The Seaforth News, 1945-02-22, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY,, FEBRUARY 22, 1946 THE SEAFORTH Snowdon- Bros.. Publishers WALTON The Young People's Union of Duff's United Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William 'Turn. bull on' Friday evening. Miss Mary McDonald, the Culture convener, was in charge of the meeting. Ar- rangements were made for a ,skat- ing .party to be held on Thursday evening, Feb. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Turn- bull conducted the recreation and then served lunch. Mr. W. J. Leem- ing, the president, .expressed the ap- preciation of the young people. to Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull for a splen- did evening. At Durs United Church during the season of Lent lir, Hazlewood is preaching a Series of sermons on the way Jesus went to the Cross. On Sunday, Feb. 25, there will be lantern slides shown during the Sun- day School hour. The slides are en - MacFarlane giving the Theme and - ed stanclind of attendance for the titled "Ventures in Learning andAnn Kerslake of Exeter, who sur- Living.' slides will begin at the Call to 'Worship. Hymn 446 year, The awards Will be presented vives, Also three sisters, Misses iViar- 10.30.. The el de g "0 God of Bethel"was sung, fol -during the church worship period., 10:30. lowed with prayer by Mrs. MacFar--The minister will conduct the anter and Elizabeth Reid, Bayfield: The W.M.S. of Dun's Church, lane. The roll call, "A verse 011 andlewarMrs. James Webster, Seaforth, Vlraltou, held their regular meetingchurch service on Sunday first and He was a member of St: Andrew's on Friday afternoon after the World prayer," was responded to by six- will preach on the second of the United Church, Beyfield• Interment a er service, Mrs. Hazle- teen members, T.ie minutes, of the is entitled series of sermons. The series took place in Bayfield cemetery on Day of Pt nevious meeting were read acid is entitled The Way of the Master, wood presided and 1 6 ladies answer- I ' Tuesday. ed the roll call. The re orts •were gi adopted. The W. A. offering was and the particular subject is A Pur - von. Mrs. Johnston read the require - our Mrs. Stewardship omeinr, pose Sustained in Conflict. meats of the bale, Men's, women's out Christian Sec., A number of the young people of and children's clothing are asked for gave the Report of the Finance the village enjoyed an evening's also some knitted goods. This bale Committee of W. M.S giving their skating at the new rink at Bruce- • goes to Alberta. The 9th of Morris plans for raising money for 1945• field on Monday of this week, g;reup are to have charge of the Vlar. The secretary read two letters from Th t a in charge of boys overseas, George Case and Jack WINTHROP KI P PE N of the' village in the loss of their bro. The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan p A new mode of travel for the air - then, litre was seen on No. 4 higl,Ray ori Mr. Wnl• Parker has bought a Church, Winthrop, met in the 'Wednesday passing through 'Hen- new -commercial truck and is now schoolroom of the church oil Fri„ salt and Kippen, For lack of a land- operating it in! the coal delivery. Feb„ 16, to - observe the World's I ing field the plane shed its wings Mr. Brownlee of New York l at - Day of Prayer. The meeting was in and travelled'tai• style. Does this tended the funeral of his aunt; Mrs. charge of Mrs. Robt. MacFarlane, promise a future combination of Atkinson. Mrs Hiriam Blanshard and Mrs. car and plane? : - Mr. and Mrs. Foot and family Wm. Somerville. The programme , The Hillsgreen annual meeting have returned to the village and Mr. printed for the Day of Prayer was postponed from January 'on account Foot.'expects to engage in the fishing followed entirely, the theme being, of bawl roads was held on Tuesday business. Mr.Foot is a returned sol - "The. ,Church Universal. Special night. All reports showed a success- Bier and we wish bilin every success. prayers were offered by Mrs H £ 1 its all carrying good b Blanshavd, Mrs, Wm. Somerville, lane a tobeginanother o� The The Bayfield Red Cross finance Nlrs. H. Alexander, . Mrs. Robt. Missionary and Maintenance fund committee Are holding a dance in the McClure .and Mrs. A. Somerville. showed an increase over the previ_ town hall on Fri„ Feb, 23rd. The offering was received by Mrs. ous year. The retiring officers were Robert • Geor 'e Reid, almost alife- Wm Montgoiitery, followed by the 1'e -elected. Two new members were g ,engin ; of the dedicatory prayer. lend resident of Stanley township, Mrs. Frank Johnston presided ' at to theer during the year and added died at his home in Clinton in his to roll, At the close of the meet 70th year, on Saturday after a brief the piano for the singing of the lite• a social time was enjoyed by all. illness. He avis born in Stanley and hymns. The I{ippen Sunday School staff' attended Ottawa Normal school arta After the prayer service was teal- has planned for the giving out of taught in a ntiinber of Iiuron schools +,letcd the regular meeting of the seals and diplomas on Sunday first and later engaged in farming. 011 W. M. S. and W. A. was held, Mrs. to those pupils attaining the i'equir- March 19, 1919, he married Rhoda meettng, e topic w in Walton grouts: with Mrs. E. Hack-\1cSpadden, thanking'the ladies for lint and Mrs. Spencer Irvine -welt, firs. W. Hackwell -and Mrs. itoxes received. Three letters of ent t ap sthe week end in Southampton 'Wilson taking part. The W. A. meet nledation were read from Mrs. 1. ing opened with ;Mrs. Bennett pros- Craw. firs. VS m. Johnston and Mrs. w• ith Chesney of Calgary iding. Tt was decided to hold a- St.- 'Taut Mrs, Wm, Somerville, assist- -- i, in Hayfield this week. He carne Pat±tel.'s social in the schoolroom of :int captain of Circle a. tool: charge to att"nd the funeral of Mrs, Atkin - the church ou March 16th. of the worship period Prayer . by tion The ter+iln meeting of the. Wal -.lits Stanley Ca shoo and the topic"11.- 0. W. "(Mynas Inas leased the ton Red Cross will be held on Feb. was taken by Margaret Hablclrk. c attire of Mrs. G. C. Chtirehward of 27 in the community hail. • 1Ir J. M Gins spent the week- London and exPeets to occupy this BRUCFFIELD Astronomers fleet. 1,•. nshard. ; f., -y days m Tillage. illa,ge. Di'. Cole President• lilir. Zack McSpadden has received Mr. D.ltki -nn and J. Atkinson • Pr. 11. H. Cele last n'. hye t a • s yvorri tont h?e son Jack --TeSitadden „f Detroit were culled to Bayfield • elected- presid et of the :London ' 1 i i enol wounded in the owing to the serious illness and Centre of the c 7Yci .,st1'anon iea.l 1I.:,:17;, .14 (12 has leen with the Cana- death of tt :,other Mrs. (Dr.) Society of -Canada. Dr. Cole re- :lieu n t± "t, ,n B< l riunr and Holland. Atkihisoir They bare the svntpatliv e,y e l his e .ertion by acclamation, of the village in their bereave- ilil the other new officers, Dr' CONSTANCE moltA. 3. Watt. vice-president, and Dr. L. 1T Spratt, councilor. A paper on the iharacter.stirs of Saturn, •was read icy Dr. Spratt. Dr. Cole made a slror, introductory explanation on the February section of the Obser- i,er•• Handbook as a prelude to a talk by H. R. Kingston. of Western University, who, by using charts ,nl with his family. here. 1I1 and Mrs. Melvin Nichol Miss Ada \ ,hal and Mr. J. Flewwelltng el t1 -,trot d with Mr. and Mrs, Hir rott'tgo for the summer. Tee fishing is the order of the day and many are entoym; this sport, Mr. D Hamutill of Detroit spent and diagrams, traced the movements of planets such as Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the zodiac. Plans were completed for the March meeting, which will feature a special speaker, Miss Elizabeth Aeheles, of Toronto. An invitation to join the London Council for Adult Education was laid over to that meeting. Dr. Cole presided at last night's meeting. —London Free Press Dr. Cole is a son of Robert Cole of Goderich township and -a neph- ew of J. Percy Cole, London, for- merly of Brucefield. Dr. Cole is to be congratulated on his elevation to such an important position. The Patriotic Society of Bruce - field and community which is taking such an active interest in our boys and girls both at home and abroad in sending them boxes and smokes, wish to acknowledge letters and card.