The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-15, Page 8:r
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,' June 15th, 16th, 17th.
In- --_-
This is Not an Anmal Picture. It is an Intense
Human Drama with Animal Tendencies.
Announcing a New Line of
Grown by "The Majabo Tea and Coffee Co."
Kayo Coffee (freshly ground) equal in quality
to many coffees that sell at 60c lb., lb. 39c
Kayo Tea (Orange Pekoe) Special, Ib....:.,. 39c
Bengal Coffee, Special, Ib. 32c
Bengal Tea, Special, ib. 32c
Sole Agents for Above Merchandise.
Buy From Us and Save Money on Quality Goods.
P. R. BIGG'S Grocer
Phone 76 — We Deliver -- Phone 76
to the severe electrical and
wind storm of Sunday afternoon
some of the telephone wires in these
parts are . completely out of business.'
A great many trees and telephone
poles were blown over and chimneys
knocked off.
Mr. Tom Morrison has secured a
position with the Welsh Motor Co.,
Mrs. Hinde, of Waseca, Alta., and
her two sisters-in-law from there,
took advantage of the excursion from
the West and are visiting with their
relatives here and at Harriston. Mrs.
Hinde, who is with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Henry, is welcomed
home again by many old friends.
Their other daughters, Miss Annie
Henry, of New York City, and Mrs.
Malcolm Green, of North Bay, are
expected home this week.
Thursday, .June 15th, 193
Mrs. Brigham and sons and Mr.
George Wightman and Ivan of lIui-
lett Twp,, spent Sunday with \their
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, \Alight
A wedding of interest to this conn-
nu.0 ty was solemnized on Saturday
at the parsonage, Dungannon, by
Rev. Mr, McMillan, when Miss Ruby
Kennedy, third daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Kennedy, of Kinloss, be-
came thee bride of Mr. William Cran-
ston, son of the late Mr, Cranston
and Mrs. Cranston, of Ashfield. The
happy couple left on a motor trip.
The best wishes of a host of friends
in this community follow them to
their new home.
Mrs, Eva Watt and son, Jimmie',
of Detroit, are spending two weeks.
with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs, J, B.
Rev. Henry Martin, of Northern
Ontario; spent the week -end with his
another, Mrs. Wm. Martin, he and
Mrs. Dan Martin and. Billie and Don-
ald, also Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer.
motored to London to visit with Mr.
Dan Martin.
The following were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer
on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fal-
coner and Miss M'cI inn, of Culross,
and her sister, Miss Florence and Mr.
John McIntyre, of Kinloss.
Miss Jean Wellwo.od spent the
week -end in .Wingham at the home
of Mrs. Wzn. Burchill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ab, Cameron, Ash-
field, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Purdon.
Mrs. Irvin Henry and son, Ross,
of Belfast, spent the week -end at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Purdon and
Miss Mabel sl5ent last Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon, of St.
Mr . --and Mrs. Thos. Moore visited
on Sunday last at the home of his
Mrs. David Girvin, of Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson were
fin Toronto this week at the-Gradua-
(Eon Exercises of the Medical Col-
Lege, when their youngest son, Wil-.
fres, graduated. We cangratulate him
heartily and wish him success in the
Hospital in Toronto, where he takes
up a position immediately.,
Mr. John Beecroft and family were
in London on Wednesday attending
the graduation exercises at Western
University when his son, Melville,
The first meeting of the Women's
Institute to be held in the homes was
held on 'Friday last, in the home. of.
Mrs. Walter Lott, when the Presi-
dent, Mrs. Lance Grain, .presided. Af-
ter the opening exercises; Mrs. Grain
gave an interesting outline of the ad-
dress given at the Institute Conven-
tion held in Wingham last Tuesday.
The speaker was from Stoney Creek.
The Holyrood Young People are pre-
senting their play "The Path Aross
the Hill" on Friday evening in the
Hall here. After community singing,
the following program was given:
Mrs. Robt, Ross read a paper on.
"How toteach children to Work."
