The Seaforth News, 1945-02-01, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, 'FEBRUARY 1, 1945 HENSALL A masquerade Carnival will be held on the Hensall rink on .Weclnesdaiy evening, Feb, 7th. A broonnbail game will be 'held from 8 O'clock Until 9, followed by a Fancy :Dress carnival. Skating to music. Prizes awarded to best dressed boy of girl, lady os gent, and oldest person on skates. Keep the date open Wednesday, Feb. 7111, At a reent meeting of the Red Cross Society: Mr. R. 14t. Middleton acted as chairman. Arrangements were made for a eoucert to be put on in February,The annual canvass for funds will be made'in 'March. Born—lu Clinton General Hospital 'Oa Sunday, Jan. 25, to Mr: nod Mrs. Geo. Cowan of Hensall, a. son, George Edward Louts (Ted): Mr. R. D. Bell was able to return to Me home following his. recent op' eration in Victoria Hospital, London. Nir, Lloyd Veneer and Eleanor spent the week end with relatives- in Detroit. . Miss Marguerite MacDonald spent the week end in Windsor. Mr. Murray Munn of the RCAF; Trenton. spent the week end witli his mother Mrs. Munn end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross. Miss Norma Cook of Loudon was a week end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr, Jack Drysdale of London spent the week end at the home of his par- eats Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacBeeth and Ross visited recently with the form- er's parents Mr. and Mrs, John Mac - Beath. Miss Jennie Taylor has been con- fined to her room owing to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vernier. Roger and Murray of Chiselhur•st, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Grace of Elimville visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell. Dear ,Mfrs. Joynt. Well, just a few lines In order to thank you and your fellow' Members for the lovely 'frau- tutu parcel which I received today, It was really 'swell. Everything was real nice in it. You women surely de- serve a lot of credit for all the work you go thr'ctigh but we surely appre- ciate a parcel from some one we know -in Reknit. 1 received a: card and lettere , from Dr. W. Joynt at Xines time. Was glad he wrote. 1 can always go for the letters, so answer- ed him a few days ago s0 hope he got it ok. You will likely have lots of snow over there by now. We haven't a bit here; all we get is rain and mist, 1 was wounded a couple of months ago. Ain back in England but am coining along fine now. So roast thank. -yon all again for the lovely parcel. BYRON (DOC) KYLE. VARNA Varna Red Cross Annual Meeting—. The Varna Red Cross annual meeting was held on Friday evening, Jan. 19th, in the Varna hall with a good attendance, and, splendid re- ports from all the connttittees, every- body hoping next year would be as successful. The meeting opened .with our president, Mrs. George Reid presiding, Rev. Miss Hern' opened the meeting with prayer, then Mrs. Reid spoke on the work of the So- ciety briefly. Rev. Miss Hern then gave her treasurer's report: Receipts Balance on hand Jan. 1944, $284.- 55; national campaign and special donations, $970.50; special grants $650.00; special fund raising 'activ- ities, $178.93; salvage $24.35, inter- est $6.36. Total $2,114,69. Expenses —To National Campaign, $1400.00; to headquarters for jam $50.00; to Wohelo Class Meets— headquarters for work room supplies Miss Gladys Luker presided over $152.59; to Mrs, Mossop $17.44: to Mr. J. T. McAsh $3,18; to various the regular meeting of the \'t ohelo - ,R G. members, $7.40 ; stamps $1,75, Class which was held in the school National Campaign expenses, 51.80; room of the United Church on Friday Total, $1634.15. Balance, Jan. 1945, ing "What A Friend evening, The 'We Have in ng opened by sing- 8450,54. Rachel Johnston, secret- , Jesus; and the Lor'd's prayer in uni- had d then gave her report of what been shipped to headquarters: son, Miss Margaret Gleen read the Knitting sent 105 pr. socks, 11 navy Scripture, Psalm 61. offering, big the scarves, 13 pr. khaki gloves, 2 khaki fminutes, roll call and oliected. the sweaters, 90 helmets; to British Civ- sidenting officers were elected. Pre- ilian: 19 large quilts and 1 small ardent, Ross .Forrest, vice Pre assure, quilt, 71 girls pantie dresses, 80 PeterMcNaughton, h t Mrs, c. aug tong treasurer baby's gowns, 5 girls skirts and Miss Elva McQueen,n,as secretary Silas blouses sets, '2 ladies nightgowns, 1 Mary Goodwin, asst, sect'., Uses Naar- girl's slip and 1 baby's jacket, 5 pr's. garet Shepherd, pianist bliss Gladys child's mitts and 2 prs. youth's mitts. Luker, asst, pianist hilar Violet Mc Clymont, conveyance comm„ Peter, '80 Hospital -125 face masks, 50 McNaughton and