The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-04, Page 5A'�..;f •h ( J-�1J-, Y .Fein 1 lllursda' April 4th, 1935 WINHAM ADVANC-TXS A Spring Economy Featured The Walker Stores Ltd: Jacket Frocks $7.95 Styled fli Crepe Celeste An outstanding group ,of ,Jacket Frocks as illustrated. Material has a rough crepe appearance, good weight, and will keep its tail- ored qualities, such details as generous pleats, hems �+ and other''particular Spring features, Sizes 14 to 46 7o9w.i Youl will find this store a store of wide selection, whether - your choice runs to Draperies, Curtains, Prints, Linens, Lingerie or particularly just now, Spring styles in Coats and Dresses. You will see what's new. Plan a visit. .* samoviassonnamomooma The Walker StoresLtcj, i COUNCIL TO STOP RELIEF MAY 1st r7 (Continued from Page One) the King's"Jubilee and the matter of arranging a program for that day be left with the Executive Committee. Carried. Mr. W. H. Gurney addressed the Council requesting assistance in pre- paring the baseball grounds at the park for the coming season. He :also requested Council to reconsider the tax for police dogs as he felt it was high whenlhis dog ivas never allow- ed to run at large. Moved by Coun. Elliott, seconded by Coun. Crawford, that the matter of fixing up the park for this season, and the placing of playground equip- ment, be left with the Property Coan- mittee. Carried. In the matter of changing the li- cense for police dogs, Council agreed that no change be made. Mr. T. J. McLean was present and addressed the Council on the matter of a special edition of the Wingham !He suggested that a drain might have as the Court of Revision. Advance -Tunes which was being pre -;to be constructed' along the curb. This Is Important pared and in which the history of the iThere was also some difficulty with Town would be an important part. a drain at the corner of Alfred and Moved by Coun. Elliott, seconded by Reeve Davidson, that we contract for`two pages in the Special Edition of the 'Wingham Advance -Times and also procure a cut of the Town Coun- cil, town Clerk, Chief of Police and Nightww;atchman and that the Mayor request the co-operation of the utilit- ies Commission in this matter and that a Committee .composed of Messrs. Galbraith, Armstrong and El- liott have .charge of the matter.. Car- ried, The Finance Committee reported a number of ,accounts properly certified and recommended payment. Moved by •Conn. Elliott, seconded by 'Coun. Bishop, that the report of the Finance Committee be adopted as read: Carried. Coun. Bishop reported for the Streets Committee that a number of electors for the riding of Huron trees had been removed with Relief North, has already commenced the labor and that two stumps were to be task of preparing for the revision, and removed on Patrick Street. He re- has arranged for Courts of Revision ported some difficulty with water not which will be held 'in various parts of getting away properly on Victoria St. the riding. Mr. Porterfield, in his Ca in front of Mr. L. l ott's residence, pacity or registrar of electors, will act on April 22nd, i 13y -Law No, 1066to provide e1>ang- ' es iii the -rates for licenses for pool tables MS read three times. Moved. by Reeve Davidson, seoond- ed by Coun, Geddes, that fay -Law No; 1066 1,* passed 'as read Carded, His Worship reported that citizens were experiencing bad radio reception at present and Council agreed that the Clerk be instructed to write ;the Radio Commission at onc, His Worship also reported that he understood that if the tacks were re- moved from poles on Main Street, the Bell Telephone Co would, paint the poles. It was agreed that the Street Collimitt'ee lookintothis matter. The condition of the road to the Cemetery was brought up and: it was agreed that this matter be taken tip with Turnberry Council, His 'Worship reported that there was one case of undulant fever in town and felt that the regulations ,in respect to sale of milk avtiold