The Seaforth News, 1945-12-20, Page 3HONOUR FOR BRITISH WAR LEADERS The Viceroy of India, Field Marshal Lord Wave11, and the C-in-C 6ndia, Giaeral Claude Auckinleck, have received the highest • American honour that can be awarded to non-Americans—the Legion of Merit, Degree of Chief Commander. The honour was conferred by the President of the United States and was presented in Delhi on his behalf by t7,S. Lieutenant -General R. A. Wheeler. Picture shows the Viceroy of India, Field Marshal Lord Wave], receiving the decoration from Lieut. -General Wheeler._ Canada's War Gratuities Top List 'tlben h tines to paying gratuities to war veteran-, Canada is r y n, up at the trip of the list. Here as the scale of grants for a private with iLfce years in the forces, two of which have been served overseas: 11 if Married ^';-.nutter: Siuyie and Otte Child Ca):ada $011 $711 New Zealand 580 (140 ' rest - Britain 383 Australia - 378 Fsouth Africa. 336 llnited ,States 300 Lrt the croakers try to play with that onel 472 395 334 300 gIkth d..s The High Barbaree by Charles Nordhoff and Jaynes Norman Hall A Catalina flying Boat lies ditched in the Pacific after its dead, struggle with a Jap sub- marine. Its radio has been des- troyed, its water tanks punctured, and three of its crew killed. But the Cal stf:1 floats, and in It the two survivors, AlecBrooke, the the yonaa: 'pilot front. Iowa, and leis navigator. Genelfauriae of Cali- fornia, sweat out the hours as they wait for rescue, Days of overcast—oil one of whirl they see 9. plane that does not snot ['.tent --are succeeded by an endless stretch of brassy heat. They knew they have drifted far out of range of Ifenderson Field, and as lilt hours pile up and the water rums low, Alec begins to resnittiece about his house town in Iowa al:'ut his sea -faring uncle, and a1 cut his boyhood dream of a tiny Pacific Island, an island, marked "Existence Doubtful" on the old wraps, an island toward wilkh lhty might even now be drifting , . The Nigh Barbaree , , McClel- land & Stewart ... Price $2,00. • Proposed Loan To Great Britain "Deal" of Vital Importance to all United Nations The lean of $•4,400,00,000 ar- ranged :at.; week by British repre- sentatives with the United States govermktm. has two features—an advance e•_ $3,700,000,000 to Bri- twin, to he used to re-establish domestic economy, and $030,000,- 000 by way of a Lend -Lease bal- ance. The essential aspect of the 84,400,00' &1)) loan i; the good it can do the two Countries (and the world) in setting tip the basis for new trade agreements which will permit r, free slow of world -trade goods. T1ge r a or trade coueessions made by (;treat Britain Will work lo the advantage of the United States, by opening up new markets to American industry and agriculture. It is not inconceivable that these renewed r. arkets will add more billions to dee national income of the Unite•„ States in one year titan the amount of the .loan, In lighting the war, says the 14ew Ya,t, Sun, Great Britain cos - tirely c,-.Li,;;.ted its working capi• tat The 1riti;h still are in a strong p, iti011 business Wren all over the world. They have (Alt slops and an cst,tbhshed reputation for sound busyness clealiag.o, hut tiler haven't the goods with trhich •io stock thC7'_ It is now proposed that we help then by supplying working capital. If we do we can hope that the channels of world trade once more all be aper; to ourselves as well as to Great Britain and olltct• nations. If world trade Cannot be estab- lished in an orderly manner, the alternative for Great 14ritain trill be inability to - buy goods from us' which ids n•t r,`d mean that she would have to n-1Inc her tracle to the steeling arta Population of U.S. Over 140,000,000 The Cunans Bureau has an- " nutmeat' that the population of the United States passed the 110,000,- 000 Mark about Oct, 1. J. C. Capp, Bureau Director, said that on this, basis, the population increased by about 8,330,723 in the 51.