The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-25, Page 2SaPIIIIIIIII®t[u®®N1 INIONIMMIIIIIIIXIII ° ®aIIIINIIIwop 11gs111111/1 bi a e itl, Creamery• al 1 Ili ei a j�5Of a ■ ■ I Crea se. and Pr)ultry Isea II l UNITEDFARMERS' COOPERATIVE 1 a 1 se in in MI 111Mf11s11411 11111 141111 IS SW 0. one 2+11 m COMPANY, LIMITED. iugh, ., Ont PhLION PAGt TWO The Wingham .Advance -Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by the Advance -Times Publishing ''Co,, gubscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1,90 in advance To U, S. A,, $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3,00 per year. 'Advertising rates qn application. ,A POLITICAL REST With the gathering of members ov- er. at Queen's Park and the members at Ottawa taking a recess until May 20th, there is little news of a defin- ate form from the political arenas that the peopleof Ontario have been watching closely for the past while. This gives dame rumour a great chalice to get to work and she has lost little time in so doing. Premier Bennett is on his way across the oc- ean to attend the celebration com- memorating the King's Twenty-fifth .Anniversary' of his accession to the Throne. He has been a very sick man conditionis to be more or .less ex - and people of all parties are hoping petted as now the weather is fine and that he wil be completely restored to the roads are in :good shape, with .iaealth when Parliament resumes on many more cars on the roads. May 20th. However, it is a state of affairs that The latest gossip has it that Hon. can be corrected and to the greater H. H. Stevens will again be in the extent by the motorist. -Conservative Cabinet andthatHon. During the winter months the cam- Mr. Calan and" Hon. Sir George Per- paign for . careful driving was confin- ley will be made Senators. There are ed chiefly to the cities, but now that few people wbo do not think there; summer traffic is practically in full will be changes, but just what Mr. swing the Department of Highways Stevens will do is probably the most have instituted this campaign through talked of political ' questions, One, out all Ontario. The record of the 'however, .will have to ` wait and see what happens, Premier Hepburn; so it is said, will have a special session in the Fall to deal with various subjects that Ot- tawa legislation will affect. With Parliament .resuming opera- tions in :May, an election in August .or September, and the Ontario House holding a special session in the Fall, the people of Ontario will have plen- •tyof political . activity during this 3rear. a truly British Empire Campaign against cancer in its scope, 'All money collected' for the King. George V. Jubilee Cancer Fund in Canada will be spent in Canada. This fund has already reached a total of $250,000, but a great deal larger fund is necessary to carry on this work. Send your contributions direct to Lary fiessborough, Ottawa, or you may send it through your bank. * * * TEACHING THRIFT The Penny :l3anlc is an important part of the school children's training. A recent report shows that 471 schools deposit in this bank and the total on deposit is $1,260,125.25. The local Public School has 46 per"cent. of the pupils depositing, The motto of .the Penny Dank is "Not How Much — But How Often", The prin- cipal idea is to instil into our young- er. generation the thrift habit. * • * * DRIVE CAREFULLY Tlie number of traffic cases in Hur- on County have increased considerate' ly during the past two weeks, This last two weeks in Huron County shows that this campaign is necessary. Drive carefully and do your share to :innke our highways safe for travel. 