The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-11, Page 3Thursday, April 11th, L 935 WING ` ..AM ADVANCE -TIM S PAG] a lEdwa mod sham rig ROWN RAN -I-. MORE CANADIAN CHILDREN THAN ANY OTHER CORN SYRyIu' A product of The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited. world Wide News I brief orm »a��.�a...qa..r...,..oo.�o.u�..m...•--�.�oa�so�...m..o�4.�.a�o...so�.,.o, Lannbton Village; May Cancel Hydro Contracts Sarnia--lf the provincd. of Ontario can 'repudiate its contracts with the Quebec •power companies why cannot municipalities,' burdened with long tern, high-priced contracts, made in. other and better times, renounce its contracts . with the Ontario Hydro Commission? The village of Aloins - ton in Lampton County may press this question. Long Easter Recess at Ottawa The Government will call upon Par- liament to take a long Easter recess, resuming the work of the session on May 20; During the recess, Sir Geo. Perley told the House of Commons, the Prime Minister, who is now rap- idly recuperating, will visit England and represent the Dominion ,at the lung's Silver.Jubilee.. Legislation will be prepared, based on the report of the PriceSpreads Commission, which has been placed in the hands of the Minister of Trade and Commerce, and on the report of the Housing Com- mittee. Largest Peace -Tirane Appropriation Wasington—The biggest peace -time appropriation in United States his- tory—$4,880,000,000—was voted Pres- ident Roosevelt to carry out plans de- signed to end the "dole" and put men to work. Would Stop Death Sentence on Wonien Ottawa—Sentence of death shall not be passed onany female person, under any provisions of this act," is one of the striking amendments to the Criminal Code proposed by T. L. Church, indefatigable member for E, Toronto. It is also provided that, on ,I ON GUARAMTEED _O�� L / CERTIFICATES TRUST A legal investment for Trust Funds $100. and Upwards Accepted for Terms of 5' Years. Unconditionally Guaranteed "i' HI ;,ii STERLG. T LISTS CORPORATlO • TORONTO a trial by jury of a female person en- der any section of this act, one-third of the jurors chosen to try the issue shall be females, duly, 'qualified on the sane basis as male jurors." Britain to Ask Nations To Discuss Peace London—A great London peace conference convoking all European nations, Great Britain playing the. mediating role, and Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald as President, is being planned as a sequel to the April 11 tripartite meeting at Stresa, Italy, informed quarters said recently. Bankers Deny Anti -Hepburn Alliance If banking atid investment dealers have formed an alliance to embarrass the Hepburn Government as a result of the present power bond situation? leading Toronto bankers knew noth- ing about it. Montreal despatches, which were given prominence in Ham- ilton newspapers, describing a meet- ing of officers of the Canadian Bank- ers' Associationand the Investment Dealers' Association were flatly. de- nied. Stispect Fire Bug at London London—Suspicion that a firebug is operating in London grew to cer- tainty in .the minds of officials as the third spectacular blaze of the week swept through the yards of the Lon- don Lumber Company, at Bathurst and Maitland .Streets, causing $15,000 loss and imperilling a dozen houses in the neighborhood. Another R. C. M. P. Probe Ottawa—Use of spotters and stooI- pigeons by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in British Columbia will :be investigated, 'Minister of Jus- tice Hugh. Guthrie announced in the House of Commons. To Reduce Insurance Company Loan Rates Ottawa—A decisive step dealing with the interest rate was taken by the House 'Committee on Bank and Commerce. It will recommend the maximum rate a life insurance corn- pany may, charge on loans arranged by policy holders after next Jan. 1st on -their policies shall be 5 per cent. Legislation to Aid Alberta Fanners Edmonton—Aid for debt -ridden Al- berta farmers is seen in an act to pro- mote stability in the agricultural in- dustry, just introduced in the Provin- cial Legislature. ]Details of the act The Lose Life Lamps" for ice aswI paranteed Nov a of J t dupe us1 A! ! f%a1 Wingham Utilities Commission Wing ham Block. • Phone 156. have not been revealed, but it is known protection given to resident farmers under the Debt Adjustment Act "will be greatly increased, Minister of Education Underwent Operation Hon, Dr. Leonard J. Simpson, Min- ister of Education, who has been ab- sent for several weeks from Queen's Park, through illness, underwent' a serious operation, The Premier has had word from Hon, Peter Heenan, Minister of Lands and Forests, who was -ordered on a sea voyage feta- his health, that the Minister will take his seat in the Legislature this week. First Jubilee Silver Dollar Ottawa -Canada's first silver dollar was minted by Finance Minister Ed- gar N. Rhodes, and carefully preserv- ed for transmission to King George, whose twenty-five years ofreign it commemorates. Premier Hepburn to Inspect Relief Homes