore. There
"What town?" he was quite inter- bread or cake, the baiter has his knife was, a. Gerni n boat moored just
ested to know; at hand for he knows 'I will be step- ahead of us an a Holland: boat across
"If I told you," I said, "I should ping over the door step, If the wait- the exarrow runs y. Cargo was being
have to tell you next where it is." er hack in Trinidad could see the slab. bustled, in and, , out by an army of
"Try me," he challenged. I carry off, his worries would be over., stevedores. The local merchants were
'Well then," I said, "I am proud We go to bed when we dike, get up clustered around the ships like bees
to say, Wingham." when we like, do anything we like,, around the proverbial honey pot.
"Wingham," he smiled, "Why, I've within reason, and wear any old. They were selling such articles as
been in that town many a time, and thing. We girls, and there will be .Panama hats, nine rings for $2.50,
know many of the people." three of us left after tomorrow at the tropical footwear, native bags, belts,
The first he mentioned were the Canal, wear house dresses, or slacks and Snake Skins from the boa con-
King Brothers. The Manager of and a pair of slabdabs. The boys strictor; at least eight feet long, ten
Queen's Park Hotel, Port-of-Spain, wear pants, an informal shirt, and or more inches wide, wonderfully pat -
Trinidad, British West Indies, is slalbdabs. In Port we dress and go terned, and real leather. They made
none other than Htighie Marshall, one ashore. me shiver even in the heat. Only $12
time commercial travelleraround the So far we have called at Curacoa the fellow said. I wouldn't give hien
Owen Sound District. I am sure he (Dutch) .and Port of Colombo, South 12c for one, but I wouldn't go out
will be remembered by some of, you. America.. Curacoa is a small island and capture that snake skin myself
Through his influence a beautiful and the Port is composed of two cit- for $1200. .
country club was built about three ies ;one on each side of the everlast- It was so hot walking in the Port
miles out of the city where the young ing Dutch canal. The Captain had a it was easy for a driver to sell the
people can dance, play tennis, and struggle to tell ine the names of diem idea of a drive to Ba;i;ranquilla and
have a proper place for social activ- and already I have forgotten, they back, seventeen miles away. First the
ities, which are really limited. in Port- are so foreign to my tongue. Joining doctor went into 'a little place for a
of -Spain. At. one time the one social then across the canal. is a pontoon beer. I got taping with the young
activity was afternoon calls after si- bridge. We couldn't pnderstand 'the proprietor and discovered the follow-
esta and before dinner, the idea ap- reason for such a bridge, but we did ing:
parently being to make asmany calls before we got out. It is composed He is a Canadian from Vancouver.
as possible and to stay as short a of fourteen large. row boats at inter- He heard that plenty of money could
time. Many of the young people are vas The bridge is attached at one be made in Colombia. He sold his
sent away to • school and come back bank and has a gasoline launch at the best Hawaiian steel guitar to pay his
quite restive of the restraint of the opposite end. -There is good flooring way out. Now .he would . give any -
island. Mr: Marshall took me out to also walks. When a ship has to go thing to get back home. Business has
the country ` club ` Saturday 'evening. out, which occurs usually several titu- been bad and the life, to his notion,
It is beautiful and when one consid- es daily, the launch convoys the rotten. I told him about the Argen-
ers that everything had to be import- bridge : by its row, boats across the tine gentlemen who were passengers
andaathe wicker chairs on the Canal leaving the channel clear. A with us. They sold out a big night Da mar Printz, illustrating the post-
vosandab : ccame from England and fleet of '-oil. tankers went out ahead club in Buenos'Aires: and were going Peter Sinclair, exponent of the new- g ballroom dancing, in,
in crude.. oil from to establish •one in Barranquilla. If form, based on the walk- tion.for correctg,
understand of us. They bring • ted which the feet move straight past
ctost $ apiece, you can them he ingmovement, now being introdu
prideit.Venezuela and - it is refined in Cur- he could get a job with 'other not at an angle,
manin in i One blond young
` r acoa: The have huge gas tarries on '.might be able to save tip passage into 'Nero Yorlc from Europe, and. each ,
I danced with. spent nine -yeas Y
in Washington, D.C. 'Although he the hills behind the cities, labelled money back to. God's country. He.
was pleased with th•e tip. was very -pleased with Washington;: •"Shell". so clean it resembled the quaint,comeback. I tried to holler to the
The-doctor.and I crossed the Pon- .. The' road to, Barranquilla was as-� cities of Curacoa. in that res -, doctor` that the ship wouldn't likely
he is proud. hasto call girl
a. Trini-sDutc
•toon Bridge just. for the fun of it and 'phalt and in 'that heat,.and'the rate was four - o'clock when we be on the dot,.but apparently he dial
bebecaus He not girl friend he said, gect, It
is _m a. position' to found it much cooler • on the other that.kid- drove, it was well the doe- left and we surely did have a wild not appreciate -the 'idea- of beach
support heif
Romance, like the side. We did a little shouting and re- tor was generously upholstered. The ride down the hills to the port. combing. Had we been left penniless
support a wife. Roruggl ,
itseven in turned"to` the boat, in time for, dinner. car was _ finished ' in leather with' a We hadn't broughtmoneyenough' behind, my goodness, that boy fro
churches, has Hotel
Coun- We.tvere to! sail at nine,'but it was ;grass •matting over for cool- for a taxi ride to Barranquilla and Vancouver would have a good laugh
p'a: Hotel and
the tropics. At` th
:after. ten before the cargo was all un- noes, but it was mighty slippery to driver had to sprint af-..:even if the taxi driver wouldn't s��
try Club,witMr. mMuch
enthusiasmhall s s greetedif bank so the
back with as much , as loaded,. the hatches:. battened down,^stick to. The .vegetation. was green ter us. Half way across the hot coin- the joke.
e years. I was the last of the huge flat scows.tow-and riotous, but not tropical like that. ter runway our whistle blew. The We dock at Colon sometime about
sheo had been absent genial
my and kind- ed away by gas launches and the pilot in the West .Indies. I was glad that.
enthoary to osave doctor must have had visions of four a.m, tomorrow and remain about
. arrived to guide us past the pontoon. we reached the city without careen- beachcombing. He gave one bellow: two hours. After the Canal, we shall:
hearted host.
My waiter er and dramatic maid were The next day we hada grand el- ing into any of the never ending pro -"Come on, hurry up!" no longer be in the Caribbean, ,that
worried about me Tony`because he ectric storm and the "'rain poured cession of donkeys or burros and He went into his stride without ev- fickle lady, kindly; consented
sure I would die from slow star- down. We sat undera stout tarpaulin mounts. Barranquilla is a city of er looking back. I didn't run foot to smile on me. I watched over the
was w from- his watchful.eye, and let it rain. It was so cool. With about 165,000. It is very clean and races as a child for nothing. I was deck rail one night the- foam.from
andon away Y
u that exception we have... lived in a the buildings are of what looped. to on the heels of the 210-1b: the pro�rsit•irling out like huge frost -
and the maid. was wat thinking about tramping
stillto world of blue; beautiful glorious blue, me like Bream coloured cement. The hero all the way. I am ed birthday cakes and the phosphor --
the league ofseawater I had
of dolphins visited us. We schools, churches,.and pub]ie build- ex-footballaboard eves escence sparkling through the white
and e However, said,she packed my bags, A schoolins are beautiful and set in trim sure that every soul
was hiked clown one ladder, across the g •atcltin, through a thousand eyes. ov-. like myriad candles. According to
d made readye as T everything.rcen lawns. We passed a large pill- watching ladder to the g
ed ore for myrenown The'prowo because another
t dolphins like to race ared white marble home which was er the deck rail, the finish ooaf rihu 4irne1, After Colon �vean is as old as
.�top somewhere
Head Porter even drove down in the the do P J
the boat. They weigh about forty or 120 years old and tva.s still virgin marathon. The doctor wasabout
myti to the deck s make sure thatpassed a large pink col- lopes ahead of nie and 'the chauffeur along Central America and again at
loaded fifty pounds, although they looked white. We g
trans: andwhich
s would be' - -as over one only one, split second behind. The Mexico before reaching Los Angeles,
g entail from the. prow. T could see :oared church Much ti
was to carry.. me • r years old.We Captain met us: where regular mail. can he sent out:
on the launch hundred and ninety
Westat anchor., their slate colour, their air holes. "Taking chances ,c1t! the ship 'is• By that time the West Cariar;uo..will
out wasto he be re ar
T to didn't there at two
t'.1vI: but their black eves. top fin,. flippers and stopped at an imposing looking hotel
tail fin. Their diving and swimming and purchased cards and stamps for leaving in five minutes."
