The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-25, Page 7HOWICK COUNCIL. Gorrie, April 17th, 1935. Council met in the Township Hall according to atljotu•nment, members of Council were all present, the Reeves presiding, Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on ntotioti of Weir and Toner were adopted. Moved by Lovell 'and Balser that 'Councillors VTeir and Toner be a •+committee • to interview Miss Jean 'Graham, Carried, Moved by Lovell and Toner .that Council insure Township roads in Lloyds Insurance Company for the year 1935; Carried. Moved by Weir and Balser that the Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare .an amending by-law for the Clifford, Municipal Drain 'to provide for dis- tribution of'surplus. Carried, Moved by Toner, and Lovell that By -Law No. 4 for the year 1935 as read the third time be filially passed. Carried: Moved by Weir and Baker that 13y= Law No. 5 far the year 1935 as read the third time be finally passed. Car- ried. Moved by Lovell and Maker that the Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of How - ick' for ...the year 1935 be Held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on 'Tuesday, May 28th, 1935, •at one o'clock pan, Carried. Moved by Lovell and Toner that • the tirrte for the return of Collectors' Rolls be extended to the May meet- ing of. Council. Carried. Moved by Toner and Lovell, that the following bills be paid: Arnold f Halliday, relief $4.50; •Isaac Gamble, pt. salary as Clerk $35.00; John Hut- chison; relief $8,00; Hydro E. P. Com. relief $6.05; Norman Wade, Insurance on Twp. Roads for 1935 with Lloyds =$195.00; T. J. Nicholls, rebate on ov- ercharge on gravel for Gorrie Cemet- 'ery $6.18; Stephens & Ashton, relief .$1.49; R. J. Hu.estotl, relief $15,95; R. Grainger,. relief $3.8'7; R. Grainger, re- lief $6.00; O. Galloway, looking after :two ,transients $7:00; J. J. Musgrove, reals for transients $1.40; E. E. Den- ny, Postage' and Excise $6,00; W. R. Fraser, M.D., trip to London $10.00; Municipal World, one subscription to "Municipal World" $1.00; R. J. Hues - ton, relief $3,90; Treas. Huron Co., hospital exp. for Lloyd Harrison $47.- 25; Stephens & Ashton, relief $30.33. Road Expenditures E. G. Denny, snow and dragging $8.05; Harvey Gibson, dragging $6:30; Richard Aldrich, gravel .40; Arnold Brown,. dragging $9.10; 'Clarence Sparling, dragging $9.20; Arthir. For- ster, dragging $8,50; Ben Hislop, dragging and snow $8.40; Morley Mc- Michael, snow $2,45; Vernon Hupfer, snow .90; John McCutcheon, dragg- ing $L75; Tios. Jacklin, snow . 55; Geo, Paulin, snow and dragging $15.- 40; Geo. Ashton, dragging and rep. to plow $9.00; John Wilson, dragging $7,00; Harold Foster, dragging $8.75; Oscar Weiler, dragging $8.05; Oliver Stewart, dragging $9,45; William Mc- Ilwain, snow roads $7.00; John Mc- Elwain, snow roads $1,75; John Hynd- man, culvert We $6.65; John McEI- wain; snow roads $1.75; Thos. Strong, dragging $7,70; Wes, Underwood, rep, to grader, ,dragging $11,50; John Montgomery, snow, dragging, repair to culvert $12.50; Lloyd Jacques, rep. to culvert $1:25; Burton Hubbard, snow, dragging $14.40; Jas. Inglis, snow, dragging $14.00; John Krelier, snow, dragging and repair to plow $14.70; .Lloyd Jacques, snow $1.25; Ross Bayliss, snow, dragging $1L65; Thos. Day, filling hole and dragging $12.40; Edwin Day, dragging $3.95; Thos. Ellis, removing logs .90; Frank Coles, snow roads $2.10; Mel. Finlay, rep, to culvert and gravel $2.70; Al- bert Haskins, rep. to culvert .50; R. F. Edgar, exp. to London $10,10; R. F. Edgar, Supt. salary $14,50; Com- pensation Board, charges re G. Toph- am $10.41. Thursday, April 25th, 1935 JACK MINER CELEBRATES HIS 70th BIRTHDAY r irtaberley,' an Lake I uiratt, which he i is having surveyed into lots and will build several cottages during the sea- son. The W. M. -S. will hold their May meeting in the church on Thursday, May 2nd, with roll call to be answer- ed by "Helpfulness." fefare.4,qh44% a*, Jack Miner, fatuous Canadian nat- uralist, whose wild life sanctuaries are anlous the world over; recently cele- brated his 70th -birthday, and here we ORDER ROOFJNC NOW E$T/MA7Zf Ri'2; Two g'reatvaluesin MefalO�lYr o . Ex- clusive elua3tre patontod features guarantee weather .rantse tightness and easy Digitise. tion. Fornow'i!oo£o 0rr e• and xoofh . 8 g ridge and rafter tonifor. rs £ro e' . bstunato. Wo ti0$ "Council Stars -91i dard"for roan �i est flare 1y Eastern Steel nducts rrniti'r�. PRESTON elk mens r rs Atmor A.464Y5t4 aoNra r'�..ra .,see him with two members of the wild , wlio show their confidence in him by. eating grain from his hand. WEDDINGS West Ashton A- very pretty but quite wedding took place at the "home of Mrs. Geo- rge Ashton Sr. Gorrie, at high nosin, Gond Friday, when her daughter Mar- jorie was _ united in marriage with Harry G. West of Fordwich, son of Mrs. Jas. E. West of Lucknow. The 'Ceremony was performed by. the Rev, G. Butt and . Miss Wilma Watson, niece of the bride played the Bedding march, "Lohengrin Bridal Chorus." The living room where the i wedding"was soletninized' was beauti- fully decorated with Easter Lilies and, daffodils as was the dining room. The bride looked charming in a frock of Princess Marina white sheer crepe and earring a shower bouquet i of sweet peas and lily of the valley: The grooms gift to the bride was a • shite gold wrist watch and ,to the pianist, a natural gold. ring. The happy couple left on a trip ,through the Niagara district and to l3uffalo, the 'bride travelling in a i three niece costume of navy silk crepe, pink laee blouse, and navy accessor- ies, On their return, Mr .and Mrs, West will reside in Fordwich. Moved by Weir and Toner that Council do now adjourn to meet in the United Church :[Tall on Thursday, May 16th. Carried. Isaac Gamble, Clerk, GORRIE Miss Jennie McKee of Whitby, Miss J. McKee and Miss Bessie Wylie of Toronto were Easter guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. John Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. David Dane of Tor- onto spent themeek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade and other Gorrie friends. Mr, Stanley Dane of Toronto, spent a few days this week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane. Mr. and Mrs, J. Pollock of Kincardine were recent guests at the salve home. Mrs. and Miss McLaughlin spent the week -end in. Toronto. Mr. Jas. E. Magrath of Toronto spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Magrath. Mr. and Mrs. Neeb of Detroit were r i holiday visitors o ftl ert uncle, Mr. Sipple. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cooke spent Good Friday with friends at Bolton, Mr. and Mrs,. Ira Hamilton of Tor- onto spent tite week -end with the former's mother, Mrs, C. Hamilton. Miss Beryl Ashton of Seaforth and Mr. Bishop Avery of Mitchell spent the week -end with the former's Moth- er, Mrs. Ida Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shear _ spent Easter with the latter's mother, Mrs. Ellis in Guelph,, Mr. John Koine of Windiniere is spending his Eacter vacation at his home here. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes were: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer' of Edgar A, Guest entitled "When Mrs, Copeland and Miss Mar- Mr, Wilford King and son Earle, Ashton. Mrs. J. Lathers read a poem ' garet of Winghattt, Mr ,and Mrs:. cert spent Monday in Toronto. �-You know a fellow." Mrs, Bolton. Greer and family; and Mrs. Walsh of . Miss Mae Watters of Toronto spent told how hard it was to find a boon Toronto. the weekend at the home of her Miss Margaret Graham of Toronto mother. : • which had been lent, and Mrs. Ed s nt the linlida: s at her home here. Mrs, W. ;G, Strong returned home wards read a verse "Rest if you must, .pet Y Mr. Harding ng• i of Toronto has rented on Saturday. from a two week's visit but don't you quit," Mrs. Whitfield r. David Danns farm north of Go.t- with her daughter, Mrs, Telford Ment- read a `paper out House -Cleaning and rie c`tin fewpinery of Kitchener. She also visited saving that we should not forget the and will move on wit t a g Y days. her brother in Port Credit best things of life because we are busy Hon. o Mrs, Weir and family of Ottawa were guests of the frig were react by tits Secretary and loaner's sister, Mrs. Htieston and Mr. adopted and items of business were R. J. Hueston last week; discussed and a letter of appiation We are pleased to (report that Mr, 1t•eac1, from Mrs, Williams, Toronto, Alex. Taylor who has been very ill for the use of used Christmas Cards n r ori:, H pin Crown i a v work, for M ssro Y with pneumonia is improving r as ~veil t 1 'a as can be expected. King andMrs. l u and lCi l'1 S Joha clan; J ghtcr Jean of London, atos Mr. and Geor e Kin and son Harold 1vLrs g g s 1 r and Mr. and Ml .. J. Mt sg nue and soft 5<rcic spent 'Friday;,last around Gocfericlr and ten Millet•. t Ire linin Mr -..and Mrs. Guests a t e of 1VSt ,a , d 1 s, r e Foster on Sundaywere:Mr, Gcot; ,n and Mrs, Walter !Stafford and dau- ghter, Dawn, atria Mr. and Mrs. Frank r' i . rof Toronto. to. Mr, arid Mrs. Stafford n tt Jefferson anddaughters,1- Gordo J f n �'e Gwen of Owen ��oun d are also Het- -en and Gw t •eve S d spending the Easter vacation at the same hoose, to be moved from Palmerston hos- pital to his sister's home, Mrs. J. T. Strong on Sunday. His many friends will wish hint a speedy recovery. Mrs. Hugh Hutchison was a week- end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hut- chison. • Special Services were held in each of the three churches here on Good Friday at regular hours, when suit- able hymns were sung and appropriate address given by their own minister. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Michel of Ethel spent Tuesday of last week with their son, Ivlr. and Mrs. Cioyrte Michel. They also viisted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Irwin on Easter Sunday were: kr. and Mrs. H. Irwin and daughter Lucille of Long Branch, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Woodcock and daughters Marjorie and Marion of Toronto. Mr. Ienneth Hastie accompanied by his two brothers-in-law, Messrs Frank Earls of near Wroxeter and Thomas MacDonald of Molesworth, spentlast Wednesday i frien s in with d Hamilton and vicinity. Mrs, Bell and Marian Clark are spending the holiday season with ST. STEPHEN'S W .A. HAVE FINE MEETING The regular meeting of the Worn - en's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Ang- lican Church was held at the home of Mrs. H. V. Holrties on Thursday last, .with a good number in attendance. IThe' work of the afternoon was piecing a quilt, after which the meet- ing opened with prayer by the presi- dent, Mrs. George King read about the Life of Roberta E. Tilton, the foundress of the W. A. in 1885, this 'year being it's 50th anniversary. i This was very interesting'and ed- ucative, which shows how the life of one woman may influence so many others for good. Business matters 'were discussed and Roll Call was ans- 1wered by a suitable verse of Scripture and the meeting closed with prayer by the president, •and also member's prayer and the Lord's prayer in un- ison. ' The hostess then served a very dainty lunch, while a socable period was enjoyed. WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION EASTER MEETING meeting h -. V omen's The April of the. V Association of the°United Church was friends In Harriston, • . held in.the school, roost of the church Misses Olive and Edna Lawrence on Thursday, April 18th with a good Toronto spent the week -end with attendance. The ladies worked at piec- of T their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Lutton of Toronto, ed, The devotional service. was in ing a quilt during the afternoon. In the absence of the president and vice l president, • Mrs. R. A. Ashton presid- visited with 1VTr,'and Mrs. A. E. Toner, also Mr. and Mrs, Toni Earl for the week -end. Miss Clara King and Mr. Percy ;Colmer of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. Mrs. LeslienEarl of near Ethel is staying with her sister-in-law, `Mrs, Delbert Clegg, who is i11 at present, keeping with the Easter season and the meeting opened with the hymn, 1 "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross", after- which the Scripture reading from St. Mark 14th chapter, verses 32-42 and 16th chapter, verses 1-18 was read by Mrs. John Cathers, followed by prayer from Mrs. H. Dr. and Mrs. Butt and fancily of H • F bt. and M W ' i1 pause cleaning. Minutes of last meet- Toronto were holiday guests at the parsonage. ` Mr, John Hynditian spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mrs. Hy- S 11>le ncll;uari who has spent the past ,co i 1 of weeks returned with hint Mr, Ewart'Whitfield of lilytli spent here. home � S at hisn iotida tl,cl Y I • Mi•, and Mrs, R, NcMiilan and son 7 Easter • 1rC5 is ra. to were Listowel,�i g f 13 glee o 1 of Mr. and Mrs, R, Magrath, .i r. jack Toner and friend,: Miss Marjorie Davies of Tornnto, spent the week-ctrd at the formers home, Timer Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Tc Rev. and Mrs, ,1•ones and son Dick, a,nd.. Mrs. Short are spending a few days in Toronto this week.' - Mr, and h.[i's. h. Spotton of Wing-. ham, lit'. and Mrs, Pennington and family of l cesr.7ltir rc raster. gnosis tnf Mrs„T, '.l", Strong. Mfr, c�fillittnr Spoittin wito has been 1n, ill health for some time was able Hirai, Crown Him" was sung and the Lord's Prayer Yer re eated in unison. tasty lunch was then served by D, Lathers artd Mrs. W. H, Gregg, anda social time enjoyed. W.M.S. AND AUXILIARY" WERE ENTERTAINED Quite a nice afternoon was spent at the regular meeting of the Mission Band, itt .Gorrie, when on Saturday the members r last they entertained it rte s of the 'W,M.S, and Evening Auxiliary, Eleanor Carson, president, was in the Chair, and after a few words of Mr. J, 17. Htreston and son have welcome, opened the meeting with purchased 'a strict of land south of hymn58, afterwhich they were led POPE HIO OS I''UBLIC CONSISTORY Pope Pius shown holding a public consistory in Vatican City, the sec - ori d ec-and step in approval of the canoniza- tion of Bishop John Fisher and Thom- as More, chancellor tinder Henry VIII of England, who were beheaded for opposing Henry's divorce frons Cath- erine Howard. The first step was the recent consistory held April 1st. in prayer by Ida Ritchie, following which the minutes of their previous Meeting were read by the secretary, Margaret butt, who also read the list of thirty members. The treasurer's report was given by Billy Edwards, the ' treasurer. The Members of the band then sang the "Book of the Bi- ble". "Ray of Light" from the study book, on India, was an interesting part of the program, With Betty Ed- wards being the Messenger on Japan and Billy Edwards the Messenger of Korea. The Dewali Ceremony with Margaret Ruttan, Genese Strong, Jean Hiebein and Doris Galbraith as light bearers, was another interesting iters of their well conducted program. Margaret Butt favored with a piano solo, with Jean Vittie giving an Eas- ter worship story. Mrs, Butt, Supt., then took charge of the worship period which was op- ened by quiet music played by the pianist, Nellie Ruttan, followed by a solo by Catherine Butt "Low in a Grave He Lay", a recitation by Jean Hiebein after which all joined in a hymn. An Easter playlet was staged by a number of the members entitled "A World Wide Easter" was also enjoy- ed. The meeting closed with prayer. In moving a vote of thanks to the Band, Mrs. 'Ramage, President of the W.Ivl.S„ expressed the thanks of the societies to both Band and to Rev. and Mrs. Butt for their leadership: EASTER SERVICES United Church Brilliant sunshine, beautiful Spring flowers and Easter Anthems and Hymns contributed by a splendid choir, Were appreciated by a good congregation who gatlrer'ed at both morning and evening services in the United Church, Wroxeter, Both ser- vices were in charge of the Pastor, Rev. IV. A. Finlay; whose theme for the morning sermon was "The •Con- tent of the Future Life" and in the evening, "The Spiritual. Body." A male quartette, Messrs. A. Wear -ring, L. Hupher, VST. Gibson and T.Y. Hup- her, contributed two fine numbers, "Nearer, 1Nfy God, to Thee" and "The Wayside Cross", while the choir, un- der the direction of Mrs. G. Allen with Miss M. Gibson, as organist,an ist, sang ",Sight Breaks upon the Tomb" "Seeking*theMaster" � "ii "'Ct' and,. eel. 1 by. Pott R by Millar. St, James Church Easter Scruise StJamesAnglicanat Church held their Easter Service ,at 7.30 Sunday evening with the Rector., Rev R S. in G The chancel' Bar C Jones, T3 A.,charge, • I g a was decnratect with Easter Lanes and Roses. '•Clic members of St. Stephens Church Choir assisted anti contributed. �r a fine anthem "AwakeThou That Steepest Mr. Simper, r. Jones chose Y' for, his text St:, Jnhn 19:41 r Now in thep lace where be was crucified there' was a garden," The service' of TToly Connnuniott was observed at the close, DELEGATES APPOINT- ED TO CONVENTION The April meeting of the Mission Circle was held at the manse, Thurs- day evening with the president, Miss Mary Pope in the chair, who opened the .meeting with the hymn, "Let everlasting glories crown Thy head, my Saviour and Inv Lord," followed by a prayer. During the business session ar- rangements were made for the com- pleting of the hospital supplies, and Misses Mary Pope and Elva Stocks were appointed delegates to the Hur- on Presbyterial being held at Exeter. An out -line of a chapter of the Study Book, "Eastern Women To -day and To -morrow," was given by Miss Marjory Paulin and the meeting clos- ed with a benediction. Lunch was served and a social half- , hour spent. L WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Morrison anal little son of St. Catharines are visit- ing the fornier's mother, Mrs, J. Mor-, rison. Mr. Andy Inglis; of Woodstock,, called on old friends in the village re- cently, Mr. Ted Rucks spent Easter at his home in Harriston. Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. Van Velsor have returned. from a visit with their daughter at Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wells and daughter Jean of Toronto were holi- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Mrs. Jno. Morison has returned to her home. here after spending the winter with her daughters at; London ;and Brussels.' Mr, VTm, G. Rae and "family of Waterloo spent Saturday with the former's parents,, Nr. and Mrs. D. Rae in I'Iowick. Mr,and Mrs. Stuart Sanderson and daughter Catherine and Mrs. O. Mof- fatt and children of London, were holiday visitors with relatives here. . Mr, and Mrs. C. Pleasance and son Glen, of Port Elgin, were Easter visit- ors with Mrs. N. White , Teachers horse for the Easter va- cation include, Messrs Andrew ,Shear- , Norman Sault Ste, Marie; T -Tall, La:elet• Kenneth Edgar, al teS ow i` Misses Elva Hupfer, Sudbury; Irene Wright, BracebitdM eRona Van Vel- sor, Weston; Ann Munro, St. Cath- arines, Edith Weir, Muskoka Falls:. n of Port I-Ttir n Mr,John Town, o , spent Easter. With his father, Ml. G. Town, Toronto n Mrs. Spence of T , o ito Dr. and. 1 wererc holiday visitors with the latter's s Parents,Mtr and Mrs. R J, Rano: { Mr, j'olitlT"ortttaie of Ttirl7beri•y lias at what is been engaged asteacher< , known ..as T7ortfiias,School Irl Turn; berry, his duties eotiitncncitig after the Easter'vaeatioti, Miss :Hutchison the former. teacher having resigned. ik; ned. Mr. 'and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington of Toronto are spending the Easter 1 vacation with the latter's parents, 11Ir- and _Mrs, M, Sellers, The Rev. itr. Gibson o;l; t-farristoa will peach in the Anglican Church on Sunday, 1t'liss Beatrice Howe of Leamington is holidaying with her sister, Miss Mary Howe. After spending Easter with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Tho, McMic- hael of ldowicic, Miss Eva 1VileMielrael: of Poxt Burwell left on Monday for Toronto where she will attend the 0. E, A, Mrs, F J. Wilson : and daughter Isobel of tr,•and Valley, are visiting with Mrs. F. Davey, Miss l.I. Smith visited for a few daysrecently with Mr, and Mrs, Bert Hubbard near Lakelet, Miss Winnifred Rae is spending a few days in Toronto and while there will attend the O. E. A. Mrs, Richard Tennant and Mrs. Langfieid of Toronto, visited for a few days at the home of the forrner's sister, Mrs. I. S. Durst. Miss Margaret Davey- is attending- the ttendingthe Library Convention in Toronto this week: Miss Eleanor. Douglas was a Tor- onto visitor during the Easter vaca- tion. Mrs. Bullae of Kitchener is visiting with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs: James Hoffman. Miss Evelyn Montgomery of Tor- onto, spent Easter at her horse near here Miss Aileen Schaab spent Easter at her home at Elniwood. Mrs. Bert McIntyre of Brussels is at present nursing Mrs. David Breck- enridge who is in poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Moffatt and daughter Muriel of Richmond HiU spent the week -end with the former's father, 'Mr. Chris, Moffattand other friends: Miss Annie Munroe of St. Cath- arines is spending the holidays with her mother in town, Miss Ina Bnjairo of Richmond Hill was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kitchen over the week -end. Mrs. Knooks and daughter and Mrs. Chapman are spending a few days with Wingham friends. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs.. Graham Campbell in Morris Town- ship. Women's Institute The W. I. will hold their April meeting on Thursday afternoon at a p.m. at the home of Mrs. A. Munroe. Roll Call, A Community Neecl. Topic Canadian Industries, in charge of lYIrs. Wearring. Election of officers for coming year will take place. All members are urged to -be present. Wroxeter Minister's Work Was Appreciated At a recent meeting of the Official Board of the Wroxeter Charge of the United Church, Rev. W .A. Finlay notified the Board of his intention to ask for a change of pastoral relation- ship to become effective at theclose of this Conference year, Regrets were expressed by th'e Board at Mr. Fin - lay's decision, and a resolution of ap- preciation of both Mr, and Mrs. Fin- lay and their work during their four years at Wroxeter, was heartily pass- ed. Additional \\Tro,eeter News on Paste Five. ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 2 A legal investment far Trust Funds $100. and Upwards Accepted for A A Terms of 5 Years, Unconditionally Guaranteed THE STRLlNG TRUSTS CORPORATION TORONTO Ultra Modern Eye Service F 1101411114 F. Phm.8< R , , n0 Phone 118. Harriston