Premier i1'Iitchell F. Hepburn, At Corney -General Arthur W. Roebuck and Hon. David A, Croll, Minister o Public Welfare, will undertake e a per sonal inspection tour of the homes,of relief recipients in the area surround- ing Toronto to ascertain if present food vouchers :are adequate and if malnutrition exists. f Dissolution. of House, Aug. 18th Ottawa—The date of dissolution of the present House of Commons was given as Aug, 18 in unofficial Govern- ment statements in both the Senate and House of Commons, but little light was cast on the more important question of the date of the impending general election. Hebrew Tablets Confirsn Truth of Bible New York—Stating that the recent discovery of Hebrew tablets at Tel Addaiweir was an, event calculated to change the entire outlook of modern civilization, and that it confirmed the truth of the Old Testament, Sir Chas, Marston gave a first-hand description of the findings of the British archae- ological e*pedition, headed by J. L. Starkey, over the NBC-WEAF net- work. Ask Help for Western Fanners Ottawa—A plea for, definite Gov- ernment action -to deal with drought conditions on the Prairies was made in the House of Commons by Robert Gardiner (U•F.A., Acadia). 'He said the Federal Government had opened up the new 'dry area of Alberta to - settlement against the advice of its own officials and consequently must assume responsibility for the drought conditions, Further, he said, Federal agricultural officials had advised the farmers to go in for summer -fallow on an extensive scale, which had con- tributed e to the loss of top soil by drifting under drought conditions. 0111 NEWS of the p IC . q 1111 n 8111111111111,1111111.11,1111,1111111111,1, tq 111„1]11111 b ll 4k, $7000 Shortage in Goderich Tax Accounts 1 Shortages of approximately $7000, in the accounts of the former tax -col- lector of the town of Goderich were reported to town council by the fin- ance committee, based on an interim report received from the town audit- ors, H. R. Lang and A. M, Robert- son. The town auditors have been spending some time going over the tali -collector's books'btweetn the year 1928 and Deceber 18,•"1934 at which time the services of the former tax collector were dispensed&With. Labor Trouble at Chesley Settled Labor trouble between members of the Carpenters and Joiners Union and the Krug Brothers and Company_and Chesley Chair Company, at Chesley, which resulted in the then • leaving their jobs March 26, are ended aiid the men have returned to work. The terms as laid down in theletter sign- ed by the' two firms and forwarded to the town council were accepted by the igen, and it is not expected there Will be :any more difficulty. Little Girl Has Mania For Swallowing Things Goderich—Little Eleanor Wark, 3- atu1-a-half-year-old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman r K, 'Nark, has de- veloped a mania for swallowing things. The latest addition to her strange dirt was a piece of thermom- ete. In the last few months she has swallowed about thirty cents in small coins, also a paper clip and a large safety pin. Wclrlataii Suffers Injury Ilanoyer-IZoger Heiden, 58 years of ager yardman at IIneehtel's desk QUEEN OF TH MAY Miss Jane Williams, who will be crowned May Queen in an elaborate. ceremony at Duke' University, Jane is a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta' sorority, factory, had his left shoulder dislocat- ed, bruised badly and cut, when re- moving lumber from the kiln. The plank on which he . was standing broke, letting his left leg don through and causing: his left shoulder to fall against the corner of a load of lumber. Charged with Conversion of Funds E. H. Johns, former manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce branch at Bayfield, more recently in the in- vestment business, surrendered to the police at Goderich in connection with a charge of having converted to his own uses about $6,000 of clients' money. Shipped Fine Load Among the best loads of hogs ship- ped from Ontario points last week was that sent by Ross Shewfelt, ship- per for Kincardine United Farmers Co -Operative. -His load of 59 hogs shipped to Toronto abbatoirs was graded, showing 28 select bacon hogs and 24 bacon hogs. Other fine ship- ments from Bruce • were made from Port Elgin and. Teeswater.—Kincar- cline Review -Reporter. Curfew Bell to Ring At Tuesday night's meeting of the Council, Constable Walker complain- ed of a number of children under 15 years 6f age roaming the streets when they should be at home, and he suggested that the Council approve of using the bell on the Presbyterian Church or on Telford's Garage for a curfew bell. The Council granted the request and soon the bell will be rung at .9 o'clock every .evening, warning children under fifteen years of age, unless accompanied by a guardian, to scamper for home.