The Seaforth News, 1945-12-13, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL Tie stores in Hensel]. will remain sda afternoon Dec, , 19th, • on Wednesday Saturday evening,' De22nd and Monday evening, Dec. 24th, Pte. Lawrence Baynham who ar- rived hone from overseas on the Queen Elizabeth after four years service is spending a 30 day .fur- lough at his horse here with Mrs. Baynham, Bobbie and Jimmie, Mrs. W. B. Cross is spending a few days in London owing to the illness of her daughter, Miss Goldie Cross, R -N., who is confined to St. Joseph's Hospital with an attack, of pneumonia. The many friends of Mr. George Parker of Chiselhur'st tell' be pleas- ed to hoar he is recovering from his serious illness of pneumonia. The W,M.S, of the United Church held their regular Thankoffering service on Sunday morning in the Hensall' United Church. The special speaker was Mr. Smillie, missionary on furlough from India, who de- livered a most inspiring message. The Girls' Dance Club are spon- soring their annual Christmas dance on Friday evening, Dec. . 21, with music by Cliff Gordon's band of Stratford. Following is a report of the money made by the Dance Club. last year. Boys' overseas boxes, $100.00; Chinese War Relief Fund, $50,00;Boys' overseas boxes, $25,- 00; Institute for the blind, $50.00; War Service Committee, $50,00: Hensall Red Cross $200.00; ,Salva- tion Army, $60.00; Xmas cheer British children, $25.00 War Mem- orial Hospital children, $25.00: total $000.00; Reeve R. E. Shaddick re-elected reeve of Heneall by acclamation is aspiring for the office of warden of i-rar•on County. having had nine years in the County Council. Victors P Faleoner, present reeve of Clinton -silo is seeking re-election in his sewn has been -mentioned rs an op - of Reeve Sh rdrliele -seise Norma Cook of London -ese= the weekend at the hone of e. t er'e ntc. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mrs. 9Iac Gra er of London ri is r.i in Friday with her narents. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. 'Itonthron. Mission Circle Meets Mies Margaret Shepherd was o tene at her home on Monday 'ti ening to the Mission Circle of the 1-nited Church with Mies Edna Saunclercock, co -hostess and presid- ing over the following program, which opened with the "Theme Song" and "0 Come all ye Faith- ful," followed by the Lord's prayer in unison Scripture, Luke 2, 8-14 was read by Mrs Pearl Stephen. :he devotional ''Keeping the Christ in Christmas" was taken by Mrs. H. McLarnon, Minutes read, Each mem- ber answered the roll call by pre senting a Xmas gift. The gifts will ins- forwarded to the "London Or- phanage." `Hark the Herald Angels ,Sing" was .ung and the topic "The real spirit of Christmas" was very hlc and intereetingly told by Miss M. Ellis, Business ss d,- e ue sed, It was disclosed that a Junior Mission Circle is being. formed, therefore, in future e Mission Circle will change to an Evening Auxiliary, Election of ifii- ts resulted as follows; President, Air.', B. Kyle; ; 1=t vice. fres. 3Irs. P. McNaughton, 2nd ie -Pic : , Mrs. H Hyde; Seel, ilia Iarbara llieh• is trees„ Miss Margaret Glenn; Pies. reporter, Mrs.Hedden pianist, Miss Gladys Luker; Social cog Clrs, H McLarnon: Friendship corn„ Miss Violet McClymont Mrs. Shaddick, Mies Gladys Luker, llrs. Carl Pass- more, The treasurers report was read. The ,livening Auxiliary will hold their January meeting at the hone of Mies Edna Saundercock.. Offering received. 4lisses Margaret Shepherd and Edna Sanndereock vol- unteered to pack the assortment of gifts and send them' to the Protest- ant Orphanage in London. 