The Seaforth News, 1947-11-20, Page 1Bator
First Presbyterian Church cele-
brated its Eightieth Anniversary on
Sunday. Large•• congregations were
present at both services. I epirin
sermons were delivered by
Scott Fulton, D.D„ of First Presby-
terian Church,Chatham. ,Special
music for the occasion was enjoyed.
The choir was under the leadership
of Mr. Robert Becktel and the solo-
ist was Mr, Harold Wardell of'Strat-
ford, whose contributions were
greatly appreciated. At the morning
service the 'anthem was "Laudamus
Te", Mueller; solo, "The Lord is My
Shepherd," by Mr. Wardell; in the
evening., anthem "With a Voice of
Singing", Shaw; solo, "The Peni-
tent," by Mr. Wardell; for the ser-
vice of song rendered by Mr. War-
dell after the service "Spirit of
God" Neidlinger; "Bless this House"
Brabe; "Repent Ye" Scott; "Where
He leads' me I will follow" (gospel
song). The anniversary offering
amounted to over $800.
At Northside United Church par-
sonage, Seaforth, on Saturday last,
William Herbison McElroy and Mary
Margaret Rintoul of Blyth were
united in marriage, with Rev, H. V.
Workman officiating.
Mrs. Hugh MacKay announces the
engagement of her niece, Gladys
Viola Holmes, Seaforth, youngest
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Holmes, to Cpl. Louis Wilfred
Corcoran, • o • from the R.C.A.F. Sta-
tion, Clinton, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ambrose Corcoran of
Prince Edward Island. The marriage
will take place Saturday, Nov. 29,
at the R.C.A,F. Station, Clinton.
We sell only
and stock it for your
Northside United Church
' Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m,. The Sacrament of Bap-
tism will be administered.
Mr. Ernest G. Clarke will speak
on Home Mission work.
7 p. m. Meditation based on
Henry Francis Lyte, and lits best
known hymn, "Abide with me".
We cordially invite you, to these
The Sunday before Advent
St. Thomas', Seaforth:
10 a,nt„ Sunday School
11 a.m., Morning Prayer
7 p.m., Evening Prayer
St. Mary's, Dublin
3 p.m., Church Service
Rector: Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., BD.
10 a.m., Sunday School
i 11 a.m„ "The difficulty of for-
7 p.m., "Jesus' Wisdom".
Owing to conflicting events the
next social euchre and dance of the
Seaforth Women's Institute will be
held on Tuesday, Dec, 2,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook
spent the weekend at the home of
their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Knox, liarlock. •
Rev. Rogers of Blyth took the
Church service here on Sunday
morning last. A minister from Ex-
eter is expected to be present for
next Sunday service at 10 o'clock
Mr. Art Brunsdon of Saskatche-
wan is visiting with his mother and.
other friends at present.
Marilyn ,Shaddick, Clinton, spent
the weekend with her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs, T. Fairservice.
Mrs. Nellie Watson spent part of
last week at the horse of her daug-
hter Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair,
Ki open. '
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brunsdon have
moved to Clinton for the winter.
The reguar monthly meeting of the
W,M.S. was held on Thursclay last
in the basement of the Church. The
Autumn thankoffering meeting was
in conjunction .with the regular
meeting, The Burns' and Constance
Auxiliaries were also present. After
the regular devotional exercises were
concluded, Mrs. Lindsay of Con-
stance sang a pleasing solo. Miss
Watt of Burns contributed a cornet
solo. Mrs. Britton, Constance, gave
a splendid reading and Phyllis Me -
Coal, Londesboro, sang a solo. The
highlight of the afternoon was the
address of Mrs. Stanway of Bruce -
field, which was very interesting.
After the conclusion of the after-
noon proceedings Rev, .Stanway
closed the meeting with prayer.
A splendid lunch was served by
the Londesbore ladies and a social
half hour spent together. About 70
being present.
The Bible Society met in North-
side United Church on Tuesday
evening and the following will coin-
Pose the Executive for 19,48. Presi-
dent, F. Harburn; lst vice-president
Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert; 2nd vice-presi-
dent. .Rev,
ice-presi-dent..Rev, H. V. Workman, Rev. R.
H. Williams and > Capt. Holl•iwell;
Sec„ C, Reith; Treas., B. L. Fox.
Plans were completed for the an-
nual drive and the town divided into
sub -divisions, each division or divi-
sions is in care of each church. No 1.
That part of town East of Main and
North of Goderich St. care •of Sal-
vation Army. No. 2. that part
East of Main and South of Goclerich
St. in care of the Presbyterian
Church. No. 8. That part of town
West of Main to Church St. North
of Goderich St. in care of Northside
Church. No. 4, That part of town
West of Church st. to westerly rim
its, North of Goderich St. in care of
Presbyterian Church, No. 5. that
part of town South side of Goderich
St. and North side of John St. in,
care of Northside Church. No. 6.
That part South side of John St.
to southerly limits of town, in care
of Anglican Church. No..7. Huron
road west and Harpurhey.
The executive bespeaks for those
who will call on you, a friendly wel-
come and liberal support to this
most worthy cause.
The Bible is now printed in 764
different tongues and dialects and
distributed in nearly every part of
the world. Founded in London in
1804, a Gospel in
its first grant
the language of the Mohawk Indians
Bible Ontario. The local •Societ Y
is a branch of Upper Canada Bible
Society, and the Upper Canada
Bible Society is the local auxiliary
of the British Foreign Bible Society
which is a member of the United
Bible Societies of the world.
W. M. S.
The regular monthly meeting of
Northside United Church W,M.S.
was held Nov. 13 with Mrs. R. Law-
son presiding. The opening hymn
"Break Thou the bread of Life" was
sung, followed with prayer by Mrs.
R. Lawson. Minutes of the Oct.
meeting were read by Mrs. Porteous.
Miss A. Lawrence, Mrs. Hay and
Mrs, F. Finnigan were appointed on
the nominating committee to select
the officers for the corning year.
Treasurer's report read by Miss A.
Ferguson. Mrs. Finlayson, Christian
Stewardship, gave a reading, "ElIa's
mite box". Temperance reading by
Mrs. C. C. 'Caine, Reports of the
sectional meeting that was held at
Monerieff United Church were read
by Miss A. Lawrence and Miss A.
Ferguson. Circle No. 2 reported five
visits during the month, Miss A.
Lawrence then took charge of the'
program. Theme "The Bible for my
life and my community", Scripture
reading by Miss Somerville, fol_
lowed with 119 psalm read in uni-1
Miss A. Lawrence explained
bow the Bible had been translated
into the. English language by the
pioneer missionaries. Mrs. Hay and
Miss Somerville read and told stories
of the missionary life in pioneer
days. Offering taken up by Mrs. Mc-
Cuaig, hymn "Shine Thou upon us
Lord" was sung. Mrs. R. Lawson
closed the meeting with prayer.
• The Alert Mission Band held the
November meeting in the school-
room of the United Church on Nov.
10, after school. The opening hymn
was "Jesus Loves Me". Mrs. Barber
led in prayer after which the Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison. An
interesting story was then read by
Marilyn Bntt, The scripture lesson
was taken by Joan Hawkins. The
business period followed the next
hymn. The roll eall wri"s answered by
81 members. The study book was re-
viewed by Mrs. Barber, The closing
hymn was then sung followed by
the Mission Band Benediction.
The third in the series of social
euchres and dances sponsored by the
Seaforth Women's Institute was held
on Wed. Nov. 12 in Cardno's hall.
There were 32 tables in play. Prize
winners were as follows: Ladies 1st.
Mrs. John Gordon; men, Mit. Fred
Reeves; lone hands, ladies, Mrs. Ro-
bert McLachlan; Hien, Mr. Murray
Stiles; consolation, ladies, Mrs. Glen
Slavin; men, Mr. Raymond Nett,
The W. I. members provided lunch
and dancing followed with music by
Haeburn's orchestra.
Is it worth while to advertise for
a lost article? The answer is defin-
itely yes. During the past two weeks
a couple of valued wrist watches
were returned to the owners as a
result of advertising. One watch
was brought to this office on Fri-
day, and soon afterwards the owner
of the other watch reported she had
got hers on Thursday evening.
Remember Legion bingo Friday
Nov. 21. ilverybody welcome. Come
and bring a friend.
Don't forget the dance Christmas
night. You are assured of good time.,
Nominations were held Nov, 13, and
it looks like strong executive for 1048.
Any service personnel in Seaforth
or vicinity who were not members of
the Legion in 1047 age extended .a
hearty invitation. 1:o join our branch
for the year starting January, 1948.
Editor The •Seaforth News. Dear l On Friday evening about 250
Sir:—The Town Council is to be friends and neighbours gathered at
commended for its grant to those 13'lyth Memorial Hall in honour of
worthy organizations promoting su-
pervised playgrounds. Someone has
said c`Hoodlumism is born of idle-
ness." :Sometimes what we see about
town borders on hood'lumism, There
is a great need for organized sport in nnoney. The following address was
this community. The hoodlum is very read after which George in a few
often a good boy who does not know words expressed his thanks for the
what to do and so does the wrong gift. To Florence and George—This
thing. Eventually to wear a mask, is one time in your lives when we
walk in and demand the money is all love to give advice and I do not
the next and natural evolution. A'know anyone mare capable- of giv-
ing 'advice in this matter than your
country, man the city and the devil friends and neighbours, The last
the small towns, Our:society is time you stood before a man you
peopled with misfits who leave were both very nervous, yet you an -
school early, get a twenty dollar a awered' every question and listened
weeandkare fired nifty years ago ske and loaf all w the Ito
made phe yourdto m ndsytoand l doevery-
same situation paid two dollars a'thing you were told in the ceremony.
week but the employer, instead of We rest assured that everything will
allowing' the lad to loaf on the job, turn[ out right in your marriage and
taught him how to earn his money, that fifty years from now on your
We believe the leaders of our coin- golden anniversary we shall all be
munities have betrayed a great
trust. The result is • a breeding
ground for isms of all kinds: We ask
you what kind of citizen we want,
What kind can we expect? Our ex-
ample has been the worst possible,
lack of responsibility, lack of self-
control, poor social structure.
Community leaders need to help
these boys to find their place in the
scheme of community life. It is ap-
palling that boys must gamble, play
poker, make bets for entertainment.
Young people crave excitement.
What we
need is
well organized
sport the year around, The Legion,
in planning their Memorial Hall, and' friends
has discussed the possibilities of
purchasing a hangar from War KIPPEN
Assets Corporation combining some-'
thing of this nature along with the Moderator of United Church
hall. Owing to shortages of building Visits St. Andrew's Church
materials plans have been laid over. Wednesday, Nov. 12, was a red let-
We recommend a Community ter day for the people of ISippen and
Centre, a Teen Town, backed by the surrounding district. It was the oc-
municipalities concerned under the Basion of a visit to St. Andrew's
supervision of a qualified instructor 'United Church of the distinguished
where the youth of OUT community Moderator of the United Church of
could ice skate, roller skate, -bowl, Canada, the Right Rev T. W. Jones.
play badminton or hold dances, free M.A.D,D• In the afternoon the minis -
of charge,- A project of this kind tare; of the Huron Presbytery
would be erected on the Agricultural gathered for a conversation with Dr. •
grounds and used as an indoor show Jones, and later were served supper
place at fair time. It's bound to hy the ladies of the congregation. In
make this district Seaforth con- the evening the church was well tilled
scions. ., :.,by People .of the community and visit.
"BUZZ" FINNIGAN ing friends to hear the Moderator give
. his illustrated lecture on "Britain in
Peace and War:" The pictures were
ADULT FELLOWSHIP GROUP for the most part beautifully colored
The adult fellowship group of and showed the loveliness of the Old
Northside United Church held their Land to fullest advantage in the views
November meeting on Monday even- 00 Britain in peace. Terribly vivid
ing Nov. 17th, Mr.. John Stevens were scenes thrown on the screen'
presided and the opening hymnportraying the dreadful devastation of
"Unto the hills around do I hit up war, and bringing before the minds of
my longing eyes" was sung. The• the onlookers how deeply the mother'
scripture Psalm 121 was read by country has suffered in the past few
Miss Vera Mole, followed with years. All who were present were
prayer by Kathleen Sillery, Minutes deeply moved as such sights of (ho-
of October meeting were read by secretion that involved destruetiou
Miss Ruth Cluf£, The roll call was and loss of life. The lecture had its
answered by each member giving an other side however, for throughout
account of their first day at school, the evening Dr. Jones proved himself
Miss Thelma Elgie gave an interest- a master of humor as well as pathos.