—Tara Leader. A Double -Header Mrs. Roy Cantelon, Stanley, broke P an egg the other day in the routine of )p the creek . bed last week, Edward. Voigt, $atz of Wm. Voigt, discovered a tortoise nest cuntaining 40 eggs al- most ready to hatch. Tile eggs are as round as golf balls, but slightly small- er, and the shells are quite soft•. The mother tortoise evidently contemplat- ed • raising qu;te a family, and appar- ently doesn't care a hang about the depression. --Mildmay Gazette; Fifteen Cremated A family of fifteen underwent the sad rites of cremation in Exeter One clay recently, and they departed this life "unwept, unhonored and unsung."' It happened to be :a family of fifteen baby mice the eyes of'which had not yet opened to the light of day. They Were discovered in a nest in one of the business places on Main Street. Talk about production, this beats any- thing we have heard of. ,We imagine a litter of such proportions will be a surprise to many of our readers. Exeter 'rimes -Advocate. Egg 5ix7 Inches• Mr. Robert Hutchison left at our office this week an egg from his white leghorn hens, measuring 5i by 7 in- ches. Nice egg, if you could just get your hens to lay them by the dozen at that lige, and at the market price. —Teeswater News. Kincardine Men to Stand Trial Kincardine—Electing trial before a higher court, Dan McRitchie and Grant McDonald of this place, were committed to trial before the next ses- sions of the peace by Magistrate 'F. W. Walker after a day -long hearing before a crowded court. Since the case could not be ready for hearing before the spring assizes next week it was set for trial before county court. There are five charges of breaking and entering and committing theft facing each of the men. They arose from alleged thefts from the lumber yard of' the Malcolm Furni- ture Company and cottages here,. Former Walkerton Mayor and Ex-M.P. Laid to Rest Walkerton — Funeral service was held here Friday for Reuben E. Truax —former Mayor of Walkerton, and member of both the Ontario Legis- lature and the Federal House of Com- mons. Friends of the late Mr. Truax from al parts of the Province and points outside, were here to pay their finalrespects. The service was held in Mr. Truax's home, with Rev. R. Per- due, pastor of St. Thomas Church, and Rev. 5. W. Scholfield, pastor of St. Paul's- United Church, in charge. Hundreds of mourners filed past the coffin. Two motor cars conveyed the flowers to the cemetery. Six employ- ees of the firm Mr. Truax headed act- ed as pallbearers. Dungannon Forms Athletic Assoc.. Dungannon—A representative gath- ering of those interested in athletics was held in McKenzie's garage for the urpose of organizing an athletic as- ociation.. Heber J. L., Eedy was ap- ointed as chairman and Gordon Kidd as secretary of the meeting. The fol- lowing officers were elected as ;an ex- ecutive of the Dungannon Athletic Association: President, Heber J. L. Eedy; vice-pres., G. C. Treleaven; sec. treas., Gordon S. Kidd. her housekeeping and was surprised to find that it was a two -in -one af- fair, a perfectly -formed hard -shelled egg being inside of a very large egg. The egg was laid by an ordinary Rock hen and it is not known whether she was sending out a new sample, or whether it was just a prize package, which cannot be expected to be re- TIM ATTENDS TH pealed'-Clin ton News -Record. Training as' a Flyer Mr. William Poag has decided to train as an aviator, and left on Sun- day for Toronto where he will take a ten-day course at a flying school in that city. Following this course Wil- liam will have to fly a certain num- ber of hours at nearby airports before obtainirng liis private pilot's license. Found Tortoise Nest While plowing along the flats along L O W EASTER FARES Between all points in. Canada also to Certain United States Destinations SHORT WEEK -END FARE. AND ONE QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP Going from noon Friday, April 19 to midnight, Sunday, April 21_ inclusive. Return limit leaving up to midnight, Monday, April 22. LONG WEEK -END FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP Going from Thursday, April 78th to midnight, Sunday, April 21 'inclusive. Return limit leaving up' to midnight,. Tuesday, April '23.. Minimum Special Fare, Adults 50c. Chiild'ren 25e. Full information from any agent or 0, L. Baker, ;Rhone 47. Canadian Pacific amoowy, What your telephone does for you .. Summons help when fire breaks out. \ Keeps you in touch with neighbours and friends. • Makes your shopping a whole' lot easier. Calls the Doctor in sudden illness or accident. Enables you to arrange social affairs and meetings. 