The Seaforth News, 1945-10-11, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1945
m 'is!�sy' zfi�
1 cup Boor
1 tsp. Magic Raking Powder
'T tsp. salt
1 beaten egg -
5 cup milk
2 tbs. melted shortening
Grease skillet lightly. Make 6 large thin pancakes
about 5 inches across. When brown on both tildes,
heap 111 centers a lilting made of 135. cups of
chopped cooked pork moistened with l'cup gravy
or white sauce. Roll up, place on hot platter mid
pour remaining sauce over rolls.
'EMALIWv° -.6S1.M- 00
Cavell Church
SUNDAY, OCT. 14TH, AT 11 A.M. AND 7.30 P.M.
REV. W. A. BEECROFT, B.A.,B.D.,,of Wingham, Guest Speaker
The Choir will be supported by the Male Quartet of First Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth
Tues. Evening, Oct. 16th, A Fowl Supper
Will be held in the Sunday School Room from 6 to 8.
After which a variety program will be presenter] by members of the
Choir of Colborne St. United Church, London
Admission: Adults $1.00. Children 50c
Auction Sale
Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects, Lot 3, Con. 2,
Grey Township, Friday, Oct. 12.
Sale commences at 12 o'clock.
Sale without reserves as proprie-
torTis givi Ig up farming.
C. W LSON, Poop.
I.ewis Rowland, Auctioneer,
21 little pigs, Apply to Frank
Fowler, Seaforth, 83;jt miles West
on No. 8 highway,
Seen small cattle between 500
and 000, also brown Belgian horse
five years old. T, Appleby, Seaforth,
"830r 24.
FOR SALE :\Ir, Harvey Damol of Walkerton, o
souse moo's winter goat, size if tR,-
Walter of London spent thanks-
giving with Mrs. G. E. Thompson.
Quite a number Froin here attend-
ed._Anniversary Services in Hills -
green United Church on Sunday.
Mrs, James m
rs iVIcC
1 0
n rat hadYr the
misfortune to fall from the ladder
on which she was standing, on
Thursday last, injuring her ankle.
Mr, and Mrs.
S. Beattie and
Karon of Winghant visited relatives
in the vicinity over the weekend,
Mrs. Watson of Lordesboro spent
the weekend with her daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. John Sinclair.
William Edgar Butt
A shadow of gloom was cast over 1
this community when it was learned
that William Edgar Butt, a highly
esteemed resident passed away in
his 58th year. Mr. Butt was born on
2nd. col. of Tuckersrnith about
three utiles frons Kippen, son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butt, and
his whole life was spent in this eon-
tnunity. He hail 139811 in failing
health for the past few months with
a heart condition and took worse on
Friday of last week and was taken
to Seott Memorial Hospital by am-
bulance cit Sat„ Oct. lith, where
he - passed away the same Clay. He
was united 111 marriage with Ivy 1110 -
Cloy 27 years ago and farmed on
the homestead in Tuckersmith for
three years vtd in May 1921 he
purchased the general store in Kip -
Pen from, Robert Brownlee where he
hits] a very successful business until
two years ago when he sold] out to a
Visitors with Rev. and Mrs, A, W.
Gardiner at the manse on Sunday
were, Dr. and Mrs. Whyte and fami-
ly of Shelborne and Miss Eleanor
Hudson of Bronte.
Mr'. and Mrs, David Grieve and
little son of London spent the,lholi-
day with Mrs. J. G. Grieve,
Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto
spent the holiday with her mother,
Mrs. W. 8'. McMillan. -
Misses Laura Gillespie, Elsie Clou
Dgniey, Elsie Drover and Dorothy
rover, all or Hamilton, were. weal
enol visitors at' the . home of the tat
ter's parents, -MI'.' and Mrs. 'William
Drover, `
Miss Grace Kreuter, Toronto, spent
the holiday attheionto of Mr. and
Mrs. Angus Meguaig,
Misses Bessie Grieve, Chatham, and
Margaret Grieve, Dresden, were wee
end -visitors at the home of their par-
ents, Mr:
arents,_Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Grieve.'
Mrs: Reginald Reid and rlaughtei
Barbara, Stratford, spent the week
end holiday at the home aS Mrs, J. P.
Reid. -
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gillespie of
Toronto spent the week end with his
Parents, Mr, and Mrs. Neil Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs; S. Lapel have return-
ed after spending the past two weeks
in Drummondville, Que.