'Silent Night" was ;ung and the Mizpah Benediction repeated. A social hotu followed, Arnold Circle The annual meeting of ,the Arn- old Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held in the school -room of the church on Monday evening with Mrs, Melvin Moir presiding and opened by singing "Away in a Manger" after which Mrs. Rs Mc- Laren led in prayer. Gertrude Bell favored with a violin solo. Scrip- ture, Luke2; 1-20 was read by Mrs, A. Kerslake. Mrs. N. Stanlake sang a solo, entitled "The Wonderful Story" accompanied by Mrs Forrest at .the piano. Hymn "Who ii He in yonder stall?" was sung. The nrin- utes, roll call and offering followed, Mrs. Moir made the presentation of five Life Member certificates, also seals to -Mission Band, A letter was read in regard to the changing of the name of Circle to an Evening Auxiliary or Senior Mission Circle. The treasurer's report given by Mrs. Jack Farquhar was most gratifying, Rev. P. A. Ferguson took charge of the election of officers and gave a very impressive address after which he called the officers to the front and congratulated them individually. Mrs. Forrest played a piano solo, entitled "Christmas Meditation," :A very interesting item was given. by Mrs. Ferguson, on the origin and composition of a "Song of Heaven" or better known as "Holy Night" which, was sung as a tribute to the composer, Joseph Mohr. Mrs, Moir extended a vote of thanks, to all, taking part and the Lord's prayer was 'repeated in unison. Refresh- ments -were .served. - Officers elected: 'Pres. Mrs. M. Moir; 1st vice -pros, Miss .Jean Mc- Queen; 2nd vice-pres. Mrs, Bayn- ham; Sect'y, Mrs. R. MacLaren; Treas. Mrs. Geo. Moir; pianist, Mrs. Stanlake; assistant Mrs. Baynham; Home Helper's Sec'y, Mrs. Orr and Mrs. R.' Bell; Welcome and Welfare, Miss Violet Hyde and Mrs. Daleym- ple. Supply Sec'y, Mrs. Laing. The W.M.S. of Carmel Church will hold their annual meeting cif Thurs. Dec. 13, in the, school -room of the church. 'The Sundae School concert of Carmel Church will he held on Mon 1 Superior Store 1 FOR THURS., FRI., SAT., DEC. 13 14 - 15th DILL PICKLES, 32 oz. L_... • 29c FRY'S PURE BREAKFAST COCOA 1/2 lb, tin 19c 1 M. tin 31c GRAPE NUTS FLAKES . ,2 Ige. 12 oz. pkges 25c Shelled Almonds or Shelled Filberts, 4 ounces 25c GOLDEN MIXED XMAS NUTS .... , ..... Tb 49,c AYLMER VEGETABLE OR GREEN PEA SOUP, 10 oz. tin 9c Odex Antiseptic Soap 3 Bars 17c Kieon Zit — the modern cleanser Big Ben Sweet Mustard Dressing 0 oz. jar 17e Quaker Puifed Wheat pkg, 8c Vrigor-8 Chocolate Malted Syrup, 16 oz. tin 43c Savoy Gravy. Brown pkg. 10c Earner Vanilla Extract ........4 oz. bottle -9c; 8 oz. bottle 15e Standard Quality Peas 2-20 oz. tins 25c Sage, Savory or Poultry Dressing, small pkg.-5c; Ige. pkg, 10c Mazda Electric Light Bulbs 25.40 -60 -Watt, each 15c Clean Floor Wax — paste 1 lb: tin 59c GIlletts Lye tin 12c Robinhood Quick Cooking Oats Ige. 6 Ib. bags 270 Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix.............. ...........:;.,, 2 pkgs. 25c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Xmas Oranges are in all sizes, and a good supply ART WRIGHT Prompt EService PHON77 tin 490 tilt .1 ns I n o ri+s i The opening of our new Store, across from the post office, on Saturday morning at S. You are invited to come in and see our modern -equipped Store, whether you wish to buy or not. We have the Canadian Gen- eral Electric agency, and have in stock a limited number of small Radios, Toasters, Irons and other electrical appliances. PHONE 19 ,,r0' KLi SEAFORTH aBitgeggleinelgailge day evening. Dec, 14. Practise for all taking part in the eclrool-room on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 15, at 2 o'clock. The School concert of S.S. 10, slny will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 19th. The Public School concert of Hensall will be held in the town hall on Thursday-. Dec. 19. Everyone is invited to attend, isles P>lanehe Thomson nurse -in• tr rining of Stratford General Hos- p ta% spentthe weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Thom- son, Mrs. John Barrer returned home fro•n- a pleasant visit with her sons in Detroit. The Sabbath School concert of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held on Monday December 17. Mr, Robt. Simpson spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Aire. Geo. Cowan and Teddy accompanied by Miss Betty Moir visited recently with relatives in Piyth, Mrs. Boyd returned to her home in London after spending a week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr..and Mrs. Edward Zedcl, Mrs. Spry visited' last week in London with relatives and friends. Pte. Lenore Norminton of