The Seaforth News, 1927-10-20, Page 8PAGE RIG THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL, Miss Flossie Foss, 'of Potonto, is visiting her Barents; Mr. and Mrs. David Foss: .Mrs. John Douglas, of Hyde Park, visited• over the week -end with her mother, Mrs. John Johnstone. M'r. ,.Garfield Broderick, of Detroit, is, visiting his parents„ Mr, and .Mrs. Edgar Broderick, west of the village. Mfrs: Colin 'Hudson and Mrs; 'Robt. Patterson are visiting relatives in London, 'Windsor Mild Niagara 'Falls. Mr.' jack Stcaey, of Detroit, visited over the week -end with his mother, Mrs. 4S. 'Stcaey, and sister, Mis's •Lil- lian. Air. Dan, McNaughton is having his house wired this week for hydro, Miss Margaret 'I-loplcirk left on Wednesday for Detroit,. -where she will remain fora time: Next Sunday evening, Rev. Mr, -Dreier, hi the Evangelical Ghu'rch, Zurich, will preach in the United church, with, the Zurich choir furnish- ' ing the music, :Rev. Mr. Sinclair and the United church choir will go. to Zurich for the evening service, Mr. Archie'. Sparks, of Detroit, vis- ited over the. Week -end with his father here. Mrs. Lou Simpson, \Vm, and Mae Simpson, of Detroit, visited over the the wee6 end with relatives in town, • Mr. T:'C'. Joynt'ntade. a business (rip to Toronto duning the past. week. Mise Polly Moore, .of London, vis- ited over the week -end. with her sis ter, Mrs Thos. Simpson. The Women's Guild of St. Paul's Anglican church are holding a sale of work in the, basement of the church en Saturday afternoon, Nov. 21st. Dr. Moir's Barn Burned- - A Itis- estrous fire occurred about 10 o'clock Saturday .nn ore el Dr. Moir's farms, lot 1, e:ut. 1, Tuckersmith, when the the large barn, one of the larg- est surd finest 'barns in Tuekerstntih, was completely destroyed, together. with the sea'son's crop. Mr. W. Forest, who in charge of the Tarnt, was -about t, retire for the night, when he noticed the blaze, and quick- ly gave the alarm. The Hensall 'fire department were summoned and were tptiekly on the scene and did splendid work in saving the other buildinm there being plenty of water, as a creek flowed nett- the hare. They had been threshing; et tlic ;arm 'luring the .lay, ;nd Mr. Merner's threshing machine, -which was in the barn, was destroyed. A large crowd .gathered at the scene f•the tire and the sky was brilliantly. lit up for a tine. The smelt that was in the barn was all saved. with the exception of one pig, 'hat was burned. -The TI..taali fire department was on duty Saturday nigf t and all .lay Sun- , day and succeeded t keeping the fire the ,the. buildings adjoining the been, sad a!,, helped to :ace a tot of grain which wo d otl,e ee- e have tiecii destroyed. Chia was the first est the fire engine has had and it -•i illi work, ,h.r wing t;,„o streams of water most f the tima. lar. Moir purchased elle farm last ',ring fr,iti Albert Bell. and his loss will he 50Vt.T4t. .rho ire a is Sup- p eetl tt ,e 94g -frit f1,7:411 ,40-011:111,4,7+11n t onlbnlori,. +,i. sIini -y1tpat , i:' t_ ,re•.ie,l taut; • Mr. Sett el \Ser+er ao the loss of ittit thresh ng tuae t •tic, in- the t Dr. NL I e on Saturday night. Mr. tic n.•r i nhi nisht 1 threshing at Dr. C Moi 's and is he was io to thresh d o \S,ui iv to ru t g outdo.irsat Rola. Cameron tied 1 not move, and a:; luck would haven the tire took place that night and .lestroyed the mach. ii .includ.ing all the equipment ex- cept tile engine and water tank. Mr. Afernt:r earned a•, insurance, but with characteristic •-ler gy immediately got it tottelt with the manufacturers and another machine will be hereiIt a few days, when threshing operations he resumed. • Mr. Cleo. 'Phumi>seu has ',ren fine<t to his ru.,m this -sa'ek through illus... Miss Emma Worm pleasantly en• - tertained a number of her .giri friends. on Monday evening to a birthday party, Mr. and Mrs. Cummings, ..of Detroit, visited f: -.r a few ,lays with Mrs. 18, l'„tile anal -fatuity. - A fnwi .upper will be held in the. basement mCarmel Presbyterian hurcb :,n Fnvlay, Oct. 21st.- - Mr. end Mrs Elliott Fairbairn and family, of T'illonsburg visited for a few days with Mr lel itis. \Vm. Fairbairn. . Mrs. Eccles, .,f New York, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs, 'wen •Geiger. f.,r a time. Mr. Ge;.,, C;. Petty arrived 'inane on Saturday evening frc,nt Winnipeg, af- ter a very pleasant mouth's visit -with relative goer:. He attended the C;on- • sereativc Con•. -. m as a delegate from South Huron. Associated with hent as delegates were Mrs, N. W. Trewartha. of (Tinton;. Ce:'. Coomber, of Clinton; and Wesley Beacom, of Hul,elt. Mr. Fred (less is nicely• settled itt itis new home near the London road, South Richmond street.- His son and fin aly, from the West, have arrived :Ind will occupy part of the new hone. His sun will be associated with him in the jewelry business.- [)ttr onion firms are this week start - ng to take in onions and store them in the onion warehouse. The liquor permits for 1928 have arrived in town anil Will be good till Oct. 3ist, •1928, Robt. Higgins will again be the issuer in the Hensall lis- trio. Miss Entity Morrison is visiting for a short time with relatives in •-New• York. Miss Gladys Broadfoot underwent- an nderwentan operation -on Wednesday last for• >.>s removal, of her tonsils at Mrs: Pat- ^trP°i �. tersa\n'a hospital. An excellent . protection against worms cats be got in Miller's Worm Powders. They reader • the stomach and hitestines untenable to thein. •They heal the surfaces that have be- come inflamed by the attacks of the parasites and serve to restore the strength of the child that has been • undermined' by the draughts that the worths have made upon it, and that their operation is altogether health - giving. • Want- and. • For 'Sale ads, 3 tinges 50c BAYFIELD, Mrs. J. Reid and Mgrs. B. W. Baker of Detroit are guests with Miss N. Ferguson. Mrs. M. Ferguson who has been visiting her sister, lsfrs. Geddes.. at Seaforth, returned home on -Sunday, Mr. William Parker of Sarnia spent the week end at his home. Mr, Walter 'Boug of Windsor was here last week closing up his sulniner home, • Dr. and Mrs. Shields of Kitchener spent the week end at their cottage. Miss L Johns of Wiarton is the guest of her brother, Mr. E. H. Johns, Mr. 5, O. Doyle of Detroit wasa week end guest with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johns. Mts. A. Newton,Brady, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs D. Mc - D, pnalci at Sarnia 'returned home on Saturday. Miss Ruth I•Iueston of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, -Hneston. ' Miss` Ethel Jowett of New Dundee spent the week end at her home.. Children's day was observed in Tri- nity 'Church last Sunday, The chil- dren helped very much with the ser- vice, taking their part exceptionally well in the choir. St. Andrew's United Church are haying an Evangelistic .campaign, be- ginning October 23rd, for ten days, conducted by Crossley and Leonard. Everybody welcome. Mrs, Newman and Miss Marie New- man of Detroit spent a couple of days in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. Shoebottom of Bel grave were Sunday visitors with Mrs. C. Brandon. Mrs. Shoebottom stayed to visit with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod and Mrs. Hall of Toledo. Ohio, are visit- ing the former's mother, Mrs. A. Mc- Leod. Miss Helen Gerrie attended the tea- chers' convention at 'Woodstock on Thursday and Friday last week and spent the week end at her home near Ingersoll. Miss Nan Woods attended the convention at Exeter. j CARD OF THANKS, Mrs. Jos. Flannigan and family grateftiPly•acknowledge the kind ex pressious of sympathy front their ,ntany friends and neighbors. They wish also to thank the Duncan staff, R. Bell, and tile gentlemen of the furniture factory 'for their - beautiful wreaths, also those who gave their cars for the funeral McKILLOP. Rev. and Mrs, J. A. Ferguson left on Friday to