1� * The weatherman used good judg- ment and supplied fine weather for Easter. Sl? * * * Harrist.on has nothad a court case since December :19th. That is a re- cord that any municipality would be proud to hold. s* THE CANCER FUND The Fascists in the Netherlands The success attained so far in the have made great gains in recent el .King George V. Jubilee Cancer Fund ections, The people of Europe seem' in Canada must be most gratifying to to go from one extreme to the other His Excellency the Governor-General politically. who inaugurated this campaign. * _ * Cancer is .a disease that takes .a Students at the Ontario Agricultur- :great toll in lives each year and much al College painted the faces of some research work is necessary to find girls. There really is nothing unsual more effective ways of combatting the about this except that the paint used terrible toll. Each year four thousand happened to be boot blackening, people die of cancer in Ontario and . * - * * for every one that dies there are us- The Dominion Government is send wally three more suffering from this painful malignant disease. From 1914 lug out 180 geological investigating the ratio of deaths from cancer .has parties to seek:for gold. The old time. increased with great rapidity. This prospector, however, will still carry is not only so; in Ontario but is also the case throughout.. the British Em- pire and the whale world. The "crying need is for more re- search, more institutions with facilit- ies for the scientist in his great work of investigating the cause of cancer and the discovery of a specific for its cure. This research will only b'e ;possible if we all help to provide the :necessary funds. When this fund is •established it will enable Canada to. take her place with her sister "Domin- ions, tuts making the campaign in- augurated in London twelve years ago THOU SHALT NOT KiLL • Drive Carefully! on. * * * ,k. Clinton's Relief bill for 1934 ri-as $116. This looks like a record for towns. The Township of East Wawa nosh has not yet spent one cent on relief, which is a record that cannot be beaten. HIGH SCHOOL EASTER EXAMS (Continued from Page One) Latin Class I -D. Armitage, W. Edgar, M. Frisby, C. Cantelon, B Collar, J. Cruikshank, J. Elliott. Class II --E. Falconer. Class III—L. Elliott, R. Casetnore, E. Gamble, M. Anderson. Credit—M. Bosnian, G. Jones; J, Lee, W. Davidson,' D, Holmes. Fail—A. Lillow, L. Dark, L. Fuller, M. Forsyth,R. Hammond, H. Ma- hood. Algebra Class I --D, Armitage, R. Casemore, C. Cantelon, K. Hastings, M. Bosnian, Class II—E, Gamble, (E. Falconer, J. Cruickshank), Class III -F. Edgar, G. Carr. vdelatiloworia WINGHAM ADVANCE-TrMB$ LITTLE children, tired with play and nearly ready for bed, should have light, nour- iishing, easily digested foods for their evening weal. Kellogg's Corn Flakes, eaten before bedtime, help. children sleep. Scientific tests conducted in a large university have proven this. Children who had Kellogg's for supper. slept 30% more soundly than those who ate heavier foods. Kellogg's restore energy without overloading small stomachs. They're pleasant, appetizing. Children love their crispness and delicious flavor. All grocers sell Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Ready to serve from the WAXTITE bag in- side the red -and -green pack- age. " Economical. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. CON FLAKES Credit—J. Elliott, G. Jones, A.Lil- 1ow.a Failure—J. Lee, (M. Anderson, L. Ellacott), M. Forsythe, H. Mahood, L. Dark, W. Davidson, L. Elliott, L. Fuller, D. Holmes. French Class I -D. Armitage, W. Edgar, (J. Cruickshank, M. Frisby),,(C. Can- telon, B. Collar, F. Edgar), E. Gam- ble. Class TI—R. . Casetnore, J. Elliott, L. Elliott, M, Forsythe. Class IIT --(M. Anderson, J. Lee),. W. Davidson, E. Falconer, Credit—L. Fuller, D. Holmes, R. Hammond, G, Jones, M. 13osanan. Fail—A, Lillow, L. Dark, H. Ma- hood. English Literature Class T—D. Armitage,C. Cantelon, J. Cruikshank. Class II ---R. Casemore; E. Gamble, M. Forsythe. Class. TII--(J, Elliott, L. Elliott), L. Fuller. - Credit -13, Collar, W, Edgar, (M. Anderson, M. Frisby), J. Lee.' Fail --G. Jones, L. Dark, A, Lillow, (W. Davidson, E. I+alconer), D. Holmes,F. Edgar, M. Bosnian, H, Mahood. British IIisttrry Class I—D. Armitage, C. Cantelon, J. Cruikshank Class 1I—A. Lillow. Class ITT—E. Falconer, 3. Lee, L. Elliott, (112. Forsythe, L. Dark). Credit --E. Gamble, J'. Elliott, (:R. Casemate, G. Jones), (M. Frisby, L. Kerr), L. Fuller, I), Holmes. Fail—(W, Edgar, W. Davidson), M. :Bosman, F. Edgar, i✓ I. Mahood, M. Anderson. English Composition Crass T ---D. Armitage, J. Elliott. Class .11—J. Crttikshanics, 13, Collar, L. l lliott. Class TTT-W-it<1: rrashy, (It. Case - more, L. 1tarlc). Credit- M. Forsythe, E Gamble, C. Cantelon, (F, Edgar, M. Anderson), G. Jones, L, Fuller, A. Lillow, (W. 1 Edgar, W. Davidson), E, Falconer, 3. Lee. Failed—H, Mahood, M. llpstnan, D. Holmes. FORM I Agriculture •' Class I—M, Preston, V,' Walker. Class II—r. g=lare, N. Wheeler, M. Williams,: J. Currie, V. Wheeler, Class III—M. Hopper, W. McNev- in, R. Rae, E. Mundy R. Wheeler. Credit—B, McLean, H. Posliff, IT, McCallum, A. Sproal, M. McMichael, R. Murray',; D. Waram, K. Wheeler, Failure• -,7M, Sinnamon, M, Lane, E. Mathers, J. MacDonald. Geography Class I -.-H. Posliff, V. Walker, M, J. Preston, M. Williams. Class I,I—R, Rae, J. Hare, M. Hop- per, Class IN—M. McMichael, (E. Ma - tilers, R. Wheeler). Credit—N. Wheeler, 13.. • MacLean, V, Wheeler; R. Murray, (E. Mundy, W. McNevin), K: Wheeler, A. Sproal, M. Lane, H. M•eCalluin. Failed -M. Sinnamon, D. Waram, j, McDonald, - English Literature Class I—M. J. Preston, M. Wil- liams, V. Walker, (H. Posliff, V, Wheeler).: a Class II -N. Wheeler, Class III—R. Murray, M, Lane, (J. Hare, B. MacLean), K. Wheeler. Credit—M. Sinnamon, H, McCal him, J. Currie, (M. Idiggins, W. Mc - Niven R. Wheeler), • A. ;Sproale. Tail -M. Hopper, (M, McMichael, E. Mathers),, (E. Mundy, R. Rae), W. Small, J. McDonald, D. Waram, British History Class I—V. Walker, M. J. Preston' V. Wheeler, H. Posliff, (13, MacLean, M. Williams). Class II—R. Rae, • (J. Hare, W. Small), M. Hopper, J. Currie. Class III -N. Wheeler. Credit—R. Wheeler, R. Murray, M. Lane, (M. Sinnamon, E. Mathers). Failed—IC. Wheeler, H. McCallum, M. McMichael, (W. McNiven, E. Mundy, A. Sproale), . D. Waram, J. McDonald.. English Composition Class. I—V. Walker, V. Wheeler, M. Williams, M.