The Seaforth News, 1947-06-05, Page 3CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED A BUSINESS of your ownl Want,m com- fortable yearly Income? John 17. eressy. Company, manefacturcre of food speuialtlea, flavouring extracts, naelcaged drum:, seam,. Patent . medlbinee, etc„ have an attractive• proposition for thoso who can qualify for' one of she exclusive Cressy dealerships witch 'are now a0allable, This Is a pleasant, profitable occupation ,for progressive, ndustrious- men' and women.,'Wrlto today for full particulars; • giving a few details Obout yourself, to: • John R, Cressy Omnpan7,-12:86 S5'. Dundee`. St. West,: 'Toronto 3, Ontario. i READY MONEY 8-11arn 7110 010113'. Snec- tacular time, saver sells on.: olght, 'Exoiu- sive terrltorlea your area. Write National Oferchutdising Service, 6 Temple Ave,, ;Tor - on to, DUSINESS 01'PORTUNIT,IES MR. WOOL GROWER Wo operate a Government Licensed Wool Warehouse, and are prepared to 'handle your wolf either :direct or through our collectors. ', You'con apply' all or Datil. of your wool credit against blanket purchases,We do not handle usedwoollens nor customs work. THESTRATHROY. WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED Strathroy, Ontario • MEN,be your own 'boas, Write for tree folder deeerlbtng our "collection of -137 pinna for operating a successful buslneso of your atm." 'Start la full' or spars time at hone, ..No personal netting, Little or no Investment re• quitted. , Send for your copy today. National Business' Enterprises, 474 : Colbourne St„ London, Ont, BABY TJICRS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED .CHICKS Our price. for Baby. Chicks and started Chicks will surprise you. •- Alt 0htcks from blood tested stock. Carleton Hatchery. Britannia Heights, Ont. EIGHT REASONS' why June hatched chicks Pay. 1. They out bo raised- with big env - Inge 111 fuel cost. 2, They rotative lesswork and less feed. 3. They are cheaper to. ,buy. 4. You can start more chicks ,per colony house. F. Very. little chance of 'winter moult. 6. They should lay for 10 months. 7, Cock- erels will be ready for Xmas. 8, Good de-, mendfor eggs and Mont assured. If you haven't ordered, Just do en now. Egg ceilings are -oft and we look for higher egg .and uelltry prices,' In ouropinion it maths like 'a good year to have your houses filled with laying pullets. We have 12.,pure bl'eeda and 12 hybrid crosses to ohoo(0 from. Can glee Prompt delivery on day old and two and three weep old chicks. Also older pullets eight Weeks to laying. Send for reduced June prlcellat, Also free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Penne, Ontario. HEAVY'. BREED Capons for onle,4 weeks old, 80e each, 26%n must accompany order. George Wood, Victoria Poultry. Plant, Lind - sae, Ont. • - 9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11c Sussex X New Hamps. Rock X Hamot.. Barred Rocks, Nev Homes.. Rock 3 Leg- - horns, .Sussex X Leglmrns, New Hemp X Leghorn, end Pero Leghorne 11e, Pure Sus- sex 120, Assorted Nixed Chicks 00., HURONDALE PULLETS 19c All heavy breed pullets I9c, atter June lot iTo.. Medium Breeds and Leghorn, 21c. nit• • sorted Pullet. 17c. Heavy Breed Cockerels- • 3000 BREEDERS All" double bloodte$ted, banded and culled' by lnspectprs, backed,' lay high pedigreed founda- tion stock. lida04..cuitiornere report 000(10r- fu1 emcees.BAS Y.Qh epee IEver Had." STARTED'1'jHICKS AND. PULLETS R WEEKS TO6. WEEKS OLD. 2 weeks add 40. 8 weeks add IOe, 4 iveek0 add 15% 6 weeks add 200, 6 weeks old pul- lett. 300, 100% .hvo delivery. guaranteed, 51.00 per. 100 deposit on flay. olds, 10% on started orders.. Order from and ENCLOSE tine nd, HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat type New Hamm 6r, all other heavy breeds 045e. A,sorted heavy Cox 64.e.: Rock X. Leghorn Sussex X -Leghorne 25c, •Day. old. Cox only. Hurondale Chick Hatchery, • LONDON. ONT. IF YOU want July -August broiler ehleke, please order now. For humedlate delivery we have some started chicks, 2-3 . weeks old. Also dayolds, pullets, non-aexod and cndo;r. els.. Write for prlcetst. Bray lathery. 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont... CHICK bargains -for thla week aoti next, Barred Rocks, Ntw' Hnuliehh'es, NOW. Ramp• shire 'x Barred Rock, White flock Light Sussex. Light Suttee:: x New Hann:sl he. nen- sexed 00.91. pullets 16.95, cockerels ,07.00.. Assorted heavy Breeds Inn -sexed $8.05,: (nn Iota; 516,00, ,rocitere0 87.01. Assorted White Leghorn x' Barred 1lociks 8222.90,White Leg horns 05e.' Two week old ltd(: 56,00.three week odd add 711.00 mer. bemired.` Shipped Q.O.D. This advertisement moat- ntausuany Your order to •receive these :mettle! nrir00. Also eight week -old_ pulletsto laying. 7'bp. Notch Chielrerioo, iluclph, Ontario. . LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c Same high quality et these low- Prices. Here's Your npporterilty to get this high (entity atoelt . at :these reasonable pr'ices, Pure S30sex, Sus. sex' X New Hemp.. -Barred Rocks, Roel, x New Ramps.. New. Hamra., Sussex X Leg- horne. Rock X Leghorns, New Ramps, • X Leghorns, Largo Type White Leghorne mixed 212 00 per. 100. Assorted Allred 010,00 ocr • LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c A11 day -old pullets 220e. Started Pulletsand mixed chicks, Two wee110 old add Oc. 3 week. old add. Inc.. 4 weeks 01d 'add 10c, 4 "week old Pullets 46c 0001*, 6 week old Pullets 600 each. BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 Breeders. All double bleed tested, bonded and culled for body type; mad ruggedness. Hgtohed under Ideal. condition% - "Beet Chicles we ever had; Pullets. are laving' swell, cockerels gond size+' from Lincoln '. t,ueeke; `Eden Grove. Ont. "Never had such good luck with pul- lets." repovte Erne0t: 0. Barnhardt, Hawke, atone, .Ont Order from this ad. or send (or Price Litt.:nnd. Catalogue and full particulars. - To receive these prices' enclose this ed. with. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein. Bros., tEseter,. Ontario. SPECIAL for June.' Menus' Cox, 06.00 Per 100, Barred Rock, N.H. Red, Sussex. Red X Sussex, hybrid 'rockred'hybrid pullets. 510.00 per 100. Leghorn pullets. ..324.00. immediate shipment, order from this nd,,,or write for circular. Big Rock Farm, 1111110' Roches. .Ont. 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Also mixed chicks and cockerele, All raised In brand new air-condltinned brooder plant under Ideal' conditions, `-Send, for preel(17 Bimetal Llst of 'started' chicks;: Loi(evlew Poultry harm. Exeter. Ontario. -.. WE CAN give prompt delivery. 'on' two mW three week old pullets and non -sexed chicks and two well; old cockerels In thefollowing breeds Barred Rocks. New Hanlilshirea, New" H,u0Pohire X Barred Rock, Light Susses, White Rook X White Leg11 •n. '•Light Sussex 31 .Nets. Hampshicca,; Black Minorca X 'White' Leghorn. Light Susses X. ,Barred, 6105th. •You will catchup withthese well started chicks. .Send, for encdal prlcellet. Also older- pullets' eight weeks to laying.-' TwedOle -Chick, link-' •eherlee Limited Fergus. Galati% READY MADE CAPONS It pays to raise Capons, T310. Price of Capons Is approximately 10 Ib, higher than the price ,of cockerels. We canonize the cocke'el° at 0 weeks- and tend the ready made Capons ,out at 4 70001(0, nofl(sa no trouble. Send for Price List 'and full enAleutnrs. Prompt delivery If You Act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm - wein Bros:, Exeter, Ontario. 