0 Maintains business contacts when you're forced to stay hone. Gets repair- men when•es- sential home services break' down. WHEN fire breaks out, and valuable property and life itself depend on quick and concerted action . , turn to your tele- phone. It gets help to you when: help is most needed as thou- sands of oases on record show.. On this one count alone, the. telephone is indispensable: yet: it serves you day by day in so' many other ways as well. OF YOUR TELEPHONE IS JUST WHAT YOU MAKE IT" thrubbles throyin do defate him. Mosht av the, sharp fellahs in Nort Huron same to come ayther from Colborne arr Howick, an, shure, I. don't tink it wud be anny too safe,. aven fer an ixpayriensed' man loike niiesilf, to thrade harses in ,ayther av thim Townships. Annyway the foight is on, an hats are in the ring, an if us Tories hev anny shnap in us, at all, at all, we shud be able to win aisy, wid the Town av Clinton an the Township av Goderich to hilp us, but, av coorse, it is harrud to kape aven wid thins Grits, an I undhershtand they do be lookin fer a landshloide in theer favor loike theer wus lasht . june. I tink our hist plan n'ud be to per- swade some Progrissive arr C. C. F. to tile, an shtale a lot av votes from the Grits in that way. Yours till we see what will turn. up. Timothy Hay. CANADIAN BROADCAST JUBILEE PROGRAM The Canadian Radio Commission announced it will broadcast a special program May 6, twenty-fifth annireie. sary of King George's accession, last- ing most of tate day. The program will include a mes- sage from the King, broadcast from I1 tl 1 .oncon; aian:sgcvntg service from St. I'attl's Cathedral, which their Maj - E esties trill attend; ceremonies on GRIT CONVENTION .._... To the Editur ay 2tay Deer Sur:- 1 ur:1 nivir attindid all thim 1Vingham per. a Grit, Convinshun till Froiday av lasht wake, whin I managed to shlip away from home widout the missus gnessin wheer I intinded shpindin the afthernoon. She tottght .rnebby I wad be in the raidin roots, arr playin checkers in Johnson and Wain's sarvice stayshun, arr down at Ed. Nash's gas imporiaun arrang- ing a town laigue av harse shoe pitch- ers fer the camin sayson. The missus is party pertickular about the koincl av company 1 kape, so she is. Well, annyway I wint to the Con- vinshun an beerd a lot av shpakin, but managed to git out befoor the collickshun wus took, It wus bad en- ough to waste the whole afthernoon, widout shpindin antsy money over it. An auld Howick bye was nominat- ed on the fursht round, so to shpake. Tree arr four other min shtood, shmart fellahs too they ,w•us, but if ye want to 'pick winners ye musht go up the 'Nora branch of the .Mait- land river to foind 'thins, and the furcler up ye go the betther they git, errs Jarge Shpotton conies fromnear the head av the shtr•ame Yis, a lot av shmart tin got thccr shtart in loife itt Howick, so they did, Jorge Shpotton, an Shelly Bricker, an Dick Carson, an Bill Gallaher an a lot av others I cud tninshun, and now thim Grits pick out Bob Nachman., another Howiek bye, to throy to win. Nett: Huron fer tlni:nt; I ondershtand he wroites: in the noospaypers fa the Grits, the satire as I wroite fer the Tories, nnesilf, so loikely he is puny diver lad, an ,-.We May. her our own Ottawa's. Parliament Hill, and formal' messages from heads of Governments throughatut the Empire. The overseas section of the pro- gram will be brought to Canada over a transatlantic telephone system con- nected with studios of the British Broadcasting Corporation. GIVEN SIX 'MONTHS ON LIQUOR CHARGE Appearing before Magistrate 5. A. Makins, of Stratford, in police court here on Thursday, Thomas Cassells, was sentenced to six mon'tlts in God - elicit jail and his residence declared a public place for a period of .one year. The charge against Cassells was laid following. the arrest of Russell Girling, who was arrested on a charge. of being intoxicated in a public place - He was remanded until Thursday and signed a statement that he had Pur- chased the liquor from Cassells. Chief Allen, Constables Platt and Stewart raided Cassells' home, seized a quant- ity, of beer and placed, him under arrest. Magistrate Makins fined Girling $10 with costs and gave him two weeks to. raise the money. "Does your wife know the traffic rules?" "No, bnt then she's young and good-looking." . ARE YOU EALDR GI or Don't commit yourself until you get all the facts about E. S. P. Barns—Steel Truss, Plank Truss or Cantilever types. Make full use of our twenty years' experience in Barn Building! Let the Engineers in our Farm Build- ings Department advise you. Their services are absolutely free to farmers who are building or reraodelling." Write today Eastern meel Products ated Guelph St., - Preston, Ont. Factories also at Toronto and Montreal r -III 11 i II WI lie -\ L IN WI ;miPit ii� r: 11 1 AAI, /111 in NI mt iiiimmormiiimmomilimmammlii ei Special EASTER FAR Between all Points hz Canada PARTE AND ONE QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP: Good going from noon .Friday, April 19 to midnight Sunday, April 21. inclusive. Iteturnliznit leaving up toinidnight Monday, April 22. FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP: Good going; ; from Thursday, April 18 to midnight Sunday, April21 inclusive . Return limit leaving up to midnight Tuesday, April 23. Minimurm Special 'Fare—Adults SOce Children 254 SHORT WEEK-, END LONG WEEK ENb-. Special ]Limit for Students and Teachers of Educational institutions on surrendet of Canadian Passenger, ,A'sisociotioh 'certificate; f ,ins further anformer:hiti.a 0, f6 1 a haay?icket.ifgehts to AN� ADIAN NATION