The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-11, Page 7"C 1 •roxeter Thursday, April lion, 1935 orrie GORRIE Mr, and Mrs, George Foster spent Sur;day with friends in Galt, sirs.:S. Munro called on Mrs. Thos. Peel 'teal' :Fotdwiclt last 'Thursday: Mrs. Agnes Earls; of near Wroxet er, -spent -a few days this week with; .her daughter, Mrs, Kenneth Hastie, The weekly Lenten' Prayer Service • was held by Rev. R. S. Jones at the )tome of Mr. and Mrs. 1?. C, Taylor on. Wednesday,; evening last.. Guests. of Mrs, James Bell on Sun- day were, her son, Mr. Jack 13e]l of :Kitchener; Mr. 'Cliester.`Cook of Clif- ford, and'Mr• and Mrs, Frank Wright of near Lakelet, Mr. and 'Mlrs.Ward :Schaefer and fancily, of Fordwich, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Frank King On Sunday. . Mr, Ira .McLean of Brussels, spent Sunday withMr. Ken Hastie, His wife and baby, Marilyn, who have spent the past. week stere, returned tome with' him: Mrs. Wylie spent a few days with friends in Toronto this week. Ibliss Alma 'Hastie, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with her father, Mr. James Hastie; Miss Jean fllack, of Kitchener, Mr. :and Mrs. Roy Gadke and daughter, Miss Jean, of Fordwich, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Black Miss Evelyn Hastie of Kitchener, spent the Week -end with her parents, Ir, and Mrs, H. M. Hastie. Mr, Ewart 'Whitfield, of Blyth, sjtent the week -end at. his home here. dvlr. and Mrs. George Foster and Miss Margaret Poster, R.N,, spent Saturday in Owen Sound. -Mrs: jas. Pell ;rill have the sym pathy of a large•nnmber of friends in. the, loss of her brother, Robert Mc 3hwaia, who passed away at the home of his daughter, at Chatsworth Thurs- day morning. The funeral was held -on Saturday to Williamsford cenret- ery., Miss Pearl Stinson spent the week- •• .end in Toronto prior. to opening her -.millinery season. Messrs. Thos. Bradnock and W. C. King spent the week -end in Toronto. Mrs. •Len eix„and;.Miss Higgins, of Winghant„ were week -end guests of their sister, Mrs. W. J. Gallaher, and Ur, Gallaher. Mr. Alex. Wray spent Tuesday in 'Toronto: Drama Postponed The Religious Drama which was to "be heli) next Sunday evening in the United Church at Gorrie, has been postponed on account of illness. We hope that we shall be able 'to have the, dramatic artists with us at a later •$ate. s isirdolior :te AS THE PRINCE OF WALES WATCHED THE GRAND NATIONAL AT AINTREE a: q G tk,— , i • the horses toget Grand National. In (2) His Royal i the horse got off to a good start af- and Thomond II, finished first, sec: • tipped over hiseyes and 'horse he fancies is misbehaving at (1) as he waits for t ter all. Re noldstow=n Blue Prince orad and third. Hit hat t ply • �interested and a trifle the post, Great. Britain's future ruler, under way at Aintree, England, in the � Highness .seems more placid; 'Maybe y , sec - looking both u uncomfortable, possibly because a one amongst the crowd, is shown in gins, guitar, Andrew Gibson, mouth organ, and Harold Gibson, piano, The proceeds of the evening were divided between the two societies. Recent guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong were: Mr. and Mrs. Leaky, Kincardine, Miss Patti- son,. Wingham, Dr. and Mrs. Arm- strong, Mitchell. Mfrs. Ritchie and daughter, Mary, spent the week -end with friends in 'Toronto, * Mrs. Gordon Barton and daughter, Marlene, spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Pratt, Miss Astra S]teir and Mr. Smillie, of .Teeswater, were re- cent guests ¢f` Mr. and Mrs. Brad - rock Mrs. Anson ', Galbraith and son, Bradley, spent the week -end in Tor - 'onto.. Mrs. Boyd, son Harold, also Miss k iHo�tic, B. '.line o of the -Alta Finlay,. -spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. :Stewart Finlay, Paper on West Indies Enjoyed The Y.P.S. of Gorrie United. Church was held on Wed:nesdayevening, Miss lr,iiglas having charge of the Wor- ship service. The meeting opened 'with quiet music, followed by a pray- er and talk by Miss Douglas. The meeting was then in charge of the Missionary Convenor, Miss Janet Watson. Leland Ashton gave a paper Ion "Life in the West Indies," Miss Nellie Rattan` a paper on 'Religion and Education in. the West Indies." YOUNG COUPLE WERE 'SHOWERED. A large number of neighbors aricl friends niet at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Pyke on Friday evening and presented Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Holt with an address and miscellan- eous shower, when many useful •gifts were