The Seaforth News, 1944-03-16, Page 1b11mnnnne 1,1111,11101111 lllllll 1110011111111111111111111111111,1111111
The white road gees ee the hill
And the white road gees down
But all the reads go journeying
Beyond the little town.'
The travellers pass before .my gate
1 count -them one by one, --
My heart is out and after them,
And all my work undone,
e Seaforth New
I could be busy. al], day long,.
And ns» et early and late,
Were it not for the merry road
lhnt marches hY 001. bale,
I cannot work I dare not sleep
Lest some should ask for mei
0 travellers 0 travellers
you pnes unheedingly,
—Frances Beatrice Taylor,
u m, u„11nm,n0,intttttt ;MN ttmmI t,,,II, uuu0, „n0n11n,.
Phone 84
$1 a year
Town Council Holds
March Meeting
$300 Grant Made to Band -
Defer Purchase of Pumper
and Ladder
The regular meeting of the town
council was held on Monday evening
with all members present.
,Letters from Cities of 'Stratford
and Kitchener, re resolutions about
old age pensions and beer, were
tabled, 'also a letter from the Hos-
pital for Sick Children. '
The purchase of a pumper and
ladder for the fire brigade were dis-
cussed and left for further inform* I
tion, It was explained that a<pump-
er would provide adequate pressure
at the scene of a fire without placing
a strain on the entire domestic wat-
er system. The fire and water com-
mittee were instructed to buy four
length of hose,
The band was granted $300 for
the year 1944, subject to filing of
The report of the finance commit-
tee was adopted: D. H. Wilson, sal-
ary $77.58; R. Shinn' $,25.00; J.
Currie, $85.00; J. Cummings $85.-
85:00, Thos. Storey, $70.00; J. A. Wil-
son, pension, $20,00; Regier Trans-
port, acct., $1.50: Bell Telephone
Co. $5.551 Gen, Aceid. Assur, Co.,
$64.00; Dept. Health, $4.05; Receiv-
er General of Canada, acct., $206.-
62; La France Fire Engine and
Foamite 'Ltd. $33.25; Seaforth Coll-
egiate Inst. Board, $1500.00; Alex.
Boyer, 353.90; P.L'.C., electric dept.
327.90; W. D. Smith, acct., $3.871
W. G. Willis, acct., $8,00; Wm.
Montgomery 5,6,50: Mrs, 3, M, Card_
no, acct., $40.00; N.-Scoins, fire
chief, $15.00; Brit. Am. Assui',
37.20; D. H. Wilson re ration board,
Maple Syrup
Red Cross Notes
The draw for the mat donated by
Mrs. Archibald was made on Friday
in the Red. •Cross rooms. The lucky
winner was Mr. Grant Frailer, with
ticket No. 146. The amount realized
on the sale of tickets for the mat
was $24.75,
We have accepted i Greek Relief
emergency quota consisting of 250
boys' combinations, sizes 6-8. We
are very anxious to get this work
completed as soon as possible as
there is a very urgent need for these
by these worthy people. Ladies, this
is your opportunity to really help.
The following is taken froma let-
ter received from Miss Ellen W.
Porter, eonvener of the jam com-
mittee for the Red Cross. The last
shipment of jam left the Ontario
warehouse early in January. A total
of nearly 110 tons•of jam and honey
donated in 1943 RS compared with
131 tons in 1942. Would you please
convey to all the women concerned
in this project our grateful thanks
for splendid donations from Seaford'
and ICppeu. This represents a great
deal of work and co-operation and
we know the jam and honey will be
very welcome in Britain where this
type of food is now so unavailable.
We hope we shall be able to count
on your continued support in the
comm*' year's project and wish you
'Northside United Church
Rev, 17. V. Workman, Minister.
11 eau, "The - Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper.”
2,30 p.m. Sunday School,
7 'p.m. Evening worship.
Thurs. S pan. PreColllrlmiien service
St. Thomas Churdh
• Rector: Rev. Dr. FIurford.
11 a,101. "Prayer — OPT -Petitions:'
7 Par. "Lent—the Opportunity for
:a,Changed Lifer'
Sunday School at 10 anon.
lvednesdsy. 8 pan., Lenten Service.
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
53.28 Sunday School,
3 p.m. "Prayer—Our Petitions."
'Egmondville United Church
Rev: A. W. Gardiner, II.A.,B.D..
10 am., Sunday SehooL
11 amt., "Possessed by Seveethhtg
Worth Serving."
7 pan.. "Choosing the Scrou:tl Best."
Pleat Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack. Minister.
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Morning service 11 aan., snbject;,
'Unanswered Prayer."
Evening service, 7„ ,abject,
"Tile Search '.1' for Good,"
Mill -week meeting Vim's. at 8 pan.
Nursing Sister Rena E. ,Johnston
every success,
Game As'n 'Organize
Wm. Ament Elected President The next Blood Donors ClinlleisZl
beheld' next week on Thursday,
and C. P. Sills Secretary - March 23rd. More volunteers are
urgently requested, to make this
clinic a success. Anyone wishing to
vntcall Mrs. Reg Ker -
At a well attended meeting held slaoluke ateer 341.please
in the council chamber on March 10,
the first steps were taken in the or-
ganizing of a fish and game club for
the Seaforth district, Similar organ- Reverend Herbert V. and Mrs,
izations exist in- other towns in Hu- Workman, Seaforth., announce the
ron county and it was the expressed engagement of their only daughter
opinion of all present that a special Irene Victoria, to Roland Burke
effort be made to create a county Stewart, (R.C.A.F.), Montreal, son of
association embodying, as it would, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, of Sea-
s. combined effort to place Huron in forth. The marriage will take place in
as top rank a position as adjoining Northside United : Church, early in
Grey county was cited as all ex- I -
ample, where the work of its fish ANNOUNCEMENT
and game association has made fisl'c I The marriage is . announced of
and game available to the ordinary i Diiss Greta. em., daughter
citizen as well as the tourist.
The officers elected at this meet- of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Benister,
ing were; Patrons, J. C. Hanna, fSt.John's, Newrt, foundland,
M,L.A;, 0r, Hobbs Taylor, M.L,A' Mai] CharlesOW. Marga Craft, 80 JFlea,
President, ;vin. Anent; Secy. -Tress., Newftd., youngest son of Mr. and
C. P. Sills. President-elect Ament
in a few well chosen words thanked Mrs. Charles Hoggart, of Hulled. The
in Nees-
on him, after winch Secretaryanis fomndlaud at 8 o'clock, on Tuesday, Seaforth, vice-chairman; speakers
Ioutlined .briefly the -work a game Mai'eh 141-11. committee, W. L. Whyte, Wilmot
j the meeting for the honour conferred itlla y was per forced
Row -
Athlone' s To Visit
Seaforth In June
Vice Regal Party Will Attend'
Federation Annual Field Day
Official intimation that Their Ex-
xcellencies, the Earl of Athlone, Gov-
ernor General of Canada, and H.R.H
Princess Alice, will be guests of the:
Huron County Federation of Agri-:
culture on the occasion of their se
Gond annual field day to be held at
Seaforth on Wednesday, June 7, was
announced at a meeting of the Fed-
ed eration executive held in the agric-
ultural board room, Clinton, on
Wednesday evening last. Harry
Sturdy, Auburn, presided.
It was also announced that R. S.
Kennedy, editor of the Family Her-
ald and.Weekly Star, Montreal, who'
recently returned from' a tour of
English farming districts; will be a •
field clay speaker. Afeature also
will be a demonstration of labor-
saving devices,
Field day committees were ap-
painted as follows: Harty Sturdy,
Auburn, chairman; W. L. Whyte,'
l an d fish a'ation can and ill
complish Already the work done by SFAFORTH WOMEN'S clifle, of Hensel, Ross MacGregor,
Seaforth; grod committee Huh
1 he secretaryalong these , INSTITUTE MEET Hill. f Goderidh, G. Ferguson. gE.
while a member of a neighboring •
club was placed before the meeting 1 The Seaforth W.I, met Tuesday
Keating, E. B. Gondie, Dale Nixon,
Seaforth: parking, Russell Bolton of I
land t vas quite a revelation While at
We have just received
a shipment of this very
lovely Royal Albert
China.Also we' have the
Tea Rose in the same
pattern but in the Tea
Rose color a very.
dainty china, in 21 piece
sets only.
the set
Fred S. Savauge
Opposite Post Office -
Phone 194 Res. 10
l evening, Nlareh 14th, at the home and Mrs, Allen Davidson of London
Dublin; Orville Taylor, Bcliltal e: risked a the welt el,d wieh their parent
SCOUTS AND CUBS the same time the close relationship of the president, IDlrs. Wilfrid Cole- 1 R. S. McICercher, of Dublin; James bl d M W R naviden„ and Mr. area
ENTERTAINED BY LiONS man The meeting opener with r n n+,
between fish and game
and reforest l th the I McIntosh, of Seaforth; lucky num-.1111 'Orville Tyitrheri.
anon was strongly stressed, Tribute Oscar
de and Lord's graver. The minutes ,
to the work clone by the local natur- ° bet, Dick Jacob, of Clinton,
The Seaforth Soy Scouts and Wolf u•d of the last meeting' were read and ' Tuckey of Exeter; Simon H
Lieut, Alda Bolton of London spent. the
week -end wits, her mother Mrs,. Gurdon Anl-
alist, Tony Philips, )s, was also7 allahan, ion,
1p` ted. 00110 the tartness It
was of Belgrav , Bert Klopp, of Zurich, bliss Mne Srhnvnlm and fr)0nd of Landon
Cubs were guests at the regi as to the Regier boys in the raising adop g uedt inn wank -mid with the farmers mother
Wresting ofe the Lions Club held in 1'•110 of game birds. decided that we donate $10 to the D Bine, of Lneknew, Torn Webster lvIra. Pine• Schwalm and Mr. and arra, Rob.
Commercial Hotel Monday evening, A second meeting was decided Tied floss drive. The Institute cm- of Auburn; membership, A. W. Meltenzie,
H. E, Smith preelded, assisted by tends holding a dance in the Seaforth Atm- Morgan of Hensall, WesleyJO 11 Pn+. Harvey McInrnon who has spent sev-
and the preaid- upon for Monday. March loth, at$ oiler In the near future. Nominating coin- Joynt At eral peeks at the Olivalesecnt Hospital in
G 9 Whitney,y welcomed the boys, 9 tri, in the council chamber at which minae was appointed, Mrs. J. h7. Scott, Lucknow, W. Brock, 01 Granton, 0nitt'ille fullow3ne nn aperntion, spent last
17, C. E. Smith, ve meeting on time a drai'ting committee, made up Mtn tl�elmaasirec,f 0511001BOlfo the1to'minl James Simpson, Kirkton; attractions, weak at hSs home here with Mrs, ldeLarnon
Ff. G. Meir addressed the n e g of the president, secretary, and year. Letters of thinks for Chrlstmns` per- Wm. Oestr'icher, Crediton, W J, and family, Ile .is now to tie statlnn•
ed in Lon-
tlte work of the Scouts and (ltbs, don for a number of weeks.
Messrs. W. Halt, Tony Phillips and cels Have been received from six boys in .Turnbull of Brussels, Bert Lobb, of Pte. 12eth and Mrs, Abbott of London ware
telling 11»'e this training aided theP Ttaly brm,k Archibald, Frank Walsh, Tan Clinton, John L. Malone, Seaforth, weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. John hr-
spe in feature
,tion for the future. A Scott Hawthorne, will bring in a set Naslplt. Stanley cord, Artl»n• and Zell:
u of Me evening teas of bylaws governing the association. Cameron. Mrs. Chas. Eyre took the chair, Geo. At'titstrong, Zurich; re£lesh- • a rte. Donald wtllerd, who hes been training
t orial Econ a These will be discussed and pelman- »nit after commnmty ningtnsl. eared nn menu, R. McMilltut, of Seaforth; in the Maritimes for the past several months
two reels of motion . pictures,
lel1*'Spot!:Mrs, Barry Cald,val, who spoke on "L•e- Geo. ;Feagan, Goderich, Vie Roy, Of spent n 'fu•longh with his father 'Mr. Nizra
Parade," and "The Wilmer in Sport eptly decided upon as web as any land.'' She gave n very interesting historical Willard and Mr. and Mrs, Harold WIliardi
Calyacade," shown by -James M. Scott, other necessary activity. +Gird geog anheme i description of Trelnnd. A
Clinton, , E, B. hriai C, Seaforth; G. • Miss Wilma Green returned to her home in
The committees embodied in the 1V114'° Lomaomealteretl cave concluded
talk.Watt, Blyth; T phrialn Snell, Clinton; Pk Stanley atter a Pleasant visit with rvia-
constitutiol5 and 'bylaws as decided Anek Seat Driving." After the meeting the fa)'n1 machinery and equipment, fives and friends hare:• 1
THOMAS RANDS PASSES en will be appointed at this meeting women wenn joined by the men for a few Gordon NleGavin of Walton; Geo,'
games of *Aria*. The prize winners were, Feagall, of Goderich, L. E. Cardiff, • w.M•S. Hear Interesting Tnplc—
PiT LUCAN. and affiliationnwith the Option Anil- Lothar 1st, Mrs. Ilan. ' C050l " lone hands The March meeting of the W.M.S. of de'r-
lers and $nntel5 ASSOC1at1011 wit) Mrs, colomen Sr•, conaolarm, Miss .DLP., Brussels, P. Passmore, Exeter, me] Presbyterian Church was held on T1 urs also 'be made Thelma Elate; men's 1st, Harry Caldwell; and the officers Of the North and clay afternoon in the eelwol-room of the
Thomas Rands, former Seaforth Ione ori. L chcil Os e; ednanti Mss pelma ,.South Huron Plowmen's association; church with Mrs. Jos. 17:Iskins presiding. 'The
in a county where fish and game Ione lianas, s, Ce vans a; cd and Misa Thelma tnreting opened by singing "God Loved The
reek -lent (lied Monday at the ]tome of have heel! S0. depleted, a. great deal lllgie moved n vote et thanks to the host Uublscity, J. D2. Scott, Seaforth, il. World n[ Sinners Lost" after which bias. Pine
his clflnghter, Mrs. Guy Ryan,. Lucas, of work requires to be clone and can wilt ,o he dans thnnl omc The a Nil meeting Renttick, Clifford, W, T, Cruicic- kips led in prayer. The roll r11 ,v»s m,awejed
Mr. Rands was born Heal Seatorch• only he accomplished by Co -opera- tort in April. should, Wingham, the agl'ICUItui'al with "Love" as the test vordl. Mrs. Dougall
d tl S l t I ftcr which Mrs
IIe spent some time in Dakota, and tion of farmer, fisherman, game lov-
then returned to Seaforth where be eg and the man interested in refer-
iopresentative; receptions, Warden tea to int mu 00000 a
Logan 10d in Drayer. Mrs, Parkins gave the
Fred Watson of Hayfield, W. H. tonic dividing it into two parts 'India" and
Tesided until six year's ergo he went to °station. In this work school child WiNTHROP Golding M.P., of Seaforth, Dr, R. "the 13ht1 Mission inustri,ting same ,villi a
Lncan to smite his home with leis IT. Tailor, M.T,.A., Dashwood; John ;Wan• This lnrite wits rno5t iatereating.:Mrn.
s his dour tell' i3oy Scouts and such organize--. raytnr arena• n sato entitled 'IDinre Than
daughter. his
tesla* lion's should be strongly influenced, I The m00010s ale still on the rounds, 1X,11111, M.T:.A., Wingham, Dr. r. A. Tnngne C:n, Ten" neenmrinn;es bs mg. Miseldis•Itil wife, who was formerly m1 ° 'it'is they who in future ,years 1,Quite a few g't•otvr alts have laid theta 'iliMastiti Se .forth, 1' J. fluff, of Matnem 1) set on the n;nnn, The h»sinhas
74irs. Arabella Armstrong of Seaforth, will reap most of the benefit: The { � and have .been very sick,
SeafOrtll; Sports, John Armstrong' ��,10 t,ls rs.en ttAucireu'and iDnuy.all offering
mtrihnted a(0t ,
now living with her daughter at
Department o:f. Game and rosheries l • lila, and fel Walter Eaton and T,ucicnohv, Arihul Nicholson. Sea-, ani anlo aecmni,a»ied ou Mrs. M. 000 sI all ret
Lunn, Mr, Rands was a member of will give all possible help and advice' family, 1\$r. and Mrs. Peter McGowan forth• WW1, Dennis, Walton: the piano. The meeting closed by Singing
Orange Lodge No, 793, Seaforth, and
so that everybody interested should! and i'anljiy and lylonel. Bennett spear Other matters'talcen up at the :,i irtiho Lnra�Pr yeoi:.lrai Wonderful Lnve,!
of the United Church, He was known moire itt point to b0 presont at the I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George meeting wore an appeal to the Pro-
ro pia, Elgin Johnston, and Mr's. Jolmaton of
tllt•Ougltolit the district f01` bit skill hi Monday night tltCetlrig in file eoun I r'a.ton, - !'facial '~'Ovel'tli'1eltt to 11?atntailt the Lands» soca rhn wo-anti ss•ith the letter's
the fife. The fnnrt•al vias held T your invitation 1 ti will be 51.00 subsidy ret force at present; parents M,: ansi Mrs. Robert Darman and the
Playing- b 1 1' ,•mar's ulnnh , 1R•. \dnlinn Jnhns+on.
'NOM Mrs, Ryan's home at Inman 1T'cclnestlay. IntermPnl'. was
Janes' cemetery, and the services
were conducted by Rev. W. Moore of
con on cal chamber. This is yo The Ped Cense meeting in St. • h[�ld 'lhllla(ay, March 231'd Note th[* and postponement o£ the canvass teenier
Jack Corbett and Connie sisrrit the
f h f of.
levyf I 7 Corbett*, parents Mr. Sid
Niro petty for Federation financing, ret Dashwood.
gnori attondauco as quilts salt no be 1
I Deer are becoming so plentiful
Sgt. Bob Venus sent the following
eahle to his mother in tloderic'h on:
"Mrs. W. 'Penns, Gotiericii. Ont, Ar-
rived Britain safe and well. Love.
(Sgt.1 Bob Venus." of
Bob was promoted lo the rank
Sergeant a couple of months ago,
and -hes evidently Just returned to
17nglencl from Italy. The fancily are
'hoping he will be returning lime
soon. A brother, Albert Venins, wars
aecently prtrmoted to Corporal.
' of Cheney Park Military Hospital
Toronto, spent the week end with her
Parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Johnston. NOW THEY CALL IT
er, Mrs. G. 11. Beatty, school has
1 1 W ar Teased to re-
port Mrs. Beatty is improving and
Owing to the illness of our teach-
.b'" -t e on duty again,
Mr, and Ml's, Carter Kerslake of
Cromarty were Sunday guess a
ho } M Ald•rgton
dSunday and on return was ac-'
S d t t the
me of111r, and ti's, Aldington.
Bill Coultice motored to Lon-
031eompanied by his father, who and been under the doctor's tare
we are pleased to say is much dm -
Mrs, Bill Ball and little son of
Clinton is at present at the home of
her mother, Mrs:' Mossop.
Miss • Florence Smith of Seaforth
spent 'Sunday with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Appleby mov-
ed from Ingersoll and are now com-
fortably settled in Mr. Nelson hold's
We welcome Mr. •and Mrs.
house. W.
`Appleby to our midst. Mr.'Appleby
is a veteran of the last war, Mr.
Appleby has not been enjoying the
best of health 'and be finds the clim-
ate here agrees better with him. than
Oxford climate. tt -who
Master ,Geo, !Murray Beatty,for
has been confined to the 'house 0
several days suffering from an
tack of tonsilitis and his many
ds are leased to know he is
Erten p
able to be out again.
LAC Pearson Chesney, son
rand Mrs. Harry. Chesney, has
".arrived: safely in England. Pearson'
';aced at Lachine and Aylmer and
rel at the East Coast.
The; main roads, one and a quarter
utiles north „and south of Winthrop,
has been named John Street, after
the residents, from north to south,
non, John McClure, Joint Leeming,'
,Joit Pethick and Mr. John Webster
owns the -last farm south. What other'
roads ern beat it.
John Altcheson, Kellar; oat
Gillies, John Montgomery, John Shan -
At Eastertide the mognitude of God and
the powers of Christ dawn upon us with a
deep and ever -new significance. FM: on the
Cross- .the stingof dearth was forever re.