`: years following tate 1940 cen- sus. This compares with an in- crease of 8,884,229 during the 10 years between 1930 and 1940, Britain Rebuilding Merchant Navy A merchant navy of fast, up-to- date ships is shaping up In Brit- ain's many shipyards and by early next year many new cargo liners will be ready to carry goods abroad in the greatest export drive, of this country's history. At Sept, 30 Llyotl's register re- ported 387 ships of 1,418,243 tons were tinder construction in the United Kingdom. Almost 100 of the craft are coastal vessels under 500 tons but 87 are of more than 3,000 tons, suitable for deepsea service. Rebuilding Britain's merchant fleet to its 20,000,000'ton pre-war level will be a work of years. Helicopters Two liners now being built In Britain 1vi11 carry helicopters to fly off mail and urgent freight as they near port. HOTEL EL ariET 1ti3Oa1-llctra;lt All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 asp NIAGARA FALLS. OPPOSITE+ C.N.R. STATION hear BACK CHES. D Backache is often caused by hay kidney action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in tate system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dia. turbed rest or that 'tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly -use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time -tested, popular, safe,, non -habit -form - log, Demand Dodd's'Kidney 'Pills, in the Mao box with the red band. Sold everywhere. 135 QUICK : ' RELIEF, FOR COUGHS; COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA SIMPLE SORE, THROAT Have Yoti fiend? "Daddy, [chat is leisure?" asked the child. "My buy," replied the sire, "leisure is the two minutes' rest 'd malt gets while his wife thinlcs up something for him to (lo," Last Stop! A gentleman slipped on the stair of a subway and started to Slide down to the bottom. Ualf-way ' down, he collided with a lady, knocking Iter clown, and the two continual their way together. After they had ['cached the bot- tom, the lady, still dazed, continued to sit on lite gentleman's chest, Looking up at her he said, po- litely: olitely: "I'tn carry, maulam,.but'this is as fat as I go, Solving the Great Problem "1'm 1t0' sending. tttty Christmas or New Year gifties tae ata rela- tion; the: t:'hr',Butts," saitl the art- ful Andrew. "But why nut?" asked lti.o Mend, : `Surely they'll be expecting sot0e- tlring." - Andrew .shook his Meati "No, I've seen to that," he re- plied, ''They'll no' be expoting anything` .I wrote alt'. told them I was suffering front loss of memory —an' to male sure they'd believe it 1 forgot las lift ony stamps on ti's letter;" SLIC[ CiHCHICKS All dressed up in smart coin dots is the silver -spangled Hamburg hen, above, owned by Harlow H, Mor - gen, of Montclair, N.J. The pick -a- back pair, below, are a 12 -ounce Red Pyle game cock and a 14- pound Light Brahma, Fancy fowl were all entries at annual national poultry . show opened in New York. Astronomical Figures VOETHE Reveal, Cost of