received. The following address was read by Miss Audrette Pyke fol- lowing a piano duet by Misses Janet and Nellie Ruttan: To Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Holt: It is with a great deal of pleasure that we, your neighbours and friends, have gathered here tonight to extend to you our congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy journey through life together. As you start your new home, may we suggest that you make Christ your ever -abiding .guest and we feel confi lent that whatever - * trials and difficul- ties ties beset your pathway, He will bring you through victorious. ' 'We ask you to accept these gifts and as you use them in the days to come may they remind you of aur friendship and the happy evening spent together. Signed on behalf of your neigh- bours and friends. !Play Success The Y. P. S,• of Gorrie .had. the Pleasure of having Wroxeter, Y•P,S• come here Friday evening and Pres ent their play "The Lucky Emerald." 'Each person acted their part well, The :audience was entertained with Music between acts by Miss MinervaHig- er Ultra e e Y y F. F. M U Phnn.B., R.O. Phone 118: Harriston sixth chapter o ftbe study book, giv- r afternoon "Orientals in British Col- i day for Toronto from where she is ' ing an outline of the life of. Wim umbia" taken from the book "Stew- leaving on Wednesday or Thursday Carey who rose from a cobbler of ards of a Goodly Heritage" vias read for Africa. A number from t here were at LVing ham on Thursday everting to hear the veteran missionary, Dr: J. •Goforth. Messrs. T. G. Hemphill; J. J. Allen, I. S. Durst and Archie Edgar were Toronto visitors over the week -end.. The local cider mill •caught on fire twice last week from sparks from the saw mill, the first time being on Mon- day evening, and again on Saturday morning, but fortunately the fire was extinguished before any serious dam- agge was done. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft and low degree to a missionary, wakened the world in proclaiming the Gospel. He labored in India forty years, dur- ing which time he translated the Bible in six languages. Mrs. Ramage, the president, took the chair, commending those who had taken part in the program. Several items of business were transacted. The roll call was responded to by an Easter Thought. Mr. P,titt- closed the Meeting with prayer. W. M. S. HAVE FINE MEETING EVENING AUXILIARY HOLD MEETING The Evening Auxiliary held their regular monthly meeting at the par- sonage, Gorrie, Monday evening with Mrs. A. H. Stephens presiding. The program was opened with quiet music followed by a solo by Miss Velma Lennox entitled "Alone". •Mrs. S. Ashton gave a reading "An Easter Thought." Following the call to wor- ship, all members repeated the pass- age of Scripture John 3:16 in unison, Hynin "Christ the Lord is risen to- day" interspersed with passages of Scripture pertaining to the Resurrec- tion. Prayer followed by Mrs: R. G. R. tl I r s. C. Mrs, hers and u n Mr,S e t0 . Nw Black read tau. Scripture lesson, Psalm, 24: 7-10, responsively. Miss V. Lennox, Christian Stewardship Con- venor, gave a short address on Stew- ardship. Misses. Douglas and Stephen then favored with a piano duet, after which Mr, Butt took charge of the study book, and dealt with chapter 6, which dealt with the "Word of God." Miss Douglas read a poen' "Christ is Walking" bringing the program to a close, when •the 'president, Miss Dans, took charge. Roll call was res- ponded to by a verse on "joy" and items 'of business were dealt with. Following the singing of hymn "In the Cross of Christ I Glory" Rev. Butt closed With prayer. During the social period the 'hostess served re- freshments. The Woman's Missionary Society of, the Corrie United Church met in the Church on. Thursday, April 4th, with nineteen members ,and Pout vis- itors present and Ivirs, R. Ashton pre- siding. The program opened with quiet mu- sic and call to worship. I•Bymn "Christ the Lord is risen today,"interspersed with passages of Scripture relative to 'Resurrection. There was earnest the e prayer in tirtison for blessings on the Woman's Missionary Society. Mrs. Butt and Mrs: Dane read responsiVcly Ps. 24: 7-10, after which the hypin, was "Crown Hint with Malty Crowne sung, Mrs. Ramage read a, poem and Mrs. Whitfield read passages of Scrip- u t ' tx the r' l i Io C h inn Scrip- ture, followed by Y strength of grace" was sung as "a prayer. Mrs, lie read a leaflet "Mrs: Wylie y Morgatt's 'Quarter", Heralds, ktrs.;vV• for. Korea, .and W. Strong reported Mrs. Wylie for