David Kyle. ress hot water ottle covers, 300 white Mrs. Maude Redden, buying commp„ hankies, 4(1bwashcloths, 100 personal Misses Elva McQueen and Margarets property bags, 117 pis, mens pyj Shepherd; packing overseas boxes,, tunas, 15 housewives, 2 hospital Misses Violet McClymont and Ernie quilt.., 2 bales of Russian Relief. We Rigel.. Miss Mcelymont gave a very. held 43 meetings during year with encouraging report on the overseas an average attendance of 12. Mrs. activities. bliss Gladys Luker• read a George Reid then gave report front poem. Miss Elva McQueen gave the Wer Setwiees Club in the absence of financial report and poems were read Miss Lillian Elliott; Cigarettes sent by Miss Violet McClymonS:'.A•.sohial in 1944, 525.52; 7 Christmas boxes hour brought the evening to a close. I for overseas $48.07; 6 boxes sent in Miss Edna. the e and Andi'r close. April 524.16; pen and pencil gift the week end in Blyth. tits, $17.82; miscellaneous, $44.21, Following are copies 01 letters re., I Total Receipts, $159,05; total ex- ceived by Miss Gladys Luker from poises $159.73; balance on hand, local men overseas: I $29,27 Mrs, George Reid also gave Dear Gladys. Seeing that Suras is a report from Varna :School Junior' on over and everything is back to nor greReCross: Cash er hand 324,30; mal again, T thought I better thank grease $2.00, paper $7,28, milkweed window for the lovely letter and Xmas, 58.50; Bayfield fair $3.00, win , boxes $4.28, Christmas concert 524. - card which you were hind enough to, 26, total 573.67. Expenses—Dona- send me, 1 appreciate what you are! tion to Junior Red Cross 520.00; to doing for us and it makes things go Naves} League 510.00; war .Services a lot nicer waren we receive such let-: Club 510.00; local charities 510.00; tens. I received the hrstitute parcel; 6 ditty bags to Navy 523.40, Total, about two weeks before Xmas this ' $73.40, Pres., Miss Mazy E, Beatty; year and itarrivedin excellent con- f secretary, Miss Vivian Chuter; tree- dition. I would like you to thank one, surer, Mr. John McConnell,rani all for Inc tar malting these par -i Election of officers then followed cels possible. We Imd a lovely time with Mr. Elgin Mchinley as chair - over here on Xmas clay, Lots to eat.4 man and Rachel Johnston as secret- I.see by the paper that you have had; ary for evening. 1945 officers: Pres - a reception for the men who Slave re- ident, Mrs. George Reid, elected for turned home. tLucky boys.) Agai, I, third term; 1st vice president, nglia. thank you all, Gladys, for what you; R N. Peck; 2nd vice president, Mrs.are doing for us, A Hensall boy,! Alex. McConnell; secretary, Rachel STEWART PEPPER. I Johnston; treasurer. Mr. Geo. H. Dear Gladys: Just a line in answer.{ Beatty; convener of work rooms, to the nice letter 1 received from your Mrs. Alfred Ings: executive, Mr. some time ago. and it sure is nice to, George Reid, Mr. J. T. McAsh,. Mr. hear from you and allthe people in, Eimer Webster, Mr. Morton Elliott, Hensall. Well, Gladys. I received that; Program committee, Mr. Geo, Ii, nice box you were telling me about. Beatty, Mrs, Geo. H. Johnston, Mrs, and everything in it was sure good.' Russel Erratt, Mrs. Geo. H. Beatty, And 1 would like to thank you -and' Miss Edythe Beatty, Miss Lillian. all the rest who helped donate and Elliott, Mr Elgin McKinley, Mr, Win. pack the box. Well, I suppose you R, Stephenson, Mr. Morton Elliott, all fine in Hensall, or I'm hoping you are, M. Lloyd Keys, Mr. Henry Ald- are, I'm oat, mitt getting along Pretty winckle., Salvage, committee, Mr, good in the front lines, that is, if ,Tals Smith Ss., Me, Ben Keys, Mr. Jerry doesn't shell us too often? We George Clarke. will he home soon. Well, there is not IWe also have .a list of several much news that T can tell you so 1 from this community on the Blood must close new. 11 is getting dark and .Donors Honour• Roll, but the need is we have to go out tonight and also still urgent. Won't you hand in your just cue light in the lint. So goodbye name to Mrs, Geo, H. Johnston and for now. HOWARD SMALE. II have your name on the list too. Dear Gladys: Many thanks for the welcome letter and card which I re -1 001Yed two days before Xmas. It sure WINTHROP is good to know that so many people Continued From Page Five • still think of us. After all these years overseas I had cards from 32 people I have been all through France, Bel- and that decorated a good part of the glum and most of holland. I am at wall in my room back in a town present somewhere in Holland. where some of the personnel of the Thanking you very, •very much. Battery are staying. I vvos lucky to bei . CPL. T, E. McSPADDEN among tivose who made the trip back! ' for the