The Seaforth News, 1944-06-29, Page 4THE;i tS 1h l i Snowdon Bros., Publishers WALTON Miss Betty Lou Kirkby, London is visiting with her grandparents, Mr: and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby, On Thursday ovenina, June 22 members of S.S. No. 11, with Mem- bers of the community, gathered in the Sunday School roost of Dull United Church to honour Mr. Clar- ence Grainger who has been school teacher for three yaws. A short pro- gram by the pupils of the school un- der the chairmanship of Mr. Roy Bennett was.enjoyed. Then Mr, Ben- nett called Mr. Grainger to the front where Rev. R. G. Hazlewood read an address while two of the school girls Doris Johnston and June "Rockwell, presented Mr. Grainger with a clock and Mr. Robert Patterson on behalf tl.eelling case Mr. Grainger niarle t -,•rt fitting reply. After the pres- •'a ii lunch teas seft'eel by the t ladies ti the school section, The ad ht; r .n ilfr 11 ngi . We your friends of •I' y,11 iSeelion and f community are Bath - d h I ;his evening I r an micasiml wwhiclr • r has fn be, for it means that We } r ,: l.. you from our midst, but We re - Joke with yoll in whit' promotion to a better )3,• t Yoor Yourtie. nee in 010 - eomman{ty I th _ pat feel - ears has menet a good deal to us. Your influence has not beencon- tined 'within the walls of a school building nor halve ,out' labors been limited only to the work of the school; we have found, you always willing " and eager to help in com- wombU and church prejecta, in fact in many instances you have been the originator of anfefprises which hive been a blessing to ss. ),Vr shall indeed sties you. Llthe new cont- nulnity to which which you are going we hope that you may .have every happiness and lvees0. We .ask only that sometimes yeti 11.1Y think of us 05 we shall always keep the memory of you end your deeds in out' h .are.. That the memory of the people here •he ever before you. we offer these Ink - of the section presented him with a ens of ear friendahlp es a small oxpl�esslmr LETS GO TO s FORTH Saturday, Dominion Day AT LIONS PARK —3 P.M. SPORTS EVENTS FOR CHILDREN — 4 P.M. "SOFT BALL" ALL STAR TEAMS Bring your basket and picnic at the Park AT VICTORIA PARK, 8.30 P.M., TO 11.45 P.M. NIGHT CARNIVAL All the Gaines you like to play including "BINGO" TREE AD:NIISSION TO THE PARKS, AND FREE PARKING SPACE FOR CARS 5,45 P.M. TO 11.45 P.M. DANC ING At The Seaforth Armories Complete Programme of Music, afternoon and night, by the Seaforth Highlanders Band — E. H. Close, Conductor The Lucky Tickets for the Stewart Warner Radio and the Kenwood Blanket will be drawn at 11.30 p.m. at Victoria Park SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE "LET'S GO" —In Case of Rain, Carnival Will Be Held in Cardno's Hall — THE SEAFORTH NEWS BRODI-IAGEN to Mr. Diegel returned tl Joh i i G. a his homo in North Bal after visiting of our appreciation for your help among us it.tate past and our hope .for your 41 e ter. happiness in the future Signed on behalf of S.S. No. 11 Roy Bennett. bL mal Mea Win, Sllbm. of Stratford visited at the home of hIr•. and Mrs. John Rohrer last .week, 41rs.. David Watson was visiting at the hone or bet. ,011 mrd daughter-in-law, Mr. and 11rs. John Watson. MolIl lion. Mr. iind Mrs. t„ E. Pollard and daughter, Yvonne, anent the week. end In l-Iamiltoi. Mrs. Forbes has been visiting her brother 3dutlett.. - - HULLETT The regular sleeting of Burns W.M.S, was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Allen with the president, NL's. Shepherd, in the chair. Psalm 46 viae mead by Mrs. Frank McGregor for the Scripture lesson, and the hymn "God Save the People" ivas read as a prayer by Mr's. Shepherd. Thirty members answered the roll call. 