The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-12-14, Page 2meetings. There are 194 eases on the
roll, of which 157 are new applicants;
37 are reconsidered or deferred eases.
Too many of the latter are clue to in-
sufficient information on' the .fornia.
sent in. There are thirty in the House.
cif Refuge en the .list int Novembers
l he total payments for the past year.
including December, 1932, amounted
to $13,697.14, of which 10 per cent.
is paid by the County, 15 per cent.
by the province and 75 per cent. by I
Reeve Haake; "Is it necessary to s
appoint a commission: According to r
am Advance,Times
Published at
Thursday 114orniaxg by
tttce-Titres Publishing Co,
aSctipfiign Rate — One Year $2,00
Six months, $1110 in advance
Tm U, S. A., $2.50 per atear.
Foreign .rate,. '$3.OQ per year.
clpertiaint; rates on application,
TI`e Detrtat Free Press in a recent
rtarlc says that last year 45,000 Per -
ons died in the United States after
therm saps thear insurance the year be -
#ore. The loss to the dependents c.i
these persons was approximately 87
million dollar..
We do not knew What the s*.atis-:
tics are for Canada reg, tlia:g this
matter but it is reasonable to assum
that the loss .to dependents in Can
ada would be about the same percen-
tage per population.
It is one of the tragedies of de-
pression and a tragedy which though
unavoidable, will be a continuing one
in the lives of many ofthe widows
and children who have had their only
safeguard against poverty swept
'Thu sdaY, D
c� itis persons who coma* au t,?tferl 'e
against Societe• is in the courts wln.,'e
a fair, just trial can be obtained
itle proper sentence given.
Tine British. motto. is Fair 1:'/ay,
Iaersons who have te face our courts
are assured of a fair trial and a pun-
islatstetat tag tis flee crone. This is as
nt. should be.
The Radio Commission •leas been
i ery much c. iti tsed since it took of -
nee and, no doubt, they have a diffi-
cult jeb on their hands to please ev-
v-erebody. There is one matter that
they could consider, and which, if
corrected, would be a great benefit to
radio fans in this district, and, we be-
lieve, to a great portion of 'Western
The Toronto stations CFRB, CN -
RT, CKCL, CKNC, are very ofteni
•cry hard to. Ume in. The best of the
e lot is CFRB, but at night quite often
we are told by many, it is hard to
separate from WLW. The other To-
ronto stations mentioned are rarer
listened to in this district as it is al-
most impossible to tune theta in pro-
If the Commission could so posi-
tion CFRB and CNRT, our main Ca-
nadian stations, so that there would
be less intereference, it would be a
If huraranly possible keep your in- great help to Canadian broadcasting.
uraance in force. It may be a tough ,t, * *..
Only ine more . shopping days be- show at Chicago. The Wheat King is on the warden's committee. After the
fore Christmas. : again a Canadian, the honer going to meeting in June I met the warden's
* * * * Frank Isackson, of Elfros, Bask. committee here and they instructed
Have you subscribed to the Xmas Many other prices were won by Caro me to employ a chartered accountant
Tree and Staua Claus Fund' your adians. Canada is not only an agri- and Mr. Gibbs was employed. Mr.
help would be appreciated. cultural country, but her fanners are Gibbs 'carne on this work on June 28,
keeping abreast of the tunes. 1933, and from that date on I attend -
Job to meet your premium payments,
it may paean much sacrifice 'on the
part of the policyholder .and his fam-
ily but IT PAYS and the knowledge
that your dependents will have some
protection if worst comes to worst,
will probably make you live longer
and more happily. 4
* * * *
The world has been shocked re-
cently by the number of lynchings
Haat have taken pial in the United
States. President Roosevelt has ter-
med lynching -a rile form of cc�ller-
tire murder" and reheated Governor
Japnes RO'Oiph, o a a.lifornaia; who ex-
pressed approval of mob action in
San Jose, Cal., when two omen met
Any 'erns i;s atelterity or any,
government that overlo ks a chance 1
to check mob viclence i twat mindful
of the a. t that the only way t4:, deal
ick. is now in the wood busi-
nexs, I1aey have their unemployed
ruttinf; xraod on a lot they purchased
in Colborne Township and are how
asking the citizens to purchase this
xvood frclln the kiwis and • thus help
fhe tatunieipality'e effort for the relief
c f aait naployed. •
nel George .Drety speaking
Tc vonto said: There is every posy-
bilaty of war in 1984 --here is every
paen,sdbility of war tc1inurrow-ti just
needs some .;park." \Naming such as
this should encourage cita: enc of ev-
ery country to organize again: t an-
other war that this troubled old world
near be assured of peace.
• * *
A liquor firin in the United States
pulled a fast one. They named their
firm "Quebec Liquor Commission,
Inc." Premier Taschereau of Quebec
has written New York States author-
ities protesting the firm using the
connnission'x name.
* * *
Prime Minister Bennett, while in
London, x tilted :a political opponent,
Hon. J. E. Elliott, who is ill. If the
political screen were removed we
would no doubt find that men in
public life have great regard for one
* . .*
Canadian fanners won many prizes
at the International Hay and Grain
report submitted by ,t. Craigie,
chairman, reported leaving held six
the Da,tninion.
WIN 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111111■Mos
the report they haven't much uathor-
ity. What is the cost of the Old Age
Commission this year:"
The clerk: "I haven't not the pay
sheets here." Warden Ballantyne pro-
mised to get thitn.
Reeve Eckert: "How much does the
government get back on Old Age pen-
sions from the estates of deceased
Clerk Holman advised him that the
amounts retained for County, Provin-
cial and Dominion were in the same
ratio as that paid by each.
Reeve Goldthorpe gave verbal re-
of the Warden's Committee of
which he was chairman.
"In June it was decided to have
chartered account:,anat audit the
books. The responsibility was thrown
It will soon be time to make your
New Year's resolutions. This will re-
mind you that there is just a little Gibb: was stuck. He wanted to go
over two weeks to give thought to DEC $ R SESSIt)1' back to 1932. We granted him per -
ed at least once :a day. On July 4 I
called this warden's committee as Mr.
this ;natter: mission. .Mr. Gibbs and his learned
Veteran Clerk Holman Replaced
Harvey Erskine, BIyth, Treasurer' staff god no assistance. That was his
Last week the sap was running at J. I Roberts, Gaderich Clerk complaint from day to day and it
L landeboye. One must admit it is a ' ' went on from time to time."
Both War Veterans»
It -Me -early in the season for such a Mr. Goldthorpe described the diffi-
Caucus System of Appointing War- cult}r experienced in getting vouch-
to be Discontir_ued. In Future, :ers* etc. ``If Mr. Holman was in his
\i'alkerton`s population increased Warden Will Be Elected in office, I dadn't see lune It went an
dais year by 91. The total population j Open Council. and on and Mr. Gibbs wasn't getting
of that town ie now 2461. The.Wal-: very far, and he called us in counsel
kerton Herald-Tiines is quite jubilant : Huron County Council , the ,on August 15. • The speaker describ-
al cpened Isar;
over the fact that its town has now december session in Goderich Tues -ed in detail the events leading up to
109 mane citizens than Kincardine. r1ar attErnt,�n, Dec. a'tli; and it was a Mr. Yo-un��ss arrest. 'The next man
�. ;
•-•�-•® moment -Ala ntnla pane. Reeve Goldthorpe of was Mr. Holman,'" he continued, "who
Cella. rne. cavi a verbal rex-- --w - the appeared with a lawyer. We didn't
' ..n^'.c hd".z -: "-- elibr 'get aa'ithira�- out of him when it came
m i1a>: e+1 the Warden's CL,sn_
_ntzx�e. ;to a question of invoices. NN hy were
• 'Warden Pallantene in a brief ad- 'they not taken care of?"
t t. , e tern
dress bee we 'ta ere 1
hror .'Sno'v P e d len_. pleasure in see-
. � x=t�
ina art the Councillors present. In in to settle about the bond. \ira had
••, the Bever December eouucil he had :a b<rrtd o+t $25:000: ali.$ another for
ateeretied there was hardly ever a full $5,000 which was mg worth 25c." The
council. "There has been quite a stir "battle" with the representative of the
arc:,tnd here, but I think I will have bonding company was described, the
little to say regarding has hap- final decisk-in of the c,3tr, star to ay
r gar ang what _ p do
* *
When all you have to do is call 76 or leave your
order i; r ourstore. It will be promptly filled and
will as promptly delivered rightp
� � �%' to your door via
Truck — No order is too smallto be delivered.
Xmas FruitDe Luxe
Choice White Raisins 20c Ib.
Choice Seedless Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 25c
Large Lexis Raisins 2 lbs. for 25c
Choice Persian Dates r a
T a Famous Canadia i kOp i Baritone
Will be Heard on the Air weekly
Every' #� � �h, ay
Over Station{'R;Toronto
FROM 8:00 TO 8:30 P. M.
In a Series of Broadcasts with The 'blue coal' Ensemble
Under the Direction of Mr. Samuel Hersenhoren
'blue coal' in Wingham is sold by MacLean Lumber and
Coal Company, Phone 64,w,
county's money illegally and paid it den in future will be made in open ed putting in a written application.- `n.
orer to a foreign auditor and, by for- Council. This was decided at the The paysheets
eign, I mean he does not belong to Thursday morningp Y of forise Standing ve
D session when.a Committees asked by Reeve
this county. He has made all sorts motion of Reeves Melick and McNab Haake on Wednesday, were
Y, submitted
of accusations as to how I blocked e to that effect was unanimously car- by Warden Ballantyne, $740.04; Good
his investigation. I sae he had no .vied, Warden Ballantyne was ap- Roads
business in my office. He was not pointed this year by Liberal members $75.85;; $418.13;se Children's Shelter;
engaged to audit my books, but the in caucus, and the honor House of Refuge X14320; Pro
wauld have
treasurer`s books. He says he could 'fallen to the Conservative forces in
not get invoices front rise. ask you, January had the historic rule been
did he ask for invoices from the high- ,followed.
ways department, from the house of Roy Patterson, County Engineer,
refuge, the Children's Shelter ' -gave a brief address on the county
Chairman Francis: "•I won't have'roads. He 'said his Department was
this form of questioning. Make your unable to do as Hauch as they would
perty $36.75; Agricultural $138.99;
Warden's Committee $151.45.
Clerk Holman: "What did the War-
den get for his attendance?"
Declaring that though no warden
was ever asked this question before
Mr. Ballantyne said he was not ash-
speech or I will have to ask you to have liked owing- tt, lackmed to give the amount which was
of funds, BeHe $337.85 outside of the Committees
sit down.- emphasized the value of using low from January 3 to November. This
Clerk Holman defied any person to.cost surfacing.
say he ever took a dollar that was Mr, Patterson then made a verb
not •position of Clerk, clerk and no treasurer. Mr. Holman
the county -
his. He also challenged the right applicattcn for the
of the auditors to padlock- ,to be carried on in conjunction with was -sick" It vas -
t3" d l d cost me � 00 d at
included his salary of 875. "When this
al affair started," he said, "there was no
office an place guards. • ;the work of his oxen office It has y'' a ay
i and $L00 a day for a anan
he Meta. cua=�rested that work of 1 .
'Warden Ballantyne stated that the hotel
the clerk at home,"
caught a man stealing and. that he be handed to rued' He intimated that ; "I felt res
had locked the door and placed the .he would do the work for $200 a year "Do you tlaink4nIsaa '*oierslaouted.
evard. He claimed Mr. Holman had extra.
? e ng to stay
from net done the fair thing. Mr. Hcs3r: c here when. we had no
petted; probably the leaxt said, the . ,.aDtl being accepted,Clerk Calls - It Unfair 'bonds? Not much?"
better. Ian have the auditor's 'report: Reeve Goldthorpe :suggested that also took County Solicitor I3aa es tc, i CI- ek %Ti,linan: 'lir. Patterson # 'S'axes .Still O
Mr. Gibbs said he would come here :when the aenv treasurer is appointed ' task-
ran1e to report an rtaad.s. He 3c en- 4 ung
and i :» float he be required per- Ne`y system of Meeting Warden tirety 1 \\'arden Ballantyne submitted the
Into I have net asked nous. 4. 00 with ap- make a speech in su '
IP pport of has � -
x sea+ l
tx in a censor. of 1 ihe>al -•_,r tr,gntrr- appalicant coarse and the -County: - sllfieIda
Ct;nlrtnittee made the .former auditors tc,>� much. It took -
ative eteanbers t-rn;atet will ?as lis- There are other applicants in this $600.48; Howicl 19.
raided and the election of the War- room," Mr. Patterson said he intend $ 1'69; .Hu11ett
(Continued on Page Six)
°i- t tie a _ep, _ t if the Council unc .. ant -to putup a 4 r y - out of order in being ailoxz ed followin estimate r the tine-la,.ancered ea -stem f t, g at of the amount of
Dual e
� i, bend to
lbs. 25c
Shelled Almonds 43c Ib.
Choice Currants .
Glaced Cherries ..
... 15c Ib.
.......... 39c Ib.
Tc.s Lynn Valley Tomatoes,
.. 2 size, forr w 25c
• was ui Candy
alxats .
lb. Brazils .. 19c Ib.
Filberts . I`9c lb. Almonds ... .~ 19c lb,
l hied cauls, Almonds, onds,. Filberts and Wakuts
a choice mixture .. I'c IbA
we hav the largest display in town. Ib
For a special mixed.
res rs .... ........,... 3c Ib.
'apes. Celery, Lettuce, ..Orarxge
Tomatoes, Bananas.
Jnr snick Truck Delivery.
r ce
Comte r »r:- Honest
ed 3t a d tie. �.00k1 , lIi 0 ' 1 o c I
thatet;nrity behind it. '"Dont blame your g owing municipalities at present,.
e with you." The afitairL of pi intro the Warden of Horan Celan- apo-plicatic>n_ It is unfair to have am* elected b
;$1 • �; Colborne, $669.78; Grey-,
Wardens de thxup make a speech.69 9"
ar a hard one; though some a might ;Mr. Gibbs and his Yearned staff seven
rrici2e" it because .?t : the settlement ,or eight weeks before they had Mr.
ao'e with the Bonding. Company, but "Y rung correctt:'d."
he felt it had done its duty as far ea -Reel-, Harake of Gc,dericia I oft n
ship asked the coat of the mtestiu-a-
Co'nttnunications,tion and if the arece nt I:ad been ,, _=a.
Tar, McLeod. .aeriaulteral represen- Warden 1',a3iantyne "Fifteen h1an-
ia.i„'e enc-dased a cheque for 825 for `weal dollars has been paid. The total
rnbif i y pa i p, aces. and €: zpresced the : ba13 is $3.298.60.”
atish tin. appaae before Council regard- ` Auditors' Report Accepted
in,: Juni;:r Aarienttural ward. The Its a lively two -boar session, pan -
1 t;er was tabled. idernenium at times reigning with tine
Mrs. Thomas H. Wi]s,•ar. nacre_ sound of the gavel and several inem-
xary of the Auhvrn Public Library- :bars eri their :eft at one time the
I ,:'yard, lead It has a men -abet -ship of :Coi?yncii \ e/Jres y' night unanimous -
ata, and a library ..5 2,000 bog ks , as;:- : ratifie l the repent ofthe warden's.
Cd *.Cyr rant a -i order ' perrhase. new 'eotun'arttee, eatlbod inc drastic clans-.
rk Eaectative t, i?nantitte ', ies. the meat cant'ettiotta of which 9?iate
A corerntnnica-n�:+r7 from Ma'i:ctrar.e. that calliati fce the dismissal -franc
C A. Reid en,tnnplainine of i'?7e. post_ ,.,i%ec of Geo, W. Holman„ 77 -year -
lion ef the office where l,e tris Jne- old clerk zea deputy treasnrer, after
to ile :cataito Preperty Cerritnittee. ,16 years' aertice.
The. letter Of te..Hafun and irloci' 1'l"hiC aCtiC211 was are takenbefore
'aid 'try:' Asaoriatitrn_ ;,f \'n"estern Mr. Helman was given fall •:,ppot•
3'T'. a-inres to/dressed Y[` �''`i.`oistrar lenity t•.-' defend himself against `ite,
'Ceeb atl'6ised that they hal app ointed elniecea .ccntaineu in the auditors're-
: • 1.4'1'm -dens di both cttniiee their port that be had blocked and ob-
i: ,sear r 1"rts strutted the in esti,ati+on which e -
1^h r ',"tr. i^5 ihs keit—action entnally dad to the -arrest and a
' ��rFtlt _c-
tiak: 1i" ; theta. at 17.% House tof Re;tge then of the 1 vent; treattiror and two
C e ity bnildlrnas. being .n s.iti aditt,
, ere filed. I, Three 'tJ7kii+.r tax, rl,erk _.E f•i tar'r lj
{ _:^ . . , . a rt <.,:-wed 6 Teti- :fee; to appeal tc 'scen 3 rsnenber tto axle. d
a t n [ art at nresent 11. for the ;rese atityidd Each Hole
reniet7 . .i`• year -a-as 10. to rereath ata nit with a eatorats
fol7,,.taine atter recce;-il 'aS' "card4r.1.'
ni Me s -s ataaatinin n ti'd v tanbtry, Challenged. by Clerk.
,ti'.•,.r' ac:5i . a: . 37..x, Executive ; T1i( fireworks took place w3.ai1e the I.
was its -tan-rat/inlet of vthole
nes. a 4""'eel- that ae, inveatigation ,with Ret. e I . M, Francis, of Exetery
made _ hack loyal -eels a f the irt the khait. The ryppa::rt. t,f
• theta ei
thet aar:ty Council. !denht e',„;remittee had no so an et
st of inmates 201 Cats Per Day rend ttan Mr. i'rl;:,ilmaaa ,vas t
5. ( . +,,n3. :, i1,,:..p„,:•1 ,r e'r the j et. He chaaddeiiirt-d the fie Alit ,td
.m5.,.4. :rf .'+ta1n,4;t, te, rie3 that fire „appointing the spe:ial - auditors and
:w•zz'r4''a it 'hem ;dared. The'cost.'thaeir efficiency. In all Ilia experience
da•-' i 2&1 rent, per it:Dilate. A ;t ever had he witelesseti so rur'1ny it
..A ,,.:4 ,'i rent plea•rare °:r) the ,re=.'tinritie itn the 'eondtnet tai county.
a. aid.d• ',,,,,:.:71,V.= 1,appv and con- businne itx ?xa:l its the past si-t
"l r"th12
"i":/;t"t ...t t3:c- . deli, 's Allow- A rata ti +re ori tr.a-ann its ti.e past ci i
i t a , ,,, i n. ... read by Clark years. "ion had better alt owsa:'
tt 71 r e i ..,-.1.110,1. `rf aiti'.3na:s • ."Th"
ar a
t'7Jn a 1 of'is Mn$honor tied
M ate. -oh; tie 1 '17
t d7Y7+".t4i .i",- iSt-har1as to tried" da
r"7 rfl w4:ia.
w 11e 1 1 4,f tic3�1Wt``l dt'J4"3't w l4 ��plr,Zi'.1,7 the' tont t;''tee;e9'y-
;,) at aq rct
'' x°r e"* ' 20 Jer lose nl J,.�- l ftC:1.
f 4aYr-�Iri tiff..
Thi:: 0: ,1 'Ss aC lid f7'",it rr ontxitl'ttrr'i i"., ry ou iiia#ro .,.:',,.:;1. 45510 (
Donations a. sept -ed at either the
Dominion rank or Ba,nk of Commerce
Christmas Entertainment t in'
Hall, Friday, December 22
No Admission Charge.