Ware \1 -alit to know what World War !I'Yms�t� r . ' r II cost the world? According to a survey by ' re- searcher James Ii, Brady and Am- erican University, ,Washington, It ties shout 81,111,000,000,000 (tril- lion) for armament - and -war mat- erials and about 4210,000,000,000 .n property damage, That doesn't include cost of armaments andproperty damage its China, for which figures were mit available, The -urvey placed IJ S. ex; et • ditnres for war matexial at 5317,- 000,000,11(10, Russia spent 3102,- 000,000,000 and the United Kuig- dwit 5120,0021 C00,000. The war.. coat the Axis powers about St68,930,000,000, with Ger- many' spending 3272,900,000,000. Italy $93,000,000,1100 and Japan $354.0011,000,000" One -Way Atlantic Trip by TCA $375 A new transatlantic single tare ef'th,>.e to $971 will shortly be an - not, n t n-not,nt ed by 'i'ans-Canada Air 1.we '1'lte Fivahrial Post states. complies with a present fare or 3.1::3, ft is $ 300 more than the fare of $275 proposed in October by Pan-- merlean, but ie the same rate a0 finally adopted this week by Pain following pres- s,:r•' jinni Britain and other air- lines. Long, Long Ago In the Stratford ile;acon-11erald of 50 years ago stt"3t•.1're 8411'43r - 113,b3.4 „three good I,00 t. fie cetits','and pi tai 'rr ;tt 2S cents a bag." .\nil tl ere was prcd)ably lots 01 t•i,rit to he It:tl -at a dollta A day, 33:4 the "day" t+.: 12 hoursi Lit.:,) 1 C,ttrzL a. Better Burned '1 t isl , .` aC r n 1. remind tis, A, the evid,aiee i; 1.:liti3111•,1, That the Fuchr:ir Icit behind Lite, T'aper's that Lr >1'. uld ht:r.ucicL I ?r.: s m i(+lienal, One Advantage 1'i0 t unfelt rett:r1:11 War Vet- eran Lias one ,tdt-anti t". over tits honsrlcss risiliat;--!;c l nn;; bow to build a fomh --Stratford Beacon-lb.ralci, To o Cc: ebrate' - Ttiv pest is the tolls sary of the peel „:ic tore, 1.alt about celebrating r:ith a good blott tut' L'rtc l 'l' I"'.<ut:iner. Anvil Chorus In one respect cm', sire like pro. ple. '1'Itec &holt- a tenclenry im knock us the gr, -,w older, 1;u't Reporter. nal 111' CHIC NS SCANT 1. 'Ai (11,12 CHICICS7 WE'VE . -outs t it blc, and also some 2- 3 week heavy breed: started' h hat o — work In tine for the early 1110 broiler tnnrkets. Write for list and order soutt for 1948. L'ray Hatchery, 130 Jcltn N. T•Iam- ilt.on, 0111. 0.\133,1' 11 WKS 1251.[\0 TI -I10 t;r,,,t J 5t returns, Canada needs. early clti les next year and al- ways, She weeds then[ not only to ,supply her own requirements but to sultan her export market at the time It needs eggs most. Any product to better appreciated at hone or 'abroad when it Is ann- ulled sit at the time Itismost need- ed. E.uri chicks hate two advan- i ts, 1'.t, .._ they lay early when prtees are the hlghost; Ind. -- they lay lona•est spreading tits re urt,1' over the whole year. Fail- ure to secure sufficient early chicks last spying resulted In a shortage of mews this Pall, Any surplus .that 1naY occur At the Fait of 1040 Is protected by the export contract with. Great 13r1 - lain which insures a price of 48e, for a 7htrge Seaboard. Send for our early delivery prlrellst, you will notonly stake extra money with early hatched eblcic,, but you will save money by taking them. early, Free catalogue. Also laying' and. ready to lay- pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, - BABY CHICK- BUYERS oft'I:R SOt,R GOVERNMENT AP - proved Thick& now and obtainata early order discount. Each breed- er Is Government bonded end blood -tested. Write for sur 1046 mice list and catalogue, Mnnlctan Poultry Farms, lronkton, Ontario Y'f)ir WIT,T, SAvv9 MONEY Ir YOU order your Top Notch chicks early, You will not Only save mo- nay hat you will 'macre extra. mo- tley If you take early delivery of Yeut' 'Itlrl:s, St le the early ehlelus that always make the most mo- ney:,, Send Inc early prtcellat and free catalogue. Also laying put• lets for Immediate dellverY. TOP Notch ("hickories. Guelph, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS Orr. TSAIIY CHTCIC9- ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered P.lrris, All Breeders blood -toted, Prices from 3e to 23c, 4,11 guaranteed excellent )ayers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Sleights. Ont. W51 IT AVIS FOR T0-OMEDIATE. shipment laying and ready to lay pullets in White LegI,nrns, Barred Rooks and New TTatonshh'es, Also day 'old chicks torimmediate de. livery. Vice catalogue. - Twaddle Chick TIat:-berise Limited, Fer- gus, (Wart,. --- SUPERIOR CHICKS Fall chicks, Winter chicks, Spring el iOts, 01 popular breeds, Hy- brids, day old and started. Im- metiate or Inter delivery, All breeders binndlested, 21 day 11v- : 31 ity gttaraotee. Catalogue, prices free Superior Hatchery, T,Inwnn el, Ontario. IF YOTH SVANT LAYING AND ready to lay nullets for immediate it livery, we Have them — Barred Reeks, New T3ampslilres, White 3,egt,orus or 'Hybrids. A10n for Im- mediate delivery day old Thinks,. Free catalogue, Top Notch Chick - cries. Guelph, Ont., 131>; ONLY PIIRINA EMBRYO -FED Shirred Rock and Hybrid approv- ed chicles produced in Chatham are 111u0, -tested by the tube me- thod -fol. Moth the rea'ular and straits of pnllorum. Pallets 520.00 515.55rrec9hem`.tsrei,7.00Orcr'from T •nnlc Price Hatchery, 11 ,T bn- ke Si„ C'hatbant, Ontario: 13051N19Sq OPPORTUNPrTgq' HOW W(1TtL11 YOST LINE TO OWN a 010,000 Home, Unlit to your own specific:1 tions, wherever you With" if you prefer tvn w111 giro you $10,000 is Victory Bonds. Op- portunity to win $10.000 monthly rl,aw. ,111 proceed.- for underpri- vileged - children and playgrounds. • Draw dale — December 31st, 19433. Don't delay, Receipts ata fled proncptly. Sand $1.00 for one ticket, 0 for 85.00, :right now to Iciwnnis Club of Sudbury, Boa. 52 .Sudbury, Ont, \VIS HAVE PROSPPC'I7VID PER- ('hissers for properties near Windsor Toronto and Niagara-- I''alls. Wylie, giving us hull Par- ticulars Guaranty Trust Com- Pany of Canada, Windsor — To- rgnlo — Niagara. cells. • HOME FOR $LOO 6;50000 — 8-50000 T-TOLTSI3, FINS - shed now, to bedrawn soon. Fund membership $1;00; G for 65.00. Rouyn-;Nnrinda Kinsmen Club, 1Tox. 038, Noranda Quebec. ISSUE 51.1945 DYEING ,AND C1,EAN11t HAVE Tot) ANYTHING. 7070EDS dyeing or cleaning? g7 Write to 1110 for information 105 are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Pail er'e Dye Works Limited, 79i Yange Street, T0- rr,ntn. - DF:TEtTIVEv Ctt3t)tl t 0111 10,11ESTIO, 10,11LEGAL 4tive ii): let r..: snYwherc in Onto,. tau. Person, sons In •aced, Free ee con- sultation. Telephone Ili trh,lnle 9223, Active Investigation Ru - lean, 68 L'arlltam Avenue, To- ronto, Ont. -,011 SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS FOR SALE Year Old Bull, Domino Tired, well marked, Two yoitnger bull., also one cow rising three, all blood - .;ted and T. P,. Clear. Also other animals owned by Breeders in vicinity. lie• Information write Shapkin, Robrotea lrar)n, Stroud, Ontario. PLa:2'I1 I 1:1:11'31.AS IiI1', ilAST f., lel I r jewellery, lamps, Mono furnishings, etc. for awn use, ('i ri •torus gift.. or resale from this beautiful t, r b ph:mimes, 4eweilely findings, s cement, t in - at lt,1 ns included. $4 ft Illus Postage. 