The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-08-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Show Starts at 8 p.xn
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 22, 23, 24th
A Singing Dancing Gaucho of the Mexican Pampas
Duke Ellington and his Band.
POP EYE the Sailor and FOX NEWS.
"Count Of Monte Cristo"
!'hili., i..Ytw{u
A meeting of the Liberal Women will be
held in the Liberal Committee Rooms, Wingham,
at 8.30 p.m.
The meeting will be addressed by the Liberal Can-
didate, R. J. Deachman.
All Liberal Women, Welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred George and
. .,Miss Mary and Miss Jean McCaughy
and Mr. Burton Wendorf and Mr.
Clarence Cramp, all of Hanover, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lott
and Miss Eileen Goldsworthy, of Kit-
chener, has been visiting with Mrs.
Lott for the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, Turn -
berry, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F.
Davidson on Sunday, Mrs. Inglis and
Miss Nellie were visitors there on
Wednesday last.
Mr. Bert Cullirnore spent the week-
end with friends in Detroit.
Miss Pearl Creighton and Thelma
of Detroit, and Miss Frances Robin-
son, of Wingham, have been visiting
at the home of their aunt, Mrs. J. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent and
family, of Westfield, visited on Sun-
day with her mother, Mrs. McBrien.
Farmers have been busy these good
days getting in thesheaves, and al-
ready the fields are beginning to look
Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Parsons and
children and Miss Adeline Ross, who
have been visiting with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross during the
past week, returned to their home in
Toronto on Sunday.
Rev. Graydon 0. Cox had charge
of the services in St.' Helens and the
United Church here on Sunday. Next
Sunday the Young People's Society
will have charge of the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross visited at
the home of his aunt, Mrs. Gillis, of
Lucknow, tvho suffered a stroke one
day last week.
Mrs. Dr. Ramage, of Gorrie, is ex-
pected to address the ladies of the
W. M. S. of the United Church here
on Thursday afternoon. The ladies of
the W.M. S. of the St. Helens Church
have been invited to attend.
s�°" '� K= ter' '��j"y!''Q- '� �
ar.„,. 'uYrF E4 � �:• L �i�cfl
For the Next Three Days, Thursday, Friday, Sat-
urday, We Will Give
On .All Purchases and Accounts Paid This is your chance to
make your votes count.
XXX VINEGAR, 1 Gallon ., 45c
ZINC RINGS, 1 Dozen 21c
PARAWAX, P'kg, 13c
NEW HONEY, 5 Lb. Pail 40c
NEW HONEY, 10 Lb. Pail 75c
dpORK & BEANS,. 16 Oz. Tins, 4 For 25c
TOMATO JUICE, Large 21,h 10c
10 LES FOR $2c
(With An Order)
13UYASACK BREAD FLOUR, 9,8, Lbs. $2.55
SALT, 2t/z Lb. Bags, 2 For
OATMEAL, 6 Lbs, for
SALT, 2 Lb. Bags, 2 For
SHORTENING, 2 Lbs, for
Our Fresh Frust and 'vegetableAtways Complete.
Department is
Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Bananas, Melons, Cucumbers,
Pickling Onions and Peppers Get Our Price on
Fresh tomatoes before buying elsewhere.
,. , ice ..tion of Bread and Sugar.
On All Purchases with the e p ;g
Thursday; August 220d, 1935
Mr, and Mrs..Kenneth Stephen, of
Haileybury, were visitors with Miss
Ida and Mr. Geo, McQuoid on Sun-
' Mr. Rt ssel Reid, who has been vis-
iting here with his mother, returned
to his, home, in,13tantford on Sunday.
.Miss Olive Garton motored to De-
troit with Mr. and Mrs.'Wm. Simpson
who were visiting with his relatives
at Hensall.
Mr. Bert Reed, who has been work-
ing in Prince Edward County, spent
the week -end with his family here.
1Yfr. Albert McQuoid of Lucknow,
spent a few days this week with Miss
Ida and Mr. George McQuoid,
Miss Sarah Jane Garbutt passed
away on Tuesday last at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Jas, Sutherland, af-
ter an illness of several weeks. She
was the eldest daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garbutt and was
born in Hibbert; Perth County, corn-
ing here when a girl in her teens, the
family settled on the 2nd Concession
of Kinloss, where Miss Garbutt has
always resided. She was of a quiet.
and retiring disposition, always pleas-
ant and a helpful neighbour, and was
beloved by all who knew her. She al-
ways belonged to the Methodist
Church and later, to the United
Church. Of the family of seven sis-
ters and one brother,' Sam at home,
five sisters still survive, Mrs. Will
Garbutt of Winnipeg, Mrs. Will Mar-
shall and Miss Josie Garbutt of Cal-
gary, Mrs. W. J. McClenaghan of
Woodbridge, and Mrs. Sutherland.
The funeral took place on Thursday
to Wingharn Cemetery, Rev. J. Pol-
lock having charge of the services.
The pall -bearers were: Messrs. Mac
Ross, Thos. Moore, Robt. McClena-
ghan, Wm. Dawson, Henry McGee
and J. D. Beecroft.
Mr. and Mrs, Marsden Kirk and lit-
tle son, of Islington, and Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew ICirk, of Seaforth, visit-
ed on Sunday at the home of Mr. nad
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin and Mr.
and Mrs. Victor. Emerson visited on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Ritchie of St. Helens.
Those from a distance who attend-
ed the funeral of the late Miss Gar -
'butt were: Mr. and Mrs. George El-
liott and Mrs. Thos Elliott, Mr. and
Mrs. Dobie, of Palmerston, Mr. Joe
Garbutt and his daughter, Miss Bessie,
and Mr. and Mrs. Platt, of Brooklyn.
An accident which might have end-
ed tragically took place at the home
of Mr, George Scott, of Langside, on
Saturday when he mounted a ladder
placed on the barn floor, to replace a
hook, which had been broken off the
track at the rof of the' barn. When
at the top, the ladder slipped and he
was sent, head -first, towards the barn
floor. He managed to`turnand land-
ed twenty-eight feet below, on his
feet, one of his ankles, which was bro-
ken last year, is badly swollen, but
although medical aid was summoned,
with the exception of a wrenched
back, he seems none the worse of his
,Mrs. Hunter and Miss Elliott, Galt,
are visiting with their sister, Mrs. Jno.
Mrs. Russel Gaunt is having an al-
uminum tea, this Wednesday. A great
number in this community have given
a tea to help the student sell his alum-
inum ware.
Relief in 3 Minutes
Acid stomach is too often the cause
of heartburn, gas, indigestion and oth-
er digestive ills. Bisrna-Rex is a new
delicious tasting antacid powder that
brings relief to thousands everywhere.
It acts four ways to give quick and
relief relief. Get a big jar today for
75c at McKibbon's Rexall Drug Store.
Y, P. S. Had Charge Of Service
The Service in the United Church
was in charge of the Young People's
Society. Mr. Carmen Hetherington,.
president of the society was the
speaker, taking as his subject, "The
Holy Catholic Bible". He was assist -
cd during the service by Mr, W. J.
The choir sang as their anthem,
"The Lord is My Shepherd' and Miss
Donna Smith sang a solo, "Flee as a
The' oung People also took charge
of the service at Ebenezer in the aft-
For Real High Class Watch.
Repairs, bring your watch to
Williams, The Jeweller. Noth-
ing but genuine material used,
and all work done ori the prem-
Bring Yours in, it may be the
lucky one:
Winner for July—
Miss E. McMichael, Wroxeter.
Moderate Prices and Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
Miss Ada Gallaher, Mr. William
Thornton and his nephew, Mr. Roy
Thornton of Calgary, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs.' Herb. Powell at ST. HELENS
to be received up to Monday, August
26th at 7 o'clock,
The Clerk was instructed to adver
Mise for applications for the office of
Tax Collector at a salary of $75.00,
applications to be considered at Sep-
tember meeting of dottncil. " "'
A by-law was read and passed fix-
ing the
ixitg'the following rates of taxation for
the present year as follows: County
rate 6 7110 mills oils the dollar; Town-
ship rate 2 5110 mills on the dollar
and general school rate 3 6110 mills
on the dollar. Township and, school,
rates are the same as last year, but
the county rate is less by 6110 of a
The following accoltnts were paid:
Advance-Tmies, printing voters' lists
and advertising $58.73; The Municipal
World, supplies $4.42; Jones & Mon-
teith, engineer's fees on the Grain
Drain $58.00; Chas. Robinson, crush-
ing gravel $114,38; G. Godkin, truck-
ing gravel $164.21; S. McBurney, sal-
ary as road supt., and team $14.70; A.
McGowan, gravel and gravelling $5.-
Council adjourned to meet again on
Monday, Sept. 9th.
A, Porterfield, Clerk.
Rev. J. R. Greig and Mrs. Greig
are spending .a few days with Rev.
L. MacLean and Mrs. MacLean of
Miss Dorothy Aitkin is home after
taking a six week's • course at West-
ern University, London.
George Peacock of Ottawa is with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Pea-
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Field and son
of Wingham spent Snuday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Breck-
Mr .and. Mrs. George Gannett have
enjoyed a visit with relatives in De-
troit and other points in Michigan.
`Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Coultes of Lis
towel were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Snell and Mrs. Coultes.
Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Wettlaufer and,
family were • called to Kitchener on
Sunday to the bed side of Mr. Wett-
laufer's aged mother.
Anniversary services will be held
in the 13luevale United Church on
Sunday, September lst.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Plurnsted of
Toronto were week -end visitors at the
home of Miss Duff. They were ac-
companied back to Toronto by Miss
Ruby G. Duff, who has spent the
month with her sister here.
Miss Barbara Thyntie has returned
honia after a two months visit with
friends at Unionville.
1l is,s Ethel glxfil Florence Beattie,'
5eafol th Visited .With their cousin,
Mrs. R. P, Gatniss and Miss Olive
Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton,
Council met on Aug. 13th, with all
the members present. Minutes of last
regular and special meetings were
read and approved.
Wm. Govier waited on the Council
in reference to having some remedy
done for the flooding of his proper-
ty, the E. H. Lot 32, Con. 4, and sug-
gested that either a culvert be install-
ed on the road at this particular place
or in lien of this, that a catch basin
would perhaps answer the purpose as
well. A catch basin will be supplied
and placed by the municipality under
the direction of the road supt.
Communications were received from
the Dept. of Public Welfare re un-
employment relief and the Dept. of
Agriculture re weeds and weed cut-
ting. These communications were fil-
ed, nothing definite being assured by
the Council in the way of cutting of
On motion of Robertson and Bee-
croft it was .decided to paint the 10th
line river bridge this season, tenders
Mrs. J. D. McIntosh of Vineland,
is a visitor with her parents, Mi. and
Mrs. D. Todd.
Messrs. Dan Webb and Pete Ker -
son, of Detroit, were visitors last
week with 1VIr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Rev. Graydon Cox of Englehart, oc-
cupied the pulpit in the United Church
here Sunday. Next Sunday the Y. P.
S. will have charge of the service.
Rev. R. W. Craw of Dorchester was
a caller on friends here recently.
Mrs. Bales of St. Catharines was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Cranston.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor and children of Bruce -
field were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson Woods.
The meeting of the Y.P.S. on Sun-
day evening was in charge of the Cit-
izenship Committee.with Wallace Mil-
ler convener. Kathleen Thom read
the Scripture lesson and Laurine Mil-
ler the Bible character on `Barnabas'.
The topic "The Quest of Romance"
was well taken by Mr. Wilson Woods.
Rev. Jas. Scobie, Mildred, Janet and
Mitchell of Wilton Grove called on
friends here last week.
On Sunday, August 25 the Belgrave
Orange Lodge will hold their annual
Church service in Knox United church
at 11 a.m. All visiting orangemen are
welcome at this service.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McGuire and
family spent the week -end at Hol-
stein where all the family gathered
in honor of the golden wedding an-
niversary of their parents.
Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Grant and
children called on friends in the vil-
lage last week,
The Triple V Bible Class of Knox
United Church took the service in
Knox Church and Brick Church on
Rev. Townsend, the pastor, will be
in charge of the service on Sunday,
August 25.
' Mrs. Ullyot of Elmira, Mrs. Crome
rnd Mrs. Bleaker' of Trenton were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brand-
�n for a couple of days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brandon and
3aughter Freeda, of London spent a
Eew. days with Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Miss Wise and Mr. F. Cox of Lon -
on also friends from Atwood and
Wingham were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, R. Yule on Sunday,
Mrs, 5, A. Brandon spent a few days
with friends in London and Port Stan-
ey last week,
We were sorry to hear Mrs. Geo.
Wheeler was on the sick list last week
and hope she will soon be better
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson
visited on Sunday with her parents at
Miss Ethel Johnston: was holiday-
ing last week with Mr, and Mrs. Har-
old Hastie at Fergus,
Miss Jean and • Scott McClennan'
spent a few holidays with their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Mc-
Clellan of Grey.