have to be tightened tip. Moved by Coun. Bishop, seconded by Conal. Wilson, that a by-law be in tro'duced at the next regular meeting prohibiting sale of milk in Wingham. unless from tubercluar and blood test- ed. .cows. Carried. The matter of the appointment of an assistant at 'Wingham Cemetery was brought up. Twenty-three appli- cations were presented to Council. Moved by Coun, Elliott, seconded by Cour. ,Bishop, that this Council do now adjourn to meet as the Commit- tee of the Whole with Mayor Hanna as Chairman. Carried. Council resumed and His Worship .reported that Mr. Jas Stoakley had been recommended for the appoint- ment to the position of assistant at the Cemetery.. Moved by Coun. Bishop, seconded by Coun. Wilson, that IVIr. Jas. Stoakley be appointed as assistant at Wingham Cemetery. Carried. Moved by Coun. Elliott, seconded by Coun. Bishop, that meals to tran- sients be discontinued on April 15th, 1935, and that Direct Relief be dis- continued on May t d lst 1935. Carried. His Worship p rePortedo t the seri- ous i- ous illness in a. family on relief and stated that every attention was being given them. The meeting then i.djoruned. ANNUAL REVISION OF NORTH HURON VOTERS' LISTS Alex. •Porterfield Explains Procedure to Delete Names from Existing Lists, Karnes May Also be Added. Courts of Revision Will Be Held Throughout Riding at Places Listed Below. The work of revising the Federal Voters' Lists, .as made up last Fall will continence, according to the Act, on the fifteenth of May and continue until the first of July. Mr. Alex, Porterfield, registrar of ,►"' ,k. DOCTOR SAGO SIDE NEEDED "Bar' FOR HER CONSTIPATION* Kellogg's AIL -BRAN Brings Reliefto Mrs. Maneely Read the following unsolicited letter: "Up to five years ago, I knew no end of suffering caused by consti- pation,* I used all kinds of laxa- tives but only found relief till I got used to them. My physician told me to get some Kellogg's ALL -BRAN, and instructed use it. me how to "I did just as I was told by my doctor, and today I send my high- er trat se I'o • whatyour ALL -BRAN has done for me.—Mrs. Sas. Maneely, Sr. Address upon request. *Due to insufficient "bulk" do ALL -BRAN provides gentle "bulk" to help overcome common constipa- tion. It is also a good source of vitamin B and iron, The "bulk" of ALL -BRAN` is often more effeetive than the "bulk" hi fruits and vegetables, as it does not break down within the body. Two tablespoonfuls daily are usually sufficient. If not corrected this way, see your doctor. Isn't this food touch pleasanter and saferrisking than ri.�lcin patent med- icines? Get the red -and -green pack- age at your grocer's. Illade by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Any voter whose name appears on the list may, during the month of Ap- Frances Street. The approach to the rd, take steps to have any other' Vane McKenzie Bridge was rough. The on then existing lists removed, Mr. Reeve explained that this could be re- paired when warner weather arrived. Council agreed that these matters be left with the Street Committee with grounds on which the objection is power to act. 'made. Similar steps may be taken to Reeve Davidson brought up the add names to the lists. Names may matter of securing the usual supply also be transferred from one polling of Calcium Chloride for the season. sub -division to another upon written Moved by Reeve Davidson, second- application. ed by Coun. Thomson,`that we, par - The registrar will consider the ap- chase 25 tons of Calcium Chloride at plications when he sits as a Court of n iJ;21:00 per ton f.o.b. Wiiighatti Revision. It is also id Car- provided t hat ap- ried, peals against decisions of the Regist- It was also agreed that the Reeve rar inay be made to the County Judge, arrange for tarring the streets when Courts of Revision weather became suitable. Mr. Porterfield will sit as a Court Coun. Geddes reported for the Pro- of Revision from the hours 10 am, to perty Committee that the main work 3 p.m. as follows: had been securing the necessary sup- . Ati the Council Chambers; Conces- ply of wood - for relief purposes. He sion 9, Ashfield, May 18th, for all reported that 250- cords' had been se- polling stab -divisions of the Township cured so far and the cost was $645.00. of Ashfield.; at the Memorial Hall, He reported the Relief situation as Blyth, May loth, for the village of. follows: Heads of families on relief Blyth; at the Town Hall, Brussels, 26; Dependents on heads 89; Single May 21st, for the' Village of Brussels; persons 6; Total persons onrelief 121; at the Town Hall, Clinton, May 22nd, Number of meals given to transients for the Town of Clinton; at the 184; Night lodgings given 105; useful Township Hall, Carlow, May 23rd, waalk. with relief labor to Match 23rd, for the Township of Colborne; at the 1935', $580.66. Town Hall, Goderich, May 28th and Coun. Geddes also reported that the 29th, for the Town of Goderich; at . Town Hall had been scrubbed aandSiieiicei s Hall, Holtnesville May , oiled and that the wainscotting '30th, for the" Township of Goderich; around the Hall and down the eat, at the Township Clerk's Office, Eth- rances was being 'varnished, More el, May 31st, for, the Township of Goal was required this week fot' the Grey; at the Township Fall, Gorrie, Hall, The matter of securing a wood-, june 4th, for the Township of idow- atid ick; at theTo ri hrp Hall, Morris, ,lot for next Winterwas-mentioned it *as agreed. that this be discussed Trine 412;fo.labe,N' "pwt5sh n,qf Morris; at t1 e Town •]ia11,, ,,,Wingftarn; J;tine at next rneetittg, ,,, ,,,. ,.,�: � hat'the ire 6'1 i; lar the Township of 'Tut•iwberry; Coun, Wilson reported t at the Foresters' Hall, 13elgrave, June Porterfield explains) Notice of objec- tion must be made in duplicate on a form provided and must include the 'Brigade Konen fLite Euchre �� �n.,��pro'�+"�o'cirflS'•.a;�,., .. . 7th, .for the Township of East Wawa - nosh; at the Township Hall, 'West Wawanosh, June 10th, for the own - ship of 'West Wawanosh; at the Town Hail, Wingham, june llth, for the Town . of Wingham, TIM LOOKS ON' THE DARK SIDE To the ,Editur av all thin,. Wingham paypers Deer Sur:— Mebby `tis be rayson av ine gittin ould that I am afther lookin on. the dark soide av tings sometoirnes, but annyway, 1 don't see much improve - mint in tings in gineral, aven wid us Tories in power mosht av the toime. 11Vfebby tings look a little bctther on the surface, loike a newly sown field, wid woild oats, an tistles, an boind wade, an mustard an a hundred an wan other wades, ready to shrine. up afther the fursht rain, an choke out the good grain. The •tlu•ubble is that iviry fellah seines to want to bate the game, so to shpake; an to git as Hutch as he kin, wid as little wurruk as poshable. Back in the ould days we hadn't army Houses av Rifuge, arr Ould Age Pin - shuns, arr compinsashup Laws, arr Mothers' Allowances, an yit theer wussen't half the suffering that theer is today roight here in the good ould Prawvince. av Ontaro,, projucing far more than enough fer ivirybody to. hev plinty to ate an wear, In the ould days if a man gave ye his note arr his wurrud you cud cle- pind on it. Lots av min wud go to Auction Sales, whin whiskey wus flowin free, an party soon wud be so drunk that they cud barn -idly tell whether they wus biddin on a cow arr a harse, an yit they weed come back the nixt marina an settle up fer iviry ting that wus marruked flown in the Clerk's book agin thini. Av coorse they nivir got shtick so very bad, be rayson av theer naybors not runnin the bids 'up too hoigh on" thine, an the auctioneer knockin the article down tohi t an at about its roight r i It value. g Thin was the happy days, whin min played the' game fair an shquare, an the farrumer's woife darned the socks av the hoired man, an inebby he tuk the dawter to the circus ,arr the Fall show, an•they both got home in toime to milk the cows an fade the calves. Yis, an if the farrumer an his