41 0 It Sharon Products P. (1 'so:: 2r:40. PIn^e T'Armes, Mon l ret1, 1. -tete, 1'1.1,5, 1 STAItI, Ifi'te =), t 1 s ne, 1 ocdwaxe, 7tttding ro,rerml. cement, eon:, teed, Ium- 1 •r. to Highway 3. opposite Smithfield Station, good. fruit and mtt>- district h -root; dwelling alta,lted with t sdern xtven- lenge, stns 113 x 36, additional building suitable for extra ,1woP ling, 8 e tlaV ea T cool sheds. -8 warehouses on i. 1 P 0,1!10 near store about 3111,100 stock, 1Vnul8 Nell part or all for 025,000. David J. White, R. 11. 2, Brighton, Ont. RED OUTFIT SPECIAL JAI. 614.98. Cleaned and freshly enamelled Metal hod, 1•e-1taish.ed surto.; and brand new felt mattress 03(10. Re -silvered springs, an elves 14.05. Re -conditioned drop-s1J and pt,ll-out couch with new cretonne $peered mattress with valance, 14,9•, .Buy with eortfidenec from Wholesale Furniture, 10 Market 4t,. Toronto, Ont. ST.t1t1 nrT i'3O1IS WRI.1'E FOR free 11V.;.7.8 list Of new and old t -rat. mint at.I used. Mount }loyal Stamp Cc,. 1472 M..0111 ('..11,... rte., Montreal, 711e, T•17a:L7 It SETTER T t'PS, T v(c'1n'T- ional parents to i.tered, II, Rat - loot gun, Kleinh,tr:, phone Wood- bridge 02513; - - AS)14118' 'I 1(:INT;S, 09350 Briggs and Stratton ;(,noted, Shost to,olorn c sine hn-lt, 1.oW net. Ai rile .for dos",'Ipli e fold- ers and prices, Scope Sates Co., Box N;;3, Ottawa, (lltt, QUILT SAMPLES high grade cuttings, los, melte ever- lasting gents, 30 pieces about 0 x 18, 31.00 plus 20e. postage, re- mit with order. A Rice, 301 Spa- dina, Toronto. Ontario. Al STUll'11tl5IT sE'rrntt-SIAI-tO- gene Kim of 'tides, slred by C. H. Hitnerntt Red Ace, (Reg'd,) Iron Shaw Pbm,B. •Cam,ington, Otttarto, FIVE TUBE, SIX VOLT IIATTERY model amplifier, mike, stand, 12 Inch speaker. New, Electronic Appliance, 110G Portage Ade, winnipag. Now is the time to buy a one-gan light weight- portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to Loll or cross -cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two typos ma- nttfnetured, loth $400 f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd.. 2028 Ay10)er SI., Dtontreal.. Tvl,SCT'Ilf0 MOTORS N7✓10, USE[) bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- teys, 1033133130s. Allen 1i1eet•le C'nm- Pauy 1411 2326 Dufferin St,` Tor- onto. COCKERS AND PEKINGESE- OF of world-famous bloodlines, Mrs. P. A. At.'.argesnn, Cedarcrnal ICOn- nels, ICentville, Nova Scotia, FERRETS: BROWN AND WIIITE. Good hunters on rats and rabbits, $12,5s0 pann 1;aele. Mennen, R.R. 1, Pit.'rl, Uiari 1 4,11015 100It SALE 176 ACRES, 70 ACRESSTANDING timber fit for saw log's. Good buildings, plenty water. Third cons.. tp. of Percy, Nortlttmber- leud 'County, Close to school, store, church, cheese factory. W. N, Ireland, Warkworth, Ont, FARM FOR SALld, 200 ACRES, brick house, baric stables. .\ppi7 Robbins, obbins, R, 11. No. 1, Mono Mills, Ont 4',tit114 1'"J1 AA1,15 \U1 TSLV, 1' T PART U. 35 Coe^r :don 4, Township of n••• +1, 'wood lot, Apply A, Crozier, Sxrun Wont, 030, ,tatter r.aarvt1 014A1IN HAI 1.LitISSINO '7H79 Robertson meths -1, Information on revinrat regarding classes, Rot., 0, tie hairdressing Acad- emy. 13; .1501110 Road, Toronto, 111..1.P LV:'t'e'1'I'.I) A li"t - f 1 LCI E13 WWANTED. 11013 a vu—t.. hnte to 1 adult; light j'•( t description and state 0:. 03 .'p^'red, all letters an- sw Fr 3.10. Route 2, Low A.. tow PllBLI(1 1TEAi,TI, 1,r3i• r generalized rogratn. Du - t ronunerwe Jan. 2. Apply Sar, 1. IT, %Vnsi - , If. O. H., 73aard of N,. 11th, ti a.mr'rket, Ont. Ii AN 12 5t'1N WANTED), I'7}RNACF,S, ,:lean,rig, n,, cars, repairs, snow. gardening. uing. 0' family. Box 44:1, X,'ttnu,rket, Unto J'051TIOO WANTED i',-70 1 BIARICU•:is -:tree position managing farm. lien spert entire Ilfe on a 11rnt Familiar with all farm tna- i,lt 1y -t eluding milking ma- ehire. Very capable with horses and 11, 1 I, work. Mr, D. Boyd, IP Robert : r. M1-tntcio. MARRIT • DL AN WANTED POS gee t.i farm, start soon, must i r r, tS reliable and have 501.Pre0 a Permanent pres- 10,• 1 s tt , f a t..rl' party. APp1Y 1'..S iJ. 72 Adelaide W. Torortn, 91100110'3L IlA1-blisl:ITA I:On1' BALM 010- strO,,s effetiodor Instant -1Y. 4,`a,, bottle. Ott .wit agent, _,Ni - :win Drug Sto, . Ottawa. A 'TR; -- E -VERY SUFFERER 5f h,ntn:lei, lairs or Neirltis 'ry (is 1n s Remedy. Mutt - '„'a 1,1010 Snore, 335 Elgin, Otte- w-,_ 61,0'', 1111:1 N \1'0NT; HEALTH SA.; .TS po,ltively does relieve Arthro ala and t i..,nnalism. Painful, swot. t'p rn,Ilt'-.O no matter 10nw 1 ., ,3:031 lull suffered. Months supply 01.00 1 . 1pald.- Indian Be-. l,,,x 113, Vancouver. 13. C. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often aro rhe cause of 111•health in humans, all awes. No one Im- mune,' Why net find out It this is your trouble ,interesting Particu- lars * Free'. Write Mulveney's Tlotnedles, Specialists, Toronto 8. RA 4'51 you HEARD ,ABOUT DI7C- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? 71 gives good results. brttn. ,,+ Drug Store, 888 Elgin, Ottai e. Postpaid $005. OPPORTUNITIES FOR '190313..12 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCI30OL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands sueeeseful 3taryel graduates. America's greatest 0714 - tem. Illustrated - catalogue tree. Write or call MARVEL HATRDRP19STNO .. SCHOOLS 156 Bloor St, W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, N10(1' HOBBY HAN5JTCRAIT, With Wondertoom you can weave handbags, :afghans, luncheon -sets easily, Complete with .lnatruc- tlnns and three patterns.. one Dollar, J. L. Rice Agencies, 480 Sohnson St, Kingston, Ontario. PERSONAS, THE WINNER OP THE FUR COAT Draw held by the Elizabeth Fry chapter, 70,010, Sudbury.. On- tario, was Miss 3. bllron, 244 Peter Street, Sudbury, Ontario, with ticket Nn, 8501 L'I,11.410 COMING BEFORE Christ" - Wonderful book tree. 'Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11. N. 'Y. PHOTOGRAPHIC TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and priSATISFACTIONnted. Tour films properly developed and 3 011 6 p1XPOSTYR'IO 500008 25e REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SIORVICE You may not -get 01 the flints you want this year, but you oan get ell the quality and service yen desire by smiths your titins to 131PERIAI, PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto -NO FILM REQUIRED W13 SPPCIALI7E 1N MAILING sepia enlargeneuts direct from any snap or photo. 8x7_,800, /isle 750. Abbey .Studio, 18 Rideau St. Ottawa, Ontario. P11111 000 4,0030 A MERRY CHRIST1YiAS. A,I) fl5't' 314. Ii 1:!i FOIL '13191 1431%1 'YEAR ARE i:RlT NI118D TO ^I.OI ICY THIS MANI,1 RAI NT AND IIIIPI,(31'F,0. OI •0'113; STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Canada's largest 1-1,,rto finishing studio dos the 1'.ne.t work obk:un- able -- and at the 1,,west cast, Get bey results from yt.ur camera bg. senditur your 5 ,' 1 ere 1..