'During the business period the cap- tains of the copper contest. Mrs. .Taylor and. Mrs. Shepherdreported their receipts, Mrs. Taylor's group :winning. Group 8 then took charge of the meeting un- der the leadership of Mrs. Wesley Roe.. The chapter 03' the study book. "The Soy of;work skillfully done." was given by Mrs, Roe and inembers of her grout. A solo by Mrs.'Geo. Watt was enjoyed. Mrs. Menzies closed the sleeting with prayer. with his parents and other telatnes for t Week. Mrs. Louise Ilinz accom- panied him, to North Bay to visit. Mts. Henry Querengesscr of Ed- monton, Alberta, with .her Sister, Mrs, Louie Hillebrecht, and inotller, Mrs. G'ordner, Mrs. Henry Schmidt of Stratford withMr. and ilirs, John G. IIinz on. Sa nd. Mrvo,y, and Ml's. Don -Markle of Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. I3ai'- old Diegel. Mrs. Elizabeth. Mor'enz of, Kitch- enet with Mr. Jack Prueter. The Brodhagen Band played at Alonkton' park on Sunday evening. Mrs. Fred Dietz who has been confined to Seaforth hospital for al - "most four months with a fractured hip, leas been removed to the home of her daughter, Mrs, Henry Benn- ewies in McKillop. A picnic was held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Thursday, June NOTICE On account of labor becoming increasingly difficult. to secure, we have found it absolutely necessary to dis- continue deliveries after June 30th, 1944. We ask your co- operation in this matter so that in these difficult ties we ma -y be able to service your requirements in the best possible manner. CHRISTIE'S WHYTE'S MEAT MARKET BUTCHER SHOP Attention Poultry Raisers We still have a few Mixed Barred Rock, and White Leghorn Pullets, for sale. These chicks are started chicks. This is your last chance for the season, so hurry. Moore's Poultry Farm SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 666r3 #*aZ(d'aV/#X.a,,d4qW4Wa W X/M&/#' v,,edY8�W#ih Yes. we need your help::: and need it badly: ��pThis is the biggest job we hive ever S it tackled ! Everything depends upon Victory: o00 Canada's Army needs volunteers NOW: G And, that means you and you and you! Ci WEAR IT ON YOUR ARIS Wear Canada's Badge of Honour on your arm. You'll be proud of it; so will your friends. Every :nen who is able has got to do, his bit! Maybe you don't think this means you s s that it's a job for the other fellow: If you do, you're Wrong. It's your war; too s i s a war for every man who h a man a: for everyone who has a stake in Canada:- • Yes; this means you all right and we steed you now for the months of'lute:asiye resin ing to make you, fighting -fin We did it before and we cad do it ague s ::bet as need your help., VOI6WTEER W'D.4Y .JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY FOR OVERSEAS SERVICE THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1944 --NOW PLAYING THURS.,FRI. SAT. Fred MacMurray Paulette Goddard There's laughing room only in— "Standing Room Only" I Y MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY: Double Bill — Second Show Starts 8.45 Barbara Stanwyck Joel McCreat. A story you'll live with! "BANJO ON MY KNEE"OLD CHICAGO" Tyrone Power Alice Faye Don Ameche "IN Itt back a picture of mighty entertainment_ Brought 1 Frida , Saturday — Double Bill Next Thursday, Y, ,, Chester Morris Nancy Kelly 'TORNADO Jimmy Lydon "HENRY ALDRICH PLAYS CUPID". Coming — "Passage to Marseille" evening 7.30. Matinee each Sat. & holiday 2,30 First show starts each g 22nd for all members 7Q years and field on Sunday, the occasion being over. Twenty-two were present. This Mrs.'Howald's eighty-ninth birthday. was sponsored by the Ladies' Aid, of Rev. Cooke of Granton preached the church. The devotional part was two veryfine sermons at anniversary conducted by Rev. Schultz followed services in this church on, Sunday, by a program, community singing, a The music at the morning service play, "Ice Cream Sociable," by Mrs. was given by the children of the Aug. Hoppenroth, Mrs. Fred Fisch- Sunday School and 'in the evening by er, 1VIrs. John Vocic, Mrs. John W. the regular choir, Mogk. Several duets by Mrs. Phillip Rock and Mrs. Christ. Leonhardt: reading by Mrs. Jpe Smith; piano selections, Eva Schultz; song, Sun- bonnet Sally and Overall Jim, by Arlene Diegel and Gary Sholdice; a play, "Strike Out My Name, by Mrs. John Amstein, Mrs. Manuel Beuerniann, Mrs. George Mogk, Mrs. Russell Sholdice. A delicious supper was served in the basement, each guest wearing a corsage of roses. Open air band concert by Brod- hagen Band Sunday evening. Diegel reunion to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stein- bach, Saturday, July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. John Amstein re- ceived word that their nephew, Nor- man Amstein, air gunner of the RCAF., is reported missing over- seas. He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Amstein of Kitchener, for- merly of Brodhagen, where he was born. STANLEY The reunion of the Penhale, Snow- den and Westlake families was held on Saturday, June 24th at Grand Bend. which was attended by sixty- two members from Bayfield, Varna, . Zurich, Exeter, London and St. Thomas. The oldest lady present I was Mrs. T. Snowden, Zurich, and the oldest man was Mr. R. H. Pen - hale, St. Thomas. The youngest girl was Mary Grainger and' Robert Westlake was the youngest boy. Mr, I Milton Pollock was holder of the '.lucky ticket. The officers for 1945 are: President, Mr. Donald Begg, St. Thomas; vice pres„ Mr. Edwin Hob- son, St. Thomas; sec.-treas., Mary Snowden, Zurich. The following are the sports: Oranges were given . to all children under five; girls 10 and under, Betty Jean Talbot, Bay- ; field; boys, 10 and under, Clifford Penhale, Exeter; girls, 14 and und- ' er, Gloria Westlake, Bayfield; girls, 14 and under, Louis Ducharme, Bay- field; young ladies' race, Gloria i Westlake, Bayfield: young Wren's race, Fraser Sterling, Bayfield; slip - Per fare, Gloria Westlake, Bayfield; Louis Ducharme, Bayfield; men': clothes race, Asa Penhale, Exeter; ladies' clothes race, Susie Pollock, Varna; men stepping off 4 rods, Har - I old Penhale, Bayfield, The picnic next year is to be held at Spring - hank Park the last Saturday of June. I 1r. and Mrs. Geo, Anderson and family spent the week end at Hamil- 1 ton visiting M1. and Mrs. Ed. Low- den, Mr, Ralph Stephenson left this week for Pilot Mound, Man., to spend some time with his daughters I lairs. Wes Cockerline and Mrs. David I Johnston, and his sister, Mrs: Alice IArmstrong. Rev. Miss Reba Hern left this week on her vacation. She goes to i Sault Ste. Marie to visit her parents, and then intends taking a trip to the i coast, Born, in Zurich on Sunday, June 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Hay- , ter of Babylon line, Stanley, a song CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Adams of L.ondesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. James Wat- son and slaughters of Walton spent Sunday afternoon at the hone of I Mr and Mrs. Charles Dexter, after attending the anniversary services in Constance United Church Sunday morning, I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yungblut and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Walden were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ;Jewitt Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Jewitt of Kincaid, Sask,, spent the week end at the home of Mr: and Mrs, Wm, I Jewitt. Guests on Sunday at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rogerson were Mrs. Rogerson of Clinton, Mrs, Ella Armstrong, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty of Ethel, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Porter's Hill. ELIMVILLE Mr. A. C. Whitlock of St. Thomas, Mr, Les McNaughton of Montreal, also 'Master Ronald Spry of London were visitors with relatives here on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Rollie Williams spent several days the end of the week holidaying at Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns and family visited with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Howald, at Den - •A a. ret . from plant, to store, to customer .. and back main l For bottles and cartons are used many times. So please don'tbreak this cycle. Return your empties, in their original cartons, promptly— and you'll help us maintain steady supplies for you. The Brewing Industry (Ontario) ANIM A DEAD or DISABLED Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL or Ingersoll 21 WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED