The Seaforth News, 1945-02-22, Page 6Big Three Plan Military Eclipse Of Germany And Beginning Of Peace From Feb, 4 to Feb. 11 President Roosevelt, Premier Stalin and Prime Minister Churchill with their staffs of military and political ad- visors held day -and -night sessions at Yalta, Crimean watering resort on the Black Sea, Their program embraced plans to smash, occupy and control Germa- ny; to assist Europe's liberated peoples in solving their pressing po- litical and economic problems and to organize "a secure and lasting peace". Missing was any reference to possible Russian participation in the Anglo-American war against Japan. This, in quick summary, is what the Big Three propose for Germa- ny'. 1. Defeat. 8, No destruction of the. German people. 8. Disarmament. 4- Elimnation of the General Staff, 8. Payment of reparations, 6,- Elimination or control of po- tential military production. I. Punishment of war criminals. 8. Wiping out of the Nazi Part 9. Elimination of Nazi inertit - tions and laws. 10. Removal of militaristic in- fluences. 11. Measures necessary for "peace and safety" of the world. Nothing For Nothing That important side of social security about which so little is. heard 'during election campaigns —the cost of such services to the taxpayer—received a pointed air- ing during the recent British House of Commons debate on the govern ments's social insurance scheme, says the Regina Leader -Post. Total annual cost of the scheme at the beginning is placed at $2,600 million. Of this, one-half will be a direct charge on the British tax- payer.- Within 80 years, the cost will have reached 83,124 million, and at this point the taxpayers will bear two-thirds of the charge. And just in case anybody thinks the largest part of this will be borne by those in the high income brackets, it has been accurately - computed that the only way the soheme can be carried at all Is through .collecting one-third of the required tax revenue from those whose incomes are under $2,500 a year. Paris has a talking clock, which automatically tells the time when rung up. Four million people used the service Ir, one year• ;0,11,1 /74,,, EAT -SLEEP- LOOK and • %PO€ sErrER/ $L) VITAMIN B-COMPI-EX Il,ic; n,d d: Tai tt 1 5,, seLD A7' ALL ARUG STORES c�s2wAYs TO RELIEVE MISERIES Of RMICHITISa Now get real relief from coughs, soreness and congestion of brow. chits—thisdouble-action #syr e' way that actually L, 'NAYS AT ONCE 52 a -a- PENETRATES deep into bronchial a tubes with soothing medicinal vapors. _. STIMULATES \chest and back sur. \,, faces like a warm- 'res,s ing poultice. WORNfNG 5OR HOyaS To get all the benefits of this combined PENETRATINO.STIMULATING. action, just rub throat, chest, and back 'with Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. instantly VapoRul7 goes to work -2 ways at once as shown above—to ease bronchitis cough- ing, loosen congestion, relieve muscular soreness, and speed restfUL comforting sleep, Often by morning most p1 the misery is gone. Get relief from bron- chitis distress tonight with deu- bie-action, time- ��� tested Vicks Vapo- Q r� Rub... Try it. �fVAeo ACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS �EYS If your back aches or if you have disturbed sleep. burning or srnerting,:look out let trouble. This condition is asure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up. waste9roilect, Backache, dizzy sP el s . puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and thereis a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem On Capsules. These Capsules contain care: fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Dross You will find their actionfastand effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops -packer) in Canada. Oct,a &Ocpackage from your druggist. BE FAMOUS for your. coffee.. Serve Maxwell House. This choice blend of rare coffeesis roasted by the famous "Radiant Roast" process, ` so you get extra flavor, fragrance and vigorous body. HEAD COLD? Get quick relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Breath- ing passages open right away. NOSTROLINE soothes, lubricates, disinfects, helps make and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly. Convenient. Pleasant. For adults end children. 50e—all druggists. L STRQLINE' CLIFTON, BRISTOL. ENGLANtl CHECKED in a Jiffy -or Money Back For quick relief from itching coused•by eczema; athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and meekly calms Intense Itching, Don't sailer. Ask yodr druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. If you suffer MONTHLY FEMAL!" PAIN You who suffer such pain with tired, nervous irritable weak:feelluga—due to functional monthly disturbances —should try -Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound_ to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham's Compound Boars NATURE. Thousands upon thousands - beget reported benefit, Follow label - directions. VEGETABLE LYDIA E. PIHKHAM S COMPOUND WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM Stimulates circulation and brealrs up congestion, preventing complica- tons of a serious nature before It Is too late. Allows a restful night for rapid recovery. 8211111 tt0P5lU'O MORD WAN 1R., la. s Int. nee H eadache Nothing ismore deems. sing than headaches_.. Why suffed..,Lambly's willive instant relief u�, Lambly'sisgood for ear- ache,roothache,painsin1/19 back, stomach, bowels. y/eage HEADACHE POWDERS-. t4 . Coughs are dangerous It neglected ... Get Relief Usually... QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY WITH. 1YMOID 110 Bronchial Ease COUGH SYRUP AT..L4 DRUGGISTS Ole LD,1 MADE BY.THE ORIGINATORS -DF LYM0IDS VOICE OF THE PRESS BE KIND TO BIRDS This is one winter when the birds are really having a difficult time firaging for food. Feeding the birds is an act of human kindness which should be practiced in every household. —Simcoe Reformer —0— WHAT, NO SKYSCRAPERS! An American soldier expressed surprise that there were no sky scrapers in London, and added that he had never scen a sky that needed than more, -Punch OFF WITH HIS HEAD "Victor Emrnrsnuel's head is to conte .off Italian Money." A little while ago there was a feeling that it might come off period. --Ottawa Citizen DOORMATS. DEFINED For some reason known only to 10 -year-old boys . a doormat is something to be walked amend to get into a house. ' —Detroit News 7,000 Miles of Rail Restored In France United States, Army 7 -engineers have rehabilitated 7,000 miles of European railroads . for use : by Allied armies as supply routes to the Western 'Front,` it was an- nounced recently. The Engineers have restored' 5,000 utiles of double track and 200 utiles of single track' in `France: and Pelgimn, including all major rail itetnorks in Allied' ter- ritory and reconstructed .172 major rail bridges destroyed by bombing or enemy demolition. Likes All Animals Except Germans The educational expert who has been recommending that in time of tear even school children should "learn to hate" wi'ould perhaps be satisfied with the first step in that direction as taken by Erica Ann, aged four years who had just paid a visit to the Zoo in Manchester, England. On the journey home her aunt asked which of the animals site had liked best. Much tri the • amusementof other passengers, she replied in a clear voice: "I like all animals except Germans." ACCOUNTANT - & AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS COM - plate Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. .Albert Brett & Co., 8 Wellington St. L. Toronto, Ont,. ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX Service. Will go to any toWn. No account too small. Walter G. Boyd, 81 Salem Avenue, Toronto. LOm- bard 5802. BEACHES' MODEL HOME OVYou ERLOOKIN may wn LtAKE O' NTA RIO phare. f otodahyy. (51.00011. 0 each)Yoto Beaches Business Men's Assoc'. tion, Toronto 8. Your receipt will be mailed promptly. Drew to be made May 24th. Proceeds for war Charities. ItABY CHICKS 111.00 ROOKS YOUR 0113131R ORDER YOUR 1846 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 26 oz. eggs or better. ,Barred Rocks mixed $12.00 per: 100, White Leghorn. mixed 811.00 per 100. Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per. 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 524.0010 per 100. eBrownr leghorns mixed 013,00 per 100. Brown leg - horn pullets 524.00 per 100. We guarantee 1000 live 'delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. HCI;ONDALE CRICKS HIGH QUALITY AT REASONABLE prices. All chicks backed by Pedigreed tested stock and from 26 oz. eggs from Special Mated Flocks. Price Afised Chicks—Barred Reeks, 012,50 per 100; Sussex X New Hemp., Pure Sussex and Rock X New Harrap• $13.00 per 100; Large Type .Leghorne, Sussex X Leg - horns and Rock X Leghorns 512.26 per 100, All Heavy Breed Cockerels $6,00 per 100- Rock 'X Leghorn and Sussex X Leghorn Cockerels $3.60 Der 100; Leghorn Cockerels $1.60 per 100. $1.00 per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. Send your order to URON-DALE CRICK B ERY. LONDON. ONTARIOATCHl- • DAISY CRICKS 0000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 • CH'1CI{S NOW and get your clacks when you want thein.' Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out 'early. Don't take chances- on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type Leghorns. Sussex X New Harting., Sussex X Leghorns, RoeIc X Leghorns, Itock.X New Eames., Barred Rocks. Send .tor large illustrated - Catalogue and Price List, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, OnL,. THE OLD METHOD OF EGG PRO- duction was largely a .gamble. Egg prices went so high In Oc- tober and November that people quit eating eggs. Then In the Minter and early Spring months when production carate, there was no demand and the bottom fell out of the market. The way- to avoid this Is to secure early chiclrs, The present price schedule insures remunerative returns the year 'round. Not a high price for 0few months a,nd then low .prices for several months, You will not only make extra money with early, hatched chicks but you will save money by ordering early and tak- ing early delivery. Listen to our radio progr)inme over. station CKNX, 1Vinghatn every Monday morning at 9.30 a.m. and every Wednesday evening at 8,45 P.m. Twaddle Chicly Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fere, us, On tarin, ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED yollr chicks for nextspring when you want them. Barred. Rock mixed $12.00- per 100, white Leg - horns mixed 611.00 per 100, Bur- red Rock Pullets 519.00 per 100. white leghorn pullets $2200 per 100. Heavy Breed CIds. 56.00' per 100. Leghorn Ckls, 32.00 per 100. All chiclrs hatched from 26 oz, eggs or better and from special mated Clocks. Guaranteed 1000 live delivery. 01.00 books your order.- 'h'rlsnce C.0 2), Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario. MONh I'ON P O U LT R Y FARM CRICKS T'OR SUCCESS—When buying chicks far 'success you must buy chicks with breeding, livability, and with proper care you will he certain of production for profit. Ilonkton Poultry -!'arm Breeders are n11 Government in- spest:ed, bounded, and blood -tested. Write for 1045 prices and Cat- alogue. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, aronlctou,. Ontario. ONI OF 01:3R CUSTOMERS writes: "For several years 1 started my baby cinch's 1n April, Inst yens T got them in February. T found the early ones were the best. ineeelment. The roosters sold at the top price -and the Pul- lets laid when the eggs were high. After n,11 we raise chickens to mnate money and notfor ex. ercise'. Send for early hooking prier list: today. You van save severe l dollars on unto• chicks 1t you book them early and take early delivery andyou will aleo mnke money with early hatched rincks, 'rap Notch, Chickens., Guelph, Ontario. Ii.R AS SA Tt D'S BLOOD -TESTED chicks. We specialize In - one breed. Hollywood 'Strain White Leghorns, largebirds and chalk white eggs. Pullets $20.00 per 100. Mixed $10,00 per 100. $1.00 books, el cler. ,Bressnrcl's Hatchery,. Ault.- vine., Ont. t7tOtD n,u)SUSSEX COX THOUSANDS AaVAIZABLE .1DEK- h it -3 'ou order- et once.. Our eq bring ftpBroad trust the mar et White top ned, the tided . White. skinned, long rounded .breasts, Also New llnmp• cox with fast growth and feathering, Sussex X Legho•ns and Roclr X Leghorns make good roasters and grow feat up. to 4-5 lbs. You can buy these for $4:00 per 100. Also mix ed heavy cox 56.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, healthy, blood tested breeders. 5000 Breed- ers - on ONE plant, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter. Ontario. • BABY CHICKS CI.1TCh6, 'COCKE'RELS, PULLETS, (Inn give prompt shipment on many breeds, Or talcs your order. for late!• shipment, Put advise ordering now. Remember b'ebru- nt1 March chicks aro neessary tutrtet�v, 1ish 30 needs next Fslmlt n Ont. 'WRITE FOR OUR NEW 1945 PRICE list on Barred Rock, Redrock, Leghorn' and Legrock . chicks. Liberal discount on early orders, 0, S. Deebank, Moullnette, Ont. ORDER YOUR S. -C. WHITE LIDO - horn day-old °bloke from a breed- er hatchery. Stock blood tested and banded by 0. B. S. Wilt A. Glazier, Clinton; Ont. • 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER CF 100 POI.. let chicks. we give 100 tree chicks 322.06 per 100, barred rRockulpub lets 519.95 per 100. White Rock Pullets $24,90 per 100. Brown leg - horn Pullets 524.90 per 100. All chicks soldbacked by high egg pedigreed stock. 51.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. - Guaranteed 1000 live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario, 21 FREE CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK 113 registered and pedigreed. birds. Nothing better in ‘Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red ar- Whiteo Leghorns 0 111 00; Whiter e Rocas, 515.00; 'Brown Leghorne, 513.00. Pullet prices: - Barred Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorne. "522.00; White Rocks, 524.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 tree chicks. our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 28tree chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered, Goddard Chick Treachery, Bri- tannia Heights. Ontario, BETTER ORDER YOUR LINCOLN Government Approved Chicks now. New 'Hampshire, Barred Rocks, and New Hampshire R Barred Rock. Hybrids. Bookings heavy, Write for our catalogue and price list. Lincoln Chick Hatch- ery, 2 Race. Street, St. . Cathar- ines, Ont. Post Office Box 304. R.O.P. SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, IIatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Altona Rd., 31,10. 2. PICKERING, ONT. ORDER YOUR 1946 BARRED ROCK chicks now. High placings 1n Canadian and Amerlcap -contests since 1928. Second- high. Barred Rock pen 1094 Illinois State Con- t�Cst, Circular. Angus Urquhart Greenfield, Ont 2000 BREEDERS—BLOOD TESTED ]_OOT{ YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. High duality at reasonable prices. All breeders culled, Inspected, banded and: approved by Canadian Baby Chick inspectors, Pure Sus- sex mixed 14e, Sussex X New Harms. mixed 1130c, White Leg - horns, Rock X Leghorns and Sussex X Leghorne mixed 13c. Heavy Breed Cockerels 