- de- veloping and prin. Quality work and prompt fie. .. f- :, assured you, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Hex 129. Postal Terminal A, 'Ieroute Prai,ing Star Snapshot Fer",iee, a customer aE %%{td arOntario, writes: "I supposed s hard to €ilve your usual quirk service with help so hard to got but ata long as you turn oe:1 the fine piviti^es you send me, 1 for one, will think the3're wan worth waiting far ---if I have. to w t Any 51..11.--8 . 5 E7:p.,sprea, IIT'[% t (0I CD. ,AND PRINTED 2,10 9 0001.700111D 102094n(a 1111 NT'. 25e Size 4" x 6 r t eros tful Plasm Mounts 'pion Can bare el3I4r4433310tan colour- ed by and for a 01,111 additional charge, Premed Pn1013gei,, nta 4" x 6". on Ivory tint mounts -: frames 7" a 9". Burn. heal (told or 701ver, Circassian Walnut or Black ll.nny finish 0900 If (11,1,1,403114334t ,eel 79c, Print your name a..,a address plain- ly nn all 'orders. 6i1'4ICAI..rtit'e 10( 90F.N'1'9 5RFII A, 13()DDt N('TON I0t'19, colts exchanges :u -::cal instru- mento. 11; tit:aril. Toronto 2. I'ATr:3i'I6 F'ETHERSTOAHAIiat1T k 0M1ttNif Patent " Solicitors, Established 1890: 14 Icing wast. Toronto. Boctctet of informal CL re- quest 13.AI)IOy RAD!,) IIXI'I)ItIMI:.\Cl?R;9I ('00' 0511':i your t.wn 2 tube all wave set Nit of 30 parts. Tubes. Chas - Ida ideal Christmas gift Order -' earls rice ' 3a tl h„nr,: 53.. Electronic AST' tn:.e. 1166 Port- agr, Winnipeg, Canada. '1'A7IDI:n31Y DEUR IILAIDS MOUNTED. D. DEEIR Hides tanned Into -love leather, we also buy Deer Imides. Sheep. skins tanned forf:o.,r rugs. Pear ITlrles tanned and made into rugs. POres and Furs dteSsed and made into scarfs. 26 flan Street, Teton- to, et on -to, .Ultt'er Spanner Co. Ltd. TT2.4C'IHI:RS WANTED KEEWATIN PI BLT,” 100000001 fully rtualifled Pr::,tostant teacher • for Sower glade, salory 31100.00, perrna.tlent position if suitable. Duties to cammenee Sanuary or February 1846 Apply stating age, qualifications and experience to A. G. Holme;, Secretary Treasurer, WANTED WANT 13USi70155, ANY BIND, cash buyers for Stores, Mills, Garages, Hotels, what have you, George Drummond, ()Wen Sound, Ont... THEATRE WANTED 800 seats 013 over, any town 113 Ontario. Private only, Advertls- or, 288 Torrens Avenue, Toronto d, Ont. 'WANT HOL`SE IN TOWN,- VII, lege or Highway, prefer with little land, $700 to 31300 Several cash buyers. Give description, net price. George Drummond, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED TO RENT ACREAGE farm or lot. Conveniences in house: Room 10, 1 .Gould Street, Toren to, Ont. HIG1-iEST PRICES PAID trnr ail kinds of dressed poultry. Get our prices before you sell - Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304 01.0013 ST, 01 TORONTO PHONE It . 9239 131' VER. Dine. mute R(i"'1,1411 1V.tN13U: 11100 %h) WOAITON TO take crdel'a for chicks. You can snake money. In your spare time selling your friends and neigh- .. hours Thio,& fon one of Canada's oldest established Government Approved TTatclteiles, Send for full details, Sox No, Si, '78 Adelaide W., Toronto, BET WREN NUW 3N(1 LATE. Spring, White 1319Th Bolts, 27" lone, T' and up top. blast be fresh rut, tree of -doge and targe lirob (snots. Mao - interested in Poplar and P088w000 Solis 6" and 1111 tap. 48' long, If you 011 salify 3,1 e0rlots, write for OUT quotations. Heenan \V',e(onwere Limited, Owen Sound, 00tario,