their new home in Rich- mond Hill. The hest wishes of their many friends in IlcKillap accompany thein. The Iadies of Duff's Church are holding a bazaar in Seaforth on Sat- urday, October 22nd. Miss Grace Kerr of Port Burwell spent the week end et the home of her parents. STEEL GIRDERS FOR SALE 7 and 10 inches wide 11 to 13 feet, 5 inches, long to close on SATURDAY at $5.00 each, Apply to A. D. SUTHERLAND, or JOSEPH TOOHEY. ROOMS TO RENT, -Newly :decbrated, electric lights, hard and soft water. App'ty to BEAT - TIE BIROS., Seaforth 43 YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE, 9 choice young pigs, 6 •weeks old, for sale at a ;bargain. JOHN MONTGOMERY, Winthrop, phone 234 r P1. 42 YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. J 9 young pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply to 1ETER'REA!DMAN, N, Main. street, Seaforth. 43 FOR SALE. One International 6 h.p. engine and 1 grinder, 8 -inch plates. ROOST. CLAR1KE,” r. r. 2, -Seaforth, Phone 245.r.6,. tf AUTO -KNITTER FOR SALE Auto -Knitter, nearly new, for sale. Apply at The News Office. 43 DRAINAGE TENDERS. Tenders for the repair of the Car- ron Municipal Drain, 14IoICillop, will be received by the undersigned till Tuesday, November 8th, 1927, when tenders will be opened at : the Win- throp Hall, at 2.30 pm. 10 p,c. contract price to accompany tender, Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Work to be done ac- cording to plans &c.,ofEngineer in charge. Plans, &c„ at Clerk's office, Lot 35, Con. 3, McKillop Tp. Excavation, 1968 cub. yds. JOHN MeNAY, Clerk. 42 R. R, 2, :Seaforth CANADA PROVINCE OF ONTARIO COUNTY OF HURON - TO WIT: j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: THAT the next sittings of the SU- PREME COURT OFF ONTARIO in and for the COUNTY OF HURON, will be held at the Court House in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, on TUESDAY, the FbRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D. 1927, at the hour of TEN O'CLOCK in the forenoon, of which circumstance, time and place all -Magistrates, Coroners, Jailors and other Peace Officers are hereby commanded to take notice. C. G. MID'DLETON, Sheriff, County of Huron. Sheriff's Office, Goderich. Ontario. October 17th, 1927. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1927, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Of House and Lot and Ftirniture' in Seaforth. The Administrator of the estate of Richard 'hinder, deceased, will offer for • sale 'by public ' auction on the premises just South East of Victoria lark; Seaforth, on Saturd'ay, Oct. 22nd, at two o'clock p.m., the follow- ing property: --'Lots numbers 191 and 102 in Gouinlock's survey in the Town o'£ Seaforth, in the County of Huron. There is on the premises a good comfortable seven room frame house in a good state of repair with a cement foundation and good cellar. Terms of Sale—Ten, per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance , within three weeks. 'At the same time and,. place there will be offered for sale the fol- lowing furniture and effects: Dining - room table, 9 dining room chairs, 7 kitchen atoms, glass cupboard, side- board, dresser, wash -stand, 2 rocking chairs, 3 bedsteads and mattresses, cook stove, coal Treater, coat oil stove (3 burners with over), sewing mach- ine (nearly new), clothes rack, wring- er, (grindstone, linoleum (10' x 16'), oilcloth, mats, curtains, pictures lamps, dishes, fruit gem's, galvanizes{ tub, step ladder, --stove pipes, garden tools, &c:, &c. Terms of sale of fur- niture, cash. For ftirther terms and 'conditions of sale, apply to: BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont, 'Solicitors far Administrator, Dated Oct'r '5th, 4927. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 42 AUCTION SALE. On Friday, October 21st, at 12.30 p.m., on -lot 6,. con. 9, Tuckersmith, extensive auction sale of farm, farm stock, implements and_ household furniture, John Hay, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS,. In the Estate of Alexander McBeath, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Alexander MdBeath, late of the Township of Stanley, in the'Coun- ty of Huron, Yeoman; deceased, who died on or about the 'thirtieth day of July; A,D. 5927, are required to de- liver to John McEwen. and Hugh Aikenhead, tie executors of the said estate or their solicitor, on or before the first day of November, Al). 1927, a full statement of their claims to- gether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by af- fidavit. . AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among- st the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they shall havereceived due notice and in accordance therewith, 'DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this fourth day of October, A.D. 1927. W. BIRYIDONE, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Executors. 42 ANOTHER CHANCE. 'Starting 'Friday afternoon, °etc-, ber 21st, and continuing to 'Saturday afternoon, October 29th, from two to five p,m, each afternoon, the photos from =t D. F.:Du,ck's store will be sold upstairs over D. P1. 'Stewart's butcher shop. 42. FOR SALE ;Building 15 by 18 ft., suitable for stable or, garage. Also buggy and light wagon. Apply to MRS, JAMES G. MARTIN, West William st., or Box 192. 42 QUALITY SHOES WE a24N OFFER YOU Williams Shoes, - Greb Shoes, ehum Shoes If Bette'' Shoes at Lower Prices Count, Buy your Shoes in Egniondvillo Poultry and New Laid Eggs Wanted at the Top Prices It Will Pay You to Deal With Wo Jo Finnigan a j i g Eq. r ondville Almost burned out now is the fare of Youth and earning power . , Ashes ! Education, a splendid physique, per - sodality .... all went for nought because he was a Waster. What a lesson ! Young Man: Young Woman --Stop ! Think ! Save your money .. , at least 1.0% of your income. Deposit it here where the return is liberal and the security absolute, 24 TORONTO EPUNCI483, Coe. Baer $a Adelaide Ste„ 549 Danforth Ave.; Cor. University, and Dundas St. OTHER BRANCHES ATa Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound Pembroke, Soaforth, St. Catharines, 5t. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock. $EAPOaTH BfaANCIII, 3. M. MOMazdar, Manager Hours 9.30 to 5. Saturday 0.80 to 5, 7 to 9.30 PROVINCE OF 1 ` ING'S OFFICE EVERY DEP NT611d ` 121RIO Od'ERNMENT HEAD OFFICE \W” ,SUE ews &5QUEENS PARK ti IMO FARM FOR SALE. For sale, 'lot 7, 'Oon, 6, Stanley twp.; containing 100 acres, On the premises. are a 1% story brick house with fur- nace, and a frame kitchen and wood- shed. Hard and soft, water at the house; bank :barn 60x52 with cement floors all through; windmill-_ and water in the barn; drive shed and hn- pleanent house, 20x30, ' Land is all cleared, well drained and well .fenced with wire, and in a' good state of cul- tivation. 'Seven miles from Hensali, 5' miles from Kippen; school across the road. !Rural math and phone, 'Will be sold onreasonable terms, Apply on the premises or address Varna post office. WI'LLIAAI E, FOSTER,. Varna. 48 FARM FOR SALE. 'Choice 100 farm, Lot 1, Concession 4, Hullett, all under cultivation, a new frame house and bank barn, 4% miles flont Seaforth. For particulars appy to ROBERT ,COA'TES, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE, 404 acres, lots 27 and 28, Con. 14,. McKillop, 1% miles from the village. of 4'l alton. On the farm is a good house, ttvo barns andother outbuild- ings. For price and terms write MRS. RALPH W. CONNOR, 10705 75th ave,, Strathcona, Alta, - 43 HOUSE FOR SALE. Comfortable' frame dwelling on James street, Two lots with barn suitable for garage. Immediate pos- session. Best bargain in Seaforth. Apply to W. G. WIILLIS, executor of, Robt. Willis Estate, 44 FOR SALE. Quebec heater and 'range combin- ed, new, for sale, Apply ' to CON. ECKART. 42 HELP WANTED. Earn $25 weekly up at home clip- ping newspapers and addressing en- velopes. No •canvassing, Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Parti- culars 'for stamp. GIILLTES MARL- ING . SERVIIOE, Box 8, Sydney, Nova Scotia, 42 AUCTION SALE. Of Household Effects, at the pre- mises on 'Friday, October 28th, at 1,30 p.m. Terris' cash. Proprietor, ',Leslie Scott, Main street. 1'. Brown, Auc- tioneer. 43 THE McKILLOP. Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY O N Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors_ -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, dieeehwood; M.. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J G. Grieve, No. 4. Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postofficcs. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical, FDR. H, HUGH ROSS, Phyuct`n, and Surgeon: Late of London l8lsa pital, London,,England, Specht attention to diseses of the eye, ear., nose and throat, - Office and irmflif cute behind Dominion Bank. Ofiittn Phone No, 5; °Residence Phone .ems,'. DR. F. J. aultulows, Seafetds. Office and residence, Goderich st cast of the Methodist Church. Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tee - phone No, 40. D. ;C. MAOKAY.—C. Maedag, honor graduate of Trinity Univeatsl- ity and gold medallist of 'Trfauiityd Medical College; member of the fly lege of Physicians and Surgeons 114 Ontario. DR. F, J. E. FO'RSTER-Eye las; -.•} Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi- cine University edi.-cine.University of Toronto 1897. Easite . Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, sib' Golder Square throat' hospitals, e - don, England, At Commercial hatist, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in es ib mtag1-t, from 1'1 a.m.' to 3 p.m. DR W. C. SPROAT.--Graduate: Faculty of Medicine, Universltg esf Western Ontario, London. Metatileer of College of Physicians and Sul, geons of Ontario. Office in Alberbagtss Drug Store, Main St„ Seafet d, Phone. 90, Detital. DR. J. A. MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, r$ti ate of (Northwestern University, C113- esgo, I11. Licentiate Royal Colleegee., al" Dental Surgeons, Toronto.' Offaee ver Salus' hardware, Main street Seaforth. Phone 1'51. DR. F. J. .BEOHELY, gradkststa Royal •College of Dental Surgcere:, Toronto. Office over W. R. Sneilt''e Grocery, . Main street, SeaTrtb. Phones, office_ 185W, residence 28W Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Ham Arrangements can be made -for .S Date at The Seaforth News. Chasgaa moderate and satisfaction guaranteeed.. WATSON AND. REI D'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY' "(Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, - ONT All kind's of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Om Companies., SEAFORTH MARKETS, Wednesday, October 19th.. Wheat, per bus. Barley, per bus. Oats, per bus. Buckwheat, per bus. Shorts, per cwt. Bran, per cwt. Butter, per 1b.. Eggs per doz.' Potatoes, ner bag P.23 73e WIT ate. 40c.45e Hogs per cwt FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, lot 24, con. 2, Stamey good state of cultivation. Bank 'baso, 76x40, driving shed 40,x 24, cement silo. Good brick house, 2 never -fail- ing . wells. N. SAUNDERCOCK Brucefield. Phone 621-r-31, Climes central. 42 Es, W. BATEMAN Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor invites you to look over The New Fail SuitiHgs Upstairs Over Keating's Drug Store MAIN ST. , SEAEOJT- AWAYOMEIRMSGEWSIMIREIROSIMPARIMINIPAMMECIA dH1fAtt46'6¢,"WWWW117.7.01WWWALMOWNIXAMINNAIMITMLIZMOTAMISMIWAWILTACMCOMERMAYMICLTURAWMINJORM Thursday, Friday and Saturday THE MARVELLOUS POLICE DOG !UN=TIN= !N in THE DILLS OF KENTUCKY You'll recall Rinty's last picture, "The Night Cry" (in which he fought the great eagle). Here's another great picture action full and pathetic in which this wonderful animal again steals into your heart. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday MONTE BLUE PATSY RUTIN MILLER in CHARLES SOMERS ROCHE'S WOLF'S CLOTHING 115517M0101MMIRIESMWINSIMMIRWWW81402170WWWWWEVWCASSW.MtVlirla;