The Wingham Advance Times, 1933-06-01, Page 4rM L -�S iwV "'" 0 =01:=0=0=====t0=0 O BRING RE SULTS 0 11 0 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE -TIMES T},ursday, June 1st, 1933 TIRED„ --RUNDOWN' MORE IRON NEEDED rltousa;zads of women are ahvays tired;' 'irritable", suffering from poor sleep and appetite •-- headaches! They need more iron! Get Peptona-the scientific. iron and malt compound. It enriches the blood -rebuilds nerve tissue and muscle --increases the ap- petite and aids digestion. Peptone is sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. Get a bottle today at MCKibboa's Rexall Drug Store. 1 cents a. word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. BABY CHICKS and EGGS For I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hatching from Blood -Tested •stock. I have been breeding . for fifteen years for size, large eggs, heavy All 's set ' 'n . and vigor. e productto a eggs are extras and specials. Baby Chicks, May nine cents, and June eight cents. Five unrelated chicks free with every hundred ordered. These will be toe -punched. Inspec- tion invited. Phone611-42_' KEN- NEDY - NEDY POULTRY FARM, White - Church, Ont. 'BUY PLANTS grown at Wingham Greenhouse -- Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Asters, Geraniums. Fertilizer in cans 15c and 50c size, for plants and gardens; at the Royal Service Station. Phone 174. Homuth & Bennett. FOR SALE -Refrigerator, -porcelain lined, high grade, good size, also boy's play wagon. Apply Advance - GENERAL TRUCKING of farm produce at reasonable rates. Apply Archie Montgomery. Phone, Blyth 36r16 .or Wingham 280. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for Housework. Apply Box B, Advan- ce -times, LOST -Baby's Shoe, black patent leather; between Greer's Shoe Store and Zurbrigg's. Finder please leave at Advance-Titnes.. LOST -Lady's Umbrella, black with black and white handle. Valued as gift. Apply Advance -Times. OATS FOR SALE -Car of No. 1 Seed Oats, expected to arrive the end of this week. C. R. Coultes, 1ghhoone . Wingham' 622r33; Brussels All persons having claims against the estate of William Rundle Dyer, late of the Town of Wingham, in Ontario, Merchant, who died on the 26th April, 1933, are notified on or before the 20th June, 1933, to deliv- er to the undersigned Solicitors ,for the Executors of the last Will of the said deceased,particulars of their p cu claims verified by affidavit; and that after the said 20th day of June, 1933, the Executors will distribute the as- sets of the Estate amongst those lawfully entitled thereto, having re- gard to the claims only of which no- tice shall have been received. DATED at London, Ontario, this 16th day of May, A. D., 1933. VINING, DYER. & GRANT, 101 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. dry ist the gross revenues of the all- inclusive system were $41,688,483, a decrease of $11,496,822 as compared with the same period of last year Operating expenses for the four months of 1983 were $45,846,515, a decrease of $7,885,814 and the 1933 period showed a net revenue deficit of 34,158,082 as against a net revenue deficit in the 1932 period of $546,- 574, a decrease of $3,611,508. The summaries for April and the four months' Period follow: Gross revenues, 1933, $41,688,433; 1982, $53,185,255; Deficit $11,496,- 822. Operating Expenses, 1983, $45,846,- 515, 1932, $53,731,829; Deficit "$7,885; 314. - Net Revenue Deficit, 1933, $4,158,- 082; 4,158;OS2; 1932, $546,574; Deficit $3,611,- 508. CHEAP FARES USED BY LARGE NUMBER Wednesday, 1\iay 31, saw the in- auguration on the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National railways of the lowest priced return coach train trips in the history of the Dominion from eastern to western Canada as far as the coast, when over 1,000 frorn Ontario alone started on the trip, it was announced last night at the Toronto offices of the two rail- ways. Those coach trains trips will continue in force every day until June 15 with tickets good for 30 days from date of purchase, and ;present. indications point to a total of at feast' 8000 excursionists from Ontario* for this period. ' As already announced, tickets are good only in coaches, but they will be honored in tourist sleep- ing cars on .payment of the tourist berth charges plus a slight extra charge. Tourists from Western Can- ada began arriving in the province over: the two railways last Friday, May 26, and already more than 1,500 are visiting in Ontario. TIMOTHY IS BUSY �. IN HIS GARDEN To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers. Deer Su A PLEA For THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S BENEFIT The Lions' Club of Goderich is about to roar again. It is a good Roar, a human. Roar, which' should be heard and heeded in every corner of Huron"County and beyond for ml show town councillor and 'was an active leader in many civic undertakings. He wits one of the original members of St. Peter's Anglican Church and was superintendent of its Sunday School for many years. He is a Liberal in politics: Mr. Holmes' fancily consists of two sons and two daughters,H. V. Holm- es, manager of the Bank of Commer- ce, at Gorrie; W.' T. Holmes, Detroit; Miss Irene Holmes of the staff of St, Mark's Hospital, Salt Lake City, Uta, and Mrs. Charles Coulter of Pt. Arthur, There are four grandchild- ren. CELEBRATED 90th BIRTHDAY MONDAY W. S. Holmes, of Port Arthur, a former prominent Western Ontario citizen, celebarted his 90th birthday Monday at'the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs.. Charles W. Coulter, Mac - Vicar Avenue. William Sneyd Holmes 'was born in Holmesville, Huron County, On- tario, 90 years ago. His father was Samuel Holmes and his mother, Mar- garet Sneyd, both natives of Ireland and members of;the family` which community. 'll cpm 'kende dthe Holmesvi e Y For some years he lived'in New York, returning to Canada in 1874 he married Alicia Taylor, of Berrand, London, -who passed away in '1911.. In the year of their marriage Mr. Holmes and his bride went to 'Luck - now, Bruce County, where the form- er engaged in the grain ,hay and ap- ple business with success.,One of the leading citizens of the town, beloved and respected, Mr. Holmes served as the last four years has amp y n to - every resident of Huron the won- derful. results: attained by the Lions' Benefit Fund, and it should be the pleasure and duty of every resident e r r.-- Shure 7tis :a busy man intoirely I_ 'ef town, village and farm of the are these foine warrum days. What wid gittin me garden planted, an mowin the .lawn, an baitin rugs fer the misses, I harrudly, Ida feipd,. toime to rade the Mail an Impoire an the London Fray Priss. Be ray - son av me oyesoight 'not bein what' it wance wus I can't rade much' at noights. I tink webby me glasses of fifty cents per ticket - and every don't soot me an I tink I must see !fifty cents goes to the'Crippled Charley Wilkinson an git thim Children - THAT IS THE BIG' changed- Whin I wus younger I had OBJECT. no thrubble s. cin. tin s at all at all The concerts will be given by Ar- tists of the first order: County to make it possible for useto carry on. ' Funds are necessary and we know personally and collectively that the times are not of the best, " but ;.the Lions have evolved a plan whereby there will be a county -wide entertain- ment of sterling value at the charge so I hadn't, an, shure, I cud notish Mr. Leslie Sommerville, Concert SEED BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE a ringbone, arr a shpavin arr a shplint Radio Organist of CKOC. -60c per bushel. Wm. J. Henry; en a'harse as soon I set me oyes an g Lot 34, Con. 2, Kinloss. Ph. 612r2. Flies Peggy Moreland, Child Won on him.' I moind wan toime av thrad- d a i sy-but that is der Violinist - the Gold Medalist at TOMATO PLANTS FOR SALE Good quality, put in wooden boxes, also all kinds of flowering plants for gardens 'and pots. Lowest pric- es. Thomas Kew, at House or Shop. in harses wid e er shtory,as Mishter Kipling the Stratford Musical Festival of "33, another p whom the judges acclaimed as the outstanding juvenile violinist of all Tis me garden I shtarted to wroite the festivals at Stratford. about, an though I : do say it mesilf; 1 belaive I ginerally hew wan ay the WANTED -A good reliable girl to besht gardens in town, an the big- it"; who for twenty-five years was do housework. Apply to Box A, gest pertaties. I am sit'Ili . one of the outstanding vocalists of n t o admit Advance -Times. that mebby Ben' Rish kin bate me the London, Eng., and New York Times. stage who created the principal Mr. Charles Meakins, operatic bar - 10 CHINKS OF PIGS FOR SALE -Apply to J. C. Casemore, phone 627r3, Route 4. NOTICE growin cabbages, but he isn't in the same class wid me whin we shtart diggin our pertaties. Av coorse I wuden't be in such a burry gittin nee wurruk all done, but. I want to :.attind that maytin on Tursday to hear what thim Grits hey 577, 1931, found on Victoria St;, to say fer t into es. I am tould that Wingham, May 20th, will be sold af--1lishter Hipburn is a good farrumer, ter thirty days from May 29th, if not an a friedat* Jarge Shpotton's, so claimed before that date. If claimed thirn`s two pints in his favor, but I owner will have. to pay all costs in ` don't belave he is much av a pally - connection with same. George Allentishian, arr he wndden't talk so much. Chief of �Poiice. It is the same in pollytieks as in thradin harses, it is betther to let the other fellate hey the rnosht to say. Jarge Shpottan is beginnin to foind 'that out, an Charley Robinson wus I woise to it from the-shtart. If, ye don't say annyting ye hey nothin'to take back. Jimmy Malcolni is wan man I TENDERS FOR COAL ',want to hear shpake on Tursday. He Sealed Tenders addressed to the is a good fellate, at laist as good as undersigned and 'endorsed "Tenders ye cud ix•pickt a Grit to be, I often for Coal," will be received until '14 wish he wus a Tory, an sometoitnes o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wed -1I hew hopes av him yit. Avera Ag - Ford tar bearing license no.KP- 1 h rtesday, June 14, 1933, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, . includin s the City ofOttawa. Fornis of tender with specifications and conditions attached car: be ob- tained from 1I. F. Dawson, Acting Chief Purchasing Agent, Dept of Public Works, Ottawa; and E. Win- ter, Supervising Architect, 36 Ade- laide St., East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- ite made on the form supplied by the Department and in accordance with depattmental specifications u'ad con- dittotas. The right to demand from the sue- cessfei tenderer a deposit, not ea- ceedittg"'10 per tent. of the arnonnt r of the: tentdetr to henp aper flufilment of the cor tract, is reserv- ed. rate <3y'orde, DE JA1 DINS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottavra, May tee 1933. nes McPhail has a pleasant wurtml fer him, an she is purty harried to plaize wid man that's no lot vd a an, 7 s o Annyway I want to attired the rnay- titt on Tursday to hear` thine Grits yeliin Hip Hip Hooray ler the bye Hipburn, an trtebby not ntainin a wttrrtid av it. I ixpickt theer will be a big crowd, so a lot of us Tories intind to go air- ly, an git the besht sates, befoor all' thin, Grits :front. Colborrse git, con throl av tinge. Av coorse theer will be a lot av tliirtt near Nort 1Xttt'on Grits pri.eint front Lucknow, an,Milde may, an Formosa, an Tayswather, arlk Ripley, an, as Cliarl,ey.gobieeen said', about Goverrirnint , hishpicktets, the town will be „1�5u y* id thim. till the rainy saysaxi rix pries Timothy Hay. parts in the international success "The :ferry Widow" and "Rose Mar- ie." There will be, one local artist en- gaged in every town for the concert. Mr. Reg. Dopper, Field Secretary of the Ontario Crippled Children's Assoc. will give a twenty minute talk on the work, and results of the won- derful work of the Crippled Child- ren's Lions Fund. This lecture will illustrated with moving be �, pictures of the actual work and success at- tained, and should be of vast interest to all in the County, as the entire County benefits. It is one of the finest, most hum- ane benefits in our power to support Lets all get together and help! A resume of the programmes and the dates when the concerts will be given in the churches of the towns of Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Ex- eter, Wingham and L�ucknow, will be, given next week,, LET US ALL HELPI C.N.R. SUMMARY MAY R.IA N. TO FOR Montreal --Gross revenues of $11,- 110,406 for the all-incltisive Catadian National .Railway System during the month of April, 1'933, are shown in the monthly statement of revenues and expenses issued at headquarters of the railway. These revenues show decrease of from the fig- ures $2,419,545 ures of April, 1932. Operating ex- penses in ..A: ril this year were' $11,- 245,245, 11,- 4r a' d d ea -e os< S 11x01 r28 -from lamingsi the e tpettses of ipril,<1933, 4 net revenue deficit for 1st. month of $134,$39 aS against net 'revenue iitt April, 1332, of $'782,97', e decrease of $91/.817. Pot the font Month wince Jarue HOUSEHOLD HINTS Hint on Child Care When children first learn to tod- dle around -it is most fascinating to them. They are thrilled with their achievements and have no sense as to direction or distance. A mother likes tohave her child enjoy its free- dom, but too frequently a busy mo- ther finds her child has disappeared before she knows it. I find it very successful in caring for .a child of this age to tie a bell on its neck or arm so that while I am working I can unconsciously know my child is near by the con- stant tinkle on-stant'tinkle and when I miss this cheery ring I immediately go in search of my baby. ()- Potato Hint Do you always think it's necessary in order to fry left -over potatoes that you have to cut them up. I did for a long while. But occasionally and for a change, I like to put my left- over potatoes in a frying pan and press the potatoes down several tim- es with a wire potato masher. This softens them sufficiently and 1 fry and season them the same as I would any cold potatoes. i CENT A MILE! t, ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN 6 WESTERN CANADA s - --=- Going Dates: v Daily May •31 to ,)une 15 I Return Limit: 30 Days s TOURIST SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES On paytaent of- a' slight additional passage fare charge for each person tourist sleeping car accommodation i may be secured at regular rates. Stopoversgranted at all stations B west f Port Arthur. Full particulars from G. L. Baker or any agent Canadian Pacific _alIIllltillaillalllR111010al11al11ifi1a111ai111�1 i ti - Automobile = _ insurance Df rFa at Fa Reasonable Rates t i t int m i e = _ ® X' O Bishop: Phone 226 Wnigham a� SlllaillA[111161II1�IIl�:ill 1gw11o7n11116111`u 1167x!I�1if . . ^A Y, ar i.Yty: L't .tr .t, 6'FRI-,,•. 1.•_.. ,9.x1{f+'•. ONTARIO 1931 Killed 571, Injured 8494 Property Damage ;F $1,094,000 • IMAGINE 9065 persons killed or injured b�., Motor Ve- hicles in one year be- cause of carelessness. DRIVE .AND WALK SAFELY! ..-..This Warning is issued with special consent of the Ontario Department of Highways, by these two insurance 'companies, in an, endeavor to ca -operate in. the campaign for Safe and Sane Driving CANAI>tAN C:`rEl�i'L"+ IZAt, Insurance Company TORONTO GENERAL Insttraa ce Cotnpat y A BSER COSENS AGENT Substas tial..reductions in grates item last year. COOKING HINTS Asparagus and Poached Eggs Boil asparagus until tender. Make required number pieces o ast. Butter toast and keep warm. Lay toast on platter. Place as- aragus on top of toast. Season with utter, salt and pepper. Poach de- ired number of eggs in the same rater you cooked the asparagus. lace eggs on top of asparagus and erre. --o- French Fried Onions Peel large onions. Cut thein in slices about one-fourth nch thick. Soak about one-half hour in half I and half water. Drain. Dredge with flour and let, dry. Fry in deep #at until golden brown. Salt ands serve. -o- Cake Frosting a la California. Stir together powdered sugar and )range juice. Spread on cake. Some round "huts added to frosting makes t extra delicious. BAKING HINTS. Date Muffins i cup of shortening 2 tablespoons of sugar. 1 egg i cup of dates (cut up). 2 cups of flour. 4 teaspoons of baking powder. teaspoon of salt Need shirts And Ties F or Surnrner? HERE'S A "BREAK" SHIRTS-OfOf lustrous. pre-shrunk. Broadcloth. Deep -pointed, ><nted attach- 98c PP ed collars, choice of colors en weaves,' --hand-made, silk , TIES - snappiest est figure and cross -stripe str P 49c patterns .. . No need of "running short" onthose Haberdashery items this : summer. But don't wait. Prices are going up. Better stock up now! H. E. Isard & Co. in Eastern Canada, in addition to se- the standard varieties for grain are those already discussed for ensilage purposes. In addition to the ensilage test mentioned above, a test was also con- ducted at Ottawa to determine the best varieties of corn for grain pro - (F ctiori in districts . in. Eastern Can- ada with conditions similar to those• prevailing at Ottawa. The varieties, Quebec No. 28 (a. 12 -rowed flint) and Twitcbell's Pride• (an S -rowed flint) gave . the best re- sults in this test, both of them be- ing quite outstanding in both yield and maturity. Further details of these tests can be had by writing to the Division of Forage Plants, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario. veral that are not so commonly grown or so well known. Judged from the standpoint of • yield, the varieties ranked in the following order; Dents Wiscopin Ng 7, Golden. Glow; Learii ig anid' Bailey. • Flints, - Comp€ori's Early, Long- fellow, and Salzer's 'North Dakota. All varieties were cut at the same stage of maturity, the "late dough" stage, and were presumably equal in quality. Wisconsin No. 7 yielded bet- ter than any other variety. Comp ton's' Early yielded equally as well as Golden Glow, Learning and Bailey and since the flints were harvested, one week earlier than the dents this variety_ should be given the prefer- ence where the season is somewhat short for using the dent varieties. The main difference between dent and flint varieties for ensilage pur- poses (apart from yield) is: in the production. .of suckers; the flints sucker very freely while the dent sucker very little, if at all. Corn for grain is not, of very great importance in Eastern Canada, ex- cept in southwestern Ontario, where 1 cup of milk Method: Cream butter and sugar ntil light. Add well beaten egg and nix well with dates. Sift together lour, baking powder and salt. Add. o first mixture, alternating with nilk. Pour into greased muffin tins nd bake in a moderate oven 25 'to 0 minutes. -0- Apple Sauce Pie Method: Make pie crust. Line pie tin with crust and bake. Make apple sauce. Sweeten and strain. ,When cool fill bakedpie shell with strain- ed apple sauce. Make a meringue and bake in a slow oven or serve topped with sweetened whipped cream. -0- Ice Cream Roll Either make a plain sponge cake - the consistency you would use for a jelly roll -- or have a baker sell you ; a jelly roll without the jelly. Spread cake with ice cream. Roll up. Place on a platter. Pour over choc- plate or marshmallow sauce or fresh fruit mashed and sweetened, or top with sweetened whipped cream.' This is easy, delicious and unusual. -0--- (Copyright, o -(Copyright, 1933, by The Bonnet- Brown Corporation, Chicago) CORN (Experimen.tal Farms Note) Corn kr 'ensilage is Still' of consid- erable ,importaneer on a great many farms in Ede aGn..,u.Canadav«..e..e ::.. Durihrg the season of 19,3;2, the Di- isiori `bf Fbrag'e Plattts,:,ia •ntral Ex. erinzeiital Farm, Ottawa, conducted a tdst .%n which careful comparison was made of a number of corn var- ieties commonly grown for ensilage "Rastus," said the judge sternly,. "you are guilty of having stolen two chickens from Mr. Johnson's coop - last week. The fine will be five dol- lars." "Yasseh, jedge, y'honor," said Ras- tus, placing a ten dollar bill on the• clerk's desk. "Here's ten bucks, which will pay you up to an' includ- in' nex' Sattidy night." ROUND T A GAIN EARS F ID it ALINE 9 SATURDAY, JUNE 1 To Ottawa T indsor droit $7.40 $3.50 $3.50 TRAIN SERVICE - (Standard time) Lv. Wingham 6.30 A.M., June 9 Lv. Wingham 6.30 A.M., June 10 Ar, Ottawa 7.15 A.1VI., June 10 Ar. Windsor 2,30 P.M., June 10 Ar. Detroit 3.10 P.M., Juane 10 RETURNING --Tickets valid to leave destinations as • follows: Lv. Ottawa 10.45 p.m. From Border 'Cities'all trains up to Monday, ISunday, June 11. June 12th, including Train, 10 from Detroit, Monday P.M., from Witidsor, Tuesday A. M. Usual Half Fare for Children. Tickets good in coaches only; No baggage checked. Tickets to Detroit sold subject to passenger meeting Immigration re- quirements of United States if (and before) entering that Country. Tickets and Information from Wingham Ont. Depot Ticket Agent { T-58CANADIAN NATIONAL. Refrigerator Bargains We have a number of Domestic Refrigerat- rs--all sizes & latest models -brand new -show- room demdristrators that will be cleared at except tionally attractive prices and terms. If youare Refrigeration considering electric �.e�il elat'10n be sure to iixvestigate this exce tion opportunity.4' b p al 1