- from Wm Mudge, D. T)+ynlan, Clare Armstrong. 111:11. McCabe, W. Ilahrynlpl:•. 1i'nr, 'cT'.trd°eh. Wesley Hamm 11', F. Irl :t,hend. H. Flroth• erten. Ro,s Gralua•er, 1i Calwill. H. lir the. _, n. (, ;;c Monxr•d. Roht. Dalrynii'1". Morley P, ri tilt. Annie Mustard, Nei ma Co111i:i. I,r±i' ;Rath - well) I'entney. Glaze' Haugh. Lois Moffat. Keep up the good work. We are sure our young people appreci- ate you. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh spent Tues. Afternoon with Mr. Howard of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and son of Stratford visited Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish and Anna spent the week end in Exeter. Miss Jean Wright of Seafortic spent the weekend with Miss Ruth Scott. ' Miss Anna Cornish spent a couple of days in Toronto recently. Miss Maty McCully spent a couple of days in London with. Miss Norma Collins. Mrs. Janet Ross of Bayfield vise- ted for a few days with Mrs. B, Thompson. STANLEY Mrs. H. Erratt went to Hamilton last week to visit her sister and bro- ther-in-law, MT. .and. Mrs. Ed. Low- den. Mr. Douglas Robinson, who has. been in Victoria Hospital, London, receiving special treatments, return- ed to his home last week much im- proved. Mr: Alfred Ings suffered a stroke few days ago and was taken to Clinton hospital. He is in a either critical condition. The Day of Prayer was observed Mrs. Dave :Wilson returned from in Trinity Anglican Church on- Fri - London on Saturday where she had day last, The 'United and Presbyter - been visiting her brother, Mr. Chas. tan Churches joined In the service. lit al efield and Mrs. Wakefield. 1 Mr. E. Merner and his daughter, Miss Chris Fennis, Miss Frances Mrs Grant Turner, were in Clinton Fermis and Miss Mary Merril of Tuesday attending the funeral of Brantford spent the week end with the late Robt. Reid. Sympathy is ex - Mr. and Mrs. Robt,-Grimoldby. I tended to Miss M. and Miss E. Reid Mrs. Jas. Hugill spent a few days in Stratford last week. Miss Velma Hesk of iLondesboro • spent a week with her aunt, Mrs. Harry Durnin. Mr. Wm. Britton had the Misfor- tune to fall off a sleigh and break two ribs. •Contance W. M. S. observed the day of prayer Friday afternoon, Feb. 16th. Mi•s. Wm. Britton opened the meeting with a few moments of sit- ent prayer, then Mrs. Britton offered prayer herself. Hymn. Closer to Thee We Cling. The thence, That We Should Show forth the Praise of Tiim NvIin had called you out of the Dark - nes into His Marvelous Light. hiin- rtice AN -Or,' dispensed with. Sung -hymn When Srornie .r011114 LTs Sweeping. Ilayet's w,.ie read by • Ili's. Charles Dext.•r. Mrs, peter Lindsay then look revile of th,t program. -Mrs. Lindsay offered prayer. t Mrs. ,Tann,,--Hugill tt:ave a reading. 5tu.t±11th of- the Dozy. 'too( by .11i,:. 11. 51ep12''115on and Mrs. flee, llc•lllwain. Lind tench (1. stow 10 Ptmy.- Prayer wt. , Ii r,d by lir \`(. f; it ora Rending by Mrs. Il. Syphon. 2. son. ;-.'ming 11 lir (c•m ll0Ilinain. th, tit;,.' 11ei±10 I1111 Got the Navy Cros,:. . Tit, n q • •tang Sweet. H,,tir or 1?gayer. Allo. Lindsay gave some v'-ry interesin15 thoughts on. prayer. Airs. Lindsey asked a nulling' of the ladies present To offer n few words of pray- er, Mrs. Britton gave a short talk on Prayer. her text being, 1 may know 13im and the power of His resurrec- tion. Prayer is the surrender of the 1 will to God. There are three steps in the um of prayer. listen, learn and obey. Without these three, prayer I will he a farce instead of a force. If we fall down on our prayer life we fall down everywhere. Give me the mind to pray,. the love to. pray and the will to pray. We closecf the meeting with 'a sword of prayer by Mrs. Britton. • HULLETT On Monday evening, Feb. 19, the Farm Fortin of S.S, No. 1 met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Nott with an attendance of 19. The discussion was led by Elgin Nott. It was the general opinion that govern- ment controlled or co-operative mar- keting would be best for all concern- ed, The remainder of the evening was spent with contests, music and social chat. Plans for having a pot luck supper to wind up the Forum meetings for this season were dis- cussed. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Landsborough. Sunnyvale R.O.P. SIRED "its/Mks Uevc'rutuemt Approved, blood tested. tarred Rocks. White Leghorns, White Leghorn X Barred Rock Hybrids. Our ntatiiigs for '1940 are all headed by R. O, -P. Approved males Send for Folder and Price List Sunnyvale Poultry Farm R. R. 3, SEAFORTH REGENT THEATRE Seaforth NOW G -•- TWO FEATURES SHO\VI1\, MAR'I'NA O'DRISCOLL NOAH BEERY .112. "WEEK - END PASS" ALSO— Louise A]lurilton RobertPaige "HER PRIMITIVE MAN" Tllo screen's lop laug-star array' ----- —lMON. TIJES. WED. —'l'WO FiATURES— Jean Gabin Richard Whcirf "THE IMPOSTOR" A dramatic recital of man's redemption Also— "SWiNGTIME JOHNNY" with The Andrews'Sisters A musical comedy packed with popular tunes . NEXT THUR. hits. SAT. TWO FEATURES Jon Hall "THE INVISIBLE MAN'S REVENGE" Also "GHOST CATCHERS" Coming; "Dung, Ho" "Hat Check Honey" Helen M. McFaul Atkinson, widow of Di•. F•. A. Atkinson, of Detroit and Bayfield, died at the residence at Bayfield after a long illness. Mrs. Atkinson was born in Brockville in 1869, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. McFaul. She had lived in He - ti oit more than 50 years, spending the summers in Bayfield, Surviving are three sons, Donald and Jeff, of Detroit, and Grenville, Bayfield, six grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. R. Brownlee. Her husband- and one son, Dr. Garnet Atkinson, predeceas- ed her. The funeral was on Monday .at Trinity Anglican Church,' inter- ment in Bayfield cemetery. Just a Few Drops RelieveStuffiness ' Mahe Breathing Easier .. Give You Comfort ort It's grand how Vicks Va-tro-nol clears congestion from nasal passages—gives sinuses a chalice to drain. Results are so good because Va-tro-nol is specialized medication that works right where trouble is—to relieve painful congestion and make breathing easier. Try it—put a few drops up each nostril—follow directions in folder. T H E CANADIAN W A Y 0 F LIFE. Roast Beef on Sundays . PTIHE SUNDAY ROAST — week- ends in the country—the old family jalopy—these things mean a pleasant way of life. These are some of the things every man overseas is fighting for today. They won't be his, unless all of us make sure, when our fighting elan comes back, his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protect his dollar, we must realize NOW the dangers of care- less, unnecessary buying.'We must buy only what we need—never buy two where one will do! We must not evade rationing or price control, or deal in black markets. If we break the rules, our country —the country he's fighting for— will start on that uncontrollable rocketing of prices known as inflation! Prices will rise. As prices go up, wages try to tag along... and never quite catch up. The value of money goes down. Soon your dollar will buy—perhaps only 30c worth of goods! And there is no limit to its drop—look at Greece today! The nation is plunged in poverty and depression. So let's all make sure our soldier's dollar—when he gets back—will buy a dollar's worth of goods! We can't give back to him his lost years or his lost youth. But, if we keep up the fight against inflation,' he can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living ... the Canadian: way of life. Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation. SI II Make this Pledge Today! I pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, andre- fraining from careless and unnbces- sary buying. 1 will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By buying Victory Bonds ' and Wer Savings Stamps, supporting tax- ation, and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and ,help keep prices ata normal level. ONTARIO