day. 1 left early Xmas morn- ing in a jeep without a. windshield. Dear Mrs. Little: I wish to take and was nearly frozen by the time we this opportunity to thank you for got back. The Xmas dinner sure was the lovely parcel which I received grand. We had turkey, roast pork, today. Everything was lovely and of dressing gravy, vegolables, mince pie, pudding, cake, oranges, nuts, cho• course I sampled the 'home-made colate and licorice all sorts. It was candy first; it really hits the spot the hest dinner I had in the army. I over here. I am going to Steep my do hope you people are right in think- cake Until Christmas as we are go- ing that this job will soon lie over, ingt All the papers in Canada seem to, o have a party and everyone have that idea.;l would be very happy puts in something for the lunch. We about it myself. I ani always glad to are going to have a party for the hear waren some of the boys get back patients and the personnel at Christ - home. I :am hoping that my turn will urns and try tomake it as much come, shortly. Atter all, thus years is a very long time. I received the grand like Christmas at home as we pos parcel a month ago in perfect condi- sibly can,. At present we are quite tion. I have been pushed around and ,busy and have a lot of sick boys, • busy the last few weeps but did man- but we hope to leave' thein all feel- age'to drop Mrs, Campbell a few lines ing much better soon and read to Tut before Xmas. In case she has not g'y had it yet, many thanks for the grand enjoy Christmas, although we don't treats that you people Send over to have to worry about their appetites us. I age flue And getting along well. —they are ready to eat at any time. Hoping this Will fled all of you people They just have trouble to get their• ' 1n the "best of health, thanking you s for your good work. AUSTIN arms and legs going. g• We are using SCHWALM. those lovely bed jackets and dress - Mgt goings that the Red Cross Socie- ties made, but as yet I haven't seen any from the Seaford: Branch, bait I have noticed some :things from the Exeter branch, At present I am working' in the operating room and we Use inany thing's that have been made by the Red Cross '. Societies, and when. we have time; we stop. and wonder how we. -could got along without the 'help of the Red Cross. Again r:went to thank you sincerely for the lovely.: parcel Which: will help to make Christmas that much better. I also want to thank you, again for the lovelychocolates I re- ceived some time ago, but I' do hope you received my letter scone timed ago, ISOBEL BETTLES, Dear Mrs. Little: I am.in London, t Canada, now and I received your parcel the day before I left England, Dec. 23rd. Thanks a' lot. I enjoyed it very much. Had some of it on the boat coming home. I am being sent to Christie .Street Hospital, Toron- to on Wednesday. GEORGE MATH - ERS. BRODHAGEN ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bennewies and daughter Marlene of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ahrens on , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beuermann and Larry of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hillebrecht. Rnbert Amstein and Robert Miller of Kitchener and Kenneth' Hinz of St.'Marys at .their homes. Mrs, Louise Gibson and Mr. Clay- ton Carlton of Niagara Failst N.Y., with Mrs, Gibson's sisters, Mrs. Chas Ahrens, Mrs, -John G. Hinz. Mrs. Henry Wesenberg, of Cranbrook, their mother, has suffered a stroke. Mr, Ad. Pfeifer is ill at his home. FOR SALE An electric brooder stove,` 350 cluck size, in good :condition, Arnold Keys, Varna. Mr. James Moore of Toronto is visiting with friends in the vicinity. Mrs. Adam Nicholson has returned home after spending some weeks with friends in Stratford. We are glad to hear a young son has arrived at the gnome of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wakefield of London. Mr. and Firs. Chas. Degeer of Sas- katoon spent a week with MI's. Henry (olclough and sons, FOR SALE Brooder coal stove used one year, Joseph 'O'Rourke, R. R. 1, Dublin, Phone 37r(v, Dublin. NOTICE The postponed Annual Meeting of McKillop Municipal Telephone Sys- tem will be held on Wednesday,' Feb. runty 7th,. 1945, at. Forrester's Hall, Constance, at 1,10 .o'clock in the aft- ernoon. J. Ross Murdie, Secy. .• HARLOCK We are very sorry that the late Mr. Simon McVittie passed away the latter part of last week and 'was laid to rest on Saturday. Just a little over a month ago Mr, and Mrs, McVittie celebrataed their 50th wedding anniv- ersary. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. McVittie and all the firmly and friends, '\V' are very sorry Nirs, Peter Mc- Donald is at present In Clinton Hos-' pital and operated on Tuesday, We hope the operation will be successful and wish Mrs. McDonald a speedy recovery. McKI LLOP The Farm Forum of McKillop #4 Sgnaer was held at the home of Mr. Ivy Henderson on the evening of Jan. 29 with.a good attendance. Rev. W. A. Patton was in charge of the meeting. Subject of discussion was "The Action Projects of the Federation of Agriculture." Mr, Harold Correy was in charge of the WANTED Iron crib wanted. State price. Ap•. ply to P.O. Box 299, Seaforth, FARMS FOR SALE South half lot 27, con, 4, Hibbert, all seeded to grass, with never -fail- ing spring creek, good pasture farm. Also Lot 27, west half, 5 con. Hib• bert, with b'arn 56x35, straw shed 48x52, drive .shed, hen house, root cellar in gang way,. frame house and kitchen and summer kitchen, 5 acres fall wheat, 20 acres fall plowed, 3 acres bush, .balance seeded, both farms well drained and in high state of .cultivation. Apply to Joseph At- kinson, Dublin. FOR SALE Some good York chunks. Phone $23r14, A. R. Dodds. NOTICE Malting Barley We are now contracting acre- age for the growing of Barley from next season's crop. For further pe-fticulars, contact O. T. MICKLE & SONS Hensall, Ontario Telephone 103 1 Saturday Specials Royal Purple Poultry Concentrate Royal Purple Hog Tonic & Conditioner Royal Purple Stock Conditioner Pratts Cow Tonic Vila -Lice for Cattle Royal Purple Lice Killer per 100 lbs 4.49 81/2 lb pkge. 1.75 81/2 Ib pike. 1.75 41/2 Ib pkge. 1.50 2 Ib pkge. 55c pkge. 60c VAN CAMPS PRE-COOKED BEANS, , ..6 pkges 25c W. J. FINNIGAN BRIDLES Mounted with brass hard- ware, less checks $3.25 .each Made by JACK'S REPAIR TENDERS FOR WOOD 7 cords 4 ft. body .(green) wood, half beech and half hard maple, or 27 cords;14" wood half beech and'halt hard maple. Tender to be in by 1001 Feb, Jamas Nolan, Sec.-Treas., S. S. No. 1 McKillop & Logan, 15,12,1, Dublin. TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for S,S, #4, Mc - Killen, for 14 inch hard nmple and beech: ten cords; to bo delivered by May 1st, Geo. R. Campbell, Bee.- Treas., ec:Treas., Seaforth, R.R.1. TENDERS FOR WOOD For S.S. #9, Mcliiilop, for 20 cords, maple and beech„ 12" long, to be delivered on or before Julie 1st. Ten- ders to be In by Feb. 15t1i. George H. Leonhardt, Sec.-Treas., R.11.2, Walton. FOR SALE Ten Jerseys for sale. Four cows due in February, three cows, due b March, the others in May and Jane, lunging in age from two to five years. . Phone 840.31, Seaforth. ;Irvin Tr'e- Notice To Creditors I In the Estate of Margaret Bryant. All persons ]raving claims against the Estate of Margaret Bryant, late alt the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased, 1vho died on or about the 2ncl day of January, 1945, are hereby. notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February, 1045, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst,' the parties entitled thereto, having; regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice,, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the unclerslgn- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaford' this 9th day of January, 194e. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator recreational part of the meeting. Lunch was served and the meeting closed with God Save The King. The next meeting well be held at the home of Mr. Ross Murdie on the evening of Feb. 5th. CROMARTY The Young People's Society of the Presbyterian Church met on Sunday evening in the church base- ment with the president, Miss Hazel Hamilton, presiding. After the sing ing of the 23rd Psalm, Philip James read the scripture passage. Rev. W. A. MacWilliam led in prayer. A story, "Stoop and Drink," was read by Miss Anna Hamilton, Mr. Ed. Allen sang"Face To Face," accomp- anied by Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl who was the pianist for the evening. The topic was given by Mrs; . Ernest Allen- after the closilig hymn all joined in repeating • the Lord's Prayer, Mr. Andrew Hamilton, Exeter, a,t the .home of Mrs, John Hamilton and. fancily; Mrs, William Houghton nad Reggie Stagg in Mitchell; -Mr. and 'Mrs. Alvin Wordcn and (laughter's, Staffo, and blies Audrey Hawkins, Delmore, and Cpl, Mary A. Hamilton, Fingal, with Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton and family; James Scott in Toronto; Miss Ilelen walker in Exe- ter; MiSs Christina McKaig with her brother, Milian" and his wife and daughter at Alvinstcn. PIANO :WAN Second hand piano tion. Apply to R. J. Peduck, .15.11. Seaforth._ TED i 1 good condi- • #1, FOR SALE 0 -Room house, Centre St., Bath- room, Modern Kitchen, 3 wire service, Finn ace, Garage: 0 -Room house, Main St„ Egmoirdville.. Bathroom, Combination range, Furn- ace, Garage & Barn combinecl. 