woife hitched up the ould harse in the bug- gy an druv away to shpind two arr tree days visitin frinds in the nixt County, laivin the byes an girruls an. hoired man to run the farrum.s, they all wud wurruk harruder than ivir to hev iviryting in fursht class shape whin Dad an Mother got home. Theer wussen't anny galivantin arround in autos in thim days, an nobody com- plained av harrurd toimes. But tings are diffrunt now, so they are. The bosses want more wurruk fer less money, an the coin want more money fer less wurruk, an iviry man •sarnes to be throyin to bate the other, FRONT '11ZU`C RATE PRICES n Compare our Prices with what you pay elsewhere. Take advantage of these low ,pric Big Specials, You'll find it easy to save at the Iced! Front Grocery, s as well as oar Exitlra� A 10 L. Bag firm .. Granulated With a Grocery Order of $1.O'3 (sugar included) Hest Thistle McLaren's Invincible HEINZ CATSUP BAKING POWDER BULK COFFEE 14 oz. Bottle 17c 1 Ib. Tin for 15c 24c Lb. Coleman's Coleman's • PURE LARD Epicure Shortening Special 13c lb, Special 12c Lb. Colman's Sliced Breakfast BACON 1/2 Lb.1Pkg. 14c Select COOKING ONIONS Special, 5 Lbs. 9c Balmoral Cream Sandwich Biscuits Reg. 25c fox ...... 150 ib. Challenge or Durham. Corn Starch 9c pkg, Fry's" Cocoa , r/Z Lb. Tin for 1.9e Lezias Raisins (with seeds) for 11c lb. Peanut Butter 2 Lb. for 25c Bovril, 2 oz, Bottle ...... 31c 4 oz. Bottle 65c Salads, Tea (Yellow Label) 1/2 Lb. 27c Crisp SODA BISCUITS Special 11c 2 lbs. 21c 10c Toilet Tissue Lemon. Cookies Best PITTED DATES Special, 2 lbs. 22c Horne' Bluebird JELLY POWDERS 4 oz. Foritified fruit flavor 5c 3 rolls for 21c Choice Tomatoes, No. 2 Tin 3 dozen for 10c Clover Honey ... 5 ib.. pail 45c Choice Corn, No. 1 Tin for 6c Pure Breakfast Cocoa for 7c 214 carton ... 25c 11c lb, Chocolate March " RUFFLES WALNUTS Special .16c lb. %Z ib. for Recleaned Oatmeal Evap. Peaches .. ..... 19c Fresh Dates 2 lb. Magic Baking Powder 1 Sweet Horne's Breakfast Cup SPANISH ONIONS COFFEE 17c t 8c Ib. for 4c. Ib. 1/2 lb. .„15c. 1 lb. ....29c 6 lbs. for 25c Howson's Bread Flour 98 lb. $2.25 Apriocts 26c lb. Manitoba Rose Flour . 98 Ib. $2,49 17c 2 lb. 19c Huron Pastry Flour 24 ib. 55c ib...... 28c 8 oz. ...... 19c Pat -a -Pan Pastry Flour 69c 10 Quart HOT GALVANIZED MON i MILK OR WATER PAIL Special Each. lac Coleman's and Schneider's Sweet Pickle Sugar Cured Bacons and Cottage Rolls, also Weiners, Bologna, Sliced' Bacons, Cooked Ham and Corn Beef at Very Special Prices. PHONE '17. Phone us your Order If You Can't Come. 66 We Keep Down the Upkeep" Gurney ,Block Opposite Merkley's Garage. Sausage, WE DELIVER No Matter How Small Your Order. 14111111, LEAFS AND MAROONS • IN CUP SERIES Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Maroons will meet in the Stanley Cup series as follows: Toronto on Thursday, April 4, and continue it there on. Saturday, April 6. The third game will be at Montreal on Tuesday, April 9. If a fourth game is necessary it will be played at Montreal on Thurs- day, April 11. If the series goes the full five games the last contest will be at Toronto on Saturday, April 13. Toronto eliminated Boston when they won in over time 2-1 on .Satur, day night, thus winning 3 out of four games in a best 3 out of 5 series in the N. H. L. championship. Maroons and Rangers played to a 3 -all tie in Montreal the same evening, but Maroons previously won in New York 2-1. It was a two game series, goals to eouut. fellah, an the eottnthry is nearly HYDRO CONTRACTS • shwaniped be rayson ati payin pin -1 s 1 ns ]u 11 Z f i TO BE CANCELLED , an allowances, an re a e ort- hers an intrust or horned money. Premier Hepburn Introduces Bill to An so, be rayson av all these tings, This Effect in the House. we hay to kape tousands av million- aires an Sinators, an mimbers av Cancellation. of 12 Ontario Hydro I'arleynunt, an transhents, an out av contracts with four Quebec power wvurrtil:s, an inshpectors, an ixpirts av companies, which have a total