Mr. Carman Hetherington and Mr.
Will Peacock took the afternoon ser-
vice at` Ebenezer on Sundhy both do-
ing well.
• Mrs. Art Wheeler and two children
spent a few days with, her parents,
on the 1st line.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wckstead spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and ,Mrs,
R. Johnston, 1st line.
Mr, Chas. and Will ,yewitt, Mr. Wai-
ter Sellers, Mr. ,toss Smith and Mr,
TW, Garniss spent Sunday at Goderich,
Sortte'hf 'th`d i"artn'ersi•:a,re through
harvesting, ' most of thein will have
their gf;itt its the barb this week, and
Some will be threshed out this ween,
10 DaysSommerSrle
Straw Hat Sale
All our Hats at %z Price and
Less; Special Clearing of hats at
Flannel Trousers
20% discount off Grey and
White ,Flannels, white duck and
mercerized cloths.
Men's Fancy Hose
5 Pairs for $1.00
Boys' Tweed Shorts and
Bloomers. Special 88c
Men's Suits
3 -Piece Young Men's Suits, dark
and light shades in worsted and
dark tweeds:
Extra Trousers "Free"
Sizes 36 - 42
Warrendale High.
Grade Suits
Newest smart patterns in col-
lar attached and separate.
Specal Price $1.00
Sweat Shirts , . , .. , .88c
Hanna's Special "Made -to -Measure" Suits, full sat-
in -lined, guaranteed good fits, Special Price"$21,00
Co., Ltd.
The anneal Fall Fair of Blyth Ag-
ricultural Society will be held Sept.
13th and 14th.
Rev. George Oliver and family of
Oil Springs, spent the week -end with
friends in this vicinity.
Farmers in this section are busy
cutting their grain which gives pro-
mise of a bountiful harvest and the
sound of the threshing machine is
again in our midst.
Rev. Wm, Ross, of London, is
spending his vacation with his sister,
Mrs. D. 1'cGowan.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaw and
family are leaving this week for Nor-
thern Ontario where they will spend
a few weeks' holidays.
Died—In Clinton, Friday, August
16th, Mr. Mark Mason, of East Wa-
wanosh, ager 72 years. Service was
held on Sunday afternoon at the home
of deceased brother, Mr. John Mason,
In the absence of Rev. L. V. Pocock,
Rev. W. Haughton of Illinois conduct-
ed the service with interment in Union
Mr. Alex. Elliott spent the 'week-
end with friends in Toronto.
Sympathy is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Morrison in the death
of their little son, Wayne, aged 14
months. Service will be held at the
home, Wednesday. Interment.: wil be
made in the fancily plot, Mount For-
Mrs. Elizabeth .Bell, widow of the
late Mr. Edward 13e11, died at her
home in Londesboro on Friday, Aug.
16th, aged 83 years. Surviving are
two children, Allie, Mrs, Allan, at
home, and William, of Hullett. Ser-
vice was held on Sunday afternoon in
the United Church, Londesboro, with
Rev. W. Malcolm, of Chicago, in
cha-rge. Interment took place in Un-
ion Cemetery.
Are You Having
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye Service is Avail-
able in Wingham at Mod-
erate Prices.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted by
Stratford's Leading Optometrist
for Seventeen. Years.
Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell-
ery Store each Wednesday
Morning, 9 to 12.00.
Geo. Williams
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
DAWSON—In East Wawanosh, on
Monday, August 19th, to. Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Dawson, a daughter.
"Daddy, why dori't you buy Grand-
ma an air rifle for her birthday?"
"Air rifle? Grandma doesn't want
an air rifle."
"I know, but you know how good
she is ,about lending her things.
fill eV!
R .#ate
The Grocery with the Largest Weekly Specials (not unwant-
ed merchandise). When you buy here your get Quality where,
Quality does count, and our prices are the Lowest. Reason, we.
have no Supervisors or Head Office Staff expense to keep !up.
Bulk Vinegar, Special 38c gal.
Fruit 'Sealers Small, 95c Dozen
Medium $1.10 Dozen
Rub. Rings, Gold Medal 5c doz.
Zinc Rings, the ,best, 19c doz.
Parawax, the best 12c pkg.
Whiz Fly Spray, 8 oz, tin 27c
Fly-Tox double. strength 19c bot
Whole !Pickling Spice . 19c lb,
Oxford Cheese, t/2 ib. pkg ...12c
Select Lemons, Special 39c doz.
Olives, best, 11 oz. bottle 19c
Christie's Fig Rolls for 13c 1b.
Miracle Whip Salad Dressing
for 19c
H.P. Sauce (Garton's) 81 oz 28c
With a $1.00 Grocery Order (Sugar not included)
Quick Tapioca for 9c pkg.
Coleo Soap, Special 4c cake
Best Bulk Tapioca 8c lb.
Best Soda Biscuits, 1 lb pkg 12c
Shelled Walnuts,'t/� lb. for .,.9c
Bluebird Toilet Paper, 3 for 21c
All Corn Flakes, 2 pkg. for ...1.5c
Alyther Choice Corn and; Peas
No. 1 Tins, 2 tins for 13c
Chase & Sanborn's Dated) Cof-
fee ....... 35c lb.
Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs ..,..,17c
CERT() Fruit Pectin for Jams and Jellies, Special ,,...,.... 28c bottle
Chdice Prunes,2 lbs. 25c
Best Figs, 3 les. for 25c
Bab -0, for enamel ,cleaning 18c
Comet Soap, 5 bars for ... ,.,12e
Eddy's Matches, 3 boxes .....
Icing Sugar, 3 lbs, for ...,.....
Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs, 25e
Khovah Jelly Maker 13e pkg
SUPER`, SUDS for Clothes and
Lawrrson's Washing Soda,
snakes water soft, Spec. 5c pk.
Rose Thistle Maple Leaf Bak
,rig Powders, 1 lb. tin, for 14c
Dishes: ................,.,.....,.. 'Jc pkg.
Lawtson°s Sr%owflake Ammonia
removes grease, softens water
pkg. 5c
Huron Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 12e
Au Artaele Here Ts What We
Phone it, Say It Ts.
—To —
Regular Train 756 will
Lv. Teeswater 3,15 p.m.
Lv. Wingham 3.50 p.m.
Ar. Toronto Union 10.30 p.m.
Travel ,,
Canadian 'acific
Y(.4 #.0 19']p ftdl,Marl44
1ER h: X�, �
0 t U�'
�N I 8t i'� f ��
1/z Lb. Virginia Cigar-
ette Tobacco and
one Pouch' ,:..
• All for . 57c.
Omar liaseigrove,
We were sorry to hear Mrs. Geo.
Wheeler was on the sick list last week
and hope she will soon be better
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson
visited on Sunday with her parents at
Miss Ethel Johnston: was holiday-
ing last week with Mr, and Mrs. Har-
old Hastie at Fergus,
Miss Jean and • Scott McClennan'
spent a few holidays with their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Mc-
Clellan of Grey.
Mr. Carman Hetherington and Mr.
Will Peacock took the afternoon ser-
vice at` Ebenezer on Sundhy both do-
ing well.
• Mrs. Art Wheeler and two children
spent a few days with, her parents,
on the 1st line.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wckstead spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and ,Mrs,
R. Johnston, 1st line.
Mr, Chas. and Will ,yewitt, Mr. Wai-
ter Sellers, Mr. ,toss Smith and Mr,
TW, Garniss spent Sunday at Goderich,
Sortte'hf 'th`d i"artn'ersi•:a,re through
harvesting, ' most of thein will have
their gf;itt its the barb this week, and
Some will be threshed out this ween,
10 DaysSommerSrle
Straw Hat Sale
All our Hats at %z Price and
Less; Special Clearing of hats at
Flannel Trousers
20% discount off Grey and
White ,Flannels, white duck and
mercerized cloths.
Men's Fancy Hose
5 Pairs for $1.00
Boys' Tweed Shorts and
Bloomers. Special 88c
Men's Suits
3 -Piece Young Men's Suits, dark
and light shades in worsted and
dark tweeds:
Extra Trousers "Free"
Sizes 36 - 42
Warrendale High.
Grade Suits
Newest smart patterns in col-
lar attached and separate.
Specal Price $1.00
Sweat Shirts , . , .. , .88c
Hanna's Special "Made -to -Measure" Suits, full sat-
in -lined, guaranteed good fits, Special Price"$21,00
Co., Ltd.
The anneal Fall Fair of Blyth Ag-
ricultural Society will be held Sept.
13th and 14th.
Rev. George Oliver and family of
Oil Springs, spent the week -end with
friends in this vicinity.
