The Seaforth News, 1946-03-07, Page 1The Seaforth Ne
WHOLE SERIES; VOL, 69, No, 10"
b 1 a 3s
Tuckersmith Municipal Council Fifteen delegates from the Huron .The officers and directors of the The Municipal Veterans' 1?ace
County Hog Producers attended, Seaforth AgricuItw al Society for1
the first Annual meeting of the 1946 are 'es follows: Honorary Presi- tion Committee, met in l the Town
Association at the Royal York dents, Messrs W. S. Broadfoot, .Hunt Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday even -
Hotel in- Toronto on March 1st, Wm, plu'ey . Snell, W, H. Golding, M. p,,1 mg, March 2nd, and furthered ai-
Turnbull, Brussels, Chas, • Coultes, Dr. Hobbs Taylor, M.L.A., J. J. Chile
ents for
reception to be
Belgrave, Bert Lobb, 'Clinton, W, V. Dr. 1 . Harburn. President, Mr jteld onMaach18th
J. Mt, Active Ser -
Roy, Londesboro, Tom ' Metcalf, Govenlock;; First Vice -President Rus-` vice Personnel of World War II.
Wingham, Earl McDonald, Lucknow sell Bolton; Second Vice -President, The: date for such reception was
but as council felt a an ey Melville Dennis, Bluevale, Ronal' Mr. Arthur Nicholson; Secretary- definitely set for March 18th and
Township 'should instigate any pro- Coultes, Wingham, Ignatius O'Leary, Treasurer, Mr. Clarence Trott; Au- will take the form of a Dinner in the
ceedings in regard to this complaint, Seaforth, Alfred Warner, Bayfield, ditoia Miss Mary Johnston, Mr. D, H: first Presbyterian and North Side
Wilson; Directors, Messt•a N. Russell' United Churches in Seaforth after
the clerk was instructed to advise Arnold Jamieson, Clinton, Jim Simp program has
her that theywould co-operate with soil, Kirkton, Harold Montgomery, Davold e, c B. GMre. J. M. Scott, which r excellent
:Staple Tow-nshi when such action Goderich, HenrySc'hilbe, Dashwood, Harold Jackson, Mrs, fobs Hille been arranged to take place in Carce
y p brecht, Messrs. Allister Broadfoot,' no's Hall to be followed by a dance
was taken. Zeck Ryan, Seaforth, Robert 'Campbell, Robert McMillan, to the music of Bert Worth and his
The Plowmen's Association was Chas. W. NleCrinnis of Iroquois, Elgin Nott, Oliver Anderson, W. Gla- CICNK Ambassadors from Wingham..
given a. grant of $125. to assist in Ontario President of the Association •e1, 0 • t 1 k f d t•
met In the Town Hall, Seaforth,
March 2nd at 2 pan.. for the regular
monthly meeting, with member's
Chas. MacKay, Roy Pepper and Gor-
don Richardson present and Reeve
Arthur Nicholson in the chair,.
A letter regarding drainage com-
plaint of Eliza Waldron . was read
f 1 that Stanley
cost of the International Plowing
Only ode tender was received for
crushing and hauling gravel in 1946
which was accepted. This tender; by
Wilson McCartney, stated a 35e
rate for crushing in the Murray Pit,
a 30e rate for crushing in the Allen
I'it, a rate of 40c per yard for
trucking up to 5 miles in the Murray
Pit and 7c per yard mile six miles
and over in the Murray Pit and a
rate of 35c per yard for trucking up
to 5 miles in the Allen Pit and 7c per
yard mile six miles and over, An
amount of $75.00 was named for
moving and setting up crusher.
John Trerneer of the Hensall
Agricultural Society requesting' as -
in addressing the gathering of throe ci I wing o ae o accoxntno a ton
Associate Directors: Messrs Dr. it was decided that it would be im=
hundred producers stated it was a John Turnbull, Ray Holmes, J, F. ,possible to include any but Active
happy occasion, as Hog Scheme was Daly, George Ferguson, E• P. Chesney,! service Personnel for the"dinner.
about to' be put into effect and sties James McIntosh; 1. O'Leary, Arthur; However, a limited number of guest
sed the responsibility, this will en Wright, Frank Reynolds, Elmer Cam-, tickets will be issued to the Veterans
tail, You are part of a big industry emu. s, H. Whitmore, Irwin' Trewar=-j and it is expected that their parents
known over the entire world, said tha, George Wheatley, Ebner Dennis, and wives will be given these tickets
the 'speaker. It has grown to be a Arthur Devereaux, Gordon McGavin, •
in order that they may attend the
program and dance. Lists appear be-
low for the four municipalities of
Seafoeth, Tuckersmith, McKillop and
180 million dollar export business, John Powell, Guy Dorrance, T. L. Bell,
and is vital to our national economy. William Dale, Arnold Jamieson, Ross
Present bonuses are consumers honu- McGregor, John Coyne, Joe Atkinson,
ses'not producer, said Mr. McGinnis Joint Armstrong, Leonard Leeming, Hibbert and the genera] public is.
and future help to our industry, W. L. Whyte, Robert McKerchet, asked to scrutinize these tilts :cry
must be on a quality basis. 'ion me Fred Carbert, Fergus Stapleton, Hir- r irefully and to notify the secre-
entitled to full cost of production, cum Blanchard, John McIntosh. Peter `
plus, a reasonable profit for your Moifet, Mrs:A. Porteous, Mrs. Mar- tory, E. P. Chesney, R. R. a Sea -
product. gale Hay, Miss Thelma Buie, miss forth, phone 652 r 31, of any er••ors
The Secretary's report showed a Jean Scott, Mrs. Paul Doig, Mrs, Gor- or omissions in order that no name
00 million dollar industry in Outer- don McKenzie, Miss Eleanor Storey, mill be omitted.
sistance for their Fair was given a id, and last year we in this province Mrs. Wilfred Coleman. Messrs. A.
grant ox po
Edward Boyes, who has been op-
erating township grader, was hired
at a straight salary of 5129.00 per
month to act as grader operator and
for other work when the grader is
not required.
Harold Finnigan was appointed
as a representative of Tuckersmith
Township to the Scott Memorial
Hospital Board.
Accounts were passed as follows:
Relief, $56.45; Grants, $160.: Insu-
lin, $5.27; Roads, $424.37; Salaries,
5100.00; Postage, $5,00; Travelling
Expenses, 525.00.
Council adjourned to meet on
April 64h, at 2 p.m.
5. ' produced 39% of all hogs marketed Whitney, C. Trott, Elmer Cameron,
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 am., Sunday School.
11 a.m„ "The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper."
7 p.m., "The Inwardness of the
Christian Religion."'
Thursday, 8 p.m„ Precommunion
We welcome every worshipper.
in the Dominion, Mr, Turin -non, Ont- W • II evict'',
ario Secretary stated that 07% of Fall Fair 'committees for 1946 are
all B-1 hogs, were placed in that as follows: the first name mentioned
grade by improper feeding and it in each group acting as chairman.
was not the fault of the hog. 50* Horses=Messrs. Elgin Nott, Elmer
were too fat. and 17% were either Dennis, W. S. Broadfoot, F. Coyne,
too heavy or light in weight. William Dale, Albert Harrison, Ross
Colonel Kennedy, Minister of McGregor:
Agriculture gave the following fig- Beer Cattle—Messrs. Oliver Ander-
-urea representing millions of pounds son, N. Russell Dorrance. J L, Boll,
of bacon shipped to Britain during Robert Campbell, James F. Scott, Dr.
44 and 45, each figure representing John Turnbull.
e three mouth period. 1 Dairy Cattle — Messrs.' Leonard
•1944 245 182 66 160 Leeming, Irwin Trewartha, James
1945 145 100 45 107 Nlclntosh, Frank Reynolds, Peter
We can readily see the ineohsis- Simpson,
tancy of our supplies and the tee_ Sheep—Messrs, Allister Broadfoot,
nlendous drop in production, This is H. Snell, Guy Dorrance, Arnold garn-
et -1y the bacon ration :in Britain has ieson.
had to be reduced from six ounces Hogs—Messrs. J. Powell; R. Mc -
to 4 ounces Millan, ArthurDevereaux, Russell
Coleman. '
Poultry—Messrs. W. Glazier, A.
LLOYD --GREEN - Moore, Alfred Copeland, William Bell,
A very pretty wedding took place Ignatius O'Leary.
on Saturday, February 23rd, at 2 Hall Exhibits—Messrs J. M. Gov -
o'clock at the home of the bride's enlock, H. Snell, Dr. F. Harburn E.
mother, 87 Owen St., Barrie, when B. Goudie, W. S. Broadfoot.
Doreen Orothea, only daughter of Domestic Needlecraft— Mrs. Mar -
Mrs. Jennie Green and the late Clar- garat Hay, Miss Eleanor Storey.
ence Gi.•een, became the bride of Sports And Attractions—Messrs.
Wesley Lloyd, youngest son of Mr. Russell Bolton, Arthur Nicholson,
and Mrs, M. Lloyd, Clinton, Ont. George Wheatley, Elmer Cameron,
Rev. S. E. Lewis of Collier St. Unit- GW.
Crich, Harolcl Jackson, Ed -
ed Church, officiated at the caro, win P Chesney, Allister Broadfoot,
Ray Holmes.
pink and white streamers and flow-
ers. The wedding march was played School
E. B. Goudie, Robert Mc -
by Mrs. Ross Biddwell of Barrie. The Kercher, Ab. Whitney, Mrs. Frank
Me -
bride given in marriage by her
grandfather, Wm. Lockhart was in a ey
Storr, Mrs, Paul Doig, Mrs. Gordon
fioor•length gown of white mMcKenzie.
Grounds and Property—Messrs
Bette over satin with high neckline J 5I. Scott, J. M. Govenlock, Russell
and full skirt. Her finger-tip veil of Bolton, E. B. Goudie Elgin Nott,
embroidered net fell from a halo Oliver Anderson, Allister eirnad'foot,
headdress caught with flowers. She Publicity—Messrs, J. :YI. Scott, W.
atony which took place under arch o
-. Anglican wore the gift of the groom a string. l Whyte, Clarence Trott, A. Y. Me-
-Mar. 10th. First Sunday in Lent: of pearls and carried a cascade Lean, Oswald Snowdon.
Thomas',St. •Seaforth; bouquet of red Bettertime roses. The Farm Machinery—Messrs Gordon
10 a.m., daySe 'School bridesmaid, Miss Joyce Tyndale, Tor McGavi11, J P. Daly, John Bach,
11 a.m. Holy _Communion; "Lenten onto, cousin of the bride was in a William G. Wright, William Teall.
Opportunities, floor -length dress of powder blue Women's Institute—Misses Thel-
7 pan. Evening prayer; "The Great net ansilk jersey with a sweet ma El ie, Flora Durmin, Mrs. Wil
Example. heart neckline, wearing a halo of fred Coleman.
blue frilled net. She carried a bou- Domestic Science — Miss Jean
St. Mary's, Dublin: quer of pink Briar Cliff roses. The Scott Mrs, A• Porteous,
3 p.m. Holy Communion: "The Great groom was supported by Ray Green, Floral ]Exhibits—Mrs. John Hille-
Example." brother of the bride. The groom fa- Brecht
vours to; the bridesmaid was a gold Ticket Committee— Messrs. J. M.
Rector: Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. 'compact, to the pianist, gold ear- Govenlock, •,George Ferguson, C.
rings, to the best man a silver cig- Trott.
First Presbyterian Church 1 arette case. A reception was held Baby Show :Mrs, Gordon MclCen-
10. a.m., The Sunday, School .......... following the ceremony when a dain-yie Jean Scott.
11 `a.m., Morning, Worship: ;The ty buffet luncheon was served by , Miss Crop Competition —Messrs.
Misses Dorothy Tyndale,
oforon t McMillM, srs-
Chr7. p. ., ne of Sin'. F• E. Goudie, Robes
a e the Evening
Worship: ' Bles- to. M'arini s Ben Blanche best McKetchel,
sed are day: Meek''. and Frances Brennan of $rs. un- Domestic Science, Section N., Miss
Thursday Evening at 8: The der the supervision ys. Mrs. Amy Seam Scott, Mrs. A• L. Porteous,
Quiet Hour: A series of'six Lenten Bates assisted by Mrs. 1VIcC abe, Mrs, Ladies Work, Section P., Mrs.Services to be held' in the Sunday Wm. Lockhart, grandmother of the Margaret Hav, Miss Eleanor Storey,
room. bride wearing amethyst crepe dress
with wedding cake was a.
are reminded' of the World's Day of poured tea. Thati n inade b the Floral Exhibits, Section S., Mrs
Prayer service to be held in North- four -tiered cre o y John Floral
side United Church on Friday, Mar, bride's mother. The mother of the Children's e
8 at 3' p.m. bride was gowned in mauve crepe
with matching accessories and cor-
Egmondville United Church sage of spring flowers The happy
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D., couple leaving for points in West-
10 nr Sunday School ern Ontario, the bride donned a wind
School Dairy Products, Section M., Mrs.
The women of the congregation 'th corsage of pink carnations Frank Storey.
Department — Mrs.
Paul Doig, Mrs. Gordon McKenzie. neth Eaton, Ralph Davidson, Wilharn excellent health.
InstituteDisplay—Miss r McClure, George 1We-
a. .,
11 a.m,, "The Sensitiveness of swept mustard gold crepe dress,
green top 'coat with brown 'accessor-
men's ies and corsage of red roses. On their
return they will make their home
near Clinton.
un -Fist."
7 p.m., "The Test of
works." .
The March meeting of the Ladies
Aid of First Presbyterian Church.
was field on Tuesday, March 5, in
the basement of the church with a
splendid attendance. Mrs, H. Scott
presided. Mrs. Geddes was pianist.
The meeting opened by singingtha
hymn followed with prayer by
president. The- secretary, Mrs. the MacTavish, read the minutes of the
last meeting and Miss Bo11e Camp-
hell gave. the financial, report. Sev-
eral items
everel,items of business were then
brought before the meeting, after
which Mrs. Munn, accompanied on
the piano by'Mrs. Keating sang a
solo which was much enjoyed. A
hymn and the national anthem were
then sung' and the meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs. James Kerr.
The. Social Committee then served"
refreshments and a pleasant hour
was; spent by all.
• C. W. L. MEET
At the regular meeting of the
Catholic Women's League . of St.
Jaques Parish, Seaforth, held Mon-
day evening in the parish rectory,
plans were nacre for the annual meet-
ing which will be held in the school
hall in April in the torm'01 a pot -luck
supper. Mrs: Leo Fortune and Mrs.
C. MatoDonald were appointed as the
nominating couunitteee Interesting
Papers 011 the "Life of St. Patrick'
were read by Mrs, 3'. IIathanl, Mls. J.
Slattery reported 8115.01 in the
'treasury. One call was made by the
visiting committee. . Ma's. Wm. ILart
led the prayer. The meeting was in
keeping with the Feast of St. Pat-
rick ancl' following the business per-
iod; Irish songs were sung, with Miss
Alice Daly and Mrs. C. MacDonald
acComlialtyiug. A delicious lunch foie
Town of Seaforth
H. Carroll, J. A. Cardno, Jack
Glow, George Daly, Edward Daly,
E. R. Rivers, J. L. Rivers, W. E.
Southgate, 3. B. Southgate, Cecil Le , MRS. THOMAS J. WHITNEY
mon, A. Y. McLean, R. C. McNab, J.1 RED CROSS NOTH.S l
A. McNab, Wm. Brugger, F. J. Ryan,
Mrs. Thomas J. Whitney, .liorn-
R. Milliken C. M. Scott, A. A. Hoff, February Report: ; mgton township, died Sunday night
V. F. Hoff, Ii. W. Hart, W. Hart, B. ' Br. civilian clothing; Infants . at her
hob been Bufferin
me in Stratford.
C. 'Wright, E: Durst, T. 1). Cluff, T. nightgowns 90, vests 96, jackets 32, Mrs.ra heartailment had
dnt for some time.
R. Rowe, James Clull', A. Phillips, F. blankets 32, washcloths 32, diapers The former Hannah Elizabete Dob -
Phillips, C. B. Flannery, J. F. Flan- 882, boys' coats 18, boy.' shorts 1.1,
nery, James Flannery, R. C. Hawk- undervests 15, rompers • 19. bloom- son, she was born in Elma township
on Nov. 23, 1874, a daughter of the
ins, G. D. Hays, H. G. Hays; G. E. ars 10.
Case, B. J. Duncan, W. C. Slither- Hospital Suppliestockings
; Surgeons' boots Langford Do ono On Feb. lElizabet
land, K. Sharpe, Rose Allen, C. Mow- 15 pr. laparotomy t c g she was marbled at her hotue, third
bray, dCen Reid, G. H. Miller, J. J. kerchiefs 20. line of marrie ton, to Thomas J.
Holland, G. M. Siddall, J. Mero, J. Knitting: Booties 63, bonnets 30. le made their home 3.
W. Sproule, G. S. Habkirk, G. Crich, children's stockings 14 pt'. sweat- i1'Ihite Whitney.. Theymade the had re-
F. Crich, Jaynes Riley, J. Cameron, ars 8, leggings pr. scarfs 4, glovee g n 1
sided there ever since, Mrs. Whitney
W. Wilbee, T. F. Willie°, John L.1 lQi•i�socks Qu is donated 1, tops was a member of St. Paul's railed
K. T. Ada. s, 3.e Parke, P. t Brady,
K. T. Adapts, R. Montgomery, donated 5, by-product tops male 1. �i4etpartMilverton,
o k of church.
Earle Montgomery, Oban MacTavish, done le workroom •1, returned when healthrkof the was a
Ian MacTavish, M. F. Merriam, Peter We wish to remind you that the permitted.
E. Brianeen, S. A. Kerr, S. C. Row- work roosts this week will he open life
member Soof theo that Wo church. She M. J. Dunlop,'Jack Dunlop, D. Thursday, March 7, on account of also took partinthe activities of
Coutts, Se. R. Coutts, Glenn Smit, Friday
Local Bbeing a ranch chy i ofayer.
the iced Brunner Women's Institute. Surviv-
G. F. ntiHild bra, Glenn GordonegHildebrand, Cross are hoping that every adult ing besides her husband are five
Angus clean, S. don Regale, sons and three daughters: Gordon,
Angus McLean, S. P. Johnson, F. A, person in Seaforth and community
Lamont, N. C. Cardno, D. L. Bolton, will become a member of the 3948 London: Albert, Seaforth; Wesley,
Red Cross Drive. on the homestead; Emerson, Brun-
SR.e B. Stewart, D. Stewart, H. R. per; Maurice, London; (Alice) Mrs.
Scott, D. Scott, J. N. McMillan, F. C, \Billions of lives were saved by the N. Bancroft, Newton; (Coral Mrs.
Pinkney, Don R. Wood, Chas. Wood, Blood Transfusion Service in the war K. J. Curtis, and Miss Helen Whit -
MacDonald, Co Ha Dr. Goddard, C, R• b just Past. The Canadian Red Cross trey, 9 Caledonia St Stratford. One
eHarry McLeod, 0. Ab-
P, 'Geddes H. 0. Free, has decided to extend this wartime brother, George Dobson, ii9 Mende
5. service for the benefit of `Canadian St., and three sisters. Mrs, W. W.
Garnet Free, A. C. .Geddes,
55. WJ. k civilian, in peace. It is hoped to have Mitchell, Mesa Arizona; Mrs. T.
Purcell, Oke
J• R. W the service in operation some time McBride and Mrs. L. Hollefreutld,
et, II. Oke, A. Cameron, J. M. IVIG- this year.
Toronto, also urvive. There are 12
Millan, R. S. Box, K. J. Barry, G. S. Y grandchildren. One brother, Matthew
Barry, James Barry, G. H. Snowdon, Dr. W. Stuart Sr ofthry, M.B E.;
a'er, J. A. Fraises, J. E. B.A., is the director of the new civil- J. Dobson, of Peffere. predeceased
Cl C. B k Ian service—a service designed to her. The body is resting at the
MorleyoStorey,P. B. Cleary, J. u. Cleary, -provide free blood for every Cana- family home, lot 10, concession one,
ad a L. J. Fortune, Glenn
diait man, woman and child who may Mornington, where funeral sere-Jees
aid ars, 3'. Wm. E. Somers, Glenn Treed it.will be held on Thursday afternoon '
Scalers, J. L. Moore, G. D. Sills, T. "The lives of thousands of our at 2:80• Rev. William ITuddlertone,
Al Sills, P C. L. Shag o o Wigg, fighting men were saved during the Milverton, will be in charge of the
Allister Wigg, Chas. is Ibbotson, Stan g g
o •ranee . Dickson, Geo. A. war by blood donations and we feel service• Burial will be made at
Dorrance, that this great service must be recon- Greenwood cemetery, Milverton.
G. Pinkney,r' Allan Grieve,riIFrank Keating vetted to the benefit of cur own fel-'
G. 0S.Ritchie,
D. Grieve low -citizens in peace. No one in Can- PROPERTY CHANGE
E. C. e Rtt4hietyitchie, S. W. Archi- ada, " said Mr. Urquhart, "should die The 50 acre farm, situated on Con -
Ritchie, L.for lack of proper blood transfusion cession 4, Township of Tuckersmith.
bald; J. A. Munn, L. G. Hoggaith, the pr'oper'ty of Mrs. Alicia 51. Ley -
'Gordon Bender, R. J. Venus, A. E. facilities or for lack of blood when 1,0100, has been sold through the of -
Venus, C. J. Dennis, A. W Sillery, our service is established. Oce of 11. C. Chamberlain to Mr.
Sohn Nielson, A. J. Calder, Elinor • We are confident that the 'ria Robert G. Haney of Toronto. Mr.
Bell,W. C. Barber, John Taylor, IL jority of our wartime blood donors. Haney takes possession April 1st.
Huiser, F. Willis, R. Dolinage, who contributed so magnificently ]n
Barbara Best, Marra Smith, Gert- war, giving more than 2,300,000 do -
to contribute
, , Yes, both are a "must" with
. women or discriminating taste.
That's .why you'll want; to see
these big values. typical of 01*
many smart buys 4,
A V A U E'
Phone 194 Res, 10
Adorna brooch
dainty flower and
bow design.
J patrons Will want
rude Hare, L. J. Currie,
3 Ha their blood to this new life-giving Mr. and Mrs. Allan Furter encl. sou
Sills, Hazel M. Nelson, H• S. Hodg • service." - Billy of London were guests of Mrs.
son, Vera Hudson. I The Canadian Red Cross will be W. J. Stinson on Sunday,
Township Of McKillop - I able to provide all Canadian hospit- Mrs. D. A Featherston returned to
els with blood, plasma and transfe- her home in London after ,a .weeks'
Arnold Scott, Gordon. Scott, Ian Ginn equipment, afree of charge, with Visit with her mother Mrs, Chas.
Nesbitt, Aldie J. Eckert, James F. the stiulation that it must be given Parker'
Eckert, John Drover, Wilnlofe free of charge to the patient. Mr, Janies Robinson returned to the
Howes, Keith Harrison, Chester Mc- village on Tuesday accompanied by
Nay, Bert McClure, Edward Sher` 58TH ANNIVERSARY his brother Bill W110 bas returned re-
look, Ted Storey, Peter Watson, MBF, and Mrs. Matthew Armstrong Gently from overseas. Me Robinson
Alex Kerr, Scott Kerr, Ebner Scott, of Constance will be 58 years married expects to open up his store on the
Thomas Patton, Joseph Patton, Teen- on Saturday, March 9th. Both are in 15th March.
Thelma 4rthu Mc lite ' e
El Clure John Adapts, NI. Beuer.mane,
ale- H1BBERT
held on Sept. 19 and 20. Betties, Leslie Dolmagc, Sam
1 Giv
The Seafm th Fall'Fair is to be Mr. Mothers, Harold Pryce, Isabel
Carlin U
Spadden, William Slark, Joseph •
ling Joseph Hart, Doc Burns, Eddie Hibbert Council Council mcetiirg Ferguson. Atkinson and daughter
O'Sullivan, Pat Maloney, Frank A regular monthly
1(1•auskoph, Eddie Hart, John Walsh, was held in the .Staffa rownehipc Hall spellt the week.
eoel:s aend With her daughter
Bert ICrauskoph, Joseph Nolan, Leo on Monclzty. Mat. f to Greve on Mr and Mrs. Spencer Erwin spent
Mrs. J. McClure retm'lied to her
home Friday after spending sortie
weeks i11 Toronto.
Mrs. James Ferguson returned
home Saturday, having spent the last
month in London with her soli James
Fence iVlalone, Helen Me- instructed to advertise of n d
ICercher, Elmer Koehler, Louis Hoe- what
rtWomen's lite scar 'Elligson, Drain: Tenders to include the tile and ]lits. R. FI, Middleton of Hensall'
The Seafo h Seidel)
Manley, 0
nT meetingat nneweise all the labor connected with the chain, spent a. few days lastly eek with iter
'will hold their regular Gordon ICleber,. Carl Be
Alex Boyce oil MissGrace Dell- The Conncil,received five tenders for mother, TCeis, R.G i enlurrdt at•rivect
the home of Mrs v Michie Crawford,
Tuesda afternoon, :March 12th, at yrs Mr, McNichol, William Coutts, m•ushing and truclzng P.Ite grovel en , Pte. l eas, to the Township roads and after care- hone from over aea5 on the Queen
2;30 p.m. The roll call will be an- Mr. Glad viHe, Robert Hamilton,
• r • fully considering same, Mr. Sint Ire- Elizabeth after two years' service in
swered by 'My favorite joke". Carl Coutts, Frank Mars]lally Barry
land of London was awarded elle con- 'Holland and England.
is laid uP
There will be .an old-fashioned Snell- Marshall, Percy Schroeder, Gordon
hoShannon,tract, Reeve Josaplt A1.kinsoen was Miss Margaret McLeod
ing match, so all ye members w Ryan, John , H, olcl WallaceP01
r appointed as a represetxtutive to at• with •r sprained ankle received while
you can spell, turn out. Gorden Case, Harolcl wrence Mrs.
_ tend on the Board of the Scott Mem- 011 the river skating. Members are requested to bring Gordon McKenzie, Lawrence Dil,• 1 II s rit•rl Seaforth The imperial The young peopleare putting on
hall sic
is known as the Walker Branch the week end m Win sol',
all Red Cross sewing and knitting,
finished or unfinished, to this meet-
ing. Mach 15th is the deadline for
the layettes.
Members may bring their donalion
of food and used clothing for Europe
to this meeting.
There has been some delay in ob-
taining a binder and paper for the
Tweedsmuir Village History. As
soon as this is available, members
,:will be notified.
101, Paul Givlin, Hubert O'Reilly, tltra was instructed to i»stall an oil atiot,lier daitee-in the town
John Naos, Lloyd Storey, Kenneth Oil
R til Co.( to s instructed
the township power imothh night in aid of the Bleating
Battles, Joseph ICrauskoph, pump
grader artd snow plow. Mr. Ernest rink and recreation fund. The Bayfield.
Township Of Tuckersmith . Allen assumed his duties as Road Valley Five Orchestra provide the
Superintendent- for the ntunicipalipy, music.
James 'Broadfoot, Arnold Arclri- The Ceuncill. present: the rings to our. • fold, Flak n Archibald,' Bill Sand` soldier boys and girls at a gathering is SPRING 1-IER
Sack For- be held in the Si:affa township 11x11 With balmy air, fast melting snow,.
tune, AndShaO'Lrpe,
T, J to e all are cord many of the birds, bade, and snow-
tune, Keith Sharpe, Thos. Pox, ale. on twit Mardi ifitd , a
Handy, Don Dale, 'lay ' invited.:—Thos. D. Wren, Clerk drops in blossom, WO -'like. enjoying a'
Netzke, Jim H Y,ITl i 't
pleasant change in'
• Continued on'Page Fahr of the P01\1. hip of b ler .