out- all koincls, till our hearts do be near- standing mortgage bond issue of ap- ly bruk, wid intrust goin down to tree proximately $172,500,000, is contain Pur tint on the little bit av money us ed in legislation introduced Monday mild fellates hev saved in the lasltt by Premier Mitchell F. Hepbrn. fifty years, The contracts, which call for the Me back is still pure i bad. delivery of approximately 960,000 Timothy Hay. horsepower of energy, are declared ------ "illegal, voicl and unenforceable" and d for $14,600,346.87 daymade• , neau Power Company, the Chats Falls Power Company (also B known as the Ottawa Valley Power Company), the Beauharnois Light, Heat and Power Company, and the James Maclaren Power, or the Mac - Laren -Quebec Power Company. Provision is contained in the legis- lation for the purchase of power by the power commission "as it deems advisable," and Premier Hepburn stat- ed. that power would continue to be purchased from the Gatineau company at the present contract price, So far as the other three companies Were concerned, however, he plainly stated. that no power would be taken under present contract conditions, chers and students•of a fare and one quarter return, good going April 12 to 23. inclusive, leaving :destination not later e than April 0 5 3 . This t v ei teach- ers and students an' opportunity for an 18 -day holiday. Easter Excursion To World's Most Alluring" Islands The arrival of Spring, with its. warm and balmy air, invariably brings the urge to travel further. abroad. It is not surprising, therefore, that at- tention is now being turned towards Easter as an appropriate time for an excursion beyond accustomed scenes,. this holiday period offering many in- ducements to leave the familiar things behind and get away on an ocean. cruise. A special holiday excursion for the Easter season has been arrang- ed by the Canadian National Steam- ships, taking the vacationist on a de- lightful cruise of 22 days from Boston on Easter Sunday, April 21, and from Halifax one clay earlier, to the beauti- ful land of Trinidad, southernmost island of the West ,ladies. For this, voyage a special reduced round-trip, cruise rate is offeredh" w retewvr I "I in- clude all expenses while on board,' ship, with the advantage of organized shore excursions at 11 ports of call at low : extra cost covering the most interesting features of each colony under competent leadership, BIRTHS JAMES—In. the Wingham General Hospital, on. Tuesday, April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles James, a son. Joking Customer: "How much are your four -dollar shoes?" Smart Salesman: "Two dollars a foot." Burglar Bill: "And after yez away from de cop, •where did hide?" Burglar Jake: "Oh, I just duck intoe de• city hall, flopped down in a chair - .and put my feet on a desk." got yea Now Is Your pportu ity to uy a Spring Filled Mattress SPECIAL LOW FARES I'OR 'EASTER I.1;OLIDAYS In order that the travelling public. may take advantage of the Easter. week -end, arrangements have been made .by the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific railways for special low rates over the holiday period, ac- cording ccord ng to Jos: II. Parker, secretary. of the Canadian Passenger Associat- ion, Western Bites, Thred offerings have been arranged. There •twill be a fare and a quarter re- turn, good going from April 19 to 21 inclusive, leaving destination not later than April 22. The 1 'li 1 e second is : a fare and one third returnsgood w going April 18 to 21. inclusive, ..leaving des- tination not later, than April 23. A spe........• offering is trade , to tea - We will allow yom For Your Old Mattress On Purchase of, Spring Filled Mattress Reg. P • rice$29.95, Sale Priee 4 Reg. Price $24.95, Sale Price $19.95 Reg. Price ce$19.95,Sale P �e Complete fete Bed Outfit tfit $1250 Thi sf Ofer Gocid During uiii April Only RR FRYFOQLE, FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Day Phone 109W. WINGHAM ' „Night Phone !091 ,.