The Seaforth News, 1946-08-22, Page 3JEST IN FUN fi Lassoing Two boys spending a day in the country came upon a man fly- fishing. lyfishing. After watching him cast his line several times one of, them remarked to the other: "Oh, come on, Bill, he'll never catch anything. Hee trying to lasso Ment." Settled The strong man on a visit to Somerset rode out on horseback to challenge a farmer whose great. strength had gained him a reputa- tion. He entered the farmyard, tied up his horse, and approached the farmer. "Hey," he said, "I've heard, a lot about you, and I've come a long way to 'see which is the better man."' Without answering, the farmer seized the intruder, hurled him bodily into the road, and returned to his work. When the loser had recovered his breath, the farmer growled, "Have you anything more to say to me?" "No," was the reply, "but per- haps you'll be good enough to throw me my horse." Served Waiter: "What about, a chop Sir?" Traveller: "1 never eat chops." Waiter: "In that case, sir, din- ner is over." Meanings The small son of the house was doing his homework, and his par- ents were sitting by the fire. "What's a fiancee, did?" asked the youngster presently. "A woman who is engaged to be acarried," replied his father. "And what is a fiasco?" asked the boy next. "Oh, that's the fellow who's go- ing to marry •her." No Sunday Work The applicant handed in testi- monials from three clergymen. "We don't work here on Sun- days," remarked the employer. "Haven't you a reference from someone who sees you on week days?" Lifelike Client: "Do you think you can make a good portrait of my wife?" Artist: "My friend, I can make ft so lifelike that you'll jump every time you see it." Thoughtful The first day he went into the restaurant he ordered brown bread with his meal. The waitress brought white. The second day he ordered brown bread and again she brought white. The third day he ordered brown, and again he got white. This went on for a week. On the eighth day he decided that the only 1111- way to get what he wan' -.I was to order the opposite. So, having or- dered lunch, he added: "And bring me some white bread." "But," said the waitress, "aren't you the gentleman who always has brown?" Word for Word "But 1 thought—" began the typist. "It's not your business to think," snapped the manager. "All 1 pay you for is to take down letters word for word, without leaving bits out or adding bits of your own." That afternoon the following let- ter was brought for him to sign: "Dear Mr. Brown,—Write it " with an 'e'—pure side of course. With regard to your letter of whatever date is was, 1 can't be expected to read writing like this, f can quote you the following prices. Hi, Thompson, it's that out; eider Brownie, EIow much shall we Mick on? Twenty per cent? Make it thirty? Rightol Thirty bob, two pounds and two ten a ton. Await- ing your esteemed orders. I am, yours truly, thank goodness that's done." Out Cold When 1 hit a man he remembers it." "When 1 hit a man he's past re- membering anything." He Did Recruit: "The sergeant is always picking holes in me.", Corporal: "Well, you came here to be drilled, didn't you?" If The partners called McIntosh, the manager, into their office. • "Listen, McIntosh," said the first partner. "We find that last year's business was the best since we opened the place. We know how hard you must have worked, and as a special mark of our ap- preciation we are making out a cheque for £000 for you." The manager stammered his thanks. "Yes," went on the other part- ner, "and if nest year's bnainess is as good, we'll" sign it." FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger w+r,f3�E1'cYy£fc OM. 1944RY NlARUTILE ING T. M. p[0, 5.5. PAT. Oti • .r "Nothing to worry about, officer—I'm breaking him he with stage money!" ■ Screen Actress I to ■ HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1 Pictured 1 Meadow movie actress, 2Insect 11 Abstract being 4 Great Lake 12 Incursion 5 Sodium 13 Beam 14 Near 15 Palm lily 16 Accomplish (symbol) 6 Bismuth (symbol) 28 Any 40 Staff 7 Sums up 29 Lieutenant 42 Italian capital 8 Measure of (ab.) 43 Slang 18 Us1 area 32 Military 44 Tramp 9 Legal measure police (ab.) (slang) 19 Electrical Y0 Lixivium 33 On account 45 United Serv- engineer (ab.) 15 Golf device (ab.) ice Organiza- 20 Staten Island 17 Lubricant 34 Registered tion (ab.) (ab.) 21 Spain (ab.) nurse (ab.) 48•tlance step 21 Extra 22 Italian river 35 Jumbled type 49 Donkey 25 Pertaining to 23 Permit .36 Northeast 51 Average (ab.) law 24 International (ab.) 30 Horseback language 37 Steamship game 26 And (Latin) (ab.) 31 Temporary 27 Kind 39 Observe dwelling 320f Moorish descent 35 Plays on words 14 15 Answer to Prevloun Puzzle g .SEN IN LOCKED OUT, INe6NEOF A L T E R P T'f14 D T US ARMY S E %1D M JY 1 EV •J =; „ I TR, R 84.N EA T I AL. DIVISION 1 NEE SADDENS",P-`+'1AINN U LS POD 'ADE I -L SH,' ORjIPUT • HE TATE 53 Each (ab.) 54 Alternating current (ab.) 55 Him 8 13 38 Chessmen 40 Gets up 41 Erbium (symbol) 43 Company (ab.) 44 Bushel (ab,) 46 Daybreak (comb. form) 47 Paid notice 48 Father 50 United States of America (ab.) 52 Intend 55 Possesses 56 She is a 18 10 VOICE OF THE PRESS No Thanks I-Iowd you like to be Hungary and send your little boy down to the corner to buy a quintillion - pang , chocolate bar—if you could .,eget the chocolate bar? —Christian Science Monitor. Why Bother? We are now told that lightning travels at 22,000,000,000 miles an hour, not 22,000. In that case we're going to quit dodging. —Kingston Whig -Standard. Just As Silly A Newfoundland couple has been married in the torpedo room of a former German submarine —which is even more picturesque than a lion's den or a boxing ring, and just as silly. —Edmonton Journal. More Insecurity Chigaco man has lodged a com- plaint that his wife took his pay cheque every week, and has not given him any money for twenty- four years, Obviously she wore the trousers in their family, and simply went through her own pockets. —Windsor Star Not Mother Nature Farmers in Ontario are repor- ted to be in best hopes of a bum- per crop than they have been for many years. At least mother na- ture hasn't gone on strike. —Hamilton Spectator. No Good At All What good are higher wages if prices also go up? That's what U.S. labor leaders are asking, now the strikes are over. —Toronto Telegram THE SPORTING THING "You'd never be any good at it, Dear. You can't lie without blushing!" It's Worth Trying Falling asleep at the wheel and loose automobile car doors are two of the main causes of accidents on the highway. Why not keep awake and be more careful? —St. Thomas Times -Journal. May Be Easy—Butt A naturalist gives "simple rules for catching a skunk barehanded." But probably no simpler than you have to be to try it. —Ottawa Citizen. Very Personal Not everything improves with age. There is the world, the fancily car—and us.-- -Quebec s.--Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph. It's A Puzzle What puzzles us is why those Hollywood performers ever get married in the first place. —Brandon Sun. Brevity Is There If milady's fashions seem even funnier than usual to you this sea- son, it's probably because brevity is the soul of wit. —Kitchener Record. Not Everyone's Dish South Africa reports that the de- mand for diamonds is strong, as a hedge against inflation. That is, as strong as can be expected, con- sidering that a blue -white 5'/s -carat stone costs $13,200. —Windsor Star. Peace Argument Mr. Howe's flat statement that because of present strikes the short- age of nails presently "will prac- tically close down building con- atruction in this country" ought to be a powerful argument for indus- trial peace. If thousands of houses now being built are uncompleted when winter comes the gravity of the present housing situation will be intensified sharply. —Ottawa Journal. Hard On Nerves An American army officer wants tests of the atom bomb every six months from now on. Whether our planet's nerves can stand two narrow escapes every year remains to be seen, —Edmonton Journal. Modern Version Nowadays, when two or three peace -makers are gathered to- gether, they have to bring itt an- other peace -maker to male peace between them. —Stratford Beacon•I9craid. We're Waiting By sticking a thermometer into a cucumber, scientists have pro- ved that it is actually 20 degrees cooler inside. We still await in- structions on bow to crawl into a cucumber on a hot day, —The Emonton Journal. Missing Links Soviet spy links have been or- dered to leave Canada. Canadians who acted that way in Russia would go into the category of "missing links". BASH -COP* (Tri -basic Copper Sulphate) First time an Canada. A neutral in- soluble copper compound making an ideal spray material for fungus control on potatoes, sour cherries, tomatoes, celery, etc. Contains twice as much copper as ordinary copper sulphate or bluestone, consequently goes twice as far. Also available as a dust. •Trad,a, rh Rea'a. AY YOUR LOCAL DEALER THE SPORTING THING "—pain in my back, Doc, feels just like a knife was stuck in it!" MUTT AND JEFF—Speaking of House Painters Our Swell Pal Mutt Wasn't Hanging by His Hells By BUD FISHER OH,DEAR! KEY AND IN LOCKED OUT, I LEFT THE HOUSE MYSELFPUT G" II—WA' MYI'LL HELP YOU MRSMUTT! �ltr �.� �u �t 1 FoUND A LADDER! r�THERE I'LL CLIMB THROUGH THE UPSTAIRS WINDOW AND UNLocKTHE DooRFR0M MRS.MUTT! ARE, You °H,THANK"T YOU,JEF'6! NO• W 'LL ( > THE `LADDER F,_ ^ w CHANKS, MUTT! a s muanmo ��I- THE INSIDE! -- I 1. IV.t BACK! 1 t t ♦��(•i �C awe. oli I Y'� i• %.r v f.. 1 illi%1I1. Citi 1:`.j POP—Not Dry Reading CASE ARRIVED DOWN AT THE STATION FOR YOU, S I R THAT MUST BE Ti -!OSE LIBRARY BOOKS r rb I GRDEIaED r 1 AND WILL YOU SEND DOWN SOON SIR ? ONE OF THEM IS LEAVINO By J. MILLAR WATT thelu4lol by Thu sell a; ntniW, 14c.1 REG'LAR FELLERS—Making of a Hero' PRETTY t GOOD TO YOURSELF AREN'T YOU? IVO SELF SACRIFICING FOR YOU EH• ��� Pl tiE H.�' GIMME A TRIPLE RICH VANILLA SUNDAE WITH -TWO INCHES OF CHOC'LATE. SYRUP AN' MARSI4MELLER, HEAPED WITH SLICED BANANAS L AN' A CHERRY ON TOP! ORDERING - i A DISH LIKE. • tl� -11-IAT WI-1ILE PEOPLE / IN OTHER COUNTRIES ARE GOOD AN' -1 i-IUNGRY! )' YESSIR.,- /11AC AR -T1 -1U 1 WOULD SUPS Ii= PROUD OF YOU! , 1 WAKE UP, ITS TO0 LATETO t CHANGE THAT , I ORDER'f�!�Sj ` �J By GENE BYRNES NEVER. MIND` 'MAT CHERRY ON TOP!