The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-18, Page 4OuR., WINGHAM A.DVANC1.;-T1MIQS \«ADUMB WAITER" I RECEIVED i ' v d. WELL�"h� kn�� 1� � (Continued ".,leges UTY SEICIPP PHONE 133. .d „ra,,s,ii. ia.M1t-^d:5hi':9;AAF, i"_;, frAxxr� rage Only 1. and skill :lava a Permanent by the Most Modern Waiy^ 66RJgna " Niac line wound—whichoens frf es a closer wave to top and lasts longer. We are featuring Waves— Prices from $2.00 $'1.00 Why pay more for just a name? You do not ,par, extra for an advertising campaign. You get gatility in every priced wave. You see in front of you, all solutions used on your hair. Shampoo and Wave 33c Small Work . 25c lolly ' resented to the tow? by i. W. Irwin, president of the Sda�tety. of the Mayor Jot?Ii W. Hativa expressed"tlie world's most himself and the Caun- appreciation of mise l also the 'public, to the society for famous Foot Specialist Ci. , their splendid efforts in 'producing such fine plays and for this very fine !s. eiMbOdie �� t gift to the town The music in this play was real iy,,,���G catchy and the costumes were splen -4 clid and those who are responsible for the customes and stage effects are deserving of much praise. Oiie could write -pages on this very. clever production, telling of the splen- did acting and singing but all who took part did so well that we feel sorry for those who missed it. It was so good that we will not make any further comment' but, as l3ert Wilkins would. say "It was a bit of all right.'" A highlight in the show was the fashion parade -under the capable; dir- t ection of Mrs. Boyle of the Rush Ready -to -Wear and Millinery. Those who tock part in this parade did ex- ceeding well and the costumes they wore were decidedly up-to-date. C. B, Armitage \vas director of '�LIr. the play, assisted by Mr. J. R. M. Spittal, director of singing. Miss Jean p were Armitage e B. 1 r r `'1rlis. 1.i. , g 1 Christie and in charge of costumes, and H. Sher- bondy and R. E. Armitage were in charge of stage and lighting effects. Miss Tena Reid, Pianist; Les. Clark, Violinist and jack Ernest, Banjo, comprised the; orchestra Cast of Characters Mrs.Vanderhof, a Widow with soc- BOARDER WANTED—Quiet home, all conveniences. Apply. Advance limes. FOR SALE—Several good town pro- perties, 1- Thos. . 1 r perties, at a sacrifice. PP Fells. FOR RINT-Good Farm, 100 acres, good buildings. Apply T. Fells. FOR SALE—Two young Durham Bulls. Apply -.Proctor & Sons, R. R. 5, Brussels; Phone 32-13. flee. Apply Miss Weir, Victoria - t, FURRAGE—Excellent facilities for storing your Fur Coat; for the summer months; also your. winter cloth coat Guard against moths, it costs so little. Free information. King Bros. MAN WANTED with car to handle Ward's Quality. Teas, Coffees, Co- coa, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Pre- parations direct to established us- ers in Huron County- Write T. H. Ward Company, John South, Ham- ilton. FOR SALE--Furnacette, at a sal-- HOE S Fon 1 CELEBRATE THEIR 50th ANNIVERSARY Grey Resident Are Honored On Their 50th Wedding Anniversary Last Sunday there was quietly cel- ebrated at their. home on the 10th concession of Grey ,the Golden fled-. ding`of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lake, who were marled on TriesdaY the 7th,da' of April 1885. Althongh it Was a spring month the .snow banks were four feet deep on the road, so the groom had to drive through the fields and had quite an •experience upsetting and leaving his occupants iii the snow, • but renewed courage again and got his load gathered up and started again for the bride's home none the: worse, only finding his bride-to-be . a little flustered; wondering what had hap' pened. It was on April '7th at eleven a.m. that Miss Elsie Sanders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanders of the 10th concession of Grey became the bride of Isaac I. Lake, son'af.