Mrs. Robt. Purdon and Mrs. -Bee-
croft sang "We'd Better Bide a
Wee." Mrs. Gaunt read a paper on
"The Baker and the Barber," show-
ing the folly of forcing a vocation on
children when they are cut out for
something entirely different. Miss M.
Wightman gave a mouth -organ sel-
ection and Mrs, J, G. Gillespie read
a paper, on "Idle Threats to Child-
ren" showing how children ' are not
deceived by an idle threat, but know
instinctively when to obey. . Misses
Anna May and Susan Carrick sang
"Whispering Hope". The meeting
was closed by singing the Institute
Anthem. Lunch wasserved and a
social half hour was much enjoyed.
The next week will be held at the
home of Mrs. Bert Reed,
Quite a few car -loads of young peo-
ple from here motored to St, Helens
on Friday evening to attend the soc-
ial evening in the United Chttrch
there and all report having had a
splendid time.
On account of the . death of Rev.
T. C Wilkinson's mother, Mrs. Wil-
kinon, of Blyth, Mr. Hopper, of
Wingham, took the afternoon service
in • the United Church here on Sun-
day. Next Sunday, June lSth, Anni-
versary services will be held in the
United Church. Rev. Mr. Bremner of
Brucefield, will preach at 11 aan. and.
7.30 p.m.
Quite a number from here ; attend-
ed thefuneral of Mrs. Wilkinson,'
which took place' to Brandon cemet-
ery on Monday afternoon.
The Evening Telegram had a short
sketch and a picture of Major John
W. -Hessian, of New Haven, Conn.,
formerly a Wingham boy, and broth-
er of Mrs. J. B. Morrison, Mr. Hes-
sian had scored twenty successive
bulls -eyes with his rifle at a distance
of 1000 yds. recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, Lucan,
spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
Replacing Also
In other words we do all kinds of auto work
that pertains to the top or roof parts, :including the
"wood" that lies below the top covering.
We keep three grades of Auto Topping con-
stantly on hand, in different widths and can supply
this kind of goods sufficiently wide for any make
of car.
We also make tops and sides for Touring cars,
in fact for cars of any type.
Our maal that does this work is an expert and
you may depent on good workmanship and at most
moderate prices.
It is always best to call tis up by telephone and
thereby make sure of an appointment.
Willie Shoe Store
Phone 129
The Leading Shoe Store
Winghalnal Ont.
Mr. and . Mrs. Albert Tisdale and
Elgin, of Lavern, 'Sask., are visiting
at W. G. M. Reid's.
Mrs. Robert Shiell and Miss Mac=
Gregor, Wingham, spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Greg. •Shiell,
Mr. and Mrs. Broomer and Miss
Velma, of -Toronto, are spending a
few days at Mrs, James .Dow's.
Mr, and Mrs, George. Coeltes and
Mr. and Mrs. James Leaver spent
the week -end with friends in Wat-
ford and Sarnia,
Dr. and Mrs, Shiell and family, of
Listowel, visited with relatives on
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman vis-
ited at Frank MacDonald's, Teeswat-
er, on Sunday.
The monthly missionary meeting
of Brick W. M. S. will be held at
the home of 'Mrs• Thomas Irwin on
Tuesday, June 20th,
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Carter and
fatuity+ and Miss Dorothy Kerr, spetrt
Two Piece
Summery Suits
- At
— At
59c Pair
Also Silk and Wool;
Our Clothing wears
proved both' interesting and amusing,
Much credit is due to those in
Visitors at Mr. Robert Galley's on
Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Macintosh and daughter, Minnie, also
Mr, Harold Macintosh and daugh-
aughters, Madeline and Audrey, of Kin-
Mrs, Wrn. Robertson, also Jean
and Lloyd, of Belgrave, visited with
Mr, John Abram on Sunday last,
Miss Helen Edgar spent a few days
at her home recently,
A. considerable amount of damage
to buildings and orchards was done
by the wind storm on. Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Galley visited with
Miss Jean Robertson of Belgrave,
one day last week.
Sunday at. Goderich.
Mrs. Wm.-' Wellings and Mr. Ed.
