The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-01-17, Page 1V4**Aimsopasmoopswpass,aWatrax.oad.
-Single Copies Five Cents
With Which Is Amalgamated The Collie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
The Y. P. S. of the United Cenral Turnberry District L.O.L. Hold Art-
agaM resumed their regular meetinge nual Meeting in Bluevale
on Monday evening, having with-
• *drawn last week, for the special Ev- A good attendance of the members
angelistic Meetings. • There was a of Wingham, Wroxeter and 13Itteva1e
-splendid attende.nce, and the Presi- Lodges were present at the Annual
dent, Miss Yvonne McPherson, pre- District meeting held ir: the Bluevale
sided. Following the °Peeing- exer_ Orange .Ha II on Tuesday, January 7.
. cises, it was decided to arrange for Past District :Master Bro. G. 0.
Missionary Slides for next meeitng, Thornton was in the chair and after
he following- convenors were also the 'various reports from the lodges
appoieted to the various departments, were heard called on P.D.M. Thomas
and their names forwarded to Gilbert Miller of Wingharn, to elect and in-.
Beecroft at Belgrave; Reereation, J, stal the officers for 1935. The re -
'Herd; Missionary, Mrs. Geo..Howson; sults were as folows:
Literary and Social, Winnifred Mc- Ditseict Mastee—Bro. A. D. Smith,
.Nevin; Citizenship, Doris Buchanan; Bluevale.
Christian Fellowship, Tena, Reid Deputy Master--Bro. R. D. GolleY,
The Scripture Lesson was taken by Wingharn.
:Roselle Gallagher, after which Mar- Chaplain--Bro. A. V. Robb, Blue -
;ion Simpson very beautifully explain- vale. •
eed the inesage contained in the pass- Rec Sec.--Bro, Hairy Dane, Wrox-
ages, Prayer was the offered by ettle
Iliss Rolla Sanderson. Fin. Sec.--Bro. Gordon Hall, Blue
The topic "Sacredness of -Personal-, vale.
-Sly" was taken by Joe Tiffin, who Treas.—Bro. W. T. Elliott Wrox-
,etated that our personalities are sae_ eter.
•recland should be considered as a gift Marshall—Bro. George I -leathering -
from God In reality they are every- ton, Bluevale.
lhing, that we are, i n body, mind, lst Lecturer—Bro. Wm. Casemore,
temperament, education and •charact- Wingham.
ed. If each one plays their part, with 2nd Lecturer--Bro. W. J. Peacock,
their individual personality, this earth Bluevalc.
Will be stronger for the sertngth we
bring, sweeter for, the songs we sing, Euchre and Dance Jam 22nd
happier for the paths we trod, light- In aid of Hospital Auxiliary, in the
-er for the light we shed and nobler Council Chamber. Arthur's Orchestre
for the death We diein attendance. Four Lunch
Mrs. Geo. Howson took charge for served Fee 25c Everyone -vvelcome.
the recreation period when several
games were played in the form of OBITUARY
,contests, which provided a. great deal
,of entertainment. Refreshmehts were Allan R Scott
then served, after which the Friend- A life-long resident of East Wawa -
ship Circle was fortned and the meet- nosh, in the person of Allan R. Scott,
ing dismissed with the benedictionpassed away to his eternal reward
on Friday, January llth, following a
One Month's Grace short illness of pneumonia. Last
To Secure Markers summer the deceased fell from a load
In order to prevent confusion which of bay and has not enojyed the best
might result from overcrowding motor of health since that time, Hadhe liv-
license issuing offices, the Depart- ed until Sunday. he would have rea-
;meat of Highwayshas requested pol- cited his sixty-first birthday, He nev-
ice to refrain front laying charges a- er married and was a life-long mein-
. .gainst those operating on 1934 lien- ber of Calvin •Presbyterian Church.
ses until January 31, Hon. T. B. Mc- He was one of a family of five bro-
Questen, Ontario Minister of High- thers and two sistees, the family of
ways, announcesthe late Mr. and Mrs. Robe Scott.
Two sisters and four brothers still
WESTMINSTER GUILD survive, Miss Lizzie, John, James,
Robert, Miss and Water, all
The Westminster Guild of St. An- of East Wawanosh. .