India, Hytrin "0 Mas- ter 'of the waking world"was sung, after which' Mr, Batt introduced the by•Mrs. W. C. King and Mrs. George King, depicting the large' population of Japanese and Chinese in British Columbia, their different modes of life and business and telling of the decrease in numbers of Chinese, and the increase of over three thousand Japanese; and showing the big diff- erence between the Japanese and the Chinese. Mrs. N. Wade then led in the prayers, after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. INTER -CHURCH SERV- ICES TO BE HELD The following is the prog"ram of inter -church and 'community services which ;will be held in the Town Hall, Gorrie, April 15th to 18th at 8.15 p.m. (sharp). Monday, April 15th, Leader, Rev. A; Leggett. Meditation on St. Luke 19th chap., verses 41-48 "Our Lord going up to Jerusalem" by Rev. R. S. :Jones. Preacher, .Rev. G. W. Butt; subject "Repentance". Tuesday, April 76th, Leader, Rev. G. \V, Butt. Meditation on , 23rd Psalin, by Rev. A. Leggett. Preach- er, Rev. R. S. Jones, subject "Renewal Thursday last. - Minneapolis, f . Robinson, sr Ed ob -' nal . VI . , i id of th Ind t e ith tees. tit last t Wednesday, April 17th, Leader,was a guest part of Rev. R. S. Jones. Meditation on "The Mir. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol, also Mr. Basin and the Towel" by Rev, G. W. James Nichol. . Butt. Preacher, Rev. A. Leggett, sub- Mr. and Mrs. James McTavishen- ject, "Loyalty to the Church. tertained a number of neighbors and Thursday, April 180. "Challenge friends on Friday evening, it being to Faith, Rev. R. S. Jones. "Challenge the occasion of their 25th wedding au- to Obedience" Rev. G. W. butt, niversary. "Challenge to Power," Rev. A, Leg- Mr, and Mrs. H. 13, Allen, Brussels, gett:: Leader, Rev, G. W. Butt. Scrip - son, Russell, of Dashwood, called on friends here on Sunday. • Mrs. Chapman visited friends in Toronto during the week -encs, The regular• meeting of the Ladies' Guild of the Anglican Church is be- ing held. on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Douglas. Rev. R. S. Jones is holding a Len- ten prayer meeting at the home of Miss Agnes Earls on Friday evening of this week. - Mr. A. C, Hutchison and Mr. Her- bert Collins, both of Fordwich, were visitors at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin, on vin Moffat and Mrs. Moffat. CAPTAIN ANTHON Mr. John Barnard and Miss Mar- garet Gibson, both of London, were EDEN IS ILL week -end guests of Mr. John Gibson. Mr. Geo. Faulkner, Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- en White. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY HAVE FINE MEETING The regular meeting . of the Wo- men's Auxiliary of St, Stephen's An- glican Church, Gorrie, was held at the home of Mrs. George King on Thurs- day last when the c es pieced ieced.quilt patches during the afternoon, The devotional meetingwas open- ed by prayer by the President, Mrs, N. b'Vacle, and business matters dis- cussed in which Mrs. Jones and Mgrs. N. 'Wade were elected representatives to attend the annual convention in Cronytt. Hall, London, in May, with Mrs, George ring as substitute. Roll 2oll Call and minutes of last meet- ing had been given, the topic of the were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. The sudden illness of Captain An- thony Eden, Lord Privy Seal and Bri- tish ambassador for peace in the re - The ttte_ cent ar't's discussions, caused an up- ingThe 4th line group, L. A. are hold- set in Britain's plans for the Stresa; a quilting at the home of Mars. powers' future policy toward Ger—. many. Britain will be represented at this Wendt. Unitedg the Sunday School too conference by Sir John Sitnon and hour in Church Sunday mornPremier Ramsay Macdonald will take Mg, h Hall contributedcornetcolas Captain Eden's place. As' Captain ;; hich were appreciated. - Eden had just returned from Russia, Me John guests of Ridgetown, was Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia a week -end Mr. and Mrs. J. and had first-hand information from Loves] conferences with the statesmen of The meeting, of the. Y:l'.S. United not be held this Meek, those countries, it is most regrettable Church will that he was taken ill at this time. owing to the fact that many of tai.; Members are trying examinations. Eldred Nichol on Friday' of this week conference on April 11th over the t Mfr: Norman Hall, Lakelet, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 1 S d S l l ture and prayer, Rev. A. Leggett and J. N. Allen. Rev. R. S. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rann and sons, A 'hearty invitation is extended to Billie and Bobby, were Sunday guests the people of the community (and es- of Mr• and Mrs. R. J. Rano. pecally to the young people) to at- Mi•, Tec} Husks spent the week -end tend these Holy Week services. at his 'home in Harriston. Mr. and Mrs, J. Ilembley and dau- ghter spent the week -end 'with Palm- erston friends. Mrs. M:Iacl..eod and Margaret are spending a short holiday with Toron- to friends. Mr, and Mrs. David Campbell, of Harriston, were S uulay guests of Mr. and Mlrs. Philip Thirst. Miss Ross, Gorrie, spent the ;veek- WROXETER Mr. Perry Patterson, of Crystal Beach, visited with friends stere for several days last week. Miss Elva Stocks of London is spending a few weeks with her :par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stocks. Mrs. A• Meatiait bas resigned the position of organist in the United Church and is ,being replaced. by Miss Mary Gibson. nd Mr. :and Mits. 83.11 Adams a fam- ily of Howick are moving this week to the Wendt :property „lately fner.i•orcup- led by Mr. G. . P Mr. Robt; Deachinan returned to :Ottawa on Saturday after spending several days in this vicinity. Messrs; Perry and Herb. Patterson were Owen Sound visitors 00 Wed- nesday of last week.. Miss Bessie Lovell left on Satut- Robert Deachman, Liberal Candidate The nomination of Robert Deach- man as Liberal candidate for North Huron is of special interest to How- ick residents inasmuch as his -boyhood days were spent in the Orangehill nei- ghborhood where his father taught school for 28 years. tTpon leavingHowiek, about thirty years ago, Mr. Deachman attended Agricultural College at Guelph, fol- lowing which he spent several years at the work. For m newspaper ;; o Calgary in past five years he has held the posi- tion of Liberal Chief on the Tariff Question. He has also written several books and his timely contributions to the Countryman and Farmers' Advo- cate are read with wide 'interest. Mr. Deachman was chosen from four candidates on the first ballot. erd with Mr. and Mrs: J. J. 'Bleu. The Young People's Society pre- sented their play "The Luclty Enter- Gorrie asci" on Friday evening last Corric in to a large and appreciative audience. Muss Aileen Schaal) spent the week- end with'7,onclon friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster spent StiedaY with Brussels friends. - Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Cathers, Gorrie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat, ' Mr. Moffat Palmcrstatt spent a few days last week with his son, tvlr, Al- " First Philosopher—"Of course ev- `ery young ratan thinks he'd be perfect- fly happy if he could only have his } own way." Second Philosopher—"Yes and the !older he grows the happier he is to 'think that he didn't have it." Little Ivy, aged four, was in the kitchen all dressed up in cap and ap- ron and, greatly to the amusement of cook and parlormaid, was busy pre— tending she was one of them. They all sat down to tea very solemnly, and there was asera long pause, w t n sudden-, sly Ivy exclaimed, "Go on—go on, say something." I t Cook: "Well, what shall we talk Iabout?" Ivy (in a whisper): "M ou know the missus." SALEM Mrs, Wm. King from near llelmorc, spent a couple• of days with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, fleury Merkley and other friends. Mr. Herbert Neill, of Gorrie, spent last Sunday evening with his brother, Mr. Ira Neill, and Mrs. Neill, Mr, Robert Galbraith, of London, is visiting ;with ',his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hayes, Some 125 neighbors and friends ga- thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. l'rvie Thomas' last Friday night and presented their (laughter, (Margaret) Mrs. Jack Mlatitews and Mr. Mathews. with a miscellaneous shower, prior to their departing for London where Mfr. it ill S r( 77, 1 position, secured a t •`1ta c Mathews 1 present en3oyed a pleasant evening. We ,are glad to report that Mr. George Merkley is improving nicely after being scorched and burned set badly in his recent fire at Belntore. He has bought a building Cast of here wlticlt the neighbotrrs:and friends as- sisted in talking down. He will have it erected out the site where the form - et one stood. SPAIN'S NEW PREMIER • ' c e.' leader the.' o Martinez de Cela, co, agrarian party, was named premier of Spain when the former premier, Alejandro Lerrous, abandoned his at:7. tempts to form a new gcvernrrient in face of overwhclininl pcilit cal oppo- sition,