Marsh visited her niece at Bayfield
on Sunday. , • The order of the day at Currie's
Corner is that of shingling, especially
since the recent, storm.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Anderson spent
Sunday with .friends at. Stratford.
Work is progressing rapidly on
the new school, the cement work be-
ing practically 1 completed. A , fine,
new, modern building will take the.
place of the former sixty -one -year-
old structure.
The W, M. S. met last Thursday
afternoon in the basement of the
Miss Helen Murphy, of London,
was a recent visitot at the home of.
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chaney
and daughter, Virginia are visiting at
the former's home here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. -Robinson, Mr,
H. Jefferson and the Misses Margar-
et and Irene Jefferson, attended the
Graduation, at Woodstock Hospital
last Wednesday, Miss Olive Jeffer-
son being one of a class of seven to
The Young People's . meeting on
Friday evening was largely attended
and instead of the usual programme,
a Mock Parliament was held, -which
,l IlMll1NI1I1.111\11111111111 Uri 111111111111is 1111111.1111♦
Jewellery Store
I See Our New Samples
Stewart Young received, word that
he had passed with honors his final
exams at Toronto University in For-
estry Engineering.
The annual Memorial .Service will
be held on Sunday evening in Ment-
orial Hall. Rev. R. J. Bowen, Lon-
don, will give the address. A union.
choir will supply a musical program.
The resident Ministers will assist in this very memorable occasion.
Rev. L. V. and Mrs. Pocock at-
tended the semi-annual, convention of
the Deanery of Huron, held in St.
Thomas Church, Seaforth, on Thurs-
day last.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held in Memor-
ial Hall Thursday, afternoon. The
President, Mrs. Wm. Mills, presided:
After the opening exercises a special
feature of the program was the splen-
did address by our Distric President
Mrs. Gordon,_Bissett. Her subject,
'Canadian Women of Note,. Past and
Present" gave us some splendid ex-
amples well worth emulating. A
quartette of Mesdames Herrington,
Gibson, Phillips and Miss Louie Her-
rington was a pleasing number, A
vote of thanks was tendered to the
speaker for her excellent address. • A
dainty lunch was served at the close
of the meeting. Hostesses 'cvere Mrs.
A. Taylor, Mrs. Scrimgeour, Mrs.
Oster and Mrs. Richmond.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Taman visited
with friends at Biuevale on Sunday.
Mrs. Neil Taylor, Mrs. David Cow-
an and Miss A. Gillespie, attended
the. I.O:O.F. Decoration Service at
Wingham,' Sunday afternoon.
Miss Lois Robinson has secured a
school at Crowland, Welland 'Co.
Mrs. Wm. Johnston left last week
on a visit `with her daughter at Vic
Mr. Thomas Taylor recently pur-
chased the bankrupt stock of E. S.
Weir and has 'opened up the above
store with Mr. James Cutt in charge,
t — of i
i The Best China made.
A —
All Repairs done on the prem- >•
A ises. Nothing but Genuine • Ma- ill
i terial used, ...Prices Moderate. al
il■lw1Telephsone No. 51.1W1�ii
1siini111 1UsUi1111 i1
Successful Sewing Course Corzchudled
The sewing course held in the .vil-
lage this week under the capable in-
structress, Mrs. D. B. MacDonald, of
Ripley, came to a successful conclus-
ion- on Friday afternoon. The class
consisted of ten members and a•most
encouraging amount of work was ac-
complished, sixteen dresses and two
slips were made and two dresses re-
modelled in the five afternoon. The.
sewing course was sponsored by the
local branch of the Women's Institute
Mrs, MacDonald was entertained at
the home of Mrs.P. D. King while
in the village.
Presentation and Dance .