Mr, and Mrs, M, Ilacicliield spent
Thanksgiving with relatives in Lis-
Misses DorQthySmith, Fergus Bell,
.roan' McMaster and Mary Duncan,
' students at. Western University, Lon.
don, spent Thanksgiving at their
hones here. -
Mrs, C. E. Barrett and children Billy
and Ami Louise, Hamilton, spent the
week end rat the home of Mr. and Mrs:
Loots Eborhart.
Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Keyes tend son
and daughter, of Windsor, visited the
fornler''s parents, Mr. and Mrs Nelson
Keyes of Egniondville over Thanks-
Miss Irene Burt, Stratford, spent
the week end. with Hiss Shirley 01d-
Reldh - -
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kerslake and
two children of Toronto spent last
week with the former's mother, Mrs.
W. E. Kerslake.
Mrs. Win. Campbell visited her hue -
band at Belleville over the week end,
Mr'. James Mose of Ripley visited
n the vicinity this week.
Miss Pearl Lawrence of 81, Thomas
spent the week end with relatives.
Miss Maxine Lawrence n
e co of the Can
radian Batik n . of Commerce �, 101110 s '
toff who
has been holidaying for two weeks in'
Toronto, Brockville, Preston and CR,'
taw, returns this week to resume'
her duties.
Mrs. Bruce Davidson and daughter,
Hamilton, visited last week at the
tonne of Mrs. T. G. Scott,
Miss Elizabeth Freeman is visiting
with relatives in Toronto, -
Mr. Miles McMillan, Toronto, spent
Thanksgiving at the home of his tinr-
euts, Mr. and Mrs. 3, M. McMillan. I
IVir. M. A. Reid. and Miss Alice Reid.
wore holiday visitors at the home of
.he former's brother, Mr. Melvin Reid
and Mrs. Reid, Hamilton.
Misses Mary McIver, Toronto, and
Teresa McIver, Western rniversity,
I.end011 spent the holiday week end
at Ilse ]tome of their parents. 1U'. and
Mrs, P, McIver.
Mr. Charles slowest-, Montreal, was ,
a visitor last week at the ]home of Itis
parents, Mt'. and Mrs, Harry Stewart.
Dire. A. D. Armstrong spent Thanks-
giving at the home of her daughter f
and son -in -late, 11r, and Mrs.
locks, Ripley. t
Mr. and Mrs, Patrick McConnell
rad Mrs. Charles -Stewart were Tor- 10
Mr. Ernest Clarke, Victoria College; Mrs. Louis Hildebrand visited this
Toronto, spent the holiday week end week with relatives in Kitchener,
at the home of his parents, Mr, and'.' Mrs. FVilliant Campbell spent t
Ml's. M. E. Clarke, week 0118 - with her husbatld fn Po
Messrs. Cyril and Oswald Snowdon Colborne,
spent the week end at Niagara Palls Mrs,. Joseph Carpeioter and clan
and Gilbertsvilie, N.Y, ter Chatham, spent the week end
Miss Betty Anderson, Hamilton, the' home of her brother, Mr,. Jo
spent the week end - with her grand- Crich, and Mrs. Crich.
another, Mrs, Robert -Bell. Mrs, Norman Smith and daught
Mr. J. C, Scott,Toronto, called on Patricia have returned horn safe
his aunts the Misses Brine, Sunday, visiting with relatives in Toronto.
Miss Mary McKay, Galt, was a hiss Helen Smith, student' nuts
week end visitor at the hone of Mr. SC. Joseph's hospital, Loucdol, spe
tial] Mrs. G, P, Sills.. Saturday at the home of her pared
(111' and Mrs, Frank Caimans and Mr..and. Mrs. E. D. Smith:
daughter Nancy, Toronto were week Mr. and Mrs, Stewart C'.udntore al
end visitors at the home of Mrs. J. F. daughter's. Dolores- and Dixie, S
Reid. Catllaiines, spent the holiday at 11
Miss Gladys Thompson and Miss Montes of their parents, Mr. and Mi
Graham, Niagara Falls, spent the Cecil Oke and Mr. and Mrs. Saniu
week end with the fernier', mother, Cudntole,
Mrs. 3, B. Thompson, -, Mrs. Alex McNeil) spent the we
Mr. Boyden Hawkins, Toronto, end in Toronto,
spent the holiday at his hone here. Miss Luella. Hopper, of Kitcheue
Mrs. Rose Cotter and daughters spent the week end at the home r
Mary Ann and Patsy, Detroit, spent her'parents, hlr. and Mrs. R'lliia
the week enol at the home of her par Hopper,
eats, Mr, and Mrs. N. Dunn, Diss Clara ira Galvau and Miss Ros
Mr, and 11rs John I,. Hotham have Dorsey, s, Toronto, spent Thanksgivitt
returned from Ili it wedding trip and at 1h latter's home here.
Have taken up residence in town. Misses Lamle Richal•dsoir. Ali
Mr, Frank Ryan. Western Gniver- Devereaux, and Mr. Edward Dever
sity, London. spent the week end at at the hound of 1Irs. Margaret D •
his home here. eaux, Toronto,were holiday visitor
Miss Florence McNaughton. Btu,- ereaux.
sets, is a guest at the home of Mrs. Hiss, Shirley Foster, London, was
Samuel Carter, guest over the week 01,1) attheMom
Mr. and Mrs. (Tendon Christie, Kit- of ➢L'. and Mrs, 11, Teal].
Mr. Ross Rennie, Toronto, spent
the week end with his parents. 1Ir.
and Mrs. 111 R. Rennie. -
The Clouting Collection will take
Place 00 Monday and Tuesday. 001.
15 and 15, for the Varna Red Cross
district, So everybody have it ready,1
and i1 convenient for you before that,
he Your Shopping Centre
Grape Nut Flakes, 2/7 oz. pkgs. 17c
at Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea
lin. %z Ib. 370
e1 Maxwell House Coffee, 1 Ib. 43c
el' Medium Cheese, colored, Ib..30
e, Old Cheese, white Ib, ,30
01 Other cheese in stock, Ingersoll,
parent Cream, Chateau, Cheddar Rolls,
rel 5 lb. Loafs, Limburger, Beaumert-
all flavors, Cheddar House, Brook -
t'• Reid, Velveeta, Kraft, all flavors.
Ross J. wee
Phone 8
Mr. and Sirs. 1'lrne t Keyes of Ste-
, (en were Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. and 1lrs. 0. Keyes.
j.. 1h=. Hatt isvisiting in Toronto.
riot AGF: -At Scott Memorial HOs-
a Mull. on Oct. firth to M. and Mrs.
el Poe Mintage, Lnnclosboro, a son.
R \.LISA]- At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal. ‘at Ort. it h. to Mr, and Mrs.
Ales: Ilani.ay-. Cromarty, a son.
I McNICHOL Al Scott .Memorial Het -
i pita]. on Oct, Gt11, to ler. 0118 Mrs.
i Dnnesti McNichol,Walton, a dan-
HO\1 I S --At Scott Memorial Hospital
in Oet. 4111. to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Howes. Cromarty, a daughter.
chener, spent the week end with rela-
tives in town,
M158 Ethel Me1ay', Toronto, spent
Me ]holiday at the horn of her sister,
Mrs, Harvey Mason and Mr. Mason.
Miss Marjory Mickel], Toronto, was
O week enol visitor iu town.
Misses Margaret and Evelyn Mur-
ray, Toronto, and Miss Mary Murray,
Stratford,; spent the week end with
Mrs. James Murray.
Mrs. James Murray:. and fanlily'it will be greatly appreciated 11' you
spent. Sunday in Kiulcora. would bring it to Hall and leave
Misses Margaret and Betty Smith, as packing of this clothing is to be
LAC. William Smith, Toronto, and done on Wednesday. OM. 17th. So
Sandra and David McKellar, spent the kindly have it ready or in by then,
week end al the home of the farmer's Mrs. Mosso') nos disposed of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. store to Mo. Brown, of Elgin county
Miss Helen Moore, London, was a There will be no service ill St
week end guest at the home of Mr. John's Anglican Church next Sunda)
and Mrs. Patrick i>'1sCotntell, owing to anniversary services in St
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Stewart and Lames Church, Middleton, Service in
daughter Lynn, Toronto. spent the St. Johns Anglican Church will be
Week enol with relatives in town, ]field at 11 a,ni. for the 'winter months.
Mr. d
. and Mrs,
Seott F a -
t I bkirk have.
Dins. It
obi Stephenson Pert.
returned hone after spending the were renewing acquaintances in the
past week at the ]hone of Mr. and village and .were guests of Mrs. M. G.
Mrs. Norman Hahktr'k, Detreii Beatty and Miss- Mossop.
Mr, s
, Jo \Van •
er and \ r
& t . Leo Hick- Mrs. 14Itrr
Anderson sou of with
nen, 1 of St. Agatha, 'ilia spentTi
g 1 anlcsglt- spent the past Iwo weeks vtitlh the
ing' at the home of Mr, and Mrs, former's brother DIr, and Mrs. 13.
Peter Hicl:tiell. Keyes,
Mrs: J, A. Ballantyne, London, yds- The niany friends of Mrs. D. Anrl-
itecl at the home of her' pau'ents, Mr. orsou will be pleased to know she
and Mrs. C. Ii, Garniss, over the was 1]1110 to return to her 1101518 on
week 0118. TMonday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Daly and Miss lir: and Mrs, Gordon Keyes of Ko -
Alice Daly were holiday visitors over make spent the week end at the pin,
the week end at the home of then' still ental house,
and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. h1Irs. Raba. Stephenson and dangle.
Jack Daly, Port Hope. ter Rena, Parr -Lina were renewing
Illi'. and Mrs. Frank Roberton andacquaintancesin the village Tuesday
family, spent the. week end with rel- and were: guests at the home of Mrs.
1-IELLEY - On Thursday, Ocr. 4th,
1945. inScottMemorial Hospital,
Seaforth, Douglas Victor. 'Noble
Heeley. ages] 1' year, 11 months and
1S" days, only beloved child of Petty
Officer H. V. Heeley and Mrs.
Heeley. Interment in Mount Pleas -
atives In Auburn. M. 0 Beatty and hiss Mossop.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whyard, I,oit- ;Mss Mary Galbraith. and Mrs. Ada
don, were in town over the- tveelt.end Reid. in company with Dr. Burrows,
attending the funeral of the 501110l•:s of Seaforth. spent the holiday Mill
grandmother, the late Mi's 7 Duly. Mr. land Mrs. A Galbraith.
Dr, and Mrs. Aberhart of 11'eaford Mrs. Harold Elliott of Windsor is
spent the past week itt the bone Or v 1. -ilium her motiles sees. \Insrap turd
the forutrt s brother, Mr, Robert Ab sister Mrs. Ball and litre, sent Nelson.
ritrn•t ural fist, llrs, John Flgie, 51r, Thos. Stephenson. tloshen Iine.
DIt. and Mrs. Alvin 11'ilhanhs. .leis, tinnier Medical uelyLke wi.s taken to
Ida Williams. Mt and lis B. Barker !Tinton Hosp1t it rlorleiav
anri Mr, and Mrs. John Diehl iiiil Flying t ic, r end Ales.Mervyn
ye;, at Pottage- La Prairie. alter
at the home if 1013'. and Mrs, 3111111 p •1I ting a month with tate form is
111nre, hast William street. 11111.4111, lir. and Mr,. l;,u Keyes, 11r.
]la's. W. G, Bruce and sol Ralph. Keyes has received h1 discharge.'
ineardine, were visitors this week from the air levee and accepted a I
tato visitors last week. a
t tete house of her patents, 11It'. and positron ars geologist an he Berens
s. Harry Stewart. mine 5511 utiles north of ]Winnipeg.
]nod condition t laly's winter coats tai ani. moved to his farm on 2nd .con. 1.1]
maws; 1 Indy's spring cost, all -11-16. Ap-
ply at. 'Ole News,
h.p. gasoline engine, Gould, Shapley,
Muir, good working order. Gordon Richard-
son, liseee5eld, Phone aueres, $enforth.
W.M.S. Holds October Meeting
The W.M.S. and W. A. of St.
Andrews United Church Held a
joint meeting on Wed. afternoon
Oct. 3. at the home of Mrs. Norman
Long. Mrs. A. Monteith was in
charge of the Meeting which opened
by a hymn; followed with prayer by
Ill's. Wm. Alexander, The scripture
heading was taken by Mr's. Herbert
Jon es. Twenty-one members an-
swered the roll calf with the -text
word "Thanksgiving." A letter was
read by Mrs. Thomas Kay from Mrs,
Toll of Blyth, - reminding the auxil-
iary of the need of remembering the
children by way of Mission Band
work, and urging that they be furn-
ished with World Friends magazine.
Mrs. A. Gackstetter was elected as
president of the Mission Band with
Mrs. Wm, Alexander as assistant,
Mrs, Harold Jones was in charge of
the topic taken from the Study
Book on Africa. This was followed
by a closing hymn and the benedic-
tion by Mrs, A. Monteith. -:
The W. A. held a shoot business
meeting in regards to, a fowl supper
to be held at St, Andrew's United
Church, the third week in October.
A dainty lunch was then sevred by
Circle No. 3.
