The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-25, Page 8+AO 14 '41` 'Ii'Wra VOA PA' SHOW STARTS AT 8 P.M• Thursday, Frinlay, Saturday, April 255th, 26th, 27th CLARK GABLE And CLAUDETTE COLBERT his "It Ha pe ed One 1g -he' An Outstanding Production At Regular Price of Admission Also OSWALD CARTOON — "SKY LARKS" AND FOX NEWS, NEXT WEEK SHIRLEY TEMPLE "BRIGHT EYES" diffalaEacialerleafteMaasktaa WHITECHURCH Master Carl Vanner.of Wingham, is spending his holdidays at the home of Mr. Amos Cornelius. Miss Frances Wilson of Wingham, spent a few days last week at the liom of her brother, Mr, J, Wilson. Mr. and .Mrs. Malcolm Green, who have ben visiting with her1) arents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, left on Tuesday for North Bay, where they will spend the summer: Mrs. Lester Falconer and Mr. Geo. Falconer, Sr., of Culross, spent a day lastweek with relatives in W'awanosh. Mr. and Mrs. David Farrier moved -on Thursday last and are going to live at the home of their daughter, Mrs. John Ross of Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morrison of Blyth, visited on Sunday at the home of his : parents, Mi•. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison, Miss Winnifred Farrier of Ripley, Miss Olive of Dungannon, and Car- men of Stratford Normal, are spend- ing their holidays at the home of their CUT RATE WATCH REPAIRS ARE SELDOM SATISFACTORY Inferior materials and parts are very often used, with the re - suit ` that in a short time the watch is probably worse than it was before. If you want a real good job bring your watch 'to WILLIAMS The JEWELLER. Only genuine material used. High class workmanship` and satisfaction guaranteed, at very moderate prices. George Williams For Watch Repairs Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector Winghanz . Phone 5. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Miss Jean Logan, teacher of S. S. No.' 14, is spending her holidays with her. parents in Teeswater, On Tues' day she' and her mother were "at home" to the ladies of 'her schoolsec- tion and a pleasant afternoon was spent by the many ladies, who motor:- ed to Teeswater. At the shomination in Belgrave on Saturday, Wilt Straughan, Lewis Rud- dy and J. D. Beecroft were nominated for councillor; to fill the vacancy cre- ated by the resignation of Mr, Stuart Mcl3urney, who took on the work of Road .Superintendent, As it was felt that the division •to which Mr. Mc- Burney belonged should have then re- ference of a roan at this time, the no mination was accepted by J. 1). ..Bee croft, who will take over the conn cillar duties for- the remainder of the, yeaa-. Mr, John Clubb is moving this week. from his home to the one awned by the late Mrs. McInnis, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence` Cox will move shortly to Mr. Clubb`s house. Afr. and Mrs. \Vni. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Patterson and' sun, .Billie of Auburn, and his sister, Airs. Sprung of t.ondesboro, spent Sunday at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. , Cla.rence Cox. Miss Margaret Jackson of Toronto, spent the weekend here with her aunt Miss C. Laidlaw, but was called home on Monday, after "hearing that her sister, Mrs: Hanna, who has been il1 for some time, slipped on the floor and was seriously hurt. Mr, Adam McBurney of Kingston, and Mr. Melville Beecroft of Colborne are spending their holidays with their fathers here in East Warawanosh. ' The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of Calmer's Church was held on Thursday afternoon with the pres- ident, Mrs.'Henry Godkin, in charge 'f Mrs. Frank Coulter read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. V 'J. Coulter were in Charge of the topic from the Study Book, and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw sang "Almost Persuaded', the '4 I GHAM ADVANC1�-TIMES presidtr,nt led in prayer. Arrange idents were being Made for the socia to be held on June 18 on the church lawn. This will be in connection wit the [1.nniv ersary services field on Jun 16 when the Moderator, Rev. 1) Short of 'Barrie, will be present. t take the services. The ladies also ar planning to hold their Thank-offerin meeting early in May, when Mrs. An gus Mackay returned Missionary fro India will be present and acldres them. The ladies of the United church are invited to attend this meeting, Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Laidlaw and cildren are again very ill with the flu Miss Catherine MYers of Toronto was a visitor at the manse over th week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, E. Robinson and daughter, Frances, of 1Vingliatn,Visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 5, 17 Beecroft on Sunday., Mr. : George Jacques, Yvonne an Jack of Preston, spent the' week -end with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs.',E1 Jacques, Mrs. A. Reid, who spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Balfour of Lucknow, returned to her home 'fere eaily last week, and het son, Mi, Rua - Se] Reid of Brantford, is spending the holidays with her,' Mr. and Mrs, Jack Henderson and children of. Paramount,. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs: J. MacGregor. A great :number attended the play presented..here on Thursday last by the .young people of. Culross. The "Antics of Ardretii" caused much mer- rintent:and each player took his or her part exceptionally. well. After the play the young- people danced until closing time. Mr. Will'Kelly of St. Augustine, visited with.hi�s grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius one day recently. Mr. Wm. Falocrier .has been under the Dr•'s care but is improving now.Mr.M. Oscar Casemore of Stratford, visited. over the'week-end with his, parents in Turnberry and with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Casentore. The ladies of the community have been invited to attend a meeting held in the United Church on Wednesday evening, .when Mrs. Grierson will be present and address them. Mrs. Grier- son is studying on her furlough, but is spending this week with relatives at Blyth and Londesboro. A very fine play "Civil Service" was presented, by the young folks of Brick Church in their church on Thursday evening last. Each act was much en- joyed. Between acts George Taylor and George Carter gave a musical number as did _Miss Beatrice Beecroft and Mr. Gilbert Beecroft. The realiz- ed about $20 from the evening's en- tertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacKay of Brussels and Mr .and Mrs, Roy Mac- Kay and daughters, Shirley and Helen who have spent the winter in Florida, visited on Sunday with Mr. and 'Mr's. Walter Lott, before returning to their home in. Toronto. 1VIr,.and Mrs. Robert Mowbray and Miss Agnes MacKay motored to Strat ord on, Thursday and Miss Bertha MacKay of Telephone staff there re- turned home with Cheng for over ththeweek-end'. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomp. on and Floyd are in Toronto this week. Mr. Thompson is attending 'the Ratepay- ers and Trustees Convention. e • d This is A VERY SPECIAL ANNOUNCENMENT TO ALL THOSE WOMEN WHO WEAR REAL HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR in regard to MedcJf Sh�es Sold at $5.00 and $6.00 per pair. It may seem like an exaggeration to say that. Medcall shoes are equal as far as "upper stock" is ,cancernecl to the average $7.50 and $8.50 shoes for Women, but it is nevertheless a fact and we invite those women in particular who buy the best to call and inspect these beautiful Shoes and thereby prove our statement. Medcalf Shoesare the Actne of Style and Class and are made in combination fitting .lasts, and in several widths, and we are therefore enabled to fit any .... normal foot. Andagain a�a we quote the prices, namely $5.00 and $6,O1e air We have a very special suggestion to make to all those ladies who wear strictly high grade shoes, and it is this, ---Before Buying Your Next Pair just call in and have a look at MEDCALFS, which are generally considered among shoemen as the Best Value hi High Grade Shoes. for Women that are rade in 'Canada. ... ... . ....... .. _.._. ,.... _.. - mom; Willis' lhotor Srsle ,Melts for Medcalf Shoes for Women. Phone 120 Wingham MORRIS Mr. George Peacock is home from Ottawa and is spending his holidays With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Peacock, of 1st lite. Miss Ethel Johnston is spending her holidays with her parents and other friends. Mrs. Alvin. Snaith and Miss Eunice Thornton spent a day in Toronto with Nr. and Mrs, Neil McLean. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Nicol, from near Brussels, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, 13reck- enridge, Messrs. Chas: and will Jewitt and. Miss Nora, are' holidaying with their grandparents, 'Mr, and Mrs, :Lewis Jewitt. Mr, and Mrs.' Neil McLean of To- ronto are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. Thorn- ton and other friends; Mr, Lloyd Wettlaufer spent the holiday with his parents. in iluevale. 