The Seaforth News, 1945-12-20, Page 4rill.
Snowdon Bros., l'obli,hers
Christina, istina, rw ices will Ise held in
Dull 1 Wiled Church on _ Sunday,
Dee r1 16 mat and 5 1r.ui In
the me, ,egular Chit tinea
service: in tee ee el„u , the choir will
present a t'h ist n,me l rtata,
Mrs. harry Dever +r \t r ;msec io
St; George's ine.,.,eee ;fleeting o;
the Guilt and the t1 a with 31
Wne Humphi jos presidimr. 'Ther;
etas a good at tend:moo mat the, en's
business was wound up. I'ach Soot -
r rety had a : , ,d year, Lunch rw a
served at the close of the meetin
Christmas service v ice with Holy Com-
munion will he held in St George's
Church on Sunday, Dee. 2:3, at 3
p.m S. S. will be held before the
Rev. 111. F. Oldham will conclude
his ministry in St. George's Church
oil Jan. 27 when he leaves for
Camden East Parish in Ontario Diu-
Duff's Church W.M.S. Officers
Hon. pres lire. McCallum; pres;,
Mrs. N. Schade lst vice plc`., Mrs,
Freedwood; 2nd vice-pres„ Mrs. •j),.
Watson 3rd vice-pres., Miss 1M.
Knox, sec., Mrs. Holman; treas.,
Mrs. W. Hackwell; sone friendship
sec., 'Mrs. N. Reid; temperance and
Christian Citizenship sec., Mrs. J.
Marshall; Missionary Monthly sec.,
Mrs. H. Kirkbystewardship sec
Mrs. Jno. McDonald: literature sec.,
Mrs, L. Bennet assoe members
sec., Mrs. li' Hacksw ,' Mission
Fend sum.. . )It.. An Mend): asst.
Mrs. W. Proadfoot: C: G.T.T. Supt.,
Dublin is
7oP T1 m cis i `t
DEC. _6
aE:D. r:iuP.
-i. is i \t -I: e,ei
Peeve " 4
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Egos and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Large Stock of Modern
11+a1i/ciI'lals on display at
our Seaforth. Showroorns
Far the. conveni»ar'e 1+5 Our
patrons :office will be open on
Open by appointment at any
other time. See Dr. Harburn,
neat door
Cunningham & Pryde
Clinton Exeter Seaforth
Phone 41
Sun .Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security .for over
One Million, Partners
District Agent
rs. Hazelwood; ass't, 'Mrs, H.
Kirkby and Mrs, J. Clarke; baby
band supt. Mrs. G, McGavin audi-
tors,8r1s, 11. Holland and Mrs, L.
W. A. Officers: er s : Hon. Pres„ Mrs.
Reid: uses.,Airs. W. J. Bennett;
i"t wne It:e Mrs. A. Coutts: 2nd
Mrs. J, Smith 3rd vice -
nee., Mrs. wl 'Turnbull sec, Mrs, E.
treas., Airs, W. Davidson;
•.+i a i,�:•,
Mes. Hazelwood, Mrs. Turn -
b'21. lite11. Bennett flower coni„
4. Johnston,
The regular meeting of the W:M,
of Duffs Cc lurch, Walton,-. was
held D,.,', 3 r with Mrs. Schade pre
siding, The Christmas carol service
was followed. The sec.' report, toll
+':ill and treas. report given. The
study book was in charge of 81:s, A.
The regular Red Cross me atin;t
will be held in the Comnstii ti' Hall,
Thursday, Dee: 27, There will be a
Dutch auction on a quilt and a lunch
Miss An1ye Love,'Toronio, Wi:1: her
mother and Sisters.
Airs. 2. Seller, <irrls, u the home
of her Ariel, 21r. and Ill's, Jolu, His-
lop. Grey Tp.
Miss Mary Nolan and Mrs. John
Lamb. Seafnrth, attended the funeral
of their sistu-in-las', Aim. T. Nolan:
at litussels.