ing account of the history of Sea -,His fund of stories kept the audience
forth dating back to 1850. It was in- 'thoroughly alert and constantly had
corporated as a town in 1868 and hie hearers' in ripples of laughter.
named after a place in Scotland by, though often a lump came to the
one of the surveyors. There were' throat and a tear to the eyes. Dr.
only three buildings until the Jones though preserving the august
came through' to Goderich. In 1862 dignity of his high office is essential
the town had a._population of 800 ly a man of the people who though Ice
people. In 1866 the first public walks with kings never loses the cone
school was built ,and in 1879 the mon touch. Vibrant: with energy he is
first high school with an attendance fluent to the highest degree and main-
tains without seeming effort the in-;
terest of his hearers. Great is Itis
humility and devoted deeply to the
cause of God he will be remembered'
by the people of the United Church
of Canada in the words of the chair-
man for the evening the Rev. A. Hin-
ton as "The Moderator with the mer-
ry heart and shining face•" Altogether
Dr. Jones' visit will long be remem-
bered by the folk of Iiippeai and vie.
bitty as a high honor :and great privi-I
lege. During iris stay in ICippen Dr.
Jones was the guest of the minister,
the Rev, A. Hinton, and Mrs, Hinton
at the manse, an occasion of reunion
between life-long friends in the min-
istering service of the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons of
I<ippen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsons
of Henson and lir. and Mrs. Joseph
Ferguson of Chiselhurst visited an
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leslie
Waters of Drayton.
Mr. Lorne McBride, Windsor, spent
the week earl with his parents, Mr.
and _ Ins. Robt. McBride.
Dr. Jataes Jarrott, of New York
city, visited, recently with bis mother,
Mrs. I. Jarrott.
Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Westlake, San-
dra and Ronald, of Bayfiolcl. visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert,
Mr. Wm. Horsey 0f Exeter visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Gacltstetter. Mrs. Homey returned to
her home on Sunday after ;pending
two weeks with Mr. and Airs. Ciaclt-I
Mrs, T. Munro of Fox Point spenti
a couple of weeks with liar parents.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Deitz,
W.M.S. Hold Birthday Party
The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's united
Church held their birthday meeting
in the Sunday School rooms on, Wed-
nesday afternoon. Guests were pre-,
sort from Kinsmen and Brucefleld.
The president Mrs. Te'rnie Chipehasc'
presided and the meeting opened by'
singing the hymn "0 Word of God
Incarnate.' The Lord's prayer was
repeated in unison, Mrs. A, Frinton'
took charge of the devotional period.
Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt on
their recent marriage. Dancing was
enjoyed with music by the Jackson
orchestra. At midnight the bride and'
grope were presented with a sum of
able to celebrate again.
George you have always held a
place of highest respect in our col
ntutiity and we are glad that you are
remaining in our midst. To you
Florence, you are a stranger to
most of us but we feel assured that
you will take your place among us
and, we welcome you on this occa-
sion! We ask you both to accept this
gift, not so much for its value but
for the feelings. that go with it, and
we 'trust that in your home there
may, be, many pleasures in store for
you. and be assured that the good
wishes of the community go with
you. Signed on behalf of neighbors
of ower' 500. Having numerous indus-
tries e.g. salt works and fine public
buildings, churches, and up-to-date
stores, it has grown to be one of the
best towns in Ontario. The meeting
closed by repeating the mizpah bene-
diction. Miss Thelma Elgie conduct-
ed a geography contest and the win-
ners being Rev. Mr. Workman and
Ruth Gluff. A delicious lunch was
served by the lunch committee and a
social hour followed.
The November meeting of the
Bethel W.A. and W.M.S. was held at
the house of Ethel and Tennie Den-
nis on Nov. 10. The meeting opened
by all repeating the Lord's Prayer.
The thence of the meeting was, The
Bible for my life' and my community.
Hymn 155, "Come Holy Spirit our
hearts inspire" was sung followed
with prayer by Ethel Dennis. Psalm
735 was read responsively. The
scripture readings from Dent. and
psalm 19 were read by Mrs. Robt.
Hulley and Mrs, Charlie Boyd. Mrs.
Leonard Leeming then offered
prayer.. A temperance reading was
given by Mrs. Earl Mills. Mrs. Leslie
Bolton gave an interesting talk on
the Sectional meeting at Moncrieff,
The offering was then received and
hymn 182 "0 Word of God Incarn-
ate" was sung. The chapter from
the study book, Great is the Com-
pany. Tlie Bible for the Pacific Is-
lands was presented by Mr. Peters,
Hymn 446 "0 God of Bethel by
whose hand" was sung. The business
part of the meeting opened with
roll call answered b». 22 members.
The nominating committee to be
Mrs, Leslie Bolton, Mrs. Charlie
Boyd and Mrs. Stanley Hillen. The
December meeting to be at the home
bf Mrs. Duncan McNichol Jr. Hynin
523 "0 God of love, 0 King of
Peace" was sung and Mr. Peters
pronounced the benediction. Lunch
was served and a social half hour
$1 a year
Jeweller and Opiometr;.-
111 I t
Opposite Office.Seaforth
e Post t
The minutes were read and the roll BRUGEFIELD
call taken with the text word praise.
Mrs. Robt. Elgie gave a report on the .Mrs. Archie Mustard spent a couple
sectional meeting of Huron Presby- oi' d iys in Landon last week.
tenial held in Crediton Oct. 15. at Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott vieited with
Which she was a delegate. Mrs. Wattle relatives at Wilton Grove recently.
14ICBeath of Brucefield favored with aMiss Marie flohrter of Bayfield was
piano instrumental, Mrs. Carl tile- a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
Clincher offered her home for the A. Holler, last week.
December meeting. Mrs. (Rev.) Shtu,•
Mrs, W. H. Rounds of Dearborn, •
way of Brueefield gave a very niter- Mich.. and her daughter Mrs. Arnold
esting address on her experience, Barber of Garden City visited the
while a missionary of recent years in former's sister and husband, Mr. and
China. Mrs. J, Henderson of Bruno. Mrs. henry Daman. last week.
field favored with a solo accompanied
Mrs. Weibel, Haugh acid sons Allan
by Mrs, W. McBeath. Mrs. A. Mon- and Neil, spent a week in Toronto
teith moved a vote of thanks to Brue.,,, and Guelph with relatives,
field for helping_ make the meeting At the missionary conference lust
such a success. The meeting closed by Thursday, slides - rvei' shown w the
singing Breathe on me breath of God, boys and girls at 4.30, In the evening
followed by the Mizpah benediction in Rev. A. Meorelmuse of Toronto show -
unison. Lunch was served from pre:- ed slides he had recently Miceli in.
tily decorated tables. Tire oddest mc.m. 11ngl.nul. The great adventure- of
her present. Mrs. A. Monteith, cut the George Vnshingt"n Carver Was given
large birthday carte, mid slides with heuncl on the sli,,art
of .India."
Women's Auxiliary Hold Rev. 1'. Stanway preached 5 lis-
Successful Bazaar si" sermon at Varna Sunday
The Women's Auxiliary .00 Stair. evening. Rev. Bebe IIarn look - the
draw's United Church held a very sue s''ruc e hc-i . w hic'h was the fourth
cessful bazaar in the Sunday School tilt she hurl preached on Sunday. -
rooms on -Saturday atiestmocm. Th.,
seven booths were prettily dccere est
and contained many lovely, useful
and tasteful articles. The fatey work
booth was in charge of Mrs, 0'. Wat-
son, Mrs. Bill hrle. Mrs. J. McLean.
Mrs. Peck and Mrs. W. Monis. The
home cooking, Mrs. Harold Jones,.
Mrs. Herbert Janes, Mrs. Eldon Jur.
raft, Mrs, Ernie. Whitehouse and Mrs. HEM SC11001. TOPICSEmerson Anderson.- The touch and
take, Mrs. Winston Workman and
Mrs. Ernie Chipchase, The. vegetable.
Mr . Eddie McBride, Mrs, Archie Pat•.
sons, Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs.
Alec Mc14Iurtrie. Tlie itch pond. Mrs
alts. S. L. Hodgson et',
Sask.. is visiting 01 the hone of icer
brothe ht.lag- .ural sister ',Ill, and
Mrs. W. Sparks.
The annual commencement of the
Seaforth High School on Friday ev-
eningwas a great success with a
Duncan Cooper and Mrs. Billie hell,
packed auditorium and everything
The noprummage: lira 'kibble ltac, passed ot6 smoothly to tate credit of
Gregor and Mrs, Morley Bobbie.
The those taking part ;113d also those who
candy booth was in charge of the lies Cl the various numbers. The
Junior Girls. A 25r tea was :tented b (See Club presented two numbers,
Hisses Bernice Mc(•liueltey, Betty Lou directed by tins Ball, with Norma
Watson, Mona Caldwell, Joyi' and Seeming at the piano. lar. C. M.
Edna 13roadfoot, assisted by several Smith. - ' chairman of the Board, wet-
ladies in the kitchen. Soft music of an cowed the guests. A radio allay was
electric record player was niauagecl ed i, by the Drama Society, direct,
by Rev. Mr. Hinton. Proceeds amount- y J- E, ti rlcox. Those taking part
ed to over 6200. were Ron Sills, June Snell, Francis
j Huisser, Mary Boswell, Marilyn.
Dr. Jim Jarrott of New York and Chesney, Shiley Claybnrn and Jack
lliss Etta Jarrott of Toronto spent a Wallace. A piano solo by Josephine
few days with their mother in the McIver was followed hy presentation
village recently, , of diplomas, prizes and scholarships
A great many are attending the under the direction of Mr. Fo
Royal Winter Fair this week in Tor- these being presented by C. M.
onto, Smith, Bert Irwin, C. A. Barber, E.
Mrs. Thomas Munro of Graven- R. Dick, A. W. Sillery, L. Morrison,
hurst, Muskoka, is visiting with her E. B. Goudie, G. McGavin, G. A.
parents Mr. and Mrs. Dietz. Whitney, A. Copland. Miss Mary
Mrs. J. W. McLean entertained a . Ryan gave the valedictory address,
few friends to dinner recently in Three films were shown with the
honor of Mr. McLean's birthday, new sound projector purchased re -
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McLean of cantly by the Students' Council,
Montana are visiting with thein Gordan Wilson operating tale 'mi eh -
many friends in this locality, it is inels . Then
the folloed a numbeAftr .belt,: taltho
twenty-four years since they we+ girGlee
program a dance was held in the
auditorium until 12 o'clock.
Friday morning in assembly the
students of S.C.I. were shown two
films. The one was a comedy "The
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glanville of discontented canary" and the other
Centralia spent the weekend at the was a "Sports chat on hockey, Cana -
home of the latter's parents Mr. dags National game," It featured one
and Mrs. Edward Regale. of last years N.H.L. games between
Mr, and Mr's. Russel McCallum of the Toronto 4Ianle Leafs. and the
Fullerton Twit. spent Sunday after- Montreal Canadians. Chis gave was.
noon with 111•, Lind .11,11.'S. Fred Glen- held in Motile Leaf Gardens and was
villa. the game that ended in a 1-1 tie..
Mr. Charles Munn of Galt spent a Foster Hewitt was the commentator,
few days last week calling on his These films were enjoyed by all the
friends in McKillop. students and we hope to see some
Mr. Harry Flynn of Centralia more soon.
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. To -day was not proclaimed a holi-
end Mrs. Edward Regale, Mr, and day in the secondary' schools of
Mrs. Frank Glanville returning hone' Huron as we are in the snow belt
with hint.•and sometimes miss much school ,dur-
Miss Wilma McNichol .of Twitch- . ..
eller spent the weekend with her
mother Mrs. D. 'McNichol.
Mr. George Underwood spent a
few days last week in London.
home anti see many changes among
their friends,
to other holidays it will be hard for
us to cover our course before Christ-
mas if we take this holiday, and thus
we the pupils will lose out.