'Mr. Plein,' Black shipped two car- load of cattle to Chicago and one car- load of cattle to :Buffalo last week, and a car' of cattle and one of pigs to Toronto: on Saturday. • Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Field, , Wing - ham, visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. Aitkin and Miss Polly Duff, Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Thomas and family visited on Sunday with her par- ents, lila and Mrs. Tallest Dennis, of 13rowntown, Mr. Jack Fortune and Miss. Audrey McMichael visited on &inday with her grandtnotlaer, Mrs, Henry Bone, .3rd line. Mr. Chas. Brewer lost a valuable horse from lock-jaw last week. Mr. Gordon Wheeler spent the eokend with his tnr l.0 wc and aitixt and Cotrim, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Wheeler and Jean, of the let line. K NG'S Post Easter Selling Of Smart Women's Wear! King's is ever headquarters for what's new and good value. This week brings FRESH DRESSES And HATS STYLIST SUITS And COATS • MANY NEW HATS Children's Coats Children's. Dresses Martha Washington Home ' Dresses Kayser Gloves Orient Stockings In fact a complete assemblage of the finest styles and, values in Women's Spring Wearables we have ever shown. Spring Dress Goods • New Patterns in lovely Printed Silks 98c, $1.25, $!.39 Fine Canton Crepes and Dress Satins $1.19; $1.49 Navy Twills and. Tweed Suit- ings $2.25, $2.49 Zephyr Wool Checks ..........,: 69c Both beautiful and serviceable for Women's or Misses' Dresses New Cotton Dress Goods New Piques New Printed Cottons These are lovely goods' for your summer needs. Butterick Patterns, a big stock of these high grade patterns is always carried - 25c, �35c, 45c Suit Special 10 Misses' Stylish Suits, fing- er-tip length - Tweeds and Navy Blue materials - Friday -Satur- day Bargain $9.85. You'll find it pays to shop with. us for Spring Needs. Ki GLENANNAN Miss Janet Woods, of Morris, is spending'the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woods. Mrs. Rae Little also Miss Isabel Metcalfe of Toronto are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Met- calfe. Messrs. George, Peter and Norman Muir, also Mrs. Muir, of Toronto, are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace. Mr. Melvin Willits, of Salem, spent alst week with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall, Messrs. Stewart Mulvey and Lyle Fitch visited Monday with the form er's sister, firs, David Eadie. Nir•. ,and Mrs. Oliver Stokes visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh, Mrs. John Hutton who has spent some tune in Toronto, has returned to the home of •Mr. William Camp- bell. Mr. Stanley Kcast, from north of Belmore, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and 'Mrs. James Paisley. Mr, and Mrs. Will.Shoebottom and Dorothy, of London, spent the Easter, Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. S. B. Mar- shall, also Mr; and Mrs. R. Cullitorr, Doris and Audrey. BELGRAVE Institute Donate to Cancer Fund The April meeting of the Belgrave Branch of the Women's Institute was. held at the home of Mrs, Geo. Jordan Tuesday afternoon, April 16th, when there was a good attedance present. Mrs. Jas. Taylor, the president, open - cared with the Ocle and prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting and treasurer's report were presented and adopted. -Business consisted of discus- sion on work at the cemetery, A. don- ation was also voted to the Ring Geo. V Jubilee Cancer Rand for Canada, This meeting was it charge' of the Health Committee and the program opened with the Roll Call "Name and use of your favorite emergency rem- edy" which was well responded to. A very interesting address was given by Dr. H. W. Colborne, M.D., of Wing - ham. Mrs. N. Keating led the current events discussion which consisted of several instructive pieces. Musical se - Smokeless Ash Tray 35c Zipper. Pouches 25e and up. Pipes, Lighters and 'everything in the line of Stnokers' • Sundries, Omar Hasel-cove's Tcotbacconist, lections were given 'by Mrs. 