Farmers in this section are busy
cutting their grain which gives pro-
mise of a bountiful harvest and the
sound of the threshing machine is
again in our midst.
Rev. Wm, Ross, of London, is
spending his vacation with his sister,
Mrs. D. 1'cGowan.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaw and
family are leaving this week for Nor-
thern Ontario where they will spend
a few weeks' holidays.
Died—In Clinton, Friday, August
16th, Mr. Mark Mason, of East Wa-
wanosh, ager 72 years. Service was
held on Sunday afternoon at the home
of deceased brother, Mr. John Mason,
In the absence of Rev. L. V. Pocock,
Rev. W. Haughton of Illinois conduct-
ed the service with interment in Union
Mr. Alex. Elliott spent the 'week-
end with friends in Toronto.
Sympathy is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Morrison in the death
of their little son, Wayne, aged 14
months. Service will be held at the
home, Wednesday. Interment.: wil be
made in the fancily plot, Mount For-
Mrs. Elizabeth .Bell, widow of the
late Mr. Edward 13e11, died at her
home in Londesboro on Friday, Aug.
16th, aged 83 years. Surviving are
two children, Allie, Mrs, Allan, at
home, and William, of Hullett. Ser-
vice was held on Sunday afternoon in
the United Church, Londesboro, with
Rev. W. Malcolm, of Chicago, in
cha-rge. Interment took place in Un-
ion Cemetery.
Are You Having
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye Service is Avail-
able in Wingham at Mod-
erate Prices.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted by
Stratford's Leading Optometrist
for Seventeen. Years.
Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell-
ery Store each Wednesday
Morning, 9 to 12.00.
Geo. Williams
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
DAWSON—In East Wawanosh, on
Monday, August 19th, to. Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Dawson, a daughter.
"Daddy, why dori't you buy Grand-
ma an air rifle for her birthday?"
"Air rifle? Grandma doesn't want
an air rifle."
"I know, but you know how good
she is ,about lending her things.
fill eV!
R .#ate
The Grocery with the Largest Weekly Specials (not unwant-
ed merchandise). When you buy here your get Quality where,
Quality does count, and our prices are the Lowest. Reason, we.
have no Supervisors or Head Office Staff expense to keep !up.
Bulk Vinegar, Special 38c gal.
Fruit 'Sealers Small, 95c Dozen
Medium $1.10 Dozen
Rub. Rings, Gold Medal 5c doz.
Zinc Rings, the ,best, 19c doz.
Parawax, the best 12c pkg.
Whiz Fly Spray, 8 oz, tin 27c
Fly-Tox double. strength 19c bot
Whole !Pickling Spice . 19c lb,
Oxford Cheese, t/2 ib. pkg ...12c
Select Lemons, Special 39c doz.
Olives, best, 11 oz. bottle 19c
Christie's Fig Rolls for 13c 1b.
Miracle Whip Salad Dressing
for 19c
H.P. Sauce (Garton's) 81 oz 28c
With a $1.00 Grocery Order (Sugar not included)
Quick Tapioca for 9c pkg.
Coleo Soap, Special 4c cake
Best Bulk Tapioca 8c lb.
Best Soda Biscuits, 1 lb pkg 12c
Shelled Walnuts,'t/� lb. for .,.9c
Bluebird Toilet Paper, 3 for 21c
All Corn Flakes, 2 pkg. for ...1.5c
Alyther Choice Corn and; Peas
No. 1 Tins, 2 tins for 13c
Chase & Sanborn's Dated) Cof-
fee ....... 35c lb.
Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs ..,..,17c
CERT() Fruit Pectin for Jams and Jellies, Special ,,...,.... 28c bottle
Chdice Prunes,2 lbs. 25c
Best Figs, 3 les. for 25c
Bab -0, for enamel ,cleaning 18c
Comet Soap, 5 bars for ... ,.,12e
Eddy's Matches, 3 boxes .....
Icing Sugar, 3 lbs, for ...,.....
Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs, 25e
Khovah Jelly Maker 13e pkg
SUPER`, SUDS for Clothes and
Lawrrson's Washing Soda,
snakes water soft, Spec. 5c pk.
Rose Thistle Maple Leaf Bak
,rig Powders, 1 lb. tin, for 14c
Dishes: ................,.,.....,.. 'Jc pkg.
Lawtson°s Sr%owflake Ammonia
removes grease, softens water
pkg. 5c
Huron Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 12e
Au Artaele Here Ts What We
Phone it, Say It Ts.