-drew's Presbyterian Church had a The funeral was held on Monday
splendid attendance on Monday night afternoon. A largely attended serv-
-when Miss Doris )?ells . gave her il- ice' was ,conducted in Calvin Presby-
lustrated lecture on she Passion Play terian Church by his pastor, Rev. J.
which she witnessed last *fall while Pollock. Interment was made in
travelling on the continent. Miss Fells Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. The
-delighted her audience with her gra- pallbearers were; John McGee, Chas,
;ethic description of her trip through Xing, A. R.obertson, Joseph Gibbons,
-Germany and her expla.nation of the fames Gibbons arid Charles Johnston.
eplay which was first presented in the
thireenth cenury at Oberamegau. in Miss Annie MacKay
the south of Bavaria. . On Saturday, Jam 12th, Miss Annie
With ,, Benson Hamilton, the Pres- MacKay passed away at the home of
ident, in the chair, the meeting open- her sister, Mrs. John Case, Con. 3,
-ed with a hymn and prayer by Rev. Ceiress. miss MacKay was a datigh,.
\ Kenneth MacL,ean. The Scripture ter of the late Mr. and Mrs, W. S.
reading was taken by.Thornas Hend- MacKay, of Culross. The funeral was
erson and a splendid paper on "Liv- held, from the home of her sister on
ing the Lord's Prayer" was read by Monday, January 14th. Intertnent in
Alvin Hammond, He poiteted out that Teeswater Cemetery,
We are all one and in hurting one we •
-butt all. We cannot do good to one Mrs. John McGill
'without in some way giving benefit Word has been received of the
to all, The spirit of reverence must death of Mrs. John McGill, of Sas.
-enter into all we do arid we must be katoon, sister of John E Ellis, East
eforgiving and have faith in Ged, Wawanosh. Mrs, McGill, Who before
Miss Sara MacLean accompnaied her marriage was Letitia Ellis, dee
by Miss Tena Reid, sang a. delightful Otter of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ellis,
.solo "The Stranger of Galilee." who had come from Armagh, North-
ern Ireland, irt 1817, living for short
WEDDINGS time at, Lynn, later moving to Wat-
erloo county, where Mrs. McGill -was
McEarlan - Jones born in 1852 coining to East Wawa
A quiet wedding was solemnized at nosh in, 1854 by way of Goderich and
4 p.m. on Saturday, January 5th, at Auburn. The road from Clinton to
the 'United Church Manse,. Bluevale, Blyth, now No. 4 Highway was not
when Mary Jean, second eldest dale- openedat that tirne. The family set-
ghter of Mr, and Mrs, James Jones, tied on Lot 38, Con, 4, E, Wawanosh,
Of BIttevele, became the bride of Mr. where the departed lived 'until her
Donald Alexander McFarlan, eldest marriage to John McGill, also of E.
on of Mr, and Mrs Dao. McFarlan, Wawanosh in 1877. The young cot: -
of Kinlough, Rev. A. 'Valiance Robb lale made their home in Blyth, where
officiatedthey reeided as very highly respect•ed
The bride looked charming in a citieens until moving to Saskatoon in
frock of Royal blue crepe 'trimmed 1uuA A ,
5 weer° she had since made her
with silk moire, with navy accessor- 1.10,rw,
' its, The bride was attended by her Mrs. McGill was, predeceased by
Sister, Miss Pea,r1 /Otte& who were a her husband by nine years,aleo 'by two
Powder blue erepe dress with matche sons, Tominy and Willie McGill. She
ing accessories. The groom was sup- is Survived by one son, 'Wellington
ported by his brother, Mr, Thoinas and three grandchildren, Arlington,
McFarlan. Madelene and John McGill of Saslea-
" After the ceremony they returned
toon and onebrother, j. E, Ellis, on
to the home of the bride's parents, the old homestead, East Wawanosh.
Vbere they partook of a Sumptuous In religioe Mrs, McGill was Anglicata
Wedding dinner. The heppy couple and a faithful member of Trielty An
Will take iiip residence nn the groom's glean Cherch durime her residenee in
farm near KirtIough. 13•Iy1li.
Subscriptions $2,00 Per Year
On Saturday afternoon, January 5, Although Local Indians Were Out
theYoung LadiesClass of the 'Unit- scored 6-0, it was a Good Game.
ed Church, Bluevale, gathered at the
home of Miss Donna Smith, in honor 'The Clinton 0 H A hockey team
of the bride-to-be, Miss Mary Jones, lived up to advance notices here on
and presented her with a kitchen Monday night when they took the lo-
shOwer, which consisted of many use- cal Indians into camp by the one-sicl-
ful giftsed score of 6-0. The score' was not
The bride-to-be, taken completely a real indication of the play, although
by surprise, thanked them warmly for Clinton well deserved their win on
their kindness. All sang "For She's a the night's play by a wide margin.
Jolly Good Fellow." The Clinton crew are a well-bal-
An enjoyable hour was spent in a.nced team and fast skaters, who play
games and music. A dainty lunch their positions well and are partic-
was serveci by the hostess, bringing a ularly effective around the net. They
pleasant afternoon to, a closehave not lost a game so far this sea-
son and the fans here can well under
MITCHELL HERE stand why.
NEXT THURSDAY Lance Browne, in goal fur the home
- team, despite the fact that six goals
The next home game in the 0.EA. were scored on him, played a real
series will be with Mitchell on Thurs- fine game and saved the puck bulg-
day night next week This game ing the twine rnany times when it
should be a real battle as the two looked as if a goal was sure. The
teams are very evenly matched. Keep first goal that Clinton scored was off- COLTS' BONSPIEL
this game in mind. Turn out and sap_ side but the referee failed to see the
port the Leant. play.
The first two periods were the best
hockey and the crowd were on their
toes as the teams raced up and down
The annual meeting oftheTurnber- the ice. In the first period Kennedy
ry Agricultural Society will be held drew a penalty and Wingham pressed
in the Council Chamber, Wingham, hard, but the defensive tactics of the
at 2 p.m, on Friday, January 18th. R. visitors, shooting the puck down the
J. Currie, Pres. W. J, Greer, Secyice, relieved the' pressure, H. Mit-
chell also got a penalty in this per-
Isard's Clearing Sale iod but during his absence Clinton
Is off to a good start. Lay in your failed to score, although they press -
supply of Winter Goods now at a big ed bard, when the teams were at full
saving. strength. R McEwen slipped a pass
to Streets, who was clear and he made
An Invitation no mistake, Browne not having a
The Exeoutive of the Turnberry chance on the play.
Agricultural Society are desirous of The second period was well on be-
having all citizens of this community fore any goals were scored, then Clin-
who are interested in the Wingham ton got two, R. MeEwen and Gibbs
Fall Fair attend, the annual meeting being the marksmen During this
which is being held in the Council period Bert Mitchell. got hit in• the
Chamber on Friday afternoon of this face with a puck and had to retire
week at 2 o'clock. but gamely returned and playecl in
the third peroid, The.locals put on
a few ganging attacks in this period
Jan. 15 Mic-Macs vs, Outlaws. "Miss Huron" Now Healthy Baby of In weleomieg Mr. William Hil-
Gurneys vs. 'Tigers. 16 Pounds beet, of Palmerston, who has accept. -
17 Gurneys vs. Outlaws, ed a position with the Wingham
Mie Macs vs. Tige'ts Now that legal proceedings have Creamery, we quote the following
22 Tigers vs. Outlawsbeen completed in the Juvenile Court frora the Ptamerston Observer:
Gurueys vs. Mic-Mac& at Goderich, a splendid home has "Mr. William I -filbert, who has for
24 Withdrawn in favor of the been found by Reeve Davidson, for the past 15 years beer employed with
O. H. A, the little Wingham Babe known as the Palm Creamery, was feted by his
29 Tigers vs. Gurney's. 'Miss Huron",, who was adopted by friends last week before departing to
Outlaws vs. Mic-Macs. the County of Huron and this town, VVinghain 'where he has accepted
31 Tigers vs. Mic-Macs.
Outlaws vs. Gurney's. maintenance. An acidtess was read as followsz
who jointly share the cost of her position with the Creamery.
Feb. 5 Mic-Macs vs. Gurney's. This baby, two years old, was very Dear Bill:
Outlaws vs. Tigers. much under weight and undernourish- Once again the old saying comes
* * * * ed when it was placed in the Hospi- true, "the best of friends must part."
Scoring: 2 points for a win, 1 point tal here, but has gained from the We, your friends,
are going to miss
or a tie, weight at that time of 6 pounds to 16 you more than we can
Play Offs pounds. tell you. In
all the years we have been together
Second and third teams, best out of we have learned to like and respect.
three, Winner to meet lst team, tie,c) Prices Away Down (you, We could not let you go with-
out of 3, e At Isard's Clearing Sale out showing by some token how
You make big savings on Men's much we want you to remember us.
SIX ENTRIES IN and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Sweat- We, therefore, ask you to accept this
ers and Underwearring and may you have all the suc-
cess and happiness that you deserve
Six rinks entered the Colts' Curling OBITUARY in your new home and work, is the
sincere wish of your old friends,
Bonspeil held on Friellay night and a
Miss Sarah Orr A second address from his ern -
present. The winning rink -Was, L Following an illness of but a few ployers was read as follows:
good crowd of spectators were also
Zulauf, Dan. Gillies, L Lott, H. C days, Miss Sarah Orr passed away at Just a few words of appreciation
MacLean, skip; 2nd place went to the her home in Turnberry on Thursday, for your faithful service to us during
rink composed of G. Meehan, R. January 10th. Miss Orr, who was in the years you have been with u& We
Chettleburg, 5. Evans, Ed. Harrison, her 72nd year was born in Ireland regret your going but wish you every
skip. Skips Dr, Irwin and J. Carr Jr. and in 1887 came with her brother success in your new position and if.
were tied for 3rd place' and in the the late James Orr, to Canada. They at any time we can be of service to
extra end Carr's rink of -G. MacLean, settled with their aunt and uncle, the you don't forget to call on your old
M. Bell, 0. Haselgrove, took third late Hugh and Mrs. Struthers, on the friends.
farm where she has since resided in We therefore ask you to accept
Attending Motor Show passed away but a few weeks ago A. Treleaven and C A. Barber.
rnberry. Her nephew, Wm. Orr, this small gift of money. Signed, R.
She leaves to mourn her, two bro- Mr. Hilbert thanked those gather -
Murray Johnson and Jim Wain, thers in Ireland and her neice, Mrscd in a few well chosen words, for
Dodge Agents, left for Toronto on Wm Orr and Mrs. Orr's little son, their gifts and stated that memories
Wednesday morning to spend a cou- Jackie, who all lived togetherof the da.ys spent in Palmerston will -
pie of days at the Motor Show in The funeral was held from her late long be remembered."
Toronto. . residence, lot 7, Concession 5, 'Tuert-
The Friendship Club berry, on Saturday afternoon, the 'ser Now is Your Opportunity
vice being conducted by Rev. J. R.
The weekly Club party was heldGreigMinister of the Bluevale Pres A special sale of the famous Locke
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. , s .
hyterian Church, of which she was Shoeis being held this week by W
Casentore, Turnberry, on Wednes-a memberInterment was made 5, Greet-, agent for this high class
. in
day night, Jan. 9th, 1985, AlthoughBluevale Cetnetery. footwear. These shoee, according to.
those who wear them, are just the
The pallbearers were: John Kievan
Curling at Kincardine
Three rinks of curlers went to Kin-
cardine to -day to play in the Bonspiel
there, as follows; Jack McKibbon, A.
Irwin, Bin. Carr Jr., Harry Gibson,
skip; Bob. Turnbull, Jinn Carr Sr.,
Jack Currie, Donald Rae, skip; Scotty
Ross, Joe Evans, Ed a Small, Fred
Davidson, skip,.
the roads were in bad condition al-
thea gave the crowd thrills but could
most all members were present, Ev-
not get the pick into the twine.
eryone reported a good time. Danc-
The third period started off with ing continued until the wee sma'
a rush and 13rowne saved a few until hours of the morning. The next dance
Streets Was penalized. The Indians will he held at the home of Mr. and
Pressed hard but to no evail. Shortly
Mr& Ross King.
after Holmes was sent to the cooler
and. with the advantage ,of 'one man Good Old Time Dance
Old Timers' Benspeil ' the locals tried hard, but a penalty a.
ehere was a large attendance at the
Six rinks of curlers whoopeclethings. to B .Mitchell evened matters up. Old Time Dance held in the Sacred
up at the Curling . Rink on Tuesday 'While both teams were one short,
. Heart Church Hall under the auspic-
evening, The winners were: lst, 0, Gibbs slipped a pass to Streets and es of the Catholic Women's League
Haselgrove, j. Rahy, Ed. Nash; Jim he beat Brown on the shot, Streets
on Friday evening. There was no end
Murray ,skip; 2nd, Scott Mitchell, W, was again sent to the time bench and of fun created by the costumes worn
Murchison, ' W. Stewart, Ed. Small, the • local crew did , everything but by some of those present. The prize
skip; 3rd, Gordon Mecham, Cameron score. Pickett scored. for Clinton -if - for ladies was won by Lillian Ellacott,
Geddes,. At Wilson, JeCk Mason, ter much passing to and fro inside for genlemen, Jim Gibbons. Arthur's
skipthe defence area, and shot tly after Radio Orchestra furnished the music
Haye. You Registered . Your Revolver Gibbs scored on a pas from Pickettto the satisfaction of all
ert Mitchell was again waved to the
There have been 35 revolvers or pis- B
time-keepers but thele was no more Suffered Heart Attaek e
tols registered with, the Chief of Po- scoring. Harold Mitchell hurt himself
lice since the first of the year, three We are sorry to report that Mr.
in trying to stop one of the Clinton
011ie Thompson suffered a heart at
being from outside Wingham, No fee players and, had to retire. Ted El- tack shortly after midnight Saturday.
is charged but owners of revolvers Sat in the :second period got a nasty He was at the store as usual on Sat -
and pistols are required to infortn the
Chief of their possession. cut on the lip but in the second urday and retired that evening appar
If you have -
period after. a rest he was right bank
: s ,
out delay as there is a $50 firie waitThe 11110 UPS .ently feeling as well as usual. He
on the job. wanot in bed longhowever, before
not registered yours yet, do so with on
had this attack He will be con-
ing forthose who fail to comply with Clinton; 'Goal, Elliott, def. Rath, fitted to his bed for a month and we
the law. The Chief informs us that Kennedy; centre, R. McEwen, wings, along with his many friends wish 'him
he has had scene real old timers pre- Hohnes, Pickett; subs, Streets, Gibbs, a speedy recovery.
seated for registration.
NV. Elliott, F. McEwen,
A Presentation Eclipse Of Sun Visible Here
Wingliame Goal, L 13rowtie,
. The members of the Legion held a 13. Mitchell, A. Lockridge; centre, A partial eclipse of the sun on Feb.
social evening in their rooms on H• Mitchell; wings, Elliott, H. 3rd, will be visible horn Western
Tuesday evening. During the early Brown.e, Stibs, Gurney, Somers, Rae, Ontario, provided weather conditions
part of the evening, games, crilibage, ThcmiPs°n• are right, and will he the only eclipse
of the sun which North American res
etc, were enjoy.ecl. Following the
play all sat down to a lunch of sand- 1st Period .
• Goals --Streets (R. )C Wei idents will be able to see throughout
wiches and coffee, .The Legion had Penalties—Kennedy, H. Mitchell, 1935. The eclipse will take place dun-
es their guests the 'members of the 2nd Period frig the morning, with its height rea
cast of "The Tide" who do trot be Goals --R. McEwen, Gibbs. ched about 11.16 o'clock. At its greatest enagnitude a little less than 75 pet
long to the Legion. Clarence Armi- Penalties—Kennedy, W. Elliott, T.
tage was the, special guest, he, having Elliott. cent, of the ' sun's surface will be
directed the play, and in appretiatiort shielded by the moon.
of his services, Xen. Weaver, the . , 3rd Period
. Goals--Strect (Gibbs), Pickett,
president, thanked him heartily on be-
half of the Legion and presented him Gibbs (Pickett).
leenalties--Streets 2, 'Holmes, 13.
with "The Theatre and Stage" in two l‘fitchell 2,
volumes, In expressing his apprecia. , R.efereeeenetied seeeene,
tion, Clarence offered his services 'in
the same ,capacity at Some future
Doctors know that iron is a great
At the Dairymen's Convention held strength' and energy builder --• that
in -London recently Mr, R. Johnson, lack of iron makes you a slave to
instructor of the London group team "tired feeling," headaches, nervous
of three buttermakers wins silver tro- ness and other ills. Once this iron
phy open to all Western Ontario, is restored strength comes back
Clifford Machan, who spent the quickly — and you feel like your old
early part of the eurnMeru at the ,Blue- self -again. , Rut be sure that the iron
vale Creamery and not at ,Dresden, is easily assimilated—like the iron in
was one of ' the three oit Mr. John- reptona. Get a 20 07 bottle today at
Son's team, McKihhoit's Rexati, Drug Store.
.Do pot forget to be present at the
Public Meeting in the Town Hall on
Friday .eeening this , week" (Jen, 18).
when it will ,he decided whether or
not an Old Boys' Re-Tdriiort will be
held in Winghamn this yeae. I
There, has. been Considerable ,,fav-
orable talk this last week in regard
to holding the re -anion this year, but
if you want a re -union be at the
meeting so ehe feeling elf the public
tan be had,
A special invitation is extended to
the ladies of the Towo to be present
but all are urgently requested to be
Thelland will be present for your
James MacTavish, 'Wm. McGee, Gee. thing for real toot comfort.