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lake, of the 9th concession. of Grey. The ceremony took place a the bride's home, Miss Esther A. Lake was bridesmaid, and the late James S. King acted' as groomsman. The late Rev. R. Paul, of the Methodist Church, performed the ceremony. ' After partaking of a stnnptuoits wedding dinner, the happy couple left on their honeymoon .to Stratford, Woodstock and Plattsville:.On re- turning they took up housekeeping on the groom's farm on the tOtll conces- sion of Grey where they have resided ever since, Six children were born of the hap- py union, five passing away in infancy. 0 Leslie lives on the home MEN,WOMEN AND CHILDREN The M. W..LOCKE Shoes for men women and children,. of which we are official distributors, are the'only shoes designed by Dr. Locke and carrying his approval. ial ambitions, ..g'Iles Scott; Mrs. Bat- es, Landlady of. the Hotel, Mrs. R. Oke; Prudence Bates, .Her. Daughter, in love with Jack, Mrs. C. B. Armi- tage; Prof. McNoodle, An Eccentric. but Harmless Collector, Dan. Gillies; Jack Temple, A Poor but Honest Col- lege Student, Gordon MacLean; Gloria Martin, A Friend and Compan- ion of Prudence, Jean Christie; Billy Hunter, Jack's Friend and Classmate, R. Spittal; Henry J. Banister, from Wall St., A. Bishop; Bert Wilkins, a lobleman of Necessity, A. Irwin. Chorus — Irene Ellacott, Dell Wal- ker, Alberta MacLean, Alberta Wal- ker, Vesta . Fox, Vera Fyyfogle, Har- old Kitchen, Cyril Murray, Jim Thompson, : Morris Christie, Harvey Burgess, Jack McKibben. Fashion Parade — Page, Lillian Fuller; Bride, Florence Grant; Maid of Honor, Doris Buchanan; Brides- maids, Doris Fells, Dorothy Kerr, Alba Carter, Muriel Ross; Flower Girls, Mary Crawford, Constance Fry; Dance Frock, Frances Currie; Black Net Frock, Jean Christie; Flowered Chiffon, Doris Fells; . Afternoon Dress, l.trs: Waram; Sport Suit, Bu- chanan. Becker; Sport Snit, Dorisa These marvelous shoes support sagging arches and scientifically assist in restor- ing the foot to its normal, healthy position. We urge you to come in and try on a pair. Skilled fitters will be here to fit you correctly with the last that is best suited to your feet. WANTED -10 cords of 4 -foot soft wood. Apply L. S. Beninger, Fran- cis Street. NVANTED TO RENT :— I4loderate sized house, with all conveniences Advance- and garage. Apply Bow 0, Times: WORK WANTED --Any description, by young man,. good references. Ap- ply Bob Frederick, clo D. Finlay, Victoria St. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that a meet- ing of the electors of the Township of� East Wawanosh will be held in Union School House No. 17, Conces- sion ores- sion 9, . Belgrave, an' Saturday, April 20 o'clock o'clock to 20th,: 1935, from 1 0 pin. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the office of Councillor, 'Ino re - t U t now vacant, and in the even than one candidate being'nominated and a. poll' required, the election will be held. on Saturday, April 27th, 1935, at the usual polling places with hours of, polling from 9 o'clock a.m. t. o'clock p.m: DATED this 10th day of April, 1935. Gordon MacLean, Mrs. C. B. Arran - Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. iz rC and Chorus. The girls of the Peter W. Scott, CARD OF THANKS rocks and the gentlemen dark surto. and Leta All s were Thursday, April 12th, 193 S sterinnoommumanstunom • ne son e. farm: 'The hapjay couple