The congregation of St. Andrews
]United Church are holding their
annual fall anniversary on Sunday,
Oct. 21, at 11 a.m., ad 7 p.m. The
guest speaker at She morning ser-
vice will he Rev. IZ, A. Brook, of
Hensall, Rev, - Albert Hinton, re-
cently inducted minister of Kipper
and Hills,green Pastoral charges, will
be in charge of the evening service.
Cpl. Glen Stamen of the RCB,
who returned home on the New Am-
sterdam last week after five years
overseas, is visiting his mother, Mr,
and Mrs. Thomas Butt.
Mi•, and Mss. Alvin Ulch' and Mr.. .
Clarence Bell of Windsor, visited re-
cently with Mr. and :Mrs. N. Long.
Mr. Edgar"Smith of Guelph spent
the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, John
Jarrett, Mos. 'Smith who has spent
a week with her parents returned to
Guelph with him,
Mr. and Mrs, Alec McMtu'trie and
daughter of Toronto; spent the
weekend with relatives here.
Mr, and 1'drs. Fred. Parsons and
of Stanley Township. The funeral
was held on Tuesday from his hone
and was very largely attended. The
service being conducted by Rev,
Albert Hinton of St. Andrew's
United Church, Kippen, assisted by
Rev. H. V Workman of Seaforth.
Miss Jean h•ison sang a solo - c'The
city four-square.t'. The pall bearers
were: Archie Parsons, John Coch-
rane, Wm. Hot ney, Allan - Johnson,
Hugh McMu1 trie and 7. W. McLean.
The flower beaters were: Robert.
Day man, Robert Elgio, W. L. Mellis,
Orville Workman, Wm. Deitz, Cliff
Watsoi\; - L1zer:' Mousseau, Ivison-
'To•rance, Emmerson Kyle, Lloyd
Weimer, Herbert Jones, Norman
Long and Jaes Reid. Interment
was in James Exeter cemetery,
There passed away at her home in
Hay township on Sunday, Oct. 75h,
T llv Jean Forrest, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Cooper Forrest at the age
of eight year's and one week, after
a brief illness of bronclhiiil pneum-
onia. She is survived by lketr sorrow -
in,(;' parents end three sister's, Ann,
Betty and Bernice. A private funer-
al was held,on Tuesda"• morning the
service being conducted by Rev. Mr.
Ferguson of Hensall Presbyterian
Chinch, interment in FIensall Union
Pte G. W. Valley of Edmonton,
who - has been spending his leave -
with relatives here, has returned to
camp He was accompanied as far
as St. Catheri» es by his wife and
children, who Have been 'visiting
here for the past month.
Miss 11. Dalrymple of London
visited over the weekend. with her
father and other relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Thachurt and Mrs,
Pierce of Clandehoye, visited - Mr.
and Mrs. 1iobt, Dalrymple this week
Theneighbors and friends wish to
convey to Mr. Wm, Broarlfoot their
sincei•e sympathy in the tragic death
of his little granddaughter, which,
occurred in London, last week,
Miss Janet Doig received a beau-
tiful Dalmatian puppy as a Raft
from her brother John. It. arrived
by express from Gillctrte Wyoming,
Mr. John C. Doig o:f :Detroit spent
the weekend,; the guest of his mother.
and sister Janet,
Mr. Louie Kahle of Detroit at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Ed. Eickmer'
and Mr..Eickrneir.
•ant Cemetery, Toronto, Monday,
Oct. St11.
G.W.V.A., Seaforth
Hair Stylists Say
Wear it high, or wear it. low
May we suggest a
Either Machine or Machineless
I'rire'd from $5.00 9 1(i.n0
Others as low a.. t1,'ate
We also specialize in Hair Styling,
Finger Waving, Feather Cuts, Hot
Oil & Bleck treatments
PHONE 1:,2
N110'1811E! amity
Here's how you ia help speed
THE lines are still loaded. Please
continue to use Long Distance as
sparingly and efficiently as you can.
For instance:
Do you use this sequence when placing
an out-of-town 'call? It is important,
saving both the operator's time and
yours -
the name of the city
@first give
1'' ore toiling,
2 number o4 the distant
fat 11100 the jelephone.%hen theorator asks it, the
nusebel °1 the
.._ °p e tas ho ne (rose
. . 5 h.. .
4 r .hich You are coifing.
You can help, too, by placing as many
calls' as possible during off-peak hours:
Before 9:30 a.m.; between 12 noon and
2:30; between 5 and 7 and after 9:30 p.m.
Remember -Night rates begin at 6 p.m: