The Seaforth News, 1947-11-06, Page 7Memorial Service in Memory of the men who di ed at Hong Kong was held in front of the City
Hall, Toronto. Wreath was placed by the wi dow of Rim. William Nicholson, Royal Rifles
91 Canada. Veterans received colors from Mayor Saunders. "
"Well, it's about time you got
here," snorted Susie, ar I came to
a stop at her front veranda,
"I had to pump up the tire on
my bike," I shot back, "Are you
kids all set? I've got the wciners
and the buns."
Susie, Gwen and
Don got ftp off the
step and proceeded
to tie the bags
containing t h c
lunch to their
"Do you think
it will rain?" ask-
ed Gwen. "It's
getting a little
dark in the west"
"Nah," I replied, "I can tell by
the clubnulus, or whatever it is."
"Jost what arc You trying to give
us now?" scoffed Susie.
"An air force guy told me all
about it. You can tell the weather
by watching for the cold fronts.
I think. No rain today, kids. Take
it from an old weather prophet"
"Huh and pooh and huh, chor-
used three voices.
We started out north of town
with everyone convinced there
would be no rain. It was a beauti-
ful day. One of those cool fall days
—that make you feel glad to be
Alive, The bright sun brought out
all the autumn hues of the .turning
leaves, and the brown stubble in
the fields beside us looked lonely
and forgotten,
"Let's go up to the 7th, along to
the Brock Road and down to the
4th," I suggested, "We can Book
supper over an open fire in the
bush; and I know just the spot."
Everyone seemed satisfied With
this idea and we rode gayly along,
singing and talking. Three miles
north, my back tire went Clown and
I slowly bumped to a stop.
"It's beyond me how you do it,"
groaned Susie. "If anyone can
louse up a plan, it's you."
"Now dont get your braids tan-
gled," I cracked. "It's only a
"Look's like a hole in the tube,"
offered lion. It was. And there
We were.
We hailed a kind-hearted motor-
ist and hoped that he would have
some patching equipment, To our
surprise he did have. We soon had
the tire fixed and were on our
Four miles and eight conces-
sions later, Susie was chinning the
handlebars from exhaustion. Gwen
groaned with every push of the
pedal, while I tried to cheer them
on. And lite with calluses on illy
We reached the bush at last A
path winding off the roadway to
the right led into the heart of the
tall green trees. Digging a ]tole In
the ground in a nice clearing, we
soon had a crackling fire going.
Gwen and Susie sprawled out on
the grouted, weary and sore.
"Reminds me of my boy scout
days, Dou, If We had time, I'd
start this fire with just two sticks
of wood."
"We have to get home tonight,"
moaned Susie. "Make with the heat
and get those hot dogs roasted,"
"There's a woman for you; Don,
They don't get the feeling of the
woods like us men. No sense of
pioneering, no feeling of being
alone in the bush to survive or
die and only your bare hands to
trovide. They siont it just like at
.loin(•. Screed up 011 11 plata—"
"Oh, for goodness sake, shut up
Ind get those hot slogs on," inter-
'Itptcd Susie again.
In a few minutes, the smell of
lot dogs, mustard and roasted ap-
ples permeated the air.
"My gosh, it's starting to sprin-
ole,"'warned Gwen,
In a platter of minutes, a wild
and windy 111nndcrstornl broke all
around us. Running through the
Sports — And One Thing
or Another
("A Sixbit Critic")
Down in wartime Washington a
Couple of reporters, just as a gag,
cooked up a highly imaginary yarn
about the Emperor Hirohito having
made a hush-hush flying trip to
Allied headquarters for the purpose
o.' talking peace terms, They confided
this piece of "information" to just
one man, swearing him to secrecy.
Inside of six hours that identical
story, having taken wings to itself,
was back to Washington as an
authentic piece of "news" from the
Pacific Coast.
* * *
This was cited, by the newspaper
from which we copied it, as a start-
ling instance of the speed with which
gossip gets around in time of war.
