The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-25, Page 5Thursdays April 25th; 1935 WINGH.A . ADVANCE -TIMES PAGE FI\TE Regular Two and Three -Piece Suits to $16.75 Fashionable Coats 12.50 This season's pick of these popular armeiis„ correctly tail- ored from smart materials guaranteed linings. Week -End Special e et $12.56, Children's Spring .Coats Reg. to $9.75; Size 7 - 14 Fashionable coats for the young 'Miss, choice selection of colors in dependable, mater- elEl ials. LIP O ed1 Children's Crepe Dresses A fresh 'shipment just arrived, youthful styles covering ages 8 to 14 years. s 75 Each m o mei 0.0 Business Girls' Hose Splash. and Snag Proof Chiffon. Weight Putting you wise to a new line of Hose. 'Spring, as you know, is the time for showers, these new hose resist splash marks same as a duck's back, also the processing makes them less li- abel to "snags. They come in the popular shadings and are ' e full fashioned. f JUST RECEIVED AND INVITE YOUR IN- SPECTION New floor coverings, drapery materials,. variety. Cotton dress fabrics and :new prints. 'pay you. Tuscan Net Curtains. Their heavy mesh weave lends distinction to your windows, their patterns stand out in 'a pleasing effect; frill slat and come in biscuit colon. Size, 35 inches by 2i yards. $1.95•to $2.50 pet Pair Drapery Cloth New Colorings Pleasing weight drapery ccloth showing new coloring effect which is extremely smart, at a new low price. 44 :indh- rffre es wide. Yard •aJC curtains in large Plan a visit, it will Open Mesh Curtain Particularly smart effect carried out in this curtain of Ecru col- or; plain mesh with bottom and side finished with, deep tailored hem. Size 34 by 2% I Py yards. Pair • ®t Drapery Chintz in New Effect English drapery chintzthat is printed on both sides, this is a particular advantage when used for curtains or side drapes. 36 inches wide. Yard 29 WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. B. llfattinraed Edythe, also Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'Pope were atnilton visitors on 'Friday, Mr. Martin attending the :annual' joint ral- ly and field day of cOailfellows. Mrs. Rae Little, calf 'Toronto, spent Monday with Mn. and 'Mrs. H. J. Wylie. Dr. Ross, Kitchenter, visited his sis- ter, Mrs. J. J. Allen and Mr, Allen, on Good Friday. Miss Nellie McLaughlin, Oshawa, Miss Nell Hutchison, Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Olfutohison, Ford- 1 wich, were Friday guests of Mr. yard Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin. Mr. and. Mrs. H. B. Allen, Brussels, were Sundayvisitors in town. Mr. 'and. Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin spent Easter Sunday with Mr. :and Mrs. A. C. Hutchison,. Fordwich. • Miss Eleanor Douglas, of Lehman:, is spending the holidays with'her Tyro- ther, Mrs. John Douglas." Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wylie, 'Frances and Jimmie, were Sunday guests eof Messrs. Herman and Isaac Metcalf,• near Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. R. %%fraesenland daughter, Jean, London, spent (Goad Yowr opportunity to meet and consult =idle Tip Top Tailors' MR. C. R. UDGI who will be at our store Thursday, l .. ay 2 A.M. MEN! 1 N! This is important! R. Hudgin, will v may be consulted mein of this style,fabriC welt -dressed The benefit ce is of alt and is off reason why store, at least der Spring More woollens Tip Spriri ore styes — finish—yet the your unrestricted C. the Tip Top Tailors' Stylist,visit our store,where he m)ted without obligation by. town on any questions ofor color pertaining to a appearance. of Mr. linden expert-, en course given without obliga- tion offered as•just one more you should come to our to compare, before you or acid Summer clothes anywhere. Fiiday with Mrs. Rasmussen. Sr.. Mr, and. Mrs. Allen Munroe, Mrs, J, Munroe and'Miss Ann Munroe spent Coon• Friday. witb Milverton Rev." W. A: and Mrs. Finlay spent a day last week at Norwich. Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Allen spepe Fri- day at Brussels. Mr, and, Mrs. J. Hemblcy spent Sunday with Palmerston friends, Miss Mae Davidson sp.eet the week- end with Brussels, friends. Mr. and Mrs, Vern Denny spent Sunday at Fordwich. Wendell Finlayspent day in Lon- don last week. Miss Margaret Gibson and Mr, Jno; Barnard, both of London, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. `John Gib - Son. Misses Beryl and Clara 'Walker, of Fordwich, are spending a few days at the Inane of Mr, and Mrs, Wan. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Moffat, Palinerston, spent Sunday at •the home of; their son, Mr. Alvin Moffat. Mrs, C. Sproule returned last week from Burlington where she spent the winter season. Mr, Geo. Sproule also Miss Fowler both of Detroit, spent the holiday at the, home of Mr.. • and Mrs. Earl Sproule. Mr•, and Virs. 'Burley 13 ey'.Whitrna"n and , children, Glen and Beryl; of Clifford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Milligan. • Mr. and `Mrs. Alkin Rama and sons, Billie and Bobbie, Brussels, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. .J.. Rann. • Mr, and Mrs. A. Wells and ,.daught er, jean, also Miss Aileen Gibson, of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Little Miss Margaret Wearring returned With them to Toronto. Mr. aaad Mrs. T. !G.:13.ene ihin spent a ,clay ire .Kitchener last week. Mr.. Wilford Leeson, "Toronto, was a vi,si.to.r rt the home •o•f Mr..and'Gars. D. IS. :tl'IacNaughten one :day last week. Miss Dei(tz .MeQ.0 eter, 'of Midland, was ;a week -end .guest -of Mr, 'and Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor, %fr.:ancl Mrs. J. H. Wade, of :Ford- evidh, 'were [Friday guests of 1V Ir. and Ntrs. D. .S. 1GIacNau,ghten. Our teachers, Miss, E. Davidson, 1C^siioht and Mr. 'Finlayson, are spending 'then; holidays at Newton, Ethel and Lochalsh respectively. Congrattila inns -to Mr. and 'Mrs. Haney West, nvhoee marriage took place on :Friday 'lest, The 'b idle, for- merly Miss Marjorie Ashton, -unfit re- ,cently taught :school at Doig's school, while Mr. West Is in charge of the •p!cihlic•school-at Fcrr•daddh, Where they will make -their 'home. . Three loads of young •people attend ed' the Y.P.S. rally 'held in the Unit- ed '.Church, Windham, Monday even- iug, IVir, Robert 'Hislop, 'of -Turriberry,; who 'leas not 'been `in good 'health for! •some •time, has gone to Buffalo for treatment -and we 'trust Will be great- ly benefited. • 'Mr. Dat>id Robinson made a bus- iness trip to Toronto `last week. SALEM Easter Visitors: Miss Eve McMithaet of Port Barr-; Thwell, well, withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Th as: lfcificlrael. • Mr, Dick Bennett of Stratford Nor- . 1 mal, with his mother, Mrs. Edwin Bennett. Miss Edythe Weir, of 'Muskoka Falls, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir. Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir of Toronto, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, D. L. Weir, Mrs,: Dr. W. W. Weir and son, Mal- colm, of Toronto, With Mrs, '4Villiana Weir and other 'friends; Miss Lida Willits of Winghani, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Mel viii Willits. floss Adeline Errington, of Toron- to, with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Cada- BROKE ath BRO E HER LEG AGAINST A STAIR Whilst Hampered by Rheumatism "Two years ago,"' writes a woman, "I was suffering with.. rlreurnaitsm in my legs, and when walking upstairs one day just kicked my right foot. againstthestairs, and broke my leg jest below the knee, I was in hospital for four months, and when I carne out someone advised me to try Kruschen Salts. I did so, and now I have no trace of. rheumatism. • I would not be without my daily dose of Kruschen, which I take every morning -half a teaspoonful in warm water."—Mrs. P. B. The six salts in Kruschen stimulate the liver and kidneys to healthy, reg- ular action: assist therm to get rid of the excess uric acid which is the cause of rheumatic pains, \Vhen poisonous uric acid goes—with its deposits of needle -pointed crystals—there's no doubt about those aches and pains go- ing too/ ST. HELENS Born—In West Wawanosh, Thurs- day, April 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Forster, a daughter. Messrs. George McQuillin and Wil- son Woods are home from the O. A. C. for the vacation. Holiday visitors at their homes here inclnded: Misses W. D. Rutherford, Kirkland Lake; Irene Woods, of Kit- chener; Vera Todd, of. Bloomingdale; Dorothy. McQuillin, , of Sandwich; Dorothy Webster of London; Zylda Webster, of London; Dorine Webster of Carlow; Jean Webster, of Wing - ham Jct.; Isobel Miller of Stratford Normal; Dorothy Miller, Jean Thom, Norma Weatherhead, Laurine Miller, Messrs.`Neely Todd and Gordon Mill- er of Lucknow High School; John Foran of Aytonsand Charles McQuill- in of Cland-eboye, • Mr. T. 13. Taylor is spending two weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Brookes of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. -Smith, Elinore and Yvonne, of Toronto, are holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Web- ster. Mr. Jimmy Mitchell, of Toronto, was a visitor here and one his return was accompanied by his brother, Mr.. George Mitchell. Mrs. Murdie, of Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods. Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto spent the week -end with her mother,. There was a large attendance of members and 'of viistors at the Eas- ter meeting of the Harris Mission Band held at the Manse on Monday afternoon. ,taurine Miller presided. Recitations ,were given by Dorothy , Webb, Mae McDonald, Caroline Humphrey and Ruth Ramage. Helen and Dorothy Miller sang a duet. Dor- is Wilkinson played a piano solo and; Isobel Miller read a story. The guest 1 speaker was Miss W. D. Rutherford, from. Kirkland Lake, who chose "Jap- an" as the subject of her interesting; talk. At the' conclusion lunch was served by the girls and a pleasant soc- ial )tour was spent. The May meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday ternoun, kfay ,'2nd, at the home, of Mrs, Mcl<'enze Webb; Roil. call, pay- ing Fees, `Chis is the arrnuhl ieeti:rr and all members are urfed to attend. There was a splendid attendance at the Easter meeting of the Y. I'. S. on Sunday evening Grace Weatherhead read' the Scripture lesson and Ctzyl•er Ramage gave the Bible character on "Mary".,Mrs, Gallaher of Norwood, contributed •a reading "Life's Game of Bali . The Easter topic was taken by Mrs. W. A. Miilea, Miss W. D. Ruth- erford read some Easter poems.Mus- icel :lumbers included a solo by Vera Taylor, a duet by Helen and Gordon Miller and the singing of e group of Easter hymn, led by Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Jas, Barbour, of, Goderieh, is spending the week -end with her sis- ter, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, .1 Ir, and Mrs. Arnold harbour, their daughter Dorothy and Bobby Phillip; of Fergus, and Miss Connie Leow of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mrs. R. J,. Woods. Mr. Lorne Webb, of Blyth, was an Easter visitor at his home here. Mr. - and Mrs, John Sparkes and Eileen, of l3luevale, were holiday vis-- itors with Mr: and Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLean, Mrs. Robb and daughter, Grace, of I:ucan, were r'ecent visitors with Mr, George Stuart. Mrs. Stuart Sr., fell on 'the floor at the home of her son, George, Wed- nesday, and fractured a bone in her hip. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gallaher and Mr. J. H. Wallace, of Norwood, are spending the 'holiday week with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thong and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 1liIler. Mr. Robert McQuillin, of Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here. BLYTH Miss Phyllis 'Kercher of Hamilton is a visitor this'eekeat the Home of Mr: and Mrs..J. H. R. Elliott. Mr. Keitie Hamalton+.of the Colleg- iate Staff, ,St. Thomas, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton, lfiss Annie Mains of the Social Sei•- vice Dept., Toronto, is visiting her father, Mr, John Mains, who has been seriously ill. • Mr. 13. Walsh of Westfield, has pure chased the bakery business of Turvey & Vodden and will take possession this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Watson nad fanc- ily attended the wedding of leIrs. Wat- son's sister, hiss Marjory Ashton, to Mr, H. J. 'West, at Fordwich, on 1 GoodFriday, The groom is on the teaching staff of Fordwich Public School. The W. M. S. of Old St. Andrew's Church will holed their meeting Tues day afternoon. A special feature on the program will be the address by Miss Mae Williamson, a returned mis- sionary. The Lenten services conducted the past few weeks ,concluded with serv- ices held an Good Friday morning in Trinity Church. The evening service was held in St. Andrew's United when the choir under the leadership of, Mr.; A. Cook, presented the sacred musical cantata "The Joy Bells of Easter." At ; vsitairirm9i11>li We have just put into stock a co r LD ete line o rr Made by the makers of G, 0 , Quack Drying Enamels,99c per law , 1111, 1111, 57c per pint 19c for 1/4 pint. Flat Paint, Outside PairntMa'lad Floor Paint. —89c qt. 49c 'per pint,• Other Values as Low as 59c per quart. If you must use cheap paint, be sure it is GOOD and CHEAP. 