moved, and through the Resurrection Jesus
triumphed( eternally over the grave. Not
only is Jesus the great Emancipator nvar
death, but He hoe .also brought: to the
world freedom and relief from all, the af-
fliction 'of spirit and body that try men's
souls, Today, more than at any time in
lastpl'y, the world Is sick of »remises,
theories and panaceas, Man .longs for a
practical solution to the chaos that sur-
rounds him, and it is only in Christ that
the deepest needsof hnmonity can be met,
And who canalleviate earth's suffering Nat
Jesus — this same Jesus who trod the roads
of Palestine long ago, who was persecuted
and suffered death that we might have life
everlasting'! Tinily, it is stilla glorious
reality that "the gift of God! is Eternal Life
through Jesus :Christ., our Lord 1"
This is the living challenge of this Esaster-
tide. Today, more thanever, we need deliv-
erance from the power of the earthy,
strength to live it victorious Ilk, and hope
that blooms with a -glorious expectation of
peeing the Risen Christ and receiving fi:om
His hands the grown of life which was the
final' and well-earned reward- of Paul. All of
these are 000510d to us when we truly
know Christ and' experience the Dower of
His Resurrection in our:. daily living.. ,.•
that they are at times destructive 10
crop(:, around. Varna. Thomas Stinson
and I]oyd Johnston, coming from cut-
ting wool in the hush. counted ,lir
doer in Lloyd's wheat field one day
this week.
The regular meeting of the North
Sale United Church Y.P.S, was held
Tuesday, March 14. at 8 p.m. The
r'r(a'tiNt opened with "Soli of My
Soul" iollowed by a prayer by Mr,
Workmen. The social and literary
convener, Donald Brightrall, lulu
hike the. meeting 11ext 'week. "Phe
r• $ 1'eSen . 1C
t, convener dro
Weed mark, took over the meeting.
Audrey Shannon read the Scripture
followed by a prayer by Ernest
Clarke, The topic was given by Fred
Weedmark followed by the -hymn,
"Unto the Hills,!' Four members
answered questions on "'What Is
'Worship," followed by a poem by
Lois. Whitney. After a poem by El-
W d k gave
the Mizpah benediction.
avenge In the day. 1',t hope for a for one -fit o alar on at]n we•6 em with ,
bH Albert blcnwn
quilted when ladies don't turn out.
'Tire endure, bingo, dance and draw
on the cloth. that was to be held on
the 8th, had to be pu>lpnnod on ac•,
count o1' weather and loads, It. will
he held Wednc.'liay, Mayen `:Sad
come along for •a good night's fun,
Mr. Andrew 715111tgou1ery of Brant
ford spent. the week earl with his
Mr. Joint Cillies has been honor the
past week. owing to the ii'sne of
Mrs. Gillies and family,
Nursing Sister' lenbei Betties of
London spent the week end tenth her
parents 1V5,1 and Mrs Thelon 11,:'ties.
1. t ,ehre and De c will be held In the.
Town Hall. tic n. all ,n Friday, Morels 17th
:nide:. the inn, , f tin: 1 O T [and ratites
:ua 1 mush. lr Inn l-il.. hest,,. Protege}+
'lTt 1 E-RSIVIITU rt he used for tar nn: \
1101 C1sck of ,hn R C 1-.R, Tiallfnx, JI.
'P11Ckei'ss sth Confessions :', and ,Z S; spent n fnrinaeh ,pith his rnrento- bin. and
Farm Fornm .n+.t at the hone of Mr, pars. Alfred Clerk. -
Iilth with >^n attendan c of ?S3. After see. r M n,eeeni, e•,. for
'isid Mrs. DiIn its Conner on March "neaten, UaIil,- aesnitaht. Inretinsa-_
i' *nasi ni p "•'rod the 11 e tti°n time Tt , 1, 111/....1.1, t the TT , ll Ins Jule <u
The next tteell i^.• will be held at,'v"-
the home of M1 area Mrs. Ernie• 1a 1 rel rh., mita n; .p n it to ,ngfng 'The
chi hchase. 1 1,1111 was served by the oar• a„<t The Maple i oaf nu•ov, ^ Tho
I u,t , t n .•r rami and adnn r d, th wm'i.
hostess 'Ind much c 110 niittee.. A sheet nn. xi :»ul milaetinn taken. Th' ran cal
t 15.. • . t d. \\' dl ' 1 ,•c u n . .rn they ea heldl n Has. R'[l0, spent in )ro:eri.sslve mein'*' r, as en.
1 t m..n. d�, C I3 w
cote. of thanks was tendered DII% and was answered by "What n m'nn
(totl el' itt• T: r1'.. (11'pt'hase, see- mak , hmn mo,nmco, T» ntv e en
p member. ' n.nvred the reit tall aid rn0•toen
d 13r Cif Oot.. v it ,' ,vete assent. Thn hneinr0s f,iII • d
onds'd by M)+• il,os .
151ra \T,%m. (`.11apnlnn 04 F,gmwuctville Tlha'. April mtpt»,g wnl he hell at the home
is the guest • of Mr, and Mrs. Robt,
loll was tolled with 1 p t Tl STANLEY McGregor and family,
Christian :Fellows"1'p , I d
Weaver, Fi' ee mar
a player: The meeting closed with
The regular meeting of the W.M,S, of
Northside United Church was held Thursday.
March 0th. in the school . room with the presi-
dent Mrs. R. Lawson in the chair, The meet-
ing opened with hymn and preyor, The meet,
sues of previous meeting were read. Business
discussion followed. Plans have been made' for
n 3olnt Thnnknffering meeting to be held Apr.
25th, with Miss •Curtiss, recently returned
from Jamas as guest speaker. Miss A. Per -
j;uecn gave the treasurer's report•. Mrs. 5,
Pinlayson,-Ohriatian Stewardship see., gaveCa
reading "Stewardship of Money.'
Reine gave a temperance rending "A strange
silence. The Roll \was called. Circle III took -
charge of the worship service with Mrs. Fin-
leysnn presiding, Hymn 568 was followed with
the Lords Prayer In unison, Prayers were of-
fered. by Mrs. Finlayson. Miss M: Somerville,
Mrs, lstcRuaig and Mrs, Hoines. Mrs, Tiny.
'ebb, presented :Chap. \!I of the study book.
Hymn 1S6 "Lord Thy Word Abideth" was.
read in uniison. The meeting closed with the
Idymn "Break Thou The Bread of Life." and
Mrs Andrew 13e11 is the guest'. of
Mr. laarvey Coleman, Parrline, Mr, and Mrs, S. Stackhouse and !-
Stanley, was severely burned about ,ghter of London.
the face and hands when a 'stove ex- lyliss Mildred Forest 17,14., of Brant-
plocled in a colony house which 11ei ford,leas the we01t-enol guest of her
was cleaning and spraying• par*nts and family, Mr, and Mrs.
I Wm, Forest.
Seaforth Juveniles
Win Play -Offs
Miss A. M Stirling is visiting her brother
e '
Sandy Stirling, wife rind nee,' dock -
Championship Comes to Sea-, The members of L,O,L, 3,l are holding a
4. - - 0
After DefeatingSf, Patrick's euchre and dance in the Town
fortis Team flan on Friday night.
• Mitchell Twice The ladies of the W.A. a
1 in'; the basement of the chuc'0h on 5t, _ -.
Seaford'! Juveniles wen the group ricks ,ughG Aiso hmehe nerved, a
The members of the Girls' W. A, of St,
Thomas :.Church met for Heti regular mode
ing at the home of Mrs. George McGavin on
March 711,, the tweeting being in charge of
Maxine McBrien, was opened by the singing
of .a hymn, followed by prayers repeated
unison. Bible rending was second chapter of
first Corinthians. Minutes of Mast meeting
adopted, followed .b1' the: treasurer's report.
A news item and two contests were and
and 5lven lay Maxine •Mclirien, Meeting s
closed,. after which lunch was served by
Misses Audrey and Marlon. McGavin.
f the United
Church 'are giving .n ploy and other nl:ogram
Mon -
)lay-offs at the Palace Milt liege on Mrs, E. Featherst eo to nedie (5 the bas-
i ondoit who'
When day from L
Thursday night of last week thi,ee
Mont is,
they defeated Mitchell in the second r4,., and Mrs. Ernie Vanden of AI1,eta,
Straight game of the play-offs , arcl,'ob in- the village oil Saturday and will
Seaforth defeated Mitchell here matte their room0 with her mother,' Mrs, W.
9 wmyin the Huron -Perth Juvenile gestalbot, having Elva, up farming in the
7 i g
all` tenughl time penalties went to and vicinity were oat last week
S d ,vin an objective of X1,000, they
Cihantpionsliip. It was a. 'clean game The Red dross Golleotors of the village
v' is and collactod.
„0 0 Ravine Mitchell and 4 to Seaforth. I honing tc make the objective soon:
Scorers for Sea1ot'th; Doig, who Mrs_ M. Toms and Mrs,. Grant Turner are
started for, Seatoi'th; pulled the hat v1siting efriends 11 Toronto for two Meeks.
ti•tcic with 6Otir goals and two assists;' Dent1, of w.... ,T, peck _.
Dale 2, Stewart 2, Wilson 1, Mitchell'
-1F Word •woe reseived on Monday of the
SCOt'erS: Hanson 2, Joe 1'1 a1t130r'S 3, dentis of W. J, Peck in Medicine Slat Gan-
Houze 1, McNair]) 1, Russ Holmes,',erat Hosnitat in his 76th year, 'after an ill -
referee. Line-ups: 'tx. `nose of two months, He wan born in Stanley
rth — Goal, Belt Swan; de Township arid' spent the early part of Iris
Seafo life in sand wound Bayfletd nncb want Wcot
Eche*, G• Hlltle'b1•an dt ,ltd .1, Bidet; ;n 1504 desl taught eohool 30 N,. Aalsota fo'r.
centre, D. Stewart; wings, L. Dale, o number of years. He married Addie Wal -
K. D. Smith D, Bright- lace of 130750151 in 1007, They moved to
i�, Doig; , . Al6osta 'in 1010 anal had lived there evei•
rail, D. Strong, 13: Strong,, G, Wilton, ' since,, where he toot 101 farming. Le has
+1' defense,.
two, sons, Arthur on the farm, and Amery a
Goal,- Peart Isister,
Mile; w -- dopotr agent at Verlo, Stlsic ; one
House; wings,. Hanson, Walthel.•s, fen- Mre, Wm, Rowson of Bayfield, and a Ebro
tre, MCNairn.., I thor, Geo. 111. Peck, of Fargo, N. Dakota..
a 1oi',th ex ects to play Luc
Funeral services were held from the P'atti-
Se t p son Funeral Home on. Thursday, 'March Oth,
inthe near future. 1 Interment's in Medicine Hat Cemetery.
of lis \Vie thovIcn Ancil 12th with Mrs.
E L. lviie1.10 h, )l naminniing co:n-
ag:Jet Muscly Mrs. R'»v MnsLareo •emsvat-
erl bhs 0, Cock and M.S. Orr were nnnotn-
to 1 to briny in Ilio 11c5v slate of officers far.
0.14-4J. Shot Talks - were given as follow..
",Vld nn" ever be n guest without first be-
Mt , Albert. Shtrray d "}Toss• To
he s, Gond durst Mrs. Robert Cameron;
im t, lean . n plensm,l feeling nn delom't-
uee Mea. Claude Blower Fandty Life and
Plans" Mrs, R. blacLalen Sgt. Eddie Nor -
minims wbn hes Just returned from overseas
gave tin interesting- and de e, ipth'e address on
his farm fwnn England to Algiers, Africa tete.
Ports of the ncldress war rather pathetic but
Mt NnvmintmYs 0015505 of Humour made it
most interesting as well, Mrs, Ansil Edwards
gave -a splendid address on Hospitality And
Miss Ellis in her usual pleasing manner fav-
oured with a humorous reading. A vom of
thanks was md by Mrs, f to hhostess,
eo-hostess andoveall tak$so soOrrt. Thete meeti,sg
closed by singing the National Anthem - after
which a soctal hour was enjoyed with contests
and refreshments were served..
0, A. C. Keith Buchanan of Trenton 'spent
the weekend with his wife Mrs. Buchanan
and other ,relatives,
51138 Margaret Tudor of Dundas spent the
week -end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Shan-
ley Tudor.
Miss Margaret Aikenhead and
Miss Elizabeth Scott of London
spent the week end with . relatives
Miss L. Marshall of London, a for-
mer Stanley teacher, visited friends
in Bencef elel during the week end.
Mr, and Mrs. John Jarvis . and
son' and Mrs. 'Thomas Johnston, of
'7hornloe. Northern Ontario, 'visited
Mr. and Mrs, C. Haugh Tuesday ev-
Don't forget the; social evening be-
ing planned by the Horticultural
Society on Friday evening .March
17th, An enjoyable programme is
being planned and a set of slides has
been secured; 'Planning and Plant-
ing of Farm Home Grounds." Come
and enjoy a social time,