The Seaforth News, 1946-02-21, Page 6M1i STRIKE BRINGS OUT HORSEY SET When strike of street car and bus operators in Washington left 600,000 persons without public transportation, A. L. Wade showed unusual enterprise by riding his horse to work. Unheraldedtrans. portation walkout started when members of Local 689 of Amalgam- ated Association of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employees (AFL) voted to stay in continuous meeting until Capital Transit Co, acted on their demand for a 30 -cent increase in hourly pay, ARMY HAS SELF -LIGHTING CAMERA ViewfiodeF eycpkce Viewfind magazine Main antral knob knob Camerd' housing Release trigger, Polyor, lined Many a wounded or ill soldier owes his recovery to the newly - revealed Army "secret weapon" pictured above. It is a revolu- tionary surgical camera, with a built-in light source—a quartz vapor tube flash unit that produces up to 50,000 flashes more bril- liant than sunlight at 1/25,00th of a second duration. Developed by the Signal Corps, the camera uses 35 -mm, film, weighs 534 pounds and is operated from a 27 -pound portable pack that may be plugged into any ordinary current line. PALESTINE—MID-EAST'S PRIME PROBLEM PALESTINE'S POPULATION 1921-75,000 i•� 1945-550,000 60396 Increase ARABS - 1921-500,000 1945-1,1000,000• rt 12095 Increase ilimmeawAtre Capon aum h Bothsop i�� :See of� • ee i enol Nizy`eth,- • Nazareth,_ Stt Areas Occupied 3• by Jew. Coewrao Mediterranean Jeff ea rsu r• �°� w .c.z'hrr •�- n Sebusliye "' Nablus • Ophra eAkraba • Tibna H ;Both El • Jericho +;! erusalem iy 'OM it Si thlehem' Hebron' • Miles ...- -. -•pis. ,4t. _.,_ A 7 t _ • a" a is High on the list of tough problems to be tackled by President Truman and Britain's Prime Minister Clement Attlee in Wash- ington is the Palestine question. Map shows geographic distribu- tion of Jews in Palestine. Inset chart shows relative numbers of Jews and Arabs. 20 MACDONALD'S BRIER Here's the :New `Reconverted' B-29! Obsolete materials and parts, once used in making B-29 Superfortresses at the Bell Aircraft Corpor- ation's Marietta, Ga., plant, had been sold to salvage firms in carload lots. But, believing that Bell em- ployees could make good use. of the discarded materials, the firm recently opened a retail Salvage Sales. Store. Now workers Jlock in to buy the "junk," • Photos below show- some of the many practical uses to which they put it. Their ingenuity and skill produced scores-• of scarce household items. The Occupational Therapy section of Atlanta's Lawson General Hospital uses a good deal of B-29 salvage. Convalescing veterans find relaxa tion and learn new skills in designing and making useful objects which they can send home.. A transparent "blister" canopy from, a B-29 •makes a fine bathtub for little Jean Clair Bretherick, pic- tured' with, her mother, Mrs. Homer I. Bretherick, in their Atlanta, Ga., home. Inset shows a weather- proof davenport built from salvaged B-29 parts, by William Davis, Bell Aircraft worker. It has duralu- min frame and broad, plexiglass arms. Gf Pvt. John B. Lemoine, Columbia, S.C., displays hot plate he made from B-29 scrap. Such work helps his "comeback" in Lawson Gen- eral Hospital. "Don't fence me in," says chubby Karen Sewell, but her daddy, Joe Sewell, Bell Aircraft worker at Marietta, Gs„ did—with salvaged B 29 metal. Cpl. Raymond Watson, patient in Lawson General Hospital, Ga,, beats the electric fan shortage with fan made of aluminum scrap. LAUGH'S ON HIM Constitution gives the horse laugh to his famous cousin, Shiroiyuki, Hirohito's horse, which Adm. Wil- liam'"Bull" Halsey wanted to ride. New York veterans purchased Constitution from Cal Thompson, Nebraska rancher, . and will pre- sent him to Halsey. , aiJlcit . RELIEF:;„6oR • COUGHS ,cOLDS i ' . BRONCHITIS +: d5THMA';:-, SIMPLE SORE We Recommend: CHESGO MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) ENQUIRIES INVITED • W. R. Manning and Co. Manning Chambers, Toronto Relieve that cough NOW before it be- comes serious. Lymoid Cough Syrup usually acts instantlytorelievo distressing cold and bronchial symptoms in chil- dren and adults. !WAIS DRUGGISTS 45e MADE BY E ORIGINATORS OF LYMOIDS <rs GIVE HIM A REAL WELCOME —with a good job ContributeHd by DAWES BLACK .ORSE DR.MWIERlf •Bw •