But to anybody at all familiar with
the way rumors travel at a race-
track, it will seem comparatively
snail -like. We recall an afternoon at
Thorncliffe when a couple of guys,
for no good reason except that they
had nothing better to do, decided to
fabricate a red-hot "tip," start it on
its rounds, and then see what would
* * *
They selected a steed we'll call
RUMP ROAST—the very worst
horse in the race just coming up.
Getting together in a secluded por-
tion of the paddock, but taking care
there was a single bystander within
earshot, one of thein murmured con-
fidentially to the other, "I just got
word from the stable that this is
going to be a shoo-in for RUMP
ROAST-eve1'y jock in the race will
torrent of rain with what food we
could grab, each of us stood under
a tree.
"I'm soaked anti lay hair ]las
all come out," wailed Susie.
"I'ln cold, wet and I ache all
over," sobbed Gwen. -"Some week-
end this is."
Three pair of eyes from under
three different trees turned—and
the burning gaze of all three
stretched across to the tree under
which I was standing—with the
rain dripping down my neck from
the branches above.
"There now, smarty," sneered
Susie, in my direction, "my week-
end guests are sorry they cane,
and it's ail your fault."
"Stay here and I'll run down the
road to a farm house and phone
to town for a taxi," I offered.
"Forget it, we'll all go," said
Don. - "We can't get any more wet
than we are,"
So we started off, splashing our
way down the -muddy road. Pant
legs lost their creases, sweaters
turned color from red to pink and,
a we walked, each of us could feel
the water nosing out of our shoes.
Riding Moine in the taxi, I could
hear the muffled 'voices of the -
other three in the back seat. - I
think it was Don whc said: "well,
if he didn't know how toprophesy
the weather by looking at the sky,
why didn't he shut up?"
"You could ask that question
after a lot of things 11e says," an-
swered Susie. -
And so we finally arrived Home
after a bike hike and picnic in
the country.
t CCPP, eget
Rheumatic pains may often be caused by
excess uric acid, a blood impurity that
should be extracted by the kidneys. 11
kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it
may cause severe discomfort and pain.
Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your
kidneys in good condition. Get and use
Darld's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your
ISidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons
1d excess acids—help you feel better.
tae what Dodd's can do for you. IV
have a ticket on it, and the owner
has wired away five frand on its
nose." (This owner, by the way,
didn't have five thousand cents to
bless himself with, let alone that
many dollars, and everybody knew
* * *
Having thus sown the good seed
the two conspirator's proceeded, in a
leisurely manner, through the
crowds. Before they had travelled
the length of the grandstand they
had received no less than seven
different tips on RUMP ROAST,
one good pal even dashing down
from the press box to let them in on
"the hottest thing of the meeting";
and the probable odds on that steed,
which had opened at a legitimate 50
to 1, now stood at 9 to 5.
* * M:
The sequel? Well, by the time they
reached the Club House lawn, news
of the coming "killing" had rcachcd
such proportions, aid bore so many
earmarks of authenticity, that it ap-
peared to be an opportunity too
golden to be overlooked. And you
needn't peg this as merely a flight
into the realms of fancy either,
seeing that we were one of the pair
that started this wild rumor—and
ended up by betting on our own
fabrication. As for RUMP ROAST
he finished a bang-up ninth in a field
..1 ten, one of the others pulling up
with a hawed tendon,
* * *
1)10' educational and church antJt-
c1'ities are continually deploring the
evil effects of sensational "comic
books, !arid movies, and crime- fea-
turing radio dramas on young and
growing minds, and wishing our
hays and girls would take greater
interest its -literature of the better
sort. Such being the case, why is it
that they still insist on building Public
Libraries which, front the outside,
are just about as attractive and giant -
0r0010 OS 0oute Morgue or Isolation
Hospital.' In these days of [modern
merchandising, packaging is almost
as important as contents; and if we
ever ,rano a Library that zeas even
one-tenth as inviting to youthful eyes
as an lip -to -date Soda Bar or Movie
Haase, we would have greater !tape
for the sicecss of the "Letter read-
ing" movement.