• J. Preston. Class II—R. Wheeler, M. McIVlich aei, M. Lane. Class TII-J. Hare, K. Wheeler, B. MacLean, (E. Mundy, D. Warm, H. Posliff, W. Small). Credit—J.' Currie, N. Wheeler, A. Sproale, M. Hopper, R. Rae, (H. Mc- Callum, M. Sinnainon, E. Mathers), M. Higgins, Failed—J, MacDonald, W. IvlcNiv et, R. Murray., Art Class I—V. Wheeler, E. Mundy, V. Walker, M. Williams. Class II -E. Mathers, K. Wheeler, N. Wheeler, M, J. Preston, R. Wheel- er, M. McMichael. Class TII—B. MacLean, M. Hopper, A. Sproal. Credit—M, Lane, D. Waram, Hare Failed -H. McCallum, R. Rae, M. Sinnamon, H. Posliff. J. Latin - Class I—M. J. Preston, V. Walker, M. Williams, Z. Cameron, A, McDow- ell, V. Wheeler, M. Hopper, M. Mc- Michael, N. 'Wheeler. Class II—R. Wheeler, H. Posliff, J. Currie. Class III -M. Lane. Credit—J. Hare, M. Sinnamon, H. MacCalluni, R. Murray, K. Wheeler, E. Mundy. Fail—B.,. MacLean, E. Mathers, R. Rae, D. Warm. Algebra Class I—W. Williams, (V. Walker, M. J. Preston, M. Higgins), V. Wheel- er, M. Sinnamon, (IC. Wheeler, J. Hare), ' Class II—E. Mundy, (M. McMich- nel, N. Wheeler). Class III—A. Sproal, H, Posliff. Credit—M. Hopper, M. Lane, E. Mathers. Fail -J. Currie, R. Wheeler, D. Waram, (H. McCallum, J. McDon- ald), (R. Rae, "R, Murray), W. Me - Nevin, 13. McLean, French Class I—V. Walker, (M. Williams, M. 5, Preston)./ M. McMichael, V. Wheeler, M. Lane, H. Posliff, M. Sin- namon, R.. Wheeler. Class TI --E. Mundy, M. Hopper, J. Hare, (H. McCallum, N. Wheeler), A. Sproal. Class IIT ---It, Wheeler, R. Rae, J. Currie. Credit. W. Small, B. McLean, R, Murray, J. McDonald, Fail ---M. Higgins, E. Mathers, D. Waram. FORM II Zoology Class II—R. Coultes, M, Mathers. Class TIT 1'. Biggs, G, Carr, L. Tlaniilton, E. Weir, Mae Coulter, D. McLean. Credit ----M. 'Higgins, L. Ellacott, J, Fitzpatrick, X. Hastings, J. Lamb, Margaret Coulter, J. Tiverr. Fail—j, Cottltes, R. Hammond, A. McDowell, 5, Wettlaufer, C, Chittick, iVf. T crly, D,Rich, L. Campbell. Physiography Class I—V, Johnston, M. Matheys, D. MacLean, Class IT—(W. Tiffin, R, Coultes), B. Mundy. Class 11I—E. Weir, (5. Wettlaufer,. 5, Lamb), (L. Kerr, M. Kelly). Credit—S. Jeffray, (T. Kerr, G. Carr), (R, Hammond, L. Hamilton, L, Ellacott, P. Biggs), (13. Collar, W. Blake), Mae Coulter. Fail—J. Fitzpatrick, A. McDowell, K. 'Hastings, (C. Chittick, L. Catnip.- bell), anip.bell), (J. Coultes, Z. Cook), D. Rich, (Margaret Coulter, Z; Cameron), F. Edgar, M. 'Frisby. Composition • Class I—D. McLean, M. I(tathers, Class II—Mae Coulter, Margaret Coulter, C. •Reid, E. Weir, L. Ella- cott, Z. Cook, M,- Kelly, W. Tiffin. Class ITT—R. Coultes, J• ]err, A. McDowell, E. Arbuckle, C. Chittick, L. Kerr, Z. Cameron, L. Hamilton, K. Hastings, J. Wettlaufer;, Credit—R. Hammond, J;, Coultes, L. Campbell, G. Carr, J. Lamb, S. Jeff - Fail --P. Biggs, D. Rich, J. Fitzpat- rick. Literature Class "I—Mae Coulter, E, Weir, D. McLean, M. Mathers, R. Coultes; C, Reid. Class 1I-1?. Arbuckle, Z, Cameron, 5, ICerr, Margaret Coulter. Class III—L.Kerr, 5, Lamb, L. Hamilton, Credit—Z. Cook, J. Wettlaufer, G. Carr, L. Ellacott, S. Jeffray, M. Kelly. Fail -L. Campbell, K. Hastings, P. Biggs, J. Coultes, A. McDowell, C. Chittick, D. Rich, J. Fitzpatrick, R. Hammond, W. Tiffin, Grammar Class I—D. McLean, J, Wettlaufer, Class II -Z. Cameron, E. Weir, Margaret Coulter, M. Mathers. Class III—P. Biggs, Mae Coulter, S. Jeffray,- L. Hamilton. Credit—L. Campbell, C. Chittick, J. Fitzpatrick, R. Coultes, J. Kerr, L. Kerr, A. McDowell, E. Arbuckle. Fail—M. Biggins, J. Lamb, R. Haim -florid, D. Rich. French Class I—D. McLean, Margaret Coulter, (E. Arbuckle, Mae Coulter, M. Mathers), M, Kelly. Class II—W. Tiffin, Z. Cook, L. Kerr, E. Weir. Class III—Z. Cameron, Credit -J. Wettlaufer, R. Baird, M. Cruikshank, (L. Hamilton, 13. Mun- dy), J. Kerr, L. Campbell, Fail -IC. Hastings, C. Reid, (S. Jef- fray, A. McDowell), (L. Ellacott; G. Greig), P. Biggs, J,` Fitzpatrick, J. Larnb. Latin Class I—D. McLean, Mae Coulter. Class II—W. Tiffin, M. IVlathers, E. Arbuckle. Class III -Margaret Coulter. . Pass—J. Wettlaufer, (L. Campbell, C. Reid). Fail—(Z. Cook, M. Kelly), E. Weir, R. Baird, M. Cruikshank, S. Jeffrey, (K. Hastings, J. Kerr), M. Higgins, L. Hamilton, P. Biggs, T. Lamb, G. Grei g. Arithmetic Class I—R. Cotiltes, E. Weir, E. Arbuckle, (L. Kerr, D. McLean), G. Carr, J. Wettlaufer, M. Mathers. Class II—K. Hastings, Margaret Coulter, C. Reid. Class IIx—C. Chittick, E. Dickson, (P. I3iggs and J. Lamb), M. Kelly. Credit—Z. Cameron, B. Mundy, (W. Small and J. Kerr), L. Carimbell, J. Fitzpatrick.' Failed—L.' Hamilton; J, Coultes, M. Coulter), A. McDowell, (L. Ellacott, M. Cruikshank), R. Hainniond, M. Higgins, (ID, Rich, Z. Cook), W. Ed- gar., Geometry Class T—D, McLean, M. Kelly, S. Jeffray, M. Mathers, J, Lamb, W. Tif- fin, (L. Kerr, H. Miller), J. Kerr, (Z. Cameron, K. Hastings). Class TI—B: Brown, A. McDowell,, E. Arbuckle, Margaret Coulter, M. Cruikshank., M. Higgins. Clans TTI—(R. Couftes, J. Coultes), L. Ellacott, E. Weir, (L. Campbell, R. Baird). Credit—Z. Cook, P. Diggs, (L. Hamilton, C. Reid), M. Wright, (W, Small, J. Wettlaufer), Fail—(C. Chittick, M. Coulter), E. Dickson, G. Carr, D. Rich, P., ' Ham- mond. FORM III Chemistry Class I—D. Reid, 13 THatnilton, I. McKinnon, F. 'Coulter, `'W. Pickell. Class II—V, Johnston, R. Howson, I, Habkirk, K, Rintoul,. F. Higgins, Class XII—M. Ross, E. Field, D. I1t atan, A. Underwood. oot. Credit—I3. Mundy, G. Greig, H. Miller, 3, Preston, R. 13artiar-tl, E. El- liott, R. Mitchell, G. Moir. Failure --t), Shiell, M. Wright, J, Moir, 13, Blackwood, C, Nortrop, B. lsrown; J, Reed, M. Fry, M. Powell, Geometry Class I ---D. Reid, (F. Coulter, E. Elliott), R. Mittihell, 1. McKinitoii, E. l`it;rd. Class 3I—R,: Howson, (W. Pickett, C.. Wellwood); E. Coutts, Class I11C - (W, Craig; M. Ross), (A, (Continued on Page Pour) Thursday, .April 25th, 1935 ave I done! SUPPOSE THIS HAD D BEEN YOUR CHILD! THE number of children killed and injured by automobiles in Ontario is appalling! Children by, nature are carefree. You must think for them, and for other pedestrians, constantly. - Be sure your. brakes, tires and lights are effective. Drive slowly and be particularly care- ful wherever there may be children .. . especially on holidays and week -ends: Trainourself so that safe driving g becomes second nature to you If you don't, some day you may find yourself not only severely penalized but 'also minus a driver's license . for life 1 IT IS SETTER TO BE SAFE.. THAN SORRY MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO THIS MUST STOP! In Ontario, during 1934, there were nearly 10,000 auto- mobile accidents. 512 people were killed 8,990 people were injured a considerable increase over 1933, It must be evident to all thinking people that this must stop, Hon. T. B. McQuesten,: Minister ei'Highways. 'When you've just had word Ted has won that scholarship .. and . you're pleased as putsch .. and so is his mother Don't just take it out in smiling. Tell him he's a chip off the, old block . « . via Long Distance. iii Tong Distance is teady under any ares ntstances. It's easy to use, and the cost is small. For as little as 30 coats you can talk 100 miles or so. See the tater in the front pages of your directoty