The Seaforth News, 1944-05-25, Page 6. ,:sire'%r< it Fi t 1 ;; ., i
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I:entember the time when Rus
sian peaeants w ere considered about
the most illiterate people on earth?
Well, the current issue of the In-
torntation Bulletin of the Soviet
Embassy in Washington carries a
picture of a group of collective far-
mers in the fogrodsk district.
These people subscribe to 200 dif-
ferent newspapers and periodicals.
—Brantford Expositor,
Remember when people used to
calk contemptuously- about Canada's
third rate navy" \\'ell, we now
lake justifiable pride in the fact that
our Navy is in third place among
those of the United Nations.
—Windsor Star.
Major Randolph Churchill, son of
The British Prince Minister, scents
to take after his father. Dropped
my parachute into 'Yugoeiavia, the
Partisans report that he has shown
"great activity."
—Niagara falls Review.
There are two kinds of people:
'The intelligent, who agree with
you; and the prejudiced, warped,
biased, obstinate, narrow-minded,
dumb cluks who won't listen to
—Kitchener Record.
If you are tempted to feel war -
weary think of the Chinese who
have been fighting the enemy
seven years—on their own soil.
—London Free Press.
Wiaj:Gen. R. G. Sturges, above,
of the Royal Marines, is the new
chief of British Commando forces.
The 52 -year-old veteran of. 30
years' Marine service directed the
assault on Diego Suarez naval
base, Madagascar, when Allies
occupied the island in 1942. He
was wounded in naval action off
Iceland in 1041.
- A Poet's Prophecy
Thomas. (.ray^ who wrote "Elegy
\Written In A Country Church-
yard'-xxas a prophet as well as a
poet, conuucnts the Stratford
Beacon -herald, .For more than two
centuries ago ---in 17'3T, as the re-
cords show—he penned a remark-
able prediction at Cambridge. Gray
called it "Luna Habitahilis"—in the
light of today it could be termed
fulfilled prophecy of Allied air su-
premacy in this year of tremendous
climax in global Warfare. Two
hundred and seven years ago,
Thomas Gray wrote these words:
"The time will conte when tiled
shalt lift thine eyes
To watch a long -drawn battle in
the skies,
While aged peasants, do amazed
for words,
Stare at the flying fleets of won-
d'rous birds.
England, so long the Mistress of
the Sea,
'Where winds and waves confess
her sovereignty, -
Fier ancient triumphs yet -on high
shall bear;
And reign, the Sovereign of the
Conquered Air:'
Air Cadets To Get
Supervised Flights
Arrangements are being made to.
give "familiarization" flights in R.
C, A. F. aircraft to senior cadets
who qualify in accordance with re-
quirements, the Air Cadet League
of Canada announced recently,
Cadets will receive flights as a
reward for faithful attendance at
squadron parades and progress in
training. A waiver farm signed by
his parents moat be obtained by
each cadet who qualifies and is re-
commended for flights by his com-
manding officer. Trips are expected
to he of 30 minutes duration or less
and will be carried out within a
radius of 20 miles frau the station,
Without making much noise
about it, the Air Cadet League of
Canada has dont a remarkable job.
In three years about 20.000 air
Cadets have been enrolled in 370
squadrons, and this has all been
done through the enthusiasm of
civilian sponsariing trollies, such as
sehools,'servicc clubs and beeinvss
Battleship Can Feed
10,000 For 1 Month
The United States Nat•v Inas
enough food aboard a Carrier flag-
ship to feed a city of 70,000 papula
tion for 0 solid month—and feed
tient better than they've ever been
fed before, Sample ineitu: Break-
fast: 5.0 dozen fresh eggs; 1.14
mounds chipped beef; 400 pounds -
brans; 500 pntuxls bacon; 200
pounds Corned beef; pin; •cereals,
Dinner and supper: Fresh meats,
1,200 pounds; calmed mca.ti, 1,000
pounds; potntors. :1,000 pounds;
fresh vegetable itwo a day), 1,-
600 pounds; canned vegetables, 1,-
000 pounds; fresh fruits, 100 pounds;
fruit juice:, 1,200 pounds; sugar,
900 pounds; butter, 230 pounds;
coffee, 250 pounds,
SCHOOL WORK with this
Young folks burn up lots of
energy in o day. They must
have plenty of good nourish-
ing food. So give them a
better breakfast 1 : : give
them Nabisco Shredded
Wheat. Made from 100%
Canadian whole wheat, it
contains the essential energy-
builders: carbohydrates, pro-
teins, and the minerals iron
and phosphorus. Nabisco
Shredded Wheat is ready -
cooked, ready to eat. Try
the tested, practical recipes
Mound in every package.
2445 Niagara Falls, Canada
THE WAR -WEEK - Commentary on Current Events
United Nations And Axis Struggle
For Supremacy In Southern Italy
Map shows where Allied 5th and Sth Armies in Italy have opened an
all-out offensive along an 85 -mile front from Casino to the Tyrrhe-
nian Sea. It is believed to be the first of coordinated blows from the
west, south and east planned to squeeze Germany out of the war.
The mighty Allied offensive,
opened in Southern Italy two
weeks ago, differs from pre-
vious attacks of the Eighth,
Arany. Our task n o w is
to assault and break through in
turn a series of natural defensive
positions strongly held and long
prepared, each of which the Ger-
mans will cling to until forced out.
Our immediate objective is the
Gustav Line which has been for
titfied for many months past, and
includes modern concrete defense
works in many places.
