The Seaforth News, 1944-05-04, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1944 (0 ,To Tops in Valves— Prices are Por Thursday; May 4, till May 10 RED FEATHER PUDDINGS—no sugar required—Butterscotch, Carmel, Chocolate and Vanilla 6 oz. pkg. 9c Kellogg's Oven Fresh Cornflakes large 12 oz. pkg. 11c FRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD 6 oz. jar 9c HILLCREST—the better Shortening 1 Tri carton 19c CHEESE-A-RONI per pkg. 18c CHOICE ROUND GRAIN RICE 2 tbs. 23c Nabob Coffee 1 lb, bag 450 Large tin 98c 2 pkgs. 19c Large battle 250 1 1h. tin 45c 18 oz. pkg. 49e per tin 29e KELLOGG'S WEEK Ovaltine—Med, tin 58c; Champion Dog or Cat 11'ood Silvo—small bottle 15c; Hawes' Floor Wax Nutrim Baby Cereal -9 oz. pkg. 29c; Sanif usll Kellogg's Rice ICrispies Kellogg's Bran Flakes, small -12c; Kellogg's Krulnl)les Kellogg's All Bran Kelloggs All Wheat Kellogg's Cornflakes large 12 oz. pkg. Ile Kellogg's Pett Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 25c Kellogg's Family Pkg., 1 Cornflakes, 1 Branflakes, 1 All Wheat all for 24c 2 pkgs, 25c large pkg. 170 2 pkgs. 250 large pkg. 72c 2 pkgs, 22c Jiffy Whip—nlakes cream whip Paula Sugar Substitute Cowan's 'perfection Cocoa -24. Ib. tin—Ile; Mazda Light Bulbs 29,- 40, 60 Watt , Clothespins, hound Mulfels Aylmer Olives Aylmer Olives Aylmer Pimento Stuffed Olives 1 oz. i)ottle 1Sc 4 oz bottle 39c - 1 lb. tin .94e Each 15c 3 doz. 12c per. pkg. 100 6 oz. Queen 19c 9 oz. Queen 29c 6 oz. bottle 290 Aylmer Pimento Stuffed Olives 9.nz. bottle 39c Fresh Vegetables, Ginger Ales, Tobacco, Pop, Fruits, Seed and Table- Potatoes, Garden Seeds, rte. COL Sproat ,fl PHONE 8 Art Wright PHONE 77 THE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL Council Meeting— The regular meeting of ilia village council was heal on Monday al 8 p.m. In the coun- cil chamber with all members present.. Tho minutes, of the previous meeting read. The clerk presented the Koehler Drain bylaw as previously passed by the township of Hay. E. Finis and F. Smaliacombe, that we hold a court of revision 011 the 1944 assessment roll on lune 5 at 8 p.m. A. W. Kerslake and F. Smallncombe that we gather the garbage May 16-17 and advise the public re same. Smnllaeombe and Fink reported on the work being clone In the hall and the same looked over by the council as a body and found satisfactory, Bills and accounts road: Law- rence Wasmnn, labor, hall, 962,50, Otto Walker, labor hall, 950 25, C. 10. Case teaming streets, 98,40, 1'. Kyle, 0111n00, 973.- 8n, school board current expenses, $1000, Henson Hydro,hall hydro, 98,00, J. Patter- son, express supplies, 91.1.6, Data. Percha, supplies fire dept„ $77,08. Total 81270.11. Public Scheel Presents Splendid The pupils and teachers, Miss Beryl Phan end Mt Claude Illowes or the public ...lead deserve much credit for tate splendid entertainment. presented In the town hall on Frig ty ,renin(, The latter was chairman. 'The operetta entitled "A ,Joke ou the Toy Maker," was presented by Elaine Beer as a ferry 1(11(1 Lnis Henderson, Croon Stephan and Aucl•ey Walsh danced, other taking pert being. Batty Seale, Anne 131ldebranit, t'laodeI(e Blowes. Eleanor Veinier. Ruth Al- '0m•der, Ronnie OIcKin11011, Charles Fee. Douglas Moir, Bruce Moir, Lloyd Buchanan. 1111110 Carlile, Donnie Orr. A Pimm trio was given by Doris Bttehnnnu, June Kennedy ell Dorothy MONau>,hton, (trade 7 and 5 wrote essays on Victory Brads. These were read by Mr. Blowe 1 1st prize. I,551111 Snng- 0te, nd. Ju1.11 Lavender. Lila Moir gave n reading A ploy 'Little Tack Hornet was n. • nt I by Belt)' Mickl o Eleanor Cook, Joyce Broderick Bernice Jinks, Billie "•Belie and Chntlev Fee. The ushers were 'r'Ihr Campbell and Donald McKinnon. on. TOWN''TTOPICS Pte. Challis Dickson, R.CO.C., King - Stoll, is spending two Weeks' leave in torn. _. H091.19.1 eV; 1111. 0\ osley Flanking, spent the week end with Mrs. Hunk: ills and .family. Sergeant Major Harry . McLeod, Camp Bolden, spent the week end With Mrs. McLeod and family, Mr.: and Mrs.- William Needy and family,, Stratford; were week end visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Reeves. LAC. Jack Hotham, RCAF., Cen- tralia., spent the ' week end with his parents, 11'11•. and Mrs. John Hothain. Pie, Ross Montgomery, ,Dartmeuth, ,N.S., is spending his furlough at the henna of 1115 parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Nlontgolnery. Mrs. Wm, llradsha'ly attended the Watkins convention in London on' Friday, • Mr. and Mrs, Win. Bradshaw and David visited Mr, and Mrs. James Kirkland', 'Thames Road, on Sunday. Airs. Peter St. John and daughter Mary, o0 Detroit, visited with friends, in town last week, Mr. Grant Fraser, Waterloo, spent, the ,week end with Mrs. Fraser and. family. Mrs, Fred O'Leary and Miss Celes- tine O'Leary, Toronto, Were week end guests at the borne of Mr, and Mrs. A. O'Leary. • Mrs. W. C. Sproat, Stratford, visit ed with friends if1 town last week. Mr. Freil Stop art, London, was a. week end visitorat the home of his mother, Mrs. Charles Stewart. Miss Roth Joynt, Preston, spent the week end at the Monne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Joynt. Air. Carmen Rowclil'i'e, RCAF., Jarvis, spelit the week end at his 11.01110 there., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams, Kitoll- (010r, were week cad visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. William's, Mr. and Ml's, Harold Barry and daughter Elizabeth Ann, Stratford, spent the week enol at the latter's mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. Mr. and lIrs. Arnold Westoott. and family and Miss Ilelen Armstrong visited friends 111 Hamilton, Guelph and Kitchener over the week end. Mr, John Dennit;a)n of St. Marys was a. visitor in town on Monday: Pte, Gerald Snowdon of Camp Borden is spending a furlough at his being here- this weelt. LAC., David Grieve and Miss Ethel Ellah of Toronto were visitors with his patents, 151', and Mrs. J. G. Grieve. Miss Merle Keating of Toronto is visiting her par;}"uts Mr, and Mrs. J. L h1 rting Miss Edna Mary 1ekalt w011 among the graduates at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday. She is a slaughter. of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, rt, McKillop. Mrs. Gordon MacKay, Detroit, and \V. J. Finnigan, Bgmonclville, lett this week for St. Johns, Que.. where they will attend the gradua- ti011 ceremony of LAC. G. 10, Fin- nigan from the air navigator's' school.' Rev. Hugh Jack will conduct an- niversary services at Lueknow on Sunday. Mrs, J. H. Scott spent the week end with friends in Brampton and Toronto. Mrs. H. V. Workman is a delegate to the London Conference branch of the Woman's Missionary Society of the united Church, at SCrathrOy. this weep. Cpl. Jack Moffat of Prince Albert, BE SURE TO SEE T E SHINING FUTURE Greatest 20 minute show ever to come out of Hollywood Produced by the Motion Picture industry in the interests of Canada's Sixth Victory Loan APPEARING AT THE REGENT THEATRE, SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, MAY 3RD, & THURSDAY, MAY 4TH, ONLY Inserted by Huron County National War Finance Committee THEDOMINION BANK C. H. CARLISLE, ROBERT RAE, President Gemmel Man.:.;...- ht8 Sa510., -05011 the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. • VARNA' Sunday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Reid pH d 0n, Ivl, Amnia McNeughtmt of Lon-' don and Mrs. Boma 5100o„il4 of Hansell, with Min, R thwell and Mrs. 14 Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Carter, 1Vfi;, Wolper and little daughter o0 London, Mr. and Mrs. Townsend and little daughter with Me. and. Mrs. Clutter, Mt, and Mrs. Laythem and family in 003111505 with MISS Beatty of London with the latter's mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore of Hoimesviile call- ed Sunday on the latter's parents, Mr, and, Mrs. John Smith, Mr. I. P Smith has purchased the house, BALE.front Mrs, M. G. Bentty and .will in move shortly. we are sorry to report Mester G. M. Beatty is not 50 well as should be but his many friends look and hope for a @needy recovery. Mrs. Bill. Ball and little 0011 of Clinton Intend spending the summer with her moth- er, Mrs. Mossop, - - Mrs. Ben Keys visited her sister, Mrs.. Coleman In I•Ieiman last week. Mr. and. Mrs, Aldington have secured mos artments from Mrs, M. Reid and will move In shortly, Varna Red Crosti Notes • — Tinitting sent during Tan., Feb March,. 20 khaki helmets, 4 pr. khaki socks 1 navy setter, 6 pr. khaki gloves, 44 pr. navy socks, 00 navyhelmets, 2 khaki sweaters. Sewing for hospital -120 face masks, 50 hot water bottle covers, 10 pr. en's pylamns (10. Civilian) 11 Targe quilts, 1 small quilt,. 60 1 ids .sew •s, 10 child's dresses, 6. Pr. Childs mitts and 2 pr. youth's mitts. Quilts donat- ed (luring Jan., Feb., :March, 2 tops from rout' Parr line ladies, 14Irs. Robin McAllis- ter, Mrs, Ralph Turner, Mrs. Anson Cole- man and Mrs. W. R. Stephenson; 1 105 Mrs. Wilmer Reid. 1 large guilts and 1 small guilt brought' In finished from Coshed ladies, 1 top and lining from Miss Rena Stephenson, 2 tops made by Mrs, Lloyd Keys,nd1 1 tops madeop (ed of byMrs. Cross Andrew iFoote lof serape by local ladies. Letters received dur- ing I'eb., March from boys who received Christens parcels, Walter Smith Wm. Me - Ash, Mervyn Keys. H110,' l<1 Reid, eid,1009 the Fork, Harvey u l on. Mr. Bob Reid hes finished his exams at London and Is home to work on the farm. Mrs. George Johnston is improving after. her recent illness. Ivan rl,t end 1 the Ilome.Hamilton, Ir 00hls Parente. th� BORN KERII.--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 29th. to Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr, McKillop, a daughter. LAMONT—At. Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on April 27t11, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamont, Sea0ortli, a son. A PLAY "YIMMIE YONSON'S YOB" Presented by Egnrondvile Y.P.U. Sponsored by the Women's Assoc. of Northside United Church Wed., May 10th, at 8.30 p.m. Adults 25c. Children under 12. 15c DANCE ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY MAY 19TH Murdoch's Orth. Dancing 9.30-1. CITIZENS OF HURON COUNTY We Must See the Job T and We Must Buy More Victory Bonds "PUT VICTORY FIRST" Inserted by Huron County Victory Loan Committee '11 nF.d'': uiY.:•Ho-x. OLD AND NEW TIME Dance ! In Seaforth Armories FRIDAY MAY 5 with CICNK Ranchlioys. Floor Mgr., Mel Crich. Admission 50c, Dancing 9.30-1.30, Auspices Seaforth .L.O.B,A. A11 Proceeds for War Work Euchre & Dance IN SEAFORTH ARMORIES FRIDAY, MAY 12TH Under auspices of Seaforth Branch 4150, Canadian Legion. Good Orch. Admission 35c. Door Prize, Lunch counter and special attractions. Euchre starts 8;30 Proceeds for Legion Cigarette Fund. Let's Remember Our Boys Nx breaks... Please don't rush to the telephone It's .a natural impulse to reach for the telephone to pass the word along —to "talk it over" with somebody. But if we all did that, telephone service would be disrupted—tied up. Public services essential to our health and safety depend on the telephone. Every minute of the day, messages of urgent importance are going through and should not be delayed. Please use your telephone for essen- tial calls only . especially when big news "breaks". In the critical months ahead, recurrent rumours may tempt you to telephone newspapers, radio stations, friends. Please don't do it. Until the last shot is fired, and even after, telephone lines will :have a heavy load to carry. IIclp 'to keep them clear for vital messages. tallolds H, H. P. JOHNSTON Manager.