have one grandchild. The bride and groom of fifty years ago. were remembered by fetters, cards; telephone and gifts. The afternoon was spent in receiv- ing callers. Mrs. Dr. Ferguson of Tor- onto and Mrs. D. Sanders of Atwood assisted Mrs. Leslie Lake receiving the guests and serving them. At six o'clock the bride and groom and rel- atives and- near friends were invited across the lawn to ,their son, Leslie's where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served by Mrs. Leslie Lake. After doing justice to the inner pian the company w ay back to the bride an e where they received a ening. Everyone wishescouple vied The only sloes designed and approved by Dr. M. IV. LOCKE Canada LLIAMSBURG re" Musical Numbers: • Act 1 Opening Chorus, Mrs. Oke, Miss A. Scott arid Chorus. "I'd Rather Make. Love to You," by Reeve. '- chorus wore white and yellow sport "Let's Get Excited" by A. M. Mr. and Mr:, Clarence Brooks a Bishop and Chorus. The clioru family wish to express their apprecia 1 friends far dressed in white slacks, with green Sympathy during thea recent Mars... ent.: "I Want a Johnny Canuck Man," INMEMOR M by Jean tion to their neighbors and their many kindnesses and expreS• - and silver cocked hats and frilled 'col- ,.,a of sump sad'bereavem Christie and Chorus. The chorus were dressed in a color scheme of red, white and blue; girls, red shorts, white shirts and "soldier caps; boys in blue tunics, white trousers, blue sailor cap. "Smoke Get's in Your Eyes", sole by Mrs ,C. 13. Arrirritage.` • "Top of the Morning, Old Dear," Dr. A. W. Irwin, and chorus. Girls dressed in blue shorts and white shirts; boys wore blue trousers, white shirts and Welsh Slats. Act 2. "Oh, How I'ni Longing for lou,." J. R. M. Spittal. "You're 'Lovely to Lok At", jean Christie, Harold Kitchell, Jim Thomp- son GROVES—In loving memory of our dear Mother, Annie C. Groves, who passed away on April 16th, 1933. Two years have gone, and how we miss you, Never ,hall your memory fade, Loving thoughts will always linger .Round the spot wher'elrMoth Family, —Ever membered by DIED IN WALPOLE, SASK. On April Oth, 1935, . deatl4 called away Rachel (Ellie) Dunkin, beloved wife of David Metcalfe. Before her marriage in 1903, she lived at Glen- annan, She was born on March :21st, 1877. For the last 32 years she has lived. at Walpole, Sask. Besides her husband ,he leaves tw.o sorr.? a;nd, three daughters, four brothers, Walter and Jaynes, in Saskatchewan; William of Toronto, and Chester on the old home at . Glenannan; three sisters, Mrs. A. Lincoln, Glenannan, Mrs. Fred John- son, Win hath, and Mrs. Joe Maine, 'Toronto. Interment was made in Walpole Cemetery, BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks and S. C. White Leghorn Chicks. 5ttperior grade, Line Bred from .0,'P, and Registeredi steelk, from to 30 oz. eggs, at $10.00 per 100. Orders ay crhicks or centover dIelssered. tisYll AL L is out., EASTER CANDIES and Novelties 5c to $2.00 SIR BUNNY and Lady Chick are ruling supreme in our sweet shop these days. The event is a review of the, Easter parade of the finest candies we have ever .assembled for the occasion We are certain every child in town would enjoy an inspection of these fine candies and clever novelties, Why not bring them in? wended their w d grooms lion gain in the evening. the happy many more wedding _ anniversaries. isE.lay ter Of Women's and Misses' Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses,Waists, Skirts, Wool Pullovers and Twin.Sweater Sets.' Showinga Select, Range of the better` quality Suits and Coats, priced from $9.50 to $25.00 Junior, Misses' and Women's S'pri'ng Dresses See