Vic- toria, B.C., is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr, and firs, Ecl, Norminton. P.O. Douelas Sangster returned to Toronto after spending a week at his hone here. Mrs. Alice Phaff has been con- fined to her room during the past week owing to illness, Mr. Donald MacKinnon who re- cently received his discharge frons the Air Force, left this week for Westminster Hospital, London, for treatment, after spending the past week at his home here with . Mrs. MacKinnon and family. Mr, Donald Joynt is able to be out again after being confined to his room with an attack of influ- enza. Mr. and Mrs, Edward. Judd, Jackie and Sandra spent the weekend with relatives in London, 13011N — At Mrs. ,Saundereock's Nursing Horne, Hensall, Friday, Dec. 7th to Mr. and Mrs, Keith Buchanan—a son. The regular sleeting of the Vil- lage Council was held in TuesdaY evening at 8. pan. in the Council Chamber with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting read. A. W. Kerslake and H. 'Hyde, that the minutes be adop- ted as read. Car'r'ied, R, J. Pater- son reported as having collected $4919.55 off the roll to date. J. A. Paterson, clerk, reported re the visit of Mr. Bishop from the office of the Fire Marshall, re the con- dition of the property of the 'G. Mc - Ewan estate on King St. E. Fink re- ported as having received a copy of the notice sent the G. Mcrwa estate, re the removal of the e liazarrl on 'King Se within 60 days Arise G. Mitchell appeared re taxes and Insulin etc. Dr. Shirk appeared re W. Dabiesstating that he was in bail shape and needing attention, advised to take him to ,hospital. R. E. Shaddick, Reeve, reported tlight at the School Board also 7, E. Ka- Ewan-askinng' that something he done 1 as regards the fence at the park. I10. Fink and H. Hyde that we request the Hydro Commission to install a street light at the school. Carried. ,A. W. Kerslake and M. Moir, that we order 000 feet of snow fence and the necessary posts. Carried. Corse pondenoe read as follows: Queen Alexandra Snnitorium IT J, D. A. Wiggins. Hillis and accounts read as follows: J. A. Paterson, Fire Ins. Hall. $24,00: 0. Twitchell supplies, Hall ,70, Fire Dept. $1.4.10, total $14.8(i; F. G. Bonthron, postage, 15,00; Hensall public Library, grant $175.00; E. Fink, salary, councillor', 1 $28.00; H. Hyde, salary council- lor, 828,00; A. W. Kerslake, salary, councillor, $28.00; 1T. Moir, salary, councillor $28,00; R. E. Shaddick, salary, Reeve, $42.00; R, J. Pater - eon, aterson,. salary, tax collector, $55.00,' postage $0.10, total $51.10; 0, Twitchell, salary, Fire Ceief and motor mechanic, $50.00; T. Kyle, salary and cost of living $77.60; S. A. Paterson, bal. salary and cost of living, $147.80; Hydro Comm. Hydro Hall, $18.29; G. R. Hess, acct„ $24.50; R. Middleton, Soda P. Dept. 54.19; G. M. Case, coal hall, $54.45; E. C. Nickle, tuning piano, hall, $5,00; R. J. Paterson,. revising voter's list, $5.00; J, A. Paterson, revising voter's list, $50.- 70; 50:70; Queen's University Municipal coucil and Councillor, $4.00; County of Huron, worst and material on streets, $2500,00; Moore Bros. re- pairs, streets; $15.10; A. H. Er- skine, collecting tax arrears, $0.90; Village 'Exeter, Ration Board ex - penes, 530,00; total $3338,09. E, Fink and M. Moir, that we pay the County of Huron $2500.00 on the road account, Carried. A. Kerslake end H. Hyde, that the bills and accounts as read be paid. Carried, Dr, John Clarke Goddard appeared. at the councils request re the ap- pointment as Medical Officer of Health and signified his willingness to accept the position on approval of the Department. M. Moir and A. Kerslake, that we adjourn to meet Dec, 15. J, A. Paterson, Clerk, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and family of London, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Corbett. KIPPEN EAST The Christmas meeting .of the Kippen East, W.I. was held on Fri- day last at the home of Mrs, Alex. McGregor, It was decided to hold a banquet for the returned soldiers on Friday, Dec. 28th in the Hensel] town hall. The meeting opened with the Ade, followed by the Lord's prayer. At the institute tally held in Seaforth on the 5th, Miss Hays,. of Ottawa, was the guest speaker, Mrs. Wm, Doig gave a review of this meeting and stressed that the stand- ing committee conveners should know the why and wherefore of the meetings. The local Institute should have five subjects and each have a convener with helpers. Eachn alerr should have the knowledge, and "enthusiasm of their different subjects. 