11 ' BATTIRLOOM. OUTFITS CARLOAD_ �0f Imported Bathroom Outfit, FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE Consisting of: TU1:' 6'' recess. Cunt iron porcelain avlth. chrome fittings:. :Shower mod Shower Rod. TOILET. iwo-nlece vitreous shin: with 'sent and cover. BASIN: Vitreousnet asst Iron, Otranto centre. ' :rater supply and fittings,. complete. AVAILABLE In lots of ono to ten outfits (3 -Bites unite) or Tubs and Basins (with fittings) 8ml:irate:Y. SINGLE unit inquiries will be handled through a reliable Meier im your district. ' Write to: H. J. PARR & COMPANY Importers -• Wholesale Distributers P.0, 'nor 6A'1. London, Ont. '- DYEING SAND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything neeo0 . dyeing or clean-.. Ing') Write to ua'. for Information, We are Clad to answer your geestlonn. Department• 17,.,. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Tense Street. Toronto, Ontario, "mots FOR SALE 100 ACRES, poultry, grain and trult farm 4n high state of cultivation, 4n Souta Grime; by: .new house, modern buildings, halt mile from main highway, stone road to door. will sell separate or equipped. Owner has another business. " st0,000' cask or terms. Write or apply to 'Iierry Smithere' Jr., 0rassle,- Ont, OETJC7(EN farm, Immediate possession, --6 acres of rich loam, 7 -room house, sun -room, garage,' bank - barn,double=decker chicken house; hydro throughout; swimming pond; half 00110 Dem highway. stores and school, 52600.00 down, balance easy„- Apply J. Har- rison: ELK, -leo. 1. Goodwood, Ontario. TOR SALE. BILLFOLDS. genulno black leather, four Windows, change 00060, -stamp 700koto, zip. 00,'- *100118, 54.00 delivered. .Money refunded guarantee,. Williams Mall Order House, Box 336, Toronto. - c_..•. ARC -WELDING MACHINES Electrl. or Gasoline driven - Alliance Elec. tric Works, 1.081 Beaver Hall Hill- Montreal, or write nearest office,. Hail fns, Rouyn. Winnipeg, Toronto.- ' ATTENTION 1,886118110 FOR SALE -Tractor Tlresr made or rubber. :tunable for bolting on_ steel wheels, 516 00 each. rear wheels; 87 50 each, front wheels When orderingstate diameter and width 01 wheels, teatime] Rubber fin Idd . 6 .. Wilt. shire, Ave,, Tor"Onto. Ont BALED SHAVINGS FOR SALE. haled soft :'end e610010 s.: raw load lots only. Write Phoo Produrls,..P0 Box 75 Montreal 2 - BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Agrloultural Insecticides, =brays. powders, disinfectants,."deodorants, eclentiflcally for- mulated for beat rekulie, For inform!tdnn and prices write Cenadinn Distributors Ltd.. 364 Niagara St,, Toronto. CHESAPEAKE nay retrieve" pupates, chain - Mon bloodlines act quietly" if you :,Pant one; this ,litter will not last long. ' W. 10. Brennan, Box 914-E,Noranda, Quebec. AIR COOLED GAS ENGINES Alliance Elerlric. 1081 Beaver' Hall H111. Montreal• nr write nearest office - Halifax. Rouyn. Toronto. Winnipeg, COLD storage and :teat market. With all Modern equipment. - including a slaughter house :and whnlosele ,ioence .and 1V.P.T,B. ,7terhp, Building-nal-c'n(rnts practically new. ,00 000rt Brown. Tup7erbille; Ont.: ELECTRIC MOTORS A.C. OR D.C. 0-32-110-650 volt. Large stock -Alliance Elec. OK. '1081 Denver Hall Hill, ?denten] or nrnr- est office Halifax, Rou1•n. Tomnntc, Win. nlpeg Vnneouvor, FAST SELLING OH Burner. l7ied(•Iu Blower Tyne. can bm'n wood, coal or nit aiwtime, no changing. necessary, all te'ritoric,, open. Also plumbing fixtures. avrtilable. Inform - Don for ahunp. Economy Dieleibuloro, I:i110- 0ton,. Onto,,, -0 For Machinery Contact Milgrom Electric Limited Electric. Prover Drills 1 1.' ! , and Via" capacity. Mins 8' circular saws. OeIia. Abrnolvo Cul Off Saw complete with motor. and rubber abrasive disc, 61 rind 10" 00011 Dearing Cut -Off Sews Drill, Presse,, nand Saws Deaver Jig Now with 21 throat. 4. " end 0" Jolnfern, Portable 100Amp. 110 Volt. Electric: Weider. Factory Dtstl'ibutora for Logan Ololnl Cutting LAlhr„ and Shapers. Complete stock of 2i and 60 cycle mal ors. Just revolved n shipment of new 1'4 nod 1 /.3 67.P. Motors. .Write NOW for deters, NfILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street West Harhllton, Ontlr o, FOR SALE -('sed Heating Plaut for sale in Tlest dnsy condition -Taylor -Forbes Clear Boller No. 001,1, also stocker end Map -only been In use a fete : years, suitable for fan•Io large bulldltig.. :1.200 gallon' hot water took and n number of -showers )vub 061 connections 151,1, litdi. vidual onbinela, For partly:dere write (201,001. Chepman,- Mitchell. now 262. GASOLINE POWER. UNITS 55 HORSE POWER Chryeier In ill V'lul 00Wer enite enmph'le:. with radiator cooling, eleetrle-starting and battery. heavy' duty clutch and power take oft Avail able tram smelt, Write Atlas Polar -Co Ltd.. - 617.Jah Je St„ Toronto, nr I 97 OIneltay Street Montreal HE.AN 1 M0L1TA11Y taunt wlmnnn, send for ' circel00, Porey'. .. 7. nnrbriclgc. Ilnnm 105 Plaza 01110,, bltewn, Ont. NEW 900/,13 GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES-CWU0n; !'or 8 am•t Army trucks. Ially guaranteed Large' stork other hew Army 1 deli tires, Pali Ilne 07 retreaded (lees, firestone tread design. Deniers • wanted, City Tire --and' Datteu' Co..708 Pueen went,. Toronto 011.S, Orr,ses,. .tires, Ineecrledes. Eloecrtr Fence 'Controllers.. Rause and Barn Pe int Root Coatings. -eta. Dealer. wenlyd Wrll• Karce Grease & 011 Limited. Toronto PLANT NOW,: Premier Strawberry - Plante; Long hen1(111' roots 82,00 hundred: 314;00 thousand, prepaid: Seely A Ellis, Slntnford Centre, Ont. ' -POTATO GROWERS be sure to see ,11,. New Holland potato 'hap vaster. Dlge and bags your ,croe 00 000 machine.' Ivan' Harlin, 0( Jacobs, .Ont .00 Y010IlO60TI1111S select bacon type 10:0108, 1 weeks 060.00,• 6 'weeps 000.00. 7 0001,0 0101,00 or 10 chunks 0130.00. Shin any'-. where In Canada., Iiarold Lanier, Troakois, Ontario. POIILTRY. 0witchesl Immediate delivery. General Time. Recorders. 03 Church St,. Toronto. .. '1AXIDERO0Y-Cattle horns - mode Into at- tractive halo or gun .racks; birds mid . -ant male mounted. Write for. prices. Reindeer Taxidermy Slab. Dalkeith. Ont.: STORE EQUIPMENT Trnded•In,. 000lplWing .airs. mea slicera. .electrle meal.' choppr:a, er. Berkel Products Co, Limited. 210)- Bider W. Toronto: TIRES• We are ottersrocited at. the present of good used trade-in th'e. (guaranteed' to be In ex- 0011001 °Impel, • 600 K 16 - 00 A11 orders 0hhiped C.D.D.' Special equipment for vulcanising Truck •and FarmTrnrlo Tires.. 00111(ON' TIRE corner :Dune,, and loll[ Ste., . Hamilton.. Ont Oran RIO'S OIOSr 010DE1511 IPQUIPPED 'lint 22I0P 1)enle•s Want rd 1 WN001) Planers. Jointers, Wood Shapers, 11' Band Stns Brills Portable Sanders. If you need one write: OHM Machinery. P.O. Box 273, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE 6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS complete with tower - ';48.00. Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall Hill. Montreal, or write nearest office - Hallfax, 0011311, Tor. Onto, Winnipeg. LIGHTING PLANTS "CCYCLOITM". LIGHTIN(4 PLA'1',TS-300 to 8600 watts, .A.C, or D.C. Alliance Electrlo 'works Limited, 1081 Beaver Hall Hill, Ofont real or nearest office=Hallfax, Rouyn,- -Tor onto, •Winnipeg,. FARM MACHINERY TRACTOR 'PLOWS, Cultivators, Grain ' Blnd ere (horse and tractor drawn). Alr-cooled Engines, American Separators and Milking hieehlneo. American- Separator 50200, 00(1' ednh, Ontario, HA(RDR•ESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Academy. 187 Ama- nita. vn-nits. Road, . Toronto. HELP WANTED -' MARRIED COUPLE wanted, cookand' house- man for country residence on bus line near Brampton. _Private Quartette. high wages. no laundry. Telephone 99, Brampton, or write Mrs. W. L, Gibson; MEDICAL TRY ITl Every sufferer' 01 Rheumatic Pains or ,Neuritle should try Dixon's Remed>., Munro's Drug Store, 936 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 21,00. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torment when Breenatone of- fers Prompt lasting relief. Ono .month.' treatment 51.00 postpaid. Indian .Remedies. 6002 118, Vancouver.. GOOD RESULTS' - Every sufferer from Rheumatic Painsor Neuritis should "try Dlsonp Remedy, Iilunro's Drug Store, 886 Elgin, Ottawa. .Postpaid 51:00.. TO EASE that horrible pain caused • by meth, title use 'Bora Liniment', Large bottle 11.20. 0,0 Boz 414, Stint John, N.B. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor -Lint' of 1n6en. done and full Information sent .free. The Ramsay (:o,. Reelstered Pa leni-Allnrneys 173 Bunk Street.: Ottawa OPPORTUNITIES FOR 1V(IO1900 BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEA 1.0 NO S('11001, Great Opuort unity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, cone wages thousands '0000006101 610,001 000(600100 A meelca'et grew test system 11104)0ted mita logue free. Write or. Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCI•IOOLS. 368 Moor St '.w , eoronlo Br0nthr•e 44 Ling St.. tlamlllon & 74 Rideau Street, Oltawn PATENTS F ETHEIISTUNAUGH 0 Company Patent Solicitors Estanl18110E1 181E0 14 telnu .West l0tunte Isanklet of Inrormallon on request runSONAL NOT (GOOD enough for Heaven, loo good for Hell , Free literature. Frank & Ern- est 166 E. 7111 Ave., ,Vancouver, IRC. PHOTOGRAPHY ROLLS PRINTED AND DEVELOPED 25c - J.enrintg 3e each • BY. CANADA'S 'MOST COMPLETE " PHOTOGI7Ar%Iic SERVICE: A\SCO .COLOR ROLLS PROCESSED • 21.20 EACH Print on. Color Enlargements prices on request Pull Stock of Anse: Film al. regolnr 11000 COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 6:. Station D. Toronto SATISFIED CUSTOIV'E.RS 1,11 0e0 vaned,. RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE t -0U g0; 0(5,'t "snaps" •01111 prompt Helene • (ram Ili!, pin, reliable attlain. AN1 SIZE ROLL f, el -k -x111011(10 OI' 11101 IID tied PRINTED ger Ropignis Cant yout negatives 4r ". mounted enlargements I x 03; 1- En• In igen 01(10 Trollied 7. z 0 In cent sott r Walnut or Rim* Flambe 74,, 11 menu'* colored 040 -Prints and epinlOemrnle mad' irnm 01-1010 of loot 0 ,:eit,00 Ih'pt, Al STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 110)s 110. PUS'1 IIV1•'10E A.'TOIDIN'l'O •:TANTE') Sr AZ:TI:D-All :chide or dreest'd Poultry Tel prices 10, lop Millsl. Joseph Perna', lapped PeUllry 00111 . 2064 Don lorib Ave. Tlrnmt e (We du custom. grtvllligl. ., Will: Lighter Wick VW iil: 1'ot„ UI•n Out Pt sounds like a contradiction, but it is true -a lighter 'wick which buries, but will not burn out. :\ fade from glass fibre, it is the first time it has been successfully produced anywherein the world, and is a_ United ICing'doni development which might never have occurred, load it not been for the war in the tropics. Troops in the lrar East found that ordinary cotton wicks were quickly eaten away by termites -often even before they 'Wire issued from stores. At the .request of B'ritain's. Ministry of Supply, the oldest firm of lighter manufacturers in Britain wa6• asked to provide sontctSing that would defeat the termites. They did -and discovered that, in addi- tion to this anality, the wick would not burn away or deteriorate. Thus once it. has been fitted in a lighter,_ it never.needs replacing, or even lifting tip. ISSUE 23-1947 Sports And One, Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") If some fight promoter put into .'. the ring a boxer trained to the min- ute and then,, for his opponent, picked out from the audience some- body about the same size and weight, you'd naturally think it was highly ridiculous procedure, Even we sports fans- - - notoriously the world's softest pushovers - would • probably grumble over anything so unfair. Yet • that is practically what we see nowadays in our premierdac- ing fixture,.The King's plate, (Arta by the may, did you hear about the American visitor to Wood- bine who, when told the race ams -for the ...King's Plate, wanted to know whether it was, the upper or lower't ) * * 41 Even in the best of seasons, horses forced to do all their training in Canada are only about half -condi- tioned by the third week in May. With the sort of sub -Arctic Spring we revelled in this • year, most . of them were at least a mouth short of peak form. Thus an owner who . can bankroll a Southern 'winter for his Thoroughbreds- has an immense ad- vantage Over those who cannot; and if you don't believe it, just look at the, record which shows that the last four Plate winners in a row - ACARA, UTTERMOST, KING- Al2VIE and MOLDY .- all had the benefit of a southern exposure dur- ing the period when we ordinary mortals were swept by those bracing north-west breezes, . * * There's an old saying to the effect that, on the TJlrf, all men are equal - which has about as much truth in it as a lot of 'old sayings, namely precious little. Still, so' long as we make somuch ballyhoo over the tin- poi'tance of the Icing's Plate, why not either confine it to horses that have never been out of this country - or else run it when it should be run, in early Fall, when it :tight really decide which is the top Ca- nadlan-bred-not just which is the best to come out of a millionaire stable te 5: 41 111 a srhoolyard squabble, faire! o kid can't think of anything more forceful to ,say than "You're an- other" he is considered by his Pals to be extremely short on repartee; yet most of these hundred -thousand -a - year publicists for industry and Capital 39e11 10 111001k that hollering "You're a Red" constitutes ,a com- plete and perfect answer to any eritieis01 of our economic system. 41 * 1l'e have long contended there are far more thrills and action in a well - contested Heat between pacersor trotters` than in the average running - horse race; so We were glad to note that at Sarnia the other day the mobile starting gate made a success- ful Canadian debut. Like thousands of others we s'otu'cd on the harness - horse game, simply through lack of patience to endure the , everlasting "scoring" and false breaks; and anything that will do away with uc11 nuisances is a more in the right direction. 11obile starting -gates - plus night meets=has made a really big-time sport of harness -horse rac- ing south of the border, and Is liable to •do the same tiling here be- fore very long. a s m SIGNS OF HUMAN PROG- RESS: Pitying the ignorant super- s1(/on of 01w Indians' for .planting a fish, 011 each 'hill of corn, and that /failing the Moderil agricultural dis- covery that ferliliccr made from fish is wonderful for the corn crop laughing at Poor benighted grand- ma's innocent belief in mouldy - bread poultices, and then marvelling when medical aciell(/313 OM01(11ce that bread -mould contains (7fnirac- ulouus healing agent. \1'e think it was Dickens who said that the first principle of The Law is to matte business for itself; and a similar love for red 'tape seems to inspire Dur "amateur athletic au- thorities. At the pst'sent time of writing they haven't managed to de-_ ,,cide'if.Barbara Mtn Scott is elig- ible for their Olympics -yet are quite prepared to welcome the Mont- real Royals, a frankly paid -as -they - played hockey outfit. ,Tho 0013 man who ever put these amateur pests where they really belong was Cap- tain Angels Walters. Attu his FailsAgainVittorio Orlando, 88 -year-old "Victory" premier of 'World War I and sole sur- viving member of the Ver- sailles- treaty "Big Four," has again failed to form a cabinet, leaving Italy still Without a government. schooner BLUENOSE had won the deciding race in the International contest, some sea -lawyer started a protest that the Canadian vessel had gone slightly to the wrong side of one of, the buoys. Captain Walters' reply Was both snappy and to the point. "Hell, we sailed through as much dater as they 'did, so, We're going home and you can do what you like with The Cup," he said -- and and that was that Tile two highest-paid ball players - ever to don monkey -suits are Babe Ruth and Bob Feller; and it is' rather interesting to note the dif- ference in the tone or the publicity that surrounds them. .When The Babe was going good, stories about 11i1n invariably dealt with the delight he took in busting one over the fence -the size of his bellyaches after a hot -dog -and -pop orgy - his allergy to discipline, and things like that. But every article we have read regarding Feller featured just one thing - how much dough he is slaking and stowing away. Maybe those who say we're slightly money - :lad on this side of the Water aren't so far astray at that. 41 Then there was the old-timer down at the bathing -beach who re- marked "Well, these young fellows that get Married nowadays certain- ly can't complain that they didn't kl6Qta what they were g(11111g." - What Science is Doing Nematodes Long a problem of diose who plant and reap from, the soil is a little threadlike worn, rarcl}' more than a sixteenth .of an inch- long, known as the nematode. Some fanners call them wire -worms, which they are not. Others call them round worms or eel worms. They attack the roots of plants, causing them to become stunted and cutting down on the amount of feed which gar be ab- sorbed from the soil. Some 1,500 species of : plants are subject to their attacks, Truck crops are especially susceptible. Nematodes drastically reduce the production of Asia's rice fields, Europe's sugar beets, Ireland's potato fields, Java's rubber plantations, India's tea fields, and, very likely, the cabbage in your own garden. Until recently they • threatened Hawaii's pineapple indus try with extinction. But now some new soil fumigants have been developed and, according, to Dr. Robert M. Salter, chief of the bureau of plant industry of the" United States Department of Agri- culture, they "bid fair to become one of the greatest boons -to agriculture since the development of the fertil- izer." Mechanics Self-Tenglft One way to eliminate rear -end noises is to make the wife sit in the front seat. -Galt Reporter NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery SNOW PACS Tough. waterproofed leather uppers securely stitched to all -rubber bottom. Made under rigid U.S. Gov't epee(- iieatione. Come with innersoles and rawhide laces. Best weather re- sistant for hunters., lumbermen. farmers. etc. Sizes 6 to 13. Or- der reenter elate else 12 IN. (HIGH POSTPAID, Order by 0I0n-0tow1 ED,('ND C$1LEs CO.; BOX 5087 CIWCACO. ILL, Enclosed Is 1 ( ) CHECK ( ) MONEY ORDER for ,. .. Ora, SNOW PACS, size to - 88,06 each, NAME ADDRESS CITY PROP, $8.98 CL5 940145 MOsaw-toes ANTS RO7,0016 060(11105 p�pii TSE 510 DDI ACEfNSEC $URF Stainless, Ldstin0 r m =o=th tAi E000, OF a�4�(EyEk10 R E P 04 Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping ry0l 11 DEFECTIVE 0A Ar ADVERTISED 101, ,IBISQN WIT�IS%DDT U'Rfi110E IN$ECTICID� M01N0. Ili At NOA NII• 1I 11111, _ Aetna:rOet ANif :'4 • Guaranteedrby�9j'• Good Housekeeping MUTT AND JEFF -Oh Well, Jeff Never Lived Irl The Suburbs Before BY BUD FISHER MAT CPIA •DOIN', JEFF? GUS GAVE ME` SOME CORN SEEDS ro PLANT! I'M 'LISTENING- u STENING To CORN SEEPS GROW NG?. HM --JUST AS I THOUGHT! THEY CAN'T BE VERY GOOD - -TWENTY MINUTES AGO I PLANTED 'EM AND NOT A SIGN OF ANY CORN YET!