6c, Sussex X Leghorn and Rock X Leghorn Cockerels 4c. 100% Live delivery gttarantrcd. $1,00 per 100 boolre SOUP order. Balance- C.O.D. ROSE - LAWN FARMS & ITATCHERY, Neu Tiemburg Ontario tri S10ESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL COUNTRY STORE, PRE- ferahiy with Post Office or Gee Stationbut not essential. Pull p u`tieulat•s first letter. O,10 73 Adelnifle St. W.,Toronto. DYEING AND Oil'ANIN(1 HAVE YOU ANYTIITNf, NEEDS 'dyeing or -cleaning? Write to us for informatiot. We are gladto answer )'0ur questions. Depart- ment 'Ti, 'Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yong° Street, To- ronto. 11:10131)RESSINO LEARN 3IAI'RDRESSTNG THEE Robertson method. Information on -request regarding classes, Robertaoil's Hah'dx'eesilg Acad- emy, 1.37. Avenue Road,Toronto. 10011 SALf4 PUPPIES INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION 51110111) PEDIGREED -�r0GISTER'ED WESTERN ONTARIO'S 'LARGEST REGISTERED CO077aR KIENNELS CEE HAZE KENNELS (REGISTERED) 209 Pracdo Place, Riverside ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt belts, pul- levs,.bruslies: Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2320 Dufferin St., To- ronto. REGISTERED NO. 1 ICING' GOLD SEAL IIYB)ti11 stems CORN 85 TO 120 DAY MATUR7TINS, VAR-. teties suitable for both ensilage end grain, also a full line of Seed Gals. Write' for price list. The Xing -Grain & Seed .Co., Pain: Court, Ont. 0111 NFORD I{EN1Q1LS, COCKER snaninl puppies, red and blaclo. Melon champion registered stork, 708 Giles East, 'Windsor, .Ont. .tl S'PTID: SPRINGER. SPANIEL. Imported ' ,l :land, Beagle- hound, Field irrinl 'Winner. Registered, Trent' Valley .Kennels. R',' 3, Pe ter - born, Ontario. it R11"ORD T'.U.LLS 1121071.'181R - ed coming two. good type, low set, priced right. Apply, A. E. Nokes, Manilla, Ont, 2 H.P. STEAM TRACTION EN gine for sale, locomotive type boiler, 150 1b, pressure, good run''-' ring condition, Box 8, 73 Adelaide W. 'Toronto.nt. O 2 PURITY 1 ON Timothy GRdG Pil I Timothy Seed, Gtsn. Bags tree. 1o'll lb. Pinkerton. Rags. tree. Sold in unbroken 120 Ib. hags only: Cash with order. Roy Cramm, Seed Merchant, Pinkerton, ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICEANGUS BULLS of service able 5518. Bred Ileifers' for ,Herd fonndnlinn, D,. E. McEwen, R.R. 4,London, Ontario 10081 SALE L DLII ` cs culator, 02 Gcents-t7 ossa- paid, The .Outlook, Middleton, Nova -Scotia, STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR-. ague,. raspberries, peach trees„ apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants,. Imaging, shade tree, wire tree r Norfolk Nursery, •5lmcoe, Ontarie QUILTING PATCHES COTTONS OR SILKS BY,POUND. Make fancy silk petal Cushion' from Satin Patches, colors Pink, White, . Blue.. Wool . Remnante suitable for Boys' knee pants. La- oe80aeectBt. A1lllachdton.Pub Pub- lex Sales, 377 Parliament Street, Toronto. MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE (11 1000 HORSES 1000 Exbibitlen Barns, Regina, Seek. April - 11, 12, 13, 1940 Allfarm raised,' well broken and In fine condltirm. Route fine saddle horses and drivers, plan, now to attend. OIMMAR• CRA71 5, Sale Mgr. Ilex 352, Regina. Sask. FARMS FOR .SALE .$6500. BRIMLEY RD. SCARBOR- ough Township, 6 miles from To- ronto, 24 acres, good garden land, modern stable, frame house with six large rooms, hardwood floors, running water in bowie and stable.: heavy` wiring In both, about 1 acreof good orchard, TORONTO CITY REALTY, 2380 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. 300 ACRES, Ph - MILES EAST OP Dundalk, on county road, 185 acres under cultivation, over 60 acres ready tor crop, ,good build- ings, cement stabling water in barn, good house with furnace, farm well fenced, possession any time. W.ILBERT GREEN, DUN- DALK., R. , 4, or Geo. .Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk. 110 ACRES I•IALF MILE SOUTH OF Kenilworth, 7 miles north of Arthur on paved highway. Six roomed brick house, large bank barn, 53,500, APPLY McMaster and McMaster, 2359 Dundee St. West, Toronto., 190 1).1:]21$ 0101117 011. LESS WITH or without stock and farm im- plements, dwelling house, etc. Township of Longueull Prescott County -1 mile from Town, School, Chur,h, electricity, running water. Apply John 33. Woods, Solicitor, Hawkesbury, Ont. 218 ACRES FOR SALE ON N0. 8 Hi,:hivay, '15!, miles east of Mor- peth. Two complete sets of build- ings,land wettable for all kind, of mixed farthing, Berne tobacco acreage, hydro, gas, water. May he bought as separate -farms, Lake Erie frontage, location ideal. Apply Merton Simpson, R. 1 Ridg-town. M EDI CAL ST0)01CH ANT) THREAD WORMS often are the cause of -111-health in humans, all ages. NO one Im- mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting Par- - tirulars—Free( Write M111Veney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. Drx0N'5 RT'M1D1" -- FOR NEOUR» ills and Rheumatic Ferns. Thous- ands Satisfied. Munro'.. Drug Store, 335 'Elgin, Ottawa. Post- pi'ld $1.00. Bntimsr {A FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Meta .ntly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. READ THIS—EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Ivfun- ro's ''Drug Store, 331 Elgin, Ot- taare. Postpaid • 01.00... MACHINERY SEPARATOR REPAIRS 11'ORN DISCS AIME USUALLY TF2E first Cream Separator trouble, We re -space and retln them, when not -too badly worn, to -give the equal of new Disc service, . for one third to one quarter the cost. Bow rebalancing also as well as retlnning and refitting of all para 0.Symons' Metalworkers, ROCANVILLl7, Saskatchewan: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED. A, 131)DDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges mulled instru- ments, 111 Church, 'Toronto 2, OPPORTUNITIES. FOR. WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER ,707N CANADA'S LEADING SCI:1007, Great Opporttmity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified- profession, good 'wages, thousands suceeseful, Marvel ' graduates, America's greatest syn. tem, Illustrated - `catalogue .free, Write or can M R D 3AIRDRESS1NG A V L T SCI-100LS 858 BL001. \V., TORONTO Branches: 44 King SL, Hamilton, ets 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OPPORTUNITIES OR't'UNITIES MEN & wOIIIEN, ABC Sa•IORpFHAND. 'PURCHASE the books and .train yourself In 1l0 weeps, free folder illustrates this easy system.- Caesars Systems, (eoronto. OFFER TO INVENToits PATENTS Booklet of Information on re- quest. FET3711]RSTON73AUC7B & CUM PANS PatentSolicitors, r t9s tiio10:14 King Wes lO o l'1HOTO(T1tAPH'Y TIME TESTED: QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed end printed 8 OR $ PWIao0017R,E ROLLS 26c REPRINTS 8 for 25o FINEST ENLARGING 'SERVICE You may not :gel all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire . by sending your films to • IMPERIAL PII0'P() 510RVIC113 Station .1, Toronto AN OFFER 010 EVERY 1NV1$NTUli' Last of inventions and full infor- • matlon sent free. The Ramsay Co., Reg istercd Patent Attorneys, 278 ,Sank Street. Ottawa, Canticle. PERSONAL 10101A11 COMING 13205501111 Cheist,"wonderful book free, Megiddo aIi0010n Rochester 17 I)0 7'OU 1{N01\' 0017-011 PR2513110R a mystery? Readwhat the Scrip - !tures teach. Write for free pamph- let, ":Che Truth About the Tel nity." Christadeiphiall Clospe1 Proelam- aLfon, 310 North Linsrore Creno„ Toronto 6. NDIV, DTSCOV771:y, 1 pSl':5773, SAV 2515 gasoline, guano, l cod. ;;end s Lampert envelope for 11) ferns,, Li on. 8. Brodie, Vilna, Alta. FINER ."SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be takenagain. Don't risk losing yours: Send