The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-12-14, Page 8LET US Supply you with your Xrnas Baking DARK AND LIGHT CHRISTMAS CAKE rich anti tasty, priced ac- cording to quality. Also other Special Xmas Baking. g Telephone order - 145 Gibson's Bakery "Always the Best" immonommommiumsnomio xI y :I,IG:I1"1` n from Specials throughout the store (not advertised urtwanted specials you often, see in sales). Fresh Fruits for Your Christmas Baking Lemon and, Orange Peels 21e lb, Citron Peels, the best for 31c lb. Glace Pineapple, colored 55e 1b. Glace Cherries, best 39c lb. Cherry Pie Filley for ..... 15c ib. Best Mince Meat, 2 ib, for 25c Shredded Cocoanut for 19c lb. White Sultana Raisins ... 21c lb. THE WINGH.E1 I ADVANCE -TIMES BLUEVALE Knox W.M.S. Elect Officers. The regular monthly meeting of ,the Ladies' Aid of Knot Presbyterian Church, was heldon ihursday after- noon in the school room.The Pres- ident, Its. Alex. Mowbray, presided. The meeting olaene,d ,, by singing a hymn grad prayer by the . president. The treasurer's statement showed that a substantial :sura of money had been raised during the year. A portion of the amount was voted to the church treasury to meet some of the neves- sary requirements. Following this meeting the W. M. S. held its annual. meeting and was presided over by the President, The Scripture lesson was . read by Mrs. Walter Smillie and time Glad Tidings prayer was taken by Mrs. P. D. King. Reports from the different secretar- ies were received and it was encour- aging to note an increase in some cases over the previous year's work. Miss Thynde then led in prayer: The election of officers resulted as follows -Miss flarbara Thyinne, late of Palm- erston, was welcomed into the society and was trade the Hon. Pres. Mrs. P. .S. MacEwen, who has so faithfully filled the off:ce of President for the past seven years, was re-elected. Mrs. Harvey Robertson resigned as Mis- sion Band leader and Mrs. D. J. Fal- coner was appointed to fill her place. Other officers are: Secretary, Mrs. J. Elliott; Treasurer, Mrs, Alex, Mow- bray; W. and W. Sec., Mrs. D. J. Falconer; Supply Sec, Mrs. John Mundell; Glad Tidings Sec., Mrs. F. S. Edmonds; Literature. Sec., Mrs. R. Elliott; Horne Helpers Sec. and Press i Sec., Miss hI: Olive Scott. The meet- ing closed with singing "Breathe on me breath of God" and prayer. Officers Elected for Wdman's Assoc. The monthly meeting of the Wo- man's Association of the United Church was held in the School room of the church on Thursday, afternoon with a' good attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. Sparling Johnston, presid- ed and opened the meeting withsing- ing a hymn and reading a passage of Scripture from Eph. 1st chapter, fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Rev. A. V. Robb was voted into the chair and conducted the election 'of officers. Mrs. Sparring Johnston was re-elected President by a 'wiiani- mous vote. lst vice fres., Mrs. Ar- thur Shaw, Secretary, lblrs, George Thornton; assist. sec., Mrs: Robt. Mc- Lennon; Treas., Mrs. L. H. Bosman; Organist, Mrs. Whit. Stewart; assist. organist, Mrs. R. H. McKinnon; Par- sonage committee, Mrs. Mary Robert- son, Mrs. Joseph Brecbenridge, Mrs. C. Hetherington, Mrs. Robert Shaw, Mrs, Jdseph Curtis, Hostesses were arranged for the 1934 program. Mrs. (Rev.) A. V. Robb to be hostess for January, with Mrs, George Matbers Shelled Almonds, large, 53c lb. Shelled Walnuts, clears 47c lb. Best Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. 25c New Dates, best, :, 2 1b. 19c RecleanedCurrants for 18c ib. Seedless Raisins ,.. 2 lbsfor 27c Raisins with seeds 11c lb. Whetia. You Buy Here, You Save Money. Gum -Drops, Humbugs, Jelly Beans and Jelly Strings 19c lb. Brown hard boiled Mixed Can- dies, good Maple Buds 21c lb. Chocolate Bars and Chewing Gum 6 for 25c Nuts - Almonds' and Walnuts 25c ib. Mixed Nuts for 21c ib. Filberts and Brazils 19c ib. Rock and Spool Candy 25c lb, Chocolates and Creams, asstd. Chocolates, and Cocoanut Bon Bons 29c Boxed Chocolates 33c up to a 5 lb. Box for $1.39 New Oranges 22c doz., or 2 cloz. 43c; Better Oranges at 29c doz. Phone 17. We Keep Down the Upkeep. We (Why Pay More Elsewhere?) Deliver 11.2112.1:61o••• A Christmas Gift With Every Purchase of 50 cents and over With every purchase of 50c or over we will give ONE SKATING TICKET admitting bearer to the Wingham, Arena, the value of which is 15 cents. THESE FREE TICKETS WILL BE GIVEN FROM FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th UNTIL DECEMBER 31st, INCLUSIVE. "The Leading Shoe Store." Phone 129 .i w i ¢. f. M and Mrs' L. H. Bosman to. assist. Winghaim, Ont. Christmas Suggestions aecerrammaloormse at the Hub GIVE HIM Shirts, - Ties, Socks, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Rubbers, Handker- chiefs, Clothing, Underwear, Sweaters, Belts, Windbreakers, Leather Coats, Overalls, Work Shirts, Smocks, Br'aces, Work Socks. Boys' Wear of All Kinds Greater Value and at Lower Prices. Hub Clothing Company miMMIEMINEEMBEENINiimffiliMip Rev. A. V. Robb, in a short address, paid -a worthy `tribute to the aldies of the society for the Marvellous am- ount of work accomplished during the year, and the fine Christian spirit dis- played in all, their undertakings. Af- ter singing a hymn the pastor closed the meeting with prayer. The Sunday School of Knox Pres- byterian Church are planning a Xmas Social for Thursday evening, Dec. 21. .L.O.L. Annual Social The annual social gathering, spon- sored by the 13luevale L. 0. L., was NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE BEEN ABLE TO OFFER SUCH OUTSTANDING BARGAINS IN THE HISTORY OF OUR STORE. BELOW ARE LISTED OF THE FEW OF THE HUN- DREDS OF REAL HIGH CLASS XMAS GIFTS AT SACRIFICE PRICES. Gents' Self Winding Watch, reg. $37.50, for. .$25.00 Gents' Futurist Watch, regular $25.00, Now, .$15.00 Gents' 15 Jewel Wrist Watches, reg. 'to $22.50, Nov $10.00 to $17.50 Ladies' Nurse's Watch, reg. $30.00, Now ...•..$20.00 Ladies' Futurist Watch, reg. $30,00, Now ....$20.00 Ladies' 15 Jewel Wrist Watches, rf'rom..$9.00 to 30.00 Ladies' Diamond Rings, reg $65,00, Now .....$50.00 Ladies' Diamond Rings, from .. ....... $1.5.00 up Ladies' Onyx and Diamond Rings from S3.50 to 17.50 Ladies' Fancy Stone Rings .. 25c to $15.00 Ladies' Brooches ...............................50c to $17,50 Ladies' Bracelets 30c to S7.50 Ladies' Toilet Fountain Pen Special $10.00 Necklets .... Book Ends Clocks 6.... Gents' Signet Rings Gents' Watch Chains Cigarette Cases Cigarette �i t o T fighters . Silver Plated Tea Service (Rogers) Silver Plated Flower Baskets . . Sets and Pencils Fountain Pen, Now 666.6... rtrawneauflantinemoroomre $6.00 to $20.00 $1,00 to $10:00 $7.00 25c to $10.00. .. 65c to $6.5d $1.50 to $20,00 $2,00 to $15.00 .. 35c to $5.00 . $1.00 to $12.50 $1,25 to $5.00 • $8.75 to $20.00 . $2.50 to $6.25 agaimmentrsextegenttoneencalmonsnertmrmoommon The above are only a very small proportion of the lines we have on view China, Glass, Dinnerware, Leather Goods, Silver Tableware, Carving, Sets, Etc. Pricesi ;-� l Deposit will hold any article till Christmas Visit our Everything at the Lowest to years A Small p store and look around, and be convinced. held in the school room of the Unit- ed Church on Thursday evening, con- sisting . of the members of the local lodge and their families. Robert Shaw acted as chairman in his usual jovial manner introducing the program by all singing "Tile Maple ,Leaf", follow- ed by vocal solos by ` , Mrs, W. :J. Johnston, Miss l3eatrice Thornton and Ross Snaith; a reading by Mrs. George Thornton,,an address by Rev, A. V; Robb "The Ideals of Orangism" A series of games under the leader- ship of Mrs. Milton Fraser,' was en- joyed, a special feature of the re- freshments was a beautifully decorat- ed cake bearing the lodge numbers 766, prepared by Mrs. A, D, ;Snaith,. These gatherings are becoming more popular each year and are greatly en- joyed. Mission Band Annual Meeting The 'annual meeting of the Blue Banner Mission Band of Knox Pres- byterian Church was held in the school room on Saturday afternoon under the leadership of Mrs. D. J, Falconer and elected the officers for the coining year: Pres., Betty Kauf- mann; lst vice Pres„ Alba Mowbray• Secretary, Jean Elliott; Treasurer, Jacic Mowbray; Press Sec., . Lois El- liott; Organist, Hazel Mundell. New book and quilt blocks have been sec- ured for January work. Lawrence Srniiley of Teeswater.was a Sunday visitor with relatives here. . Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Berry and Miss Elsie Smith, of Brucefield, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith. Mr.Andrew Holmes is visiting with Mrs. Enright in Toronto, who is very 1611 with pneumonia. Messrs. Clem and Wes. Yoe and George Hetherington, visited with friends in Toronto, D. J. Falconer and J. Malcolm Scott spent a day in Guelph and at- tended the Winter Fair. Mrs. Archie Messer and daughter, Margaret visited this week with , her sister, Miss McAllisterand brother, David McAllister at Dungannon. Jaynes McHardy 'visited in Guelph this week with his cousin, Mrs. Jas. MacDonald and family, Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, Brussels, is. IT, PAYS TO SHOP AT KING'S FOR CHRIST- MAS .GIFTS - Timely Reminders For; the Lady of the House Give her gifts she ,needs and appreciates, such as some fine Table Linens, a pair of Wool Blankets, a Wool Bed Coverlet or two, a new Dress, or Smart Suit, some Silk Stockings, a pair of French Kid Gloves, . a beautiful Fox Scarf; Silk" Lin- gerie, a pretty Kim;onaa nice Mat; Rug or Bath and Scarfs, Purses, Handkerchiefs are gifts a woman likes. Larger Sized Hand- kerchiefs. Are the new thing for ladies. 35c - 50c., . Kayser The best Dollar silk stocking value in town. Kayser Silver Star Lingerie You'll like it $1.25 What to Give a Mart: Something useful; .something good, and we suggest these:- A fine Galway Lounge Rug - a new Dressing Gown - Shirts Ties Scarfs new Pyjamas Fine Woollen or Silk Sox : a good Muffler'- Braces - Pelts - Handkerchiefs or a Wool Sweat- er, -- and things like these are fora Man's . Christmas. KING'S is a Wonderland of Attraction these days for the Christmas Shopper, Thursday, Dec. 14th, 1933 SHOW STARTS AT 8 P.M. 066. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 14, 15, 16 "Chandu The Magician" With EDMUND LOWS -= IRENE WARE BELA LUGOSI "Channdu" -- The Best Radio Mystery Broadcast. GANG COMEDY -Hook and Ladder. Fox News. omovoromisom Buy your boy one of our. New Tuxedo Suits, a real Xmas Present $20,00 and $24.50 WE SPECIALIZE 'ON XMAS NECKWEAR This is the store for choice, every Tie is Xmas. boxed, prices . 25c to $1.50 Our stock includes all Practical Gifts, includ- ..Bath Robes for:anen and boys, at. $1.95 to $11.00 CHRISTMAS SHIRTS We carry the largest stock of good Forsyths in this district, every shirt in Xmas box', Prices from .. $1.00 to $2.95 See our Christmas Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, Slippers, Spats, Handkerchiefs, Sweaters, at Popular Prices for, all., t visiting her son, R. H. and Mrs. Mc- Kinnon. SIXTH LINE EAST 'WAWANOSH. Miss 13eadle, the nurse who was at- tending ottr friend, Eleanor Taylor; ]las returned to her home. Her pa tient is recovering nicely after a ser- ious illness of pneumonia. Mr. T. H. Taylor was ccfnfined to the house for a few days last week. Mrs. Robert Henry left for her new home in Michigan last week. Miss Nicholina Thompson has re- turned to her work after recovering from an appendicitis operation. The pupils of our school, S. S. No. 13, E. Wawanosh, are preparing a splendid, program for the concert to be held Friday evening,'` Dec. 22nd. The young folk are also preparing 'a short play `Henry's Mail Order Wife'. Come and; hear it and have a few good - laughs. Silver. collection: For. Everyone fur ,Urge Store COME IN AND LOOK AROUND See our Assortment of Waterinan's Fountain Pens, Fancy China, Boxed Writing Paper, Toilet Artieles, Ladies' Hand Bags, Hymn Books" and Bibles,..P"ancy'. Goods, Bridge Novelties, Toys, Decorations, Gift Dress- Ings, ress-tings, EtC , Etc., See our Large Stock of Christnaas Cards - the values are wonderful, Don't forget we stock Holly's Chocolates fresh shipment just arrived. [A li• N.B. Enjoy your own 'Christ- mas by shopping early.