12.1®1 •. T E WALLPAPER SHO ELMER WILKINSON - DECORATOR ? ..,..reeie.le 'dx I. rSlf.,,lr'7t,='L the evening service Sunday the choir repeated their special program of gnu- sical numbers• to a large congregation. An interesting social event took plate on Saturday. at 2:30 in St. And- rew's United Church, when Katie Laidlaw, R.N., only daughter of Mrs. Laidlaw and the late Mr. Duncan Laidlaw, was united in 'marriage to Mr. Harvey Zeigler, of Guelph.' Rev. R. A. Brook assisted by rRev. G. Gra- ham, of Guelph, officiated. Mrs. Mc- Callum, of London was bridesmaid. Mr. Osmond Zeigler was groomsman. The bride was given in marriage by her mother, Mr. Pascul played the wedding music during the signing of the register Professor Raithby sang. .After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zeigler will reside in •Guelph. EAST WAWANOSH A very successful comedy -dams en- titled "Civil Service" 'or "Old R. F. D." was presented in Brick United Church by a number of the members of the Young People's Society of the clnirch to a fairly large 'audience. The play was well' presented throughout, the scene being laid in a midwestern city depicts the trials and tribulations of a small group of government •em- ployees in the post' office. The cast of characters is as .follows: Old R. F. D., a mystery, Mr. Mason Robinson; The Inspector, B. J. Cochran, Mr. R. Pattison; The Postmaster J. L. Rey- nolds, Mr. James McGee ; -The Young Money Order Clerk, Steve, Audaine, Mr. George Taylor; The Mailing Clerk, Simpson Peavy, Howard Batt- ler; The Country Boy, Goldie Wee, Stanley Irwin; The Postmaster's Dau- ghter, Octavia, Miss Beth Ross; A lady of importance, Mrs. L. R. Jeffs, Miss Margaret Robinson; A hired girl Birddie Bivins, Miss Lavina McBurn- ey; A Collector, Miss Goldstein, Miss Mildred Mason; The Plucky Little Stamp Clerk, Kate Kenyon, :hiss Bea- trice Beecroft, Miss Agnes Rc bertson, Dashwood, is spending the holidays at her home here. Miss Jessie Finlayson is spending; the holidays at her home in Kippen. Mr. Daniel :Arbuckle of Osgood Hall, Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents. Mr. Robt, Arbuckle, of Sudbury, is visiting at his home for a few days. Miss Aileen ()roomer of Toronto visited with friends for, a few days last week. A number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. James Coultes and presented Mr. and Mrs. E. Chamney with a miscellaneous shower. Mr, Melvin Beecroft, of Colborne; is visiting at his home here. Mr.' Adana McBurney of Kingston is visiting at hs home here, HAvsn'x you noticed that your happiest hoursoccur on days when you feel your best? Rave more of these happy days. You and all your family. Guard health while you have it. Keep on the sunny side of life. The greatest enemy of health is common constipation. It may cause loss of appetite and energy. Certainly it kills enthusiasm!: Yet it -can be banished by eating a delicious cereal. Laboratory tests show Kellogg's ALL+BRAN supplies "bulk" and vita- min B to relieve common consti- pation. onstipation. Also iron for the blood. The "bulk" in ALL.BnAN is much like that in Ieafy 'vegetables. How much pleasanter to eat this deli- cious ready -to -eat cereal than to take patent medicines. Two table- spoonfuls daily are usually suffi- cient. Chronic cases, with each meal. If not re- lieved this way,. see your doctor. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont, ALL -BRAN than ever make up the Ti g and Summer range-- tnbetter tailoring and fin a price remains $23.'i5 for choice. featW WINCHAM ASHFIELD Messrs. Melvin Hackett and Torn ,Henry are spending. the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hac- kett, and Mr: Robert Henry. Mrs. Saris Sherwood spent the Week- end with her daughter, Mrs. Andy Gaunt, W. Wawanosh. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Alton, Elmira, and Russell, spent• the week -end in London with Mrs. Alton's sister, Mrs Fred Manning and l<tlr. Manning. Miss telda Lane, teacher, near Coldwater, is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr' and Mrs. Geo. Lane, 10th 'con. Sorry to Bear that Mr. Donald Mc- Lean, , c-T,ean,, 12th con,, !tad a bone in his ankle broken."' He will be laic) ap for some time. : . The Misses Twainley, of Lsicknow, are spending a few days with. their)•, aunt, Mrs,, Will Alton. '• "Mature is a revelation of God,"— Longfellow. b...d. F4..e... `•111}1., No other lowest price car gives you the greater safety of. CANADA'SONIyBODIESAL,OFSTEEL—BID HUDSON ROTARY -EQUALIZED BRAKES—THE ELECTRIC HAND (OPTIONAL,) ---88.100 H.P. WHEN TRAFFIC DEMANDS t WCKAC1'ION--ROAD BALANCE ON HIGHWAY CURVES fl.RA'PLANE 875 and up. Retail at Factory, Tilbury, Ont„ avith ,Intl ,factory equipment, spare wheel and tire, air taws..P id, freight rind lken.e arty di'k'e 5.