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Fischer, 2nd con. of Morris, was the
scene of a jolly gathering on Thurs-
day evening when over one hundred
relatives and friends gathered to do
honor to the newly wed young couple
and presented them with a miscellan-
eous shower consisting' of linen, silver
china, crystalware and kitchen uten-
sils, The 'bride was asissted in re-
ceiving her gifts by her cousin, Miss
Freda Mustard and her friend, Miss
Edith Warwick. The many and beau-
tiful gifts showed the esteem in which
the young couple are held. The view-
ing of the gifts as they were display-
ed proved a source of pleasure
throughout the evening. The evening
was spent in dancing. Refreshments'
were served by the ladies. Hearty
good -wishes weee extended to the
bride and groom by the guests.
Rev. William Patterson was called
to Btickinghanx this week owing to
the death of his brother. The fttneral
was held on Friday. Mr, Patterson
returned home on Saturday and oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday.
Anniversary services for R.tiox
Presbyterian Church are announced.
for Sunday, lime 25th( when Rev, Dr,.
Kannawin, of Toronto, General Sec-
retary for Y.P.S. and Sunday Schools
will be the special speaker.
Mrs. Fred Rollenbeck and soft,
Gas, Oil, Greasing
'Prompt Courteous Service"
,•o KING'S •rp
Cool Tub Fir•ocks of
which you'll 'll ant
One, Two or Three
Our spacious department has racks
and cases full of colorful summer frocks
that may be tubbed just as often as you
wish them to look crisp and fresh.
Lacey Voiles - Tubbing Silks
Colored Piques Dainty Dimities
New Korde Lace - Silk Crepe Suits
Style's for, Misses and the Younger
Miss who like the new organdie sleeves
and neck lines. Slenderizing- styles for
the Matron and Short Woman who like
to wear the new nodes,
A color range Which includes all the
Pastels White, and bright Summer
combinations of color.
Summer Millinery -- Summer Lingerie
Kayser Crepe Stockings $1.50.
Come this .Thursday to Saturday and see
the many new things we:have.
Harold, spent the week -end with
friends in Detroit.
Miss MacDonald, RN., and Mrs.
Graham, of Kincardine, are visiting
with Nurse Graham at the home of
Mrs. R. Musgrove.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mowbray at-
tended the funeral of their uncle, the
late Mr. Kenneth MacKenzie, at
Teeswater on Saturday. They were
accompanied by D. J. Falconer.
Miss Janet Hood, of Blyth, spent
a part of this week with her friend,
Miss Black.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill, of the
Canadian West, near , Brandon, are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Nichol. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Nichol
are -sisters.
Mrs. • S. Morrison, is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry at Bruce -
Mrs. W. L. Speir, of Morris, and
King MacDonald, of Toronto, visited
with leir. and Mrs. P. D. King.
Mr. and Mrs., Peter MacEwen, of
Parry Sound, Mrs. James . Cleghorn
and daughter, of Port Colbourne, are
visiting their sisfer, Mrs. .Will Ab-
ram. •
Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid Nichol spent
Sunday with relatives in Stratford. --
Miss Cora Gannett, of Wingham,
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur 'A/fathers and
family of Newton, were Sunday vis-
itors at the ' home of Mr. Mathers'
Oberle's .Grocery Phone 167
Last' week we are buying -Potatoes:
50c Cash. - 55c Trade.
Peas, Corn, Tomatoes .
Black Tea (bulk) ........
Oranges .` .
Salmon (tall tins)
Red Star Salmon . ... ,
1Dc Each
27c 1b.
ZOc, 3Oc 40c doz.
.. .... .10c each
:� 15c and 25c each
FLn-GLAZE • Paint Is su•
perior. This is the result of
careful research and experi-
ment by expert scientists in
FLO-GLAZE laboratories.
Raw linseed oil is subjected
to a mechanical --mot chemical
—treatment which renders it
free flowing, and self -levelling.
This treated oil is used in mak-
lug FLO-GLAZE Paint.
This is why FLO-GLAZE.
Paint leaves no brush marks,
but flows the moment it is ap-
plied to aneven, smooth film
of highly protective quality
with no corrugations to catch
dust and dirt.
This is why FT O:GLAZE.
Paint covers more, looks better,
lasts longer and costs less per
square foot of painted surface.
FLO-GLAZE paint is superior.
Decor for