Your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service for developing and printing. Canada's largest finishing studio does the finest work at lower cost Any 8100 Roll -6 or 8 Expo res. DEVELOPED AND PRJNTEl 25e "Yom• prices for snob quality work are really economical," 'writes a customer at Peterborough Ont. ' I am particularly fascinated by the coloured pictures, I appreciate your prompt and reliable service and In future will send all my rolls to you;' MOUNTED etfuGeNTS sSizx6" nBatiEasel IBnlargements 4x9" on Ivory, tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, eines- elan Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 690 each, It enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120. Poeta) Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. PIANOS Ised? '0171PIANO notwrite 1'01711 501,Y- 11 Mason & nisch, 642 King St. 'West, Toronto, SEEDS ALFALFA, CLOVERS' TIMO'I'14 Y, Permanent Pasture Grasses, 11y - brad Corn, all No. 1. Best. prices. Stewart's Seed Store, L'owman- elite, Ont. M01t00NG (1I01tIES1 THRILL TO THE BEAUTY Ob' TICE glorious PEA.IeL1I C,ATES and. HEAVENLY BLUE Morning (;tory —a combination of creamy while and belladonna blur; sturdy vines, copious blooms. Pry them ;items your wail or porch. Get both of these lovely verielits for less than the price of one --1 71:1, of enrh (l r. value) only 15full-eolour rttirgue free. Dept. 11'„ Si W. TUCK & SONS LIMITED, Lindsay, ()Merle. WANTED LINOTYP'lil WANTED NO, r (111 '8 Model, give full pun tleulnrs to Wilson Publishing Co,. 73 Ade- laid° St, W., Toronto. ACRIeAG1I WANTED. SUCTAI,I.E for camp sites, eta, Imke frontage water, buildings. Box 0, 73 Ade- laide 10'.,' Toronto, \VILL PAY -LIBERAL PRICE: PON Maltose or crossbred Me IIuse Male Pup. Send full particular. and photo, 1t possible. Box 7, T3 Adelaide W., Toronto.. 1VANTI2D: PROTESTANT SCHOOL Teacher .for :Hinter Grades to cont- inence duties September 1045. Ap- ply stating qualification end miler), expectedin71, ic. Stedman, Secretary, Kewaagee a, County Abitibi, Quebec. WANTED 26 TO 2(10 ACRES LTV - able 'house, blue), bush, 01renn0. Particulars, 357 es, Taxes, BON 11, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, Ont, SMALL FARM OR ACREAGE WITH lmuso and outbuildings wanted to rent May 1 by good tenants; must be reasonable renlage In or neat' village or town. if salted. would purchase after the war. 7). Lis- eotnbe, Wilberforce, Ontnrto. WANTED TO 1317Y CO'CTACilO AND small acreage, hydro, 100 miles radius, 1.Iegg, 229 Contends Ave.,. Toronto. WANTED SMALL (AS STATION and living aeconnnodation f miles .outside. Toronto. Boy 741., , Col lingwood. 1'.-I ELF tfAN'I'Rl) FARM1 AND WANTED FUR AI.IN- el farming, ,Pearly engagement, top wages, start about March 1st. Apply C. A. Martin, 10ergus, f?, 1, $60 PER MONTH FOR GENERAL Domestic or helper in kitchen of I:T.ospi la .l to live in When app1Y. ing give full particulars. Water- ford - Hoapitel, Bow 402, Water- ford, 0111. GIRL \1 ANT inn -.e' 0 12 LIGHT bou'cwollr, Comfortable, small Toronto home. Separate room. Two children,. (4005 wages. Inter ested party phone collect Mayfair 8292, evening. Box 9, 75 Adelaide St, 1V., Toronto. Ont, ('00110 GENERAL, .- SMALL FAMILY, p l c at s a n t surroundings, -goad wages, References required. Ales. Stanley Thomson 40(i Russell I7i11 Road, Forest 13111 Village, Toronto. MAN WITH CIIAL715II'E17R'S LTC - 01100 to drive truck and work on f n )m Must ie`v t reliable anti 1 e1 trustworthy. r month and` 7jab e $ p Wale Stoutly lob for good man.. W il.a Box 459, Ti re ntford, or Phone 12110). 5:15.00 'REG. NORSE, G0102111tA7. duly,' 1150 in, .Room and Board, duties to comment,: at once. lrbe0 Applying Five full perticularre and expo ei e ace, 11'a Ler to lel Maternity 'Rosin Ca I, Lax 402, Waterford, Ont. ISSUE 8-1945