Behind this lies the Adolf Hit-
ler Line, another strong natural
defensive position, which Ger-
man military engineers prepared
for months past, strengthened to
the utmost, and which lIitler's
troops will be ordered to hold to
the last man. The defenses we
now are attacking are the strong-
est the British Army Inas encoun-
tered in the present war,
The fact that. Hitler gave itis •
own name to this second line be-
yond the Gustav defenses indicates
its strength, and Nazi belief that
it will not be broken.
Anticipating the onslaught, the
enemy has strengthened these de-
fenses, specially the Hitler Line,
with steel and concrete, using his
own men and thousands of Italian
The Hermans also cleared civil-
ians out of an area behind the
front at least 20 utiles deep, which
now has become an arena of a
slugging match unrivaled in Ital-
ian history.
May Be Turning Point
This battle may be as much a
turning point as was the Battle
of France. In 1040 disaster came
swiftly because one side had a
major superiority in weapons, in-
duding the weapons of treachery
and ruthlessness,
The Germans won by their ex-
cess of airplanes and tanks, taking
over frau General de Gaulle a tech-
nique of atitontotire warfare. They
also won because the French were
divided, with the minorities of the
extreme left tmcl the extreme right
showing no will to resist,
Now the Nazi superiority in
weapons, in Italy, and everywhere
else, has passed. Some of the
United Nations weapons are now
superior in quality, In quantity and
in 'productive capacity the United
Nations have an enormous advan-
tage. Our supply lanes are open,
subject only to minor loss by sub-
merine action. British factories are
comparatively sate from Nazi at-
tack, American factories entirely
safe. German factories and supply
routes enjoy no such immunity.
For many months they have been
under attack and for a month un-
der an air 'assault of unprecedented
magnitude. In Italy itself the rail-
ways below Florence are reported
nut of -commission.
Variety Of Troops
The most impressive aspect of .the
whole offensive is the wide variety
of troops participating in the strug-
gle. There are Americans, and
Frenchmen, and Canadians, and
Australians, and New Zealanders,
and South Africans, and Poles, and
Tndian Empire troops, and Italian,
and to the north around Trieste
even Yugoslav partisans. And
many of these national divisions
must; again be subdivided, The
American troops include Japanese;
the French troops include both
Metropolitan Frenchmen and North
African natives; the British in-
clude Englishmen, and Welshmen,
and Scotchuten and Irish volun-
teers; and the Yugoslav partisans
include Croats, and Slovenes, and
Serbs and othet Balkan nationals,
True United Nations
From all the corners of the earth
there have been gathered together
men of many mations, of many
recce, of many shades of color, and
of many creeds, to form a- true
United Nations army which has
flung down a challenge to the Ger-
man "master race." Any army in
which so many different units can
fight as a single whole—in which
for instance, French infantry can ad -
vanes under cover of American
artillery directed by British target -
spotting planes—is a triumph of
military organization anti com-
mand. But it is more than that.
"Gentle way to stop
"Believe me, you should try ALL -BRAN
for constipation— if it has the same
cause mune had. For 'nothing I tried
keeps me so re-
gular, so gently."
No dosing—no
nasty harsh pur-
gatives, Here's all
you do—if your
constipation is
due to lack . of
"bulk" in the diet.
Simply eat
BRAN regularly,
and drink plenty
of water. This nutritious cereal helps
to produce smooth -working "bulk", and
prepare wastes for easy elimination.
You'll like the happy relief so much
you'll want to stay regular. Eat tasty,
toasty ALL -BRAN daily. Grocers have
it in 2 handy sizes. Made by Kellogg's
in London, Canadait
It is a symbol of the 1 emelt spirit
which the Nazis never understood
—the spirit which united all these
men in a common struggle against
a common clanger to their liherty
and self-respect,
Spitfire Fighter
Has New Engine
The Spitfire fighter plane has a
new engine, the Rolls-lic•yce Grif-
fin, wheih has a 23 per cert greater
capacity than its predecessor, the
Rolls-Royce Merlin. The Griffin
has a two -speed, mechanically -
driven supercharger and performs
equally as well at low levels as at
a height of 25,000 feet, the height
at which most air beaks take. place.
Nothing is more deprc
sing than headaches...
Why suffer?...Lambly's
will give instant relief,
Lambfy'sisgoodfor ear. t:f
eche, toothache, pains in
hack, stomach, bowels, 7&ed
.:. the work of men who think of tomorrow
3-DIMENSIONAL MOVIES, they're called—so realistic that the characters seem to step from the screen and
pass beside you. Planes roar out of the sky and into the very theatre. Flowers in a garden seem to spill their petals tight
into your lap. Every screen play is a vast and enthralling spectacle, so true lo life you feel you are one of
the actors 1 That's the movie of the future, being perfected now by Men Who Think of Tomorrow,'
No continent in all this world is more
fortunate in the tremendous improve-
ments in everyday living which await it.
That is because we are blessed with MEN
• )low important it is, therefore, that
we make firmer our resolves and increase
our daily efforts to bring that Tomorrow
to pass. Remember, an enemy stands
between us and Tomorrow. He is staking
his all on keeping it from us. Can we d0
less than. this to defeat his purpose?
• Let us -create Victory! Let us wrest it
from the very soil we till, the very tools
we use in our factories, the very dollars
we earn! Keel up production rates, yes,
exceed them. Buy more and more Victory
Bonds and War. Savings Certificates.
Do anything and ever3tl,hin: to hetp win
this war.
• Let's all be M:eN WHO :MINX op
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