The December meeting of the W.
A, ,end W.M.S. was held at the home
of eirs. Leonard Leeming•, Airs. L.
Leeming had charge of the meeting.
Meeting opened with Shirley Regele
lighting the candles and Mrs. Leem-
ing read ai poem on 'Candlelight"
The call to worship was sung as a
solo by Mrs Stanley Hiller, Mrs.
1 aisle lie\ichol Mr's. Finney. Ethel
Dennis, Mrs. Thornton and 111s.
Mille read the different Christmas
ee , e' from the bible and hymn
i3O sung. The following carols
were sung, 'While Shepherds watch
e•? thee. „ 'e r
r e ilr 1 by' night," .,, ens
„Ile.,"and the "First Nowell"
and M,,. Hillen sans: "0 little town
'f Bethlehem." The offering was
etme'ived and dedicated by singing
hymn No. 50. Mrs. Millen sang a
ole, "0 I:ittle One Holy." followed
with 'prayer by Airs. D 8-IcNichol
and Mrs Wm. Dennis, Mrs. Willis
Dundas gave the topic from the:
study book, -Christmas with a
I'kraninir family." Hymn No. 58
surra' and the devotional part of the
meeting closed with the benediction
=u+11. The meeting was then open
for business. Roll called with 21
members responding, Minutes of Last
meeting read and adopted. The of-
ficers for 1946 are, pres. Ethel Den-
wicrpres. Mrs, Wm. Leeming;
et rw
Mrs. Regele; treas. lire.
sliimore:pianist. Mrs. Alex Dennis:
;,.,,..eerance see., Mrs. Ralph Mc-
' '' '3: ,"lower and gift colmnittee.
Mre Gee. i Militias, lits, Chas. Boyd.
lr wi S treasurer, Airs. Mills, Meet
• .:ed with ;,sayer by lir.
r' u r Admm, 10111 11-
r as e.'l 3'+l in Clinton
:Teem illness.
Ails. Wm. - Briton is in St. Jo -
2 : isoep t rl, London. We hope
e •c 1 ,mon be able to be home
Miss Alice Dallimey' and Mr. Dun -
1:11 ]mise of Toronto spent the
,kel d at the home of MIr. and
s. Alfred Buchanan.
raster Neil, son of :lir.
Mrs. Wm. Dolmage is sick with
Het fever.
ills. Peter Lindsay- and 3lrs
i t olclot+_h Inc both on the
l �r
...?utay eehool and Church were
Ironed on Sunday due to bad
r::} 111111 reads.
CleAddie rope:'atien 1
....1.",, Sic i lr -isnn suet,. a 30w
i"':':HTC„ its t.liR '11,1 Gen -
tees e
'3 nn: nil le•.
Wilfredlx I `.c spent the
(11:.1M -rt.
7. r rre. Toe Riles moved to
'.ern on 1'cirdey. _.
re velar meeting' of the
es held in the schoolroom •,f th:
ch: Tuesday. Dee: 1 Ith. Mrs.
les Dexter took charge in the
nee of Sirs. Peter Lindsay, stirs.
rt Lawson offered prayer, Ars
nce Montgomery read the
ture and also gave a short talk
e old, old story, the birth of
Reading by Mrs. Earl Laweon.
Geo. Mellwain and Mrs. C.
gomery sang "0 Silent Night"
'0 Come Let us Adore Him",
lnpanied by Mrs. William Dale.
William Jewitt played an in -
ental, "Star of the East," and
hymns were sung. Closed with
ord's prayer in unison,
lei t'
`l I„
on th
and .
the L
L. 0. L. 1035 held their annual
meeting and election of officers on
'1'h'sreday evening, The officers
leered as follows: W. M. Russel
'onsitt; D. M„ Lorne Coleman:
Chem, C. C Pilgrim Rec. See.,
Pohl-. Taylor; Fin. See.,Ralph Turn-
er Treas., JoAnn Ostrom; Marshall,
Alt ir.y Hehner; lst lect„ Frank
Smith: 2nd lent., Lloyd Johnston;
cent. Geo C'?.trl:n. Carl Dick, Harve
r rig .:an, The'. Stinson, Chas. Ste-
phen soli,
Mr. and airs. Lorne Coleman vis-
ited friend in Michigan over the
Mrs, David Ewan is quite ill, a
nurse is in attendance,
Mrs. J. D. Melville who has been
quite ill is slowly recovering.
Christmas is in the air. A number
of schools are holding their . Xmas
entertainments this week.
The ,I'nited Church Sunday School
and No. 8 day -school are combining
their entertainment and Xmas tree
and will be presented on Thursday
night of this week in the Community
Hall. This is always a splendid pro-
gram by the younger and older folk
and well worth hearing.
THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1945
We are pleased to welcome home
Nelson Redford from overseas, Alis
brother, Leonard, is eapeotect next
week Edwin Fothergill is also Itolne
The open air skating rink is now
well frozen skating on Monday
night Alt fo -
l, r the beginning.
The regular meetinkeeli the WT,M.
5, was held in the church school-
room on Thursday iy Iast, with the
president, Mrs, E. Wood, conduct-
ing, After the: devotionaj exercises
the secretary called the roll which
was answered with a verse with
(Joy), The roll call for January
will be the paying of the fee, Aftei'
business was concluded the meeting
was turned aver to group 4. Mrs,
F, Tamblyn presiding. It was a
beautiful Candle Light Service, with
the reading of portions of scripture
with Xmas Carols, The nominating
committee brought in the slate of
officers for the year 1940. Hon.
Presidents, :Mts. J. Tamblyn, Mrs.
J. Fingland, Mrs. M. Manning; pres.
Mrs. Robt. Townsend; .1st vice-pres..
Mrs. E. Wood: 2nd vice -pies.,' Mrs.
R Caldwell; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. A.:
Clark; rec. sec. Mrs, A. Fangracl;
ass't, :Mrs, F. Tamblyn; torr -sec.,.
Mrs. W. E. Manning; lit. sec., Mrs.Geo. McVittie; tress, Albs. Nellie
Watson; Christian Stewardship see.,
NIrs, S. Lyon; ass't, Mrs. W. Lyon;
temperance sec., Mrs. Lillie Web-
ster; see- Community Friendship,
Mrs. F. S1iobbrook, Missionary
Monthly, Miss F. Jamieson; sec. of
supplies. Mrs. W. Brundson; press
sec Mrs,' E. Hesk; associate helpers
eecMrs. Margaret .Manning; flower
comm, Mrs. W. Brundson, Miss B.
Kick Mission' Band Mrs. 13, Shob-
brook, Miss B. Kirk; Mission Circle,.
Mrs Clarke Baby Band Supt., Mrs,
Joe Shaddick Mrs. B. Shlddick;
ni en, t, Mr's. J. Armstrong., .lits. E.
1,' sod.
The White. Gift Selwice of the
United Church S.S. was field,. on
Sunday, Dee. .eth with a good attend -
ane The superint, nticirt Mr. C.
Stewart was n eliar; e hew A Pee -
man gave a t.hri•tmr 3rress:l e and
:qrs. F. Tamblyn loll 1 f'lr r.tnr 1:,
.tory. The junior choir under the
leadership of Mrs, 'E. Wood sang
very sweetly. On the platform were
two beautiful Xmas trees and in the
centre was a white basket in which
the children placed their gifts, The
sr. c I uses gave as white gifts,
money, anmurittna to over $50,00
to be sent to Illritain for milk for
children. The junior classes' gifts
are to be sent to the Sick Children's
Hospital. London. The service meet-
ing throughout was all very lovely
and most fitting to the beautiful
season. -
The Sunday- School of Cavell
Church held it; annual Christmas
tree and concert Fridey night, Dec. 7
A splendid programme consisting of
musical nurirbers, dialogues, panto -
mines and readings were presented
by the Sunday Sewhool children. Mr.
:fames Scott was present and de-
liehted:di with -i real; of pictures
iecluding e lovely Christmas story
of Santa Claus eotrntry.
Spr. P K. Davidson, R.C.E. of
1ppe r w 1 h spelt the weekend with
hi. 1 tm h
L.A.C. San llc Sp rdden of Green-
wood Nova Scotia. is spending a
two week leave with his wife and
son at the home of his parents, Mr,
and lh's. Zack McSpadden,
Mr. and .firs. C. Hawley of Sea-
forth visited with relatives in the vil-
lage Sunday.
Miss Ruth McClure, Clinton, at
her home over the weekend.
A Red Cross euchre and social
w +s held at this home of Mr. and
Airs. ltobt. Dodds on Wednesday
evening Dec. 5th by group four of
the unit: The prize winner's were
ladies, meet games, Mrs. E. Hab-
kirk: lone hand :erre. J. Beattie;
rent= riot earner. Robt. Beattie,
mine Lands, George Case; eensola-
1n . Mrs. A. Somerville and Ed
♦, ri Thie wag followed by a short
,' n -r8 11're with Airs. 1:. Toll in
elteree. It c„i: rstsd of eornmtulity,
regain, by Mrs. 33'. Church, chorus
by the e1r1, and i ay-, solo by mar -
instrumental - hy.
''re. MeDonnid, solo by Larry. Hen-
nr, duet by Lois and Doreen
r{ „e and several selections by the
Neilans. Smith and Dodds group
and also Stewart McCalI, accompan-
ied by sibs. Jas. Hogg. After the
offering a lovely lunch was served.
An hour pi• two was spent in dancing
and this enioyable evening was
hroueht to a close by the singing of
the National Anthem.
White Gift Service To Be Held
Christmas Sunday services will be
held in Hensan United Church, on
Dec, 23rd at 11,, and 7:30 p.m.
The minister, Rev. R. A. Brook will
preach at the morning service on
the "Christmas Message.” The choir
will present two anthems "A Rus-
,inn Melody" by Pw, C. Wilson and
"Christmas Jubilate and Heaven's
Glory Song" by E. W. Norman. The
es service will take the form.
F a i ig,cant "The Crusade at
Christmastide" by about thirty-five
members of the Sunday School and.
congregation taking part. Candle -
lighting ceremony and white gift
service. Christmas hymns and carols
by the choir' and congregation will
be woven into this beautiful pa-
geaet. The 'white gifts to be made.
on behalf of the Christmas Cheer.
Fund for children of. Great Britain.
Mr. Moore of Listowel is re-
lieving agent at the C.N.R. depot.
in the absence of the local agent,
Mr. A. L. Case, who has been ill,'
Institute Holder Xmas Meeting
The Christmas meeting of the
Mensal). Senior Institute was held at
the home of Mrs. Edmund Geiger on
Wednesday evening with Mrs. Robt.
Cameron co -hostess, Mrs. A. Kers-
lake presided 'ever the program
which opened by singing "The Ode"
and "Jore to the world" followed by
the Lord's prayer in unison, The
minutes were read and adopted and
the troll call answered by a gift for
the Sick Ohildr'en's .Hospital in
London, Ma's. Cameron and Mrs.
Geiger volunteered to pack same end
Mrs, G M Drysdale took charge of
the transportation of sane. Miss
Gladys dys Luker played a piano in-
Lruu.,:•ntal, which was much en.
joyoci. Mrs. J. Paterson ;'ave a re-
port of the Rally held at Thames
Road Church. A letter of thanks was
rend from Mr. Robt. Moore. Mrs,
Fred- Beer reported 20" boxes being
packed for boys overseas and also a
bot sent to N.S. Marion Dougall, to
be distributed among Canadian boys
in I•Iospital. Mies Greta Laramie led
in a sing song of Christmas carrots.
Mrs, Frank Wright was the guest
speaker:' and gave a splendid mes-
sage on "The Spirit of Christmas".
The recipe was given by Mr's, H. Me-.
Lauren. Mrs. Norman Stanlake
moved a vote of thanks to hostess,
and all those who took part. The
meeting, concluded,by singing "Si-
lent Night" and refreshments were
A very enjoyable. evening was
spent on Friday, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Riley in honor of
Pte. Frank Young, recently returned
form overseas Progressive euchre
was played followed by presentation
of a bill -fold and money to . Pte.
Young by his son, Allen. Mr, Ben
son Stoneman read the accompany-
ing address. Frank ex --pressed his
sincere thanks to all. Refreshments
Nllw Sil5Wfiii 113URS. len. SA'r,-..._,. _. --
Phillip Terry
Audrey Long
3 roruantie comedy, ga in spirit, 'i
Y t i 1, ihroli6itrg' "'illi Latin-American
Eddie Bracken Veronica Lake
"BringOn TheGirls"
Amusing musical conned i
0 y, filled with. .hlhlrions eritEn'tainrnecrl.
Carmel Wilde Evelyn Keyes
"Thousand And One Nights"
A:lavish romantic fantasy spitted with
Coming "OVER 21"
WALTON • was sung by Rev. L. F. Phelan 1
Mrs,. Timothy Nolan passed away 1ephew of the departed woman
, Rev.
at her home on concession 10of Phelan was assisted by Rev, W. J.
Grey township. She had suffered Phelan, also a nephew of the de-
e -
from boor health for some time. She parted and Rev S. J. MacDonald of
was the widow of the late Timothy ClinHislop,
The pallbearers wvere Jack
W. Nolan, who predeceased her two p, Jcck MacDonald, Silas John -
years, agog The funeral was held stop, Joseph Ryan, George Blake and
from St, Ambrose Roman Catholic ie. J. Strath. Interment was made
Church, Brussels. Solemn high "lass ineterY. Brussels, Rontan. Catholic cem-
were served and dancing enjoyed." FARMERS
The Public School concert will 1 FERTILIZER MAY- BE SCARCE BY
be held in the Town Hail, Hensall, SPRING
on Thursday evening, Dec. 20th to
which everyone is welcome ORDER YOUR.
We're son'v forr-the S.'rv13P
Intl didn't often a't
131i1 8'oli'Il agree Wit ltMs.
1-l'e didn't often let
You down too very badly,
.and though we toiled
without a rest
0111 :Service suffered sadly,
Although all the words of regret
won't replace stocks you didn't
get, we still want to wish you a
good old fashioned—
Ifeep us in mind—won't you?
1 F. CA' 6N
General Store
For December or January Delivery
—Canada imports all her Potash from the United States
--The consumption of. Potash in the U.S.A. has doubled
in the heel live wears without a corresponding increase
in production,
—Due to "uncertain labour i' conditions, American firms
will not accept contracts nor guarantee deliveries.
SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer now ready for shipment is 111 perfect
chilling condition packed in special moisture resistant bags.
If stored in a dry place, it will be in perfect condition at
seeding time.
Be Sure of your Shur -Gain
By ordering for early delivery
+c<::.�.. --.ate,:_„,•
x, -:.'.'Lis,•. -
Christmas candles will burn brighter this year
and Christmas turkeys have a new and special flavour
for the thousands of Canadians who will be sitting
down to their first Christmas dinner with the family
circle complete. And many a childish face will glow
in the candlelight because "dad” takes his place' at
the head of the table again — with his strange tales
from Italy, from France, Germany or the Pacific.
But even as the candles are lit and the heaped
plates go round, Canadians will pause and remember
— remember those family groups that will never be
complete—those thousands of desolate and homeless
in Europe — that great army of children who have
been frightened and hurt and starved by a war not
of their making.
Let us therefore make a solemn resolve never
again to allow the powers of darkness -- greed,
selfishness and mistrust—to put out the candles of
Christmas, those brave Fights that symbolize the warm
love and kindness that came into,, the world two
thousand years ago.