scaled the introduce ane to other adventures.
the launch e.leave for:the boat.bird he edification of some of our friends. I Exactly, after until after three: During that time a was most graceful. A tiny brown t around the business lgangplank life African monkeys, ing Medical Officer, examining recruit
jolly partyscrambled through the Cus flew onto, our ship out of the bloc ;Then we went o
l Y been with us since. ' part of the city, stores: radio, wire- ; one hour the ship shoved her nose -"Have you any scars on you?"
toms. shed and grouped themselves one day and has b ice station even modern into the Caribbean. By that time I 't -"No sir,but I can give
around the h.1 cement steps leading down The doctor has a pair of trubio birds less, csvwhich our driver point- was bathed, redressed, and ready for Recruit -"No,
to the launch. I saw two of the young and one of the passengers has a pair signals nide Everything r rirwas dinner. Country girls have a gaud you a cigarette."
men reading the labels on my bags of little blue tropical birds, There ed out with1s.
which were groulied•just there,
"Olive Currie," one read aloud, "ISCI-100GIRLGETS SMILE AND!�'O�a oAPO665`1-j13.307�. STALIN
guess. our passenger has arrived:'
Then they lookedaround and sa:iv me
sitting there on a bench against the
wall just waiting, wiping a tear away,
while I grinned at their foolery, They
came over then and introduced them-
selves. One was a passenger, a big
six footer American whose home is
in Buenos Aires, but who is on his
way to San Francisco to try his luck.
The other was the ship doctor, a la-ttge
young man, from Los Angeles. A
third joined• thdrn, also over the six
feet and well built. He is a professor
of the University in Berkeley. 'Cap-
tain Carlson joined us. He said they
have all been looking forward to.
meeting me ever since. Montevideo,
South America. My room mate was
hailed over, a young blond matron,
born in Esthonia, Russia, brought me
in Brazil, married to an American and
residing in Seattle, Washington. They
had been sampling the Trinidad ruin
and after all 1 had some good laughs.
which helped me to forget one more
If I live to be 100 I shall never
forget this trip on the Caribbean, I
have yet to see her frown, or to feel
the ship roll. Except that one hears
therustling of the ship through the
surface, one would never know we
are sea travelling. It has been quite
warm, around ninety at times, but al-
ways cool and comfortable at night
for sleeping,
tiondie stays up late nights and is e. a,��k 'es
lazy in the mornings, which is ideal - •C:.2+'u"'£''a\"4�"`� • • gs.:=-
room mate. Breakfast is al- as taken during the ident •of the Farabaslcy district exec
Russiabeing a dictate- reputation: being pierced by a little tet. The picture w .e of Turlcmenira,. She
Ways over when ca get to the dining Moscow,beit i ... Ti gr0 .a conference of the collective farms of ,tttive committee it, in Italy, Germany or 1�ussia, school girl, Nalzhang,ot� 'n On wears a wrist watch, it might be notes,
and otir cabin is next to it, or, be Y,auto- Soviet Central Asia, with Stalin. robin,
is agrim business and there is not (l,T�,l�'1'), who is' asking hisfot:cel.
Wepour our own f b get siioons. • s is another inter- the extreme LEFT is M. A. Chernov,
W for smiles, In this raplr, siva presents sugar out of the buffet, batter, .:must opportunity ;,� that are peoples ccrrttvtissar of agriculture. On
cud , :. a lith of esting angle, the fact there , p t
'of the ice box instance Dictator ,Josef V. Stn
find fruit out ;. , .. in the Sov- the RIGHT is Erie Cxelcliycva, pros-
, auto
bread incl
rolls out of the bread box. the Sovier 'is findzrif; his `port man" graph collectors t
(Continual .from Page Two) Class 1-D, Reid, I. 1IcKinnon, E.
Field, I. Habkirlc, W, Pickell, A, Un -
English Composition derwood. '
Class 1-I. Habkirk, (13. Hamilton, Class 2-F, Coulter, V. Johnston;
y ,Pollock), F. Field. (E. Coutts, W. Craig), (G.'• Greig, M.
Class 2-(R, Howson, D. Reid), M. Wright).
Baird, L. Henderson, "(V. Johnston,' Class 3-R. Howson, G. Robertson,
H. Miller), I. McKinnon, (F. Currie, D. Buchanan, (H. Miller, M. Fry).
R. Mitchell, B. Brown). Pickell, K Passed (R. Mitchell, J. Moir),'C.
Class 3-B. MttradY, (W. 1 telco K. Nortrop, 13. Hamilton, F. Currie, K.
Rintoul), D. Buchanan: Rintoul.
Credit -(M. Fry, J. Preston), (J, Failed -M. Mason, J. Preston, L,
McLeod, M. Yuill), (F. Coulter, J, Proctor, 13. Mundy, B. Brown.
Moir, A. Underwood),' (G. Greig, C. FORM V
Nortrop), L. Proctor, W. Blake. French Authors
Failed:IM. Mason;. M. Wright. Class 1-G, King, J. Campbell, 3,
English Literature Pollock, W. Craig.
Class 1-I, McKinnon, (J. Higgins,,
2-M. Yuill, K. Townend, M.
M. Baird). Baird.
Class 2-L. Henderson, E. Field, Class 3-(F. Higgins, J. Higgins),
.(11. Miller, D. Reid), V. Johnston. C. Hetherington, J. McLeod.
Class 3-F. Coulter, E. Elliott, J. Credit -J. McLean, L. Henderson,
Pollock, I. Habkirk, E. Coutts. (D. Fortune, G. Robertson).
Credit -(F. Currie; M. Yuill), K. Failed -G. Brown.
Rintoul; (M. Fry, R. MitchelI), (D. French Composition
Buchanan, J. McLeod), R. Howson, Class 1-G. King, J. Campbell.
A. 'Underwood), (W. Pickell, M. Class 2-K. Townend, (M. Baird,
Wright). F. Higgins), M, Yuill, J. Pollock.
Failed -G. Greig, (W. Blake, B. Class 3-C, Hetherington, 5, Hig-
Mundy), C. Nortrop, 13. Hamilton, G. gins,:"f, McLean.
Brown, 5. Moir, (L. Proctor, G. Rob- Credit -L. Henderson, D. Fortune,
.ertson), 3. Preston, J. McLean. W. Craig, G. Robertson.
French Authors Failed -J. McLeod, G. Brown.
Class 1-D. Reid, I: McKinnon, R. Chemistry
Mitchell, (E. Field, I. Habkirk, B. Class 1-G, King, J. Campbell, C.
Hamilton). Hetherington. •
Class 3-(R. Howson, V, Johns- Class 2-L. Henderson, M. Yuill.
ton), E. Coutts,.K. Rintoul. Class 3-3. McLean.
Credit -F. Coulter, (H. Miller, C. Credit -D. Fortune. -
Nortrop), M. Wright, E. Elliott, A. , Failed -G. Brown, K. Murray.
Underwood, Zoology
Failed -L. Proctor, D. Buchanan, Class 2-G. K:ing, J'. Higgins, L.
J. Moir. Henderson, F. Higgins, K. Murray.
French Composition Class 3-C. Hetherington.
Class 1-1). Reid, I. McKinnon. Credit -I. Kelly, M. Yuill.
Class •2-(E. Coutts, E. Field, B. . Failed J. McLean.
Hamilton), R. Mitchell, A. Under- Botany
wood, R. Howson. Class 1-J. Campbell.
Class 3-L, Proctor. Class 2-L. Henderson, F. Higgins,
Credit -K. Rintoul, F. Coulter, (E.
Elliott, C. Nortrop), H. Miller, L Credit -J. Higgins, M. Yuill, I.
Habkirk, V. Johnston, M. Wright, D. Kelly,
Buchanan. Failed -K. Murray, C. Hethering-
Failed-J. Moir. ton, J. McLean.
Chemistry Latin Authors
Class 1-13. Reid, I. McKinnon. Class 1-J. Pollock, J. Campbell.
Class :2 -ZIT. Pickell, '13. Hamilton, Class 2-K. Townend, W. Craig.
E. Field, A. ljnderwood, F. Coulter, Class 3-(h[. Baird, D. Fortune)_
I. Habkirk, F, Currie, G. Robertson. Passed-). 1VIcLeod.
Class 3-V. Johnston, W. Craig. Latin Composition
Credit -R. Mitchell, M. Wright, G. Class 1-3. Campbell, J. Pollock.
Greig, R. Howson, E. Coutts, K, Rio- Class 2-K. Townend, M. I3aircl. t
tout,. M. Mason, E; Elliott. ' Clasi 3-1). Fortune.
Failed -H. Miller, C. Nortrop, D. Failed -J, McLeod.
Buchanan, J. Preston, J. Moir, W Algebra
Blake, M. Fry. Class 1 -Myrtle Yuill, J. Campbell,
Greek Authors and Composition
G. King, L. Henderson, 5. McLean.
Class 1-I. McKinnon. Class 2-C. Hetherington, D. For-
Class 2-J. Pollock, D. Reid, R. tune.
Mitchell. Class 3-J. McLeod.
Latin Authors Credit -J. Higgins.
Class 1--•f . McKinnon, D. Reid, E• Failed -K. Townend, M. Baird, G.
Field. Brown.
l Class 2 F. Coulter, R. Mitchell, E. Geometry
Coutts, �. Elliott, Class 1-J. Campbell.
Class 3-V. Johnston, I. Habkirlc, Class 2-C. Iletheriitgton.
G. Robertson, R. Howson. Class 3-K. Murray, F. Higgins, I,
Passed -H. Miller; (F. Currie, lit Kelly.
Hamilton) K. Rintoul. Credit -G. 'King, G. Brown, W.
Failed -K. Murray, L, Proctor, B. Craig.
Blake, J. Moir, E. Martyn. Failed -M. Baird, D. Fortune, M.
Latin Composition Yuill. 1-I. McKinnon, R. Mitchell. Trigonometry
Class 2-D. Reid, E. Coutts, F. Class 1-G. King, D. Reid„ I. Mc -
Coulter, E, Field. Kinnon, E. Elliott, G. Robertson,
Class 3-(H. Miller, Geo, Robert- Class 2-E. Field and R, Mitchell,
son), (V. Johnston, F. Currie), F. Coulter, J. Higgins.
Passed -K. Murray, E, Elliott, I. Class .8-A. Under
Habl ii le, R. Howson.son, E. Coutts.
Credit -•V. Johnston, G. Greig.
Failed -13. Hamilton, I. Habkirk, L
Proctor, W. Blake, K. Townond.
educe'a�: soli x', Physics
Class 2-5. Campbell, G. King
Class 3-K. Murray.
Credit -C. .Hetherington and D.
Fortune, .
Modern History
Class 1•.-(D• Fortune, C. Nether -
eluding January 1. Return limit to
GoodgoingDecember 30 to and in ington), W. Craig, F. Higgins, J.
leave destination not later than paid- Campbell,'
night Tlzursclay; January 2r, 1986.Class25. Yuill, h Felly, G. King,
{. Townend.FARE AND A THIRD Class 3,-K. 1Viati ray.
FOR THE RQUND TRIP Credit -J, McLeod, G. Brown,
Good going liriclay, Dec. 20 to Wed - ------"
tiErsday, Jan. 1 inclusive. Return limit T OF
i' later than 71h INSTALMENr
to leave .destznationt notMISS CURRIES TRIP
midnight, Friday, Jan. 10, 1936.
chapter of Miss
Cht FARES: • tterestin P
IVxTNIP12UM SPECIAL Another interesting Adults 50e Children 25c Currie's tripthis week is of the West
o. We are sure our readers
Full itr£ormation fr oz7t��any agent, Cannar g leisure reading this
adian Pacific
will have great p
Part of Miss Cu rie's trip.
Between all points in Canada
ireletes ee .. xtee
egeese sea,.