our smart models in plain and new Figured Crepes, with various neckwear designs. $9.50 See our Easter Values at $4.95 Misses' and Women's Waists We carry a large range of Misses' and Women's Waists. New materials in a smart range of styles. See Special at $1.95 to $2.95 Spring Range of Silk Suits See our Spring range of Taffeta and Silk Crepe Suits, made in two and three piece models. See our values at $8.50 to $12.50 New A11 Wool Pullovers and Twin Sets Just passed into stock Women's and Misses' New All Wool tPuilovers and Twin Sets. Our Special' Value Pullovers 98c. Stylish. Twin Sets, Bargain $2.95. Silk Hosiery Complete Searing range of Supersilk Guaran- teed Hose. All the leading shades in Chiffon, Silk Crepe and Servide Weight. Wonderful val- ues at New Millinery Department isnow A large and select'stock of Millinery on display in the Ready -to -Wear Department. Here you will . find a choice collectioneof the om s Newest Hats .for Misses'and W You are invited to inspect our stock. You will be pleased with our stock and values. Gloves for Easter Our Mange is complete in Kid and Silk Glov- es. See the new Fabric Gloves with fancy Cuff, ,best colors. Real value at only 59c and 89c. Quality Kid Gloves in Black, Blue, Brown and Grey. Special at $1.50 and $1.75 New Stock of Skirts Newest materials, and best colors. our Eas- ter value at $1.95 and $2.95 59c, 69c'and 98c New Cuff and Collar Sets, Corsets, Corsettes, Silk Scarfs, Silk Underwear, 14 ew Linens, Ladies' Hand Bags. sar t Letters were received and read from Elect • ic 13 -er Ithe following: I3ydroriouONN Dt�NN g®Cly Com., ; Dept. o£DAgricultu e, Toron- Itending the time for the: Collector to Clinton; Dep meetings of the Y. P. S. ^ Dept. of Highways, Toronto" `R, return the Roll of 1934 to May 20th, The regular Ito, 1 S _ 1935 Carried. will be'held on Friday evening of this' '' INV . McPher- Moved week. ...., .F.�A.11i"':n,..{:�.: w,•.r. M'f,,:d a!i7�„l.sSM Josephine Street to Cemetery. I Drain; Patrolmen: Geo. Mundell $17.- Garried. 50, Wm. Breckenridge $22.30, W. J. Moffatand Breckenridge Campbell $8.05, C. Casemore $15.56, Moved by 10,-' hat -By-law No. 20 be passed,:ex- Wm. Vanstone $13.05, G. Wray $I 65, J. Elliott $5.85, F. Hogg $11.50, 3. McKinnon $14.62, J. Potter $9.80, Jno. Nicholson $9.10; H. Bosman $3.- 00, 3- 00, acct;; C. McNeil .75 acct.; J. T. Wylie $7.75, Supt.; Jno. Bell, $5.85, cutting brush under relief; H. ,Dennis .48, cutting brush under relief; Wm. two Nicholson, $12.00, 1. sheep killed, w following accounts were paid: damaged. The Moved by Porter and Moffat that' we adjourn to meet at Bluevale on Monday, May 27th, 1985, at 1 p.m. Carried. 6.52, N. C. Baier $11.36; McPherson ,'VV•. R. Crtukshank, & Thompson $33.86 acct. Jer-ntyn i Clerk. the W :Marshall, Glenannan; Prov. ov. i ec e byPorter and Breckenridge retary of Ontario, Toronto; 1 • that we hold, Court:of Revision n Assessment Roll of 1935 on Monday, the o'clock in 3 1 9�5 . at May 27th, , afternoon Carried. Relief: Mundy's $21.00, R. McArth- ur $19.88, D. Kerr $5.50, F. McCor- mick $10.00, A. J. Nortrop $10.45, Mrs. A. Casemore $2.08,' J. A. Kelly Mrs, Ernie Doerr, of Auburn, spent her home a f h to e ft rno on at the Friday a e parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and sons were Sunday visitors with her 11 S t on. �. E. U n t Mrs.Johnston. '�. S Mr. .a and parents, Oil Monday evening, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Robinson entertanied a number of'. their friends at their home, when representatives of the Wear -Ever Al- uminum Co. served a demonstration dinner. A similar demonsrtation was held a few weeks ago at the Koine of Mr. . and Mrs. Robert 'Chamney. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mills and family; of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of lis sister, Mrs. Norman Thompson lir. and Mrs. Edgar Pattison and family, of Wingham; were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr.'and Mrs. J. C, Robinson. ' The W. '.M. S, met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss En- phemia Chamney, Mrs. Bert Taylor. had charge of, the meeting and the study book was taken by Mrs, Geo. Naylor. Readings were given by Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Mrs: N. Thompson and Miss Elaine Bamford. Jean Rob- inson gave an instrumental. (Intended fin' Last 'Week) 1Iiss Marjorie Campbell, of Strat- ford, spent Sunday. at her home here. son & Thompson, Stratford. Mayor. Hanna, Messrs. Galbraith, nd of Wingham, Walker and Slierbo Y, V a Z ro the - ed were present and .discuss pro- posal of repairing the road from the end of pavement on Highway No. 4 to the cemetery. ' Moved by Wilton and Porter, that we co-operate with the Council of the Town of Wingham in the repairing of road' from the pavement on northof Our first consideration is pure candies. Next, is the sincere desire to price thein fairly. As a result you obtain best values. at lowest prices, ILI TAMS Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White and dau- ghter, Mavis, of Blyth, were Sunday and Morris Christie. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J "Jost One'Night in the ltoonliglit,: C. Robinson.\tlr, and. .Mrs. Government Approved Albert Campbell and Mrs, C. B. Armitage, Miss Jean dfamily were Sunday visitors with her Christie and . Girls of chorus Y CHICKS 1 C K S mother, Mrs. Barclay, Dungannon. wore white neett dress, boys attired int YlA. gl� The Y. P. S. met on Friday even - 'Speak "Speak to Me of Love," Jean Chris- tie, T. R. Spittal and Chorus. Girls dressed in white net dresses, blue caps and sashes; boys'in tuxedos. "Swinging Along", J. R. M. Spittal, Miss. Jeati Christie and Chorus. Girls dressed le red shorts,' red shirts and white skirts; boys, red sweaters and trite trousers. "We do It ivtuch Better in London" y Dr. A. W. Irwin. o, "I Believe in Miracles," by Agnes :ott. (1 "I'ni Painting Your Face in the Moon," Gordon MacLean, Ivlrs C. B. Armitage and Ciipr 4,sr;girls dressed in evening,, 'w is^ aid= carrying moon ces; boys in artists' socks and ear- late'sr White Leghorns, Barred ing with Mr. Arnold Craig in charge. Lantern slis on Kowere ow n White Rocks. and the topidec was givenrea by. Msh.rI3t 1 :Rocks,. Custom Hatehing done at 2c Craig, a. per egg. Chick Starter Poultry 1' D >, "Why should I never call anyone 7 . a Feeds, Cotrn and Poultry "lar,gecauase, my boy, if he is it will: Supplies, hurt his feelings, and if he isn't he Cattle and Hog Minerals will Burt yours. and 'Concentrates. TU1"tNBERR''" COUNCIL Kennedy The minutes of Council meeting Duncan, Bluevale April 8th, 1.935. Held to V h�1lt ig kll'�1"0t�licil Members were all present:inghain t•; Moved by Moffat and Wilton, that hone .38 'Wing hsttlrti the MinUtes of last meeting acid :spec ial iie * > .etc 4. t ': as Roland Grain, Reeve. WILL BE AT THIS STORE Api1 Zind We issue this invitation hi plenty of tittne because we are anxious that our customers, who know the value of Berger " CLOTHES Of! QUALITY" , Brand, have the benefit of head office representative's advice as to styles, colors and woollens. Mr. M. R. Park rates high in the tailor- ing craft. His knowledge of what is correct is based on years of experience. Sunt and Extra Pants $23.50 RMITAGE Wingham►, Ontario .hl n I72J