McGee, Milo Casemore and James
Nichol. Pansies in January
Last Thursday Mr. Levi Lott plek-
MrsJames Netterfield ed a bouquet of pansies from his gar-
Mrs. James Netterfield, who had den. The mild weather melted the
fsieowyke'r;)fftetailr:edgaihdloeloiming "Profusely.
dbean a fi Itlelflio or co: alyt tah feehworndaeyst:f dhieerd sForni-- nand the hardy
F'rank Seli, Lower Wingham. The samples he left at this office
Deceased was formerly Sarah were beautifully formed and the color
when a y, excellent.
Auley, a native of Scotland, born
May 10, 1850, and came to Canada oung girl, with her pareets
the family settling in Dundalk. Fol-
lowing her marriage, she and her hes- Mr. W. 11. McCool was on a busi-
band moved to Lower Winghern, nese trip to Toronto last 'ThursdaY-
where she has been a resident for the Dr. F A. Parker left on Tuesday
past 62 years. She was predeceased for Florida where he will spend the
by her hsuband 22 years. Surriving balence of the winter,
are one soh, James A., oi 'Toronto, Mrs. W. j. Campbell, lst line at
and one daughter, Mrs F. Seli, of Culross, is at present a patient in the
Wingham, also one brother, Neil, of Guelph General Hospital,
Flint, Mich., and two sisters, Mrs. Mrs Jennie Casemore, of Stratford,
Mary Matehett, Owen Sound, and attended the funeral of Miss Sarah
Mrs. R. Porter, Medicine Hat, Orr, Turnberry, on Saturday.
The funeral service was conducted Miss Bernice Breen, of Wingham,
at the residence of her on spent the week -end at the home of
Sunday afternoon at 2,30 o'clock by Mrs. Alex. Rintoul and family.
Rev. Mr. Roberts, rector of St. Paul's Mrs. Wm Reid, Carling Terrace,
Anglican Church, of which deceased went to Toroeto on Thursday of last
was a member. Interment was made week on account of the illness of her
in the Wingham Cemetery. daughter.
The pallbearers were: John Mc- Special News Flash—Cress Corn
Gregor, George Irwin, George Wil- and Bunion Salves together baaish
son, Thomas Graham, T. 5, McLean, eight common foot ailments. At Mc-
George Orvis.
Kibbort's Drug Store
Miss Gladys Hiscocks Mr. and lefrs. C. N. Merkley are
on a motor trip to Florida and other
Miss Gladys Hiscocks, a former points in the United State& They are
Wingham resident, and daughter of expected back this week -end,
the late 5 12 Hiscocks and Mrs. Dora Mrs. R B. Jackson who has been.
Hiscocks, died in Toronto, Wednes- in Toronto since Christmas, has re -
day of last week The deceased was turned home; while there she under -
born in Whigham, going to London went an operation in St. Michael's
with her parents at an early age. She Hospital.
received her early education there lat- Mrs. George Schaefer and two boys
er graduating as a nurse. She was John and 'Silly, spent the week -end
Matron of Se John's Hospital and with the former's mother, Mrs. John
after taking a course at McGill Uni McCool, who has not been well for
vcrsity, she lectured at Toronto Uni- some time.
versity tunil about four years ago, Mrs. R. C Laidlaw and daughter,
when she retired on account of itt Alice, returned on Thursday of last
healthweek from Carleton Place, having
• Her mother, Mis. Dora Hiscocks, spent ten days with her mother, who
one brother, Rev. R G. :Restocks, 478 le very ill,
Euclid Ave., Toronto, and one sisfer, Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Stephson and
Miss Vida Hiseocks, of Montreal, daughter, Helen, of Detroit, a,nd Mrs.
survive, Jennie Casemore, Stratford spent the
Service was held at blotch of St past week at the home of Mr. ttlid
Mary Magdalene., Torohto, on 'Friday Mrs. Geo. Casernore, Turnberiy, ze
morning following which the body newing old acquaintances.
was brought to Wingham, burial be Mrs. Knechtel and Mrs. 'Matson of
ing lade Saturday moreleg. The ser- New York, who ettended the funeral
vire it the graveside was conducted of their brother of Detroit, who WAS
by her brother, Rev. G, aistocks, buried at Lueltnow, were Sundey eell-
sisted by Fey, t 3. Roberts, Rector era at the bottle of the former's datt.
of St, Patti's Anglitatt Church. our, Mrs, mcxibbm,