Sing Sing prison gets its name
from the Indian words "oscine Os -
sine," Meaning "stone upon
Good for
Classified Advertising
tttnoctieidce, Electric Fence Controllers. ;Renee
and Barn Paint, RoofCoatings, etc,. Dealers
wonted. Write Worm Grooae & OS Limited,
Dependable 'Commons hen opening for hard-
working, dependable applicants between 26.80,
part or funtime haela,....Excelietit remunera-
tions: Blue. Brand Products, 7227 Alexandre,
Atnntrt al.
AN OFFER. to every Inventor—List of inven-
tions and fu11 information sent free. The
Ramsay Co„ Registered Patent Attorneys 273
Bank Street, Ottawa...
Let us holo you sell that Invention. We
contact hundred', Of firma waiting for good
ideas. Burntwood Agency, 218 Keewatin Ave ,
BABY 01.11.01Th
600 WI-IITE LEGHORN nulleto, 8 months,
laying, ;1.40, Duncan MacDonald, Ethel,
DON'T WAIT t111 you want them—Order No-
vember -December chicks now. Ash Inc Par-
ticulars. Bray hatchery, 180 John N. :Ham-
PULLET BARGAINS while they last. Whlto
Legherns, Black ;Morena x White Leg -
horns, White Leghorn x Barred Rpeke, Black
Auatralorp x White Loghorns, six weeks, .46c
4 weeks, .66c, 0 weeks .060, Assorted Light
and Medium Breeds, 0 weeks ,40e. 7 weeks
.650, 8 weeks, .605, Top Notch Chlckerlee,
Guelph, Ontario.
FREE range pullets,. 12 weeks to -laying
White Leghorne, Barred Rooke, New xamp-
shlres, White Rooks, Light Sueeex and mane
other popular breeds, Also day old 511101515
booked to Order. Prue eatalogae, Top Notch
Chiekeries. Guelph. Ontario.
DON'T MISS theme pullet .bargains. Six, seven
and eight week old White Leghorne, White
Leghorn x Barred Rooks, Barred Rocks x
White Logien-no. Austra Whited. Only a llm-
lted quantity. Send for reduced prtcallat,
Tweddlo Clack Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,
FREE RANGE Paliets, 12 weeeke to laying,
Barred Rooke. Now Halrunnares, White
Loghorns. .White Rocks, Light Sussex, AIso
day.cid cldeke booked to order. Free catalogue.
Tweddlo Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergua.
HAVE YOU anything neeme dyeing or cloan-
ing7 Write to ue for information. We are
glad to answer your questions. Department
tl, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Toner
Street. Toronto. Ontario.
FARM for sale, 300 acres, 16 mitten east of
Parry Sound, Poe full particulare, write
S. J. Fisher, Parry Sound, Ont., R.R. 1.
PARINI FOR SALE -160 acres, good bulldingn,
2 miles Brom St. Thomas on No. 4 Highway.
I:nown OS 1), L. Gilbert farm. Examine Prop
arty .and send otter to executor, W. L.
Gilbert, 30 Yale Street. London.
FOR SALE—Tractor Three. made 01 rubber,
sultablo for bolting on steel wheels, 016.00
end), rear wheels: 37 60 each, front wheels.
When ordering state dlnmeter and width of
wheel° National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 6 Wilt -
attire Ave.. Toronto, Ont.
JOHN DEERE No, 101, 000.rote Corn 'letter
uned 2 swoons. Inteemettnnal No, 2 Corn
Hnevesu-r, used ono sateen, alto Huck Rake,
Allen Weber, Elmira, R. 1, Ont,
Young Pair Cocker ',mantels (breeders),—
Seventy-ave Dollars the pair, registered.
Drureh, beet breeding. blonde, Cooker Puppies:
females fifteen dollars. papers extra. Black
female six months 537.00. Yorkshire, Timmins,
018ILI, presses complete with motor Pulley,
1,4 t•npaIlty 00,5108,0 ebeiclt. mortising at-
ttritment• mortising bits, sander attachment.
'tell h1 whole or pmts. %Vrtte Tool & En-
gineering Co., Box -4r St. Catharines, 005,
PON end deer !intends, heed from choice stock.
E. M. Tripp, R R No, 3, Oshawa Ont.
17015 SALE—Power ice cutter, Ice dueller,
trader and Ice tools. A. Leclerc, Itnx 350.
Chaplain, Ont.
08SI0m14 RITE, Annorae. Excellentweol1ere,
developed rrom highest prize winning Can-
adian sn•ahna. Selected Seniors and Juniors,
010 n0 and ;6:00 earl, A, Orbereit, Maple
Drive. Angora. Wench, Route 1, Ayton, Ont.
0U11N8,)N Iron Horse engines, 'o 11.P. $61.86
1.34 IIP. 876,00. mimed it l ltvm•, ('u1•-
rey Iht imm•, Egan Ion k 01•nhutor Toronto.
Pt -1'4.4. putt tat. 11 rd raid Great Deno,
fawn with block tpoili. 7 weeks old, mule.
$20. Eddie Hammel. Po, . gnu.
2 RI.D110N12 females. year 11, $15.00. lnnelr
and Tan Purples. $1.0n, Marne' WlelrenO,
Franirmq, Ont,
(7017101415 for 001. 73'. Menet be acid --no
win1 -r storage Fire( doe running order.
Box 10'4, Nnpance Ont.
TURN Y,IL'R B\(5 Mto cash Wanted--Col.-
ton 004 tined bas of every deseription,.
whole "r torn. H,gh-o onsh ('01.0 paid. 1, 0.
don. Bog. Cmmpnm 1 zeion. tint.
QUILT I FI:Cl15 Han) lee .tad larger Jill
hall flat .Colton- print and stripes. Fonr
(4) pounds for 01,00. 110s rent r.5 Or money
refunded. 1ree--10 aunt patterns Mid Itlst,'tte.
[Ions. Free --Detailed carnet !nettling inetvuc-
tons, Loge quantity e0ttm,, elk. wool under.
wear, towelling remnm,ts--nut widths. etp to
6 Yds. 1000. Per full Information write A"so-
etnted'Couterters IOC., 4004 St, Lawrence.
Mon teval.
Wo are overstocked In Nand used Trade -In
Tires with high trends—all guaranteed to be
inexcellent shape. Special price en ear Ties.
Gtiaranteccl for one year
30031A-38,26 T01,e. ;1.25. 450021—$1096,
Tube 11.50. 600010-310.50. Tube $2,26. 600
020-010.70, Tuba 02.35. 625018-312.60, Tube
52;06. 660017-314,09, Rube 02.06, 600010-
314.26 Tube $2,60. 960x10—;17.60, Tube
33,26, 1200-700020—;43.76, Tube 24.76. 760
5525-2.407504,00, Tube 50.60. 825020—
$02.50, Tube $7.75.
Also a full line of retreads.. all orders ship-
ped C.O.D. Danielle wanton.
011.I01121 LEAP. farm duel—Purl,00c Short-
horns; offering 2 year .old' proven sire, bull
calves 6 to 11 months, sevocnl young females.
Gordon A. Wo lflo, Route' 2. Kitehrner, Ont.
RECORDS. Tree catalogue of favoritehill-
hilly and dance artlsta. National 0nuex
Ltd., Dept, 0, 428 Portage Ave., Winnipeg,
Man. .. ...
STURDY Latham Itaspberry Coneo for 0011
Planting, $6.00 per 100. Premier Straw-
berrios. $2.00, A. Cr01v1e, R.R. No. 1, le.
'button, Ont,
W000, Fox, Mink Trappers use only We beet.
cols tete sYstem, Irlahers 100551ns course
and gland 000005. Pun particulars: A, 10,'
Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta.
MIDDLE-AGED Housekeeper- for farm home,
near tOtvnt good cook. Melvin Hummel,
Box 701, Chestervllle, Out. -
LEARN Hotrdressing the Robertson method.
Information en request regarding 0119000,
Robertson'. Hairdressing Academy. 187 Ave.
nue Road, Toronto.
TRY 0T1 Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine
or Neuritis should try Dixon'o Remody,
Munro's Drug Store, 236 Elgin, Ottawa, Post-
paid. 01.00.
PILES—Nothing else you can buy hasthe
name internal action as Pyltono Pilo Remedy.
This 110014 (taken by mouth) Iscompounded
from special Balsams. Gums, and Plant -
Extracts. It gots results because it goes
directly to the internal Oauao of Piles. That's
the reason for hp 0001000o on the most stub-
born cases. Thle modern way of treating
that Internal trouble gets results that last.
One bottle of Pyiteneis enough to prove ltd
healing power or price refudedat once.
Tbnt's our guarantee n0 matter how long
standing your Ouse may he, Your Druggist
has It; or can order It for you,
GOOD RESULTS—Every sufferer from Rheu-
motie Paine or .Neuritis should try Dixon's
Remedy. Alunro's Drug Store, 330 Elgin, Ot-
tawa, Postpaid 31.00.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dlgnlded proteeaton, good wages,
thousands sueceuoful, Unreel gsy¢uates.
America'■ greatest oyetem, Illuetr¢ibd arta.
locus free. Write or Call
868 Bloom 8t. W„ Toronto
Branches 44 Ring Bt., Hamilton
h 79 Rideau Street, Ottawa
a'ET2tSRSTONAUGE & Company Patent
Sollcitlebed 1500. 14 KinWelt.
Toronto. Bookletblof information 00 reque0t,
YOUR LETTERS mailed from Hollywood or
Los Angeles SOc each, 32.00 month. 6
questions answered $1.00. Hannon1e25
South Alameda, Los Angeles 21, California,
WANTED—All kinds of dreeeed poultrl. Top
Prices for top
Poultry Dot., 2054 a DantortCooper AeToronto
5, (We (10 custom grading).
Logs Required
WE nunexAsei Hardwood and Softwood logs
for Bush, Write Box 017, hespeler, Ontario,
How Zero Point
Was Established
Why was the zero point on the
titet'mometer put where it is? About
240 years ago the inventor, Professor
Gabriel Fahrenheit of Germany,
wanted a fixed low point and fixed
liigll point for the scale. Forcing the
temperature of water below freezing
by mixing snow and salt in equal
parts, he thought he reached the low-
est temperature obtainable on earth
eo d called that low point zero. He
then established what he thought was
the highest weather temperature and
called that 100- Now we know he
was wrong oil both counts. Weather
falls far below zero in 111e Arctic and
rises far above 100 in the deserts.
in the laboratory, the coldest tem-
per. tore we now reach is 40 degrees
below Fahrenheit's zero, The centi-
grade scale, which is in common use
throughout the world, with the ex-
ception of this country and the Brit-
ish Empire, fixes zero at the point
at which water freezes and 100 de -
grecs at which water 013110, tiro
natural cOlnstants.
Escape at 500 M.P.H.
An enlploYe of a United King-
dom aircraft firm last week made
a successful .descent from a jet
fighter flying at over 600
This is the highest speed at which
anyone has ever been ejected from
a plane. The object of the descent
was to test new apparatus invented
by the head of a United .Kingdom
aircraft fine.
Immigration Expert
Porins and all documents Drepunsd for
admission to Canada of Overseas Din.
placed Persons 0r refugees, No Charge
on first enquiry. 'Foca moderate. Will
visit your area If sufficient en
quieten in your locality. 22 years with
Immigration Deportment. Verne:.
1050 Bn.lburst St., Toronto 14
You Will Epley Stewing lit
The St. Regis Hotel
16 Every Boom With Tub Bath,
Shower and Telephone
• Single, 03.50 and un—
Double, .04.60 up
• Good hood, Dining and Danolne
Sherbouroo at Carlton
Tel. RA, 411)6
FURNISHED $1.50 up
9/'Penetrates /Stimulates
deep into bran- chestnndbaeksur•
chief tubas with (ores likes warm.
spacial soothing tog, comforting
medicinal vapors, poultice,
This effectivexspecial pene-
trating -stimulating action
works for hours during the
night to relieve distress of
colds while your little one
sleeps. Results are so good
often by morning most misery
of the cold is i��
relieved. Try
it tonight! `VAPoRus
ISSUE 43_1947
By Ardour Pointer