7 -Room 'douse, Railway St. Bath- room. Furnace, .3 wire service. ;Gar- age. 3 -Room - grouse, Coleman St„ Bath - t•00111, Furnace, hydro, acre . land, splendid barn, - Also a number of other properties. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Joseph Nagle. All persous having claims against the Estate of Joseph Nagle, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day, of January, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 10th day of February, 1945, pull particulars of their claims. , Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or tiny part thereof. - Dated at Seaforth this 9111 day of January, 1945. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaford', Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor Fertilizer Grass Seed & Seed Corn Orders for above should be in as soon as possible and be sure of delivery. CO - OP & SHTJR-GAIN FEEDS made daily Western Grain & Chop Peanut Oil Meal Cod Liver Oil Feeding Molasses Oyster Shell & Llmeshell' Finn's Minerals & Tonics Reduced Iron Rex Wheat Germ 041 Cooper's DRi-KIL Universal, Milking Machines & Parts Seaforth Farmers Co-operative. Phone 9 Called To Wingham — At a meeting of the congregation of St Andrew's Presbyterian. Church, Wingltarii, Friday evening, a call was extended .to -Rev, Alex Nimnto. Mr. Nimmo is at present padre in the RCAF., at Trenton airport. He was formerly minister at Besuhar•nois war'tha, • FOR SALE A '28 Model A truck, Autotrac, rubber tires. Al condition. Apply to Harvey Hayter, Varna. FOR SALE A good set of sleighs with new 111, yd gravel box, .will sell together or separate: also a 1035 inch Visset grain grinder; also a quantity of bean straw mixed with cut straw. Apply to Wilbur Keys, Seaforth, Phone 656 r 11. NOTICE • Township of Tuckersmith The Tuckersmith Council 1e - quests the co-operation of car and truck owners in seeing that same are not parked on roadsides in such a manner as- to hinder the work of show -plowing. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. NOTICE Wm, Bradshaw, your Watkins deal- er, and also agent for E. D. 'Snaith & Sou, frillt end ornamental nursery stock:, Market street, Seaforth, Ont, Phone '50. Spence's Produce. GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid .for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth THE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste good in a pipe " PERSONAL ASTHMA SUFFERERS - ENJOY GOOD night's sleep without coughing, choking. Ms. •Wm. Pearson, •Seat orth,'says : "I am so thankful to you for your asthma remdly that I would like all people„,, who suffer from asthma to. know what it did for me. I suf- fered for years from choking, difficult breath- ing and distress of asthma and noremedy helped me to any extent, but your remedy touched the spot at once and gave : me not only quick relief, but I am now free from all symptoms. A few month's treatment did it," For free information. write F. L. HOWEY, 144 Catherine Street -,South, Hamilton.. Prank- Finnigan, NOTICE s your Rawline dealer. is Louisa St.,. Phorth, has a lino of products at the house. Phone 63W. Want and For Sale, Ads, 1 week 25c McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hayti SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. • Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea- forth; Vice President, Frank Mo. Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and' Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex me.. - Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKeroher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL` ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster,- M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptle, equipment, Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from ,3 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second' and last Thursday to every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER 'Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural :Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat :.hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first. ' Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes ,, Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell` Nursery. Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures : Security for over One Million /� vvPartners H.R. LONG: GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms • For the convenience of: our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any`. other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde •Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 2$6 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry). 1