'A standing committee should beappointed to build up, programs. There was a veryinter: esting demonstration of Christmas table decorations, There were recita- tions by Lois McLellan a. duet by Marie and Ann Sinclair, "White Christmas," Miss Joan Weight gave two grand instrumentals. Motto;, Card of Thanks Mr, and Airs, Geo, T, Flewitt wish to' express their thanks and appreciation to the neighbors who so kindly gave of their help at their recent barn raising, Card of Thanks Mrs. Frank Storey and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement, IN MEMORIAM RILEY—In loving memory of Mary Riley, who passed away Dec. .0, 1944. In our home she is fondly remem- bered; Sweet memories cling to her name, Those who loved her in life sin- cerely, Still love her in death just the same.—Ever remembered by husband and family. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from the under- signed .proprietor to sell by public auction, at Lot 19, Con. 5, Township of Logan, 21 miles north of Mitchell, then 3 miles west, or 21/2 north of Dublin, then 1a¢ miles east. on Tues- day, Dec. lath, sale to commence at 12.30 o'clock sharp, Horses — Chestnut mare 10 years old; 1 bay mare 5 years old; 1 bay mare 4 years old. Cattle -1 Holstein cow, fresh, with calf by her side; 1 Holstein cow due Dec, 24th; 1 Durham coy, supposed WANTED in calf; 1 Holstein and Hereford cow A good need gramophone. Apply due in March; 1 Holstein cow sup- at The News Office. posed in ca)f . 1 Holstein heifer, clue FOR SALE in April; 1 part Hereford cow sup posed in calf; heifers 1 year old; 2 Collie pups, good heelers, guar hill calves. anteecl, Apply THURSDAY Dec. 13, 1945 AT,FINNIGAN'S "THE CHRISTMAS FRUIT BASKET" 0R There's. an old adage that goes somelbing like "the proof of thepudding is in the sating'" This week' We are displaying ' literally Hundreds of Oranges priced from 31c to 70c a dozen. This we believe will be the finest display of fruit in. this district. We invite you 'to browse thio this display. • Finest Oranges 2 doz, 660 Golden Ripe Bananas .2 Ib. 25o Baskets of Fruit 1;50 4.50 5.25 W. J. FINNIGAN & SON FOR SALE 2 young Holstein calves for sale, Apply E. B. Goudie. Phone 661 r. 2, Seafortii, NOTICE All books must be returned to the ,Seaforth Public Library on or be- fore Monday, Dee. 24th. WOOD FOR SALE Good 12 -inch hardwood, mostly maple. Minimum order 5 cords. Apply to Harold Jackson, Seaforth, or Phone 661x14. FOR SALE About 75 Leghorn hens ready to lay, Apply to Alvin Beuermann, Phone 23 r 15, Dublin. WANTED To buy a few good stocker cattle. 'Apply Bob Archibald, Phone 655 r 10, Seaforth. IIngs-1 Yorkshire sow, fat, good butcher pig; 8 chunks weighing about 31' lbs. Poultry- -About 50 Leghorn pullets Incl h'nients 11.li, binder, 6 ft, cut; Deering mower. 3 ft.. cut; eels lento r. 'Deering Fend doll 12 dies; steel land roller. dump rake, gang flow, walking Mow. Cockshut1 single riding plow cutter buggy 1 ee. harrow'; sec. harrows; seulfler a tt extension ladder, rel sleighs; wheel burrow; 'fie wagon, hay tack, fanning 111111. miring cox, root pulper, gravel box, cedar post, snow fence, colony house Sale, meant separator, chop barrels,' stone boat, snow plow. 2 iron kettles. pig rirate, quantity 2" plank, quantity 1" lumber, 2 teed hoppers, 4 bundles shingles 1 hay car hay rope. slings, n' good •.e ''c fence. Abn 16 tons 1 cl cru cy nt o s i FOUND hay, quantity of good strain. Harness Licerile plate No. 552791 found. --Set of donhle harness just used 1 Owner may have same by calling at year. Enrniater, -- 1 cook stove, oll News Office. Earner, heater, 1 sewing machine, radio, couch, extension table, 3 small FOUND tables, 0 Ititchen chairs, odd -chairs. FOUND steer strayed onto my glass cupboard, 2 beds -with spring place, lot con. `1, Logan, in and mattresses stands, cit brooder, early lot 35,rber•, Owner can have floor' coverings, sausage tiller, fomes, same by paying expenses, Apply to shovels, does, wbifflelre es, sec kynkes, Louis Dillon, Phone 45x20, Dublin and a host of other erhcl"s. central. Farm: Consist id 51i ('(1's stint'( or less ronsi:ting of white brick honey r to Henry F. Heuer - man, Phone 23r15, Dublin. FOR SALE Cocicshutt 3 furrow plow, only plowed 30 acres. Apply to Wilbert Glanville, Staffs, Phone 43 r 12, Dublin. FOR SALE A child's navy wool blanket cloth coat set with leggings, size 5-6. Can be seen at Gillespies, Seaforth, FOR SALE 8 purebred 'Hereford bulb b to 12 months,also, females, 10 -inch grain grinder in good shape; 3 h. p. Fair- banks Morse gas engine, Apply to Fred Carbert, Staffa, Phone, Dub- lin 33r20. FOR SALE and kitchen. Bank barn 40x00, Driving Ball-bearing washing 'machine specs 20x:10, A11 in good shape, 6 wires wringer, used six months, good as of fall wheat. 23 acres in hay, bulettee new. 8471731, Seaforth. under eultivattou, ferias on farm. 10 lice cent of the purchase money to be FOR SALE paid clay of sale. Balance to be made oil burning stove, 5118. Moue 115. known day of suit., or 00ply 10 thy Seaforth. Proprietress, Offered subject to 0 re- serve bid. Teems on chattels, tush. i CHRISTMAS TREES AIRS. JULIA. HOLT''/.IiAL'LR Pro.I have some Christmas trees for prietress; John E. Siemou, Clerk; rk; , sale. Delivered to your home, Phone Fred W. Ahrens, Aue(torleer. 'Irwin Trewartha, 840 r 33, Sea - 1 fettle WANTED Girl wanted for gener'aI house- work. Apply at News Office. Notice TOWNSHIP OF TJCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' Lists, 1945, 'Cownsbip of Ttickersmith, Comity of Huron. Notice is hereby given that. k have ecmplied With Section 8 of. the Vot- ers' List's Aet- surd that 1 slave posted up at my office on the Rrd day of December, 1945 the lists of all parsons entitled to vote in the said Munici- pality at nirulicllrel elections endthat such lists remain there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors 01' omissions eoT- reeled according to law, (he last tlaY forappeal being the 24th clay of December, 1945. E. P. CHESNEY, Cleric, Tp. of Tuckersmith "Though time bode 111, we'll keep our Merry Christmas still." It was prepared by Mrs, Clark and given by Mrs. W. H. McLean. It was decided to renew the permit for war work in the coming year. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs, Glen Slavin at the piano. Santa Claus appeared and distributed gifts from the well -laden tree. There were six Christmas boxes packed and sent to the boys still overseas. There were 47 quilts made during the year. Meeting closed with a bountiful lunch and thanks , were tendered to the hostess. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs, Walter McBride and family proved to their home in Exe- ter last week. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Ropp of near I•Iensall are getting nicely settled in their horse on the town line they bought from Mr. McBride. We wel- come them to this community. NIrs. Penfold is recovering after her illness. Butchering is the task of many farmers. The W. M. S. is being held at the home of Mrs. Roy Lamont Thursday.' Important Changes in Train Service There will be •certaln changes in train service between Dec. 22nd and Jan. lst consult your Local C.N.R. Agent. For [Pull Information Canadian National Railways WANTED Protestant teacher wanted for S. S. No. 9 Tuckersrnith. Duties to commence ran. 2, 194. Apply to Wilmer Broatifoot, 12.11. 8, Kippen. Phone 65141, Seaforth, WANTED Second hand toboggan in good condition. 9,pply to The News Office, STRAYED A Durham steer rising two year old, strayed -to my place, lot N 4 26, con. 1,4, McKillop, about Nov. lst. Geo. Jackson, Walton, F. SKELTON Beatty Washer Service, Having your washer repaired now. will save you money later. All work guaran- teed. Phone. 89, Goderich, or Sills Hardware, Seaforth. TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 3, Tuckeremith. Duties to commence Jan, 2. Apply to Gordon Richardson, Sec. Trees,, R.R. 1, Brucefield, Phone 656 r 25. BATTERY RADIO FOR SALE Large table model, 4 tube modern super het, splendid volume and toile, uses dt'y batteries. W. 3. Clark, Varma., Phone Hensall 37r12, FARM FOR SALE 119 acres, under cultivation, good buildings, hydro, bathroom, remodell- ed house. Apply to Fred Slavin, Happen, 13.10.2, FOR SALE Frame dwelling, bye's:), 13 acres, North Main street. Suitable for poul- try farm, Early possession. Double house on Victoria St. Sep- arate apartments, good investment. Frame cottage, Gode'ieh St. East. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. DUBLIN CREAMERY & POULTRY PACKERS LTD. Now Operating Under New Manage- ment We will gladly assist you in any Problem that you may have in regard to Cream, Eggs and Poultry. For quick service call Dublin 68. HARVEY 17, COOPER, Manager. Notice Dublin. Creamery and Poultry Pack ere Ltd., wish to announce to their friends and patrons that Mr. Joseph J. Kostek is 110 longer connected with the above firm, and will not be held responsible forany tr'ansactierts that may be mete by him in the eve mime of Dublin Creamery and: Poultry Packers Ltd Dy order, HARVEY E. COOPER, Manager, McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, alto. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Haps *MR= ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court • County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build,• ing, Seatorth. Office hours:-- Tuesday, ours:—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.80 p.m. to 6 p.m. , Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 'AGENCY. MAIN ST., SBIAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect. ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies, The. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Mc- -Gregor, Clinton; See..Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seatorth. Dtractors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadtoot, Seatorth; Chris Leonhardt, Born. holm; E, J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seatorth; Alex Mo' Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton., Agents John E, Pepper, Brucelield; R. F, McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be. promptly attended to by applicatfone to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. SEAFORTH CLINIC. Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The. Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other uP-to-date diagnostic and thereuptto equipment, Dr. F. 7, R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month 'frons 3 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, Physician and Surgeon In Dr. I3, H, Rosa' office, Phone 63 MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W • Seaforth OR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, ,Star, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. ' At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday In each month from 2 to 4 p.m, " Also at Seaforth Clinic first' Tuesday in each month, -58 Waterloo St„ Stratford, Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Flos. Pita' Bed for rent. Agent tor Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 66 FOR SALE.. e-Itoom .Prams Houses Hydro, Town Water, and cellar. Situated on Colemanr Street. House with barn. Situated on Main Street, South, 10 ' Acre Faris,: lawn.. Tuckeramith. Good Brick Rouse, Bank.. Barn, Poultry House and Driving Shed, Immediate possession. 79 Acre. Farm, Twp. Tuekeremith, Previa House, Bank Barn, Driving Shed,. Hog... Pen. Geed hush with spring theretn, flso have listed farms in McKIllon. D. C. CI1AMB.1t1RLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phones: 394 °Mee Res. 220 EXPERT PIANO TUNING - Geo. J. Wright, Bandmaster, Wingham, Leave` orders ' at Mrs. Peck's Musis Store, Seaforth COLLECTIONS EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE ANYWHERE Credit Reports Inquiries Invited WESTERN ONTARIO CREDIT BUREAU 72-74 Ontario St., Stratford ,,un w ,,,unnunuu.......nl,,,.,,a nu. u$11 FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUROWNlimoimetesmrasememmemeimmoser