The Seaforth News, 1946-02-21, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1946 asirrrr nnowdallbq WANTED TO BUY Hardwood 8 Softwood Logs Delivered at Staffa Sawmill WRITE OR PHONE E. R. ALLEN, R. R. 1 Staffa' PHONE DUBLIN 11 ring 3 ossmssaro This Year Try Sunnyvale Chicks R. O. P. Sired .Barred Rocks Leghorn x Rock. Hybrids All stock blood -tested against regular and x pullorum Circular and Price List on request Sunnyvale Poultry Farm. Andrew A. Moore, Prop, Phone 666 r 3; ,Seaforth Tune in CKNX (920) Program of Irish Airs. Every Wed., 1. to 1,15 p.m, CHESTERFIELDS & OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered 'Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery The Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, ,Stratford Tor further information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and, Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth DIED CA1 KIFF—Herbert Edward. At his home 214 Pacific Ave., Toronto, Sat: Feb. 16, 1946, Herbert Ed- ward. Carkiff, beloved husband of Amelia Harriet Williams Carkiff ,Hattie). Resting at the above address until Wednesday 11 a.m, Service William Speers Funeral Chapel Wednesday afternoon 2 o'clock. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. HULLETT Reception and Welcome .Horne, To Returned Men Li,nrtesboi•o Conununity -Ilall was. the scene of a happy gathering on Thursday night when the friends and neighbors of Messrs, Bob and Bill Leiper and Keith Hesselwood held a reeepliotl to welcome them lianas from overseas, Reeve Jack Armstrong acted as chairman for the program, whirl+ consisted of a community song by the audience, three readings by Mrs. .Robert Fairservice, solos by Mrs, John Scott accompanid by Mrs. Armstrong, two piano selections by Hiss Phyllis Shepherd, chairman's ndclres`s, rhythm band selections and song by the pupils of S.S. 'No. 11, Ihillett,. accompanied on the piano by their teacher, Mrs. Watson Reid. The closing number. the Highland Fling, by six pupils from S.S. No. 11, was greatly appreciated. The dancers were the Misses Doreen Austin, Shir- ley enc) Helen Hamilton, .Gertrude. Fowler. Marjory Hesk . and Marjory Knox. Mr, Armstrong then called the three honored guests to the platform. Mr. James Neilans read an address welcoming the three mien home- and expressing appreciation to them for their services to their country and community, and assuring them of best wishes for their future welfare. Presentations of a bill fold with. stoney enclosed were made by Mr. Watson Reid to Bill Leiper, by Ben Riley to Keith Hesselwood, and by Bill Hamilton to Bob Leiper, All three men expressed their thanks and appreciation tor the gifts, reception and all gifts seat to them while they were overseas, Mr. Wm,. Leiper gave an interesting talk on he countries and places he bad visited since V -E day. As he had visited seven Europ- ean countries his talk was greatly enjoyed, After lunch, the remainder of the time was spent in dancing. THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Fin Miss Carolyn B.Holmes was calledto Boston owing to the illness of her Ockey sister Mrs:` C. M. JonesRemember' the concert in Cardnosndustrial Leagsze hall Friday "night, Feb. 22nd, under auspices of the Seaforth branch of theRed Cross, when :the play "Uncle PALACE RINK, SEAFORTH Josh Perkins," wll be presented bythe Eg'nondville Yotutg People. Mrs, Laughie Gear and daughter There F(,b 21 Jiil of Fergus, and Miss Winnie Cald- 111111 J. a7• e ewell, of Lawson, Sask., were week-endguests of Mr, and Mrs. Russell H. S.15 p.mSproatMiss Betty Nloore spent the weekendwith friends in LondonMr. and Mrs. Thomas McAdamStratford, visited with friends here US. BOSHARTS finals of the Seaforth Indust• rial MrErest Clarke, Victoria College, Hockey League; first game of best 2 d with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Clarke. out of 3 series Mr. and Mrs. 3. R. Dunlop and fam- ily of Galt were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Hart, Rev, and Mrs. D. Ritchie of -Toronto have rented an apartment in Mrs, John Grieve's house and will come March 1st. Rev. Mr. Ritchie was for- merly minister of Cromarty Presby- THIS resby Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c. The first six weeks of chick life are the most critical. This is the time to start building your future layers, and at the same time, keep to a minimum, the high mortality in chick production. To do this, your chicks must be fed on properly balanced quality ia• gredients. CO.OP MiX CHICK STARTER answers this double purpose, because it contains the proper balance and variety of vitamins, minerals and high quality ,proteins, so essential to theraising of healthy vigorous chicks. terian-Church. Miss Clara Pinkney is visiting with relatives in Buffalo. • Mr. and Mc1s. Richardson, .Duluth; Minnesota, are guests at the home of Mrs. T. S. Richardson; Egmoudville. Miss Dorothy Smith, Western Univ- ersity, London, spent the week end al: the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Smith, Dr. Paul Brady and Mrs. Brady, To- ronto, were week end guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. A, McMaster: Mr. James Belly, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Telly. Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, spent the week end al her home here. Mr. and Nlrs. \irilliam Neely and fancily, Stratford, spent the week end eit the home of her parents, Mr. and DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA,• LTD. (Essential 'War Industry) ANIMALS DISABLED DEAD removed in clean, sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED Mrs. George Reeves, Miss Joan Devereaux visited with her sister Miss Alice Devereaux, To- ronto, over the week end. Miss Margaret Wilton, Kerora, is a guest at the home of 11ir, and Mrs. E. Lorne Fox. Misses Rita and Mary Duncan, Lon- don, spent the week end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Duncan. Mrs. Tony Phillips and son Thomas have returned home after spending the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Dominic Scalisi; Woodstock, Miss Davina Anderson spent a few days in •Toronto this week. Mrs. ;Keith Sharpe and son Robert left - on Saturday to spend a month at her hone in Mossbank, Sask.. Mr. Sharpe accompanied them to Toronto. Mrs. George MacDonald, Stratford, was a recent visitor at the Home of her daughter Mrs. Ralph McFadden and Mr. McFadden. Mr: Neville 1VIcbillan, London, spent theweek end with his parents Mr, and Nh's, J. NI. McMillan. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacks and Misses Mary Ann and Patsy Cotter, Detroit, were Week enol guests at the frame of Mr, and Mrs. N. Dunn, Misses Mary and Atm McLellan and Miss 133.' Southgate, Toronto, were week end -.visitors at the home of the fornier's . grandmother, Mrs. R, S. Hays.'• Miss Mary Crowe visited at the home of het' brother Mr, Ernest Crowe and Mrs. Crowe over the week end. Flight Lieutenant Friel Stewart, Toronto, spent the week std with his mother hire. Charles Stewart, Mr, William Bell, Toronto, visited with his mother Mrs. R. P. Boll over the week end. Mr. -Milton Chesney, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of his sister-in-law Mrs, Jessie Fled. Nlr, and Mrs. Jack Hotham spent the weer; end at the home of the lat- ter's parents, NIr. and Mrs. P, Reilly, Galt, Miss Marjory McKenzie left on Sat- urday to serve her apprenticeship in Pharmacy in Toronto. BORN' HOLLAND --At - Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Feb. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Moody Holland, Walton, a daughter RYAN—At ,Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb. 17th, to Mr, and Mrs, Jos- eph L. Ryan, Dublin, a daughter. RYAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Ryan, Walton R -R.2, a son. THIS WILL BE AN INTERESTING GAME REGULAR ADMISSION: 25c & 15o emitliECEMESEEINEEENIMINESNMERM Hanley—Ashton Ontario Street United Church par- sonage, Clinton, was the scene of a quiet wedding when Rev. --G. G, Bur- ton united in marriage Mildred Lin- etta Ashton and Tpr. George David Hanley. The bride is the daughter of My. and Mrs. John Ashton and the bridegroom is the.son of Mr. and Mrs. George; Hanley all of Clinton, The bridegroom recently returned. after service overseas, The bride, given In marriage by her father, looked lovely in a floor -length gown of white chiffon The bride's only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Har- old Fremlin. Murray Hanley, brother of the bridegroom was best man, Following the ceremony a reception and dinner was held at Cook's restaurant, Both Mrs. Ashton and Hanley received. hater in the after- noon fternoon the couple left on a short honeymoon trip. On their return they will reside in Clinton. LONDESBORO Mr. Arthur Brunsdon, who has been visiting with his mother Mrs. W. T. Bruusdon, and other friends, has re- turned to his home in the West. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wood, Mrs. W. E. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood' and others; attended the fune- ral of the late Thos. Bunking of God- erich. Burial took place in the Hope Chapel cemetery on the 13th con., Hul1'ett, on Thursday, Feb. 14th. A little surprise party called on Mr. and Mrs. William Hunking on the evening of Feb. 16th, it being the oc- casion of the 30th anniversary of their ' marriage. The couple were taken completely by surprise. After a pleasant time spent together, the friends returned hone. Congratula- tions are 'in order. Miss L. Young is spending the re- mainder of the winter at 'the home of Mrs. William Lyon. Doug Hesk is laid up with an attack of the measles, He is at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Hesk, Mrs. Herb Oakes of Goderlch. Tp., visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Shobbrook. Mr. John Snell Sr. met with a pain- ful accident recently. While working in the bush he was struck in the face by a limb, which cut his face and loosened some teeth. The boys are having a good time on the rime this winter. Last week the Peewees, defeated the Blyth Prs. 3 to 2, and on Monday evening the Lon desbot'o club defeated the visiting team from Ripley. • STOKER COAL In Stock For Immediate Delivery John B. Mustard Lumber & Coal Co. BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Phone 618 r 11, Clinton Central I N ICE REFRIGERATOR Now On Display THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL MODEL WITH SPECIAL FEATURES, SEE IT NOW. FIRST ORDERS FILLED FIRST MOFFAT'S ELECTRIC RANGES ALSO TO BE SEEN ON THE''FLOOR -- PREWAR PRICES Geo.A.SilIs & Sons Hardware, •Plumbing, Electrical Supplies SEAFORTH AIMING! DUBLIN Friday Night FEB. 22ND Blackie Denomme and His Band 1114111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111115111111111111111111111111111. Uncle J0311 Perkins PP.ESE:\TET) BY THE EGMOND- VILLE YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY Sponsored by. Group 1 of the W. A. in the basement of the Brucefield United Church WED., FEB. 27 8.15 P.M. Tickets 25c and 15c un, , unnnuuunmw,n,n res",r+. ..:Mr-..rx; ANNOUNCEMENT I SHIP HOGS EVERY TUESDAY FROM CLINTON C.N.R. TO F. W. FEARMAN GO. LTD., PORK AND BEEF PACKERS, HAMILTON. Hogs shipped on a graded dressed carcass basis. In the market for all classes of good fat Cattle W. J. MILLER Phone 46, Clinton ,'t5,p00 te�berae l te`e than lino cIn g YYIce toiiTyio l'' *bell. j-en the }0 awed in .Move -1. "1 es°. 1 the Ave the els 9 tb,etd sac Nlval. ears. V WE are clearing up deferred orders for telephones as quickly as it can be done. Over 50,000 telephones have been added since . V•E Day — the increase in the last four months of 1945 was greater than in the preceding eight months.* Our programme for 1946 --for buildings, switch- boards, wire and cable, subscribers' equipment, long' distance and rural service — will cost upwards of 30 millions. Today more than a million Bell telephones are in operation — but it's still not enough. Our main job is overtaking deferred orders for service. That. means not telephones alone, but buildings, switch boards, wire and cable. We are moving full speed. ahead. J. M. GOODWIN Mithager.- '