'Wade, Nora VanCanap and Freda Jordan and were much enjoyed. Mrs. W. Pocock gave a short talk, on Some Daily Health 'Hints," The next meeting, will be held at the home of Mrs, R. Mc- Crea. The singing of the National An- them brotiglit the Meeting' to a 'close. lunch was served by the hostess as- sisted by Mrs, W. Pocock and Mrs. W. I3rydges and a social, time enjoy- ed,. Miss Louise McKenzie of Sturgeon Falls, is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mits. R E. McKenzie. Albert Coultes, Mr. and Mrs, �Orval Taylor, Jack and Lloyd, were Sunday viistors with Mrs. Belle Powers and family at Rockwood. Miss L ilia Taylor of Wellesley is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Taylor. Mr. and Mrs, Reinnie.Wightman, of Flint, Mich., with relatives. Mr, and Mrs, 1I, E, Buffett and daughters, :Barbara and Shirley, with Mrs. C. R. Colutes. Miss Jennie Wightman, of Port El- gin, with her mother, Mrs. J. Wight- man, Mr, and Mrs. R. Yule entertained friends on Sunday from Ottawa, .Lon: - don and Listowel Mr. and: Mrs. Donald Young, Lain - beth, with Mr. and Mrs. James Young over the week -end. Easter visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Brandon were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brandon and son, Bill, of Lan- caster, Penn.;' -Misses ' Gertrude and Olive Brandon of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. M. il,ake and brother of .Fergus; Mr. C. Bone o fAlymer and Miss May Bone of Toronto, BLUEVALE Easter visitors: Wni, Thompson, Mr-. and Nlrs, Geo. Donaldson and Miss 'Sanderson, Tor- onto, at their hoiuc here. George Peacock, Ottawa, with -his parents, Mr. and Mrs..James Peacock. Miss .Ethel. Johnston, Byron, with her parents, Mr. and Mr>;. Edward Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. T. Field, Wingham,. with Miss Duff and Mrs. Aitl:in. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon McKinney and little son, Toronto, With Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs, Resell Moffatt and daughter, Toronto, with relatives. Miss Beryl Mundy, Wingham, with Miss Alba Mowbray, Miss Hazel Mundell, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mun- dell. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. H. Coultes, of Listowel, with Mrs. Grace Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton, of Atwood, with Mr. and Mrs. D. J.• Fal- coner. Miss Betty Ann Falconer ac- companied them home after spending a few days in Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge at Fordwich. • Miss Janet Robertson, of 'Brussels, with her_ mother, Mrs. Wm. Robert son, Bob, Fraser, Morris, with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shaw. Mr..ancl'Mrs. Edgar McMichael and daughter, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. William McMichael. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Proctor and daughter, Margaret of Morris, Mrs. Boley, Mr. and Mrs.'tiell,'of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Curtis. Easter Service at Knox A special Easter message was heard from' the pulpit of Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning when the Pastor, Rev, J. R. Greig, spoke from the text Matt.' 2 • Mart , 8.6 He is not here, He is risen." Music in keeping with the Easter .season,, was rendered by the choir. W. M. S. Missionary Annual' The .annual missionary' service of the Women's Missionary. Society was held. in the United' Church. on Easter Sunday morning, Mrs. Jos. Brecken- ridge, President, • led the meeting which was addressed by Miss Mae Williamson, of Wingham, a Mission- ary among the Bhils of India, who gave an interesting aecount of the people and the work there, The choir's Easter anthems were well given, un- der the direction of Mrs. W. J. Johns. ton. United Church. Mission Band Tlye Mission Band of the United Church hetet a very successful quilt- ing in the s, lroolroom on Friday af- ternoon when three quilts were quilt- ed, after which refreshments were ser- ved by the members of the band, In the evening a very interesting programme was given by the Mission. 13tnd: Mrs, A. V, Robb,leader of the Band, Presided.. An Easter pageant, "Tlte Challenge of the Cross" was beautifully presented by sevengirls— i Marjorie 1•Iall, I: trzabetlt Matlacrs, Eu- nice 'Thornton, Isobel Mckinnon, Daisy, Holmes, Alice Thornton; Marie Wettlaufer, as Evangel, being the chief character•. s Mika Isabel Watson read the Setipt.ure, appropriate read: ings' were given by Miss Ora Abbott Thursday, April 25th, 1035' JUST WHAT' YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR e w.t il6 1r es ON MADE -TO -MEASURE DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS We have finally obtained what we have been look- ing for. Fine Worsteds in, Spring and Summer Suits, dark and light suits, made -to -measure POPULAR PRICE $21.00 Suit' and Extra Trousers for $26.50. & LTD. and Miss Lorena Hamilton, and solos were contributed by Miss Donna Smith and Rev. Mr. A. V. Robb. The choir assisted by singing , while the pageant was being given. Easter flow- 'ers gave a beautiful setting for the pageant. United: Church Y. P. S. The Young -'People's Society of the United Church .held their meeting on Friday night, with Miss Isabel Wat- son in charge. The Scripture lesson was .read by Daisy Holmes and pray- er by the leader. Readings were given ;by Mrs. Aitken and Elizabeth Math- ers. The society have been fortunate in :securing the Carolina Jubilee Sing - err for a date in the Fall. The topic "The Poetry of Passion Week"•was taken by George, Hetherington. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Ben- ediction. United Church W. M. S. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the schoolroom of the United Church on Tuesday, April 16, Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 205 "Jesus, stand among us," and the call to worship, after which 'hymn 208 was sung, and the Lord's Prayer re- peated' in unison. Scripture reading was Psalm 68:1-11. Mrs. R. Shaw read Devotional leaflet "World Minded Friends."' Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. George Thornton was appointed delegate to the Presbyterial to be held in Exeter cn April 30th. Mrs. J. W ettlanfer gave a very fine synopsis of the 8th chapter of the Study Book, and Mrs: A. Shaw will have the ,Study book for the May meeting. After the Roll Call and offering, hymn 478 "Saviour, Thy dying love" was sung, and the Easter program was taken up. Mrs. A. V. Robb led in the prayer of Thanksgiv- ing. After singing hymn, 104 `Christ the Lord is risen today" Mrs. Thorn- ton led in prayer. The meeting closed with- the Doxology and Benediction. On Easter Sunday a family re -an - union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, O. Thornton, when Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wickstead, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith, were present. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Nichol and ' children visited with NIr. and Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge, on Sunday. Mrs. Ida Wilson, Mrs. Ina Lock- hart, Miss Agnes Thomas, Toronto, and Mrs. Roger Oke, : Winghani, were. calling on friends in the village. on Monday. Rev. William Patterson, of Alymer, who officiated at the Ross -Agnew wedding at Lucknow, on Monday, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Falcon- er, Arnold Lillow is spending this week with his grandparents in Stratford, Miss Alba Mowbray is visiting with friends in Winyham and Whitechurch. Mr. and'Mrs. Harvey Messer'. and little daughter, of Toronto, spent the weekend at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. Mr. Chas. Messer, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of his fath- er and sister, Mrs. Elliott. Are You Having EYE TROUBLE Headache, Dizziness or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service ` is Avail- able in Wingham at Mod- erate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. REID Stratford's Leading Optometrist for Seventeen Years. Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell- ery Store each Wednesday Morning, 9 to 12.00. Geo. Williams JEWELLER Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector Wingham RED FRONT GROCERY The Grocery with the Greatest Weekly Specials. Extra, Granulated SUGAR, 10 Lb. Bag, Special (With a Grocery Order of $1.00, including Sugar) .. r 49c Select Cooking Onions, 5 lb. 7c Sweet Spanish Onions for 3c lb. Choice Corn, no. 1 tin for ... 6c Choice Tomatoes, no. 2 tin ... 6c Invincible Bulk Coffee ,.. 24c lb. Chase and Sanborn's Bulk Cof- fee ,the best, lb. 20c, lb 39c Horne's Breakfast Coffee lb. tin .. 15c1 1 lb .tin 29c Pure Breakfast Cocoa ,., 11e lb. Salad Tea (Yellow Label) I ib. for 27c Shelled Walnuts, I lb. for 17c Horne's Jelly Powders, 4 oz. 5c Thistle -Baking Powder in 1 Ib. tin, Special for '15c Bowe's and Bluebird Baking . Powder, ib. 13c; 1 lb. ,25c Fancy Choice Rice 2 lbs. 13c Unwrapped LAUNDRY SOAP, Special, 5 Bars for , 14c Choice' Figs 3 lbs. for 25c Choice Prunes 2 lbs, for 25c Pure Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. 25c Aunt Jetnitna Pancake Flour 14c Roman Meal, pkg. for ,.. 29c Pearl Barley, Special 5c lb. Puffed Oats (cereal) pkg. 9c Lexias Raisins with seeds, 1.0c lb 1VIcCorntick's Sodas, lb. pkg 11c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, 8 oz. size 17c; Kraft Sand- wich Spread, 6 ob. 15e Mar. Kelly Sandwich Spree 21c Hellnianti's Salad Dressing 8 oz. 17c Hawe's Floor Wax, 1 lb. tin 41c 4 lb. tin 21c; No Rub Liquid Wax 49c tin Coleman's and Schneider's Sweet Pickle Sugar Cured Rolls and Bacons, Cooked Hams, Headcheese, Summer Sausages, Bolognas, Weiners, Sausages, Corned Beef, Etc and, best of all, our prices are right. We l:l'el�irer ' Ruy Your Groceries and lProvisions front urs and Save Money, Phone 17 i4